Traditional Funeral Program for Aaron Andrews

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Aaron Anthony Andrews

Sunrise: 29th May, 1992 Sunset: 3rd July, 2021 Aged: 29 Years Service Held At Hillview Seventh-Day Adventist Church Toniquie Williams-Darling Highway Nassau N.P, The Bahamas Thursday, 22nd July, 2021 at 10:30am Officiating Pastor Andrew Burrows Assisted by Other Ministers Interment Lakeview Memorial Gardens & Mausoleums John F. Kennerdy Dive and Gladstone Road Nassau, N.P, The Bahamas

Obituary Beginning On May 29, 1992, the halls of Princess Margaret Hospital echoed with the sounds of a crying bouncing baby boy to the proud parents, Unicy Jones -Issacs and Anthony Andrews. The life and legacy of Aaron Anthony Andrews began that evening on the island of New Providence. From an early age Aaron displayed a selfless devotion to others. He always ensures that the people around him were taken care of, and brought happiness to all. His contagious laugh always lightened the mood and uplifted spirits. A time to learn and work Aaron started his early formative years of education at Claridge Primary School, later he attended C.H. Reeves Junior High School and then completed his schooling at C.I. Gibson High School. He was always industrious and was always adamant about being a provider. He took a delight and was passionate about his electrical trade, which he learned from his Dad. This was another bond that the Andrews’ men shared. At the age of 13 years old, Aaron convinced his mother to enter the workforce. He had to be the man of the house and contribute to his family. Although his first job only lasted a day, his journey to being an exemplary employee began. Through the years he would have worked for Texaco station, Avis Car Rental, Andrew’s Electrical, Tiamo Resort, Small Hope Bay Lodge, AUTEC Naval Base and Lyford Cay Security (K-9 Unit) He was adventurous, curious, and had a natural ability to bring humor and lighten the seriousness of situations. He was very proud to be an “Andros man”, he love his heritage and the island life: jumping of the bridge, free diving in the ocean, fishing and going for land crabs. Andrews was no stranger to the kitchen, his pot had that island flavor. He would say “ all Andros man could cook”. Andrews relocated from Nassau to Fresh Creek, Andros Island with his brother Gr. II Immigration Officer Romell Andrews. It was there that he met and fell in love with his wife Linda-Whyms. The two developed a beautiful bond and tie the knot on the 29th of May, 2016. The newlyweds eventually relocated to Nassau in 2017, to pursue their goals and lifelong dreams. Andrews knew from early on he wanted to follow in the footsteps of his Dad, brothers, uncles and the entire uniformed Andrews’ clan. He became determined to join the Royal Bahamas Police Force. His size, stern nature and his love for the uniform increased his interest in joining the armed forces. Andrews was accepted into the Police training in June 2018. There he gained 98 squad mates and got the nickname “Tyre Shine Man”. After graduating from Police College, he was assigned to the East Street South Police station. His devotion to his duties allowed him to excel quickly. PC 4010 Andrews moved over to Central Detective Unit where he was assigned to the Arm robbery unit. He was selfless in his work, and his

dedication was instrumental in helping the unit to access its goals. Once Detective Constable 4010 Andrews was in office there was never a dull moment. A time to Die No man knows the hour, day, or time when this earthly life will come to an end; we just pray that will be ready to meet our maker at the gate. Andrew’s sunset came on 3rd July 2021 while visiting his hometown, South Andros. Det. PC4010 Andrews was involved in a car accident and succumbed to his injuries. Like words etched in stone, so is our destiny. The Maker was ready to bring his child home and the soul of Det. PC 4010 Aaron Andrews ascended to the father. He is survived by his: Wife: Linda Ruthnell Whyms-Andrews; Parents: Anthony Andrews and Unicy Jones-Isaacs; Step Parents: Sharon Andrews and Festus Isaacs; Grand Mother: Ruth Jones; Grand Father: Burntel Andrews; Brothers: Gr. II Immigration Officer Romell Andrews, Sergeant Grant, Kingsley Kemar Ayden and Seth Andrews, Omar Davis; Sisters: Julieann Andrews, Tracy Nealy, Tonielle Brancaccio, Nickeisha Grant and Benita Benjamin; Adopted Brothers: Kieron and Jeremy Sturrup; Sisters in Law – Gina Cartwright; Joycelyn Williams; Brothers in Law – Garvin Lightbourne, David Williams, Fredrick Johnson; Mother in Law - Ellen Williams; Nieces: Philandranique Nealy, Mellisha and Brianna Andrews, Tatiana and Arianna Brancaccio, Shavannah Williams, Alyssa, Elizabeth, Hannah and Amelia Johnson; Nephews: Treshawn Rolle, Romell Andrews Jr, Fredrick Johnson and Knox Grant; Aunts: Clothilda Stuart-Whymns, Oralee Forbes, Antanell Ottley (Anthony), Chedretta Flowers (Theophilus), Avis Baker, Valerie Rolle (Edwin), Claudette and Nicola Andrews, Carmen, Marcia and Pauline Jones; Uncles: Don Sands (Patricia), Charles Taylor, Neil Andrews (Gail), Elridge Andrews (Debbie), Carl and Daniel Jones; Grand Aunts: Lillian McKenzie, Shirley, Ruthlyn and Loretta Taylor, Natalie Neely, Barbara Deleveaux and Shirley Andrews, Yvonne Andrews; Grand Uncles: James, Nehemiah, Arlington and Samuel Taylor, Elkanah, Hamen, Vincent, Orthneil and Jack Andrews; Cousins: Shavonne, Theodore and Orick Forbes, Roxy and Jenero Whymns, Kareem, Sidney and Anthorn Logan, Atia Flowers, Tajauana and Shana Sands, Monikell Titus, Jermaine, Jamal and Jemillia Baker, Valicia, Valene and Vallyah Rolle, Neil Jr, Brittney, Bria and Gaynell Andrews, Anthonio Thompson, Ashton and Anton Andrews, Valdamae and Alvarez Rahming; Numerous other friends and family including Mrs. Jeanette Thompson and family, Ms. Verna Hutchinson– Smith, Ms Sandra and family, Mr & Mrs Marion Mangoroo and family, The Royal Bahamas Police Force, East Street South Police Station, Central Detective Unit (including Arm Robbery), Lyford Cay Security, Avis Rent Car, Small Hope Bay Lodge Family and friend, Tiamo Resort Family and friends, Bethany Seventh-Adventist Church friends and family and many others to much to mention.

Order of Service Procession of Ministers, Color Party and Casket Opening Sentences - Call to worship…………………………..Pastor Craig Williams Opening prayer …………………………………………………………… Elder Howard Knowles First lesson ……………… Ecc. 3 1-12……......……… Sergeant Grant, Kingsley Kemar (Brother) Musical Selection ………………………...........……..….PC 4011 Rosevelt Archer (Squadmate) Tribute/As I know him …………………………………...………. PC4027 Leary (Squadmate) Second Scripture………...…… 1Cor. 15: 50-58……….……. Det.PC 4087 Griffin (Squadmate) Hymn………………………………………………………………………...…....… Glad Reunion Day There will be a happy meeting in heaven I know When we see the many loved ones we’ve known here below. Gather on the blessed hilltops with hearts all aglow. That will be a glad reunion day. Glad day, a wonderful day, Glad day, a glorious day; There with all the holy angels and loved ones to stay, That will be a glad reunion day. There within the holy city we’ll sing and rejoice, Praising Christ the blessed Saviour with heart and with voice. Tell him how we came to love Him and make Him our choice. That will be a glad reunion day. When we live a million years in that wonderful place Basking in the love of Jesus, beholding His face. It will seem but just a moment of praising His grace. That will be glad reunion day. Remarks ……………...…….. The Commissioner of Police ( The Hon Minister of National Securit) Musical Selection …………………………...……………. Saxophone selection ( RBPF Band) Eulogy ……………………………………………………………....………..Pastor Andrew Burrows Prayer for the family……………………………...…………………….Pastor Craig Williams

Recessional Hymn………………………………………………………….. Farther Along Tempted and tried, we’re oft made to wonder Why it should be thus all the day long, While there are others living about us, Never molested, though in the wrong. Farther along we’ll know all about it, Farther along we’ll understand why; Cheer up my brother, live in the sunshine, We’ll understand it all by and by.

Faithful til death, said our loving Master A few more days to labor and wait, Toils of the road will then seem as nothing As we sweep through the beautiful gate. When we see Jesus, coming in glory, When He comes from His home in the sky, Then we shall meet Him in that bright mansion, We’ll understand it all by and by.

When death has come and taken our loved ones, It leaves our home so lonely and drear, Then do we wonder why others prosper Living so wicked year after year.

Recession of Ministers, Color party & Casket Committal by RBPF Chaplain

Graveside Hymns IT IS WELL


When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul.

There’s a city of Light, where there cometh no night; ‘Tis a city of beauty untold; All my treasures are there and its beauty I’ll share, When I get to that city of gold.

It is well, it is well, With my soul, with my soul, It is well; it is well, with my soul.

When I leave all trouble and care, I will say good morning up there; I will have great gladness untold, When I get to that city of gold

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, let this blest assurance control that Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the whole, is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! And, Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, the clouds be rolled back as a scroll; the trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend Even so, it is well with my soul

There’s no sorrow up there in that city so fair And no sickness can enter I’m told; Shadows all will have flown, I will meet friend I’ve known When we get to that city of gold. Won’t you go there with me to the home of the free, Would you see heaven’s beauty unfold? If you will come along, we will sing heaven’s song When we get to that City of gold.



ubba, I am trying to hold on to all of the memories that we have created over the years. But for some reason, I am still waiting for you to come home. It was always the small things that you did and the gentle things that you said, kept me falling in love with you over and over again. I am taking with me the beautiful moments, the love, your smile, your cuddles, your jokes, and bottling these memoirs as the solace of comfort. We started on a journey together called forever and to have experienced love with you is something I cherish. We grew so much together. We celebrated the victories and held each other up in the darkest of times. I thank God for loaning you to me as my husband. I find small comfort in knowing that even though you are absent from this world, your soul is in eternal rest. My evergreen, our love will never die, rest well my love. I miss my Lover! Mrs. Linda Andrews aka “Da Wife” P.S. : “Hun, I hope them angels know you don’t play about your meals .Tell them your wife say “make sure your plate, right!” “Wifey”


ou gave no one a last farewell, nor ever said good-bye. You were gone before we knew it and only God knows why. Not only did I lose a brother, but also my best friend! Someone whom I shared my secrets and pain with. You had the personality that would fill a room and a warm smile that would lift any spirit! Heaven has truly gained one of the best. You will surely be missed, take your rest Bro. Mel


o one knows the day nor the hour when the son of man cometh but I know the day you came and the day you left. Friday May 29th 1992 to Saturday July 3rd 2021 or 29 years 1 month and 5 days. Maybe 349 months and 5 days, it could also be 1518 weeks and 2 days or just 10,628 days. This may seem like a long time for many but to me it was just the other day. Tears will not bring you back, but the memories will forever be in my heart. Love, Pops


ur tribute to AAron, a nephew, son, a brother, a protector “ Aaron as I think back to 2013/2014 around the time I first meet you at the police college about to take the exams we instantly clicked. The excitement you had filled the compound it was then I knew you would make a great policeman. As the years went by you became closer with Yvonne, Alex, Krystal and Tamika. You were so talented; we didn’t know what trade you couldn’t do. You were a positive young man way ahead of your time with that big hug and smile one couldn’t help but love you. Persons who came in contact with you felt the love you had for them, in particular the members of the R.B.P.F. where you shared five years of dedication and loyalty. You know we joke many times of slowing down but like me you always laugh it off. You will be especially missed for showing up for unexpected meals for you then the added unexpected others / comrades. You left so soon after Alex but we are grateful for the short time to have come to love you as our own. There is no amount of words can ever express the kindness you left behind and the persons you touched along the way behind all the roughness that appeared on the outside. You were like a big teddy bear on the inside to your family, friends and co workers! So farewell my son from all of us ,until the day of redemption when we all hope to see each again you rest peacefully in the arms of Jesus he knows all things you left to soon but that was his plan we LOVE you Aaron! You can finally take that rest we constantly spoke of. “Who’s gonna fill your shoes, who’s gonna stand that tall, who’s gonna make the effort to help us one and all, who’s gonna give their heart and soul to get to me and u! Lord I wonder who’s gonna fill your shoes” Love Unc, Auntie, Krissy & Tamika


hat is our life going to be without you our dear brother? Very bland....we never could have imagined saying goodbye to you so soon!!! You were the life of the party, with the biggest and brightest smile in any room. Without a doubt you were a bottle of sunshine, mood elevator and energizer wherever you went. Your light touched so many people in a such a profound way. You were always there for us, as a good brother should - you were greatly appreciated for everything you’ve ever done. Thank you for being such a great role model to your nieces and nephews. We could speak our minds to you without judgment of any kind and you never hesitated to offer an alternative point of view. We have been greatly blessed and are forever grateful to have had you as a brother, as a friend. The love we have for you transcends this earthly life and will bewith you for an eternity to come. Sleep in heavenly peace little brother. Sisters


/C 4010 Aaron Anthony Andrews We are indeed thankful and grateful for your dedication, tireless effort, time, resources and more importantly, your dedicated service. For more than three years we have watched you developed as you would continue to strive for excellence in the execution of all your duties. You were always seeking advice on how you can perform better. It saddens our hearts that we have to say goodbye for now but we know and trust that God’s plans for you are much better than ours. Our brother today we give God thanks for a wonderful giant of a man we salute the life of a true soldier. Our brother in arms until we meet again, continue to watch over us as we continue on the task that you have started .Rest in Eternal Peace and Heavenly Peace my brother until we meet again. Arm Robbery unit at CDU

A journey together, We endured together, will last forever, We began as strangers, But finished as family. An unbreakable bond That will always carry on, We will always love you, Even though you’re gone, You left us with only thoughts of *if* If I could only see you again, If I could only hear you again, If you could only laugh again, Then we could all smile again. Until the day we meet again rest in heavenly peace 4010. A B C & D Squad 2018


Flag Bearers PC 3604 Major – MD WPC 4180 Darling –Fox Hill PC 4032 Rolle – CID

Flag Presenter WPC 4085 Deleveaux - CID

Flag Operators PC 3950 Knowles - ISD PC 4181 Davis - NED WPC 4102 Scott - MD

Cap Bearer WPC 4087 Griffin – CID

Pallbearers Commander Sgt 3624 Hepburn – SIB Pall Bearers

PC 4013 Brown – SED PC 4015 Cleare - Marine Division PC 4016 Cumberbatch - SWD PC 4023 Frazier - FIU PC 4041 Anderson - SED PC 4066 Smith - SCD PC 4152 Fowler - ED PC 4018 Deveaux – SCD PC 4027 Leary – CID PC 4034 Stubbs – CID

Firing Party Commander Sgt 2854 Thompson - HQ Sgt 3199 Brennen – Abaco District

Colour Party Commander Sgt 3129 Taylor - FSS

Firing Party

Cpl 3820 Butler - MD P.C 4011 Archer - MD P.C 3908 Albury – TPU P.C 4377 Sweeting - FHD P.C 3945 Davis – RR P.C 4017 Demeritte - CID P.C 4339 Pratt – CBD PC 4029 McDonald - MD P.C 3910 Bethel – DEU P.C 4039 Williams - NED P.C 4040 Wilson -CID P.C 4051 Huyler – CID P.C 4400 Mackey - CD P.C 4072 Tucker- CID P.C 4028 Morley- Covid P.C 4052 Kelly – CID

Parade Commander: Chief Supt A. Curtis - ISD

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