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Whi te Smoke

Bra nding & Packaging

Chr is S hu t t lewor t h

The B r i e f


W h i t e S m o ke

B ra n d i n g & Pa cka gi ng

The milkshake market is mainly marketed towards a young audience with brands like F r i j j a n d Ya z o o u s i n g b r i g h t c o l o u r s a n d durable plastic packaging. There is currently no milkshake drink that is aimed soleley at adults but there is an ever growing number of milk based drinks with adults in mind (Starbucks, Emmi, Caffionata). There is also a n e w ra n g e o f Fr i j j ( S u p r e m e ) t h a t s t a r t s t o branch into luxury and indulgence but doesn’t specifically aim it at adults.

Brief To d e s i g n t h e p a c k a g i n g f o r a m i l k s h a k e t h a t is marketed towards an older audience. This will include bottle material and graphics, multipack containers and promotional material.

Ma r k e t I am going to position the milkshakes in the same audience/ purchase level as Gu puds, as this represents an older and mature audience.


Conc e pt


W h i t e S m o ke

B ra n d i n g & Pa cka gi ng

To r e a l l y a i m t h i s p r o d u c t a t a d u l t s I a m g o i n g to liken it to alcohol, this will be evident in the packaging and promotion of the product. The use of swing top bottles give the product an artisan feel and the impression you are drinking something special.

Ae s t h e t i c s The product will be mainly black with white typography to give it a level of elegance and sophistication.

T o n e o f Vo i c e The copy shouldn’t be humorous or too casual but serious and subtly suggestive. Similar to that of M&S televivision adverts.

Aesthetic research


D e ve lopme nt

Development & Te s t i n g This project involved a lot of physical testing to find the best materials for the components. I tested a variety of stocks for the bottle wrap around and concluded that tissue was the most suitable and also gave a sublte look at the bottle underneath. Design sheets were used throughout to explore aesthetic possibilities, plan photoshoots beforehand and also develop the naming of the product.

Strawberry = Cerise, Chocolate = Midnight, Va n i l l a = Va n i l l e , B a n a n a = G o l d .

W h i t e S m o ke

B ra n d i n g & Pa cka gi ng

White Smoke was chosen as it conveyed the indulgence and mystery of the product. As ‘white smoke’ is a particular shade of white the range of flavours will be named a c c o r d i n g l y a f t e r s h a d e s o f t h e i r f l a v o u r.


Ide ntit y B ra n d i n g & Pa cka gi ng W h i t e S m o ke

Identity This is the identity elements for White Smoke, the lock up on the left will be used for larger purposes and the logo at the top right will be used for smaller purposes.


Finis he d Pr oduc t s B ra n d i n g & Pa cka gi ng W h i t e S m o ke

Products include: 4x Bottle label designs, foiled swing tags, bottle carrier, coasters, gift vard, busines card and wax seals.


Adver t s Branding & Packaging Whi te Smoke

Promotional adverts adopt a tone of voice similar to M&S adverts, likening each flavour to a different occasion gives each their own identity and purpose.


Fur t her P r om ot ion Branding & Packaging Whi te Smoke

Promotion All of the adverts follow the alcohol concept. They are shown next to different glasses with copy that is relevant to the alcohol associated with those glasses. Other copy plays on accepting that the product isn’t good for you and embraces the indulgence- such as the New Ye a r s b a n n e r o n t h e W h i t e S m o k e F a c e b o o k page.


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