Elder alfred n. Moss

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SUNRISE: 12th April 1960

SUNSET: 30th August 2023

AGE: 63


New Zion Cathedral Grace, Old Bight Cat Island, The Bahamas

Sunday, 17th, September 2023 at 11:30 a.m.


Rev Christopher King Pastor Sterling Moss

ASSISTED BY: Other Ministers of the Gospel

MUSICIANS: Deacon Durrell Shearer


As the sun peeped over the horizon of the quiet, quaint, and picturesque settlement of New Bight, Cat Island, a cool and gentle breeze flowed from its rolling hills.

It was the 12th day of April 1960 when Alfred and Rosalie Moss woke up to celebrate their eighth wedding anniversary. Suddenly, a movement took place. Rose quickly realized that she was in labour. Celebration rap- idly turned into preparation. It was time to welcome their 6tth child into the world. With much prayer and fin- gers crossed everyone waited with great anticipation. Could this be the son that they prayed so long and hard for? It was not long before shouts of joy filled the air. The news went near and far that finally, Alfred and Rose have a bouncing baby BOY! What an awesome anniversary gift! What a blessing from God! Their son at last! His great grandmother Titty said like Simeon in Matthew’s gospel, “I can leave now the heir reach.” She de- parted this life two weeks later.

This special anniversary gift was given the name Alfred Nehemiah Jr Moss. Alfred and Rose were convinced that finally, they had found the pathway to producing boys. They tried three more times but they were back on the girls pathway.

Alfred Jr. grew in stature and wisdom under the well-guarded and protected hands of his parents. Guarded and protected, yes, because this was the only seed to carry on the Moss generation of Alfred Sr. and Rosalee. Al- fred Jr. was smart and intelligent and had wisdom beyond his years. He began his early education at Holy Re- deemer Catholic School in New Bight, and continued his education at the New Bight All Age School, where he graduated on completion.

At the age of fifteen he left Cat Island to pursue career opportunities in Grand Bahama. He worked at the Prin- cess Tower Hotel for a few years and at the age of eighteen he joined the Royal Bahamas Police Force. He served his country as a police officer for about eight years and left to become an entrepreneur.

Alfred’s wisdom allowed him to think and see far into the future. He always saw opportunities that others could not imagine. As we would say today, he always thought out of the box. While in Freeport he invested in building houses for sale, real estate and also pursued other business opportunities. However, his main focus was building and real estate.

As the years passed Alfred felt the need to return to his island of birth. Oh, Cat Island, his beloved Cat Island. He had a heart for Cat Island. He sold everything that he had in Freeport and returned to his beloved hometown, where he built his home and started other developments. Shortly after arriving in Cat Island, he met a young, beautiful lady by the name of Cindy Wells. Love filled the air and shortly after they were joined in Holy Matrimony at the Abundant Life Gospel Chapel in New Providence. The young couple returned to Cat Island where they started their family. Their marriage was a match made in heaven. Cindy honored, respected, loved and obeyed, yes obeyed her husband. They exemplified the marriage vows that says for richer for poor- er, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.

Together they became a power couple in Cat Island. Their union was blessed with four outstanding boys, Doc- tor Alfred N Moss, Shaquille H. Moss, Terran N. R. Moss, and Ma-Lik J. C. Moss.

Alfred loved building. He became a master contractor, and his mind went wild with ideas. The evidence of which can be seen throughout Cat Island. He never looked for what

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Cat Island could do for him but always what he could do for Cat Island. In addition to him being a contractor, he was also a man of many other disci- plines such as; a Police Officer, a Pilot, a Licensed Electrician, a Fisherman, and a Farmer. But his greatest love was in the mission field for his Lord and Saviour.

Whoever came looking for a job he would find something for them to do. Whoever came with their seafood catch or farm products, he would of bought their products whether he needs to or not. He would just buy them to give away. He was a giver! He would give the last dollar out of his pocket and then ask Cindy to give him some money from her cash register or he goes and takes it out! Only to give that too. Even during his illness all he wanted to do was give. He believed in the scripture that says it is better to give than to receive. Also, give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, press down shaken together and running over shall man give un- to your bosom. Whoever came with a need, he will do everything in his power to fulfil that need. If he was un- able to or did not want to, he would refer them to Cindy, but he will not be the one to say no. Thank God for Cindy who brought some balance because Alfred would give away everything.

Alfred also had a “green thumb” and love farming – and any seedling he came across he would plant them, such as; coconut, avocado, sugar apple, bananas and so much more.

Alfred’s life epitomized 1st Timothy Chapter 3:1-4 A bishop must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigi- lant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, ready and able to teach, not given to wine, not greedy of fifty lucre, not a brawler, not covetous, not a novice but one that rule well his own house, having his children in subjection. He must be patient. Most of all he must have a good report on people in the community and those you come in contact with. Family and friends, that scripture sums up Alfred Nehemiah Moss Jr.


After the death of his father, Alfred Sr. in 1991, Alfred Jr. took up the mantel of laboring in the Old Bight Gos- pel Chapel, Cat Island. He along with Elder Getha Rolle (deceased) and Raymond Rolle (deceased) pro- claimed the Gospel of God in that district. Mission work was always Alfred Jr.’s passion which he continued to do until his death. Missionaries like Roy Beverley and family, Eddison and Marge Roberts, Light of The World Ministries, visited the Island regularly to assist in outreach and winning of souls for the Kingdom of God. Sometime later Eric and Susan Hall came and assisted the Brethren in Cat Island in establishing the Or- phanage, The Old Bight Children’s Home. After the departure of the Halls there were several Administrators who oversaw the running of the Children’s Home and he and his wife Cindy would assist in wherever they were needed. In 2012 the dynamic team of Alfred and Cindy took over full management of the Children’s Home.

On September 23rd, 2007, Alfred Jr. was called to a high calling. He was ordained as an Elder in the Assem- blies of Brethren. He was appointed to pastor the Old Bight Gospel Chapel, walking in the footsteps of his fa- ther Elder Alfred Moss Sr. This was a job he did with honour and distinction, faithfully serving until his death along with his loving and dedicated wife and children serving by his side.

Many persons were baptized under his leadership. As the mission continued, persons like Ken Davis and Terry Hand from North Naples Methodist Church assisted with the mission work and held Vacation Bible School (VBS)l at the Church and Children’s Home annually. Additionally, persons like the Denny, Harripaul and the Rodriquez became a part of the Brethren fellowship in Cat Island. On Mr. Rodriquez’s return to Cuba and Mr. Denny return to Guyana, they successfully formed congregations and continued mission work to those juris-diction. Alfred Jr. gave lovingly towards the continued success of those missions for the continual spreading of the gospel in Guyana and Cuba, which he continued to support up until his demised.

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Left to cherish his loving memories are his beloved and devoted:

Wife: Cindy Monique Moss.

Sons: Dr. Alfred Nehemiah III, Shaquille H., Teran N., and Ma-Lik J. C. Moss, Alfred N. Laing and Alfred T. Moss

Daughter: Priscilla T Davis Daughter-in-Law: Courtney Moss

Sisters: Gloria Moss-Goins, Veronica Wilson. Gretel Stuart, Lenora Hield, Attorney-at-law Eleanor Moss- Pintard, Maxine Armbrister, Maryann Rolle, and Kim Moss

Adopted Children: Horatio Morley, Vernon Brown, Joshua Stubbs

Adopted Sister: Gilda Scavella and Maria Williams

Mother-in-law: Rosetta Wells

Brothers-in-law: Dallas Wilson, George Armbrister, Elvis Rolle and Durward

Wells Sister-in-law: Michelle Wells and Linda Armbrister

Grand Children: Kaleal, Alfred Tavasho Moss, Alani Louise Moss, Nehemiah

Moss, K’Anna Cooper, Ken- dall Hall, Jai-Kai Hall, Asare Hepburn, and Khalil


Aunts: Cynthia Knowles, Maria Strachan, Lovely Rolle, Cyria Pratt and Winfred


Uncles: Eucal (Fredrica) Rolle, Joseph Rolle, and Rayford Rolle

Grand Uncle: Lawrence (Gladys) Rolle

Aunts-in law: Hortence Deveaux-Ferguson, Judy Moncur, Bethsheba DeveauxMackey, Lavern Cooper, Berthmae Deveaux, Essiemae Deveaux, Michelle

Deveaux, Lilly Deveaux, Joann Zonicle, and Eldrika Butler

Uncles-in-law: John III, Patrick, Floyd, Phillip, and Harold Deveaux, Roosevelt

Mackey and Elvis Cooper Nieces: Rachael Goins, Veronique Moss, Vernessa

Stuart, Lashorn Turner, Kadesha Sweeting, Kayla Hield-Swain, Georgina

Knowles, and Garcia Forbes

Nephews: Kentley Goins, Kirk (Crysta) Wilson, Kyle Wilson, Kendris Hield, Kasim (Patra) Hield, Kardio (Phelice) Hield, Elgernon Pintard, Garnet

Armbrister, Max Armbrister, Arteno North, DeMarco Stephen, El- ron Rolle and Brent Moss

Grand Nieces & Nephews: DeVante (Carlton) Curtis, Decasia Russell, Ebony

Forbes, Lavon and Layla Cooper, Gabrielle and Michelle Turner, Kirk Jr. Christina, Chelsea and Dallas Wilson, Dequan (Kendice) Swain, Kalin Fynes, Kaziah Hield, DeAvonque Campbell, Sharvell, Simone and Sharvarlo Jr. Mitchell, JaL- ecia Knowles, Ronae and Malik Rahming, Johnathan Pintard, Devin Gaskin, Lucan and Thor Derenoncourt, Amard, Amari, Trinity, Serenity. Shavaz Max Jr., Mason, and Kiaro Armbrister

Other Relatives and Friends: Pastor (ret.) Tom Roberts and Family, Pastor Ron Shearer and Family, Elder Ted Thompson and Family, Pastor Ed Dorsette and Family, Pastor Sterling Moss and Family, Pastor Rex Ma- jor and Family, Bishop Winslow (Shirley) Moss and Family, Apostle Nelson (Valarie) Strachan, Bishop

Oral (Myrtle) Rolle, Rev. Christopher King and Family, Bishop Rudolph (Sandra) Russell, Deacon Burrows and Family, Rev. Donnie Newbold and Family, Rev. Kermit Rolle and Family, Bishop Lawrence Rolle, Sis Marge Wallace and Family, Rev. Birtlan Newbold and Family, Rev. Harrison (Rohda) King, Pastor Vernice Storr, Pastor Jason (Sophie) Russell and Family, Pastor Maurice (Lana) Russell

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Alfred Nehemiah Moss

and Family , Ezra (Wendy) Russell and Family, Bradley (Pam) Russell and Family, and Family, Hon. Phillip “Brave” Davis, K.C. Prime Minister, Antonia Knowles, James Gilbert, Janet Gilbert, Berthlee Walkes, Ruth Edgecombe, Mae Smith and June Rolle, Mabel Rolle, Patricia Rolle, Melanie and Marie Moss, Allison and Whitney Moss, Jennimae Williams, Elder Jeffrey, Everette, Rodney, Frank and Lynden Johnson, Duke and Patrice Moss and Family, Zendal Stubbs and Family, Norman Bastian, Nicodemus Johnson, Elisha Stuart, David Hield, George Pintard, Canute Daxon, Alphonso and Troy Strachan, Kelly Laing, Dwight, Devona and Devina Knowles, Danielle (Dien) Pratt, Amelia Wilson, Earlin and Tammie Rolle, Carl (Yvonne) Rolle and Family, Margaret Smith, Beverly Rolle, Blake (Marina) Jolly and Family, Miriam Johnson and Family, Ramona Palmer and Family, James Al- fred Odum and Family, Albert Rolle, Sis. Satella Rolle and Family, Renald and Jan Butler, Julie Johnson, De- reck Smith, Godfrey and Dianne Russell, Geraldine Moss and the entire staff and children of the Old Bight Children’s Home, Sis. Kate Williamson, Family Island Administrator, Michael (Charlene) Francis, Allan (Marguerite) Russell and Family, Vandyke (Cara) Russell, Josh (Sherita) Stubbs, Ortlow (Theresa) Nixon and Family, Harold (Ruby) Brown and Family, Ruth Williams, Evelyn Futona, Seleste Calixte, Deon and Nora Ri- ley, David King, Jerry Rolle, Barron Missick, Captain Sullivan, Michael Harris and Family, Luke Harris and Family, Darry Williams and Family, Carl (Ruth) Pinder and Family, Jeffrey Evans, The Young Family, Philli- pa and Helena Rolle, Dannie (Aniska) King, Ethric (Linda) Bannister, Cedric Wilson and Family, The Hart and Rolle Family of Old Bight, Christine Bain and Family, Beverly Rolle and Family, Anteneh Dibaba “Johnny” of Cuba, Ramon Pino of Cuba, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Ret.) Emerick Seymour, Supt. Wil- liams, Supt. P. Rolle, Supt. Knowles, Supt. Munroe, Supt. (Ret.) Barr, Hon. Justice Joyann Pratt-Ferguson, Sgt. T. Stuart, Grace Dorsette, Neka Knowles, Chermein Eve, Stephanie Riley ,, Jennie Dorsette, Cruz Farrah, Fred Brown and Family, Melvin, Andrew, Kendal and Kemerson Seymour, Madelyn Pratt, Nelly McPhee, Bradley (Inger) Dorsette and Family, Edward (Peggy) Johnson and Family, Dwain and Masani Adderley, Jude Martin, Dr. Turnquest, Dr. Charlyon Bonimy, Nurse Saunders and Family , Nurse Stuart, The entire Alvernia Customers and Friends and The entire Cat Island district from North to South and others certainly not forgot- ten , but too numerous to mention.

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Order of Service

ENTRANCE OF THE FAMILY | Indira Rolle (Sister In Christ)



MODERATOR | Elder Hartley Rolle


1 To God be the glory Great things He has done So loved He the world that He gave us His Son Who yielded His life an atonement for sin

And opened the life-gate that all may go in Chorus:

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord

Let the earth hear His voice

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord Let the people rejoice Oh Come to the Father Through Jesus the Son and Give Him the glory Great things He has done

2 O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood

To every believer the promise of God

The vilest offender who truly believes That moment from Jesus a pardon receives

3 Great things He has taught us, great things He has done And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son But purer, and higher, and greater will be Our wonder, our worship, when Jesus we see

SCRIPTURE READING | KJV | John 14: 1-7 Godrey Russell (Brother in Christ)

14 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.

5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?

6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.

SOLO | Rev. Harrison King

OBITUARY | To Be Read In Silence

CONDOLENCES | Pastor Vernice Storr

Pastor Bradley Storr

Cedric Wilson

Terry Hand

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MUSICAL SELECTION | Rev Jeffrey Johnson

SCRIPTURE READING | KJV| JOB 14: 1-9 Kyle Wilson (Nephew)

1 Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble.

2 He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not.

3 And doth thou open thine eyes upon such an one, and bringest me into judgment with thee?

4 Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one.

5 Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months are with thee, thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass;

6 Turn from him, that he may rest, till he shall accomplish, as an hireling, his day.

7 For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease.

8 Though the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground;

9 Yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant.

VIDEO TRIBUTE | Emeritus Pastor Tom Roberts


AS I KNEW HIM | Bishop Birtlan Newbold Nicodemus Johnson

REFLECTIONS | Lenora Hield (Sister)

REMARKS | Elder Ted Thompson (Brother in Christ)


1 It may be at morn, when the day is awaking, When sunlight through darkness and shadow is break- ing, That Jesus will come in the fullness of glory, To receive from the world “His own.”


O Lord Jesus, how long, how long Ere we shout the glad song, Christ returneth! Hallelujah! hallelujah! Amen, Hallelujah! Amen.

2 It may be at midday, it may be at twilight, It may be, perchance, that the blackness of midnight Will burst into light in the blaze of His glory, When Jesus receives “His own

3 While its hosts cry Hosanna, from heaven descending, With glorified saints and the angels attending, With grace on His brow, like a halo of glory, Will Jesus receive “His own.

4 Oh, joy! oh, delight! should we go without dying, No sickness, no sadness, no dread and no crying, Caught up through the clouds with our Lord into glory, When Jesus receives “His own.”

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TRIBUTE | Wystan Harri-Paul


The Hon, Justice Joyann Ferguson-Pratt Administrator Kate Williamson

MUSICAL SELECTION | Indera Rolle ( Sister in Christ)


EULOGY | Pastor Sterling Moss

PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY | Pastor Edmond Dorsett


1. Some glad morning when this life is o’er, I’ll fly away; To a home on God’s celestial shore, I’ll fly away (I’ll fly away).


I’ll fly away, Oh Glory

I’ll fly away; (in the morning) When I die, Hallelujah, by and by, I’ll fly away (I’ll fly away).

2. When the shadows of this life have gone, I’ll fly away; Like a bird from prison bars has flown, I’ll fly away (I’ll fly away)

3. Just a few more weary days and then, I’ll fly away; To a land where joy shall never end, I’ll fly away (I’ll fly away)

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To My Beloved Junior

Psalm 37 verse two reminds us that “ The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord”, and Junior you was not only a great man but a great husband. Just as amazing of a husband you were to me you were a supporter and a friend .The love we shared will always be cherished in my heart forever. For thirty-three years every step you took ,we stood there united through your strength and wisdom. You were a genuine man and a firm believer of providing for you family and encouraging others around you. You were my motivator, teacher, supporter, and lover. There was nothing you wouldn’t do for you family and other. You words will always re- main in my heart saying “ It is always good to lend a helping hand, It is always better to give and I love my family and I want the best for my family.”

You often reminded everyday of how you bless me with four wonderful sons who you firmly sharpened and groomed into God fearing gentlemen. The love you had for your sons can never be measured as you provided the tough firm love and I would provide the soft gentle love. Junior you were the pillar of strength in the fami- ly and your values will forever live on through me and your sons.

I will always love you Cindy


As I write this tribute to you my body becomes weak and my eyes full of tears, but knowing it’s for you I would continue to because you always showed us strength and power over anything. It comforts me to know that you’re in a better place away from pain and suffering, but it aches me to know that you’re not here with us, But God knows best and through his Grace and Mercy we’re comforted because of your love you left in our hearts.

Growing up as children you would always show and SAY that you want the best for your children, and the best in your eyes was Education and that didn’t only apply for your biological children’s that applied for eve- ryone who was around you. You ensured that all of us got an education and learnt every trade one can use liv- ing on an Island.

I would never forget the time you said to me that I was going to Cuba to further my Education, at first I was skeptical knowing the situation, But God knew what he was doing and he had you to take me there and walk with Me and was able to help build me to the person I am today molding me to always be humble and trust in God.

Your legacy is like none other, you made an impact on so many lives and touched so many hearts that people would often say I want to be like your dad, he’s my role model, I want to grow my family up just like his own, and to hear people say that I was happy to know that you’re my father. But little that they know it wasn’t easy growing up around you, you would ensure that we grown up tough and learn from our mistakes and how to correct them.

I can continue to go on and on about you, but your actions spoke louder than words, but you were a great pro- vider and a great protector, a mouthpiece for the family and ready to go to war for us whenever a situation arose. But you always instilled in us that throughout life always trust in God and always give back.

Daddy, I know you live within us, and I will continue to carry on your legacy, might not be able to fill your shoes, but will continue to express the love you showed.

Love You Daddy always and for ever in my heart Sharky

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To Daddy

My father built an unshakable foundation for my family to stand on. One grounded in tremendous faith and in the gospel of God, which all things are possible. One rich in knowledge and upstanding that would last forever. He instilled in us all the qualities necessary to take on this world, to see that we become successful in life.

He believed in doing all things the right way, no matter how long it took, because by doing so you can rest as- sure that in the end, the results would be what you intended to be. This complimented one of his many amaz- ing qualities, which was that he could remain calm during any battle or storm, knowing that in the end it will all work out, and everything would be ok. This is something I learned from him and will continue to practice as life goes on.

Above all things, my father was a giver, a man that believed that giving was more rewarding than receiving. My father gave without expecting anything in return. he was known for his generous and caring spirit. I was given the privilege of seeing how when you give from your heart, God blesses you ten times over.

To God be the glory for blessing me with such a great father, a man that lives on in the hearts of many, that lives on through me and through all the great things he has done. For the time spent with him, the knowledge, lessons, love and memories we shared is an everlasting blessing, the greatest gift. Upon this I have built my house.

Will forever love you Terran-TD

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A Tribute to My Father

A loving dad but also devoted husband who cherished his children and wife beyond measure.

He was a guiding light in our lives, imparting invaluable life lessons that have shaped me into a better, more well-rounded individual in society. His unwavering strength served as a rock and pillar of support for our fam- ily throughout his lifetime.

The memories we shared are treasures that will forever warm our hearts. His teachings of forgiveness and gen- erosity have left an indelible mark on my soul, reminding me to be a better person each day.

Words cannot express the depth of love we held for him, nor the void his absence leaves in our lives. His pres- ence was a source of immense comfort, and his absence is an even greater loss.

Daddy , you were greatly loved, and your absence will be deeply felt. May you rest in glory , knowing that your legacy of love and wisdom will continue to guide us. You will be missed more than words can express.

With eternal love and sorrow,

To the World’s Greatest

My daddy to me was more than a father, more than a role model, more than a leader, more than a supporter, and more than an motivator ,but the only thing I wished I had more of my father was time. Today and as long as I live I will pay tribute to my you for your remarkable work and profound impact on my life.

From my earliest memories ,you were the only example I needed and wanted to follow which lead me to be- come who I am today. Your hard work, sacrifice , and commitment to not only provide for us but to everyone will forever re remembered .Beyond provision you shared knowledge and wisdom and showed who a true leader is .You gave me values, taught me the importance of integrity and the benefits of being observant.

If I was to describe what my father meant to me a million words in a million languages could not express the importance enough . You were the voice, the force, the visionary, a provider and the best father not only to me but to many. This loss will forever leave a void that will never be filled but our memories and words will for- ever remain with me .Your love for your family could never be compared to any love on earth.

Your legacy will live on through me and my brothers as your relentless kindness and compassion touched the lives of everyone you came in contact with. Your guidance and wisdom was the source of my success thus far and will continue to be. Every great conversations we shared will be carried with me throughout the rest of my life.

Perhaps the most significant gift you gave me aside from your features , were the importance of keeping God at the center of my life. No matter the challenges I face you would always tell me “ That’s apart of life”. And you were the most important part of my life and I will continue to make you proud.

Today , I want to let the world know how proud I am to be your son. The lessons, the love, the sacrifices , and the faith you’ve shared has shaped me into the person I am today and will forever be grateful.

Take you rest Papa Smurf, We got it here from here!

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To Our Loving Brother

To Our Loving Brother So much tears with infinite pain The emotions inside, we can never ex- plain If only we could awake and this nightmare could end But when tomorrow starts without you We will always remember, that we will see you again

Our hearts are aching, with burning tears But we’ll cherish those memories, all of us shared We love you so much, our brother and our friend We will hold you close, until we see your face again

We know that you would want us, to keep our heads up high We will try our best to go on, in the midst of our sigh You know that you were our hero, our brother and friend You will never be forgotten, til eternity ends

Goodbye is just a word, we will never say Oh how we wish, that you could stay But your man- sion was ready, so you gained your wings You flew away to occupy it, because you love beau- tiful things

It is not our place to question, Only God knows why We just have another angel, around God’s throne in the sky So just rest in peace, our dear loving brother

Your work here is done Safe in the arms of Jesus We know he said well done!


Gloria, Veronica, Gretel, Lenora, Eleanor, Maxine, Maryann and Kim


As I reflect on my Uncle Junior I remember his Smile his grace and his warm affection whenever he see any of his nephews or nieces. He truly loved each and every one of us and was always willing to assist us in any which way. As a child I remember every summer break Uncle Junior would send his aero plane over to Grand Bahama to transport me to Cat Island. He would call my mother and say when does school close for the sum- mer? Once she disclosed that, I was assured that my mom had to pack my bags that last day of school because Uncle Junior was sending for me. I truly looked forward to those trips each summer break.

Uncle Junior took care of me as his son before he ever had a son. I remember him teaching me how to build, drive a car and even started to teach me how to fly an aero plane (but my mom was not having me fly an aero plane). Whenever he bought a new car, truck, boat or motorcycle he would show it to me with excitement and say “Ken do you like this one?” He was truly a part of me developing a passion for cars and boats. We would often sit and read the Bible together and pray before we started the day. Uncle Junior was a part of me developing a passion for the word of God. He would always say, “Ken always strive to be successful! Always know what you desire for your life and work hard for it. With God’s help you will get it!” He would often carry me shopping for clothes, tennis and shoes at the beginning of the school year and everything had to be quality. “Always buy quality Ken!” He would say. He was a part of developing my sense of style. He thought me the importance of hard work because, we would often be together at one of his many projects on Cat Island plas- tering and building. He was a part of me developing a passion for building. Uncle Junior wanted me to be an Architect when I went to College so he and I could do major projects together. I loved and believed in my Un- cle Junior so much I choose Architecture as my area of study when I first entered college. Well Uncle Junior that part was not God’s will he wanted me as an Educator.

I bragged about my Uncle Junior to my Colleagues and Friends. I often heard that he did the same about me. I really Love you Uncle Junior. You were truly apart of making me the man I am today! I will always remember the great influence you had on my life and all of your nieces and nephews and many more whom were fortunate enough to meet you


To my Uncle Junior, Loving memories last forever, but today I am at a loss for words during this sorrowful time. All I can say is that you will forever be in this heart of mine, an everlasting bond is felt for now and until the end of time with memories so fond. Uncle, you will always be remembered no matter what. Your presence, love, support, guidance, wisdom, love and kindness will forever be with us. Rest in Peace.

With love from Kirk & Family

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HYMN | Just Over In The Glory Land

I’ve a home prepared where the saints abide Just over in the glory land And I long to be by my Saviour’s side Just over in the glory land

Refrain: Just over in the glory land, I’ll join the happy angel band, Just over in the glory land; Just over in the glory land, There with the mighty host I’ll stand, Just over in the glory land.

HYMN | It Is Well With My Soul

When peace like a river attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot Thou hast taught me to say, “It is well, it is well with my soul!”

It is well with my soul! It is well, it is well with my soul!

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

My sin—oh, the bliss of this glorious thought— My sin, not in part, but the whole, Is nailed to His Cross, and I bear it no more;

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live; If dark hours about me shall roll, No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life

Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.

I am on my way to those mansions fair, Just over in the glory land; There to sing God’s praise, and His glory share,

What a joyful thought that my Lord I’ll see, Just over in the glory land; And with kindred saved, there forever be, Just over in the glory land.

With the blood washed throng I will shout and sing, Just over in the glory land; Glad hosannas to Christ, the Lord and King, Just over in the glory land.

HYMN | When The Roll Is Call Up Yonder

When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more

And the morning breaks eternal bright and fair

When the saved diverse shall gather over on the other shore

And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there.


When the roll is called up yonder

When the roll is called up yonder

When the roll is called up yonder

When the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there

2 On that bright and cloudless morning when the dead in Christ shall rise, And the glory of his resurrection share;

When his chosen ones shall gather to their home beyond the skies,

And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there

Let us labor for the Master from the dawn till setting sun, Let us talk of all His wondrous love and care; Then when all of life is over, and our work on earth is done, And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there.

| Elder Alfred Nehemiah Moss | A Life & Legacy 20
Elder Alfred Nehemiah Moss
A Life & Legacy


We, the family of Alfred Nehemiah Moss Jr, extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the many friends and family for each and every act of kindness shown to us during this most difficult time. Your prayers, visits, calls, messages and well wishes will always be remembered.

We Sincerely Thank Everyone Of You


Kirk Wilson

Kyle Wilson

Darry Williams

Vernon Brown

Horatio Morley

Joshua Stubbs


Dr. Alfred Moss III

Shaquille Moss

Terran Moss

Ma-Lik Moss

Alfred J. Laing

Alfred T. Moss

Tel: 394-BOOK (2665) Mobile: (242) 818-3478


| Elder
| A Life & Legacy
Alfred Nehemiah Moss
Funeral Service Entrusted To: P.O. Box N-1026 Nassau Street Nassau, Bahamas 242.322.4433 (T) 242.328.2314 (F) 242.422.1033 (M)

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