Jamaine McFall Original Memory Book

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SERVICE HELD AT: Bethel Baptist Church Meeting St. Nassau, New Providence The Bahamas Saturday, June 16, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. OFFICIATING: Pastor Timothy Stewart ASSISTED BY: Associate Ministers ORGANISTS: Jeno Smith Aaron Neely INTERMENT: Bethel Baptist Cemetery Meeting Street Nassau, N.P., The Bahamas

Obituary On February 18, 1977, God gave us an Angel, but we called him a son, a brother, a grandson, a nephew, a cousin, a friend. We knew he was special so we couldn’t wait to watch him grow. As he did, those of us who were blessed to share his early life helped where we could, but we found it difficult because he really did not need much help, simply because he was always covered, yes by his family, but more so by his God. Jamaine Anthon McFall entered the McFall family as the last of six children of Pedro and Yvonne. His love for and special bond with his parents was very evident throughout his life. Even as a young boy, he was inseparable from them … and he loved it. It was also clear that they loved him too as they poured everything they had into his life. They dropped him to school, picked him up, took him to activities of which there were many, and supported everything in his life. His siblings, being much older, were already on their own and he wisely took advantage of being the centre of his parent’s lives. As he grew, he excelled. It may surprise some that he even excelled in athletics early on at Carmichael Primary in track and field, but it is of no surprise to any that he excelled even more in academics. He was really smart and he was very confident about his abilities. Jamaine graduated from A.F. Adderley in 1994 and received numerous scholastic awards including a national award for Outstanding Students. Perhaps his most prized award was the Mathematics award because that was his area of strength – dealing with numbers. Being acutely aware of this strength, Jamaine pursued a career in Accounting first at the College of The Bahamas, graduating with an Associate’s Degree in Accounting in 1996. Shortly thereafter, he continued his studies at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he graduated in 1999 with a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance. During his enrolment at COB, Jamaine entered their Cooperative Work Experience programme where he interned at Ernst & Young. In the Spring of 1996, this developed into a three-year internship with EY while he studied at St. Joe’s. Once finished with University, Jamaine was accepted as a fulltime employee at EY in 1999 and remained there for the remainder of his natural life.

He really loved accounting and had a natural affinity for it as if he was called for it. He sat and passed the uniform CPA exams in Philadelphia and was certified to practise public accounting in Philadelphia, Cayman Islands and The Bahamas. While at EY Jamaine achieved great success, moving up the ranks at the Firm to his final position as Executive Director in the assurance practice. His employment took him throughout the Caribbean and North America including several years secondment in both New York and the Cayman Islands. But his lasting accomplishments while many were not material in nature, but human (dare we say, spiritual). Jamaine impacted his colleagues and friends in a personal way as a master builder, building relationships at all levels in the Firm. This however does not belittle his genius with the Accounting Standards, technology, or his superior service to his clients, but it shows his character that even while being great as an Accountant, he was even greater as a person. Jamaine was totally committed to his God. God was above everything else in his life and it showed every day. The Lord teaches us to love our neighbours as ourselves and to “love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength”. Jamaine was extremely sacrificial by nature and never complained or expected anything in return. If anyone had a need and asked, his answer was always ‘yes’. He was generous, almost to a fault. He never asked why and he never frowned on others in need of help. It was as if what was Jamaine’s was theirs. God continued to bless him throughout his life, which is true to God’s nature and the Holy Scriptures – “Give and it shall be given to you, pressed down, shaken together, running over shall men give to your bosom”. Jamaine loved his entire family, but everyone knew that he had a special bond with the children, and they loved him right back. Visiting the homestead was always fun for the children, most particularly at Christmas because the Christmas tree was always filled with gifts from Uncle Jamaine. Jamaine too was a faithful friend and his friendships were lasting. His friends knew that his heart was pure and his motives were selfless, and people were drawn to him by the droves. It is unanimous that his laugh was infectious. Because of how valued he was as a friend, while he had no children of his own, he had multitudes of Godchildren and somehow, he made time for them all.

Of a certain, he was totally committed to his church, Bethel Baptist Church. His recent positions included Treasurer, Church Officer, Council Member, and Trustee. Jamaine kept the church’s finances in order even during his secondment to Cayman. Earlier, he was very active in the youth department holding many positions including Choir Director. However, Jamaine’s involvement in church extended far beyond positions as he built very close relationships with many of his church family over the years. It is no exaggeration that in almost every pew there was someone who had a special relationship with him. He was close to the Senior Saints, the Sanctuary Choir, Men’s Fellowship, Women’s Fellowship, the Finance Team, the Praise Team, the Musicians, the Ministerial team, the Media team, Reach One (Youth) Ministry, Kingdom Kids, and the Usher Board – just to name a few. He also loved to sing Gospel songs and had a strong voice that could singularly carry the tenor section. Jamaine Anthon McFall is truly a special person. “Is” is not a typo because Jamaine is only asleep. And even as he sleeps, his legacy lives on in the hearts and lives of those he touched. His name will continue and he will never be forgotten. We will see him again, but until then, missing him terribly are: Mother: Mrs Yvonne McFall; Siblings: Lester & Marsha McFall, Elder Andrew & Phoebe McFall, Melany McFall, Rev Patrick & Rev Lavette McFall and Brenda McFall; Nieces & Nephews: Pastor Ashton & Sonovia McFall, Bishop Randolph & Prophetess Ciji Barr, Samuel Jr., Dominic, Dimitri, Raymond and Ramone McFall, Shenique Webb, Lincoln & Marilyn Gay, Amya Strachan; Aunts: Maxine (Mum Maxine) Adderley, Evangelist Neilor Johnson and Evangelist Doris McFall; Cousins: Helena Butler, Lopez & Louise McCullum, Ministers Nelson & Martha McFall, Pastor Azeal & Minister Genean McFall, Eric Rose, Aaron & Phyllis Adderley, Harold & Patricia Adderley, Arlington & Joanne Barr, Judith Adderley, Ornald Sainville, Rudolf Green, William & Portia McFall, Theresa Woodside, Lisa Johnson, Linda Wallace, Dexter & Mary Fox, Annamae Johnson, Daisymae Johnson, Clem & Artis Williams, Bradley & Rosie Strachan, George & Sherese Johnson, Rodney Johnson, Leroy & Tina Johnson, and Dwight & Esther Johnson;

Grandnieces and Grandnephews: Ashli, Stephen & Seth McFall, Nathanael and Nathan Russell, Mark and Malek Sawyer, Da’vantae and Sha’vantae Williams and Kenton Webb; Other Relatives: Shantillya Sands, Jermico & Tracie King, Travis Adderley, Harold Adderley Jr., Minister Deborah McFall, Harriot Davis and Ethlyn Deleveaux; Godparents: Daniel (Danny) Bastian and Maria Minns; Godchildren: Julecia Outten, Jayden, Joel & Jordyn Burrows, Tejai & Taylor Wilson, Amarri & Adeia Bethell, Antonecia Moultrie, Raynah Rolle, Damari Curry and others; Close Friends: Elder Lowell & Pennielle Burrows, Toby Austin, Lisa Bethell, Dec. Trevor & Rev. Christina Bethell, Elecia Outten, Dexter Fernander, Anton Bowe, Jason Sweeting, Sonovia Pierre, Tinika Pinder, Darrion Curry, Nadia Bain, Nakeish Burrows, Ngaio Hinsey, Carol Roach, Esther Dukes, Dec. Keisha Russell, Sonia & Simone Bain, Dec. Allison Miller, Dec. Catherine Dean and others; Friends including: Pastor Timothy and Sis Sharon Stewart and the entire membership of Bethel Baptist Church, George & Rev. Patricia Bethell, Sharon Roker, Bethel Baptist Handbell Ringers, Bethel Baptist Finance Team, The Bethel Baptist Association Youth Department, Michelle Thompson and EY Accounting Firm, A. F. Adderley Class of 1994, College of the Bahamas Class of 1996, The Gentleman’s Club, Junior Achievement Bahamas, The Lunch Bunch Crew, Maxine Adderley & Family, Elizabeth Rolle & Family, and others too numerous to mention.

Order of Service For

Jamaine Anthon McFall

PRE-SERVICE Moderators: Rev. Lavette McFall & Rev. Christina Bethell THE OCCASION SELECTION | Bethel Baptist Combined Youth & Association Choir TRIBUTE | A.F. Adderley Class of 1994 – Mrs. Nadia Evans (Former Head Girl) TRIBUTE | The Lunch Bunch (Former Co-workers of Ernst & Young) TRIBUTE | Bethel Baptist Youth & Association Leaders SELECTION | Bethel Baptist Combined Youth & Association Choir

FUNERAL SERVICE Moderator: Rev. Patrick McFall THE ORGAN PRELUDE PROCESSIONAL OF FAMILY | Bethel Baptist Praise Team OPENING WORDS OF COMFORT | Rev. A. Dewitt Hutcheson

OPENING HYMN | “O For A Thousand Tongues” | Bro. Ishmael Lightbourne O for a thousand tongues to sing My great redeemer’s praise, The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of His grace!

He speaks, and, listening to His voice, New life the dead receive, The mournful, broken hearts rejoice, The humble poor believe.

Jesus! the name that charms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease; ‘Tis music in the sinner’s ears; ‘Tis life, and health, and peace.

Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb, Your loosened tongues employ; Ye blind, behold your Saviour come; And leap, ye lame, for joy.

He breaks the power of canceled sin; He sets the prisoner free. His blood can make the foulest clean; His blood availed for me.

My gracious master and my God, Assist me to proclaim, To spread through all the earth abroad, The honors of Thy name.

OPENING PRAYER | Rev. Patricia Bethell

PRAYER RESPONSE | “Beams of Heaven” | Bro. Ishmael Lightbourne Beams of heaven as I go, Thro’ this wilderness below, Guide my feet in peaceful ways, Turn my mid-nights into days; When in the darkness I would grope, Faith always sees a star of hope, And soon from all life’s grief and danger, I shall be free some day.

Harder yet may be the fight, Right may often yield to might, Wickedness awhile may reign, Satan’s cause may seem to gain; There is a God that rules above, With hand of pow’r and heart of love, If I am right, He’ll fight my battle, I shall have peace some day.

I do not know how long ‘twill be, Nor what the future holds for me, But this I know, if Jesus leads me, I shall get home some day.

Burdens now may crush me down, Disappointments all around, Troubles speak in mournful sigh, Sorrow through a tear stained eye; There is a world where pleasure reigns, No mourning soul shall roam its plains, And to that land of peace and glory I want to go some day.

Often times my sky is clear, Joy abounds without a tear, Though a day so bright begun, Clouds may hide tomorrow’s sun. There’ll be a day that’s always bright A day that never yields to night, And in its light the streets of glory I shall behold some day.

ANTHEM | “Heaven Medley” | Bethel Baptist Sanctuary Choir THE OLD TESTAMENT LESSON | Psalm 46 | Julecia Outten (God Child) SELECTION | Bethel Men’s Ensemble THE FRIEND I KNEW | Elder Lowell Burrows

HYMN | “His Coming Draweth Nigh” | Bro. Ishmael Lightbourne Lift up your heads, ye saints, we’re told redemption draweth nigh, Ere long His glory we’ll behold as lightning from on high; We’ve toiled and prayed and waited here, but soon His face we’ll see, And when He comes He’ll dry each tear, and we the Bride shall be. His coming draweth nigh, We’ll meet Him in the sky, And go with Him to the marriage feast somewhere on high; Oh, what a time ‘twill be, Our loved ones we shall see, Far up above the tribulation by and by. Farewell, gay world, our song shall be, we’ll sing it thru the air, Above the rugged hills and trees His wondrous glory share; Lift up, look up, still watch and pray, tho’ fading be your eye, Nor think His coming be delayed, it surely draweth nigh. Around the festive board that day we’ll raise a mighty shout, Like many waters of the sea, we’ll sing and dance about; The angels cannot sing the song, they’ll stand with folded wings And wonder at the praise prolong, we’ll crown Him King of kings. TRIBUTE | Mrs. Michele Y. Thompson Country Managing Partner, Ernest & Young THE NEW TESTAMENT SCRIPTURE LESSON | Revelation 21: 1 - 7 | Prophetess CiJi Barr (Niece)

HYMN | “O Jesus I Have Promised” | Bro. Ishmael Lightbourne O Jesus, I have promised To serve Thee to the end; Be Thou forever near me, My Master and my Friend; I shall not fear the battle If Thou art by my side, Nor wander from the pathway If Thou wilt be my Guide.

O Jesus, Thou hast promised To all who follow Thee, That where Thou art in glory There shall Thy servant be; And, Jesus, I have promised To serve Thee to the end; O give me grace to follow, My Master and my Friend.

O let me feel Thee near me: The world is ever near; I see the sights that dazzle, The tempting sounds I hear; My foes are ever near me, Around me and within; But Jesus, draw Thou nearer, And shield my soul from sin.

O let me see Thy footmarks, And in them plant mine own; My hope to follow duly Is in Thy strength alone: O guide me, call me, draw me,

O let me hear Thee speaking In accents clear and still, Above the storms of passion, The murmurs of self-will; O speak to reassure me, To hasten or control; O speak, and make me listen, Thou Guardian of my soul.

Uphold me to the end; And then in Heaven receive me, My Savior and my Friend!

OBITUARY | To Be Read in Silence TRIBUTE | Deacon Ricardo Rolle (Bethel Baptist Church) SELECTION | Bethel Baptist Praise Team EULOGY | Pastor Timothy Stewart (Pastor, Bethel Baptist Church) SELECTION | “Christ Returnth Medley” | Bethel’s Sanctuary Choir PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY | Pastor Heuter Rolle (Pastor, Salem Union Baptist Church)

CLOSING HYMN | “Glad Reunion Day” | Bro. Ishmael Lightbourne There will be a happy meeting in heaven I know, When we see the many loved ones we’ve known here below, Gather on the blessed hilltops with hearts all aglow, That will be a glad reunion day. Glad day, a wonderful day, Glad day, a glorious day; There with all the holy angels and loved ones to stay, That will be a glad reunion day. There within the holy city we’ll sing and rejoice, Praising Christ the blessed Saviour with heart and with voice, Tell Him how we came to love him and make Him our choice. That will be a glad reunion day. When we live a million years in that wonderful place, Basking in the love of Jesus, beholding His face, It will seem but just a moment of praising His grace, That will be a glad reunion day. RECESSIONAL | “Hope To Meet You There” | Combined Choir

Tribute To My Son

My Baby, words cannot express my feelings during this time. You were my last child; my very special child. So deep. Even as a child you stood out from the others. Never once did you give me cause for concern. As you entered adulthood, we became even closer. My pain is so great right now, I’ve lost my appetite. You always checked for me. You called to ensure that I ate. Whenever you travelled, you called as soon as you arrived to let me know you landed safely, but I know you were really checking to make sure that I was ok and that I had already eaten. What I lacked in my early years, you provided for me in my later years. You were my confidant. You seemed to have given up your life for me. Your love for your work also was unquestioned. I always had you covered in prayers. But only God knows why he allowed you to be taken away from me at this time. I will not question Him on this. I instilled in you, as I did in all my children, a fear of God. So now I must continue to rely on Him for my strength. One day it is my blessed hope that we will meet again when our Lord comes. Until then, I will remain strong as I hold on to the others. Love Mommy


amaine, you left us much too soon. You were the baby of the family, so we thought you would be around for a long time! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments; but most of all we are proud of the way you took care of mommy and daddy. You had such a special relationship with them and we never questioned this. You were special to everyone. You were like the glue that brought the family together. It is hard to think of you not being there to help out in the kitchen, or to put out the snacks while we sit around talking and laughing. No one can fill the gap that you have left in our family. We left the family home at an early age and left you alone with mommy and daddy. They took good care of you and in their latter days you took very good care of them. Normally, the older ones leave the younger ones to continue their legacy; however, you changed up the game.... you left us to continue your legacy. What a challenge! We will rally together and ensure that mommy is cared for in the way that would meet your approval. You have taught us well. We salute you with great respect, Jamaine. Continue to rest until we meet again in Christ. Love you forever, Lester & Marsha, Andrew & Phoebe, Melany, Patrick & Lavette



I weep for you, Though you’ve made it home, Through heavens gates, I know you roam. I wipe my tears, And dry my eyes, You’re in a better place, Heaven is your prize. I have peace knowing, No more tears nor sorrow, Your life is with Jesus, You are in your tomorrow. We the Barr family celebrate your homegoing. Absent in body, present with the Lord. Ciji Barr (Niece)


ncle Jamaine, I remembered those days when you used to carry us to the carnival every year and buy us Christmas and Birthday gifts. I remembered the financial advice you gave me about budgeting money and when I wanted to purchase my car. When you were away from home, you would tell me to make sure Grammy and Granddaddy ate and even after Granddaddy died, you still informed me to make certain that Grammy got something to eat, even if she did not want to eat. Uncle Jamaine, you have always been there for me. It hurts to see that you have gone. Thank you for all the advice, the laughter and the love. I will miss you. Sleep on! Love Sammy (Nephew)


o Uncle Jamaine A man who has been there for me from the very beginning. You were always a shoulder to lean on, and a voice of reason in every situation. You’ve played a major role in helping me become the person I am today, and for that I am eternally grateful. The memories we shared will always be with me. I know this isn’t goodbye, simply “ ‘til we meet again’. Dominic (Nephew)

amaine, words cannot begin to express the sadness I feel. To me, you were more than just an uncle; you treated me like a little brother. You didn’t mind when I invaded your room and rummaged through your things. You had no problem taking us out with you. You always showed concern for us and you were there whenever we needed you. Your kindness, light heartedness and the love that you always showed will forever remain in my heart. We love you Jamaine. Until we meet again. Ashton (Nephew)



think about your relationships with your church family and I can hear them calling your name. Each voice, each tone and every interaction in its own way. We all have our story with you and I realized you were planted in the mist of us. Every meeting, every trip and service attended it added to our story with you. You were planted in the mist of us. Your story has ended and your work is done. You will always live in our hearts. Rest on and we will meet you in the morning just inside the eastern gate over there. Rest in Peace. Allison Miller

My Brother, My Friend

You were kind; you were thoughtful, wholly committed, and compassionate. You put service above self. Catherine Dean

Jamaine, thank you for the great impact you had on my life and for

being the caring person you were. This still feels so unreal to me. It saddens me that you had to leave so quickly, but I find comfort in knowing that you are in a better place, resting on the bosom of our Lord. Our PNBC trips will never be the same. You will be dearly missed. Sleep on. Love, Cherica Whylly

Jamaine, thank you for being one of the few close friends that I have. Through all the changing scenes of my life you have been there. It’s truly hard to believe that you are gone, but in a far better place. I appreciate even more all the laughter, good food and advice. Thank you my brother for showing me how to live a life with no regrets. I love you and looking forward to seeing you again. Tell Daddy hi for me! Keisha Russell

The Open Treasure

Hidden within this jar of clay, was an Open Treasure with a purpose every day. To inspire and challenge those you meet, helping them to overcome life’s defeat. This treasure had no limitation at all, its riches extended to family, friends, church and career, also young people shopping at the mall. This Open Treasure was damaged by people, pressure and some of life’s baggage. It never affected your ability to function because your assignment came with a heavenly unction. Though you were embodied in a jar of clay, you were yielded to your Creator getting help along the way. Your lifespan Open Treasure was determined by your Maker, the Sovereign God, in whom you trusted. He knew that you served and maximized your gifts with


very so often God blesses us with person’s who make the world a better place. Jermaine was definitely one of those persons. He was always very personable, kind and caring. Always willing to help and make things happen even if it would cost him. Jermaine has made an indelible mark and created a legacy not to be forgotten. One who truly exhibited Christ’s love to many. You are gone but not forgotten, rest in peace my brother. Trevor Bethell

humility, passionately to God’s Kingdom and also the world. On Sunday as He came to give you a visit, He met an Open Treasure, tired and depleted. So tenderly He spoke these words in your ear, “your purpose has been completed, your assignment is done, it’s time for you to take your rest.” You were probably shocked as this was not expected, but your Father whispered sweetly,” in heaven you have been accepted, my son it’s time to receive your GREAT REWARD.” So without hesitation you gave Him your hand, and He gently led you to THE PROMISE LAND. Jamaine, you know I am not a poet but “I honestly did my best”. I used this death to put my creativity to the test. We will laugh about it in heaven someday. My friend, my brother, you will dearly be missed, but I am JUST GRATEFUL for this Open Treasure who was one of my life’s gifts. Forever in my heart, Christina Bethell

Each of us has an appointment with eternity (Heb.

9:27). As with much of his life, Jamaine accomplished much at a young age. He came to be Bethel’s Treasurer during a defining period and helped to transform the recording of our Finances to an unprecedented level. But unbeknown to us, he scheduled his appointment earlier than any of us expected. We salute him for allowing God to utilize his gifts to make a difference in our Church . Ricardo Rolle

TRIBUTES TO JAMAINE FROM ERNST & YOUNG STAFF Your time with us has been to short but your impact will be felt forever. You’ve toiled endlessly to make the world a better place for all, so take your rest little brother until we meet again! - Michele Thompson Jamaine’s life wasn’t nearly long enough but he lived it well and in doing so, he blessed and inspired everyone who had the privilege to have known him. - Dan Scott Jamaine – I will always remember your warm and friendly smile and will certainly never forget all the good times we shared, you were more than a colleague – you were a good friend – one I will never forget. Love, Tiffany - Tiffany NorrisPilcher Jamaine was dedicated to our profession but most importantly was a caring gentleman who always took the time and interest in others. - David Brown Thank you for being a wonderful colleague and friend. Our time together was such a privilege … you will be dearly missed. – Jessel Mendes Jamaine, there will always be many wonderful memories of you with my favorites being your laugh, smile and ability to work through any matter at hand with an amazingly positive attitude. You will be deeply missed. - Jeff Short Words cannot even begin to describe the amazing impact Jamaine had on the lives of so many and his legacy will never be forgotten. - Mike Mannisto Jamaine, was a respected leader at EY in many countries. He loved his family, he loved his church and Jamaine enjoyed his work, in that order. I am deeply saddened by his sudden passing and I know how close he was to you, his family. Please accept these few words as a small comfort to you that he will be missed by many people in a number of countries because Jamaine made a positive impact in the lives of a number of people because he genuinely cared. I will miss his friendship, - Baron Jacob Big smile, big heart … that laugh will be greatly missed. Those are the things we should all truly strive to leave behind as a legacy. - Christopher Larkin

Jamaine, we will miss your big heart and wonderful smile. You have left a big gap in our lives. Always, - Lauren Nelson Jam, it was a gift to meet you. Thank you. Your laughter - a sound so power-filled with joy, I smile every time I think of it. Rest in eternal peace. - Zena Tuitt Jamaine was a colleague and a mentor to me. While I am saddened by his passing, I will always remember the positive impact he made on my life. You will be missed dearly. - Reenal Shah Thank you - I am better for having met you, learned from you and laughed with you. - Kristin Burt Go well Jamaine, I will miss your guidance and contagious laugh. - Noma Nyoni I write this with great sadness over the unimaginable and sudden loss of a great colleague. RIP Jamaine, still in complete disbelief. - Maria Hopkins A huge void has been created. I will miss his infectious laugh, and his attention to detail in everything. He will be sorely missed by the QRM team. R.I.P, Jamaine. - Andrea MarshallHarris From student to leader, from colleague to cherished friend who will be dearly missed – Patti Parham

Committal Service SCRIPTURE READING | Pastor Mark Barrett (Calvary Deliverance Church) OPENING PRAYER | Pastor Azeal McFall HYMN | “It is Well” When peace like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea-billows roll, Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say “It is well, it is well with my soul” It is well, With my soul, It is well, it is well, with my soul. Though Satan should buffet, Though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. My sin oh the bliss of this glorious tho’t: My sin not in part, but the whole, Is nailed to His cross and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! And, Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll, The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, “Even so” it is well with my soul COMMITTAL | Pastor Timothy Stewart

GRAVESIDE HYMNS “The Eastern Gate”

“It’s Alright Now”

I will meet you in the morning, Just inside the Eastern Gate; Then be ready, faithful pilgrim, Lest with you it be too late.

There was a time I traveled a lonely sinful road, Beneath a heavy burden bending low; But now all things are diff’rent, for Jesus took my load, It’s alright now, I’m His I know.

I will meet you in the morning Just inside the Eastern Gate over there; I will meet you in the morning I will meet you in the morning I will meet you in the morning over there.

It’s alright now, for I am in my Saviour’s care, It’s alright now, my Saviour hears and answers prayer; He’ll walk beside me ‘til I climb the heav’nly stair, And ev’rything is alright now.

If you hasten off to glory, Linger near the Eastern Gate, For I’m coming in the morning, So you’ll not have long to wait.

A-down a lonely pathway without a friend to guide, I walked in sin and sorrow all alone; ‘Til Jesus came and found me, and drew me to His side, It’s alright now, for I’m His own.

Keep your lamps all trimmed and burning, For the Bridegroom watch and wait, He’ll be with us at the meeting, Just inside the Eastern Gate.

No more in sin I wonder, no more in darkness roam, The Lord has placed my feet on higher ground; Each day new heights I’m gaining, my soul is nearing home, It’s alright now, I’m heaven bound.

O, the joy of that glad meeting With the saints who for us wait! What a blessed happy meeting Just inside the Eastern Gate!

BENEDICTION | Pastor Timothy Stewart “The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended” The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended, The darkness falls at Thy behest; To Thee our morning hymns ascended, Thy praise shall hallow now our rest. We thank Thee that Thy Church unsleeping, While earth rolls onward into light, Through all the world her watch is keeping, And rests not now by day or night. As o’er each continent and island The dawn leads on another day, The voice of prayer is never silent, Nor dies the strain of praise away. The sun, that bids us rest, is waking Our brethren ‘neath the western sky, And hour by hour fresh lips are making Thy wondrous doings heard on high. So be it, Lord; Thy throne shall never, Like earth’s proud empires, pass away: But stand, and rule, and grow for ever, Till all Thy creatures own Thy sway.

Acknowledgements We the family of the late Jamaine Anthon McFall express our sincere gratitude to each of you who have displayed your love and concern for us during this our time of bereavement. We truly appreciate your prayers, visits, words of comfort, telephone calls and other acts of kindness. Your support here today has helped to make our sorrow easier to bear. It is our prayer that Jamaine’s memory will bring a smile to your faces in the days ahead. May God’s richest blessings abide with you always. The Family

HONORARY PALLBEARERS Lester McFall Nelson McFall Andrew McFall Harold Adderley Patrick McFall Aaron Adderley Azeal McFall Jermico King PALLBEARERS Samuel McFall Jr. Harold Adderley Jr. D’mitri McFall Elder Lowell Burrows Justin McFall Travis Williams Travis Adderley Marco Strachan

Funeral Services Entrusted To Demeritte’s Funeral Home Market Street P.O. Box-GT2097 Tel: 323-5782

Provided by SIDDA Communications Group Tel: 394-BOOK (2665) Mobile: (242) 818-2478 Email: info@siddagroup.com Nassau, N.P. Bahamas

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