Valdosta Magazine - Fall 2022

Page 77


Courtney is ready for business in her Marie Oliver Wynter blouse in malachite, Krazy Larry Performance pants in brown, Marc Fisher Zala block heel in light natural, and Naghet St. Barths large tote in driftwood.

at Only Options 1421 Gornto Road • Valdosta 229-244-1807 Monday - Saturday 10:00 am-6:00 pm Sunday 1:00 – 6:00 pm Shop 24/7 at /onlyoptions @onlyoptions New Location Opening Early 2023 Summit Point 3350 Country Club Road
Style is a Mindset


A special section featuring community models in the latest fashions


51 Holiday STYLE

Photo by Wes Sewell Photograaphy
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ON THE COVER are the owners of the fashion stores and boutiques who are advertisers in the special fashion section. These retailers are continually pushing “Fashion Forward” in the Valdosta region and for our 7th annual fashion issue we decided to highlight them for a change. Unfortunately, Brooke White, owner of White Weddings, was not able to be with us on the day of the photo shoot. We wanted to include her here!

Thanks to Beverly Langdale at Hallabrook Hill, Valdosta’s newest wedding and event venue, for graciously hosting the photo shoot. Also, to Devan Martin, and the staff of Only Options, and Wes Sewell, for making this photo shoot possible and beautiful! (Cover photo - Standing: Morgan Campbell, Morgan’s; Katie Hall & Allison Selph, Little Options; Devan Martin, Only Options & R.L. Martin & Co.; Jessica Lane, City Market; Heather Bohannon, Sisterology; Elizabeth Steel Milstead, Steel’s Jewelry. Seated: Nicole Steel, Steel’s Jewelry; Paige Price, Stylish Southern & Sassy)

TABLE of CONTENTS 69 98 77 REGULAR features 63 Health Focus SGMC - Decreasing your risk of lung cancer 75 Real Estate News Tom Call with Coldwell Banker o ers real estate advice 77 ARTS & CULTURE
artist Hannah Gandy,
Book Reviews, and the VSU Opera 88 GO DOWNTOWN “Meet the Merchant” – Katie & Patrick Watson 93 Around Lowndes 98 SEENS Profiles 65 VSU Distinguished Alumni Two of Valdosta’s Citizens Honored 69 Restoring Valdosta’s Oldest House Valdosta Heritage Foundation’s Highest Priority

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Wes Sewell, Wes Sewell Photography; Connie Riddle, Valdosta Magazine; Devan Martin, Only Options & R.L. Martin & Co.; Beverly Langdale, Hallabrook Hill; Makenzie Shae, Only Options; Savannah Dickinson, Only Options; Calee Edwards, Sisterology, at the fashion photo shoot at Hallabrook Hill.


Happy Holidays! This issue of Valdosta Magazine sparkles in so many ways. From the beautiful styles featured in the fashion section, stylish Christmas decorations, and festive holiday drinks, there is plenty of sparkle in this issue.

This year, the fashion section features community models who are not only stylish, but also give back to the community in so many ways. You’ll see them modeling the latest fashions from our retail advertisers but you’ll also learn about how they are involved in the community and what makes Valdosta special to them.

A special thank you to Beverly Langdale for hosting the fashion photo shoot at her beautiful new venue — Hallabrook Hill. And to Devan Martin and her team at Only Options for their help in coordinating the shoot and their fashion expertise.

In the Holiday Style section, you’ll find decorating tips from professional designers. Of course, Valdosta Country Club provides holiday drink recipes too. Read about the numerous holiday events in “Around Lowndes” and look for people you know in “SEENS.”

As always, we appreciate the advertisers, writers, photographers, designers, and individuals that help make Valdosta Magazine possible. Our prayer for each of you is to have a peaceful and blessed holiday season filled with love, family, and friends, and of course a little extra sparkle!


John & Connie Riddle


John F. Riddle & Connie K. Riddle Showcase Publications, Inc.


Wes Sewell Photography

ART DIRECTOR Robin Harrison


Tom Call, John Riddle, Narci Drossos, Devan Martin, Jessica Lane, Calee Edwards, Paige Price, Katie Hall, Morgan Campbell, Elizabeth Steel, Natalie Roberts, Dana Perry, Harriett Sutton, Vickie Everitte


Javon Longlieliere Photography, Sarah Kathryn Photography, Lee Smothers, Calee Edwards, Gandy Photographers Kelly Soroka, Mandy Yates, Paul Leavy DESIGNERS Russ Hutto Robin Harrison

from the PUBLISHER
PUBLISHER EMERITUS Johnny B. Lastinger Valdosta Magazine is published quarterly by SHOWCASE PUBLICATIONS, INC. For information on advertising, submitting articles, or to subscribe: (912)-559-2045 – P.O. Box 391 Jesup, GA 31598 Subscription rates in the U.S. are $15.00 annually. @valdostamagazine All rights reserved. Copies or reproduction of this publication in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without expressed written authorization from the publisher. Every e ort
PROOFING Allen Allnoch Russ Hutto ADVISING CONSULTANT Lamb Lastinger
is made
ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein. Advertising is subject to omission, errors and other changes without notice. The opinions expressed by the writers are not necessarily those of the publisher.
6 Valdosta Magazine
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“Regarding your tribute to Mac McLane and Wyn Miller in your September issue, I had the privilege of beginning law practice immediately after law school with Mac McLane. He was a sole practitioner and we practiced together for fourteen years before he went on the bench as a Judge of the State Court. He was as fine an attorney, partner, and gentleman as anyone could wish for. Additionally, I had the pleasure of practicing law with Wyn Miller as a partner for many years until his death, and likewise, he was as fine as they come and had such a giving community spirit. Both of these fine attorneys are missed by many attorneys, associates, friends, and clients. Lowndes County has been very fortunate to have two such fine citizens and I was privileged to be associated with both.” ~ Mike Dover

$3.50 magazine VALDOSTA MAGAZINE A MEMORIAL TRIBUTE TO JUDGE H. ARTHUR MCLANE & WILLIS L. MILLER, III PROFILES ART & CULTURE VALDOSTA SEENS f FRIENDS FAMILY FOOD VOL. 27, NO. 3, 2022 FRIENDS, FAMILY, FOOD FROM OUR READERS... Take Valdosta Magazine with you when you travel. Take a photo with it, send it to us, and you may see it here! Letters and comments are also encouraged. Mail to: SHOWCASE PUBLICATIONS, INC. P. O. Box 391, Jesup, GA 31598 or email to: Like and Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
“Valdosta Magazine had a trip to Manhattan. Two of the magazine stops were walking the Brooklyn Bridge from the Brooklyn side looking toward Manhattan and in the beautiful Grand Central Station.” ~ Sidney & Sharon Morris
52 Valdosta Magazine oday, young people’s hearts and minds are pulled in many different directions. Access to ideas and opinions from nefarious sources about how they should feel, what they should do, how they should look, and what they should believe is endless. So, in this age, it is good to know that there is group working to support our youth and help guide them during the most impressionable time in their lives. Young Life has, since 1941, “put caring adults in the lives of kids,” to positively influence their lives as mentors and friends while introducing them to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith. Young Life is ministry that reaches out to middle school, high school, and college students in all fifty states and more than one hundred countries around the world, including group right here At the heart of the program is people. Adult volunteers who “go where kids are and build personal relationships with them.” Yes, there are organized activities and fun, adventurous experiences to learn and grow from, but, more than anything, it’s about building relationships. Relationships with each other, with Young Life leaders, and a relationship with Christ. While Young Life is not new to Valdosta, Reed Salter, Young Life Area Director, is. And, with the help and guidance of the Young Life Committee of volunteers, the program is growing again. Reed, who is from Statesboro, Georgia, was involved in Young Life as a high school student and decided to follow Christ at Young Life Camp in 2011 while in high school. He stayed involved through college at Georgia Southern University as a volunteer going into a local high school and witnessing to un-churched young people. An accounting major, he had no intention of ever joining Young Life staff but that changed as he approached his senior year. Valdosta/Lowndes Co.Young MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF YOUTH T Life Campers and leaders at Carolina Point (back row) JT Brice, Caden Edwards, Bowen Patrick, Nathaniel Young, Wright Wilson, Carson Deloach, Reed Salter (front row) Olivia Ratican, Saralynn Espositio, Kendall Haden, Hillary Hutchinson, Gretchen Stubbs Story by John Riddle Photos Provided by Young Life
Laura Hansen and Jamie Bird, owners of the Wedding Chicks, with Baltimore Orioles pitcher D. L. Hall of Valdosta in GUD Coffee. Hall is a native of Valdosta. Everyone keeps up with Valdosta by reading Valdosta Magazine!
“Thank you so much for featuring Young Life in Valdosta Magazine! You did an excellent job of painting a picture of who we are and how we’re serving our community. As an organization that is reestablishing a presence in Valdosta, the exposure from Valdosta Magazine is an immense help!”
~ Reed Salter, Area Director, Young Life
their legacy R E M E M B E R E D A Memorial Tribute to Friends, Judge H. Arthur McLane and Willis L. Miller, III Story by MATTIA GODDARD Early this past May, Valdosta lost two of its finest, hours apart. Pillars of the legal community, Senior Judge H. Arthur McLane and Willis L. Miller, III, both men born and raised in Lowndes County, proud Valdosta High School graduates, and Emory University graduates, two men of great character and integrity who left a permanent mark on the community they both loved so much. We take a moment to remember these men and the legacy they leave behind. Chief Judge of the Southern Judicial Circuit Richard M. Cowart had the distinction of being close with both men. “Wyn and Mac are two of my closest friends in life. To lose both of them in the same night is really hard for me to talk about,” he reflected. “When I came back to town as a young lawyer, I practiced with Wyn from 1976 until 1992. Our wives became close friends, our sons were born two days apart and are friends to this day. Mac was like a big brother to me from the day I took the bench. I took his spot on the State Court Bench when he moved up to Superior Court. We went to church together and we had breakfast together every Tuesday with our Walk to Emmaus reunion group.” While the personal loss to Cowart is great, he also acknowledges the loss to the community. “This is a huge loss for the community because it is hard to replace people like them, solid, salt of the earth folks that want good things for other people,” he explained. “They contributed so much to this town and the people of Valdosta without asking for anything in return. They were both born and raised here and they both loved this town and wanted the best for it. It is a big loss not only for the legal community but for the community as a whole.” GROUP PHOTO: Arthur McLane and Wyn Miller with other leaders of the legal community in 1976 on the old Lowndes Courthouse steps: (front row left to right) George Newbern, Wyn Miller, Bob Clyatt, H.B. Edwards, Jr. (second row) Arthur McLane, Carroll Sherwood, Pete Stone (third row) Wayne Ellerbee, Robert Cork, Jim Hall, Sr. (back row) Deputy C.L. Lightsey, Deputy Carl Smith, Deputy Don Garapy Willis L. Miller, III Senior Judge H. Arthur McLane FRIENDS, FAMILY, FOOD ISSUE 2022 33 f f FRIENDS FAMILY FOOD “Mattia, you did a beautiful job!” ~ Paige Dukes “Buddy and I have really enjoyed this issue of Valdosta Magazine. You featured such great people and we really loved the wonderful article remembering our dear friend, Mac McLane.” ~ Sharon & Buddy Coleman FRIENDS, FAMILY, FOOD ISSUE 2022 59 VVALDOSTA LUCKED OUT AND GOT ONE OF BLACKSHEAR’S BEST. Pat Colson was born and raised in Pierce County, Georgia to World War II veteran. Her father, a paratrooper and MP, met his future wife, Pat’s mother, when he went to register with the draft board. Her parents’ military involvement would stay with Pat her whole life and is a large part of what makes her so patriotic to this day. Most people in Valdosta know Pat and her late husband, Larry, of Colson Business Systems, Inc., a local family business that has been a part of the fabric of this community for 38 years. Pat and her son Hunter now run the copier business together, carrying on the business and legacy that Larry Colson started. Pat had to learn the business in what she says felt like overnight when she lost her husband suddenly. Previously, she had been a longtime educator and education lobbyist, work that she cherished. Pat left Blackshear as an honor graduate and headed to Valdosta State College on a full academic scholarship to Pat Colson Businesswoman, educator, lobbyist, dancer, world traveler — Pat Colson lives life to the fullest Story by MATTIA GODDARD Photo by WES SEWELL PHOTOGRAPHY Everyone should know the indefatigable P PAT COLSON “This was so good!” ~ Sherry Wetherington “Great article” ~ Mala Vallotton

fashion forward

Featuring our community models: Courtney NelliganArroyo (Only Options), Robyn Rainwater West (City Market Boutique), Mikki Hudson Wills (Steel's Jewelry), Laverne G. McHellen (Morgan's), Jeanna Ganas (Sisterology), Will Steinberg and Madeline Culpepper (White Weddings), and Brandie Dame (Stylish Southern & Sassy)

Welcome to our 7th fashion and style issue that features local fashion retailers who push "fashion forward" in the Valdosta community and in the region. The owners of the shops and boutiques represented in this section are featured on the cover.

Here you see our community models who were chosen by the retailers. These people not only shine in stylish fashions, they also stand out for their service and volunteerism. They help push the community forward!

A special thanks to the advertisers, Devan Martin and her sta at Only Options, Beverly Langdale, who opened up Hallabrook Hill for our photo shoot, and Wes Sewell, our featured photographer who makes everyone look beautiful!


Fa rites


“My go-to style is comfortable professional with a little bit of bling. I want to able to go to work, attend a PTA meeting, and a sports practice without creating extra laundry.”


“My favorite accessory is my husband, Pete, a good scarf, and my Vahan diamond hoop earrings.”

Courtney is ready for an evening out on the town in this outfit which features a Sheridan French Michola dress in red abstract, a Vidda bracelet, Vidda earrings, and Steve Madden Kendall booties in chestnut suede complete the look.



courtney Nelligan-Arroyo’s life in Valdosta began as many others – a transfer to Moody Air Force Base. Her father, Mike Nelligan, was stationed at MAFB in 1989 when Courtney was seven years old. Her family life in Valdosta continued after her father retired from MAFB because they “fell in love with Valdosta, and have been here ever since.”

Her family is fully rooted here now. Her husband, Pete, is a partner at H&S Supply and she is an assistant vice president at Guardian Bank. Their son, Ayden, is a second-grader at Valwood School. Her father is now the pastor at Greenwood Baptist Church. Her mother, Diane, retired after 27 years with Pine Grove Elementary.

“As a mother of one, Valdosta is a great place to live, work, and play. I couldn’t imagine a better place to raise Ayden,” Courtney said. “And, we have some of the best local restaurants and unique shops in Georgia.”

An active member of Leadership Lowndes since 2016, Courtney has participated in many programs and events that have helped her to learn a lot about the community. “Leadership Lowndes has a orded me the opportunity to learn more about charitable organizations that I would not have been exposed to before,” she explained. “I’ve also made some lifelong friendships that I will forever be grateful for.”

One of her main charitable causes is the Boys Ranch. “The Ranch provides a wonderful environment where children who have been abandoned, neglected, and abused are able to be placed into a family setting,” Courtney explained. “I believe the Boys Ranch gives them back their childhood and helps ensure that their future is bright and encourages them to become strong, independent, productive law-abiding citizens.” She also volunteers with the Valwood PTA and serves on the board for the Stone Creek Property Owner’s Association.

Left: When Courtney is helping out at the Boys Ranch or with the PTA at Valwood she’s both comfortable and stylish in this Lilly Pulitzer

Justine pullover and matching skort and On Running CloudRunner shoes. The Allison Avery tennis necklace with blingy hoops make the outfit pop.

Above: This Tyler Boe Lawson white cotton shirt, paired with Citizens of Humanity Emerson boyfriend jeans, and a Barbour Blair tartan scarf in rosewood are perfect for when Courtney is enjoying a more casual gathering with friends. The outfit is accessorized with an Allison Avery tennis bracelet and tennis necklace. Steve Madden Cally clogs in cognac complete the look.


Feathers, Leathers, and Sequins!

razzle and dazzle of all kinds comes with the festivities of the holiday season.  We believe this is the perfect time to take chances on new or reimagined fashion trends. We’ve noticed some fun trends in the fashion world this season, and you can find them all at Only Options.

sequins leathers

Sparkle and shine at your next soiree in sequins!  When you think of sequins, you may think of a New Year’s Eve party.  However, fashionistas are now wearing sequins for all occasions.  The past few years, the trend has leaned more casual and comfy, but this holiday season we see a reemergence of statement jackets, sequin covered dresses, and embellished tops. Incorporating sequins into evening wear is an easy way to add a touch of glamor to the holiday season.

Leather in the fall and winter go hand-in-hand from the runway to sportswear.  Across all brands, designers have shown a major focus on leather from head-totoe with faux and real leather fashions.  Expect to see this trend in the form of statement jackets, boots, belts, skirts, and more!  Designers have sent a strong message that layering up in leather is a dominant trend for the fall season.


Feathers are making a big comeback (and for good reason!). This season, expect to see feather touches shown in multiple di erent ways. Whether it be handcrafted feather jewelry pieces, feather trimmed cocktail dresses, or feather touches on hats or handbags. Look out for pops of feathers in the places you look to for your fashion inspiration.

Only Options injects trends into our store through timeless and classic styles that we hope can hang in your wardrobe for years to come.  Our buyers hand select each piece in our store for you to shop from.  We strive for excellent attention to detail and customer service, and we are excited to continue these traditions at our new location in Summit Pointe, opening early 2023.

14 Valdosta Magazine FASHION FORWARD
sure to sparkle in this Trina Turk Stella dress and Trina Turk Pisces jacket in moonstone/ midnight. It is accessorized with an Allison Avery charm bar necklace, Dolce Vita Wessi black leather heel, and Mignonne Gavigan Remi earrings. Photo by Calee Edwards

Making a Statement

statement pieces are a great and fun addition to your wardrobe that every fashionista needs!

They are those eye-catching essentials that completely transform your entire look, giving it that standout touch. They make getting dressed VERY easy. You can literally throw on the simplest outfit, add a statement piece to it and that simple outfit, will not look so simple anymore! Take tips from these retailers in how to make your favorite accessory be the first thing that is noticed about your outfit and the main thing that gives your outfit personality.



A pop of color is perfect for accessories. Morgan’s Cristina V Trade beads necklace make a colorful statement and are handmade in Africa. Wear them long, doubled up short or knotted. You can also use them as a home décor object!



No outfit is complete with a stylish purse. The Hobo Jessa in gold goes perfectly with all of today’s fashions and is one of City Market’s most popular purses.



Need that extra something to make your outfit perfect!? Well, Stylish Southern & Sassy has got you covered in their Brianna Cannon headband. It makes the perfect accessory to any outfit!



Classy never goes out of style. Steel’s Jewelry features a 14k wide bangle with a floral pattern of diamonds that weigh a total of almost two carats. This is a one-of-a-kind piece that would amplify any outfit for any occasion!



Earrings add sparkle and extra flair to your outfit. Sisterology suggest the Angel Girl statement earrings to pair with most any outfit. They provide a touch of elegance that accentuates most any outfit.



Only Options highlights Brackish accessories as the perfect finishing touch to any look for the Southern woman. With beautiful shade ranges and varieties of sizes available, you’ll be sure to find the perfect pair for your taste! Fun fact: did you know that all Brackish accessories are handmade in Charleston, South Carolina? Each pair of earrings takes about five hours for Brackish artisans to create.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Fa rites


“I’m obsessed with boutique clothes and jewelry. I mostly wear dresses to work from local boutiques. I always shop local to support our small businesses. In the fall and winter, I love a nice sweater with boots. I cannot leave the house without jewelry.”


“Of course, our vibrant Downtown Valdosta! The downtown buildings are absolutely stunning. The unique shops and restaurants are one of a kind with such friendly owners. The murals and alleys are so nice for picture taking. Downtown Valdosta is truly an experience to enjoy. Now, we have Unity Park Amphitheater for great entertainment and festivals coming in 2023.”

Brandie is ready for work or fun in this Jodifl dress and Diba True booties. Her look is completed with a Bracha Initial necklace and Smith & Co earrings.

bBrandie Dame

randie Dame, born at Moody Air Force Base in 1977, moved often with her family as they followed her father’s air force career to many places. Having moved back to Valdosta in 1997, she is now the Main Street Director for Downtown Valdosta, where she works to promote Valdosta’s beautiful downtown area in the city she loves.

“Our downtown has the charm and appeal of a larger town while maintaining a small town hospitality,” Brandie said. “We have a nice mix of shops, restaurants and things to do along with the support of citizens and visitors.”

Brandie’s commitment to promoting Valdosta and helping others extends beyond downtown. She is a member of Rotary and is active in the Community Partners in Education. “Rotary presents a great opportunity to give back to the community by investing in terrific causes that benefits greater Valdosta,” she explained. Her interest in CPIE stems from her love to “visit schools and read to children and reinforce the values taught on career day.”

Her serious commitments aside, Brandie has a fun and playful side to her as well. Her hobbies include “all things Disney” that she enjoys with her husband, Marc, and their daughter, Bayleigh, and a love of rock music culture.

“I love all things Disney. I enjoy planning our family Disney trips with coordinating outfits. I also really enjoy rock music and studying its history and culture,” she said. She also enjoys relaxing at home with family and two fur babies, two yorkies. Of course, shopping is another way to spend downtime. “I love shopping in Downtown Valdosta for clothes and accessories. You can never have too many clothes.”

Above: Brandie is dressed to impress in the Evie dress by Buddy Love, a Brianna Cannon headband, Smith & Co. earrings and ShuShop Helen wedges.

Below: For a fun day of shopping downtown Brandie is comfortable and stylish in the Buckhead Ridge Button Down, Stay Golden graphic tee, Denim by Vervet, ShuShop Pepa sneakers. She elevates her look with a removable fringe belt bag.


ABOVE: Sequin stars steal the show in this Buddy Love jacket, denim by Pistola, Poetic Love white top, ShuShop Pepa sneakers, metallic red crossbody purse.

Photo by Calee Edwards

OPPOSITE PAGE: Brandie is ready to rock in her Elan Rock & Roll jacket, denim by Risen, and Brianna Cannon headband.

Fun Festival and Concert Wear


is the Season of festivals! Fall Festivals, Arts & Crafts Festivals, and Music Festivals to name a few! At SSS, we believe that you can be cool and comfy while making a style statement at all of your fun events this season! South Georgia weather is unpredictable this time of year, so it’s a great idea to layer statement pieces over light weight tops or graphic tees. You can NEVER go wrong with a great pair of jeans either! We love the look of a shiny crossbody or fringe belt bag to keep your valuables safe while adding a major style element to your outfit. Whether you are dancing to a band or walking from booth to booth, you must have shoes that keep you comfortable and our faves have fringe on them!!!  We are so excited about the addition of Unity Park to Downtown Valdosta and look forward to many festivals and concerts there in the future!


• Accessorize!! Accessories can completely elevate a basic look to glam!

• Don’t be scared of textures!! Fringe, sequins, and sparkles all add interest and dimension to your look.

• Denim is ALWAYS in. ALWAYS.

• Buy statement pieces in colors that work for multiple events like concerts and tailgating at the Georgia game!

18 Valdosta Magazine

Fa rites


GO-TO GIFT: “My go-to gift item for the holidays are gift cards to local businesses. I like to shop local and support those who support me.”


“I love dressing at Thanksgiving and prime rib at Christmas.”

Robyn is in white on white with a Sanctuary button down top and Spanx white skinny jeans paired with Shu Shop brown Tuti mules. She is accessorized with gold Betty Carre hoops, Carolina Strung necklace, and Carolina Strung bracelets on one arm, and Ronaldo and Bara Boheme bracelets mixed on the other arm and a Consuela lil matt Wedge bag.

Robyn West Rainwater

robyn Rainwater West can be found in a cap and t-shirt when she is working at one of Valdosta’s iconic eating establishments, the Wooden Nickel, which she has owned since 2006. But other times she can be found in more classy attire.

Robyn, 53, was born in Thomasville but has been in Valdosta since she was three months old when her parents moved here in 1969. In fact, her father, James H. Rainwater, served as mayor for 17 years. The Rainwater Conference Center is named for him.

A graduate of the 2020-2021 Leadership Lowndes program, she is following her father’s devotion to civic duty. She is involved and supports several community organizations and donates heavily through the Wooden Nickel to local sports teams, schools, and Moody Air Force Base. “I believe in giving back to my community that has given so much to me and my family over the years.”

In her spare time, she enjoys exercising, reading, yard work, and traveling. She also enjoys hanging at her favorite Valdosta “hot-spot,” the Wooden Nickel. “I enjoy the customers, meeting new people, familiar faces, working with my employees, and, of course, the food. Her biggest enjoyment is her family, which she shares with her husband, Chad West.

Her Valdosta roots run deep, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. “Valdosta is home. My restaurant is here, and my friends and family are here. Besides, it’s an incredibly beautiful city,” she said.

Top: Robyn is sure to be comfortable in this Spanx Dolman white top with a Heartloom pu er vest, Spanx out of o ce Jogger, and our Matisse Gianna natural sneakers. Her accessories are BudhaGirl brown bangles and Vahaan bracelets from Steels and a Consuela luncheon bag in diamond black.

Right: Robyn is ready for any event in this white and beige Maude sweater with Mavi Sydney deep blue brushed flare jeans, paired with Bambi natural Matisse booties. Her accessories are Carolina String bracelets, gold Betty Carre hoops, and a Hobo Fern Convertible Shoulder in brandy.


How To Style White After Labor Day

fashion is a form of self-expression and everyone’s style is di erent! Personality, body type, and a person’s height helps determine their own style. Trends and rules change in the fashion world from year to year. The hardest trend to change has been the rule to not wear white after Labor Day and it's finally happening, to everyone’s delight.

You can trace this rule as far back as the turn of the century. The wealthy elite would put away their white and other light-colored apparel after summer. At that time, they would then switch it out for darker and heavier fabrics. The “rule” began on Labor Day because it signifies the end of summer.

Today its more about fabric choice than the color of your outfit. Now you can style white with anything as long as it is weather appropriate for your surrounding area and your day-to-day activities. Bottom line is you can and should wear white after Labor Day!

tips• Adding shades of white is a powerful combination which gives you a polished and refined look.

• White can add that POP to your fall wardrobe, especially where it's more neutral.

• Cropped or skinny white jeans have always been timeless.

• Trending now is the relaxed fit and wide legged styles. These denim choices, depending on the top, can easily be dressed up for a night out or dressed down for an everyday look.

• The shoes and accessories you choose will also make the di erence in how you pull o your desired look.

22 Valdosta Magazine FASHION FORWARD
ABOVE: Greylin white tweed Constance blazer and Greylin Constance shorts paired with Agency white Matisse boots. The outfit is accessorized with gold Bracha hoops and Bara Boheme bracelets and a Hobo Vida Tru e wristlet. Photography by Wes Sewell Photography OPPOSITE PAGE: Robyn is featured in a Lavender Brown ivory and rust dress paired with tall Agency white Matisse boots acessorized with BudhaGirl three kings’ bangles in ivory and brown, Betsy Pittard brown and gold earrings, and Hobo Jessa purse in gold. Article


229-219-0007 3215 N Oak Street Ext. Valdosta, GA 31605


bJeanna Ganas

eing a teacher, author, artist, volunteer, wife, and mother are enough to keep anyone busy, but Jeanna Ganas does it all with a smile…and in bold patterns and bright colors –her go-to style preferences.

Jeanna moved to Valdosta to attend Valdosta State University in 2002 and “…fell in love with the community.” While at VSU, she became involved in community organizations through her role as president of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority and as Miss Valdosta State University. “The opportunities and introductions provided to me while attending VSU have paved the way for all of my current involvement throughout the community,” she explained.

After graduation, she became a teacher at Valwood, which gave her the “opportunity to share the community with my classroom and my classroom with the community, like collecting items for the Georgia Sheri ’s Boys Ranch at Christmas,” Jeanna said.

As a member of the Valdosta Junior Service League and serving as president in 2019-2020, Jeanna learned even more about the needs of the community. “I am a firm believer in the importance of teaching not only my own children, but also my classroom students the importance of serving and that it is never too soon to start giving back to the community,” she explained.

Perhaps she is best known for, and has learned the most from, being an author. In 2019, she released her first children’s book, "Boo" with its positive message of “never give up” that encourages children to keep trying no matter what obstacles they face. “I never imagined that one decision to never give up would lead to me becoming an award-winning author, partner to numerous volunteer organizations, advisor to emerging authors, social media influencer to thousands of fellow educators and authors, and founder of my own self-publishing company, PeekaBoo Publishing.”

As with most other things she does, even her hobby of painting has turned into a venture of its own. “I love anything that allows me to be creative. Dabbling with painting has turned into one of my favorite pastimes and has unexpectedly led to the creation of a side art business,” Jeanna said.

Jeanna is glad she decided to stay in Valdosta. “Valdosta is a town with a caring community. I can think of no better place to raise a family. It’s small enough to know someone wherever I go but large enough to always have the opportunity to meet new people everywhere I go as well.”

At the heart of it all for Jeanna is her family. She and her husband of 12 years, Andy, have two children, Anna Rose and Gri n.

“With all of the doors that my author journey has opened, I am most proud of the fact that I can stand before my children and my students as a walking example of what hard work and determination can do.”

Above: This Midnight in Paris tweed mini is accessorized with Golden Gal hoops and fits Jeanna’s easy going personality and fun style.

Top Opposite Page: Jeanna is radiant in this So Meaningful midi dress and is perfect for after business and social events. The Matisse Caty Paisley bootie makes a statement.

24 Valdosta Magazine

Fa rites


“Comfortable, casual, and colorful! I love easy, light, airy outfits that fit my daily professional and personal lifestyle and colorful because I love bold patterns and colors.”


“Christmas caroling with our neighborhood families has been a tradition we cherish.”

With Jeanna’s busy schedule as an educator, author, and volunteer, this Mixed Media tan mini dress is perfect, paired with Matisse Caty Paisley bootie.

Chic Inspiration in Today’s Fashion

in the age of social media and ever-changing trends, it can be a challenge to keep up. Staying true to yourself and wearing clothing that makes you feel like the MOST confident version of yourself is a key component.

Platforms like Instagram and Tik Tok define many of these brief fads, and they determine a substantial percentage of what is on the horizon for the fashion industry. Amid this, the concept of “Chic Fashion” always seems to remain. While there are numerous definitions of “chic,” words like elegant, classic, and sophisticated are frequently used to describe it. The term encompasses a feminine and classic look that may be absent from some of the current major trends but will never truly leave the fashion industry. The circulation of classic trends coming back from the past is a fitting example of this.

A great amount of versatility and comfort comes with these ever-changing trends and incorporating this “chic inspiration” into them can so easily tie together an outfit, ultimately bringing it back to a classic and timeless feel.


• Mixing contemporary styles of clothing with timeless pieces can help create a style that is true to you.

• Incorporating materials like tweed and silk into your wardrobe can elevate your day-today styles and create a sense of class and sophistication.

• Opting for classic and simple gold jewelry can also keep you on trend, while pulling in a clean and sophisticated feel.

LEFT: Sisterology’s Midnight in Paris tweed mini dress paired with a classic Matisse Midnight Caty bootie. This mini styles perfectly with go-to Golden Gal hoops. Photo by Calee Edwards

OPPOSITE PAGE: Jeanna’s favorite turtleneck sweater, Selina, leather leggings, and Matisse Caty Midnight bootie.

26 Valdosta Magazine FASHION FORWARD
1 (877) LUVESIS 3308 Country Club Road, Unit B Valdosta, GA 31602 @shopsisterology THREE SISTERS, ONE DREAM START SHOPPING AND JOIN THE SISTERHOOD TODAY!

Todd Shiver t

odd Shiver is a financial advisor and co-owner of Southern Point Investment Partners.

The 46-year-old Valdosta native is married to Kelly Shiver. They have one son, Kaleb, with whom Todd enjoys traveling for Kaleb’s golf games.

Todd loves his hometown and the community where he and Kelly chose to live, raise their family, and own a business.

“I love this community. I cherish the opportunity to be involved and try to make a di erence in the progress and perception of the city of Valdosta and Lowndes County,” Todd said. “I like the small-town feel, yet it’s centrally located to beaches, larger towns, and mountains. When you go places, people know your name.”

It’s his friends and family that mean the most. “If I’m invested in friends of mine or my family, I’m all in. There is no grey area. My people are my people,” he emphasized. “I hope that when people need me through di cult times, they realize I will be there for them and it will be with no exceptions in return.”

Todd’s community activities include his membership in the Azalea City Civic Club, a club he says, “gives back to local school and organizations and supports the community.”

28 Valdosta Magazine
Todd’s go-to style is casual so this outfit featuring a Southern Point sports shirt, Duckhead five pocket pants, and custom boots is perfect for him.
VALDOSTA'S EXCLUSIVE RETAILER OF BARBOUR, JOHNNIE O, PATAGONIA, PETER MILLAR, SOUTHERN TIDE, TOM BECKBE, DUCKHEAD, AND MORE! 229-244-1807 141 Gornto Road • Valdosta, GA Open: Monday - Saturday 10-6PM Sunday 1-6PM @rlmartinco FASHION ISSUE 2022 29 Todd is ready for one of his favorite sports, bird hunting, in this Tom Beckbe sports shirt, Citizens of Humanity jeans, and custom boots. F FASHION FORWARD This Filson hunting vest is perfect year round with its breathable mesh rear panel. Protect your firearm in a Tom Beckbe leather gun case with full-grain leather exterior and a padded, synthetic fleece-lined interior. VALDOSTA'S EXCLUSIVE RETAILER OF BARBOUR, JOHNNIE O, PATAGONIA, PETER MILLAR, SOUTHERN TIDE, TOM BECKBE, DUCKHEAD, AND MORE! 229-244-1807 141 Gornto Road • Valdosta, GA Open: Monday - Saturday 10-6PM Sunday 1-6PM @rlmartinco New Location Opening Early 2023 Summit Point, 3350 Country Club Road

Fa rites


“I love a classy handbag, statement jewelry, and an awesome pair of shoes. I feel these accessories complete a wardrobe.”


“Spending Christmas with my family, opening presents, reminiscing, and sharing a wonderful holiday meal.”

Laverne is stunning in this CK Bradley Annabelle maxi dress in dragon green & gold. The Annabelle Dress is the perfect special occasion dress for fall with metallic touches and classic Greek key tape at the sleeves and waist. Pair this dress with a strappy sandal or pumps and turn heads at your next event. Laverne paired this with her own navy slingback pumps.

Laverne G. McHellen

laverne McHellen looks much younger than her 78 years might suggest. Besides her stunning outward appearance, her radiant smile reflects an inner beauty that runs much deeper.

Mrs. McHellen founded Oma’s Learning Center and Daycare 40 years ago. She and her late husband have five daughters: Derri Carswell, a teacher at Valdosta Middle School; Ceila Mitchell, a licensed therapist and founder of Pathway to Hope Counseling Services; Caterina Orr, an author, founder of Get It Write Consulting, and a drama teacher at Valdosta High School; Deverra “Sam” Byrdsong, financial director of Oma’s Learning Center; and Dr. Tymura McHellen, a college professor.

A Valdosta native, Mrs. McHellen loves Valdosta because of “the friendliness of the people, the football teams, and the city itself.”

She remains active, which includes giving back to the community and helping others in various ways. She is a faithful member of Courtland Avenue Church of Christ and serves as a board member for Pathway to Hope Counseling Services, as well as a booster member for the drama club at Valdosta High School. To remain fit, she is a regular member of the cardio rehab groups at South Georgia Medical Center and the YMCA.

In her spare time, she enjoys shopping and watching football. “Watching football is one of my favorite things to do with my family. We are big football fans. Go Wildcats!” she said.

Above: Anyone will be comfortable in this Caryn Lawn Twyla sweater in camel & pink and DL1961 Mara straight dark Riviera frayed jeans.

Below: This classy look consists of a Jude Connally Sadie dress in wildflower and a Susan Shaw 36" hand knotted pearl necklace.


Ageless Style

the famed Coco Chanel once said, “Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they notice the woman.”

Women want to be fashion forward, stylish and look their best at every age. The key to ageless style is choosing sensible clothing that complements your daily lifestyle and your body type and gives you that boost of confidence that makes you feel like a queen! Here are a few tips to help every woman elevate her everyday style and always be impeccably dressed.


• Create a daily uniform that you feel confident and comfortable wearing and then build your wardrobe around it.

• Choose bold, colorful clothing! You deserve to stand out when you walk into any room.

• Trade your traditional dress pants that age you for on trend denim jeans that flatter your figure. Pair it with a showstopping blouse or sweater.

• Show some leg! Don’t feel resigned to long dresses just because you’re a “certain age.”

• Find a seamstress. Most clothes don’t fit perfectly o the rack. If you find a beautiful piece of clothing that doesn’t fit perfectly, take it to a seamstress. A seamstress can adjust your clothing so that it fits like it was made for you.

32 Valdosta Magazine FASHION FORWARD
Willa Story Cates top in stripe and DL 1961 Bridget boot crop in milk raw paired with Luv AJ hoop earrings and Able crossbody bag. Photo by Calee Edwards. OPPOSITE PAGE: Transition to fall in the Cleobella Jane ankle dress and pair it with wedges, heels, boots, or sneakers. Laverne paired this with our Susan Shaw Gold Bee turquoise necklace for a pop of color!
Located at The Publix Shopping Center at Baytree Village 1733 Gornto Road, 103F | Valdosta | 229-560-3150 Monday-Friday 10:00 am-5:30 pm | Saturday 10:00am-3:00pm @morgansvaldosta PREMIER APPAREL FOR VALDOSTA'S BEST DRESSED WOMEN You can now shop online 24/7 at


lLangley &HadleighLaytonLaHood

angley, 8, and Hadleigh, 5, may be the youngest models, but they, too, have plenty of style. Born in Valdosta, they attend Valwood School.

When they’re not in school, Langley enjoys riding his go kart, going to their family farm, and playing outside. His favorite outfit is a short sleeve shirt and shorts because, “it’s comfortable and I don’t get too hot.” His favorite place to go in Valdosta is Recoil.

Hadleigh enjoys gymnastics, playing with her Barbies, and riding her scooter. She likes dresses because they are, “comfy and I can play in them.” Her favorite thing to do in Valdosta is go to the movies.

Left: Langley is so handsome in The Beaufort Bonnet Company Deans List dress shirt, Properly Tied shorts, Southern Tide brown leather belt, and Footmates loafers. Hadleigh is too precious in Beaufort Bonnet Company Betts bow dress. Above: Langley and Hadleigh will be comfortable and stylish for a long day at school. Hadleigh is wearing a Claire and Charlie set and her Footmates shoes and Langley is in Properly Tied shorts, Southern Tide polo and brown leather belt, and Footmates loafers.

Langley and Hadleigh are all dressed up in matching attire. Hadleigh is wearing The Beaufort Bonnet Company Annie Apron dress with Footmates shoes. Langley is dressed in The Beaufort Bonnet Company Deans List dress shirt, Bailey Boys khaki pants, and Footmates loafers.

Timeless and Classic

at Little Options, we love to mix fun, trendy prints with classic, timeless pieces that never go out of style! When dressing your kids, we love clothes that can be mixed and matched and worn several di erent ways! This little blue dress by The Beaufort Bonnet Company is perfect and timeless and can be passed down for years to come! Pair it with a fun printed top and Footmates for a casual look or

easily dress it up for church, holidays etc.! Finding staple pieces for your child’s closet that o er versatility gives you the perfect outfit for any occasion!

Enjoy your child’s various stages and let them be little as long as you can. They grow up so fast, so don’t rush dressing them older than they really are. You will look back on their young stages of life and be glad you “let them be little.”

Above: The Beaufort Bonnet Company Julia Jumper and Maude’s Peter Pan collar shirt go perfectly with Footmates shoes and bow by Wee Ones.

Opposite Page: Hadleigh wearing SET Athleisure with Vintage Havana sneakers.

36 Valdosta Magazine FASHION FORWARD
FROM INFANTS TO PRE-TEENS FOR BOYS & GIRLS, SANTA STOPS AT LITTLE OPTIONS KIDS FOR THE LATEST IN TOYS & FINE CLOTHING. 229-244-4807 3338-G Country Club Rd Valdosta, GA 31605 Follow us: Littleoptionskids

Fa rites


“My must have accessory is my watch. I have to be wearing a watch every day. Another accessory I must have is my wedding ring and band! It is beautiful and it represents the love Hunter and I have. And it came from our friends at Steel's Jewelry!


“Honey ham and mac and cheese. I feel every holiday meal should be these dishes. And the mac and cheese should be really cheesy.”

Mikki looks casual and cute with her layers of necklaces and bracelets. For a classically elegant look, we paired statement drop earrings with a tennis necklace and bracelet.


Hudson Wills

some people have the ability to make everyone feel better when they are around. Mikki Hudson Wills just may be at the top of that list. Known to so many as the owner and head chef at Jessie’s Restaurant in downtown Valdosta, Mikki is almost as well known for her community service and her love for Valdosta State University.

Originally from Atlanta, she attended VSU from 1997 – 2001. After a brief stint back in Atlanta after graduation she moved to Orlando and worked for Disney before making her way back to Valdosta in 2009, when she purchased Jessie’s Restaurant.

“I love how Valdosta is such an awesome community. We have so many small businesses that want to help the community grow and are so willing to give. I love our local university and all it has to o er students and our community,” Mikki explained of her adopted hometown.

Mikki stays active keeping her finger on the pulse of the downtown business community and also on encouraging VSU alumni and organizing activities for involvement and support of her beloved alma matter. She is president of the VSU Alumni Association and is very active in the South Georgia alumni chapter. She is also the social chair for Leadership Lowndes and serves on the board of Girls on the Run!

“I feel it is very important to be involved. One, you get to see things that are going on around you that might not be aware of otherwise. Two, as a small business owner, I feel being involved makes a full circle, if we give back to our community then the community is more than willing to support our businesses,” she explained.

Mikki is married to another chef, Hunter Wills. They enjoy cooking together and being in the same line of work. Occasionally, Hunter is the guest chef for special dinners and events at Jessie’s Restaurant. They do like to get away from the business when they can by enjoying time with each other and their friends.

“My favorite thing to do when we have a weekend o is travel and go on adventures with Hunter. I especially enjoy kayaking; being out in nature and on the water is amazing!”

Below: Mikki is ready for any holiday party in this mix of chunky and classic styles including these spectacular chandelier earrings and a wide gold and diamond bangle.


Fun With Layers

This gorgeous mix includes 2 Vahan bracelets, a classic Michele watch, bezel set tennis bracelet, a beaded bracelet, wrap diamond bangle, and a chunky link diamond bracelet.

styling a classic sweater for day to evening is easy when you have a stack of bracelets. These are great for a day at work or running errands right on into a dinner out! I usually consider the layered jewelry look to lean more casual. When you have a pile of bracelets, the look is fun and eclectic! Mikki is featuring several bracelets along with her classic twotoned Michele watch. From basic gold beads to a funky Vahan bangle and a

classic diamond tennis bracelet, they all work together to create a uniquely personal vibe. On the other hand, when you wear one simple diamond tennis bracelet or necklace, the look screams classic and elegant.

When I go to a formal event, I like to focus on one “star” statement piece and then let the other items I wear be more “supporting characters.” So for example, with her classic black dress, Mikki is wearing a fabulous pair of diamond drop

earrings with a simple line necklace and tennis bracelet, which creates a glamorous “semi-formal” or “cocktail attire” look. For a more casual look with her cute jean jacket, we have added a gold link necklace, and a teardrop pendant. We changed her earrings to studs and threw a couple more bracelets on with the tennis bracelet. When you layer your jewelry, it can create the most perfectly unique looks that highlight your style and personality.

40 Valdosta Magazine
Holiday Cheer We are spreading some Buy 1 Get 1 50% Off In-stock items through the month of December *Some exclusions apply. See store for details. AD

Stepping Out

astylish outfit does not end with beautiful clothes. In fact, some people think one of the most essential pieces in creating a sense of style are the shoes. Shoes need to be both functional and fashionable and complete the outfit to give it that final “wow” factor. There have never been more options in shoe styles, so have fun and complete your incredible outfit by stepping out in your style.



Elevate your fall wardrobe in Only Option’s Kulika heeled bootie by Marc Fisher. Featuring a sleek silhouette, the Kulika bootie adds a touch of flare to any outfit with its subtle metallic shimmer.  2

SISTEROLOGY: The popular Stepping Out tan bootie, from Sisterology, features a platform toe and chunky block heel, making them comfortable and stylish.



City Market stylists recommend the Coconut Bambi natural boots because they style well with jeans, dresses, and shorts.



Leopard sneakers!! Y’all what could be better!? Stylish Southern & Sassy feature the Paulina-Leopard Hair on Hide sneakers that are super comfortable and are sure to elevate any outfit you choose to wear them with!

42 Valdosta Magazine
4 3

Fa rites


“I consider my style to be classy and timeless. It takes me a while to adopt trendy styles. Timeless is a look I go for...something that will always be in style.”


“My go to accessory is my Sheila Fajl hoops and Budda Bangles because it goes with everything and is so simple.”

Madeline Culpepper

born and raised in Valdosta, Madeline loves the small-town feel of her hometown and being surrounded by family and friends she has known since childhood. “I love Valdosta. I truly believe the people here are what makes Valdosta great. I love knowing I am surrounded by such wonderful family and friends that I can always count on,” she said.

Madeline is a registered nurse in the emergency room and recovery room at South Georgia Medical Center, a career she enjoys because she loves caring for others. "Being able to connect with your patients on such an intimate level is so important. Nursing is more than just saving lives, it's also being compassionate and loving and being the patient's biggest advocate," she explained. "To just touch one person" is her goal every day. "I want my patients to remember me as being kind. When patients are in the emergency room they are feeling scared, doubtful, and worried about themselves or a family member of friend. Being there for those patients is something I really enjoy. It's an honor for me."

As if she's not busy enough, Madeline is also a certified yoga instructor. She taught yoga through nursing school and believes it’s a great way to stay active. She said, “I enjoy sharing all the joy and energy yoga has brought me with others."

One of the ways Madeline will be helping her community this fall is by volunteering at LAMP for their Feed the City event in November. For Christmas, she will continue helping with Operation Christmas Child. “Growing up I loved going with my mom and picking out gifts for the children and it's something I still love to do.”

Will Steinberg a

self-professed college football fanatic, Will Steinberg, a 21-year-old student at VSU, may seem like a typical college student at first glance. But, peeling back the layers of what makes him tick reveals much deeper convictions than many guys his age.

A double major in Political Science and Spanish, he works at White Weddings as a men’s formal wear consultant and at Living Bridges Ministry as an interpreter for Spanish speaking clients. He serves in the ministry of Porch Community Church, serves on the leadership team at the Wesley Foundation on campus, and supports the Miracle League in Valdosta.

“I love my church! Without my church family and network of support, I would not be here today or be the person I am today,” Will emphasized.

Will also has a strong sense of community and appreciates that Valdosta is “a community that gives back.” He explained, “Most people I know serve in at least some capacity — through their church, by volunteering or donating to a local nonprofit — it’s a city with a servant’s heart.”

As the holidays approach, Will looks forward to a few activities that he participates in helping others. “I love the ‘Birthday Party for Jesus’ that Living Bridges hosts for client families where they can get gifts for their children and learn about the Christmas story. And, buying gifts for children in need through a program at The Porch always touches my heart,” he said. “We take so much for granted and these things bring such tremendous joy to these children.”

A Valdosta native, Will believes the community is a very warm, welcoming place and he finds that very encouraging. “I love that Valdosta feels like one big family. You can walk into just about any store or restaurant and feel like you’re in somebody’s living room – even with folks you’ve never met before!”

Fa rites


“I always look forward to the candlelight Christmas Eve service at my church when we sing ‘Silent Night.’ It brings tears to my eyes.”


“Books! I love giving Christian books that I’ve read to people as gifts. I write a message inside and pray over each book that the spiritual wisdom in the pages will allow them to experience the message and love of God.”

44 Valdosta Magazine
Styles By WHITE

Left: The Jensen one shoulder satin bridesmaid dress is an elegant choice for any event. The sleek asymmetrical neckline flatters the collarbone while o ering bust coverage, and slim spaghetti straps highlight the back beautifully.

Left: The Chase scoop neck bridesmaid dress is chic and modern. It features a satin back crepe fabric and delicate spaghetti straps. Tailored in a unique fabric comprised of CoolMax for comfort and Sorona for maximum flexibility, the Michael Kors blue performance wedding suit looks and feels great. Pair it with a pair of matching pants and vest for a three-piece look.

This Page: High fashion isn’t just for the runway. This Martina Liana is the wedding dress of every fashionista’s dreams. The extravagant, A-line couture ballgown starts with a V-neckline, which features stunning sequins and sparkling beading. The grand finale of this fabulous gown is the voluminous, multi-layer feature and tulle skirt. The Michael Kors Legacy is a tuxedo like no other. Tailored in a unique performance stretch fabric for comfort and maximum flexibility. The Legacy features a satin notch lapel and double besome pockets. Its ultra slim styling will fit all body types including big and tall sizes.

Bridal Inspiration

Left: The scattered pearl veil and elbow length sheer gloves are the perfect formal touch to your wedding day. The detachable silk bow and Haute Couture statement earrings are personality pieces that brides can’t get enough of! Photo by Calee Edwards

Opposite Page: Clean and modern with a luxurious twist, minimalist bridal style has never looked better. Madeline is wearing a Martina Liana, crafted with a rich silk Zibeline fabric for a defined structure, complementing the slim silhouette e ortlessly. Will complements Madeline in a Michael Kors blue performance wedding suit.

your wedding day is an outward display of an inward feeling. Your wedding dress is no di erent. As stylists, we often explain to our brides that their dresses are “an expression of who you are.” It’s the one day that all eyes are on you and what you wear should reflect how you feel and express your personality. The easiest way to incorporate who you are is through the accessories you choose. Accessories are one of the few things you get to keep from your wedding day. It makes it that much more meaningful that you can pass these items down to friends or loved

ones for generations to come and they tell a story — your love story!

If there’s anything we’ve witnessed in the recent years in the bridal industry, it’s that brides are really going for a creative edge when it comes to their fashion choices. Find pieces that best represent your personality and don’t be afraid to have fun and be bold!

Whether that’s a fun veil or headpiece or even an abstract bow, we have found that now more than ever, brides are daring to be di erent! Here are a few tips and tricks on how to accessorize your “big day.”

tips• When in doubt, veil it out! A veil is always my go-to finishing touch to help create that magical “bridal moment.” It’s that extra flare that goes a long way and completes your bridal look.

• Something Old & Something New are easy to incorporate. This can be wearing Grandma’s pearls or redesigning family heirlooms into something completely new and unique to you! There’s nothing quite as special as including your loved ones in the finishing touches on your day.

• Find pieces that you would wear again or want to pass down to friends or family.

46 Valdosta Magazine FASHION FORWARD
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Holiday STYLE

WChristmases past, styling those family heirlooms can be done in very unique and beautiful ways. In this section, two local designers, Dana Perry and Harriette Sutton, show how they style holiday decorations that embrace the past with their own personalized touch — ideas you too can incorporate into your holiday decorating this year.

And, Valdosta Country Club o ers stylish drink recipes for sipping among all of your beautiful decorations!


Welcome to Christmas

Designs to Welcome Friends and Family Into Your Home

NNothing says welcome and please come in, quite like a glimpse of Christmas cheer when you open your door to a friend, and they feel the Christmas splendor upon their entry. It is indeed the most wonderful time of the year, and I love for it to begin in my home’s entrances, exits, and pass throughs, o ering a gracious greeting and a warm farewell. I love for foyers, friend’s entrances, and backdoors to evoke the ambiance for the season and instantly change one’s mood to “all things merry and bright.” So do please come in and join me as we peruse a few of my favorite welcoming entries.


Holiday STYLE

A beautiful nativity and fresh magnolia clipped from the yard is as simple and beautiful as it gets. This is what always greets my guests in the front foyer during the season.

I have been collecting Christmas decorations as long as I can remember. Hence, most things tell a story and share a special memory for my family and me.

A chest, etagere, or console is a great place to display a Christmas collection. A grouping of angels, trees, Christmas candles, villages, or Santas can be lovely in a small vignette.

In the master vestibule, I have grouped a collection of Christmas trees mixed with porcelain that remain year around.

A mirror is not fully dressed for the holidays until a beautiful wreath is hanging on it. I love the layers and festive feeling it o ers.

I love hanging stockings in unexpected places. I like to add them on a chest or bu et with greenery or beautiful candy canes tucked in them.

When displaying a grouping, it is most e ective to vary the heights of your collection and adding fresh greenery makes it extra special and helps hides cords, etc.

Using decorative items that you have and adding fresh greenery and candles is a lovely way to add elegance without much fuss. For example, a beautiful box or porcelain can be the focal point of your chest and just adding magnolia with several pillar candles can make a statement. To make an area extra special doesn’t require using all Christmas décor.

54 Valdosta Magazine

“Here comes Santa Claus” decor greets visitors at our friend’s entrance for a more casual and festive feel. These antique silk screen prints were used for store front displays in the 1930s. They are a treasure to pull out every year. Displaying a collection is impactful and memorable rather than mixing a lot of di erent Christmas decorations.

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Joyful and Cozy Christmas Mantels

Nutcrackers, felt Christmas trees, berries and bright colors add whimsy for the young and young at heart.

FASHION ISSUE 2022 57 Holiday

Holiday STYLE

Top Right: Minimalistic pine and dried orange garland with a touch of cinnamon and clove create a Christmas atmosphere without obstructing screen time. “It’s a Wonderful Life!”

Right: Antlers, drapey coiled ribbon in soft blue with flashes of gold accentuate the WOW of this stunning mantel.

58 Valdosta Magazine
Above: Muted sage and champagne ribbon with twinkle lights and eucalyptus combined with traditional garland create an inviting and elegant mantel.
Specializing in drapery, furniture and house plan design; with a commitment to comfort, elegance and beauty. 229-686-4420 southernladyinteriors Harriette Sutton, Owner
Blue and white vases, blue berries, and the simple message of the savior make this a favorite.


Here’s to the Holidays from Valdosta Country Club

Home for the Holidays Sangria

A Red Sangria that compliments dinner from Thanksgiving through Christmas ... Tastes like a sugarplum and feels like home.


* 1 shot pineapple juice

* 1 shot orange juice

* 1 ½ shot St Elder Pamplemousse Liqueur (pink grapefruit)

* Bold Cabernet (We use Cartlidge & Browne Cabernet)


* Pomegranate seeds

* 2 Orange slices

* Rosemary sprig

* Cinnamon stick

In a wine glass add ice. Pour 1 shot of orange juice, 1 shot of pineapple juice, and 1 ½ shot pamplemousse. Top with cab. Stir. Garnish with fruits, rosemary sprig and cinnamon stick.

TThere’s just something about a holiday cocktail – the seasonal flavors, the extra garnish, the fancy name –that make the season a little more festive. Valdosta Country Club Food and Beverage Manager Brandy Condrey shares some of her favorite cocktail recipes that are sure to step up your gathering through the Holiday season!

Make ahead for a party: in large pitcher or punch bowl, combine one bottle of wine, 12 oz orange juice, 12 oz pineapple juice, 18 oz pamplemousse. Add fruit to soak up the juices or use as a garnish along with rosemary and cinnamon.

60 Valdosta Magazine

Me y Mint Shot

A sweet little crowd-pleaser.

Ingredients: * 1 shot Peppermint Schnapps * 1 shot Smirno Whipped Vodka * ½ shot RumChata Crème Liqueur

½ shot Grenadine


Whipped Cream

Soft Peppermints crushed into a dust

Pour ingredients into a shaker with ice. Shake. Strain into shot glasses. Top with whipped cream and peppermint dust. Makes three shots.


A Valdosta Country Club seasonal favorite that is sure to keep you toasty.

Ingredients: * 1 shot whipped vodka * 1 shot heavy cream * ¾ shot Godiva Dark Chocolate Liqueur * Tablespoon chocolate syrup

Garnish: * Chocolate Syrup

Graham Crumble



Pour chocolate syrup on a plate. Slowly rim all glasses in chocolate. Dip in graham crumble. Chill in refrigerator for a minimum of 10 minutes. Set aside.

In a shaker, combine all drink ingredients with ice. Shake. Strain into martini glass. Skewer a marshmallow. Now for the fun part ... Torch the marshmallow!

South Georgia’s PREMIER FLORIST Creating exceptional designs & lasting memories for brides for over 20 years. VOTED BEST FLORIST FOR 20+ YEARS! Located in Historic Downtown Valdosta 127 N. Ashley Street • Valdosta, GA 31601 (229) 242-1001 The Flower Gallery
& Kelley Nix


South Georgia Medical Center Cardiothoracic Surgeon Dr. James Shoptaw shares the importance of early detection for those who may be at risk for lung cancer.

SGMC o ers low-dose CT screenings, which are simple x-rays of the lungs that can detect cancer in its most treatable stages. If caught early, lung cancer has a 90 percent survival rate.

What you should know…


The most common cause of lung cancer is smoking. Other risk factors include secondhand smoke, family history of lung cancer, exposure to radon, asbestos exposure, tar in the workplace, and radiation therapy to the chest.

Should You Get Screened

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends yearly lung cancer screening for people who:

• Have a 20-pack-year or more smoking history, and

• Smoke now or have quit within the past 15 years, and

• Are between 50 and 77 years old.

Lung cancer screenings are recommended only for adults who are at high risk for developing the disease because of their smoking history and age, and who do not have a health problem that substantially limits their life expectancy or their ability or willingness to have lung surgery if needed.


The best way to reduce your risk of lung cancer is to not smoke and to avoid secondhand smoke. However, lung cancer screening is not a substitute for quitting smoking. Cigarettes can harm the tissue of the lungs, impeding their ability to function properly, and can increase the risk for conditions such as emphysema, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The overall goal is to detect lung cancer at a very early stage — when it's more likely to be cured. By the time signs and symptoms of lung cancer develop, it is usually too advanced for curative treatment.

For more information on low-dose lung cancer screenings and your eligibility, visit

James Shoptaw, MD FACS

Cardiac Services, Cardiothoracic Surgery

Dr. Shoptaw is married to Helen and together they have four boys, James, Robert, Samuel and William. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family, watching his boys participate in sporting activities, going to the lake, fishing, and hunting. To learn more about Dr. Shoptaw, scan the code with your mobile device.

Lung Cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide.
An estimated 236,740 people will be diagnosed with lung cancer in 2022 in the U.S.
Dr. James Shoptaw joined SGMC in 2021 and is a cardiothoracic surgeon at the SGMC CardioVascular Institute. He has more than 23 years of experience and specializes in carotid endarterectomies, revascularization procedures for lower extremities, abdominal aortic aneurysms, treatments for lung cancer and coronary artery disease. He is American Board Certified in both surgery and thoracic surgery.




Distinguished Alumni


Story by JOHN Flail Photo by JAVON LONGIELIERE | Luke Photo by WES SEWELL
Elizabeth Flail and Don Luke were recently honored by the Valdosta State University Alumni Association with top awards at the association's Distinguished Alumni Dinner in October. Flail was named the recipient of the 2022 College of Science and Mathematics Distinguished Alumna Award. Luke was named the 2022 Graduate of the Last Decade (GOLD) honoree.

Dr. Elizabeth Flail


his honor has inspired me to reflect back on my time at VSU and set new goals for my future,” she said.     After earning a Bachelor of Science in Biology in 2007, with summa cum laude honors, Flail went on to graduate at the top of her class in medical school and complete a residency in emergency medicine at the University of Florida. She joined South Georgia Medical Center’s emergency medicine team eight years ago and currently serves as co-director of SGMC’s Emergency Department and Urgent Care.

As a frontline healthcare worker during the global health crisis known as COVID-19, Flail worked tirelessly to care for the sick and was instrumental in saving the lives of many area citizens. When she saw that her colleagues and other healthcare workers were dealing with burnout from the pandemic, she stepped up to o er reassurance and support, and she worked with SGMC to establish a wellbeing committee dedicated to improving the quality of life of healthcare providers.

Flail, her husband, and her three children live in Valdosta, where they enjoy being active and serving others.

“We are a sports family,” she shared. “My kids are busy with baseball, dance, soccer, tumbling, and volleyball. We enjoy our downtime at Twin Lakes with our dog, Laney. I enjoy running, Heart Rize fitness, and tennis.”

Flail and her family host an annual Coins4Cure fundraiser every September, Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Her son is a cancer survivor, and the family has raised more than $20,000 for CURE, an Atlanta-based nonprofit dedicated to conquering childhood cancer through research while also supporting patients and their families.

Q: What are some highlights from your Valdosta State experience?

A:  My fondest memories at VSU are from Greek life. Phi Mu gave me a sense of  family and a resource for community involvement. My greatest achievement was receiving the student leadership award and highest academic achievement award.

Q: What advice do you have for current Valdosta State students? What do you wish someone had told you when you were in college?

A: My advice for students would be to set goals early and make a career plan. When you start college try and imagine where you want to be five to 10 years from now.  Use these four years to set a foundation for your future.

I wish someone had told me it’s a marathon not a race. I went straight from college to medical school then residency. No breaks. Youth and time pass quickly, so make sure you take time for personal growth and experiences.

66 Valdosta Magazine
Dr. Elizabeth Flail with Dr. Richard A. Carvajal, president of VSU. Photo by Paul Leavy

Don Luke


here are so many amazing, talented VSU alumni in our community. To get an honor like this means that I need to work harder to be a positive impact to my community just to be worthy of receiving this award.”

Luke grew up in nearby Nashville, Georgia, but he currently calls Valdosta home. Thirty-three years ago he joined the South Georgia Medical Center team as a phlebotomist and went on to earn a series of promotions. He currently serves as the administrative director over operations at SGMC’s Smith Northview Hospital.

During the global health crisis known as COVID-19, Luke was instrumental in developing and operationalizing SGMC’s vaccination testing lines. This operation was one of the first established in South

Q: What are some highlights from your Valdosta State experience?

A:  Being given the honor of being the Graduate of the Last Decade Award winner is by far the greatest highlight so far. There are so many others that it would be hard to list them all. Academically, being one of the first students to go through the Healthcare Administration curriculum was a great experience. Finally, as an avid sports fan, I love being associated with a school that embraces the traditions associated with being part of a community that is Winnersville, USA.

Q: What advice do you have for current Valdosta State students? What do you wish someone had told you when you were in college?

A: Don’t let anything distract you from your goals. It is easier to accept “no” than to find a path to “yes,” but perseverance will often lead to great rewards.

I wish someone had explained to me that “four years from now” is a lot longer than “four years ago.”

Georgia and was recognized as one of the most e ective in Georgia. He also helped a team develop one of the first monoclonal antibody infusion centers in the state to help reduce the e ects of COVID-19 on infected patients.

In his free time Luke enjoys going to the beach, spending time with his family, and giving back to the community. He is an honorary wing commander at Moody Air Force Base and a 2021 graduate of Leadership Lowndes, a yearlong educational program that inspires community members to build a better Lowndes County by enhancing their service leadership.

Luke earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management in 2014 and a Master of Business Administration in Healthcare Administration in 2016.

DR. ELIZABETH FLAIL & DON LUKE / PROFILES Don Luke with Dr. Richard A. Carvajal, president of VSU. Photo by Paul Leavy

Let OUTDOOR LIVING take your outdoor experience to the next level

If you live in Valdosta or anywhere in the surrounding region, odds are you’ve seen the exceptional work of Outdoor Living. From high-profile public spaces such as the campus of Valdosta State University, South Georgia Medical Center, and City of Valdosta schools, to residences of all shapes and sizes.

“Our goal is to meet the customer’s needs, whether it is pool service, residential and commercial lawn maintenance, or landscaping,” says CEO Brent Moore, Jr., a Valdosta native who started the business in March of 2011. “My desire is to create a complete outdoor experience for each of our customers.”

Brent and his wife have two children and deeply involved in the local community. He has a heart for serving others, including through his church, as well as a Christian men’s recovery residence that he founded. He actively serves as Chairman for The Valdosta Tree Commission.

Outdoor Living is proud to offer the most trustworthy and dependable lawn and pool service in Valdosta and the surrounding area. Give them a call today to create and maintain an oasis at your home or business!

“We take outdoor living to a higher level, making your property more inviting and enjoyable.”
Pool Services | Landscape Maintenance Lighting & Irrigation | Landscaping | Hardscape Other services include Christmas Lighting, Pool Maintenance, Outdoor Kitchens, Patio Furniture, Grills, Playsets, Robotic Mowing, & Mosquito Control 1420 Gornto Road, Valdosta, GA 229-560-7421 Call today to schedule your Christmas Lighting for your home or office.


' S ldest House


Founded in 1980, the Valdosta Heritage Foundation (VHF) is a nonprofit organization “working to sustain historic preservation e orts within our community, helping to protect and promote Valdosta’s historic resources and diverse cultural heritage.” At the top of the group’s “to-do” list is the restoration and preservation of the Wisenbaker-WellsRoberts, Valdosta’s oldest house.

Located at 206 Wells Street, in the Fairview Historic District, the house was built between 1840 and 1845. The

home has a unique and distinct history that predates the city of Valdosta, which was incorporated in 1860, and is fundamental in telling the story of the community’s development. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1984.

In 1999, Roberts descendants gifted the house and almost five acres of property to the VHF to “preserve, restore, and manage the home and grounds.” After restoration of the house was nearly complete, a fire gutted the property in

The WisenbakerWells-Roberts house is Valdosta’s oldest house. Photo by Mandy Yates.

January 2011. The VHF, true to its mission, decided to save the house and the rebuilding process began. By August 2012 the damaged portions of the exterior and the roof had been rebuilt. However, the interior remained unfinished for several years.

Over the last few years, a resurgence of interest and activity has propelled the VHF to develop a plan to compete the restoration. In 2019, they received

permission to convert the property into a bed and breakfast that will be leased by an outside entity. The plan intends to ensure the property’s financial stability and contribute to the revitalization of the downtown district.

Recently, the VHF announced that Phase I of the Wisenbaker-Wells-Roberts House Project has been completed. This initial phase, costing over $95,000, included replacing all the compromised framing from the 2011 fire and the major work for a fire suppression system, initial HVAC, mechanical, and ductwork installation, repairing the roof in several places, and more. The total cost for the entire renovation is estimated to be over $525,000. The timing of subsequent phases will depend on the VHF’s fundraising success.

“When fully restored, this historic home will provide a unique opportunity for study, research, and exploration for all age groups,” said Jessica Ganas. board member.

“When fully restored, this historic home will provide a unique opportunity for study, research, and exploration for all age groups.”
Heritage Foundation Board Member Jessica Ganas, Valdosta Main Street Director Brandie Dame and City Councilwoman and Mayor Pro-Tem, Vivian Miller-Cody. (standing) Frank Herrera, Ricky Holcombe, Wade Crance, Patrick Dukes, Johnny Dukes, Tom Ryan (seated) Susan Dukes, Elissa Noyes, Chuck Ramsey, Nelda Ryan, Susan Swader, Angela Crance.

The Valdosta Heritage Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization governed by a board of directors including officers: Vickie Everitte, president, James Horton, vice-president, Ron Borders, treasurer, Kate Evans, interim Secretary, and Catherine Pendleton, past president. Other board members include: Donald Davis, Alex Alvarez, Curtis Mincey, Skylar Meeler/VLCCC & Tourism Authority, Jeff Brammer, Jessica Ganas, Tommy Crane, Sally Querin, Analease Walker, Mitchell Tatar, and honorary board member, Catherine Redles.

Donations to support the VHF’s efforts to restore the Wisenbaker-Wells-Roberts house can be made online at – or by mail to Valdosta Heritage Foundation, P.O. Box 1792, Valdosta, Georgia 31603

The Wisenbaker Oak at Fairview, which is directly in front of the house, was registered with The Live Oak Society in October 2021 in recognition of being over 100 years old and to honor the family who built the original home.

Photo by Mandy Yates Jordan Ganas, Ron Borders, Richard and Debbie Saeger.
72 Valdosta Magazine Make an Appointment Today! 229-247-7707 1700 N. Patterson Street Valdosta, GA COMPREHENSIVE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL TREATMENT OF THE ANKLE AND FOOT Andrew Woods, DPM, FACFAS Brian Farrell, DPM,FACFAS Put Your Feet in Great Hands! With more than 20 convenient locations throughout Southeast Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida, Ankle & Foot Associates, LLC, strives to provide superior lower extremity care to patients of all ages, from infants to elderly patients.
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74 Valdosta Magazine VM AD Drafts 1 8163 Miller Road | Hahira, GA 31632 Chic + ModernSouthern Elegance + Charm MEETS The Perfect Venue For Your Perfect Event Amenities: • Now booking 2022 wedding weekends • Open-air ceremony pavilion with large seating capacity • Heated & cooled reception barn with spacious covered patio and dance floor • Tastefully appointed Bridal Suite and Groom’s Parlor • Large bar and serving area • In-house coordinator and planner available • Ample parking • And the prettiest landscape in Lowndes County



Are you looking for a fresh start in 2023? You can ring in the new year in a new home if you start now. The holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year, especially when it comes to selling your home and making a move.

Here are some of the best reasons to consider selling your home during the holiday season:

Lower Inventory

There are typically fewer homes on the market during the holidays, so there’s less competition from other sellers to attract buyers. And if you’re also looking to buy, you can be assured that sellers are motivated to close by the end of the year.

Timing is Everything

Whether they’re moving for a new job or a new school, end-of-year house hunters are more likely to be motivated and committed to making a strong o er.

Faster Closing

With the end of the year approaching, everyone involved in the transaction is eager to wrap up the closing process as soon as possible.

It’s an Emotional Time

Anyone who has purchased or sold a property knows that emotions are a big part of the process. Listing your

home during the holidays, where rooms look festive and inviting, can appeal to buyers’ sentimentality. As the saying goes, “There’s no place like home for the holidays.”

If you’re interested in selling, contact a Coldwell Banker agent today, who can expertly market your home so you can get the most out of your sale. Your agent will plan open houses and showings around your schedule, so it doesn’t get in the way of your holiday celebrations.

If you are a buyer, you already know that when motivated sellers are making better deals, the market can work in your favor during the holiday season – don’t miss your chance to earn a great return on your investment while creating great holiday memories in your new home!


At Coldwell Banker Premier Real Estate we are ready to serve you! Contact us today to get started. | VM

The Annette Howell Turner Center for the Arts PRESENTER SERIES SEASON 22 23 JANUARY 10, 2023 MARCH 7, 2023 1962 - 2022 LOWNDES-VALDOSTA ARTS COMMISSION Thank you to our 2022-2023 Premier Sponsors Jerry and Dedra Hughes THANK YOU TO OUR COMMUNITY PARTNERS Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center | Steel's Jewelry | Turner's Fine Furniture United Rentals | Valdosta Magazine | Wild Adventures Theme Park Dr. Edward Fricker Family Tickets $60/ea An optional pre-show dinner will be offered at 6 PM before each show. RSVP Only. Contact the Turner Center for the Arts at 229.247.2787 or visit for tickets and info. All performances begin at 7:30 PM See website for show venue.



For an artist who’s so young, Valdosta’s Hannah Gandy exudes the confidence that comes from success. One could say she has been building a career in art since she was a small child observing her parents, professional photographers. Learning the mastery of composition and light was an early task that came naturally to her. Embarking upon art as a career, however, took a leap of faith, as Gandy decided to pursue a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at Valdosta State University. There’s the question for many would-be artists: how can I make a living in art? Gandy has found the ways. If there’s a secret to her success, it is that by simply saying “yes” – she has found a wide variety of fulfilling work opportuni-


Right: Recent commissioned projects have allowed Gandy to challenge herself with mixed media. For these projects, Gandy enlisted the assistance of her younger sister, Halle, a student at VSU. For Dr. Sonya Merriman, plastic surgeon, they created a one-of-a-kind portrait of a woman’s face using empty Botox vials. Below: For Lowndes High School's grand opening, the Gandys built a big framework on which to mount the reflective pieces they “broke” to create a unique mosaic design.


Commissions for a variety of projects have come her way through “word of mouth” and social media – satisfied customers refer her to others. Gandy observes that a demand for art, and more specifically the joy it brings, grew during Covid shutdowns. People at home want to enjoy joyful moments, such as portraits of special places and family members. For these customers, Gandy notes, “Working with watercolors is a daily medium; I love using it to create pet portraits, which help families remember them when they are gone,”

The commission-based art business she created has continued to thrive. She enjoys teaching watercolor classes in the community at a variety of venues and events, for all ages. At one recent adult event, Gandy featured a painting of an oyster shell as the object lesson. Gandy adds: “Everyone enjoyed the chance to relax and totally focus on learning something new.”

At paint parties, adults can rediscover the creativity they enjoyed as children, perhaps even unlock their own talents. Children’s parties might feature whimsical animals like a gira e or rabbit. Evident in the photos of these events is pure joy on the faces of the artists. Recent commissioned projects that allowed Gandy to challenge herself with mixed media are one for Dr. Sonya Merriman, plastic surgeon, and another for LeAnne McCall, Lowndes High School principal. For these projects, Gandy enlisted the assistance of her younger sister, Halle, a student at VSU.

For Merriman’s o ce, they created a one-of-a-kind

portrait of a woman’s face using empty Botox vials. The sta refers to the large sparkling portrait as “Ms. Fancy” and she has a prominent display space in the lobby. The class of 2022, as seniors, wanted to give a gift to commemorate their school’s history and new construction as they celebrated the grand opening this year. The Gandys built a big framework on which to mount the reflective pieces they “broke” to create a unique mosaic design. Surrounding this legacy Viking in the center are the tools of construction hardware – nuts, bolts, and washers submerged in a transparent resin – integral in bringing the new LHS to its fruition. These striking, organic art pieces will endure.

Homes are also a popular subject for commissions; they make perfect wedding, birthday, and holiday gifts. Not

78 Valdosta Magazine

only are they framed and hung in homes, but images can also be printed and shared as stationery. Making use of her photographic skills, she prefers taking her own photos for commissions; but, Gandy observes, “Painting in plein air allows me to paint a scene with emotion and visual poetry that a camera can’t always capture.”

Gandy loves the fresh air and immediacy of painting en plein air. In October, she was juried into the Georgia Color 4th Annual Plein Air Competition hosted by Chateau Elan in Braselton. Also in October, she participated in the High Cotton Plein Air Paint Out in Thomasville. Then, back in Valdosta, the Turner Center for the Arts hosted their annual ARToberfest Plein Air competition. Understandably a bit tired, she almost didn’t participate, but once there, she took advantage of the time she had to set up, relax, and focus on the aspects that compel her as a plein air artist – the peaceful natural landscape, the changing light, the quiet moment to appreciate the beauty. And her dedication paid o ; her painting of a palm tree entitled “Within the Art Park” was awarded first place. What Gandy finds so appealing about the plein air work is that “It’s about the beautiful moments. You can see something gorgeous in overlooked, even strange places. That prospect might change quickly. The artist gets to recognize it and bring it to light.” She enjoys traveling with a French easel and a suitcase of paints to capture the outdoor moments and work with likeminded colleagues.

Although Gandy graduated with her BFA in May 2022, she still takes classes and attends workshops, and most importantly, responds to opportunities to keep honing her art with “yes.”

Gandy credits her family and the local community of artists like Steven Walker and Mary Vanlandingham for their encouragement and support. Especially, she says, her internship with Walker helped build the path for her artistic journey. He taught her by example that one can indeed “make a living” and thrive making art.

To learn more about this versatile artist, see Hannah Gandy Fine Art on Facebook, @hannahgandy.fineart on Instagram, or at her website, | VM

Ar s
Left: In October, Hannah was juried into the Georgia Color 4th Annual Plein Air Competition hosted by Chateau Elan in Braselton.




Bookpage praised Ethan Joella's first novel, A Little Hope, which was a "Read with Jenna" bonus selection, as "poetic\... moving but never maudlin." The same can be said for A Quiet Life, which opens in an icy, snowy, small town in Pennsylvania. Chuck Ayers is an elderly, quirky gentleman who's been recently widowed. He and his wife were snowbirds, going to Hilton Head every winter. Now missing the routines they shared as an empty nest couple, he sits alone, unable to move forward. He welcomes the visits of a couple of concerned friends who drop by with meals, even asking to borrow their dog at one point.

There is a newspaper delivery lady who barely makes ends meet while she wonders where her young daughter is. Chuck observes her from his window. There was a waitress hoping to go to veterinary school at the diner where Chuck and his wife ate frequently. He wonders what became of her. These answers unfold and interweave slowly but compellingly.

Joella subtly connects these three characters in surprising ways. There are no incongruous twists or unfathomable directions their lives take; rather, these very human characters remind us how easy and fulfilling it is to simply be kind.

Here’s an irresistible (if unlikely) tale of Billie, Mary Alice, Helen, and Natalie, ladies in their 60s who led their lives as international assassins for a clandestine organization, known as the Museum. They exacted “lethal justice” when assigned. Forced into retirement, the story opens with the women united by their former employers for an all-expense paid celebratory cruise. Each has time to relax with about one cocktail on deck before they suddenly realize that they are now marked for execution themselves. They must come out of their short-lived retirement and go rogue to save themselves.

Once recruited as young women with nothing to lose, they had been brought to a mysterious old British castle and trained in the versatile arts of killing. The narrative often flashes back to cases that the crew worked together through the years, highlighting the sacrifices that they had made as young women eschewing the typical career paths of the late 1970s. There are escapades upon escapades here, and the adventures are pure escapist fun. Raybourn is a well-known Edgar Award-nominated mystery writer. She lives in Virginia.



There’s something appealing about a novel set in early 20th century England – especially when it features an orphan child’s point of view, a decaying old manor house named Chilcombe near the cli s of the English Channel, and a 60-foot whale washed up on the shore. Cristabel Seagrave, the indomitable orphan who lives with her half-sister known as “The Veg”, and first cousin, Digby, claims the whale as her own, but soon learns that by law it belongs to the king, who leaves it there.

As the title would indicate, the children make a playhouse from the whale’s skeleton, and it is this “theatre” that becomes the heart and soul of this narrative. You cannot help but be charmed by the child’s world represented here so imaginatively: no cell phones or television — barely even a radio or phonograph (the latter comes in the 1940s). These are children left to their own creative devices. They are all the family they need, even as time goes by and World War II rears its head. Cristabel and Digby become British secret agents on separate missions in Nazi-occupied France — a more dangerous kind of playacting. “The Veg” becomes Flossie, and as war threatens to tear the family apart, she accomplishes much more than simply keeping the home fires burning at Chilcombe.

Debut author Joanna Quinn has an immediate bestseller with The Whalebone Theatre, which was selected jointly in October by two major book clubs: “Read with Jenna” and Her Majesty, the Queen Consort, Camilla’s “The Reading Room.”


80 Valdosta Magazine & CULTURE Ar s
THE WHALEBONE by Joanna Quinn (2022) Narci Drossos describes herself as a compulsive reader, saved in her youth by a summer bookmobile librarian who ignored the bi-weekly limit of five books; thus, allowing her in one summer, to go from Harriet the Spy and Nancy Drew to David Copperfield and Jane Eyre. She holds three degrees from Valdosta State University and has been teaching English at Valdosta High School for over 30 years. Follow Narci on Instagram (@novels_with_narci) and feel free to share your thoughts with Valdosta Magazine: Email or on Instagram (@ valdostamagazine) using

Released November 7, Flight appropriately opens its narrative on December 22, as married adult siblings (with their spouses and children) prepare to gather in upstate New York to decide how to dispense with their late mother’s Florida home, where they had previously met for Christmas. Alice and Henry are hosting his siblings – Martin with his wife, Tess, and Kate with her husband, Josh. And there are children, so it seems messy. There’s also a subplot of a single mother fighting opioid addiction nearby, if that’s not complicated enough sounding at the holidays.

Everyone knows how interesting a house full of family can be. Although there are powerful confrontations that resonate, events don’t unfold in as fraught a manner as one might expect. Kirkus aptly calls Flight “a quiet domestic novel that soars.” The birds featured on the cover become an important motif, as Henry sculpts them in his studio.

Set across just three days, Strong’s prose — which features wonderfully realistic dialog — is compelling and highly rewarding. While not promoted as a holiday novel, it’s perfect for the season of giving. Strong has written two previous novels, Want and Hold Still, published numerous works of nonfiction in major media outlets, and teaches writing at Columbia.



Astute readers will know Proulx from her novels like The Shipping News and Barkskins, or for her short story “Brokeback Mountain” that became an award-winning film. Among her honors are the Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award, and the PEN/Faulkner. Fen, Bog & Swamp is her second work of nonfiction. Its subtitle is “A Short History of Peatland Destruction and Its Role in the Climate Crisis.” This is not lighthearted, but it is interesting and informative. Just released in September, it was named to The New Yorker’s “22 Best of 2022” list.

Part ecology and part history, Proulx exposes the relentless and consequential draining of wetlands. Well documented with extensive footnotes, this book is highly readable. One fascinating section notes the anecdotes in the journals of botanist-traveler-writer William Bartram and likens them to her own experiences in the New Hampshire woods. She quotes his experiences of waking up in the Lower Altamaha “to the terrifying screams of owls vibrating around me … in dreadful peals through the dark, extensive forests” to her own recognition of “lovelorn owls … whooping and caterwauling.” The notes on trees and plants now or near extinction are poignant. Proulx makes an urgent plea for conservation.

Haynes breathes unexpected life into the characters of Greek mythology that you thought you knew. Everyone knows the short version of Medusa, the vengeful monster who turns helpless souls into stone for fun, right? Wrong. Delving into the mythic origins of Medusa’s story, Haynes tells an artfully nuanced version of a young girl assaulted by a powerful man who is then punished for her defiance with transformation.

There’s so much clever wit in Haynes’s prose. There are Gorgons, Titans, and nymphs as sympathetic beings just trying to live their lives without the “divine” intervention of those pesky gods like Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, and Athena. You know: “Immortals! They’re just like us!” Not really. But it’s fun to be on the journey, despite its inherent brutality.

If you liked similar bestselling retellings of mythology like Song of Achilles and Circe (by Madeline Miller) you might like this one. Haynes has written and recorded seven series of “Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics” for the BBC and has written for The London Times, the Independent, the Guardian, and the Observer. Her bestseller, A Thousand Ships, tells the story of the Trojan War from female perspectives and was shortlisted for the Women’s Prize for Fiction in 2020. | VM

Check out these masterful covers. Who doesn’t “judge a book by its cover”? Whether one shops online or browses paper copies in libraries and bookstores, covers can be enticing works of art that tell their own memorable stories.
- February 7, 2023 releaseSTONE BLIND by Natalie Haynes FLIGHT

Opera the


“We are living in operatic times. Forget what you've heard about opera being remote and elitist. Opera is also the art form that, perhaps more than any other, specializes in heightened emotion, and in finding ways to communicate it," Anne Midgette, classical music critic wrote of opera.

While the VSU Opera program has been performing for over 20 years and is the only live opera program in the

south Georgia region, the leadership behind the program is working hard to broaden its appeal and build interest in the beautiful musical theater that is opera, as Midgette suggests.

Coordinating that e ort is Dr. Tamara Hardesty, Associate Professor of Voice and Chair of Voice Area, who serves as the Director of the VSU Opera. Her background as a professional opera singer makes her uniquely suited for the role. Hardesty has lived in New York and performed at the Kennedy Center and on two

national tours, as well as other opera companies across the country. She still performs with the Valdosta Symphony Orchestra.

Hardesty is working closely with the opera conductor, Maestro Ken Kirk, who leads the all-student orchestra, to stage entertaining shows that have an appeal to a broad audience.

“We present operas in English for the voice students to learn the art form, and so that the audience can understand what's going on,” Hardesty explained. “I think that's something

Story by JOHN RIDDLE / Photos on this page by PAUL LEAVY

that can sometimes hold people back from attending opera, but our shows are very accessible.”

The opera’s next scheduled show will be Mozart's Cosi fan Tutte being performed January 20 – 22. The performance will be preceded on Thursday, January 19, with a special event for new and renewing sponsors called “Backstage at the Opera.”

In April, the opera will present an “Opera After Dark" a fundraising dinner to help fund the ongoing programs and activities of the


Cosi fan Tutte




Mozart and his librettist (a person who writes the text of an opera), Lorenzo da Ponte, seem to be making a misogynistic statement that women are fickle and change their a ections easily. In this romantic farce, there's a bet to see if the fiancés of the two gentlemen will be faithful while they pretend to go o to war.

The men come back in disguise, and each try to seduce the fiancé of the other. After some protest, the women surrender to their own romantic urges. The men then reveal the trick, the women are truly sorry, and you will have to come see the show to see if they marry and all live happily ever after. (see next page for ticket information)

opera. “Opera companies, even the Metropolitan Opera in New York City, the top opera company in America, barely break even with ticket sales and rely heavily on sponsorships to thrive,” Hardesty explains.

So, for music and theater lovers if you haven’t attended the opera mark your calendars for their next performance in January. “If you like music and you like theater and you like musical theater, you will like opera too,” Hardesty says.

VSU OPERA PRESENTS MOZART’S This show features fancy 18th-century costumes with corsets and white wigs, designed by Chalise Ludlow, Assistant Professor and Costume Designer for VSU's theatre department. The sets and lighting are designed by Koryn Weiman, Facility Operations Coordinator. Dr. Tamara Hardesty, Associate Professor of Voice and Chair of Voice Area, and Director of the VSU Opera, with Ken Kirk, conductor for the VSU Opera and leader of the all-student orchestra.


This silly romantic farce with the most divine music in the history of opera poses the question: Can women be faithful? The answer: women are just like men! Come enjoy the Opera and find out if there is a happily ever after for these couples!


January 20th – 10:00am youth performance*

January 21st – 7:30pm evening performance

Tickets or youth performance reservations, call 229-333-2150 Monday - Thursday 9am - 4pm or Friday 9am - 2pm

General Admission

To find out more about how to become a Friend of the VSU Opera, please call 229-333-2150.



The VSU Opera will host a dinner theater fundraiser on Thursday, April 13, 2023. The theme this year is “Lift Every Voice” and will combine traditional opera favorites with new and diverse repertoire featuring students and new voice faculty.

Magazine Valdosta
Thursday, April 13, 2023 | Powell Recital Hall |6:30 PM - Heavy Hors d’oeuvres | 7:15 PM - Performance Ticket price: $50 / Students $40 | ($20 of adult & $10 of student tickets supports VSU Opera & is tax-deductible) For reservations: call 229-333-2150 | Monday -Thursday from 9am-4pm and Friday from 9am-2pm
After Dark DINNER
January 22nd – 3:00pm matinee performance * The free (age-appropriate) youth concert is open to school age children and includes educational materials for teachers and parents. VSU
VSU Faculty & Sta
Active & Retired Military
Student free with VSU ID
BACKSTAGE AT THE OPERA exclusive preview event for Friends of the VSU Opera, January 19, 6:30 pm.
Two of the main characters in Cosi fan tutte are Kelsie Painter, soprano, who will be singing the role of Fiordiligi and Isaiah Ricks, tenor, will be singing the role of Guglielmo. Photograph by Kelly Soroka. Costumes by Chalise Ludlow, Assistant Professor of Theatre and Resident Costume Designer and Technician for VSU's Theatre Program.
Two of the main characters in Cosi fan tutte are Kelsie Painter, soprano, who will be singing the role of Fiordiligi, and Isaiah Ricks, tenor, who will be singing the role of Guglielmo. Photograph by Kelly Soroka.

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Special This Holiday Season, Open Up Something @MyCBCBank @MyCBCBank SCAN THIS QR CODE TO WATCH OUR VIDEO 3462 North Valdosta Road 229.242.7600 229-466-0625 • revival.aesthetics.Valdosta BOTOX, FILLERS, MICRONEEDLING WITH PRP, CHEMICAL PEELS, AND MORE. We s p ecialize in concierge aes t hetics. Skip the office visit and let us come to you! 86 Valdosta Magazine
229-247-6500 2314 N. Patterson Street Valdosta, GA Across from South Georgia Medical Center FOR YOUR FAMILY AND BUSINESS INSURANCE NEEDS Merry Christmas from all of us at Blanton & Griffin FASHION ISSUE 2022 87


Katie and Patrick Watson, owners of Chez What, are no strangers to Downtown Valdosta; they have been part of the downtown community for over 20 years.

“We are both passionate about downtown because it is the heart of our wonderful city and where locals invest their dollars, time, and energy,” Katie explained. “We love seeing all of the small businesses thrive in downtown Valdosta and are thrilled to be a part of putting our little town on the map.”

Having both been self-employed since the mid-2000s, they agree the commitment, long hours, and hard work makes it worthwhile. “To build a business from the ground up and watch it flourish is a great challenge but the hard work pays off. We love what we do and I hope that it shows each time a customer visits our store,” Katie said.

They’ve owned Chez What, a vendor market, since 2009. It started as a small consignment store in the heart of downtown. They spent four years restoring the 120-year-old building at 204 Ashely Street, which they opened in August 2020 at the height of the pandemic. Now, Chez What features over 50 designers, artists, and furniture makers from Valdosta and the South Georgia and North Florida region. With so much creative talent there is always something new to see at Chez What, which is part of their draw for so many repeat customers.

88 Valdosta Magazine
There is always a reason to Go Downtown in Valdosta! Unique shops, restaurants, theaters, and galleries provide an eclectic atmosphere where there is something for everyone. This dynamic city is bursting with activity from art events to bustling loft apartments.Come and see what it's all about.

Their goal is to offer Valdosta a oneof-a-kind shopping experience not only benefitting customers but also local merchants as vendors.

“Our vendor’s hard work and commitment shows through every time customers visit the store and see all the new changes and inventory. We love what we do and we feel so blessed and grateful to work with such talented people,” Katie said. Their plans are to grow and expand to meet the ever-changing needs of their customers and to continue enriching the “wonderful downtown Valdosta environment.”

Chez What offers a regular schedule of seasonal events to attract new and

repeat customers and offer additional vendors an opportunity to showcase their wares. They hosted their first indoor/ outdoor market last month. “Home for the Holidays” will be their evening holiday event in mid-November. Santa himself will also visit in December. Next Spring, they will host their first spring market event.

“We are thrilled to be in downtown Valdosta. It is such a unique and beautiful backdrop for our wonderful city,” Katie said. “We enjoy seeing the smiling faces of both customers and our vendors every day! We love calling Valdosta Georgia our home!” | VM

Downtown Valdosta's merchants invite you to explore the shops, restaurants, live music, and more on the first Friday of every month.
check out these
KALEIDOSCOPE CHEZ WHAT CURATE GŪD COFFEE 204 S. Ashley St. 134 N. Patterson St. 122 N. Patterson St. 133 N. Patterson St. N. PATTERSON ST. N. ASHLEY ST. W. HILL AVE. CENTRAL AVE. DOWTOWN VALDOSTA VALDOSTA FURNITURE 116 W. Central Ave. FLOWER GALLERY 127 N. Ashley St. GO DOWNTOWN! Stylish Southern & Sassy • (229) 588-4933 100 North Ashley Street • Downtown Valdosta STYLISH SOUTHERN & SASSY 100 N. Ashley St. S. ASHLEY ST.
If you haven't been downtown recently you need to! There are new shops and boutiques that make it even more interesting. And while you're there,
GO DOWNTOWN! You won't be disappointed! DOWNTOWN IS GROWING!

MAKERS market

Second Saturday - December 10 Historic Courthouse Square Downtown Valdosta 10am - 2pm Friday - December 2 6pm at Unity Park Amphitheater Thursday - December 8 Downtown Valdosta
Saturday - December 3 Downtown Valdosta ARTISANS | FARMERS | GROWERS
2 Valdosta Magazine welcomes you to Valdosta’s premier gated community. Exceptional features include pristine landscaping, extensive soundproofing, attached garage, and granite countertops with stainless steel appliances. Our majestic oaks and wild cherry trees provide the peaceful surroundings you have been searching for. THE GARDENS 3531 Club Villas Drive Valdosta, GA 31602 229-242-9372 offers a lifestyle of carefree living with beautiful, affordable and spacious apartment homes. We offer peace of mind with controlled access gates and video monitoring. This prestigious location is the BEST PLACE TO CALL HOME. THE LINKS 3715 N. Valdosta Rd. Valdosta, GA 31602 229-333-0999




Celebrate the holiday season with Dance Arts’ The Nutcracker.

Thursday, Friday, Saturday December 1, 2, 3 at 7pm

Saturday, December 3, at 1 pm

Valdosta Performing Arts Center

For tickets and more information visit


Join TGV this holiday season for this adaptation of Charles Dickens' Christmas classic. -Theatre Guild Valdosta is an all volunteer community theater organization that produces four main stage productions and two children's productions each year. TGV's permanent home is The 'Dosta Playhouse, a Depression-era movie house repurposed for live theater.

December 8 – 10 & 15 – 17, 7:30pm

December 11 & 18, 2pm

The Dosta Theater – Downtown Valdosta For tickets and more information visit or call 229-247-8243

FASHION ISSUE 2022 93 Summer 2021 93


New Event!


The Exchange Club of Valdosta will host a new holiday event this year benefitting Valdosta area non-profits. Twenty 3-4-foot-high trees will be decorated by di erent non-profits and all will be up for bid in the silent auction held throughout the day. The winning bidder will take home that tree with all proceeds going to the participating non-profit. Santa will be there too for pictures with the kids.

Saturday, December 3, 2022, 10am – 5pm

Hilton Garden Inn Ballroom 1702 Gornto Road Valdosta


Help make Valdosta & Lowndes County the nation’s Christmas Card Capital! Create your own jumbo card and place it in front of your business, organization, or home. A community-wide map will be created so you can drive around and see all the cards.

To sign up and download a full how-to tutorial visit




Friday, December 2, 6 pm Unity Park Amphitheater



Saturday, December 3, 6 pm

To sign up or for more information visit


December 8, 2022

Downtown Hahira



December 10, 9am – 5pm

Parade at 5pm

Downtown Hahira

To sign up or for more information visit

96 Valdosta Magazine | @sarahkathrynphotography
FASHION ISSUE 2022 97 www.Guardian.Bank The People You Know. The Bank You Trust. Guardian Bank is Proud to Support Our Local Law Enforcement Heroes.

The Valdosta Country Club’s Annual Fall Festival was filled with music, laughter, and plenty of candy! Children dressed up, took hayrides, and played games, including dunking VCC’s Fitness Pro, Billy Hamilton, and Golf Professional Mark Reddick in the dunk tank! Live music with Sundowner Motel was enjoyed by all!

VALDOSTA COUNTRY CLUB FALL FESTIVAL 2022 1. Bonnie Skinner with Sutton and Payne 2. Lucy and Nina Ferrier 3. Catherine and Vivian Alday 4. Greer Garland and Harrison Martin 5. Mary Jac Cowart and Kate Copeland 6. Sarah and Catherine Carter 7. Corbyn Cali , Karsyn Barker, and Camdyn Cali 8. Lauren and Adi Jovovic with Nora and Elyse 9. Kynslie Paulk and Julia Denham 10. Brooke and Mackenzie Knight 12 3 SEEN 4 98 Valdosta Magazine
100 Valdosta Magazine
Martha Cummings, Reatha Pavey, Linda Monetti Brandon Oliver, Justin Smothers, Dan Duggan Ole and Patricia Vigerstol, Reatha Pavey, Robert Goddard Dan & Carolyn Coleman, Arthur Moran Regan Cason, Sarah Varnedoe, Kayla Becton Ashley Ruehle, Natalie Roberts, Paul Wagner Caleb and Miranda Brown, Billy and Dorothy Steinberg, Jordan Lee and Emily White Dottie Pitts, Marian Belanger Drew Parrish Bennett, Lacey Duggan, Lee Smothers, Jesslyn Oliver
Valdosta Magazine publishers: John & Connie Riddle
102 Valdosta Magazine Custom Facials  Biologique Recherche  Hydrafacials  Lash Lift + Tint  Brows  & more @nofilterclubaesthetics  Nofilterclubaesthetics  Country Club Rd bldg C Suite 1 Valdosta, Ga 31605  229-262-1030 exam, to childbirth and through the menopause years and beyond, we strive to provide the highest-quality health care in a professional setting and hope to maintain your confidence throughout our patient/p patient/physician relationship. Complete Women's Care PROVIDING CARE FOR ALL WOMEN OF OUR COMMUNITY SINCE 1955. 220 Northside Drive | Valdosta, GA 31602 1610 John Orr Drive | Tifton, GA 31794 (229) 241-2800 |


South Georgia Medical Center hosted its first annual Girls Just Wanna Have Brunch event to empower women to take charge of their health during Breast Cancer Awareness month. The inaugural brunch raised more than $11,000 to support women's health initiatives. Women have varying health

needs throughout their life stages. The Breast Center and the Birthplace are two cornerstones of SGMC's commitment to women's health in the region.  For more information on the SGMC Foundation or how to become involved contact Hilary Gibbs at hilary.

12 3 FASHION ISSUE 2022 103
1. Hannah Barnes, Maylee McLeod, Sarah Jones, Annie LaHood 2. Dr. Jammie Wilbanks, Camillia Bryant, President DeAnnia Clements, Chandler Chancy, April McDu e, Stevan VanHook, Shannon McConico 3. Whitney Monetti, Jeannie Miller, Kristin Edwards, Nicole Steele, Elizabeth Milstead, Michelle Parkerson, Emily Tillman, Amanda Tillman 4. SGMC Sta : Erika Bennett, Lindsey Purvis, Kara Hope Hansen, Hilary Gibbs, Elizabeth Vickers, Hilary Willis, Emily Wetherington, Brenda Alexander 5. Haley and Hadleigh LaHood 6. Lara Davis, Mackenzie Budzinsky, Esther Aldaco, Brittany Pych, Madeline Marsh 7. Lindsey Sapp and Ash’lyn Peagler 8. Shirley Garland, Hilary Gibbs, Terri Ball, Brenda Alexander 9. Michelle Parkerson and Kristin Edwards 10. Lauren Ball, Anna Clarke Gibbs, Debbie Smith, Shannon McConico, President DeAnnia Clements 4 7 65 8 10 9 104 Valdosta Magazine
FASHION ISSUE 2022 105 Proposal and Wedding Coordinating @the_weddingchicks FULL PAGE MIKE 12921USR Hospice Of South Georgia GA Permit #092-031H 2704 N. Oak St B-1, Valdosta, GA 31602 229-244-5353 Your Wellness Is Our Passion Since 1976 our mission has been to improve the wellness of our community one patient at a time. Our pharmacists and technicians are eager to help you with all your medication needs. From compliance packaging to long-term care services and personalized compounding, visit Hogan’s Pharmacy and see how we can help you live a healthier life, today. WE’RE OPEN Monday - Friday: 8:30a.m. - 5:30p.m. Saturday: 9a.m. - 12p.m. Sunday: Closed Refill onlineCompoundingFree Delivery
106 Valdosta Magazine
SEEN VALDOSTA INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. 812 Northwood Park Drive Valdosta, GA 31602 Bus: (229) 242-4560 Fax: (229) 242-4561
Afundraiser featuring wine tasting and a silent auction was held on October 17 at Woodstack BBQ Barn. The event benefited Be Dave Brave, a non-profit organization support individuals and families fighting cancer in the Valdosta area.
Ben & Lauren Brown, Wendy
Nick Copeland
Roxy Corbett, April Steel, Whitney Monettin Wendy Wisenbaker Garrett and Allison Warren Charles & Brooke White
Casey Colson, Elizabeth Steel Milstead, Jessica Newman, Logan Gri s, Nicole Steel, Kristin Tanner


ACE Electric

Advance Dental Care

Ankle & Foot Associates

Astro Exterminating Blanton & Griffin

Chez What

City Market Boutique

Coldwell Banker

Colonial Bag Colquitt EMC

Commericial Banking Company


Dan Perry Interiors Diversified Resources Face Lab

Fox Hill

Georgia Beer Company

Guardian Bank GUD Coffee Hogan's Pharmacy Holiday Inn

Kaleidoscope Gallery & Emporium

Lemongrass Day Spa

Little Options McLane Funeral & Cremation Services Merry Avriett Morgan's No Filter Club

Only Options

Outdoor Living & Proficient Pools

Perfect Settings

Presbyterian Home & Retirement Prince Automotive R.L. Martin & Co.

Renasant Bank Revival Aesthetics Valdosta

Ron Borders Property Management

Sarah Kathryn Photography


South Georgia Medical Center

Southeast Capital Investments Southern Background Services Southern Lady Interiors Southern OB/GYN

Southwell Steel's Jewelry Stifel Valdosta

Stylish Southern & Sassy Synovus

The Flower Gallery

The Gardens

The Links

The Wedding Chicks Turner Center for the Arts

Valdosta Chiropractic Valdosta Eye Center

Valdosta Insurance Services

Valdosta State University Opera Valdosta-Lowndes Chamber of Commerce

Wells Fargo

Wes Sewell Photography

White Weddings

IG: chezwhatvaldosta

IG: danaperryinteriors

IG: morgansvaldosta

IG: sarahkaathrynphotography

IG: southernladyinteriors

IG: the_weddingchicks

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