2019-2021 Board of Directors: (seated) Candice Moody Rice, Jeanette Hengeveld, Elon Gillis Galloway, Angela Manders (standing) Debra Golden, Brandi Waters, Rai B. Duane, Anna Wheeler, Deloris Gibson, Shannon Sewart, Laura, Morris, Tony Nelson, Tillie Lynch (not pictured) Dr. Donald Waters
ospice Satilla is a community-based hospice organization that has been serving the people of Ware, Pierce, Brantley, Charlton, Bacon, Atkinson, Clinch, and Coffee Counties since 1986. Their services include nursing care, physician services, social work services, spiritual support and counseling, home health aides, and trained volunteer support. The staff live and work in the communities that they serve, and they recognize the physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial needs of each patient. In Partnership with Alivia Care Hospice Satilla has recently partnered with Alivia Care of Georgia to increase the resources and services that are available to their patients and families. Alivia Care of Georgia is a like-minded non-profit organization committed to supporting and sustaining community-based, mission-driven hospices throughout Georgia. This partnership is a great opportunity to provide a higher level of care and resources for the local
St o r y b y M E G A N W H I TE
communities served by Hospice Satilla. “Stronger together means supporting, not changing, the mission of our community treasure,” says Debra Golden, Hospice Satilla’s Executive Director. “Our mission has always been and will always be to help people live as fully and comfortably as possible when facing the end of their life, even when they can’t afford to pay us. For us, it has never been about being the biggest hospice provider. It has always been about caring for our friends, family, and neighbors by helping them live well. Through our affiliation with Alivia Care of Georgia, and in partnership with our sister agency, Hospice of the Golden Isles, we will continue to help our community live well for many years to come.”
Alivia Care of Georgia is led by Susan Ponder-Stansel, who is also President and CEO of Alivia Care, Inc. and has been a leader and advocate for non-profit hospice care for over 35 years. “We founded Alivia Care of Georgia to create an organization where high-quality non-profit hospices could join forces to share resources and work together to compete with their for-profit counterparts. We are so pleased to be able to work with Hospice of the Golden Isles and Hospice Satilla to develop Alivia Care of Georgia to support more people in more places as they face end-of-life care decisions.” Rai B. Duane, President of the Board of Directors and former Executive Director of Hospice Satilla, said, “Although Hospice Satilla is a
Mission: To provide leadership to s upport innovative care solutions through best-in-class services, collaborative partnerships, and strategic investments. Strategic Intent: To partner with community-based hospice providers in Georgia to create and strengthen care solutions through vision, leadership, investment, and advocacy. (Alivia Care of Georgia, a 501c3 subsidiary of Alivia Care, Inc)