! EE
The Shoppers
Centralia / Salem Area
www.theshoppersweekly.com Vol. 31 No. 38
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
301 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia, Illinois 62801
NHCS Crusaders Enjoy Success In First 2018 Cross Country Meet New Horizon Christian School's first Cross Country meet was held in Okawville on September 16. All athletes ran well in a long course in hot, humid conditions. The meet results are listed below. Girls: Layna Mannino finished in Ninth Place in her first career race. Boys: The NHCS Crusaders Team finished in First Place out of seven teams. Individuals who placed were: Titus Ashford, Second Place; Reed Ashford, Fourth Place; Julian Williams, Fifth Place; Jacob Dahlquist, Eleventh Place; and Cooper Green, Sixteenth Place. Submitted Photo Their next meet is scheduled for Saturday, September 15 at the Mt. Vernon Airport Pictured (L to R) are Cross Country Coach Brian Martinez, Reed Ashford, Julian Williams, Cooper Green, Jacob Dahlquist, and Titus Ashford. Park. Races start at 9:00 a.m.
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The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area
Centralia Chamber Director Presents Image Committee To SINA
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.
— Edward Everett Hale
What question would you like to ask your Mom? I would ask, “Where did you Bud Davis
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
meet Dad?”
What was the happiest moment in your life?
At the September 6 Southern Illinois Networking Association meeting, members learned about the community image committee presented by Marcus Holland, director of the Greater Centralia Chamber of Commerce. The presentation started with an introduction by Myra Bartlett, chamber board president and image committee member. She discussed the past projects completed by the image committee and the great things the City of Centralia has done recently to improve the image of the community. “We are at the beginning of a new conversation with the new image committee. We have new leadership with Damon Harbison, president of SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital. We have had one official meeting as the full image committee and the leadership team has met several times,” said Holland
According to the presentation, the goals of the image committee are to develop marketing for the community’s current resources, to improve the perception of the community, and to attract visitors to the community. “There are many moving parts that are all connected: The tasks and subcommittees of the image committee, the workshops and leadership training of the Chamber of Commerce, and the networking of businesses and community,” said Holland. The Chamber Workshops started on Tuesday, September 4, with “Five Strategies to Recruit a n d R e t a i n Yo u n g Professionals in Rural Areas” taught by Pam Schallhorn of the University of Illinois Extension community education department. “We have seen a decline in the number of working people in Centralia. When
Submitted Photo
Pictured (L to R): Myra Bartlett and Marcus Holland. we looked at the data, there was a mass exodus of 35 to 44 year olds in the early 2000s. Now, there is a noticeable age gap in our organizations and community leaders. The focus of these workshops and our image committee is to attract the people who are 20 to 50 years old to come back to Centralia,” said Holland during the SINA presentation. The image committee plans to attract young people by offering quality of life services and events. In turn, the current residents and older generations will also be able to take advantage of a better com-
munity and positive direction. “We want to focus on all of the good things that we already have here. We have beautiful parks, a great recreation complex, two wineries, local businesses, Kaskaskia College, a fullservice hospital, and the people! These are all reasons we choose to live here,” said Holland. For more information on the Greater Centralia Chamber of Commerce, the image committee, or the Chamber Workshops, please contact the chamber office at 618-532-6789 or email marcus@centralichamber.com.
Elmwood Speaks The City of Centralia in cooperation with the Cemetery and Parks Preservation Commission and the Centralia Cultural S ociety presented Elmwood Speaks, a historic tour of Elmwood Cemetery directed by Karen Crouse. The event ran Thursday, Sept. 13 through Sunday, Sept. 16. It was the eighth year of the tour with it selling completely out. Actors portrayed the ghosts of former residents as they
Wasn’t I your favorite child?
told their stories of living in early Centralia. Pictured are: (right) early settler and fruit orchard owner, Jabez Webster, portrayed by Perry White; first black policeman in the City of C entralia, Clarence Hadley (far right) portrayed by Brandon Smith; to name a few of the stories told. For any questions or Shopper's Weekly Staff Photos comments regarding information on future events, please contact the at 618-532-2951. Elmwood Speaks or other Centralia Cultural Society
How did you make a Texas sheet cake taste so good?
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LOOKING FOR A CHURCH HOME? YOU’VE FOUND IT WITH US. “Stand Up!” Sermon from September 9
Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to STAND against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withSTAND in the evil day, and having done all, to STAND. 14 STAND therefore having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirt, which is the word of God.
How do you make Grandma’s cheese cake?
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Expires September 29, 2018
NOTICE OF LETTING Sealed proposals will be received in the Office of the Marion County Clerk, Room 201, Marion County Courthouse, Salem, Illinois until 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 3, 2018 for furnishing No Lead Gasoline to the Marion County Sheriff’s Department and Diesel Fuel / Lubricating Oil to the Highway Department and will be publicly opened and read at 6:30 p.m., October 3, 2018. This Contract will begin November 1, 2018 and end October 31, 2019. Proposals shall be submitted on forms furnished by the County, which may be obtained from the Office of the County Clerk at THE MARION COUNTY COURTHOUSE, Room 201, Salem Illinois, and shall be returned enclosed in an envelope endorsed “GASOLINE / DIESEL FUEL / LUBRICATING OIL PROPOSAL.” The Law Enforcement Committee reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and to waive technicalities. BY ORDER OF:
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area
Soldiers' And Sailors' Reunion Camp Honoree Selected
The Soldiers' and Sailors' Reunion has a tradition of honoring a former veteran by naming the Ceremonial "Camp" after him. This year, Colonel William F. "Bill" Smith was selected for this honor. He was a past Commander of the Luther B. Easley Post 128 and co-chair
of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the G.I. Bill of Rights in 1994. Past honorees include William Jennings Bryan and John A. Logan. Tickets for the Veteran's Dinner for Friday, October 5th are on sale now from members of the Reunion
Committee, the American Legion Post in Salem or tickets can be reserved by contacting the committee through their Facebook page. For more information, contact Reunion Chairman Brian Deckard at 618-4203489.
You Can Help Blood Supply Match Patient Diversity The American Red Cross urges people of all races and ethnicities to give blood to help ensure a diverse blood supply for patients in need. The vast majority of blood types fall into one of the major ABO groups. However, some blood types are unique to certain racial and ethnic groups, so a diverse blood supply is important to meeting the medical needs of an increasingly diverse patient population. Twelve-year-old Braden Green required blood transfusions to treat complications from sickle cell disease. “It saved his life, that blood transfusion,” said his mom, Brenda Green. “A blood donation can give a patient another chance at life or an opportunity to get through the day.” Blood given to patients with rare blood types or those who need repeated transfusions for conditions such as sickle cell disease or thalassemia must be matched very closely. Patients are less likely to have complications from blood donated by someone with a similar racial or ethnic background. All blood types are needed to ensure that the right blood product is available at the right time for all patients.
Make an appointment to donate blood by downloading the free American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting RedCrossBlood.org or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). As a thank-you, those who come to donate blood or platelets through Sept. 30, 2018, will receive a coupon via email for a free haircut at participating Sport Clips locations. More information is available at RedCrossBlood. org/sport-clips.
Upcoming blood donation opportunities are listed below. Marion County Sept. 19, 2018: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m., Moose Family Center, 1824 South Poplar, Centralia, IL Sept. 22, 2018: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Salem Township Hospital, 1201 Ricker Drive, Salem, IL Sept. 23, 2018: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m., St. Theresa of Avila Catholic Church, 812 West Main, Salem, IL
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We are celebrating our customers! Please stop by any CTB facility for daily giveaways and refreshments. Bring in non-perishable food items to be entered into our Grand Prize drawing to be held Friday, October 5th. All items to be donated to local food pantries.
Customer Appreciation Week October 1st - 5th, 2018
Coloring contest for ages 2-5 and 6-10. Each branch will have a cash prize winner and a gift card winner in each age category. Prize drawings Friday October 5th. Thank you from Community Trust Bank.
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The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.
— Benjamin Franklin
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Open: Mon. – Fri. 9 a.m. –6 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. –1 p.m. Closed Sunday
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Open: Mon. – Fri. 8:30 –6:00 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. –12 p.m. Closed Sunday
Little Theater Players of the Centralia Cultural Society
September 21, 22, 28, 29 and 30 7:00 p.m. • Doors Open at 6:30 September 23 3:00 p.m. • Doors Open at 2:30
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First and foremost this week is Hurricane Florence that's already claimed lives and created great devastation for men, women, children and beasts. And it's not going to be over in a few days. Tropical Depression Florence has caused heavy flooding and wind damage in the Carolinas. Residents will face the heavy challenges of cleaning up, repairing and rebuilding their lives for a long time. If you want to help there are some suggestions below. Sending money is the best way to help, and North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper announced that the State is accepting donations to help meet the immediate needs of the people affected by the hurricanes. You can contribute online or by texting Florence to 20222. And there's the Red Cross where you can donate online or by calling 1-800-REDCROSS or texting RED CROSS to 90999. If you send donations to the United Way, one hundred percent of your individual donation will go to local United Way groups. The Charleston Animal Society, and area shelters are also encouraging people outside the affected storm area to foster or adopt. My thoughts and prayers are with the folks in Florence's path. On to the last week's craziness. First up, Paul Manafort flips. One of the leaders of the resistance group, Adam (Shifty) Schiff (D), U. S. Representative for California's 28th Congressional District, said last week that, "Paul Manafort is the most likely to help us." If I
had interviewed him I would have asked him, "Who is us?" Of course, liberal Chuck Todd of Meet the Press let that one slide. But what's new! Schiff also said last week, "Any move to pardon Manafort, or dangle a pardon, would be a further act of obstruction of justice." Sorry folks, but coming from this wide-eyed wonder it's almost a joke, if it weren't so sad. The fact is Manafort did take a plea deal and will cooperate with Special counsel. He's 69 years old, looking at ten years and spending 23 hours a day in solitary confinement. A White House spokesman has said this has "nothing to do" with the President. And rest assured, as long as this witch hunt has gone on, if there was any collusion we would already know it. God knows the Democrats have looked under every rock. On to Diane Feinstein. At the last minute (before the final vote to confirm Kavanaugh) she sent a letter to the Justice Department accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, allegedly, when he was in high school. Of course, Ms. Feinstein has had this letter since July (three months). She's just now bringing it to the table. She said the letter came from a woman who wanted to stay anonymous, and declined to detail the letter's content. Are they serious? This letter allegedly was coordinated by Stanford University, where Adam Schiff attended from 1978 to 1982. Imagine that!
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Oh, the webs they weave. In my mind this is an all time low. Future Justice Kavanaugh has been through six FBI background checks and nothing has been found. The whole hearing of Brett Kavanaugh has been a threering circus, a disgrace. No fair-minded citizen can disagree that Kavanaugh is more than qualified. During the hearings the Democrats violated every rule. There were 240 protesters who interrupted these hearings. It went from bad to worse. The problem, in my opinion, they want activist liberal judges, those who will continue to rewrite the Constitution. So can a letter containing an alleged 35-year-old secret derail this nomination? NO! The vote, in my opinion, will be straight down party lines and Kavanaugh will be confirmed! And so he should be! At press time the alleged accuser of Brett Kavanaugh for sexual misconduct has come forward. She is a professor at a University in California and only "remembered" the incident in 2012, six years ago. That says it all! This is a last ditch effort to stop the confirmation. These are very dangerous times, my friends. let me leave you this week with a quote from a wise man. I have used the phrase a number of times — extreme liberals. And last week I had a closer look at people like Diane Feinstein, Adam Schiff, and a number of others. Referring to Diane Feinstein, one of my friends pointed out, "She is not liberal, none of them are. They are totalitarian fascist communists hiding under a label." And coming from another wise man last week, another profound statement, "In a generation no one will recognize the country." To that I also agree, if it keeps going the way it's going. Until next week. To comment on this or any column in The Shopper’s Weekly, please mail to: Editor, P.O. Box 1223, Centralia IL 62801, email to info@theshoppersweekly.com or drop it off at the office on 301 E. Broadway. In order for your letter to be considered for publication, you must provide your signature and an address and phone number where you can be reached. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2018
The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area
33rd Annual Greenview Gals Scramble
Sept. 19, 2018 - Sept. 25, 2018 Volume 31, Number 38
The Shoppers
The Shopper’s Weekly Inc.
Centralia / Salem Area
A Weekly Publication of
Submitted Photo
The Thirty-Third Annual Greenview Gals Scramble sponsored by Peoples National Bank had a full field of 48 teams of two. As the women arrived Kaskaskia College softball players and their coach Torey Crowell greeted the players and put their bags on their carts. The format was a two lady scramble
with 96 women participating. Following play, dinner was served followed by door prizes, on course prizes and the announcement of winners in each of four flights. Pictured (L to R): Championship Flight winners Tina LaBusier & Barb Hohlt; "A" Flight winners Lindsey
Musenbrock & Amber Mus enbro ck; D onna Cooksey, Retail Sales Manage r at Pe opl e s National Bank; "B" Flight winners Marilyn Haake & Mary Johnson; and "C" Flight winners Becky Benjamin & Peggy Altmix (tied with Barb Crouse & Gina Asberry, not pictured).
Marion County Selected To Receive Funding Marion County has been selected to receive an appropriation of $19,985 by Congress to supplement emergency food and shelter programs in Marion County. Emergency Food and Shelter Program is reserving a portion of these funds for the State SetAside (SSA) process. Under the set aside program, each state receives a minimum of $250,000 and counties that may not have received funding in the original allocation can possibly qualify based upon the unemployment rate, if they: • Previously qualified for the program, but no longer meet the established formula and demonstrate high levels of need. • Have unusually high levels of unemployment or poverty, but do not meet the minimum 300 unemployed cut-off. • Have pockets of homelessness or poverty and do not qualify for direct funding; or, • Are experiencing recent negative economic changes, such as plant closings. The National Board is chaired by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and consists of representatives from the United Way of America, The American Red Cross, The Salvation Army, United Jewish Communities, Catholic Charities, and the National C ouncil of Churches. A local board is charged to distribute funds appropriated by Congress to help expand the capacity of food and shelter programs in high-need areas in the county. A local board made up of The United Way of South Central Illinois, The Red Cross, Catholic Charities, the Salvation Army, area church representatives and
5. Have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food or shelter services; 6. Have a voluntary board. Qualifying Agencies Are Encouraged To Apply Public or private voluntary agencies interested in applying for Emergency Food and Shelter Program funds must contact Natalie Wellen at the United Way of South Central Illinois at 618-242-8000 for an application. Final deadline for the applications will be September 24, 2018.
Copyright ©2018. All Rights Reserved.
Publisher / Editor Cathy Stuehmeier General Manager John Stuehmeier Advertising John Stuehmeier Cathy Stuehmeier Peggy Johnson Bud Davis Jeanie Beal Judy Shafer Julie Allen
Production Manager T. Scott Pinkowski Production/Web Staff Cindy Goodnight DeLorean Coleman Office Staff Linda Weible Bookkeeper Michelle Prosser
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local government officials will determine how the funds are awarded to Marion County and will be distributed among the emergency food and shelter programs run by local service agencies in the area. Under terms of the grant from the National Board, local agencies chosen to receive funds must: 1. Be private voluntary non-profit or units of government; 2. Be eligible to receive federal funds; 3. Have an accounting system; 4. Practice non-discrimination;
P.O. Box 1223, 301 E. Broadway, Centralia Illinois 62801 & 2419 W. Broadway, Mt. Vernon Illinois 62864 Telephone (618)533-7283 Fax (618)533-7284 email: info@theshoppersweekly.com ads@theshoppersweekly.com agency@theshoppersweekly.com website: theshoppersweekly.com
The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Marion County Soldiers’ & Sailors’ Reunion 2018 Retired Vice Admiral Nancy Brown of the U.S. Navy has confirmed to be the keynote speaker at the Illinois Bicentennial edition of the Marion County Soldiers’ & Sailors’ Reunion to be held October 5–7 at American Legion Post 128, located at 1001 E. Main St. in Salem, IL. Registration will begin at 5:30 p.m. There will be a Veterans dinner and program on Friday, Oct. 5 starting at
Edward S. Rankin, Owner, Director, Emb. Myron S. Lloyd, General Manager, Director, Emb. – Pre-Arrangement Specialists – – Monument Sales – – Burial Insurance Agent –
Ages: 4 - 14 (8th grade) Registration: through Sept. 29 Leagues will be split based on the numbers of players registered. Games will be played on Saturday mornings/afternoons. All players will receive a t-shirt.
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*Wages are negotiable based on skill and experience for more than the above amounts.
REGISTER AT THE CENTRALIA RECREATION COMPLEX Centralia Recreation Complex A Public / Private Partnership
6:00 p.m. at the Salem Community High School. Dinner tickets are $15. On Saturday, Oct. 6 there will be a Little Egypt Parade on Main and Broadway in Salem. On Sunday, Oct. 7 there will be a Veterans Tribute and Concert at Bryan Memorial Park in Salem. Originally held in 1883 for Civil War Veterans, the Reunion continued for 102 years until 1985. American
For more info, e-mail your resume to gautamjha12345@gmail.com or drop it off at 1325 W. Whittaker Suite D. Salem, IL
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come LUNCH MENU have lunch with us! , ays
But Alw
(If You
Submitted Photo
Retired Vice Admiral Nancy Brown, U.S. Navy
the reunion can contact Chairman Brian Deckard at 618-420-3489. Weekly meetings of the Reunion C ommittee are each Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at the Salem American Legion.
Local Bank Collecting Food For Area Food Pantries Community Trust Bank is celebrating their customers with a Customer Appreciation Week from October 1 through 5. Please stop by any CTB facility for daily giveaways and refreshments. Bring in nonperishable food items to be entered into the grand prize drawing to be held Friday, October 5. All items will be donated to local food pan-
tries. There will also be a coloring contest for ages 2 – 5 and ages 6 – 10. Prize drawings will be held Friday, October 5. CTB facilities are located at the following addresses: 1425 E. McCord, Centralia, IL, 618-533-0527; 17872 Exchange Ave., Nashville, IL, 618-327-4400; and 107 S. 2nd, Irvington, IL, 618249-6218.
S lem Salem l Comm C Community om mm ity Theatre te
Legion Post 128 with a generous grant from the Salem Tourism Board is organizing the return of this Marion County event with the help of members of the American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion, Daughters of the American Revolution, as well as members and past members of the Marion County Genealogical & Historical Society and Salem Historical Commission. Anyone interested in volunteering to help with
$ 99
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Students $600
Mexican Restaurant
Open Everyday 11am – 10pm 1053 West Broadway 103 East Broadway Centralia, IL 62801 Centralia, IL 62801 (618) 533-2270 (618) 532-2023 Washington County Animal Control’s
3. Lucy is a female Akita mix.
17990 Richview Road
Nashville, IL 62263
Hours: Mon-Sat. 8:00-1:00
400 S. Poplar • Centralia • 918.3422
1. This is a male kitten around seven weeks old. He is friendly and litter box trained. 2. This is a female kitten around seven weeks old. She is friendly and litter box trained. 3. This is a female kitten around seven weeks old. She is a little timid and is also litter box trained. 4. This is the mother of the above kittens. She is around a year old and super friendly. If you are interested in a Pet of the Week, or any animal, call 533-7647 or visit the Centralia Animal Shelter. Directions to the shelter are as follows: Turn south at the intersection of Hwy. 161 E. (McCord) and Airport Rd. Go 1-1/2 miles, then turn left on Copple Rd. Go 1/2 mile to Woods Lane, turn left to shelter on left. Closed Tuesday and Wednesday.
Visit Us On Facebook: www.facebook.com/ centraliaillinoisanimalcontrolshelter
Salem Community Theatre & Cultural Center 119 South Broadway Salem, IL 62881 Theatre Office 618.740.0789
“Tequilaʼs Little Brother”
Tickets available at the Theatre Office, Salem Travel and Salem City Hall
Pets Of The Week
1. Hank is a male mixed breed.
Washington County Animal Control
Directed by: Dana Luse Assistant Director: Michelle Barbee Musical Director: Tom Baker
Centralia Animal Shelter’s
Pets In Need
2. Sweet Lady is a female Walker Hound mix.
Sponsored by
House Of Hope
centralia humane society 1. Nitro is a sweet boy who loves belly rubs! He loves to play and would love a home with kids! He loves to be around people and get their attention. 2. Lucy is a one-year-old Chihuahua mix. She loves people and being the center of attention. She would love to be someone’s lap dog.
3. Max is a Chihuahua boy who has been with us for over six years! He would love to find his forever home. He is a little shy but with love and patience will come out of his shell.
4. Penny is a one-year-old, female tabby. This sweetie was diagnosed with leukemia and would love for someone to make the rest of her life as great as possible! She sometimes thinks she’s a dog!
If you have any questions please call the Centralia Humane Society at 618532-0489.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area
Ministries by: Cliff Sanders
Looking For His Coming I was talking with a lady recently who is going through some sorrows. I said to her, “Jesus is coming soon.” She replied, “You’ve been saying that for a hundred years!” I laughed and replied, “Yes, but the church has been proclaiming the coming of the Lord for over 2,000 years! Think about how much closer we are to Christ’s return.” The return of Jesus to this world is called “The blessed hope.” It’s a motivating factor of the Christian life. “Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:1115) The Bible tells us that Jesus is coming for them that look for his coming. I want to be in that number that are looking earnestly for his coming. As the old hymn says, “It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus.” How then shall we then live in the light of the Lord’s soon coming? REJOICING IN HOPE. Film maker Michael Moore said that people should not live in hope but live for today. The reality is that without hope, people die. The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ from heaven is called “The blessed hope.” Jesus will rule in righteousness, justice, and peace. “And rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” (Romans 5:2) “Whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory.” (I Peter 1:8) REPENTING. If Jesus can come at any time, then we need to repent and keep repenting of any sin that would separate us from the blessed Lord and
the catching away of the church — the “bride of Christ.” “Repent and be baptized . . . in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” (Acts 2:38) Jesus says to the church, “Remember, therefore, how you have received and heard and hold fast and repent. If, therefore, you shall not watch, I will come for you as a thief and you shall not know what hour I will come upon you.” (Revelation 3:3) READING THE SIGNS. Jesus said that no one knows the day nor hour of his return. (Matthew 24:36) But he did give certain signs of his coming. You can see many of them in Matthew 24 that have been fulfilled or are being fulfilled right before our eyes. When the fig tree buds is a parable given by Jesus. (Matthew 24:32-34) Jesus said when it buds know that we are in the generation of his coming. I believe the fig tree is Israel. Israel became a nation again in 1948. I believe Jesus is coming during my lifetime. He gave many other signs and
warned us to be ready for his return. (Matthew 24:37-44) Ezekiel prophesied of the restoration of Israel to their land in the end times. (Ezekiel 37:1523) He also prophesied of an end time war when certain nations would come against Israel. They will be led by Russia to “take spoil and take prey.” God will fight for Israel and bring destruction upon those nations. (Ezekiel 38) These nations are presently aligned and poised. REAPING. If Jesus is coming soon, then we must be about our master’s business. On September 11, 2018 I was driving through the country and saw farmers picking corn with their combines, the first of the season here. We must be diligent in the work of the Lord. Jesus gave us the parable of the unfaithful servant in Mat t h e w 2 4 : 4 5 - 5 1 . “Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he comes shall find so doing.” (Matthew 24:46) READY FOR HIS COMING. “Therefore, be you also ready: for in such an hour as you think not the son of man comes.” (Matthew 24:44; II Peter 3:9-14) Jesus is coming soon! Are you ready?
Missy Ann’s Bed & Bath The Tails Wag Here! Call Early To Schedule Your Dog’s Vacation With US!
Hours 7am-6pm mon.-fri.
5123 U. S. Hwy. 50, Salem
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Around-the-Clock Nursing Care, Therapy and Admissions are Just Around the Corner. You don’t have to go far for quality, compassionate care. Doctor’s Nursing and Rehab Center provides 24-hour skilled nursing care as well as comprehensive rehabilitation services from our facility in Salem, IL. Whether your need is physical or occupational rehabilitation, speech therapy, respiratory therapy or long-term nursing care, take comfort in knowing the finest healthcare is close at hand. For more information or to schedule a tour, call 618-548-4884.
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We Accept All Major Credit Cards.
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Shalom, Cliff Sanders Eagle Life Ministries eagleslife8@gmail.com
Maybe It’s Time You Came CCa aame me B me Ba Back ack To ac To A ABC BC Pub. PPub ubb ub.
Time to SHARE?
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Aspects favor new romances for unpaired Ewes and Rams. Alreadypaired Arian twosomes experience renewed harmony in their relationships. Money matters also take a bright turn. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Use that strong Bovine determination to help you keep the faith with your convictions while you move through a period of uncertainty. Things begin to ease by the week’s end. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Pay attention to your intuition. It could be alerting you to be more careful about accepting a “statement of fact” simply on trust. Don’t be shy about asking for more proof. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Concern for the well-being of someone in need is admirable. But don’t forget to take care of yourself as well. Ask a family member, close friend or colleague to help you. LEO (July 23 to August 22) It’s OK to focus on the demands of your career. But try to avoid misunderstandings by also reaching out to family and friends. Your sharp intuitive sense kicks in by midweek. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Keep a rein on that green-eyed monster. Jealousy is counterproductive. Instead of resenting a colleague’s good points, concentrate on developing your own abilities. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Spending time on a creative proj-
ect during this high-energy week can pay off both in emotional satisfaction and in impressing someone who is glad to see this side of you. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Now is a good time to start planning that trip you’ve put off because of the demands on your time. Be sure to choose a destination that is new and exciting. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) That upbeat mood in the first part of the week makes you eager to take on new ventures. A more serious note sets in later to help you assess an upcoming decision. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) A high energy level gives the Goat the get-up-and-go to finish outstanding tasks before deadline, leaving time for well-earned fun and games with friends and family. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Dealing with disappointment is never easy. But the wise Aquarian will use it as a vital lesson and be the better for it. A close friend has something important to say. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Best bet is not to get involved in an argument between colleagues until you know more about who started it and why. And even then, appearances could be deceiving. Be alert. BORN THIS WEEK: You have creative gifts that inspire those who get to see this sometimes-hidden side of you. © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc.
The Shoppers Weekly – Centralia / Salem Area
The Shoppers
201 Business & Services
Alton Warehousing & Storage
10x10, 10x20, 12x30 Self Storage. Also, Warehouse & Office Space Available for Rent by Month or Year. 2235 E. McCord, Centralia (Next to Airport)
Schaefer's Flowers & Crafts
Erected, Choice Of Colors
732-8704 or 231-0949
30 Years In Area www.builtmorbuildings.com
Marten Portable Buildings
Purchase or rent to own. No credit checks. We build the way you want it built. Free delivery & set up on your lot.
Schaefer's Flowers & Crafts 1209 W. BROADWAY & 214 W. BROADWAY, CENTRALIA & 410 E. MISSOURI, SANDOVAL
618-532-2697 618-292-1525
Lusch Excavating & Sanitation Install • Pump Service Aerators & Septic Tanks
Extra Great Prices! Lots of Door Sizes (pre-hung) Lots & Lots Of Kitchen & Utility Cabinets (all sizes) We Have Extra Large Bathroom Vanities HOUSE OF PLUNDER 406 N. Main – Iuka 618-323-6625 618-323-6622 9-26
LOTS & LOTS OF PLUNDER! BATHROOM STOOLS! Taller Size $129.95 Regular Size $89.95 Still In Box With Everything Included Fri. 12-5 & Sat. 9-2
HOUSE OF PLUNDER 406 N. Main – Iuka 618-323-6625 618-323-6622 9-26
Call Crime Stoppers! You may qualify for a cash reward and you never have to give your name.
Autos Wanted
––––––––––––––––––––––– CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! All Makes/Models 2002-2018! Any Condition. Running or Not. Top $$$ Paid! Free Towing! We're Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-985-1806 –––––––––––––––––––––––
––––––––––––––––––––––– IRS TAX DEBTS?$10k+? Tired of the calls? We can Help! $500 free consultation! We can STOP the garnishments! FREE Consultation Call Today 1-855-823-4189 –––––––––––––––––––––––
Miscellaneous For Sale
––––––––––––––––––––––– KILL ROACHESGUARANTEED! Harris Roach Tablets, Sprays, Traps, Concentrate. Available: Hardware Stores, Home Depot, homedepot.com –––––––––––––––––––––––
Heart For Jesus Ministry 102 S. 4th St. Mt. Vernon 618-269-7880 Nora Galiher, Minister • Library of Christian books for checkout • CDs, DVDs • Free devotional books • Right-to-Life literature & encouragement • Family prison ministry • Bible studies
––––––––––––––––––––––– HEAR AGAIN! Try our hearing aid for just $75 down and $50 per month! Call 800-426-4212 and mention 88272 for a risk free trial! FREE SHIPPING! ––––––––––––––––––––––– Call Empire Today® to schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! 1-800-508-2824 ––––––––––––––––––––––– GENERIC VIAGRA and CIALIS! 100 Pills $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-889-5515 ––––––––––––––––––––––– Lung Cancer? And Age 60+? You And Your Family May Be Entitled To Significant Cash Award. Call 866-428-1639 for Information. No Risk. No Money Out Of Pocket. ––––––––––––––––––––––– Were you an INDUSTRIAL TRADESMAN (machinist/ boilermaker/pipefitter etc) and recently diagnosed with LUNG CANCER? You may be entitled to a SIGNIFICANT CASH AWARD. Risk free consultation! 877-781-1769 –––––––––––––––––––––––
Lawn & Garden
FOR SALE: Mums! You dig $2.75, potted $4.75. Many different varieties. From Mt. Vernon, take 142 south to Opdyke. Turn right on Lighthouse Ln. Follow signs. Closed 9-26 Sundays.
Maco Elevator
302 Autos/Trucks For Sale
Replace Headliners While You Wait Guaranteed
618-765-2115 7-3-19 FOR SALE: 2007 Chevrolet work truck, 100,000 mi., 4.3 V-6, extras, $8,000 o.b.o. 618-314-0484 10-2 FOR SALE: 2003 Ford E-350 wheelchair van, very clean interior, exc. running cond.; also have like new electric wheelchair. 618-214-6719 10-2
418 N. Oak • Centralia TFN 532-6779
Lots & Acreage
FOR SALE: 5 acre homesite, 4 miles east of Mt. Vernon, asking $30,000. Call after 5 p.m. 618-316-1025 9-19 FOR SALE: 50x100 lot at 10 D'Ann Drive. Call 618-322-6757 for details. TFN REDUCED PRICE: Two leases on Centralia lake. Garage, pole barn, shed and boat dock. Call 1-386-846-4502 10-2
starting pay 00
15 per hour
Apply in person at: DCA Construction 1620 N. 4th St. Breese, IL 62230
Sept. 22 (8-4) & 23 (10-2), 2018 11291 Richview Rd. Mt. Vernon, IL Large selection. Smoke-free home. Conducted by Robin Ottolini, 618-304-9818 9-19
Dave's Carpet Cleaning
Courtesy Cleaners
Wanted To Buy
NEED CASH? I buy estates, antiques, garage clean-outs, barns, household and more!
618-367-2469 TFN
We Pay Top Dollar!
Buying Scrap Gold! Top Dollar Pawn 215 E. Noleman • Centralia
Unexpired-Any Type-Any Brand. Will Pay Up To $10/Box. Call Ron 217-556-3398 Please Leave Callback Number
"Helping Diabetics Since 2009"
Pets & Supplies
Diversified Services S PECIALIZING IN : • Carpet Cleaning • Power Washing • Firewood Sales • Professional Lawn Mowing • Tile Stripping & Waxing 618-533-1226 9-19
Construction & Home Improvement
GEM Decorating, Inc. Owner: Alan Minor 301 W. Chestnut, Odin
Cross Country Moving, Long distance Moving Company, out of state move $799 Long Distance Movers. Get Free quote on your Long distance move 1-800-511-2181 ––––––––––––––––––––––– HughesNet Satellite Internet - 25mbps starting at $49.99/ mo! FAST download speeds. WiFi built in! FREE Standard Installation for lease customers! Limited Time, Call 1-800-610-4790 ––––––––––––––––––––––– DISH TV $59.99 For 190 Channels $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply. Call 1-855-837-9146 ––––––––––––––––––––––– Unable to work due to injury or illness? Call Bill Gordon & Assoc., Social Security Disability Attorneys! FREE Evaluation. Local Attorneys Nationwide 1-855-4986323 [Mail: 2420 N St NW, Washington DC. Office: Broward Co. FL (TX/NM Bar.)] ––––––––––––––––––––––– A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation's largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-844-722-7993 ––––––––––––––––––––––– Sleep Apnea Patients - If you have Medicare coverage, call Verus Healthcare to qualify for CPAP supplies for little or no cost in minutes. Home Delivery, Healthy Sleep Guide and More - FREE! Our customer care agents await your call. 1-844-545-9175 ––––––––––––––––––––––– Medical Guardian - 24/7 Medical Alert Monitoring. FREE Equipment, Activation & Shipping. NO Long-Term Contract. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee! Two FREE Months w/Annual Subscription. CALL for FREE Brochure 1-855-666-3269 –––––––––––––––––––––––
Earthlink High Speed Internet. As Low As $14.95/month (for the first 3 months.) Reliable High Speed Fiber Optic Technology. Stream Videos, Music and More! Call Earthlink Today 1-855-520-7938 ––––––––––––––––––––––– Start Saving BIG On Medications! Up To 90% Savings from 90DAYMEDS! Over 3500 Medications Available! Prescriptions Req'd. Pharmacy Checker Approved. CALL Today for Your FREE Quote. 844-776-7620 ––––––––––––––––––––––– Stay in your home longer with an American Standard Walk-In Bathtub. Receive up to $1,500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and installation! Call us at 1-844-374-0013 ––––––––––––––––––––––– Spectrum Triple Play! TV, Internet & Voice for $29.99 ea. 60 MB per second speed No contract or commitment. More Channels. Faster Internet. Unlimited Voice. Call 1-855-652-9304 ––––––––––––––––––––––– DIRECTV SELECT PACKAGE! Over 150 Channels, ONLY $35/ month (for 12 mos.) Order Now! Get a $100 AT&T Visa Rewards Gift Card (some restrictions apply) CALL 1- 855-781-1565 –––––––––––––––––––––––
Wanted to Buy
––––––––––––––––––––––– Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 ––––––––––––––––––––––– ADVERTISE to 10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with circulation totaling over 10 million homes. Contact Independent Free Papers of America IFPA at danielleburnett-ifpa@live.com or visit our website cadnetads. com for more information. –––––––––––––––––––––––
909 S. 10th St. • Mt. Vernon 618-242-0825
Termite or rotten joist repair, floors leveled, leaking or damaged basement walls repaired. Any type of water damage, carpentry work and metal roofs. Call or text
New Salem Location! West Gate Mini Mall 618-548-0802 9-19
leave msg. Fully insured & local references.10/3
M – F 7:30AM - 5PM SAT. 8AM - NOON
Specializing in Your Flat Work • Pole Barns • Driveways • Patio Sidewalks • Block Foundations
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Leave Message! Owner-Wayne Yoder
6618.731.1621 61 1
ADVERTISE YOUR JOB OPENINGS Contact Peggy Phone 618-533-7283 Fax 618-533-7284 info@theshoppers weekly.com www.theshoppers weekly.com 9-19
Help Wanted
WANTED: MALE caregiver for disabled man. Salary and free apartment to live full time. Client leaves Sat., Sun., Mon. FREE health insurance, no lifting. Client walks. 9-19 618-316-1230
Professional Cleaning
Same Day Service! Drive-Up Window! Pick-Up & Delivery!
FOR ADOPTION: Sylvester, 1 year old, very loving, short hair, black & white, 302 Autos/Trucks For Sale neutered male cat, had all his shots, references FOR SALE: 1988 required, preferably motorhome, Fleetwood home with no dogs. Tiago Arrow, 27 ft., runs 618-533-1679 9-26 strong, only 60,000 mi., $2,300. 618-822-6713 701 10-2
Rummage Sales
Mobile Homes For Sale ............... 505 Business Property....................... 506 Lots & Acreage............................ 507 Farming ....................................... 508 Firewood ..................................... 509 Furniture & Appliances ............... 602 Music........................................... 603 Pets & Supplies ........................... 605 Business Opportunities .............. 606 Help Wanted ............................... 701 Situations Wanted....................... 702 Rummage Sales .......................... 801 Wanted To Buy ............................ 802 Wanted To Rent ........................... 803 Miscellaneous ...............................805
Construction Workers Needed
• Bulk Seeds • Grass Seeds • Bird Seeds & Feeders Come See Us For Your Lawn & Garden Needs
Help Wanted
QUALITY HOUSEHOLD AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPT. 29, 2018 – 9:00 AM Auction Site: 305 N Race Street - Wayne City, IL 62895
Seller: Estate of Albert (Ab) & Joanne Garner www.auctionzip.com Auctioneer ID # 2008 for details & photos
REAL ESTATE – Consists of well-maintained one-owner
3 or 4 bed room, 2 bath, one level residence on corner lot. Central air & heat, replacement windows, attached 2 car carport, single car detached garage shop. Easy walking distance to the park and downtown. Must see to appreciate! Move In Ready!
PO Box 613 — Fairfield, IL 62837 Ph. 618-842-7850 Toll Free 1-800-840-SOLD (7653) Mobile Phones: Barkley - 618-599-6070, Denise - 618-516-1000, Mark - 618-599-6073 Email:barnard.auctions@gmail.com
Autos Wanted
––––––––––––––––––––––– CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! 2002 and Newer! Any Condition. Running or Not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-416-2330. –––––––––––––––––––––––
––––––––––––––––––––––– AIRLINES ARE HIRING Get FAA approved hands on Aviation training. Financial Aid for qualified students Career placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-686-1704 –––––––––––––––––––––––
––––––––––––––––––––––– Over $10K in debt? Be debt free in 24-48 months. Pay nothing to enroll. Call National Debt Relief at 866-243-0510. ––––––––––––––––––––––– IRS TAX DEBTS? $10k+! Tired of the calls? We can Help! $500 free consultation! We can STOP the garnishments! FREE Consultation Call Today 1-844-315-7039 ––––––––––––––––––––––– Reverse Mortgage: Homeowners age 62+ turn your home equity into tax-free cash! Speak with an expert today and receive a free booklet. Call 1-866-880-2444 –––––––––––––––––––––––
Since 1969
Construction & Home Improvement
201 Business & Services
24x40-$8,835 30x50-$12,873 40x60-$19,472 50x70-$28,806
Automotive Services................... 301 Auto/Trucks For Sale .................. 302 RVs/Campers .............................. 303 Boats/Watercrafts ...................... 304 Motorcycles/ATVs ....................... 305 Health & Fitness ......................... 306 Construction & Home Improvement ................. 401 Lawn & Garden ........................... 404 Buildings for Sale/Rent .............. 500 Houses For Sale .......................... 501 Houses For Rent.......................... 502 Apartment For Rent .................... 503 Mobile Homes For Rent .............. 504
Legals .......................................... 100 Antiques ...................................... 101 Arts & Crafts ............................... 102 Announcements .......................... 103 Adoptions .................................... 104 Auctions ...................................... 200 Business & Services ................... 201 Computers & Services ................ 202 Financial Services ...................... 203 Gunsmithing Services ................ 204 Lost & Found ............................... 205 Daycare ....................................... 206 Hunting & Fishing ....................... 207 Travel........................................... 208
Weekly 401
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Kaskaskia college is now hiring for the following positions: — FULL TIME — Maintenance Specialist Director of Education Program -Centralia Correctional Center Human Resources Generalist Network Support Specialist — PART TIME — Adjunct-Physical Therapy Assistant Program Adjunct-Nursing Assistant Baseball Coach Bookstore/Mail & Copy Center Assistant Buildings & Grounds Technician IT Support Technician Literacy Coordinator for Marion & Clinton Counties Cheryl Twenhafel Human Resources Kaskaskia College 27210 College Road Centralia IL 62801 AA/EEO Employer 618-545-3023 Kaskaskia College is interested in receiving applications from individuals who would enhance the diversity of the College. 9-12
Health & Fitness
BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation: 888-912-4745 –––––––––––––––––––––––
Health / Medical
––––––––––––––––––––––– INVENTORS - FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE Have your product idea developed affordably by the Research & Development pros and presented to manufacturers. Call 1-888501-0236 for a Free Idea Starter Guide. Submit your idea for a free consultation. ––––––––––––––––––––––– DIATOMACEOUS EARTHFOOD GRADE 100% OMRI Listed-Meets Organic Use Standards. BUY ONLINE ONLY: homedepot.com ––––––––––––––––––––––– Stay in your home longer with an American Standard Walk-In Bathtub. Receive up to $1,500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and installation! Call us at 1-855-534-6198 ––––––––––––––––––––––– SAVE ON YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION! World Health Link. Price Match Guarantee! Prescriptions Required. CIPA Certified. Over 1500 medications available. CALL Today For A Free Price Quote. 1-866-293-9702 Call Now! –––––––––––––––––––––––
––––––––––––––––––––––– VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 100 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-445-5928 Hablamos Espanol ––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––––––––– $$$$VIAGRA & CIALIS! 60 pills for $99. 100 pills for $150 FREE shipping. NO prescriptions needed. Money back guaranteed! 1-800-943-1302 ––––––––––––––––––––––– ATTENTION OXYGEN THERAPY USERS! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. FREE information kit 800-984-1293 ––––––––––––––––––––––– OXYGEN - Anytime. Anywhere. No tanks to refill. No deliveries. The All-New Inogen One G4 is only 2.8 pounds! FAA approved! FREE info kit: 844-558-7482 –––––––––––––––––––––––
Help Wanted
––––––––––––––––––––––– 25 TRUCK DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Earn $1000 per week! Paid CDL Training! Stevens Transport covers all costs! 1-877-2091309 drive4stevens.com –––––––––––––––––––––––
Home Improvement
A PLACE FOR MOM has helped over a million families find senior living. Our trusted, local advisors help find solutions to your unique needs at no cost to you. Call 855-741-7459 ––––––––––––––––––––––– CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2002 and Newer. Nationwide Free Pick Up! Call Now: 1-800-864-5960. ––––––––––––––––––––––– DISH TV $59.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply 1-800-718-1593 ––––––––––––––––––––––– NEW AUTHORS WANTED! Page Publishing will help you self-publish your own book. FREE author submission kit! Limited offer! Why wait? Call now: 866-951-7214 ––––––––––––––––––––––– SUPPORT our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need. For more information visit the Fisher House website at www.fisherhouse.org –––––––––––––––––––––––