Elevator Speech

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1Minute Infomercial Script 1) Self Introduction: • Offer a confident handshake and smile • Greet the employer and introduce yourself (Good afternoon, my name is ... )

2) Academic Program: • I am graduating this May with a major in ... • I also have a minor in ... • My emphasis is ... • After completing my Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering, I am now pursuing my Masters in ...

3) Related Experience/Skills: • Last summer, I completed an internship in ... • My volunteer experience includes ... • The senior project I completed focused on ... • Specific research skills I have developed in my program include ...

4) Employment Goal: • I am seeking a full-time position which would allow me to ... • I am currently looking for an opportunity in ... • In preparation for a full time position in May, I am seeking a related internship for the spring semester in ...

5) Personal Interest in the Company/Organization: • After researching ABC Corporation, I learned that your engineering department is expanding. • I read in a recent professional journal that your research and development unit is moving to Orlando. • I was informed by one of my faculty mentors that ABC Corporation is initiating a new product line this year.

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