Original Memory Book for Helen Stuart

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Saturday January 9th, 2021 10:00 am SERVICE HELD AT: Lakeview Memorial Gardens & Mausoleums OFFICIANTS: Senior Co-Pastor Cranston Knowles, Abundant Life Bible Church Bishop Dr. Garth Fynes, Word In Action Ministries Bahamas

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7



Her Youth Helen was born in the quaint settlement of Millerton Long Island on December 5th, 1946, the fifth child of the late Edward and Carolyn Simms. She grew up as a very beautiful, intelligent and hardworking young girl. As her parents were farmers, she and her brothers and sisters were always busy in the field, watering, weeding or feeding the family’s sheep, pigs and chicken. But there was also time for some fun going crabbing, fishing or just taking a dip in the sea. When her older siblings left their hometown for Nassau, Helen was always left in charge to care for the younger ones, doing most of the cooking, cleaning and baking for the family. Notably, whenever her father, who was often hired to cook for local events and needed to place an order for supplies from Nassau, he would call on Helen to assist him. Helen also loved going to church as a young girl, attending Saint Saviour’s Angilcan Church with her family. She sang at concerts and was active in plays and other events held in the settlement. Whenever the Brethren in Simms held their annual conference, Bro. Cecil Simms would contract her father Edward to cook and he would take his family to attend the closing out service. This is how she was introduced to the denomination in which she would later serve with her future husband. Her Marriage & Career The young Franklyn Stuart arrived on the island in 1964 to serve as the principal of the Millerton All Age School. Because of her academic qualifications, he recommended to the Ministry of Education that she be hired as a pupil teacher. Helen excelled in her role. She and Franklyn would later marry the following year. The young couple would give their hearts to the Lord as a result of the crusade ministry of Evangelists Ed Allen, Rex Major and Tom Roberts. Over the course of the years, Frank and Helen taught together in Mortimers Long Island, Deep Creek Andros, Rock Sound and Palmetto Point Eleuthera. They would eventually settle in New Providence with their little daughter and blessing from the Lord, Sharon, who was born in 1971.

Helen served most of her teaching career at the Ridgeland Primary School where she was known as a no-nonsense disciplinarian and a very creative classroom teacher. During the course of her more than 40 year career, she would pursue her Bachelor’s Degree in Education at the University Of Miami’s program held at the then College of The Bahamas. Her degree was endorsed by the University of the West Indies which was indeed a remarkable achievement. Her Church & Adversity As a founding member of Abundant Life Bible Church, Helen loved serving the Lord. She would touch the lives of many as a result of her ministry to the Sunday School department, her beloved Chapel Singers and the Women’s Ministry. In the early nineties, Helen was diagnosed with breast cancer. By God’s grace, she valiantly fought the disease and continued to serve the Lord faithfully with her family. In 2015, the cancer returned, but this did not discourage this faithful warrior. Her infectious smile and noncomplaining attitude was a blessing to many. In 2020, her health began to decline even further. As the country went into lockdown, Helen continued to follow her church services online and ensured that her family conducted the weekly communion service at home. Her Farewell With the disease ravaging her body, Helen longed to go home to be with the Lord. On the morning of Saturday January 2nd, her Pastors were by her bedside leading in a time of praise and worship. Despite her weakened condition and inability to speak, Helen mustered the strength to lift her hands in worship. By that afternoon she had slipped from time to eternity – absent from the body, present with the Lord. A life well lived, a legacy of faithfulness to her God and fellow man. To God be all the glory. She was predeceased by her parents Edward and Carolyn Simms and her sister Curlina Smith. Cherished Memories will forever live in the hearts of: Her devoted husband: Franklyn L. Stuart Daughters: Sharon Stuart, Patricia Gibson-Sawyer (niece) Sisters: Louise (Clarence) Smith, Alice Marina Gibson, Betty Simms Brothers: Arnold Simms, Cyril Simms (Gaynor), Albert Simms (Emma) Nieces: Marion, Sandra, Melissa, Patricia, Arthurita (Henry), Cheryl, Gertrude, Elaine, Nadia (Garth), Andrea, Sharon, Cerell and their families. Nephews: Peter (Gabrielle), Philip (Dorothy), Stephen, Kirk, David, Andrew, Craig (Della), Edward (Edna), Kosygen (Daphney), Kyle, Benjamin, Albert Jr., Ashton, Torino and their families.

In-Laws: Willis Stuart, Burnell Rolle, Lester (Cindy) Stuart, Rozena McKenzie and the entire Stuart & South Andros Family. Other Relatives and Friends: Her remaining Long Island family, Kenneth & Gerry Sands, Barbara Bain, Linda Basden, Susan Hall, Diana Andrews, Maud Johnson, Gertrude Simmons and their families and all former colleagues and students of the Ridgeland Primary School. Randol, Barbara, Charlie, Tami and Dr. Sasha Dorsett and Sonya Woods. Pastors Gil & Joey Maycock, Cranston & Susanna Knowles, David & Mizpah Cartwright, Ministers Ryan & Chandra Jones, Freeman & Andrea Seymour, Officers and Members of Abundant Life Bible Church (ALBC), The entire ALBC Chapel Singers especially the Soprano section, The Celebration Choir, Adult Sunday School, Women’s Ministry, Ladies Prayer Fellowship, Care, Front Line and Media Ministries, Office Staff, Deacon Tony & Sharon Stubbs, Locksley & Joyce Knowles, Deacon Locskley & Westra Knowles & family, Sis. Brenda Percentie, Deacon Elsworth & Lillian Moss and her entire Back Benches Under The Balcony Family, Blessed, ALBC Founding Members, William & Linda Nairn, Faith & Dellareese Roxbury, Jean Edgecombe, Lorna Bethune, Donna Bosfield, Alvena Taylor, Ina Maycock, Naomi Cumberbatch, Rose Richardson, Bruce & Grace Dean, Roger & Julie Dean, Cheryl Smith, Shervin & Tamara Evans, Helen Forbes, Cecil Longley, Ivan McPhee, Hubert Rolle and their families. Bishop Dr. Garth & Alice Fynes and the entire Word In Action Family, Bishop Carlton Stuart, Bishop Dr. Franklin & Minister Rowena Ferguson, Bishop Dr. Elgarnet & Minister Jaqueline Rahming, Bishop Hulan & Sis. Valerie Hanna, Pastor Branson & Ashanta Gibson, Rev. Lerodney Rolle, Elder Hartman Stuart, Hirken Stuart, Christopher Stuart and their families. COGOP Meadow St Family, Sis. Williame Lightbourne, Sis. Luanna & The LaFleur Family, Oswald & Melrose Pinder and their families. Doctors Ada Thompson, Jonathan Cohen, the entire PMH Oncology Team: Doctors Theodore Turnquest, DuVaughn Curling, Tracey Roberts-Halkitis, her loving Nurses and Staff, Doctors Duane Sands, Agreta Eneas-Carey, Margo Munroe, Nurse Kris Wring & their staff, Nurses Brenda Smith, Sylvia Butler and Chara Taylor. Dr. Kenneth Romer & the ALC&C Family, Retired Teachers Association, Julius Baer Family especially Westra, Anna, Nadia, LaToya, Rochelle, Lesa, Shelley, The Gladstone Road Farmer’s Market Vendors, Donna Wright, Dereck & DJ Rolle, Greg Treco, Donna, Mrs. Knowles, and all of her Sisal Road East neighbors, Allison Knowles, Ava Saunders, L’Herisson Derius, Wrally, STREAMCOMEDIA, and a host of other relatives and friends. Those whose names we may have forgotten, please understand that it was not intentional.



WELCOME & OPENING IN PRAYER | Pastor Cranston Knowles SCRIPTURE READING | Lester Stuart Psalm 23 MUSICAL SELECTION | The ALBC Celebration Choir “The Lord Is My Shepherd” (pre-recorded) REFLECTIONS | Barbara Bain HYMN | “It Is Well with My Soul” When peace like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul. Refrain: It is well, (it is well), With my soul, (with my soul) It is well, it is well, with my soul. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, Even so, it is well with my soul.

PASTORAL MEDITATION | Pastor Cranston Knowles INTERNMENT HYMN| “All the Way My Saviour Leads Me” All the way my Savior leads me What have I to ask beside? Can I doubt His faithful mercies? Who through life has been my guide Heavenly peace divinest comfort Ere by faith in Him to dwell For I know whate’er befall me Jesus doeth all things well All of the way my Savior leads me Cheers each winding path I tread Gives me grace for every trial Feeds me with the living bread Though my weary steps may falter And my soul a-thirst may be Gushing from a rock before me Lo a spring of joy I see And all the way my Savior leads me Oh the fullness of His love Perfect rest to me is promised In my Father’s house above When my spirit clothed immortal Wings it’s flight to realms of the day This my song through endless ages Jesus led me all the way” PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY & BENEDICTION | Bishop Dr. Garth Fynes As participants depart, The ALBC Celebration Choir ministers in song: “It is Finished!” (pre-recorded)



The day I first met you will never be erased from my eyes. The unforgettable years we spent together are written in the skies.

I think of the many cruises on which we traveled both far and near; the togetherness, the peace, the serenity are impossible to compare. Helen you were indeed my help and my companion; we went to the farm together, to Long Wharf, and to so many other places just to name a few; but I will never forget when we sang together a hymn or two. Your beautiful voice I will always remember; those sparkling two bright eyes, will be the gaze in heaven as the angels pass by. Sweet girl, Frank will never forget that peaceful look on your beautiful face after you said goodbye to us ‌you will wake up in the morning. I love you Helen. Until we meet again.

Your Frank



My precious mother and best friend. You were so ready to go home and God called you in His time. What a rich testimony you have left behind. Wife, Mother, Teacher, Singer, Encourager, Reader, Solider For Christ. Thru the intense pain, your faith in God never wavered. You fought a good fight and you kept the faith. Indeed, thankyou mummy for sharing your faith with me. You knew that it was the most precious gift you could have left with me. It was truly an honour to be called your daughter and I am grateful to the Lord for blessing me with such a wonderful mother. My heart right now is broken but I know that you are with the Lord and in no more pain. Knowing this helps me to keep going. Until we meet again Mummy, May your Memory Be A Blessing. Love, Your sweet baby girl, Sherry

My Aunt Helen was an amazing woman who loved God, her family and life. Aunt Helen might not have given birth to me, but she treated me as if I were her very own daughter. She got me my first dream job as a flight attendant, taught me how to drive a car, encouraged me to save my money, but most of all she taught me about God. Whenever I visited her, we would sit on the patio and talk and laugh about what was going on in the news and about life. She would always encourage me to go back to church and to read my Bible. Even though I was a woman living on my own, she would insist I get home at a reasonable time and lock my door and not allow strangers in. In the early days of her being diagnosed with cancer, I would accompany her to Miami for treatment. She was always a trooper as bad as that medication made her feel. She never complained and would want to get back home to Uncle Frank, Sherry, and her kids at school. I don’t think Aunt Helen even had a sick day from work except to travel for her treatments. Every year I would look forward to taking her and Uncle Frank to Miami. She loved sitting in the back seat as I drove them all over Miami, and would be in heaven when we would go to Boston Market for lunch. She loved it. Aunt Helen meant the world to me. All of my co-workers when she travelled would call her Aunty Helen as she requested. I will forever love and miss my Aunt Helen. As I told her before she died, your mansion is ready for you. I know that she is with her Heavenly Father and at peace. Forever in my heart. Trish



My Darling Sister, Words cannot express my feelings about your death. You were the most caring and loving sister to all of your siblings. You led a wonderful life and I am going to miss calling you and just talking girl talk. Whenever I saw you it was always special. Our annual trips abroad were the best. Just being together, driving around, eating and shopping. Helen, when I heard that you had passed, I could not shed a tear because I know how much you suffered with your illness. The only thing I could think about was that you had gone to a happier place where there is no illness. So I know that you are smiling down at us. Helen, on behalf of all of your siblings, we say thankyou for loving and caring for us so deeply. We know that the Lord is pleased with your service to Him and your family. Farewell our dear sister and may your soul rest in peace. Your Sister Marina & The entire Simms Family


Helen Stuart

We visited with you a few weeks ago, and you waved but uttered not a sigh. Little did we know that this was your way of saying inexplicably - goodbye. Your warm smile radiated the room, as we shared our prayers and love. Your countenance had already changed to that of an angel from above. We will miss your warm, calm demeanor, your soothing voice, your easy disposition, and your sterling example of a dedicated wife, exemplary mother/sister/aunt, devoted Christian, selfless educator, nation builder. Your life was a living testimony of dedication, devotion to service and fidelity to truth. This poem captures your life as we knew it. Weep not for me, that I have gone, into the gentle night Grieve if you will, but not for long upon my soul’s sweet flight There is no pain, I suffer not, the fear is now all gone Put now these things out of your thoughts, in your memory I live on. Remember not my fight for breath, remember not the strife Please do not dwell upon my death, but celebrate my life. Helen, your passing has left a deep void in our lives, but your life has left an indelible imprint. Love, Your Brother-In-Law Lester and the entire Stuart Family



Founding member, educator, encourager, faithful wife and mother…our dear, sweet Sis. Helen Stuart is now home with her Lord. She was loved by many and those who came into contact with her were significantly impacted in a great way. Her incredibly, bright smile could light any room. Sis. Helen was a woman of the Word who loved her Lord. She will be deeply missed here at Abundant Life Bible Church. A life well lived, Sis. Helen take your rest. Gil Maycock, Senior Co-Pastor ALBC & Care Ministry During Sunday School, we didn’t have to wait too long for someone to volunteer to read the selected passages as long as Sister Stuart was present, and it seemed as if she was always there reading in the Queen’s English. As we always said, no one could read like Sister Stuart! Her radiant smile and her practical personal examples of life’s lessons that God uses to teach us will be missed and deeply cherished. We are different today because God allowed our paths to cross. Thankyou Sister Stuart for teaching us how to live. Minister Freeman Seymour and the entire Adult Sunday School Class Sister Helen Stuart was a faithful woman of God. Being a teacher by profession, she taught Sunday School for many years, mentoring and leading souls to Christ. She was also a faithful member of the Chapel Singers choir. She always gave words of encouragement and we will miss her beautiful smile and peaceful demeanor. We know that she is now in the presence of her Lord and Saviour. On behalf of the entire Women’s Ministry, I extend my deepest condolences to her family. Sis. Sharon Stubbs

Helen was a woman of great faith. Her life was a reflection of her love for and trust in her Lord. She demonstrated how to live in a close relationship with God in the midst of adversity. Adversity was the classroom in which this teacher by profession, learned to become more like her Lord. She regularly remembered Jesus’ sacrifice. The observance of the Lord’s supper was to her of significant importance. Her testimony revealed her acceptance of God’s design and purpose for her life. She experienced the power of God in her circumstances and embraced every opportunity to offer support, comfort and encouragement to others facing challenges. She also took delight in motivating the sisters of our church to be steadfast and dedicated in their faith. Her devotion to her job and church was exemplary. This faithful servant of God is now forever with her Lord. We will always remember how she accepted the will of God with such grace and humility. “This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promises give me life.” Psalm 119:50 Sis. Joyce Knowles and the entire Ladies Prayer Group Oh how we will miss that melodious alto that bellowed during song time. That radiant smile that always greeted us as we entered the pew. Those words of encouragement still linger in our hearts. That unique suppressed laughter when a joke was told from the pulpit, and those nice little treats received by just being in the pew with you. Oh how we were so protective of you. Till we meet again. Gone but not forgotten. Love, Westra & Your Family In Christ that sat with you underneath the balcony.





Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil Proverbs 31 verses 10 -11 Sister Helen was the epitome of the above scripture verses. She would give her very last if she knew you were in need. She was a faithful member of the Chapel Singers since its inception, and was relied on to correct any mispronounced words, being the kind of Educator that she was. Despite her illness Sis. Helen was present at Choir rehearsals each week, up to the time when the COVID 19 Pandemic reached The Bahamas. She would come into the building rolling her Walker which was playfully named her BMW; despite the fact that she could not participate when the choir was performing. She would always say that she was singing from her pew. She had a special bond with the Director Kenneth, as he picked on her constantly, but she always had a smart comeback, which made the choir members break out in laughter. That was the kind of person Sis. Helen was, always pleasant and happy. If you didn’t know of her struggles, you’d think she was the healthiest person alive. She was an amazing woman of God and an inspiration to us all. Life will not be the the same once we’re able to resume choir rehearsals, without Helen Stuart. We will

miss those beautiful smiles and outburst of jokes that sometime come when you least expect it. She will be surely missed, but we’re happy that she’s at home with her heavenly father. The Chapel Singers love Sis. Helen but her Heavenly Father loves her more.

Her Soprano partners: As we the members of the Chapel Singers quietly reflect on the life of our dear Sister, Helen Stuart, we can say with assurance that she lived and exemplified the spirit of a true child of God. It was Sister Helen’s jovial spirit that drew many to her. A lady that was full of grace and life. A lady with a sense of humor that put everyone at ease. Sister Helen loved to sing. Sitting next to her sometimes in choir practice, I would whisper to her, “you know you are a very strong Alto”. She would only look at me with a twinkle in her eyes and a mischievous smile and wickedly say, “Who, not me”. Although Sister Helen carried a personal battle, one would never have known this based on her radiance and light spirited demeanor. May her memories forever linger in our hearts and May Her Soul Rest in Peace. DONNA BOSFIELD

Sister Helen was a strong believer who didn’t talk her Christianity, she lived it. The adjectives in my mind that best describe her are: faithful, dutiful, committed, friendly and kind and she was a giver. During the latter part of her life despite her physical condition, she took her faithfulness to another level. Her worship services, Sunday School attendances, choir rehearsals; she was always there. Helen you’ve done your stewardship, now enjoy your eternal reward. ALVENA TAYLOR Sister Stuart, from the morning we met at the airport in 2014, while waiting for our flight, we developed a friendship, because of the things we spoke about in that one hour before your flight was called. You were truly an inspiration to us in the Soprano Section and a faithful member of the Chapel Singers. Even in pain, you still made your way to choir practice. We will miss your infectious smile and your correction of words that we pronounced incorrectly. I will miss parking your BMW (wheelchair) for you as that was my job that I looked forward to. Sleep on Sister Stuart and take your rest. LINDA BASDEN

My friend and Sister Helen Stuart. What can I say about this lady? She was special and the friendliest person I know, always smiling and an encouragement to all. If you were feeling low all you need do is call her and your day would be different because she had that ability to cheer you up. She was just that kind of person. You would never know she was not well. She was a 1st. Thessalonians 5:18 and Philippians 4:4 woman. I will miss her from Chapel Singers, Sunday School and her special place at the entrance of the Sanctuary with that big smile for everyone passing by. May God comfort Bro. Frank and Sharon during this time. I’m sure loving memories will linger for a lifetime in their hearts. Thank you for sharing her with us all these years Sleep on beloved Helen Stuart, your Chapel Singers will always love you. INA MAYCOCK

HER Career & Colleagues

Helen, you were a true visionary, an excellent teacher, a no-nonsense person and a true friend. You made a significant mark as a nation builder, leaving a legacy for your child and many children in The Bahamas. May the work you have done speak for you. Prayer warrior, woman of God, it’s hard to say goodbye to a dear friend. DIANA A. ANDREWS Godly, sweet, kind-hearted, loving, humorous, compassionate, friendly, patient and well-dressed are all the adjectives to describe my friend. We have shared lots of fun times together. I am deeply saddened about your passing. So many things to thank you for, I don’t know where to start. So I’ll just say I love you from the bottom of my heart. SUSAN HALL One of my favourite teachers and I was blessed to support her at the farm. She was an exceptional educator and DISCIPLINARIAN! She has touched the lives of so many. SHERVONNE JOHNSON She was my Sunday School Teacher and an amazing woman. RIP Sister Helen, VERNITA ARTY

HER Family,Friends & Memories

The Farmer For more than a decade on Saturday mornings, the Gladstone Road Farmer’s Market was blessed with that radiant smile from Mrs. Stuart. Helen and Franklyn Stuart would faithfully be at the market rain or sunshine displaying their farm produce‌especially those jumbo ju-ju plums that everyone would look forward to at this time of year. Mrs. Stuart will surely be missed. May she rest in peace and rise in Glory The Gladstone Road Farmers Market Vendors


We the family of the late Helen Stuart express our sincere thanks and gratitude to our family, friends and all others who interacted with her during her life and who have displayed love and concern during the most difficult time of bereavement. Your prayers, telephone calls, comforting words and acts of kindness have all been very much appreciated.

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Tel: 394-BOOK (2665) Mobile: (242) 818-3478 Email: info@siddagroup.com Nassau, N.P. Bahamas

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