Original Memory Book for Charlesetta Allen

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A legacy of love A mother, friend, a grandma too This is the legacy we have from you. You taught us how to live, You gave us strength, you gave us might. A stronger person would be hard to find, And in your heart, you were always kind. You fought for us all in one way or another, Even to the end, our amazing mother. For all of us you gave your best, Now the time has come for you to rest. So go in peace, you’ve earned your sleep, Your love in our hearts, we’ll eternally keep.



KIHIZA ALLEN November 22nd, 1953 - December 24, 2020 Age 67 years SERVICE HELD AT: Hillview Seventh Day Adventist Church Tonique Williams Darling Highway Nassau, Bahamas Thursday, January 14th, 2021 at 11:00 am OFFICIATING: Pastor Lynden Williams ASSISTED BY: Other Ministers of the gospel INTERMENT: Lakeview Memorial Gardens John F. Kennedy Drive Nassau, Bahamas  

Remembering Her Legacy…

CHARLESETTA KIHIZA ALLEN November 22, 1953-December 24, 2020

Charlesetta Kihiza Allen was born on Sunday, November 22, 1953 to the late Charles Allen and Mary-Jane Butler on the idyllic island of New Providence, Bahamas. She was the last of three children. Commencing at an early age, she was educated at Brown and Tan School and then on to Western Junior/Senior School where she completed her high school education. She then attended Toya’s Typing School where she cultivated her clerical skills. After school she sought various employment beginning with domestic work in a private home. She went on to become a food and beverage cashier at the former Britannia Beach Hotel at Resorts International. She then spent several years as a retail manager at Bergent’s Boutique; and finally settled at Nassau Pest Control where she spent the next thirty-two years as a service manager until her retirement in 2018. In 1970, she was joined in matrimony and this union produced five children. She later had her last child in 1981. As a phoenix from the ashes, she arose and conquered her quest through this maze called life, living it intentionally and with purpose, with Christ, her children, and grandchildren at the center of it all. Over the years she opened her heart and home to many, who all affectionately called her “Mum.” Charlesetta was passionate about family and traditions. She kept alive in a major way, the traditions of Easter, Mother’s Day and Christmas. Every Sunday, we as her children could look forward to eating our meal together as a family with the much anticipated dessert of a pound cake, jello, or fruit cocktail with sweet milk. As a single mother she raised her children on a foundation of love, respect for self and others, Christian values, education, and most importantly, discipline. Charlesetta had an unending love for her children, but her grandchildren

experienced a completely different level of love from her. Her love for cooking and baking was often expressed every time one of her grandchildren made a special request for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or dessert. Her response was always the same, “Sure, baby. You know Grammy got you.” Baptized and confirmed as a faithful Anglican during her childhood, she then converted to the Adventist faith in 1992 under the guidance of Mrs. Nora McCalla. She became a devout member of New Englerston SDA Church. Her meticulous nature led her to clean the church for many years and serve as a long-standing member of the Beautification Committee. She also served as the church’s treasurer for a number of years, sang in the choir, assisted in Women’s Ministry and Sabbath School. In her latter years, she served as Deaconess alongside her dear church sister and friend, Christine Adams. A mother in her local congregation, she always had an encouraging word on her lips and a sweet embrace for those who needed it. On 24th December, 2020, Charlesetta was going about her normal routine in preparation for the Christmas holiday which she loved and looked forward to. Around 5:20pm, she would commune with her King and slip away quietly to be with Him. A life of dedicated service to her Saviour was now rewarded in His presence in everlasting glory. May she rest in eternal peace. She will fondly be remembered by: Seven Children: Cutelle (Sinclair) Higgs, Chavale Saunders-Hepburn, Charles (Gia) Saunders, Cansharah (Leon), Miller, Chantell Saunders, Petrika Ruecell and Jenna Christie; Nine Grandchildren: Harewood and Khyle Higgs, Christian (P’Andray) Saunders, Lauren-Ashley Turner, Braedawn Smith, Leon Miller, Nikolai, Charles III, and Celeste Saunders; 1 Great-grandchild: Cali-Reign Saunders; 1 Brother: Waiese “Billy” Brown;

1 Sister: Helena Davis; Grandfather: Arnold Sainville Sr.; Uncles: Bertram Thurston and family, Albert (Sandra) Sainville and family; Nieces: Erica (Sterling) Cooke and family and Albertine Davis and family; Nephews: Doddridge (Michelle) Davis and family, Waiese “Obie” (Jechelle) Brown and family, Wyberg, Waldon and Akiel Brown and families; Cousins: Petrona Powell and family, Charles (Marilyn) Colebrooke and family, Crestwell (deceased) and Eleanor Wilson and family, Alphonso (Geraldine) Lockhart and family, Valerie (deceased) and Cleophas Cooper and family, Deborah, Connie and Alex Campbell, Barry Sawyer Jr., DeAngelo Rolle, Nathan and Glen Bethel, Trenton and Theron Sainville and family; God-daughters: Sheriece Turnquest and Shakita Albury Other relatives and friends including: Cynthia Harris and family, Basil Walkes and family, Erma (deceased) and Freddie Taylor, Carolyn Burrows, Melanie (Anthony) Swaby, Nellie Darville, Cynthia (Alfred) Lightbourne, Clara (Keith) Bell, Monique (David) Taylor-Lincoln, Falana Taylor, Kendal Taylor, Sheriece Turnquest, Michaella (Dave) Forbes, Latoya Woodside, Carlton and Quinton Symonette, Tanica Chipman-Jones, Jennifer Darville, Sheena Grant and Ryan Grant, Alexander Bryant, Daniel Darville, John Butterfield, Dr. Arlington, Romel, Alfred and Aaron Lightbourn, Alfreda Ellis, Ednamae Jones and family, Pamela Christie-Tabron and family, Claudette Evans and family, Reno Rigby and family, Levaughn Ferguson and family, Pastor Stephen Greene and The Staff of Nassau Pest Control, Pastor Chevol Gray and family, Paula Davis and family, The Moxey, Saunders, Culmer, Longley, Miller, Russell, Knowles, Jones and Stubbs families, New Englerston Seventh Day Adventist Church, Stanley and Nora McCalla, Patrick Sands, Christine Adams, Vernita Rahming, Thelma Hanna and family, Bishop Chadwick and Christine James and Mekaddish Ministries, Father Sebastian Campbell, Father Stephen Davies and the All Saints Anglican Church, Hartwell Higgs and family, Captain Arthur and Ellen Moxey and family,and other relatives and friends too numerous to mention.

A Legacy of Worship ORDER OF SERVICE MUSICAL PRELUDE | Jeremiah Duncombe PROCESSION OF THE FAMILY MODERATOR/OPENING REMARKS | Elder Andrew Hanna OPENING PRAYER | Elder Patrick Sands HYMN | God Will Take Care of You Be not dismayed whate’er betide, God will take care of you; beneath his wings of love abide, God will take care of you.

All you may need he will provide, God will take care of you; nothing you ask will be denied, God will take care of you.

(Chorus) God will take care of you, through every day, o’er all the way; he will take care of you, God will take care of you.

No matter what may be the test, God will take care of you; lean, weary one, upon his breast, God will take care of you.

Through days of toil when heart doth fail, God will take care of you; when dangers fierce your path assail, God will take care of you. OLD TESTAMENT READING | Psalms 91: 1-4, 14-16 | Lauren-Ashley Turner (Granddaughter) AS I KNEW HER | Charles Colebrooke (Cousin) TRIBUTE IN SONG | Vernita Rahming TRIBUTE | Harewood Higgs (Grandson) NEW TESTAMENT READING | Revelations 14: 12-20 | Leon Miller (Grandson)

HYMN | The Old Rugged Cross On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross, the emblem of suffering and shame; and I love that old cross where the dearest and best for a world of lost sinners was slain.

O that old rugged cross, so despised by the world, has a wondrous attraction for me; for the dear Lamb of God left his glory above to bear it to dark Calvary.

(Chorus) So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross, till my trophies at last I lay down; I will cling to the old rugged cross, and exchange it some day for a crown.

To that old rugged cross I will ever be true, its shame and reproach gladly bear; then he’ll call me some day to my home far away, where his glory forever I’ll share.

MINISTERIAL GREETINGS AND CONDOLENCES | Pastor John Carey (Virtual) CONDOLENCES | Pastor Stephen Greene | Idamae Hanna OBITUARY | to be read in silence TRIBUTE IN SONG | Latoya Brown MESSAGE | Pastor Lynden Williams PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY | Pastor Chevol D. Gray RECESSIONAL HYMN | When We All Get to Heaven Sing the wondrous love of Jesus; Sing his mercy and his grace. In the mansions bright and blessed He’ll prepare for us a place.

Let us then be true and faithful, Trusting, serving every day; Just one glimpse of him in glory Will the toils of life repay.

(Chorus) When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We’ll sing and shout the victory!

Onward to the prize before us! Soon his beauty we’ll behold; Soon the pearly gates will open; We shall tread the streets of gold.

While we walk the pilgrim pathway, Clouds will overspread the sky; But when traveling days are over, Not a shadow, not a sigh.


Glad reunion day

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul.

There will be a happy meeting in Heaven, I know When we see the many loved ones we’ve known here below Gathered on that blessed hilltop with hearts all aglow That will be a glad reunion day.

Refrain It is well with my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul. My sin–oh, the joy of this glorious thought– My sin, not in part but the whole, is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! And, Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, the clouds be rolled back as a scroll; the trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, even so, it is well with my soul.

BENEDICTION | Pastor Lynden Williams

Refrain A glad day, a wonderful day, A glad day, a glorious day There with all the holy angels and loved ones to stay That will be a glad reunion day. When we live a million years in that wonderful place Basking in the love of Jesus, beholding His face It will seem but just a moment of praising His grace That will be a glad reunion day.

A Legacy of Love


To the worlds greatest mother there are so many questions I have regarding that day... why couldn’t I see something was wrong? why didn’t I hear when you fell? why didn’t you call out to me like you usually would? Why did God have to take you? These are questions that I will never get answers to but Lord knows I miss you. If my love could have saved you you’d still be here with me. The reality is setting in and it hurts so deep inside; I’ll never hear again what’s for breakfast Ally? As you so fondly called me or hear you say baby girl your mother is hungry what are you going to cook with my usual response being you mean you ain’t cooking in this house anymore? You being sharp on your mouth always answered “it just taste better when you cook it.” Cooking will never be the same; no more special requests, no more listening to music on the kitchen television and singing along to all the old school classics while I prepare dinner. I miss you mum that’s the best phrase I can use to express the pain I am feeling. I have never experienced a loss of such magnitude; yes it hurt when we lost mama back in 1999 but I had you there to comfort me; who is going to comfort me now that you are gone? We had a bond like no other ; you knew when something was bothering me without me even having to say and you tried your best to help me in every single way. You were the Bonnie to my Clyde, the Thelma to my Louise. Once anyone saw that Sentra on the road you know 9 times out of 10 you were in the passenger seat. Nothing is no longer the same now that you’re gone; the house is empty, the car ride is quiet, no more random “Ally you know I thank God for you daily” nothing but memories left to sustain me. I’m thankful however for the covid pandemic, with all the lockdowns and restrictions we got to spend even more time together, the kitchen table won’t be the same without you! We always ate as a household, you Donny and I, but you’re no longer here. You made our house a home and without you it just feels empty. Who’s gonna wake me up singing happy Birthday with the table set with your “good China” filled with the most amazing breakfast made with all your love for your babygirl... it’s going to be a rough road to a “new norm” of learning to live without you, but with God’s grace and mercy, I’ll take it one day at a time like you would tell me too. Say hi to mama for me, I love you Mum and always will. Rest In Peace my new guardian angel.... Always and forever your baby girl.... Petrika

To my Mudda,

From the day I entered this world, you were always there looking out for me. You were the one to cut my umbilical cord, and from that day we had a bond that could never be separated. My first night at home I slept next to you and you made me your bedmate for the next 20 years. You always made sure I never knew what it was to lack anything. Grammy I can’t remember a time that you weren’t there, family vacations, ballet recitals, church plays, award ceremonies, school functions, preschool, primary and high school graduation. Between you and my mummy I don’t know who supported me more, but I thank you for always showing up, no matter what! When I went off to school, we wondered why you seemed a bit upset on the trip, but I learned on the last day it was just hard for you to leave your baby in a foreign place, but you still wanted me to pursue my dreams. You would call me every night to check up on me, and would always end each conversation the same way “love you Donny, be blessed, stay safe, stay warm”. During my time in Nebraska I made long-lasting friendships. Some of those friends I brought home with me for spring break. You were extremely excited to meet them and shower them with love, and your good food. You welcomed anyone that I cared for, and I always appreciated you for that. Very few days weren’t perfect between us, we may fuss but it never went through the night. Our days usually consisted of teasing each other, you arguing with the dog, dinner-time at the kitchen table and sweet conversations when we closed our room door. You’ve never hurt me in all my life, but in death, you broke my heart. I love you with all my heart and I hope that you’re resting peacefully. “Be blessed, stay safe, stay warm. “ I love you Grammy! With love from your beloved, Stink pants

To My Grammy

“ Hey grammy what you saying girl, right here keeping on grammy boy “ is how our loving conversations would begin.

Grammy where do I start my love ! I can’t even to begin to think of a Sunday afternoon and I wouldn’t be able to swing by your house and meet you on your porch with a big smile on your face waiting for me with a warm hug. Grammy you were the strong , loving , brutally honest, understanding, compassionate and most of all a woman of God who served to the very end . I know you have been a great warrior for Christ and always covered me and my family in your prayers. I would always credit you with introducing me to good home cooking ! I recall I came to sleep over for a weekend and woke up to grits and tuna, with Cheese on the grits. I had never experienced cheese on my grits before that morning. I ate it and ever since that day I’ve never had grits without cheese on it. You upgraded my entire outlook on food. I greatly remember your cooking is something that would pull the entire family together. I haven’t even started on your pound cake with icing that would cause serious problems in the house if someone ate my cake, because it was specifically made for me . I’ve shared that cake with friends and family, and they all agreed, it’s the best pound cake ever.

I could always count on you for a word of encouragement and uplifting. You were such a beautiful soul and always looking to better your grandchildren. You and I had a bond like none other and I do not know how I’ll ever celebrate Christmas & New Year’s again without your warming family gatherings where I could look forward to a heated debate over Junkanoo results because you and my aunty Trika were huge Valley Boy fans and I was a big Saxon and at the end of the debates and jokes we always ended laughing and smiling. Grammy you’ve been my Rock and always found a way to make me smile, feel loved and special. I will always cherish our memories and all the beautiful moments we shared. I can walk confidently through the trials of this world knowing that I’ll always have you watching, guiding and protecting me. You have fought a great fight and did so gracefully. There is not one time I can recall my Grammy shouting and getting out of character ever. You are the definition of a Matriarch and I thank you for showing me what to look for in a wife. I will definitely keep your memories, your morals and your honor alive. I will ensure my daughter knows how much you loved her, prayed for her and always sent your love. LOVING YOU ALWAYS & FOREVER GRAMMY LOVE CHRISTIAN R SAUNDERS , GRAMMY BOY

To Mum

Our relationship has always been complicated, maybe because I look so much like you. I am thankful through it all that you constantly tried to reassure me of your love. Thank you for keeping us despite all that you endured. Thank you for providing for us, we never knew what it felt like to go hungry. You struggled and made sure that we always had no matter how many jobs you had to work. You were mother and father. I Celebrate you. Sleep in Heavenly Peace Love Cansharah (Sanny)


urs was not always a smooth journey, but one that allowed us to learn, understand, and respect each other. I thank God for the last two years of your retirement, and the time we got to spend together. The long conversations at the table, the outings just because, the jokes; I will treasure these memories. I believe you are the strongest woman I’ve ever known. You’ve overcome so many hardships in your lifetime, however you still managed to raise us to be halfway decent people. I thank you for teaching us how to keep traditions, and how to bring family together; something we will strive to maintain in your absence. The night we lost you, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were in heaven; and that is my comfort for the pain and physical loss of your presence. Rest in peace old girl. I hope I get to see you again. Chan

To My Golden Girl:

Gramma, the 27 years I’ve had bonding with you will be unforgettable. From the day I was born you showered me with your love and prayers, and you have my unconditional love forever. I can still fondly remember every day I saw you or we spoke, and each one holds a special memory in my heart. I could tell you ‘I love you,’ every second of every day of my life and it will never be enough. No day was a dull day with you; you understood me as a young man like most others could not and My trust and love for you went hand in hand. We found fun and enjoyment in the simple things, even watching a simple tv show. You made every birthday special with your ‘Happy Birthday Baby, your breakfast is ready,’ texts that started the day, and you laid out the finest spreads. Everything you made was perfect. Thank you for making each birthday unforgettable; our breakfast was always the highlight of my day. Thank you for giving me my love of cooking. I remember the day you taught me how to make peas and rice as a young teenager living abroad in high school. The first batch was terrible and we laughed about it, and it certainly got better over time. You were my favorite date; the Farmer’s Market on Saturday mornings became our special private time, I would give anything for an endless Saturday walking around the market holding your hand and never letting you go. Christmas Eve took me for a ride. Had I known that morning would’ve been my last moments with you, I would have never left. I wish I could let out billions of tears to bring life back into you, but God knows best, and in your transition I’ve learned one thing: just as people transition, love transitions. While I will never feel your touch and warm embraces or hear your voice again, I will forever be comforted by the fact that your love for me is eternal, your spirit is omnipresent in my life and your prayers will always guide me. My love for you will forever and always run beyond the bounds of this universe, you will forever be my heart and I will forever be your baby boy. Take your rest, Golden Girl. Heaven is blessed with another angel. Forever with love. -

For My Gramma:

I can cry forever because you’re gone, and I can endlessly play sad songs. I can live in misery about your death, but you’d say I’m living wrong. Grammy I’ll miss you forever and forget you I’ll never. To make you proud is my new reason for breathing. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being my teacher in the kitchen, my prayer warrior, and the greatest woman you could be to this family. Life won’t be the same without you here, but I will find comfort knowing that you’re my new angel watching over me. Find peace, my Queen. I love you. Khyle

A Tribute To My Baby Sister

I will always cherish the times we spent together. We were always very close and the love we shared was immeasurable. Even though our opinions differed at times, the bond always remained. When you left you took a part of me with you but what remain and will always be is the love I have for you. Sleep on until we see each other again. Love Billy

To my one Grammy,

It’s still hard to believe you’re gone. In my mind, it doesn’t really make sense. I know you’re gone. I saw you that day, but it still doesn’t make any sense to me. The day before, I spent the whole day by you. You asked me to make you hamburger helper, and I complained the entire time while you and Chan Chan nagged me about my cooking process. In the end you still enjoyed the food and asked for seconds. That’s why it felt like a dream the following day to receive the news I did. When I last saw you, you were fine; and now you’re gone. For as long as I can remember, you have been a selfless soul. I always thought it was amazing how you would give a meal, shelter, dollar or word of encouragement to anyone around you in need. You did so without hesitation or the expectation of receiving anything in return. Most people can only strive to be what you are effortlessly, myself included. However, beyond the love and care you showed for others, the love and support you have given me has touched me more than anything in this world. You are my home away from home and a hot meal whenever I need one. You are the other woman that raised me and protected me. If no one else on this planet checks in on me, I know my Grammy will. You’re also, probably, my biggest fan. I don’t think anyone (except my mother) believes in me and fosters my creativity as much as you do. You truly believed everything I made was a masterpiece; whether it be a painting, photograph, video or story. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard you tell strangers, “just how you sitting there Ashy could draw you just so.” As someone who struggles with having confidence in my work, you will never understand what it means to know that no matter what, there will always be at least one person who loves what I create. Thank you for being that for me. Thank you for investing in me. Thank you for praying for me. Thank you for laughing with me. Thank you for looking out for me. Thank you for loving me. I still haven’t accepted the reality of things, but regardless, you will always be my grandmother. The amazing woman you are will not change, whether present or not. The love I have for you will never diminish, whether you are on this plain of existence or another. You will continue to live on, because the memories and values you have instilled in me and my cousins live on. I love you so much Grammy. -Ashy

This is probably the hardest thing I have had to do.

Though younger than me, Charlsetta always played the role of a big sister. Nothing got by her. In a strange way I always remember looking up to her. Our childhood though short was full of love and happiness. The one thing I remember was anytime I had a girlfriend, she would ask me where did you find that dirty gal. Nobody was ever good enough. Moving forward it will always be hard to know she is no longer with us. Her heart and love will be in my presence forever. I have always been told about the master plan, yet this one don’t seem right. God knows his choices and it is all we have to live by. May God look over all of you who follow and guide your lives the way Charlsetta world have wanted it. Rest In Peace big sis. Basil “Tingy” Walkes

My one and only Sister

I can’t find the words to tell you how much I miss you. I will miss our time together, and our little chats. The last thing I said to you was “girl I love you and I don’t want anything to happen to you.” You gone and leave me girl that hurt me so much, I don’t know what to do! My special memories of you will always put a smile on my face. You will forever be in my heart my darling sister I will always love you. I miss you your house is not the same without you there. I will see you again one day, your one and only sister! With much love Helena

A tribute to Reds:

Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies: Charlesetta you were a one and only growing up; we have spent many weekends together. You help raised me and as you have always said, I am the one who was your first child and prepared you for motherhood. You have been there for me from my early years in primary school into adulthood. We have always shared, and never lost our bond between us. You were one of the special people in my life, and will always be a part of it. You were a woman of substance who cared dearly for your kids and grandkids, and spoke proudly of them every opportunity you had. The pain in your knees and arm are finally gone; so is the nose bleed and fear of strangulation in your sleep and no more having to wake Trika in the middle of the night if something is wrong. Yes, it’s very hard to believe that you are gone, but I know you are in a better place and at peace. I know in my heart that you will ALWAYS CHERISH THE OLD RUGGED CROSS. Proverbs 31:26 She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. Proverbs 31:27 She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Proverbs 31:29 Many woman do noble things, but you surpass them all. Reds, you will be missed, but always remember. Mother and Auntie Mary are waiting for you with open arms to welcome you home. May your soul Rest In Peace. Charlie

My dearest Mum,

Words are hard to come by as I try to express exactly what you mean to me and the impact you’ve had on my life. To anyone who asked, you let it be known that I was your “seventh child in North Carolina.” You never referred to me as adopted or used any other phrase to indicate a degree of separation. I can still hear your voice saying, “I had her from she born!” And that was the truth; there I was just a few days old and already in your home and engulfed in your warm loving embrace. I heard stories of how my mom’s friends would go to her house looking for me and she would tell them that I was around the corner by you-not even one-month-old and I was already sleeping out! Even after I left Nassau, I couldn’t wait to come home for Easter, Christmas, and the summer; and whoever picked me up from the airport always knew to take me straight to you. Mum, there are so many things that I will miss about you, but what I’ll miss most is your ability to just look in my eyes and sense the pain in my heart even though my mouth said nothing. Sometimes you would wait for me to come to you, but other times you would sit me aside and say exactly what was on your mind. You would speak with such a stern yet nurturing tone that guided and reassured me of your love for me. Mum, I’ll never know the full extent of your sacrifice for me- a child you loved but didn’t bare, but I thank God for blessing me with you because He knew I needed you. I needed your wise counsel and guidance. You taught me to always put God first and that with Him, there’s nothing we cannot do. Because after all, “we have not because we ask not,” right? But Mum, even after all the asking, begging, and pleading to God, why didn’t you tell me that the scripture wouldn’t bring you back? You taught me so many life lessons, but none of them included life without you. The memories that we made are all we have now and it is hard to accept that we won’t be able to make anymore. All I can do now is replay the conversations we had when I would take you to church, or our talks on Saturday mornings as you opened up the windows in the house and made your tea. It’s the little things I’ll miss most and that’s what I’ll use to stay connected to you. Thank you for welcoming me into your home and heart. I love you, Mum. Love always, Jenna

In Appreciation

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our family friends and colleagues for your support during our time of sorrow; your prayers telephone calls, condolences and other sympathetic gestures gave us strength and courage to carry on through such a difficult time. Mum was an amazing and phenomenal woman and we are comforted in knowing her love and kindness lives on in all of those who came to know her . May God continue to bless each and everyone of you. The Family

PALLBEARERS Charles Colebrooke O’beorah Brown Wyberg Brown Antoine Powell Christian Saunders Leon Miller

HONORARY PALLBEARERS Bertram Thurston Arnold Sainville Sr. Albert Sainville Ashton Pinder

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