BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN Module Code
Module Title
Name: Chris Shuttleworth
Why have you chosen to work with your creative partner? What are your aims? I have chosen to work with Sam because we both, generally, work in differently aspects of graphic design and have our own specialities, so by collaborating we can utilise these skills to make stronger design and hopefully win some competition briefs. Our aims are to create original and innovative design that you have can’t even imagine that clearly stands out above the rest.
What are your specific areas of creative interest in this brief? Our creative interests, at the moment, are packaging and campaign based communication, but, regardless of application all the work we do will be highly professional, original and a well considered solution to the brief.
What specific design skills do you have to offer in relation to your chosen brief? How do you intend to use them? My design skills consist mainly of illustration and experimentation. I think that our solutions to designs may be different but through questioning what would best suit the audience and stand out most from the competition then we will be able to take aspects of each of our ideas and combine them.
What specific non-design skills do you have to offer in relation to your chosen brief? How do you intend to use them? As me and Sam are familiar with each other it won’t be a problem for us offering constructive criticism and support to each others ideas and design, this will allow us to constantly question what will suit the target audience the best and, ultimately, create a more successful design solution. We will communicate regularly about the brief we choose to gain a stronger understanding of how we can compromise ideas to create a consistent solution. We are both well practised in research methods which we will use extensively towards the
start of the brief so that we have as wide a scope as possible on all the information that will contribute to the success of out brief.
What will your specific roles be in the collaboration in relation to your brief? We will split initial workload and research relevant existing designs, compile our research and discuss the findings, we can then individual mind map and sketch some initial ideas. After reviewing the initial ideas to the brief we can start to divide the workload between the two of us to make a large and concise body of work.
What will your individual responsibilities be in relation to your brief? We will split all research and design based work so that we can cover as wide a range as possible to make a wide range of deliverables and well informed ideas. We will begin to assign responsibilities and jobs when we have got a clearer idea of how we are going to solve the brief.
What will your joint responsibilities be? Our joint responsibilities consist of communicating with each other, designing to suit the needs of the brief, testing and mocking up potential ideas and constant documentation and blogging of the process.