Accessible Art Fair Brussels 2012 Besides the 51 interna7onal ar7sts, I, Si Bollé, also got a spot on the fair this weekend.
Since 2007, BAAF, the Brussels Accessible Art Fair, brings ar7sts and art lovers together under My 10 meter booth received a one roof. Photography, sculpture lot of aHen7on due to my and pain7ngs are presented. impressive 2 meter by 2,60
meter art work. ‘Rouge d’eau jour D’8’ is my business card when it comes to create tailor‐ made pain7ngs. Because of that, different architect firms showed quite some interest in my stand.
Fancy fair at NV De Scheepvaart in Hasselt. While my abstract work was coloring the BAAF, my po ppies exhilarated De Scheepvaart.
It is an annual tradi7on that the Hasselt fancy fair opens with smashing fireworks on the roof terrace of the management building of De Scheepvaart. This year my poppies triggered all senses of the aHendees who could also admire my latest artwork ‘Poppyparade’. A ‘blitz’ exhibi7on showing 12 pain7ngs. The ‘Poppyparade’, an art elephant in a handbag, is my contribu7on to the Elephantparade, the greatest open‐air exhibi7on in the world, that went from Singapore to
Milan and has now landed in Hasselt. The 42 art elephants will be auc7oned on November 8th in Herckenrode Abbey. Benefits will be used for the preserva7on of the Asian elephant. Un7l November 1st all elephants can be admired throughout the center of Hasselt
The Poppyparade My inspira7on.
Even where other vegeta7on dilapidate, poppies show their magic through color and magnificence.
In Flanders Fields the poppies blow and elephants show ... The Poppyparade. A field filled with applause ... or aren’t these poppies? Poppies are my favorite flowers. They grow and sow themselves in poor soils.
Pioneering in landscapes of concrete and sand, they grew out to be the symbol for the dead who have been plucked and shut down.
With their flourishing op7mism being my leading theme. All’s well that ends well, or everything will go well if you put your mind to it. Also for elephants when it comes to their survival. I’m happy to par7cipate to that.
Let the Poppy parade be a Poppies remind me of a baHle that even in difficul7es there are posi7ve symbol! possibili7es.
A sneak preview of the Po ppy Parade took place at De Scheepvaart on August 23rd 2012. Check out the video: http://yo utu.be/u55d4gowJ8k
Canvascollectie/ La Collection RTBF 2012 Canvascollec7e / La collec7on RTBF 2012 ‘Parfois/Heel af en toe’ my bilingual children’s book was selected for the Canvascollec7e.
For sale: *Modemuseu m Hasselt *Passa Porta Bookshop BXL *http://at-symbol.be
More information http://at-symbol.be an d
facebook https:// www.facebo ok.com/ Parfo is.HeelAfEnToe?
Accessible Art Fair Antwerp 2012
My poppies colored the first Accessible Art Fair in Antwerp. Together with 40 artist, I conquered the Radisson Blu Hotel.
‘Poppies in my jeanspocket’, the travelling painting by Si Bollé Po ppies in my Jeans pocket, the traveling painting by Si Bollé. Since Januar y 2012, this painting is traveling throughout the co untry, coloring another living roo m ever y 2 months.
Some dates to write down ... and to remember. Open house De Hortus Philippe Bas What :
Exposition midst flowers of Philippe Bas in the
When :
November 17th and 18th
Where :
Veldstraat 99A – Hasselt http://www.philippebas.be
Rendezvous This Saturday 29/09 Opening Paardsdemerstraat – Hasselt Live action painting by Si Bollé 2m x 6m Entirely in Chocolate of no less that Bo on-The chocolate experience
Wine Castle Genoelselderen Starting end of November, there will be a special expo during the wine tasting sessions at the Wine Castle Genoelselderen.
Invita7ons will follow http://www.wijnkasteel.com/ index1024.html
Z AA L O N D E R D E TOR E N By the end of the year there will be an exposition at the beautiful lounge at ‘Zaal Onder De Toren
S I B O L L É ? . ..
If you want to organize an expo At home or at your office Or you need a work ‘custom‐made’ Or you’re interested in a life ac7on pain7ng (to experience the ‘birth’ of an art work) SI BOLLÉ 0488/177.408 PARFOIS@AT-SYMBOL.BE