APERO_April 2021

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Fine Art Publication

April 2021

Sallyanne Morgan


Fine Art Publication April 2021 Featuring 30 artists from 14 countries.












The Netherlands

United Kingdom

United States of America

APERO Curator E.E. Jacks Creative Director Jeremy Grayson Publisher APERO Orange County California, USA showapero.com showapero@gmail.com Copyright © 2021 APERO All rights reserved

Sueim Koo


APRIL 2021

Catalina Gomez-Beuth

Placed Artists





3rd Place

Honorable Mention

2nd Place

1st Place

Catalina Gomez-Beuth

Andrew Keith

Sueim Koo

Sallyanne Morgan


Thank your for your interest and support of APERO. APERO is a monthly published fine art catalogue for established and emerging artists to participate in a juried and curated fine art publication. APERO is dedicated to showcasing fine art created by artists from around the world. Our goal with APERO is to help bring artists, art patrons and people together to enjoy an intellectual experience through the presentation of art. Please enjoy this month’s featured artists and their inspiring work. - E.E. Jacks



Carlos Abraham



Luis Ardila

40 Delia Lin


Miriam Bahrami



Nicolette Bénard

44 Sallyanne Morgan


Mark Burrell



Paul Delpani

48 Kevin Rogers


Annette H. Evans


Kendall Roth


Tony Gangitano


Petra Schott


Ashish Ghosh


Ira Stein


Catalina Gomez-Beuth


Katy Tackes


Shabnam Hemmati


Wichert van Engelen


Rick Hurst


Claudia Wiebe


Bryan Jennings


Sachi Yoshimoto


Andrew Keith


Michal Konrad Zalewski


Ron Kenedi


Xueping Zhang

Sueim Koo

Christina Massey

Shana Patry

Carlos Abraham Rouge | 2021 Photography | 11 x 14 in $500

Puebla Mexico

Carlos Abraham arqcas@prodigy.net.mx fotocarlos.com.mx

About Since he was little he identified with architecture, showing a strong conviction to study it, after completing his degree, he studied Photography at the CIF, began with group exhibitions, continuing with individual ones, participated in events in 2017 as Photo September in Mexico and 3rd Biennial of CMUCH. He learned in graduate school to print color, cyanotype, and black and white photographs. One of his most representative achievements has been to exhibit collectively at the Chopo University Museum in Mexico City in 2005, where he participated with photographs in cyanotype, he also participated in the Instituto Cultural Arte AC, in the city of Monterrey, and several Galleries and Museum of his city and Mexico as well as in Buenos Aires.



Luis Ardila Reencounter Between Demeter and Persephone and Her New Puppy Cerebrus | 2017 Oil on Canvas | 24 x 48 in NFS

North Carolina United States of America

Luis Ardila luisgermanardila@aol.com fineartamerica.com

About My work has an expressionist-symbolist style and I use mythologies from eastern and western civilizations. Syncretism is the combination or fusion of different beliefs, philosophies, mythologies, or religions, emphasizing an underlying unity that allows an inclusive approach to other faiths. Syncretism commonly has expressions in art and culture that can join together.



Miriam Bahrami ...And Go Seek | 2020 35mm Film | 4 x 6 in NFS

North Carolina United States of America

Miriam Bahrami miriamb2400@yahoo.com

About I am an artist and English teacher originally from North Carolina currently based in Madrid, Spain. I love to use art and traditional film photography to watch seemingly mundane moments transform into something powerful and meaningful through artistic expression.



Nicolette Bénard Sweet Sea Urchin | 2020 Handmade from Found Objects, Clay, Textile Framed in a Plexiglass Box | 34 x 14 x 10 cm 900€

Den Haag The Netherlands

Nicolette Bénard nbenard@xs4all.nl nicolettebenard.nl/shop-artworks/

About Nicolette Bénard, Visual artist, Jewellery art designer, born in the Netherlands is a well-known and well-loved designer and has won several design prizes. She graduated from the Dutch technical professional school for Silver, Goldsmiths and Design based in Schoonhoven(NL). Her work is now shown in Japan, Taiwan, US, Italy, England, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Amsterdam. Her love for pearls is very prevalent in ‘Project B.’ In almost every object one will find a little pearl, like the signature of the maker. That is how her concept “Project B, the art of transformation” has started. It embodies the tension between perfection and imperfection, which is the theme in her work.



Mark Burrell Land Of Three Rivers | 2021 Acrylic, Ribbon, Fixings and Ink on Canvas and Board | 61 x 3 x 81 cm POR

Kent United Kingdom

Mark Burrell markburrellartist@outlook.com markburrell-artist.com

About Mark Burrell was born in Newcastle, but now lives and works on the Kent coast. His distinctive style strives for an economy of means, the attempt is to do the most, with the least. He is highly sensitive in his use of materials. Substances are often used spectacularly. Mark seeks to make the ordinary, extraordinary. As he explains, “In order to understand the world around us, sometimes you need to focus on a small bit of it, you need to look very closely at what is close at hand and make it a representation for the whole”. In his work he acts as a go-between, finding, selecting and presenting objects for the consideration of the viewer. He combines painting with collage, print and found objects. So you would call it mixed media I suppose. Mark has work in several private collections



Paul Delpani Beauty Beach | 2021 Digital Mixed Media on Canvas, Ed 3 + AP | 80 x 40 x 2 cm 410€

Vienna Austria

Paul Delpani art@pauldelpani.com facebook.com/PaulDelpaniART/

About Born in Vienna in 1966 – in the chinese zodiac of a fire horse – I always had strong ties towards arts, starting to photography at the age of 12. With a commercial family background I got economically trained and finished of the Economic University in Vienna. Though I never lost the contact to my artistic roots of photography and even started oil painting and aquarelle. In a combination of these methods and with the eagerness to find a stylistic exprimation I started to work with alternative processes, namely cyanotypes. and started to exhibit my work in 1999. Trained on processes I use photography conceptionally, mainly thinking in series giving a meaning mainly in context of social life and quality of life.



Annette H. Evans Just As I Am | 2014 Charcoal on Paper | 18 x 13 in POR

California United States of America

Annette H. Evans annettehevans@gmail.com annettehevans.com

About Annette H. Evans grew up in Indiana and her grandmother was an artist. Visiting the farmhouse, Annette would run to see the wet painting on her easel and admire her Midwest sunsets. Annette attended the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (FIDM) in Los Angeles and went on to design beachwear for companies such as OP. She has been painting commissioned portraits for over twenty years, and also taught traditional drawing and painting in watercolor and oil. Having a passion for interior design, she has recently been painting large abstracts that make any environment look more current.



Tony Gangitano Madonna Mio | 2000 Italian Bardiglio Gray Marble | 17 x 16 x 14 in POR

California United States of America

Tony Gangitano tgartstudio@gmail.com tgartstudio.com

About Originally from Brooklyn, Tony received a BLA with a minor in Fine Art from the UGA. He practiced Landscape Architecture in New York City and San Diego, then as a sculptor/painter in Rome and Pietra Santa, Italy. Back in California, he pursued a MA at SDSU, where he explored new materials and conceptual Mixed Media Painting and Sculptures. Tony’s work has been exhibited in Europe and the United States. He is a creative, conceptually oriented Mixed Media Artist whose current work is fresh and exciting, incorporating thoughtful concepts with both traditional and new materials.



Ashish Ghosh Gift to Kopai | 2020 Bamboo Waving | 22 x 2 x 4 ft NFS

Santiniketan, West Bengal India

Ashish Ghosh ashishghoshsantiniketan@gmail.com sculptorashishghosh.in

About As professor of Visva-Bharati university west Bengal India and nature sculptor, I always tried to find the way to convey my message for creating sculpture for environmental awareness using bamboo as a creative practice. Here I am sending you few picture for your understanding thanks for your kind attention and if you think to use art for educating people about environmental awareness. Function of art is to express a message beyond truth and beauty, the artist travels on his way with the thirst and irritation to touch and feel that truth in his creation. My passion as a sculptor is to discover myself in my creation, crossing the barrier of time and social order work for a logic. My sculptures have a close relation with natural phenomena.



3rd Place Catalina Gomez-Beuth Landing My Dreams | 2019 Oil on Canvas | 36 x 36 in NFS


Catalina Gomez-Beuth catagomezbeuth@gmail.com catalinagomezbeuthart.com

About Catalina Gomez-Beuth was born in Medellin, Colombia- She has lived in the United States for the last 20 years. Her art work looks beyond limiting factors such as skin color or ethnicity, reason why all the characters in her artwork are depict in different shades of gray, with vibrant colors around it, leaving the door open for the viewer to connect with the raw emotions like innocence, hopelessness, loneliness, resilience, happiness, determination and many more.

Curator Review Landing My Dreams Sensitive, enchanting and magical, this emotive piece with contrasting gray tones and flitting sparks of color, creates a sense of calm and connection. Artist Gomez-Beuth’s thoughtfully balanced and reflective portrayal of motion in this painting, presents us with the essence of the figure. Her rhythmic layers and merging narrative, extends beyond reality and into the equity of ‘being’. - E.E. Jacks



Shabnam Hemmati The Landscape of Nowhere | 2019 Acrylic on Canvas | 100 x 150 cm POR


Shabnam Hemmati shabnamhemmati91@gmail.com

About Shabnam Hemmati (b. 1991) is an iranian contemporary artist. She has a Graphic Design diploma from Avini art school in Tehran. She continued her study and completed her .B.A and M.A. degree both in painting in 2015 and 2020. Shabnam has participated in a number of group exhibitions in Tehran.



Rick Hurst STELLAR BIRTH - A New Guiding Light in Troubled Times | 2021 Archival-quality Digital Transformation on Metal Panel | 24h x 18w x 1d in $595

Florida United States of America

Rick Hurst RickHurstArt@gmail.com rickhurstart.com

About My creative perspective and process is unique in the world of digital design. My art continues to mature and evolve, which constantly compels me to share my art with an everwidening audience. I see universal energies in the world around me — the life forces of nature, the vibrancy of color, the vitality and strength of architecture. My purpose is to interpret and reveal those energies to all who view my art — to awaken curiosity and prompt introspection, to feed their inner being, to have my designs resonate with them. All of my designs begin with original photography that captures the beauty and spirit of nature and the real world. I meld these photos into digital artworks using multiple exposures, layers, color transformations and art filters.

Curator Review STELLAR BIRTH - A New Guiding Light in Troubled Times This energetic and highly creative work by artist Rick Hurst exudes an almost electrical current of consonance and motion. The wondrously imaginative mind of Hurst, brings to life a kinetic realization of form within the organic. His profound interpretation of connection and creation joining hands, singularly expressed in mixed media, utterly entrances and speaks in the voice of the celestial. - E.E. Jacks



Bryan Jennings “England No14” | 2020 Oil on Panel | 8 x 8 in NFS

California United States of America

Bryan Jennings bryan4art@gmail.com bryan4art.com

About I am a abstract landscape artist. I paint to express human emotions through the weather and light. I want viewers to feel before they think when seeing my work.



Honorable Mention Andrew Keith Feminine Flow | 2020 White Marble on Granite Base | 4 x 4 x 12 in $1,500

Utah United States of America

Andrew Keith andrewjkeith25@yahoo.com andrewjosephkeith.com

About I am a figurative artist and sculptor who loves to learn about and represent the human figure. Some of my work is more realistic and some work is more abstract and stylized but it’s almost always focused on the human figure.

Curator Review Feminine Flow There is a wonderful emotional force and vitality in this symbolic work by artist Andrew Keith. The form and purely balanced energy of this sculpture, most certainly evokes the astute title. Time appears to stand still in the same way that water ripples from one point to another. Keith’s exquisite stone work dances with the supernal, and truly conveys the beauty of inner communion and grace. - E.E. Jacks



Ron Kenedi A New Day | 2021 Oil on Canvas | 36 x 48 in $2,400

California United States of America

Ron Kenedi ronkenedi@hotmail.com ronkenediart.com

About Born and raised in New York city, Ron received his art degree at the state university of New York at Stonybrook where he studied with well- known New York school artists and art historians such as Nam June Paik, Lawrence Alloway and Allan Kaprow. After graduation he spent a year teaching drawing at the Mediterranean Institute in Mallorca, Spain. Returning to New York, Ron attended the Art Students League to learn printmaking. He moved to Nevada County in 1971 and has maintained a residence there till today. While continuing to paint, draw and show his work both domestically and internationally, Ron became a leading presence in the Solar Power industry and headed up the N. American operations of three major, global, solar panel manufacturers. Today he lives with his wife and two small dogs in Nevada City.



2nd Place Sueim Koo My spirit-eye is passing into the evening glow | 2021 Mixed Media Collage on Canvas | 24h x 24w in $1,500

New Jersey United States of America

Sueim Koo koosueim@yahoo.com sueimkoo.com

About Sueim Koo’s paintings depict abstract landscapes that represent her emotions and memories. Her diaries, which she has kept since she was a teenager, are her primary source of inspiration. She pursued art later in life, receiving a BFA from SUNY Purchase the year she turned 50. Her studies continued after college at the Art Students League in New York. Koo has exhibited her work in the United States and Korea, Her work has been included in numerous galleries and museums as well as six solo exhibitions including Edward Hopper Art Center and Garage Art Center in New York. In 2015, Koo was selected as one of two representative Korean artists at a special event called “Korea Night” hosted by the International House of Philadelphia.

Curator Review My spirit-eye is passing into the evening glow This soft and subtle piece by artist Sueim Koo, hovers between an abstract composition of hues and shapes, and the representation of light and beauty within nature. Long painterly lines, fused tones and Koo’s technique in her placement of splatter and texture, absolutely vibrates with unity. ‘The Evening Glow’ is both felt and seen in this stunning work that singularly seduces the viewer, into a world of abstract romanticism. - E.E. Jacks



Delia Lin The Doubling | 2019 Color Pencil, Watercolor | 11 x 14 in NFS

Connecticut United States of America

Delia Lin delia.lin.d.l@gmail.com instagram.com/explode.in.colors

About The colors that lie hidden within elements present around me inform my artwork. I seek to highlight the beauty of everyday elements by exaggerating the colors they possess. Playing with the interactions between the saturated warms and cools, my art aims to emphasize the significance of color in everyday experiences.



Christina Massey Crafty Collusion 4 | 2018 Acrylic and Enamel Paint on Canvas, Paper, Fabric, Repurposed Aluminum, Wire | 68w x 13d x 82h in POR

New York United States of America

Christina Massey info@cmasseyart.com cmasseyart.com

About Christina Massey’s work has been exhibited in over a dozen solo exhibitions and won her several prestigious awards such as the FST StudioProject Fund Grant, Brooklyn Arts Fund Grant, SIP Fellowship at the EFA Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop, Puffin Foundation Grant and Mayer Foundation Grant. Massey’s work has been featured in Hyperallergic, Art Spiel and Art Fuse and is in the collections of the Janent Turner Museum, Art Bank Collection in DC, Credit Suisse and multiple private collections. Massey currently lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.



1st Place Sallyanne Morgan Instrument | 2020 Ferrous Cement, Balsa Wood, Guitar Strings | 15 x 15 x 59 cm POR

Co Meath Ireland

Sallyanne Morgan morgansallyanne@yahoo.com sallyannemorgansculpture.net

About Having lived and travelled throughout SE Asia and Europe for 17 years I returned to my home Country Ireland in 2019 to continue my practice in conceptual figurative sculpture. By intertwining contemporary concepts with magical figurative realism, I use common construction materials to animate ideas around human consciousness; persona and vulnerability. Gestures and articulations of the human form; this intricate dance of outward behavior and internal narrative is a source of constant inspiration for me.

Curator Review Instrument This resonant sculpture of a feminine figure merging with the strings, scroll and tailpiece of an ‘instrument’ is both powerful and affective. The textured surface and contrasting lines and curves, subtly exposes those human vulnerabilities whilst exhibiting a pose of strength and readiness. Artist Sallyanne Morgan has created an exquisitely reflective and balanced work that takes on the feel of an influential monument. - E.E. Jacks



Shana Patry Ossifrage | 2021 Oil on Canvas | 16 x 20 x I.5 in $545 CAD

Québec Canada

Shana Patry shana.patry@outlook.com shanapatry.com

About Shana Patry is a young artist from Saguenay, Québec (Canada). Through realistic animal artworks with a touch of surrealism, she hopes to open the viewers’ eyes to the cycle of life and death, their relationship with nature and the poetic side of their own imaginary symbolism.



Kevin Rogers The Feminist Firebrand - Francis Johnston (1864-1952) | 2020 Pencil on Film | 300 x 370 mm $850

Queensland Australia

Kevin Rogers rogersart57@gmail.com pinterest.com.au/razoredge57/_saved

About I endeavour to create artworks that speak both to me and to the viewers about the beauty that exists and once did. Part of my process before starting a piece is to research as much as I can about the subject matter. I classify myself as an Historical Artist’, which means, I look for beautiful old images of our past and meticulously recreate them in their original black and white or research the colours that would have been. I try with every completed work to breathe life into a long forgotten era through use of my materials. Bringing the past to life creates calm in many people, stirring memories of their past and if I have achieved this, then I feel very pleased. I don’t want to just replicate the image, I want to breathe life back into it.



Kendall Roth Before It Slips Away | 2020 Cyanotype of Archival Image on Round 12” Wrapped Canvas | 12 x 12 in NFS

Arizona United States of America

Kendall Roth kendall.roth.hp@gmail.com kendallrothphotography.com

About Kendall Roth was born in 1992, in Billings, Montana. She lives and works between Montana and Arizona. She graduated with a BA in Photography from Montana State University (2015), and earned her MFA in Photography and Imagemaking at Paris College of Art, Paris, France (2020). She has exhibited solo shows at the WYO theatre, Sheridan, WY (2018 - 2019) and the Lightwriter Gallery, Bozeman, MT (2016), and in collective shows at Le Bateau-Lavoir: Storyteller, Paris, France (2018), and The Baxter Hotel, Senior Thesis Show, Bozeman, MT (2015). As an artist-photographer, her work deals with the importance of family and memory, respect and appreciation for nature, and recognition of anxiety and fear. She works with digital, analog (35mm, 120mm, and 4”x5”), and archival images.



Petra Schott Earth II | 2021 Oil on Canvas | 150 x 125 cm POR

Hess Germany

Petra Schott petra.schott@gmx.net petra-schott.de

About I was born in Germany in 1953, studied fine arts in Kassel/ Germany and started taking part in exhibitions nationally and internationally as of 1993. I am part of the national association of professional artists (BBK) and of the national association of professional female artists (GEDOK).

Curator Review Earth II A wild sense of freedom and spontaneity can be felt in this lively painting by artist Petra Schott. Her attentively placed yet liberated markings and bold brush strokes, convey a wondrous sense of movement with intent. Her powerful execution and deliberate expression, reflects Schott’s desire to condense painting to its abstract essentials. This deeply ‘present’ piece, absolutely vibrates with intensity, revealing the ‘Earth’ in all of its organic glory. - E.E. Jacks



Ira Stein Cosmetics | 2011 Mixed Media Collage on Wood | 72 in NFS

California United States of America

Ira Stein ira@irastein.com irasten.com

About In Stein’s works, you are provoked to think about genetics and behavior. What his art does best is to engage our minds on this particular subject.. With Stein’s precision sight, his focus on essentialism solicits an examination of nature/ nurture philosophy contrasted with the expanding scientific knowledge of genetics. Stein is brutally honest, and this bluntness is apparent throughout his paintings, sculptures and mixed media works. A Vietnam Veteran (he served as a pilot in the thick of action), Stein brings his visceral perspective to our attention with force - either shocking our senses to conjure unease, surprise and alarm in the viewer or capturing our attention with the lurid, often vulgar stories of the subjects’ lives.



Katy Tackes Light Dancer | 2020 Acrylic on Canvas | 20 x 20 x 1.5 in POR

California United States of America

Katy Tackes katy@katytackesart.com katytackesart.com

About “LOVE COMES IN EVERY COLOR”™ Katy Tackes is a California artist, who works between abstract expressionism and impressionism. She was raised in Canada, where her immense love and gratitude for Mother Nature blossomed. She has lived in Paris, France and traveled throughout Europe, Asia, New Zealand, the Middle-East and North America, reinforcing her belief that “we are all connected...we are One”. Katy’s paintings explore themes of peace and love, with the purpose of spreading universal messages to unite and connect with others throughout the world. Her work crosses borders with both international and national sales and exhibitions, including the Swiss Art Expo, Barcelona Artbox Project, and Art Basel – Miami Art Week – Wynwood.



Wichert van Engelen Billowing Frocks | 2015 Steel and Iron | 45 cm POR

Amsterdam The Netherlands

Wichert van Engelen wichert@hllo.nl frozensteel.nl

About Wichert van Engelen makes bronze and steel sculptures in the Openbare Werkplaats (Open Workshop) Amsterdam under the name FrozenSteel. In the bronze statues, Wichert captures the beauty of natural details in a hyper-realistic way: The Beauty of Nature in the Power of Bronze. In addition, as a light-hearted diversion, he regularly makes: Art with a Wink. In the steel statues, Wichert “freezes” movement in a hard material. Skating and cycling are regularly recurring themes. The studio is an inspiring environment with craftsmen working in wood and steel. You are very welcome to come and take a look. Please email (wichert@FrozenSteel.nl) before your visit: your favourite sculptures will be available to view.



Claudia Wiebe Sometime and Somewhere | 2021 Acrylic and Mixed Media on Canvas | 24 x 24 x 1.5 in $685 CAD

British Columbia Canada

Claudia Wiebe claudia@claudiawiebe.com claudiawiebe.com

About Claudia Wiebe creates emotional and expressive SoulArt. Her abstract paintings and mixed-media art are inspired by the ever-changing complexities of love and loss, and joy and grief… Claudia’s artwork reflects her life…surrounded by very painful and melancholic memories, as well as many happy and wonderful experiences. She believes art speaks to the soul, some days like a soft whisper and other days like a loud roar. It is her hope that the authentic and unique experiences expressed in her acrylic paintings leave lots of room for everyone’s own imagination and interpretation, and that each piece touches someone deeply and sparks their soul. Originally from Germany, Claudia has been living in Canada for over 30 years.

Curator Review Sometime and Somewhere The ever evolving beauty and spirit of life in its true colors and sentiments, has most certainly been depicted here. Artist Claudia Wiebe has brilliantly composed a work of hope and verity. From the soft pink merging with the textured blues, to the vibrant oranges, sweeping strokes and muted text beneath paint, Wiebe’s subtle yet detailed work, sings of symbolism and those melancholy truths of ‘time’. - E.E. Jacks



Sachi Yoshimoto Angels In The Woods | 2021 Oil on Board | 5 x 7 in POR

Tokyo Japan

Sachi Yoshimoto sachiyoshimotoart@gmail.com sachiyoshimotoart.com

About Sachi Yoshimoto is a Tokyo based self-taught artist who works mainly in oil medium. She loves the warmth that the medium gives to her work. Artistically inclined from a young age, Sachi has worked diligently to bring her art to life. In 2013, after years of amateur work, Sachi decided to pursue her art wholeheartedly. Sachi’s style of work is “true-to-life,” focusing on the breath she finds in organic and inorganic objects. Her vision is to bring life into the objects she’s attracted to in everyday life. Apart from regular art commissions, Sachi often donates certain pieces and commission profits to animal charities she loves. Like her art, Sachi continues to evolve and improve. Her ultimate aim is to have her artistic journey make everyone’s life a little brighter.



Michal Konrad Zalewski Platinum04 | 2020 Acrylic on Canvas | 100 x 100 x 3 cm $600

Dolnoslaskie Poland

Michal Konrad Zalewski mich.zalewski@o2.pl instagram.com/michal_konrad_zalewski

About Michał Konrad Zalewski is a Polish abstract painter. His style is a fusion of geometric abstraction and expressionism. In his work, he focuses on composition, color, and structure. He is inspired by music and urban culture. His work seeks to explore themes surrounding music and human emotions, forcing viewers to think about their feelings.



Xueping Zhang Taking A Break | 2018 Pen and Ink | 11 x 14 in $350

Georgia United States of America

Xueping Zhang xueping2@msn.com xueping-zhang.pixels.com

About Xueping Zhang was born in China. And entered the Academy of Fine Arts there, majoring in graphic design. In the early 1990s, she immigrated to Europe, and started figurative painting in vibrant colors using oil, watercolor, and gouache. After immigrating to the United States, she continued paint, participating in the group exhibitions and held solo exhibitions as well. In 2014, she became drawn to intricate drawings in black and white. Inspired by the daily lives of women and beauty of the nature. Her goal is to capture a form and posture that expresses the woman‘a emotions, while surrounding her with objects to achieve an atmosphere of peace, harmony, and balance. Each piece of artwork is intricately planned and created with delicate strokes of a pen.





Carlos Abraham | Rouge | 2021


Luis Ardila | Reencounter Between Demeter and Persephone and Her New Puppy Cerebrus | 2017


Miriam Bahrami | ...And Go Seek | 2020


Nicolette Bénard | Sweet Sea Urchin | 2020


Mark Burrell | Land Of Three Rivers | 2021


Paul Delpani | Beauty Beach | 2021


Annette H. Evans | Just As I Am | 2014


Tony Gangitano | Madonna Mio | 2000


Ashish Ghosh | Gift to Kopai | 2020


Catalina Gomez-Beuth | Landing My Dreams | 2019


Shabnam Hemmati | The Landscape of Nowhere | 2019


Rick Hurst | STELLAR BIRTH - A New Guiding Light in Troubled Times | 2021


Bryan Jennings | “England No14” | 2020


Andrew Keith | Feminine Flow | 2020


Ron Kenedi | A New Day | 2021


Sueim Koo | My spirit-eye is passing into the evening glow | 2021

40 Delia Lin 42

| The Doubling | 2019

Christina Massey | Crafty Collusion 4 | 2018

44 Sallyanne Morgan 46

| Instrument | 2020

Shana Patry | Ossifrage | 2021

48 Kevin Rogers

| The Feminist Firebrand - Francis Johnston (1864-1952) | 2020


Kendall Roth | Before It Slips Away | 2020


Petra Schott | Earth II | 2021


Ira Stein | Cosmetics | 2011


Katy Tackes | Light Dancer | 2020


Wichert van Engelen | Billowing Frocks | 2015


Claudia Wiebe | Sometime and Somewhere | 2021


Sachi Yoshimoto | Angels In The Woods | 2021


Michal Konrad Zalewski | Platinum04 | 2020


Xueping Zhang | Taking A Break | 2018

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