Hazel Carey Funeral program

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In loving Memory of



GERTRUDE CAREY May 11, 1932 - April 27, 2020 AGED: 87 Years SERVICE HELD AT: Saint Stephen’s Baptist Church Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera The Bahamas Saturday, July 19, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. OFFICIATING: Reverend Eric Johnson ASSISTED BY: Reverend Andrea Taylor Reverend Terrance Taylor Other Ministers of The Gospel INTERMENT Hatchet Bay Public Cemetery Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera The Bahamas

Her Legacy



n the picturesque island of Freedom, (Eleuthera) in the year of our Lord, 1932, on May 11, cries of joy and jubilation rang out of the home of Edward and Faydora Belle. It was the announcement of the birth of a beautiful bouncing baby girl. This was this couple’s third child and they gave her the name Hazel Gertrude. Hazel grew up in Alice Town and attended the All-Aged School, leaving after completing the equivalent of a 4th grade education. Hazel was a pioneer who never let the thought of failure intimidate her. She was blessed with wisdom, knowledge, understanding and common sense . She was a born leader, not a follower. She accomplished whatever she set off to do and if she failed, she would simply chart a new course and give it her all. Hazel fell in love with the love of her life, the handsome Leroy Bertie Carey of Hatchet Bay Eleuthera. They were joined in Holy Matrimony in 1949. This union lasted 62 years until Leroy’s passing in 2011. To God be the glory, great things he has done. Hazel and Leroy were blessed with 10 children, three of whom pre-deceased them. “The heart of her husband safely trusts her, so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life.” Hazel knew what she wanted and was willing to work with her hands to achieve any goal. She was like the merchant ships; she brings her food from affair. She also rises while it is yet night and provide food for her household.

Hazel worked hard along side her husband. She was a career entrepreneur . She set goals and she always achieved them. She spoke with wisdom and she always taught her children and grand children the importance of hard work and saving money. “Never let your right hand know what your left hand is doing. ‘Mr. Rainy Day’ will come!” She was a mother of wise counsel. She seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands Hazel and Leroy established a dry cleaning business in Hatchet Bay. They also opened a restaurant and a dry goods store from their home. This store is still in operation today and serves the greater Hatchet Bay settlement. This was the kind of woman Hazel was, never lazy, always working to improve life for herself and her family. The restaurant gave Hazel the opportunity to go to Harbour Island to do business. Every Saturday she would take Bertie (sometimes some of the other children) to sell Chicken and eggs. These trips were not always easy. Sometimes the sea was very rough but she would still go. She had set her goals and was determined to accomplish them. In the evenings she would stay later to sell BBQ Chicken to the Harbour Island tourists and residents. Our family is forever grateful to each of them for their support. Hazel was also employed by the Bahamas government as a custodian at the All-Aged School next door to her home in Hatchet Bay (then called Alice Town). This was a job she enjoyed immensely and was faithful over many years in her service During break time she would sell her famous conch fritters and fried chicken. This became a big hit over the years.

When she noticed the Harrisville Company Feed Boat would dock in Alice Town on Mondays, Hazel once again saw this as a business opportunity and set up shop on the docks selling fritters, fried chicken and soft drinks to the weary boaters. This became their unofficial welcome to Alice Town. You see, she had a goal which was to build herself a dream home in Alice Town on a piece of property her husband Leroy had just bought. Once again Hazel and Leroy achieved their goal and their dream home has seen many years of loving memories of cherished loved ones. Her life was indeed a blessing to many. She would feed the many faces of Hatchet Bay. Even visitors knew she was a very good cook and baker. Her coconut tarts and Apple tarts were the best ever. Thank God her daughter Andrea has the recipe and will try to carry on her mother’s legacy. People came from far and near to buy them and her delicious dinners were par excellence. Hazel loved fish and crabs. She was always willing to buy and helped persons who came from South and North Eleuthera selling their good, even though she would have enough on hand. She always tried her best to show support to other budding entrepreneurs as she certainly understood the value in running a business. In September of 2019, Hazel’s daughter Machelle noticed a lump in her stomach. Upon seeking medical consult, she was advised that she had cancer. Over the final few months, Hazel endured the raging storms of life. We saw her physical body begin to weaken. The weight and toils of this life were too much for her earthly temple to endure. As she continued to decline, eventually becoming bedridden, she always thanked God and praised her God as she prayed for mercy.

The pains were too much to endure. Her faithful and caring daughter Machelle along with her husband Desmond, and her granddaughters Lethea and Kenya took the best care of her. But on Monday April 27, 2020, God saw Hazel could not take anymore pain. So he called her home. Sleep on, Take your rest. We love you but Jesus loved you best. RIP

A Legacy of Family

Cherished Memories will forever live in the hearts of: Her loving and devoted children: Bertie, Edward and Peter Carey, Reverend Andrea Taylor, Linda Pinder, Machelle Sands and Vandora Johnson; One Sister: Estella Zonicle; Two Brothers-in-Law: Bishop Joseph Zonicle and Preston Turnquest; One Adopted Brother: Eliza Lewis; One Adopted Sister: Patsy Johnson; One Sister-in-Law: Rosie Everheart; Two Daughters-in-Law: Joan Carey of Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Arnette Carey; Three Sons-in-Law: Desmond Sands, Esq, J.P., Colin Johnson and Levi Wilson; Grandchildren: Bishop Terrance Taylor, Shameka, Bentley, Kenniska, Kenya and Demetrius Taylor, Latanya Tilme, Carnell Pinder, Kimberly Seymour, Lethea Carey, Edward Carey, Jr., Matthew “Spicer�, Peter Carey, II, Bianca, Kristina and George Johnson, Kay Simmons, Tracey, Greg and Scott Wilson and Shanell Rhing; Adopted Grandchildren: Keyshawn and Keyon Dean; Great-Grandchildren: Nakera, Anibar, Ferdinand and Cameron Hall, Kylan Gibson, Neika, Teron Donovon, Terrance, Jr. Hilda, Hilbert and Casey McPhee, Niecey Taylor, Aaron and Xyran Cleare, Sean, Aniska, Pharonique, Devon, Geoughan, Gregory, Levi, Jr., and Diego Wilson, Jania, Jeniah and Jayden Lewis, Terricka and Allison Pickstock, Courtney and Shleigh Rhing, Gabriel and Narintheo Hepburn, Yvonnesha and Brittaney Symonette, Maleka and Logan Simmons, Diashanell Muffin Tilby, Carnell Pinder, Jr., Akio and Aki, Gabriella, Kalyn Lightbourne, Amber and Alyia and Harmony Seymour; Great-great Grandchildren: Gabriella, Waltia, Serenity, Ava, Narintheo, Jr., Cianno Hepburn, Cianno Lowe, James and Javaughn Johnson, Asa and Keemie; Nieces: Vernice Smith, Montrea Brown, Marilyn, Mellany, Sheena and Deborah Zonicle, Pauline Zonicle-Claude, Josephine Lopes, Christiana Russell, Martha Minnis, Dr. Samara Newton, Clavia McClain, Shirnell Gardiner, Wanza Munroe, Nurse Joanna Curry, Freeda Sands, Indira Belle, Glenda Wildgoose, Ceeney Butcher, Tiffany, Jasmine and Nikkiah Wildgoose, Janell Carroll, Kendra Russell, Kenceen, Kacy and Mikeya Fox, Alyse Shepherd, Sybil and Marsha Carey, Peggy Smith and Dane Bodie; Nephews: Quinton, Lorenzo, Lynden and Gavin Carey, Sterling Charlton, Clyde Fox, Addis Huyler, Larry Allen, Jeffrey Sr and Jeffery Jr., Noa, Timothy, Jarrod, II and Jayden Wildgoose, Daniel Carroll, Dr. Wismore Butcher, Trenton Russell, Tamicko and Trevaughn Fox, Preston Gibson, Sr. and Jr., Lynden and Garvin Carey and John Shepherd; Adopted Children: Pearline Seymour, Randy Kurtiss, Cladwell Farrington, Edward and Paula Carey, Jack Davis an George Henfield; God-children: Aquilla Lafluer, Brian and Lena Johnson;

Other Relatives and Friends including: Sandra Taylor, Sarah Gray, Dakota Taylor, Donovon Seymour, Crystal and Michelle Wilson, Phillip Simmons, Stephen Gibson, Rev Eric Johnson and Family, Prescola Fox and Family, Vivian Rahming and Family, Paula Clarke and Family, Elaine Johnson and Family of Gregory Town, Amanda Goodman and Family, Beverley Kemp and Family, Glendamae Ranger and Family, Lawrence Griffin and Family, The Honourable Philip Bethel and Family, The Family of the Late Reverend Bossfield Bethel of James Cistern, Lida Bowles and Family, Reverend Shirley Burrows and Family, Reverend Remelda Carey and Family, Reverend Claudius Bethel and Family, The Honourable Alvin Smith and Family, Rowena McKelwhite and Family, Nesta Farrington, Gail Shephard and Family, Yvonia and Randy Kelly, Merry Cambridge, Reverend Marina Carey and Family, Sarah Gray and Family, Paggie of Nassau, Carolyn Mackey, Delberth Bethel and Family, Liz Dean of Miami Florida, Larry Allen, The Family of the Late Clarence Pinder, Carol Pinder, Nurse Monique Cambridge, Janet Williams, The Family of The Late Yvonnia Pinder, The Sands Family of Nassau, Bahamas, The Family of The Late Haywood Dean, The Family of The Late Rose Wood, The Family of The Late Lyda Scavella, The Family of The Late Lewis Pinder, Lavern Saunders and Family, Peter and Carol Davis and Family, Lynden and Ernest Davis, Arnold Davis and Family of Freeport, Stephen Gibson and Family of Nassau, The Family of The Late Thomas Farrington, The Family of The Late Elvara “Tiny” Lewis, Rosie “Aunt Jean” Fernander and Family, Eleanor Steel and Family, Lucille Davis and Family, Velma Bain and Family, The Family of the late Lambert Farrington, Lorna Dean and Family of Freeport, Grand Bahama, Reverend Katrina Durham and Family, Robert Pinder and Family, The Family of the Late Remilda Pinder, Bernis Pinder and Family, Hilton Johnson and Family or James Cistern, Orson Belle and Family, The Family of the Late Dora Dean, The Family of The Late Olga Bowles of James Cistern, Maris SandsMiller, Reverend Audrea Clarke and Family, Reverend Casey Neely and Family, Bishop Oliver Kennedy and Family, Bishop Anthony Campbell and Church of God District (Grand Bahama District), Ladies Ministries of the Grand Bahama Church of God, Annamae Stubbs and Family, The Pastor, Officers and Members of St. Stephen’s Baptist Church and the entire community of Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera. May her soul and all the souls of the dearly departed rest in peace and rise in glory

A Legacy of Worship ENTRANCE AND SEATING OF THE FAMILY | St. Stephen’s Baptist Church Choir OPENING STATEMENTS | Reverend Eric Johnson MODERATORS | Reverend Andrea Taylor (Daughter) Reverend Terrance Taylor (Grandson) OPENING HYMN | “Blessed Jesus Hold My Hand” As I travel through this pilgrim land There is a Friend who walks with me Leads me safely through the sinking sand It is the Christ of Calvary This would be my prayer, dear Lord, each day To help me do the best I can For I need Thy light to guide me day and night Blessed Jesus, hold my hand

Let me travel in the light divine That I may see the blessed way Keep me that I may be wholly Thine And sing redemption’s song some day I will be a soldier brave and true And ever firmly take a stand As I onward go and daily meet the foe Blessed Jesus, hold my hand

(Chorus) Jesus, hold my hand, I need Thee every hour Through this pilgrim land Protect me by The power Hear my feeble plea, plea O Lord, look down on me, While I kneel in prayer I hope to meet you there Blessed Jesus hold my hand

When I wander through the valley dim Toward the setting of the sun If I a crown of life have won I have put my faith in Thee, dear Lord, That I may reach the golden strand There’s no other friend on whom I can depend Blessed Jesus, hold my hand.

INVOCATION | Reverend Ricardo Dean OLD TESTAMENT READING | Ms. Janeen McQueen (Family Friend) HYMN | “Glad Reunion Day” There will be a happy meeting in heaven I know When we see the many loved ones we’ve known here below. Gather on the blessed hilltops with hearts all aglow. That will be a glad reunion day.

There within the holy city we’ll sing and rejoice, Praising Christ the blessed Saviour with heart and with voice. Tell him how we came to love Him and make Him our choice. That will be a glad reunion day.

(Chorus) Glad day, a wonderful day, Glad day, a glorious day; There with all the holy angels and loved ones to stay, That will be a glad reunion day.

When we live a million years in that wonderful place Basking in the love of Jesus, beholding His face. It will seem but just a moment of praising His grace. That will be glad reunion day.

NEW TESTAMENT READING | Shirnell Gardiner (Niece) MOMENT OF SILENCE FOR HARTMAN CAREY TRIBUTE | Peter Carey (Son) CONDOLENCES | Reverend Shirley Burrows Reverend Audrea Clarke Reverend Philip Bethel DUET | Clettie and Nestor Farrington (Adopted Children) EXPRESSIONS | Desmond Sands, Esq, J.P. (Son-In-Law) Edward Carey (Son) OBITUARY TO BE READ IN SILENCE SOLO | Levi Wilson (Son-in-Law) EULOGY | Pastor Eric Johnson PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY | Reverend Carl Pinder VOTE OF THANKS | Addis Huyler (Grand-Nephew) RECESSIONAL HYMN | “Oh Yes, I’ll Live In Glory” I’d like to stay here longer then mans allowed in days And watch the fleeting changes of life’s eneven ways And if my Savior calls me to that sweet home on high I’ll live with Him forever in glory by and by

I’d like to be of service along this pilgrim way And lead the lost to Jesus as fervently I pray And as day by day I travel I’ll keep him ever nigh And live with Him Forever in Glory by and by

(Chorus) O yes, I’ll live in glory by and by I’ll tell and sing love’s story there on high There with my dear Redeemer no more to die Oh yes, I’ll live in glory by and by

Oh you know the end I know is nearing, by faith I look away To yonder home supernal, the land of endless day I’ll cling to Him forever and I’ll look beyond the sky And live with Him forever in glory by and by

Siblings Collage The Belle Legacy Patriarch Edward “Papa” Belle XX-XX Matriarch Faydora Belle (Not Pictured) XX-XX Hubert Belle XX-XX Bernard Belle XX-XX Eugie Belle-Turnquest February 20, 1938-July 4, 2015 Estella Belle-Zonicle (She’s the only one still alive so somehow we need to illustrate that in the design)

Service of Committal HYMN | “Blessed Jesus Hold My Hand” As I travel through this pilgrim land There is a Friend who walks with me Leads me safely through the sinking sand It is the Christ of Calvary This would be my prayer, dear Lord, each day To help me do the best I can For I need Thy light to guide me day and night Blessed Jesus, hold my hand

Let me travel in the light divine That I may see the blessed way Keep me that I may be wholly Thine And sing redemption’s song some day I will be a soldier brave and true And ever firmly take a stand As I onward go and daily meet the foe Blessed Jesus, hold my hand

(Chorus) Jesus, hold my hand, I need Thee every hour Through this pilgrim land Protect me by The power Hear my feeble plea, plea O Lord, look down on me, While I kneel in prayer I hope to meet you there Blessed Jesus hold my hand

When I wander through the valley dim Toward the setting of the sun If I a crown of life have won I have put my faith in Thee, dear Lord, That I may reach the golden strand There’s no other friend on whom I can depend Blessed Jesus, hold my hand.

OPENING PRAYER | Minister COMMITTAL | Reverend Eric Johnson FINAL REMARKS | Curtis Memorial Mortuary BENEDICTION | Minister

Graveside Hymns It’s Alright Now There was a time I travelled a lonely sinful road; Beneath a heavy burden bending low; But now all things are different, since Jesus took my load It’s alright now, I’m His I know.

The Eastern Gate I will meet you in the morning, Just inside the Eastern Gate. Then be ready, faithful pilgrim, Lest with you it be too late.

(Chorus) It’s alright now, for I am in my Saviour’s care It’s alright now; my Saviour hears and answers prayer He’ll walk with me, (He’ll walk beside me) Till I climb the heavenly stair, And everything (And everything is alright now)

(Chorus) I will meet you in the morning; I will meet you in the morning Just inside the Eastern Gate over there. I will meet you in the morning, I will meet you in the morning, I will meet you in the morning over there.

A’ down a lonely pathway, without a friend to guide, I walked in sin and sorrow all alone ‘Till Jesus came and found me, and drew me to His side; It’s alright now, for I’m His own. No more in sin I wander, no more in darkness roam The Lord has placed my feet on higher ground; Each day new heights I’m gaining, my soul is nearing home, It’s alright now, I’m heaven bound. I’ll Fly Away Some glad morning when this life is o’er, I’ll fly away; To a home on God’s celestial shore, I’ll fly away (I’ll fly away). (Chorus) I’ll fly away, Oh Glory I’ll fly away; (in the morning) When I die, Hallelujah, by and by, I’ll fly away (I’ll fly away). When the shadows of this life have gone, I’ll fly away; Like a bird from prison bars has flown, I’ll fly away (I’ll fly away) Just a few more weary days and then, I’ll fly away; To a land where joy shall never end, I’ll fly away (I’ll fly away)

If you hasten off to glory, Linger near the Eastern Gate, For I’m coming in the morning; So you’ll not have long to wait. Keep your lamps all trimmed and burning; For the Bridegroom watch and wait. He’ll be with us at the meeting Just inside the Eastern Gate. O the joys of that glad meeting With the saints who for us wait! What a blessed, happy meeting Just inside the Eastern Gate!

Journey The


will go alone if I have to. I’ll lay aside every sin and weight that so easily beset me. So if you’re behind me when I begin this journey, stay there, for you will only hinder me. In my basket, in case you are wondering, are seeds to be sown. You see, this is a road less traveled and only a few they’ll be that will find it. My footprints will someday vanish from this trail, but the seeds I sow will grow and bear fruit that will remain. The fragrance from this fruit will draw hungry souls to sojourn with me, as we all seek God in Spirit and Truth. Dust from this road tempts my thirst, but it is not mere water that I thirst for. The cup of destiny contains the substance that will quench my thirst, so only from destiny’s cup will I drink. Eternity has allowed me only a few moments in time, so I must be about my Father’s business and find my way back to where I belong. My steps are ordered towards a destination that has been waiting for me since the laying of the world’s foundation. If I deviate from this journey, I’ll only delay my arrival. Although my feet are shod with preparation, they still grow weary, so I must stand on the promises of God to gain strength for miles of this road left untrodden. At the end of this journey waits a festive table filled with blessings and prayers that I prayed and had forgotten. Have your fill of these blessings! Divide them among my progeny to the fourth and fifth generation. For along the way, I’ve eaten of bread you know not of. I am full. Tired from my journey, Jesus bids me to rest and extends His hands with an invitation. I’ll gladly accept and sit on the porch of the Kingdom to recap my travels, and realize that this journey was just as important as the destination.

Hazel Gertrude Carey 1932-2020

To A Mother-In-Law Truly

Worthy of Praise

Thank you for accepting me unconditionally, not only as your son-in-law, but as your son. Thank you for warmly welcoming me into the family since the very first day I had the great pleasure of meeting you. Thank you for the Godly counsel, motherly advice and words of wisdom that you gave me time and time again. Thank you so very much for giving me your precious, one in a million daughter’s hand in marriage and allowing me to take her back to Nassau with me. I know that was hard for you because I took a piece of your heart away from you. I thank you for being a pillar of strength and support throughout the years and for your unprecedented love, compassion and affection that you continuously demonstrated towards me. It’s hard to believe that you are gone. I can’t feed you or lift you anymore; sit you up in your chair or hear you say, “higher, higher!” A virtuous woman of God standing with hands lifted to heaven, the highest praise exclaimed, “Hallelujah,” “Praise the Lord”; The utterance of an unwavering faith. You were the great pillar at the head of the Carey family bravely chartering the course to THE SOLID ROCK. Desmond Sands Esq., J.P. (Son-in-law)

A Legacy of Virtue

Proverbs 31:25-31 New International Version (NIV) 25She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. 26She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. 27She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. 28Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 29 “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.� 30Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. 31Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

Dear God G

od we come before you, as humbly as we know how, asking that’s you hold our entire Belle/Carey Family in the very hollow of your hand, God wrap your loving arms of protection around and about us, let us feel and know that you are near. We thank you for Haya and Hartman’s journeys - God you knew their end from the beginning and we praise your excellent name for giving their families time and space with them. May they sleep in heavenly peace and rise in glory. Comfort those of us who remain. Help us to pour the love that we had for Haya and Hartman, now into each other. God we confess that we do not understand. We know that you are omnipotent and so we reverence you right now in the name of Jesus the Christ. Lord we love you and we thank you for enveloping our family, thank you for the bountiful strength that you will give us for the days and weeks and months and moons ahead. God we love you and we adore you. These gifts and blessings we rest at your mercy seat.

CURTIS MEMORIAL MORTUARY Robinson Rd & 5th St. Nassau / Paradise Island, Bahamas Phone: 242-325-6621 Fax: 242-322-4969

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