Week three logbook

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This is parking lot under the south lawn. These concrete columns are built under trees that they take the loads of the trees and transfer it to the ground. In this case, all columns are built independently as in parking lot, columns are easily to be accidently destroyed. The shape of the column is designed for tree root that soil and water can be maintained in the cone part. This shape allows the load to be well transferred.

This picture shows a repaired column a;er ‘column cancer’ which means the reinforcement inside the column was once exposed and the reinforcement begin to rot. As they ro@ng, they expand and burst the rest of the concrete. As this procedure conAnues, the whole column will collapse. In this case, they changed the whole reinforcement in this column and rebuilt the concrete part to stop this procedure. The different colour and rust trace on the column indicated that.

The picture on the le; shows h o w t h e s e c o l u m n s supporAng the t r e e a b o v e them and they this cone shape is necessary.

This is a picture of salt on top of parking lot celling. Over the years, rain water penetrate the concrete celling and evaporate. The salt in the water stayed.

The load of the roof ( A m b e r s l a p ) i s transferred to the steel beam and them to the steel columns under. The glass wall and steel frame on the other side takes no load as they are only the substructure of this whole building.

This pavilion shows the typical modern building form: hybrid construcAon. The main part of this pavilion is framing construcAon while the ground floor entrance part is mass construcAon. This has nothing to do with foundaAon or stability of the building but purely for athleAc reason, Different from the front side, bricks are used on the other side the pavilion. Two different types of materials gives two different feeling of this building. The change of material may because of the cost of Amber is higher and the strength of Amber is smaller.

The picture shows an example of formwork. This concrete wall used Amber to mode the shape during construcAon process, which explain the Amber like surface.

The pavilion of union house is supported by columns on the edges a n d c a b l e s t h a t stabilise the roof in windy weather. This opening is the lowest point of the roof which enables rain water to drainage and p r e v e n A n g t h e columns from over load. Cable around this opening is loose in normal days and in tension in windy days. This column funcAons m o r e t h a n j u s t bearing the load of t h e r o o f , i t a l s o supporAng the roof to k e e p i t s s h a p e . FooAng under this column should be pad fooAng.


The load of this steel bridge is transferred to the beam under the bridge and then to the cable holding the beams. The load them is transferred to the beams on the wall and, according to equilibrium, there must be columns in the wall to hold this whole structure. The columns under the bridge take no load but funcAoning as holding the bridge in posiAon. There are two types of steel used in this structure, main body of the bridge is hot formed steel, which is thick with strength. Handrail part is cold folded steel which is more expensive but more safety

LOT 6 is a concrete frame building with concrete columns. Picture on the le; shows the load path of the building. As noAced, the steel beam in front of the building is purely for athleAc consideraAon that it takes no load. The other part of this beam is taking load the the floor inside the LOT 6 and transfers it to the columns. There are two types of joints in these building structures. Pin joints allows cable to rotate. F i x e d j o i n t p r e v e n t s a l l movements that make sure the beam (therefore the whole structure) is stable.

P i c t u r e s o n t h e l e ; s h o w s waterproofing system for buildings. Because of the basement under the LOT 6, therefore all the grassland is waterproofing. However, the first one is only prevenAng water going into the retaining wall.

Strip foo)ng: The conAnuous spread fooAng of a foundaAon wall (Ching, 2008). Slab on ground: A concrete slab placed over a dense or compacted base and supported directly by the ground, usually reinforced with welded wire fabric or a grid of reinforcing bars to control any cracking caused by drying shrinkage or thermal stresses. Separate or integral fooAng are required for heavy or concentrated loads. Over problem soils, the slab must be designed as a mat or ra; (Ching, 2008). The window structure Substructure: the underlying structure is the substructure of forming the foundaAon of a building or the whole building other construcAon (Ching, 2008). structure.

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glossary Formwork: the term given to either temporary or permanent molds into which concrete or similar materials are poured. Retaining wall: a wall of treated Amber, masonry, concrete for holding in place a mass of earth. A retaining wall can fall by overturning, sliding or se@ng. Also called breast wall. (Ching, 2008) Pad fooAng: Also called isolated fooAng, this type of fooAng to spread a point load over a wider area of ground. Moment: The tendency of a force to produce Moment of force= F*D rotaAon of a body about a joint or line, equal in TOTAL MOMENT=0 magnitude to the product of the force and the moment arm and acAng in a clockwise or counterclockwise direcAon (Ching, 2008)

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