Original Memory Book for Brenda Cunningham

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SUNRISE: 30th July 1940 SUNSET: 25th August 2021 AGE: 81 YEARS SERVICE HELD AT: Bible Truth Ministries Cowpen Road Nassau, Bahamas DATE: Saturday, 18th September 2021 TIME: 10:00AM OFFICIATING: Pastor Timothy Johnson Bishop Trevor Reid Bishop Anthony Roker Pastor Randolph Curtis MUSICIANS: Revaughn Simmons Lavelle Curtis INTERMENT: Lakeview Memorial Gardens & Mausoleums John F. Kennedy Drive

Order of SERVICE MODERATOR: Bishop Trevor Reid 9:30AM SPECIAL SINGING | Praise & Worship Team 9:45AM: FAMILY PROCESSION | Worship Team - “You Are My Strength” 10:00AM: OPENING SENTENCES | Moderator OPENING HYMN | ”Guide Me, Oh Thou Great Jehovah” Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barren land. I am weak, but thou art mighty; hold me with thy powerful hand. Bread of heaven, bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more; feed me till I want no more.

When I tread the verge of Jordan, bid my anxious fears subside; death of death and hell’s destruction, land me safe on Canaan’s side. Songs of praises, songs of praises, I will ever give to thee; I will ever give to thee.

Open now the crystal fountain, whence the healing stream doth flow; let the fire and cloudy pillar lead me all my journey through. Strong deliverer, strong deliverer, be thou still my strength and shield; be thou still my strength and shield. INVOCATION | Minister Kaye Rolle

PRAYER RESPONSE | ”My Jesus I Love Thee” My Jesus, I love thee, I know thou art mine; for thee all the follies of sin I resign; my gracious Redeemer, my Savior art thou; if ever I loved thee, my Jesus, ‘tis now.

I’ll love thee in life, I will love thee in death, and praise thee as long as thou lendest me breath, and say when the deathdew lies cold on my brow: If ever I loved thee, my Jesus, ‘tis now.

I love thee because thou hast first loved me and purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree; I love thee for wearing the thorns on thy brow; if ever I loved thee, my Jesus, ‘tis now.

In mansions of glory and endless delight, I’ll ever adore thee in heaven so bright; I’ll sing with the glittering crown on my brow: If ever I loved thee, my Jesus, ‘tis now.

OLD TESTAMENT READING | Psalms 27 | Aaron Cunningham (Grandson) HER WORSHIP WAS FOR REAL PRAISE & WORSHIP | Antoine Cunningham (Nephew) Baillou Hill Road COGOP Worship Team

HER IMPACT | Meir Higgs ( Granddaughter) Cora Colebrooke ( Adopted Daughter) MINISTRY IN SONG | Ashleigh Thompson ( Grand Niece) HER STORY THE LIVING WORD | Pastor Timothy F. Johnson (Son) PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY | Bishop Trevor Reid CLOSING SONG | ”Til We Meet Again” RECESSIONAL | Worship Team

Graveside SERVICE MODERATOR: Bishop Anthony Roker OPENING REMARKS | Moderator OPENING HYMN | “Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus” ’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, And to take Him at His Word; Just to rest upon His promise, And to know, “Thus says the Lord!”

I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee, Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend; And I know that Thou art with me, Wilt be with me to the end.

(Chorus) Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! O for grace to trust Him more! PRAYER | Pastor Randolph Curtis WORDS OF COMFORT | Bishop Anthony Roker THE COMMITTAL | Pastor Timothy Johnson FAMILY FLORAL TRIBUTE | “It’s Alright Now” There was a time I travelled a lonely sinful road; Beneath a heavy burden bending low; But now all things are different, since Jesus took my load It’s alright now, I’m His I know.

A’ down a lonely pathway, without a friend to guide, I walked in sin and sorrow all alone ‘Till Jesus came and found me, and drew me to His side; It’s alright now, for I’m His own.

(Chorus) It’s alright now, for I am in my Saviour’s care It’s alright now; my Saviour hears and answers prayer He’ll walk with me, (He’ll walk beside me) Till I climb the heavenly stair, And everything (And everything is alright now)

No more in sin I wander, no more in darkness roam The Lord has placed my feet on higher ground; Each day new heights I’m gaining, my soul is nearing home, It’s alright now, I’m heaven bound.

EXPRESSIONS | East Sunrise Mortuary CLOSING REMARKS & BENEDICTION | Bishop Anthony Roker CLOSING SONG | “Glad Reunion Day” There will be a happy meeting in heaven I know When we see the many loved ones we’ve known here below. Gather on the blessed hilltops with hearts all aglow. That will be a glad reunion day. (Chorus) Glad day, a wonderful day, Glad day, a glorious day; There with all the holy angels and loved ones to stay, That will be a glad reunion day. There within the holy city we’ll sing and rejoice, Praising Christ the blessed Saviour with heart and with voice. Tell him how we came to love Him and make Him our choice. That will be a glad reunion day. When we live a million years in that wonderful place Basking in the love of Jesus, beholding His face. It will seem but just a moment of praising His grace. That will be glad reunion day.


. through the eyes of her daughter Deanne

Brenda Caroline Cunningham… a Woman of All Seasons

HER ENTRANCE…… In the Year 1940, Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of Great Britain and a gallon of gas in the United States cost 11 cents. On July 30, of that year, while many significant events were occurring around the world, in the land of aquamarine waters and pristine beaches, on the island of New Providence in the Bahamas, Eunice Darling and Charles Farrington were celebrating the birth of their only child, my mummy, Brenda Caroline. Life became exciting for these young parents, and they quickly embraced the assignment of raising righteous seed. HER DEVELOPMENTAL YEARS Education was not an option with my grandparents, and mummy was given the supportive environment by her team to be a keen student and a passionate learner. She attended Southern Primary, Junior and Senior schools, and the platform of a lifelong learner was established, as she loved school and embraced every opportunity to learn something new. Her passion for learning and her budding leadership skills was noticed by her teachers and she was appointed as a “Pupil Teacher” during her last year in high school. After graduation, she enrolled in the C I Gibson Institute and completed additional certificate courses. Poised and equipped for the world of work, Mummy began her work life journey at Sterling Building, and then moved on to Millers Real Estate, John S. George, Cunningham Dry Goods and the crowning jewel in her career crown was the twenty two years serving as the Senior Executive Secretary at the University of the West Indies Centre for Hotel and Tourism Management, Nassau Campus.

HER LOVE SONG Mummy’s grace and beauty captured the heart of the debonaire Enoch Emmanuel Cunningham while riding his bicycle on Bay Street, and on December 21, 1960 Mummy said “I do” and they enjoyed 45 years of loving, laughter and living, until Daddy transitioned to his heavenly home on March 14, 2006. God blessed my parents with three gems, my big brother Mark( everyone calls him Andy), their only daughter( that’s me) and my baby brother Dwight. Our home was a warm, fuzzy place to be, and it was always filled with good food, lots of people and almost daily times of prayer and family devotions. Mummy epitomized the Proverbs 31 woman, and she not only mothered her three biological children, but found room in her heart and time to dedicate to adopting our friends and my cousins who became daughters and sons to her. I never saw a bakery building erected with her name on it, and there was never a commercial oven in our house, but my mummy perfected a pound cake that no bakery on this planet could compete with. I could never figure out how the cake was perfect every time, and she never had a “bad cake day”. I believe this “cake mantel” has been placed on my shoulders now, but the jury is still out on that.

HER MINISTRY Mummy’s foundational years of spiritual grooming were spent at the Ernest Street Church of God of Prophecy (COGOP) where my grandmother Eunice Darling was an active member, but after Daddy stole her heart she followed her husband to the Shirley Street COGOP( then Lyon Road). There was never a moment that Mummy was not busy doing the work of the Lord. At the Shirley Street church she served as the Assistant Youth Director(VLB), Children’s Ministry Director, Sunday School Teacher, Public Relations Director, Care Leader, Church Secretary, Free Literature Representative, Choir Member and Vacation Bible School Coordinator. As a passionate lifelong learner, she completed all of the courses offered by the International Church’s Bible Training Institute. Nationally she served her church as the Convention Clerk and a member of the Convention Housing Committee. One convention we had eleven (11) Tomlinson College students spending a week at our house. Mummy cooked and entertained as if she was the Manager of a 5 star hotel. When her son, Timothy began pastoring, she shifted gears from front line ministry to partnering with us in shepherding God’s people. Mummy was our number

one cheerleader and prayer warrior, and she never missed an opportunity to be in the house of the Lord, even when she was not feeling one hundred percent. During our years as Caribbean and National Youth Directors, Mummy never missed a conference and when we travelled her ticket was the first one purchased and her suitcase was packed days ahead of the scheduled departure time. She needed five days to pack as every outfit had to be coordinated with all of the matching accessories for this Diva, always was a show stopper. Mummy loved the Lord and her unshakeable faith, is what I witnessed daily. She inspired me to trust God in all things. HER TIME OF TRANSITION Mummy was called so much to so many. To her children, she answered to Mummy. To her grandchildren she answered to Nana. To her sons and daughters she answered to Mum Brenda or Ms. Bambi. To her nieces and nephews she answered to Benna or Aunt Brenda. To her God children she answered to Goddie. To her church family she answered to Ma B or Sister Cunningham. To others she answered to Mrs. Cunningham or simply Brenda. While sitting in the Emergency Room at Doctors Hospital, while waiting on a bed on the 4th floor, at 10:18am on August 25, 2021, mummy answered to the name called by her Lord and Savior, “Daughter” come home. A few hours before, her grand daughter, Avery witnessed her raising her hand and seemingly grabbing on to the air in front of her, curling her fingers as if she was grabbing on to something. Avery asked her “Nana, what are you doing?” Mummy responded with a chuckle, “Oh you watching me aye?” Avery could not see the hands that were reaching down to grab a hold of Mummy’s hands… she was being received into her heavenly home by the Savior that she loved and lived for all of her life. Mummy lived gracefully and peacefully and likewise she exchanged her worn robe of flesh for a new body, gracefully and peacefully.

Sleep on Queen B, you finished strong! Celebrating Mummy’s life and cementing her legacy are: Her gifts from God: Mark(Andy) and Annamae Cunningham, Minister Deanne and Pastor Timothy Johnson, Dwight and Dr. Joanne Cunningham; Grandchildren: Avery, Aaron, Dr. Mica, Monika, Corey, Meir; Adopted daughters: Cora Colebrooke, Yvette Montgomery, Letarsha Cleare, Marva Williams, Marcella Dean, Eureka Rolle; Sisters-in-love: Dorcas Bain, Sandra Cunningham; Nieces and Nephews-in-love: Arlene (Sean) Thompson, Robertha (Pastor Alonzo) Dixon, Marion(Preston)Pratt, Shervonne (Rudolph) Wilson, Adra (Stafford) Springer; Nephews and Nieces-in-love: Mervin (Melissa) Bain, Bernard Bain, Antoine Cunningham, Kevin (Tina) Cunningham, Pastor Gerald (Ella) Bowe, Pastor Franklyn (Sharon) Bowe; Grand and Great Nieces and Nephews: Ashleigh Thompson, Kvashti, Kershante, Kiara Springer, Barbara and Madleyn Bowe, Kaylessa and Katia Cunningham, Sharon North, Nicole Bowe, Lance and Ian Dixon, Victor and Randy Bowe, Rudolph Jr and Jaden Wilson, Matthew Bain, Spencer and Wesley Pratt, Vince, Valentino, Vaugh and Alphonso Bowe, Drew Springer; Extended Family: Bishop Trevor and Aileen Reid, Beatrice Ferguson, Percival “Summer” Johnson, Kevin and Kristin Colebrooke, Dorlan, Kaylisa, Krystle and Dorlan Jr. Curtis, Gerrard and Shaundra Sawyer, Loniece and Ricardo Miller, Lavonne Ferguson, Taylor Cleare, Jermain Pratt, Darrel and Marie Johnson, Jamaal Johnson, Vana and Paulaka Roach, Ellaka and Phil Clarke, Donovan Lynch, Ruth Montgonery, Allan and Willa Bea Smith; God Children: Joycelyn Taylor, Sherdine StevensFortune, Kristin Clarke;

Cousins and their families: Eleanor Allen, Arnette Chisolm, Hollie Johnstone, Frederick Moss, Elvia Strachan and siblings, the children of Ellen and Uhijah Johnson, the children of Henry and Willamae Miller, the children of Hilda McBride, Althea Bonimy, Winifred Beacham, Estella Cox, Energene Simms, Bishop Deanza Cunningham, Bishop Arthur and Paula Wilson, Tony and Walline Williams, Courtney Beacham, the children of Gwendolyn Williams, Portia and Steve Barnett; Kingdom Connections: Bishop Anthony Roker, Bishop Andrew and Naquel Brown, Pastor Randolph and Laverne Curtis and the Baillou Hill Road COGOP family especially the Ladies Ministry, Bishop Dwight and Pamela Ferguson and the Elizabeth Estates COGOP, Bishop Ghaly and Angela Swann and the Englerston COGOP family, Pastor Dale Moss and the Shirley Street COGOP family; Other Relatives and Friends: Minister Patricia Bethel, Elaine and Glenroy Aranha, Lemmie and Dick Malcom, Louanne Saunders, Keva Ryan, Barbara and Ishamel Rolle, Jackie and Shane Gibson, Sheila and Bernard Munroe, staff of the Dialysis Center especially Nurse Munroe and Tracey. Special thanks to Dr. Kevin and Dr. Adrian Sawyer.

United In Love… REUNITED IN


Legacy CHAPTER 1 “Love is the greatest gift that one generation can leave to another.” Nana truly left us with so much love. Every opportunity she got to express her love, she did. She was so very proud of her grandchildren, and she reminded us of it on every call and every time we were together. We are so grateful that we were able to witnesses her strength and unwavering faith over the years. She trusted God with everything and lead by example as she implored us to do the same. Nana loved family. She loved making connections to our family tree and teaching us of distant family members that we never met, yet alone knew existed. She always emphasized the importance of family and togetherness, something that will continue to cherish throughout the years to come. Thank you for the beautiful memories, funny stories, family history lessons, fashion tips, and for sharing your love of God with us. Although you are no longer physically here, you will live on in our hearts forever. Love, Your “Aferi” and “Ahron”

A Note To Nana. Nana you were a beautiful soul who was filled with love. Thank you for loving me and letting me know that every day. Thank you for our daily talks and encouragements. Thank you for demonstrating grace, God’s grace. You always told me how you called all of your children by name every time you prayed. There was always so much joy and delight in your voice when you said, “I asked God to bless all of my children, Andy and Annamae, Deanne and Tim, Dwight and Joanne, Avery, Mica, Cory, Aaron, Monica and Meir, that’s all I have.” Thank you for praying for me. Your ability to show this level of love while going through soooo much was amazing. I thank God for allowing me to be in your life and you in mine. Thank you for being so easy to love. Rest on Nana, rest on. Love you, Annamae your daughter in-love.

Tribute to Mom from Andy Truppence Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. Her children arise up, and call her blessed. Thank you Lord, for giving me the most wonderful Mom in the world. A woman of God, an example that will be with me for life. As I describe Mommy there is so much to say in a few words, but I will Try. Mommy was very loving. I remember the way she loved Dad and treated him like a King, he also treated her like a Queen. She also loved her three children, and the adopted ones too. For as long as I can remember she always provided stability within our family. Her love for us was endless, she was very kind and gentle. Mommy was very encouraging. As I reflect on her, I remember her words to me, “always put God first, he has brought you from a mighty long way.” I know she prayed me through many difficult times in my life. She kept us all covered in prayer.

Mommy was very graceful and elegant. She loved to dress with shoes and bag to match. she loved looking good and smelling sweet with her favorite ‘Tresor Perfume.” She was truly a Lady. But most of all, she did not forget to dress spiritually. She was even more sweet, graceful, elegant and beautiful in her spirit and soul. Mommy loved spending time with her children. There were times we rode together just to hang out and talk. She was a great listener and engaged in great conversations. She was always current with the news and what’s going on in the country and the world. Her mind was always sharp. I will miss this greatly. There was a code name she gave in recent times, she would call me and say, “Andy Truppence.” Which meant she wanted a little money to put in her purse. That was our code. Mommy, you were a gourmet cook, and baked the best pound cake in the universe. For as long as can remember you support me, and also gave me good advice in business and about life. You were the matriarch of the Cunningham Family, gentle but powerful! I love you and will always miss you. Andy

Legacy CHAPTER 2 I

am experiencing the “Peace that passeth all understanding” that Paul spoke about in Philippians 4:7, and as I say good bye to my number one cheer leader, my shopping partner, my twin dresser, my prayer warrior, my best friend, by best role model for wife and mother, my riding buddy, my fashionista, my secret keeper, I bow before the Lord in thanksgiving. God chose me to serve and honor my mummy an amazing human, all of my life. My assignment is complete and now she rests in the arms of the Savior who she served, loved and taught me about. Sleep on my Queen. Your One Gurrrl, Dee The bond we had was like no other, and I will be sure to continue this bond with my mother. Sleep on my sweet Nana Your Mia Bia

Legacy CHAPTER 3 Tribute for Nana Kneading dough in the kitchen, singing to her favorite church melodies, tearing off a small part of the dough to teach us how to make her signature delicious bread roll recipe. Making dozens of her famous pound cakes with the fluffy colorful frosting while we waited for the best part, the spoon to eat the extra frosting! Smelling the scrumptious crab and rice cooking and teaching us how to clean the crab and that in between the biters was the most important part! You were always dressed in your Sunday’s best with your matching hat, purse and shoes. A collection that no one could top filled with all the colors you can imagine! The mornings of Bible study and teaching us how to pray and be grateful to God for being here and to ask for strength and purpose. Singing all day and a little dance or two. Although we were very young, singing, cooking, baking and Bible study with Nana are all vivid memories. Our hearts are heavy now that you have left us, but we know you are in heaven with Pappy, singing and baking for everyone in heaven. Mica, Cori and Monika

In Loving Memory of My Sister-in-Law, Brenda Cunningham How can I say thank you for the love you have shown me from the time we met each other? Coming from another country to the Bahamas was a great transition for me. I admired your welcoming spirit. The genuine love you displayed, made me feel so comfortable and at ease. I reflect on the days when you wanted to show me where to shop for bargains. We would walk from Kemp Road to Bay Street without even feeling the distance. You were caring, humorous and the times we spent together I will cherish forever. We shared daily phone calls of testimonies of spiritual blessing, family accomplishment, latest news of current events and lots of good jokes. Today I am saddened by your departure. I know that one day we all must go. I just didn’t know you would be first. Last but not least, thank you for sharing some of your Bahamian recipes, which brought great joy to my family table. FAREWELL MY SISTER take your rest. One day we will meet where we will never say have to say goodbye again. Your Sister & Friend, Sandra Cunningham

I came to know Brenda Farrington Cunningham when she

married my brother, Enoch Cunningham. She was a loving wife, mother, grandmother and sister-in-law. We had a close family relationship. Brenda and family often visited my home when traveling from the Bahamas. We talked, laughed and reminisced over how things used to be while enjoying Sunday dinners. Brenda loved to help others and was always very giving. My brother Enoch loved and adored Brenda and they were such a happy couple. The two of them often traveled internationally, and in U.S. territories. Brenda also loved and cherished her children, Deanne, Andy, and Dwight. She was a devoted wife, mother, and

grandmother; there was nothing she wouldn’t do for her family and she made many sacrifices for them. Brenda was also a good cook. I especially remember that she was famous for her cakes and homemade bread. My last communication with Brenda was on her 81st birthday. I called to wish her happy birthday and a healthy life, not knowing this would’ve been my last conversation with her. Rest on, my dear sister. Now you can join Mervin, Enoch, Jephthah, Edna, Bill, and the other family members. I’ll miss Brenda, but I know that she is in a better place and that I will see her again in Heaven someday. Dorcas Cunningham-Bain

My Tribute to Mom Brenda Loving, humble, strong, soft spoken, kind, thoughtful, cheerful, well dressed, and inspirational are just a sample of the many fine qualities Mom Brenda possessed and exemplified during her sojourn on earth. I joyfully recall our many conversations and the sage advice she provided for me. As I reflect on those precious moments, her words of encouragement usually ended with an appropriate scripture verse affirming the truth principles that she just imparted to me. During these times, I was reminded of Titus 2:3-5 where the older women were admonished to counsel the younger women in the areas of holiness, how to be chaste and in family life. She quietly and effectively ministered to me as she was instructed from the bible. Mom Brenda’s life truly epitomized Proverbs 31 by the example she set and the legacy she has left for us all. A woman who loved life, a woman of great inner strength, she showed me how to navigate the storms of life by riding and even transcending the waves as they come. I am forever grateful for the part of life’s journey that we shared. I Love you Mom, and God speed. Eureka May Your soul rest in God’s eternal peace!

Sister Brenda Cunningham And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. Revelations 14:13 Memories, people, and places are the three very important ingredients around which some great friendships have been woven. At present, I am unable to recall all of our experiences, but I will always cherish our friendship. I met Sister Brenda over sixty years ago, while we were young adults and we were involved in many activities in the Church of God of Prophecy. As a young adult, she was committed to her God and her Church. She came from the Ernest Street Church to the Freetown Church when she married her late husband, the dashing debonair Brother Enoch Cunningham. Brother Enoch and Sister Brenda shared a happy marriage. As a nurse, I walked her during her pregnancy up to the time of her delivery of her first child, Mark Andrew. Her other two children Deanne and Dwight grew up with my children. Our children became friends as Sister Brenda and I developed a stronger bond and as time went by our friendship grew to that of real blood sisters. Sister Brenda was always eloquently dressed. She had exquisite taste in clothes and her accessories were always a cut above. Sister Brenda who was quiet by nature, was poised and spoke eloquently. We had similar interest in the work of the church and when I was the Mission Leader for The Freetown Church for over ten years, Sister Brenda was a great support to this Mission Ministry. She had excellent

culinary skills and the local congregation benefited from her cakes and pies that were sold to assist with building funds and later she assisted The National Social Outreach Ministry. She continued to uplift women spiritually, emotionally and socially. To Sister Brenda, her personal accomplishments were not as important as guiding others in the way of the Lord. She was always encouraging and inspiring persons, especially young women with lofty dreams. Sister Brenda assured them that they could indeed accomplish all that they set out to do, if they remain focus and never give up. Over the years, our friendship knew no boundaries. We cried together, we laughed together, we encouraged one another, and shared many wonderful experiences together as friends. I appreciated our friendship and she was a friend who strengthened me with prayers, she blessed me with Love and Sister Brenda encouraged me to remain faithful. It is my prayer that the Almighty God grant to my friend rest eternal. God bless you, my friend. Deaconess Patricia Bethel To love without having to prove it; To be loved without reason to doubt it; To reach for a hand without any fear; To embrace just because we are standing near; To whisper secrets in each other’s ear, The pleasure and joy in an old friendship

Tribute for Aunt Brenda Cunningham Words can seem meaningless at a time like this. My aunt was a woman of virtue, a lady of quiet strength and grace. She didn’t do much talking, but when she did it was powerful. She was a Proverbs 31:10-31 woman. These verses are based on an ideal not an actual real person, that is until you met Aunt Brenda. She was all of this and more. I could write all day about my experiences; especially spending entire summers there in Nassau as a child. I had plenty of family there, but I will always remember her quiet, assuring presence. The imprint it makes on you as a child never goes away. She remained that presence my entire life. It then spilled over to my husband and children. I quote my son here “I’m over here trying to accept that my wife will never get to taste her cooking or experience her hospitality and hear her stories. We are all just trying to figure it out.” I’ll end with one more quote, as the tears are threatening to fall, and I look to God for strength and comfort: “Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.” Aeschylus. May God bring comfort and peace to my entire family and bring, “the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6).” Your niece Roberta

Expressions OF GRATITUDE

We, the family of the late Brenda Caroline, would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all of those who provided our family with support, prayers, comfort, or assistance in many other ways in our time of sorrow. Today, the prayers and the presence of those who travelled from near or far, are greatly appreciated and has helped to strengthen us during this challenging period. Such sincere deeds during this time has encouraged us and through God’s help, our sorrow is easier to bear. May the Lord richly bless all of you.


PALL BEARERS HONORARY PALL BEARERS Mark (Andy) Cunningham Pastor Timothy Johnson Dwight Cunningham Bishop Trevor Reid Aaron Cunningham Deacon Allan Smith Antoine Cunningham Pastor Gerald Bowe Gerrard Sawyer Pastor Franklin Bowe Jermain Pratt Donovan Lynch

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