Brief Introduction to Guruparmpara

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Guru Parampara Brief Introduction to

Brief Introdution to

Guru Parampara

Translated By Sameer Deshpande.


Shree Guru Sharanam, Our ashram publication includes a hindi pamphlet providing details of our revered Guru Parampara and Shaktipat diskha. When we were planning grand Datta Jayanti celebrations back in 2009 here in the USA, we felt the need to translate the hindi booklet for the benefit of non-hindi speaking individuals. I have tried my best to preserve the original meaning and context. I sincerely bow at the lotus feet of our Sadguru Prabhu Baa for giving me the opportunity to do this seva. Jai Shree Krishna. Sameer Deshpande, California.


Birth: 1854, , Mahasamadhi: 1914 Paramhansa Parivrajakacharya Shree Vasudevanand Saraswati (Tembe Swami) Maharaj Brief Introdution to Guruparampara

He is popularly known as “Tembe Swami” in Maharashtra. Lord Dattatreya pleased with his devotion and desire, gave him Darshan and also blessed him with mantra diksha at brahma muhurta (very auspicious time at dawn). He was known all over India as ritualistic and disciplined Yogi. He completed  Narmada Parikrama (walking along the banks of river Narmada) three times. Karuna Tripadi (three bhajans)composed by him continues to rescue Datta bhaktas all over the world. He travelled across India on his feet preaching Datta Bhakti and helping the needy.

Shree Vasudevanand Saraswati


Birth: 1892, Mahasamadhi: 1955 Paramhansa Parivrajakacharya Shree Loknath Teerth Swami Maharaj 3

Brief Introdution to Guruparampara

Shaktipat sadhana originated in the East. Lineage of this tradition is ‘Adiguru Shree Gangadhar Teerth Maharaj’, ‘Shree Narayan Teerth Maharaj’, ‘Shree Purushottam Teerth Maharaj’, ‘Swami Loknath Teerth Maharaj’. Swami Loknath Teerth was born in 1892 in Dhaka. He learned pooja, yagnya etc. in early childhood from his father. He loved to meditate in solitude. Later on Goddess herself ordered him to take diksha from Shree Shankar Purushottam Maharaj. At age 22, he took Sanyas Diksha. Then in 1927 he took Dandi Sanyas. Swamiji spread Shaktipat sadhana all over India. Swamiji took mahasamadhi in 1955 in Kashi. Swami Maharaj granted Diksha Gurutva (right to give Shaktipat Diksha to others) to Shree Gulavani Maharaj in 1922. This was only the beginning of strengthening of roots of Shaktipat Sadhana in Maharashtra. Shree Lokanath Teerth


Birth: 1889, Mahasamadhi: 1974 Parampoojya Sadguru Shree Yogiraj Gulavani Maharaj 5

Brief Introdution to Guruparampara

He was born in a small village named Kudutri in Kolhapur District (Maharashtra) in 1889. After seeking approval from P. P. Tembe Swami Maharaj, he took Shaktipat Diksha from P. P. Loknath Teerth Swami Maharaj in 1922 in Hoshangabad. He was instrumental in making benefits of Shaktipat Sadhana known to masses. He built “Vasudev Nivas” in Pune in 1965. He gave diksha to countless and also gave Diksha Grutva to a few.  Paramhansa Swami Sugandheshwaranand ‘Prabhu Baa’ is one of his crowned disciples.

Shree Yogiraj Gulavani Maharaj


Parampoojya Paramhansa Swami Sugandheshwaranand ‘Prabhu Baa’ 7

Brief Introdution to Guruparampara

Sadgunas (virtues) such as love, compassion, faith, austerity, commitment, affection, knowledge, devotion, grace etc. all can only be found in a saint, yogi. With God’s grace even in this kaliyuga, such saints, sadgurus keep taking birth to help humanity. ‘Prabhu Baa’ who was born in Italikheda of Rajasthan, is one such pious mystic who is helping mankind by showing the path of meditation (dhyaan) and naam-japa. ‘Prabhu Baa’ was drawn to Lord Shiva from her early childhood. She received Shaktipat diksha from P. P. Yogiraj Gulavani Maharaj (Pune, Maharashtra) in 1974 as blessings for her devotion. From the very day ‘Prabhu Baa’ committed to Dhyaan and naam-japa. ‘Prabhu Baa’ has fulfilled both the roles to completeness…i.e. homemaker and sadhak. Her austerity Param Poojya Prabhu Baa


toward Sadhana elevated her to new highs of spirituality. During her ongoing practice of dhyaan, she experienced the bliss of purna Samadhi once for three days, once for seven days, and twice for twenty one days. With this achievement, P. P. Gulavani Maharaj himself declared her to be a Paramhansa. Afterward Baa took Sanyas Diksha from Shivom Teerth Swami Maharaj. P. P. ‘Prabhu Baa’ is the unchallenged authority on Shaktipat Sadhana. She does not give discourses. She believes in action and not words i.e.experiencing the grace of God through one’s Sadhana. She awakens the resting serpent power (Kudalini) of expectants with mere wish. ‘Prabhu Baa’ is herself an example proving that one can attain enlightenment even while 9

Brief Introdution to Guruparampara

living a married life and performing family duties. Spirituality is path of joy and celebrations where there’s only to gain and nothing to lose. Real sanyas is that of the mind and not of the body. Materialism must be transcended with love and not force. ‘Prabhu Baa’s own life is an example proving this premise. Today thousands of sadhaks all over the world have received her unconditional love and are making progress in dhyaan-sadhana. In addition to her spiritual contributions, P. P. ‘Baa’ has initiated charitable programs such as food donations, education, medical treatment, tree plantation, blood donation, resurrection of old religious places etc. via her ‘Kashi Shivpuri’ ashram and its more than seventy branches all over India. Param Poojya Prabhu Baa


P. P. ‘Baa’ travels all over India teaching devotion, dhyaan-sadhana, mantra japa, love, respect for all religions, and peace. She achieves this through devotional satsangs conducted such as tri-shakti japa (three day non stop japa) and saptahiki japa (seven day non stop japa) arranged by sadhakas. P. P. ‘Baa’ believes that God must be known through experience and not information. Experiencing God is a steep task. It requires hard work. True sadhak dedicates his life for this purpose. In spite of her accomplishments as Paramhansa Raajyogi Sadguru, ‘Prabhu Baa’ has not let position, respect etc. touch her. Even today she performs daily rituals prescribed by Gulavani Maharaj, such as dhyaan, sandhya, Guru Geeta, Vishnu Sahasranaam, Rudrashtakam, Pranayam, Manas Pooja, Shiv Mahimna Stotra and 55000 guru mantra 11

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japa. She performs her duties as a true shishya (disciple) while fulfilling her obligations as a Guru. With great joy she takes on responsibilities such as diksha daan, darshan, guiding sadhakas, travelling all over India for satsang saptahiki, looking after ashram and trust etc. In summary, one could say that darshan of spiritual pinnacle ‘Prabhu Baa’ is in itself a unique, magical, mystical, and unworldly experience. Her sadhakas discover the inner treasures during dhyaan and exclaim “Shivo hum Shivo hum” i.e. I am Shiva. This is the exact purpose of P. P. Baa’s life.

Param Poojya Prabhu Baa



Shaktipat Diksha Brief Introdution to Guruparampara

Man is gifted with unbelievable abilities. These abilities usually are inactive or asleep. Just like inactive power does not yield any result, awakened but uncontrolled power does not yield positive results. With his inactive abilities man cannot attain his full potential. While it is necessary to activate the power, it is equally important to control the awakened power. This is feasible only with Shaktipat Diksha and for Shaktipat Diksha to work it is essential for Sadguru to be in live human form. It is a common misconnection that Diksha means leaving home, family, living in an ashram in a jungle, leaving food etc. Reality is that Diksha does not require renouncing anything, but is to gain everything. One is rewarded with dhyaan and protection of Sadguru. When one’s surrender to Sadguru ripens, Sadguru establishes the power of manta in the disciple. Disciple Param Poojya Prabhu Baa


becomes one with Sadguru. Sadguru guides the disciple and takes away all of his sufferings and bad karma. Serpent power (Kundalini shakti) awakened with Shaktipat Diksha and nurtured with steady dhyaan dissects all six chakras and unites with Lord Shiva in the Sahasrar Chakra (1000 petal lotus situated at the crown of head). That is the moment of Samadhi (spiritual trans) and Brahma Gyaan (knowledge of universe and beyond). With regular Dhyaan, Diksha becomes source of protection, joy, liberation, and success and not of fear or escape. Sadguru enters disciple’s body and initiates him or her using Sadguru’s own power. This is called Shaktipat Diksha. With this, disciple receives the grace of Sadguru. One who does not benefit from Sadguru’s grace in this manner remains impure and fails to attain knowledge, liberation, and Siddhies. Right15

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eousness and joy are the indications of Shaktipat as only Shaktipat is the source of bliss and enlightenment.

Param Poojya Prabhu Baa


Dhyaan 17

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Dhyaan is the process of becoming attuned with the self, thoughtless, and free of all burdens. True Dhyaan happens only after Sadguru activates Kundalini Shakti. Dhyaan cannot be performed or taught. It is the result of Sadguru’s grace. Dhyaan is the cleansing of mind. One is immersed in the joy of various kriyaas (activities such as Pranayam, Ghurna etc.) that involuntarily happen during Dhyaan. Sadhak does not need to search for pleasures in the world out. Sadhak discovers Teerth (sacred places), Vrata (religious course), festivals, Gods all in himself. Sadhana clears the path of Kundalini Shakti so it can unite with Lord Shiva. This same power fulfills every wish of the Sadhak. It grants extra sensory vision and abilities of a Siddha (superhuman), clears the nervous system, causes ashta satvik feelings (8 pure emotions), activates the third eye, and finally eliminates the threat of death. Dhyaan Param Poojya Prabhu Baa


purifies the mind and speech,provides endless energy, and creates non-binding love. Sadhak’s face glows with mystical charm. When Dhyaan blossoms, Sadhak attains the ultimate state of being and achieves Nirvana. Samadhi is the eventual result of Dhyaan. Samadhi occurs when physical, metaphysical and psychological unease ends. Dhyaan helps Sadhak transcend this unease. If one thinks this to be the final birth and is determined to find the decisive treasures then Sadguru’s grace opens the channel for Shiva and Shakti’s union. Doors will open on their own. Sadguru is committed to take his disciples till that very point. In fact, Sadguru is the one who works through his disciple. Hence we only need to surrender ourselves to Sadguru as he is the one responsible for our transcendence. 19

Brief Introdution to Guruparampara

Passage from Shiv Purana says, “There’s no Teerth, Penance, or Yagya comparable to Dhyaan. Hence Dhyaan is the primary duty of every Sadhak.”

Param Poojya Prabhu Baa


Continuous Naam Japa 21

Brief Introdution to Guruparampara

Naam japa (mantra chanting/remembrance) in itself is the devotion. It resonates with energy. Naam japa consists of the grace of Sadguru as well as God. Lord Krisha told Arjuna at the end of Mahabharat war, “I will be found where my name is being chanted with dedication and affection.” While Prabhu ‘Baa’ was in Dhyaan on one morning in 1991 (Yeur Ashram, Thane, Maharashtra), P. P. Vasudevanand Saraswati Swami Maharaj asked her to start naam japa saptahiki (continuous mantra chanting for seven consecutive days). From that day P. P. ‘Baa’ commenced the saptahiki with her disciples and devotees. Typically “Om Namo Bhagawate Vasudevay” maha mantra is chanted in each naam japa. Occasionally “Om Namah Shivay”, “Om Namo Narayana”, or “Shreeram jayaram jay jay ram” mantra is also chanted. A three day continuous chanting called Tri Shakti is also performed. “Digambara Digambara Shreepad Vallabh Param Poojya Prabhu Baa


Digambara� manta is chanted in Tri Shakti japa.

P. P. ‘Baa’ promises that anyone who chants the mantra with his or her eyes open and with devotion and love will certainly get glimpse of God in some manner. Continuous naam japa is believed to be very potent. Vibrations of the mantra purify the surrounding atmosphere. It blesses every living being including trees, animals, and even bacteria et al. that live in the region filled with mantra vibes.


Brief Introdution to Guruparampara

Kashi Shivapuri Ashram, At Post Intalikheda, Taluka Salumber, Dist: Udaipur, Rajasthan, India 313026.

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