Logbook week 4

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Basic working drawings of an architect from floor bearer to foo5ngs.

For floor board: span: 450mm spacing: 25mm For floor joist: : span: 1800mm spacing: 450mm For bearer: : span: not given spacing: 1800mm The spacing of an element is always equal to the span of the element above it.

The sketch shows how plywood increase its s5ffness by using mul5ple layers. Plywood is easily break along its texture, therefore, the middle layer which have horizontal texture increases its s5ffness.

Working drawings CASE STUDY BUILDING: OVAL PAVILION 1.  TITLE BLOCK List the types of informa5on found in the 5tle block on the floor plan pages -­‐  Consultant -­‐  Key plan -­‐  Client -­‐  Drawing 5tle -­‐  Drawing number -­‐  Descrip5on

2. DRAWING CONTEXT-­‐PLAN What type of informa5on is shown in this floor plan? -­‐  Loca5on of wall, windows, door and etc. -­‐  Room name and its func5on -­‐  Materials of each component -­‐  Dimensions -­‐  orienta5on Provide an example of the dimensions as they appear on this floor plan? What units are used for the dimensions? -­‐  Dimensions on the floor plan are measured in Why might this informa5on be important? millimeter. They provide details of the project and they are the guidelines to the whole set of these drawings.

Working drawings Is there a grid? What system is used for iden5fying Illustrate how references to other drawings are the grid lines? shown on the plan. What do these symbol mean? -­‐  Yes, there is a grid system. The system used is -­‐  The first one reference to the sec5on drawings, using “long-­‐short-­‐long” dash lines that are the arrow means the direc5on of the sec5on denoted by numbers and lebers. facing and number on top is sec5on number while the number on bobom is the drawing number. -­‐  The sec5on one reference to the eleva5ons. What is the purpose of the grid? arrow means the direc5on of the eleva5on, -­‐  To help understand the working drawings and number on top is the eleva5on number while its components. number at the bobom is the drawing number. Why some parts of the drawing annotated? Illustrate how the annota5on are associated with the relevant part of the drawing? -­‐  To provide more detailed informa5on of the drawing, which are not indicated by nota5ons. How are the windows and doors iden5fied? Provide an example of each. Is there a ra5onale to their numbering? What do these number mean? Can you find the answer somewhere in the drawing?

-­‐  Window is marked as a rectangular with numbers in side. Door is marked as a circle also with numbers. Top number means the type of the window, which can be find in construc5ng drawings.

Illustrate how floor levels are noted on the plan? Are some areas of the drawing clouded? Why? -­‐  It shows changes between two working drawings that these areas need extra aben5on. On the leg, first one is in floor plan and second one is in the eleva5on.

3. DRAWING CONTENT-­‐ ELEVATIONS What type of informa5on is shown in the eleva5on? How does it differ from the informa5on shown on the plan? -­‐  Eleva5on provide ver5cal view of the building. The façade of the building is shown on the eleva5on. Are dimensions shown? If so, how do they differ from the dimensions on the plan? Provide an example of the dimensions as they related to the eleva5on. -­‐  Dimensions on eleva5ons only provide the dimension between grid while on the plan, it is more specific. -­‐  .

What types of levels are shown on the eleva5ons? Illustrate how levels are shown in rela5on to the eleva5on. -­‐ Levels are represented by codes like FFL (finished floor level) and using dash lines. Is there a grid? If so, how/where is it shown? -­‐  There is a grid align with structural systems.

Illustrate how the the windows are iden5fied on the eleva5on.

What types of informa5on on the eleva5ons are expressed using word? Illustrate how this is done? -­‐  The kind of informa5on cannot be illustrated by graphs and nota5ons, like where the insula5on is. Illustrated where is this eleva5on is located on the plan. -­‐  The eleva5on is located from the viewer point on the plan using symbol like this: 4. DRAWING CONTENT-­‐SECTIONS What types of informa5on is shown in the sec5on? How does it differ from the informa5on on the plan and eleva5on? -­‐ It indicates the detailed ver5cal informa5on about the building at certain cross sec5on, which consist of the founda5on and the height of the building.

Illustrate how the sec5on drawing differen5ates between building elements that cut through and those that are shown in the eleva5on? -­‐  Different line types are used

5. DRWAING CONTENT-­‐DETAILS What sort of things are detailed? -­‐  Finishes -­‐  Fixtures -­‐  Size

Are the details compressed using break lines? Why? Provide examples of different materials are shown -­‐  In order to indicate the detailed part belongs to on the sec5ons the whole drawing. Provide examples of how different materials are shown on drawing at this scale. Find where this sec5on is located on the plans Find the loca5on of these details on the plans, -­‐  Line up with where they cut through eleva5ons and sec5ons.

Glossary Joist: any of a series of small repe55ve parallel beams for suppor5ng floors, ceilings or flat roofs (Ching, 2012. p.96). Span: the extent of space between two supports of a structure. Also, the structure is supported (Ching, 2012. p.95). Spacing: the repea5ng distance distance between a series of like or similar elements, ogen associated with suppor5ng elements, and can be measured horizontally and ver5cally (Ching, 2012. p.95). Stumps and pier: Stump is lible column stand between floor and founda5on. A pier is brick stump.

span: distance from two points of support, from center to center. The span of a element is the distance of its suppor5ng element. spacing: distance from two points of support, from center to center. Spacing of the element is the distance between the same element.

Reference: Ching, F.D. (2012). A Visual Dic+onary of Architecture. John Wiley & Sons. Ching, F. D. (2008). Building construc+on illustrated. John Wiley & Sons. hbp://petersmachining.hopout.com.au/Services/Other/levelmasterhousestumps hbps://www.dlsweb.rmit.edu.au/toolbox/buildright/content/bcgbc4010a/10_floor_systems/ 10_sub_floor_framing_floor_joists/page_001.htm

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