Kelli-Ann Sands

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“Whom God keeps is well kept” -Kelli-Ann

Celebrating Her Life

KELLI-ANN FRANCINE SANDS SUNRISE: January 24, 1975 SUNSET: October 4, 2023 AGE: 48 Sunday, October 15, 2023 SERVICE HELD AT: Hillview Seventh-day Adventist Church Nassau, The Bahamas OFFICIANTS: Pastor Kareem Black Pastor Jamal Franklyn Pastor Peter Kerr


Remembering Kelli-Ann I 1.24.75 - 10.4.23

t was on January 24,1975 that Fred and Val Whyly welcomed their dynamic daughter KelliAnn Francine. Kelli-Ann thrived and became an outgoing, vibrant, inquisitive, and expressive child, who at age 4 years old took delight and pride in guiding visitors to “come, see my baby, brother!” or in saying “That’s my baby brother”, meaning Kris. There was a close bond between sister and brother, but it didn’t stop them from playing tricks on each other. One Friday evening it had rained, and the frogs were out and croaking. In the middle of Friday evening worship, youngster Kris exclaimed, “Dad let’s go get the frog and put it on Kelli-Ann”. That incentivised her to learn to be brave and undaunted, nearly fearless early on.

Kelli-Ann received her education at Bahamas Academy of Seventh-day Adventists, from which she graduated in 1992. While there, Kelli was a friend to many and was affectionately called ‘Stick’ and was a part of the group ‘The Icks’ of which her closest friends were also a part of, ‘Pick, Slick, and Thick’. During her time at Bahamas Academy, her Mom insisted on her learning to play the piano, and she became a student of the late Mrs. Audrey Wright, but creative arts, and graphics won over piano playing, so that activity became a pleasant past memory. This led her to pursue and complete a degree in Communications from Northern Caribbean University in 1997.

Kelli-Ann loved life and lived it to the fullest,

however her greatest love began on September 16, 2002 when her daughter Khaylee was born. The two were inseparable and Kelli was determined to not only give her daughter the best, but also to set the best

example that she could for her. Her love for clothes, travel, and design are some of the things that were passed on to Khaylee, however, more importantly, Kelli-Ann was a firm believer in Christ and her very life was an embodiment of this belief. Baptized at a young age by the now deceased Pastor H. A. Roach, she took her relationship with God seriously and instilled the importance of living a life for Him in her daughter. Kelli-Ann took her passion for graphics and design and founded KS Graphix, a company from which she created many brochures, booklets, flyers, invitations and other graphic work for countless persons. She took the mindset of going above and beyond seriously in all things and it was very evident in her professional life. Her work history boasted an impressive record. This featured roles at Solomon’s Mines as the Marketing & Public Relations Director, overseeing the branding

Kelli had a heart that looked for the needs of others and she sought to fill those needs. She sponsored students at Bahamas Academy, volunteered her time, and her church in community outreach programs; she befriended and supported foreign students studying here in The Bahamas. She offered a listening ear, and gave a space to many who had been hurt, and who needed a lift to get back on their feet. During the lockdown in 2020, she completed her Alzheimer’s and Dementia, Disease Healthcare Professional certifications. It was her dream to one day open a place that offered refuge to hurting women and the elderly. Sadly, life took an unexpected turn and after a brief illness, there was a sudden silence. On Wednesday October 4th, KelliAnn closed her eyes and fell asleep in Jesus. and marketing of all companies in the group portfolio, inclusive of Solomon’s Mines, Mademoiselle, The Perfume Bar, Pipe of Peace & Royal Palm Trading. Many evenings, Kelli-Ann would bring Khay from school to the office. Once the decor planning and decorating began, a thick blanket in a cozy spot, complete with snacks and all, would be laid out under Kelli-Ann’s desk for Khay to take her nap, which sometimes became over-nighters in the office that she shared with her “work-besties” Liz and Rochelle.

She was a thoughtful daughter, wonderful mother and amazing friend. She was a strong, resilient, and fashionable woman. She was larger than life, loved deeply, laughed loudly, and celebrated hard with those she loved. She was a force to be reckoned with, a home for so many and a light to all she came in contact with. Kelli-Ann was God’s daughter, and lived her life in such a way that we can be comforted in the fact that if we too cultivate our relationship with God as she did, we WILL see her again when Christ returns.

She transitioned to The Movi Group where she served as both Administrative Assistant and Project Manager. In 2010, she joined the Balmoral Club Administration as a Graphic Designer and in true Kelli-Ann fashion was over time promoted to the position of Club Administrator as her work continued to speak for itself. She was the backbone of the company, and kept it running like a well oiled machine. In every single job and position that she held, Kelli was well loved and trusted not only by her staff and co-workers, but also any clients and vendors who had the privilege of interacting with her through her various positions.

Left to carry on and share her legacy, love and memories are her: Daughter: Khaylee Sands Parents: Fred and Valerie Whyly Sisters: Sherry Neille, Paula Williams, Arnette Smith Brothers: Kristen, Craig, & Todd Whyly Aunt: Olga Whyly Cousins: Marjorie Allen, Marilyn Allen, Nikolai Lewis,Tyrina Moxey & Family, Shanell Smith-Bethel Nieces: Dwana and Telitha Williams, Elizabeth Neille, Ashley Whylly-Higgs, Shonda & Wesleyann Poitier, Shaquille Sands, Rashida Johnson Nephews: Kairo, Adrian, Terrell and Shayne Whyly, Christopher and Christophe Pennerman, Timothy Neille, Jair Poitier, Stephen Johnson Jr, Atario Sands Godparents: Steve & Portia Barnett Godsister: Stephanie Loedolff Godchildren: Jordan Braithwaite, Bryson James, Nicholas Duncanson, Nivek Rollins, Kaylen Walkine, Marva Johnson &

Kelli had a love for music that started at a young age. She sang with various groups including the Centerville Seventh-day Adventist Church Youth Choir, performing at notable occasions such as Christmas at The Government House. Later, when she found her home in the Bethany Seventh-day Adventist Church, she became a cornerstone member of the Bethany Praise Team and Communication department, roles she loved and held until she took her rest.

Micah Richardson, Azaria Carey, Alayna Darling, Gehm Walker & Ricardo Walker II, Ge-Ah Smith, Jae-el, Jhada-Nicole & J’Nya Been, Krystn-Ashleigh Thompson Adopted Children: Tyla & Madisson Rahming, Brinel Jacques, Dana Wallace, Alexis Gibson, Kyle Moss, Joshua Stewart, Joshua Williams, Dijon Saunders, Al’Lunzo Evans, Nathan & Shanté Lacroix. Nathan McPhee, Bree Deveaux, Jonathon Woolford-Hunt, Thandi Dewa, Aeja Watson, Jewel Murray, Leah Gilbert, Zyon Wiley, Benjamin Adjei, Zane Jones Numerous grand nieces & nephews, friends and extended family that include: Brandace Duncanson, Eureka & Lynette Smith, Marsha Richardson, Eloise Rollins, Denise & Harvey Braithwaite, Tenera Carey & Family, Racquel Harvey & Family, Aldise Richardson & Family, Lynette Adamson, Quentin Sturrup & Family, Akin Barr & Family, Dr. Derwin Johnson & Family, Antoin Bowe, Pastor Jamal & Mrs. Evelyn Franklyn, Pastor Peter & Mrs. Jennifer Kerr, Dr. Kiti Adderley, Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Evans, Devin Peet, Omar Messia, George King, Coralie Adderley & Family, Elissa Mwesigwa, Duane Gibson, Dominic Moultrie, Jackie Clarke, Cynthia Love-Adkins & Family, Olga Roach & Family, Dwayne Mortimer &

the Staff at The Balmoral Club, The Cooper Family, Elmore Jacques & Family, The Rahming & Duncombe Family, The Duncanson Family, The Hanna Family, The Antonio Family, Tarin Glenn and Family, Everett Wiles, Liz Coakley, Rochelle Walker, Patrick Wilson, Lucia Moxey, Shelley Atkinson, Linnett Williams, Mark Cunningham, Carl & Renee Scavella & Family, Nadene & Basil Been, Lynnae Fowler & Family, Valerie Griffin, Jillian Tull, Patria Walker & Family, Mr Philip Galanis & The Boule, Megan Minus, Dwain & Burton Wallace (The Movi Group), Andrea Musgrove & Family, Camille Forbes and Family, Harrison Moxey, Karielle Parris & Family, Eustacia Jennings, Tricia Gordan, Tennille Darville, Camille Elwood & Family, Bahamas Academy Class of ‘92, West Indies College (NCU) Class of ‘97, the Bethany Seventh-day Adventist Church, the Marsh Harbour Seventh-day Adventist Church and the Centreville Seventh-day Adventist Church. Special thanks to - Dr. Dionne Dames-Rahming & Team, Dr. Burrows, Nurse Rolle & Staff of the Princess Margaret Hospital, Addis Huyler & The Sidda Group, Scharad Lightbourne & The Hillview Seventh-Day Adventist Church.

“That is what thriving looks like” -Kelli-Ann

MUSICAL PRELUDE | Recorded FAMILY PROCESSIONAL OPENING REMARKS | Pastor Kareem Black (Pastor, Bethany SDA Church) INVOCATION | Elder Harvey Braithwaite PRAISE & WORSHIP IN SONG | Praise Team


FIRST SCRIPTURE READING | Psalm 56:3-4, 10-13 (KJV) | Christophe Pennerman (Nephew) 3. What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. 4. In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me. 10. In God will I praise his word: in the Lord will I praise his word. 11. In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me. 12. Thy vows are upon me, O God: I will render praises unto thee. 13. For thou hast delivered my soul from death: wilt not thou deliver my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living? CONGREGATIONAL HYMN | 422 – Marching to Zion | Praise Team Come, we that love the Lord, And let our joys be known; Join in a song with sweet accord, Join in a song with sweet accord, And thus surround the throne, And thus surround the throne.

The hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets Before we reach the heav’nly fields, Before we reach the heav’nly fields Or walk the golden streets, Or walk the golden streets.

Refrain We’re marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion; We’re marching upward to Zion, The beautiful city of God.

Then let our songs abound And ev’ry tear be dry; We’re marching thru Immanuel’s ground, We’re marching thru Immanuel’s ground To fairer worlds on high, To fairer worlds on high.

Let those refuse to sing Who never knew our God; But children of the heav’nly King, But children of the heav’nly King May speak their joys abroad, May speak their joys abroad.

CONDOLENCES | Dr. Derwin Johnson (Bahamas Academy Class of 1992) Mr. Dwayne Mortimer (General Manager, The Balmoral Club) Elder Howard Knowles (First Elder, Bethany SDA Church) SPECIAL MUSIC | Mrs. Naomi Taylor-Crawford accompanied by Mr. Clinton Crawford (Friends) AS I KNEW HER | Racquel Harvey (Best Friend) SECOND SCRIPTURE READING | 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 (NIV | Aldise Richardson (Best Friend) 50. I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. 51. Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52. in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. 54. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” 55. “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” 56. The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 58. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. SPECIAL MUSIC | Mr. Dominic Moultrie (Friend) HOMILY | Pastor Jamal Franklyn (Youth Director, South Bahamas Conference of SDA) PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY | Pastor Peter Kerr (President, Atlantic Caribbean Union) COMMITAL | Pastor Jamal Franklyn RECESSIONAL HYMN | 633 – When we all get to Heaven | Praise Team Sing the wondrous love of Jesus; Sing his mercy and his grace. In the mansions bright and blessed He’ll prepare for us a place.

While we walk the pilgrim pathway, Clouds will overspread the sky; But when traveling days are over, Not a shadow, not a sigh.

Refrain When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We’ll sing and shout the victory!

Let us then be true and faithful, Trusting, serving every day; Just one glimpse of him in glory Will the toils of life repay.

Onward to the prize before us! Soon his beauty we’ll behold; Soon the pearly gates will open; We shall tread the streets of gold.

er oth M Y

ou are my inspiration, my confidante, and my partner in life’s grand adventures. As your shadow, I’m forever grateful for the core values of integrity and perseverance you instilled in me from a very young age. It’s also with much regret to finally admit, the original fashionista and the “Queen of Editorial” was you… I’ll let you have it this one time. It feels unreal to be able to steal clothes from the closet or use your lingo without it following in our playful banter. Something that will always remain with me was the generosity and your will to “pay it forward”. Thank you for having the biggest heart any human could offer to the world. Thank you for pulling me out of bed to join you in distributing the Christmas meal you prepared for the homeless on Christmas Day. Thank you for opening your home to my 2 billion friends whenever I came home from college and for treating them like your very own. Thank you for teaching me the saying, “Have passport… Will Travel!,” for the many memories we share traveling to the middle of nowhere. As your daughter, I remain your one and only Pookie-Pooh, The Little K to your Big K and Your Twin. I’m so proud to have had you as my mom, and that you fought your ever best to live in life with grace and excellence. Though you’re no longer with me in person, your legacy will shine through the cherished memories I hold dear. I love you forever Mommy, Your Khaylee RiCarda-Simone


y sister Kelliann, my friend, my confidant. When my phone rang at 5:15 am on Wednesday October 4, 2023, I heard my niece Khaylee’s voice, my heart sank and she said mommy didn’t make it, I was quiet for a few seconds and then I cried. It was a sad day for me and all of us. But God know best He had other plans for Kelliann. God has taken you to your forever home where there is no sickness, no disease, no suffering, no pain and no sorrow.

As I sit and ponder the times we spent together in person and on the phone, the long conversations we’ve had. We talked about everything and anything, the silly and stupid things, the good and joyous things. The goodness of God and how He has been good to us and how God has worked in our lives and how He has supplied things for us. I will miss our talks and those random times were we would rejoice and cry. I will forever cherish those memory. Kelly you celebrated life. You were generous, kind, charitable, hospitable and unique in your own way. You were always helping someone who needs help. You had so much to do but God had other plans for you. Your place was ready for you in heaven so God send His angel to usher you in your forever home. Although I’m sad and wished that you were still here, I’ll treasure all those memories that you left behind so sleep on until we meet again. I’ll miss you. Your sister, Shell

KELLI How do you sum up a life? Are words enough to describe the impact Kelli left on the world? There are no words to describe how beautiful she was, or how special she was or our love for her. To put these feelings into words would be to define them and to quantify them, which means to limit them. There would be a beginning and an end. There is no definition fitting, nor any limit, nor beginning or end to her or our love for her. Kelli was our rock, our pillar, a beacon of light to all she come in contact with. The Bible says, in Romans 14:8 - For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lords. We take comfort knowing that while she was ours for a time, she is Lords forever. The Whyly Family


he French have this saying “Fleuris là où tu es plantée” and in our tongue it simply says “Bloom where you are planted”. Well, wasn’t this Kelli-Ann! She was a flower that didn’t rob the world of her beauty. As you read this right now you are saying ‘That’s right’ and shaking your head in agreement … In her 48 years with us, never mind I only had 14, Kelli set an example that we can only aspire to follow. Her legacy is a tapestry woven with threads of Christian virtue, motherly love, boundless kindness, forgiveness, and purpose. These qualities she shared with us are the very essence of a life well-lived. Her impact on my life was so diversified: co-sojourner on the Christian journey, big sister, a listening ear, fellow praise team member, shopping conscience, travel buddy, my personal Sabbath stylist, architect and interior designer for my projects, an encourager of my terribly selective food palate, fellow officer in the Grammar Police Clubhouse, a cap on my mouth (and she did well considering the rest of my thoughts), the one I dare not glance at when ‘foolishness’ was in our face, but still the one who liked foolishness. Listen, my girl was A LOT! What I can’t miss though is that she was a devoted mother. She poured her everything into Khaylee’s growth, education, and the community that surrounded her. Kelli created a village for Khay, carefully selecting those who could provide support whenever it was needed. In retrospect, she was testing me for a good minute; I’m happy I passed her test and can help to pour into the legacy that was hers. This last year we really saw Kelli in FULL BLOOM and naturally we are left with questions. I have one simple answer … God does all things well! Until we meet inside the gate Kelli. Love, Antoin


used to be upset when you would come to Miami and no one would tell me you were either coming or that you were here. The last we spoke, I remember telling you that I love you. Even though we didn’t speak that much or saw each other much your love and care for your family was unmeasurable. God had humbled you through life and gifted you with a patient spirit, a caring heart and a beautiful daughter for your obedience as a servant. Your peers marveled at your fortitude and your desire to walk in the footsteps of God. Now today there are only one set of footprints to wash away knowing that he is carrying you the rest of the way.

KELZ Forty plus years … from ponytails and knee-high socks to silk presses and stilettos, this has been nothing short of an amazing friendship. Never a dull moment whether it was a night out, choir practice, church service, eye contact in a crowded room, voice notes, telephone calls, even serious conversations, we always found a measure of enjoyment. A friendship that had so much in common that we knew each other’s thoughts and finished each other’s sentences. A godly, loyal, supportive, caring, sincere confidante and friend is a rare find and I was privileged to share this with Kelz. Looking forward to that glad reunion day. Until we meet again … Neecie

If we were to look at the life you’ve led we all can say job well done and take the attributes that you have left behind as a template of greatness! You will truly be missed by us all, but personally I will miss you. Your sister may not know this but knowing the person that you were you probably told my mom but when you helped me hide my passport because I didn’t wanna go back to the states you where voted best aunt for life. Even though my mom was very resourceful and had a new passport the next few days I never changed my vote. Thank you for your kindness and understanding. Thank you for never giving up when the weight of the world became to much to bear. And I’m sure you’ll be watching us all through the eyes of God. I love you auntie!! from Shayne (Nephew)


At some point between childhood and adulthood, we lose a little bit of the magic hidden in life’s beautiful moments. We don’t celebrate as much, and we don’t let our excitement and joy bubble over and spill onto others. We contain ourselves and our unbridled happiness is replaced with something small and a bit watered down. However, if you had the pleasure of knowing Aunty Kelli, you got to experience that magic again. She knew that life’s moments were worth basking in and was truly the definition of “go big or go home”. She was fearless, supportive, and unwavering when faced with a challenge. Her joy spilled over onto those around her in the best way possible. It’s hard to fathom that there will be more of life’s beautiful moments and she won’t be a text or call away, sending reaction photos and congratulations because she wanted you to feel the fullness of her support. Aunty Kelli we will miss you, and we will do our best to be a light to others, because you wouldn’t have it any other way. Love, Ashley and Adrian


ribute to our aunt. To the person that knows how to brighten a day. To the person that stepped up for us when we needed it the most. Our aunt was truly a blessing from God to us. We can not express how greatly she will be missed nor how much we appreciate what her life means to us. From the days she picked us up from school, to the many nights we stayed by her to prepare for church. When we were with her there was never a time that we did not feel as though we were not her own kids. Although we are saddened to see you go, unable to see your glow we hope to one day see you again. CJ & Jason


here are no coincidences and I am know without a doubt that our friendship was divinely orchestrated. Kelli Ann was a quiet force that provided wise council and was loyal to those she considered her friends and family. I will forever be grateful for the sisterhood we cultivated over the years. I am most grateful for our “Council Meetings” for which Kelli Ann was a founding member. During our times of convening, we fixed the problems of the world and ourselves, and we laughed, danced, studied the stars. It was a regular time of refreshing. It was a time to sharpen each other’s ideas and challenge our fears. We spoke truth to each other in love and challenged each member of the Council to be better. I am forever grateful and thankful for the time and space we shared as sisters. And I know that if I walk in faith and according to the word of God, I will see my sister friend again. Coralie The Sanhedrin Council


This all seems so surreal to me…. Last week we were planning our next trip for your upcoming birthday and here I am this week mourning the loss of you. I am heartbroken and confused and I can’t help but ask WHY??!! Of all the people on earth why did HE have to take YOU at THIS MOMENT??We were looking forward to sooo much together. So many things we had planned to do together- graduations, weddings, grandkids, more travel, and simply enjoying growing old together. You’ve been by my side through it all and we’ve shared so many wonderful experiences. From vineyard tours and fancy dinners in Barcelona, seaside lunches in France, Starbucks coffee in Mallorca, chasing snow and duty free shopping in Andorra, museum and church tours in Italy, pretending to be rich and famous in Monaco, riding camels, driving through sand dunes and spa days in Dubai, dinners and private boat rides in St. Kitts, river rafting in Jamaica, countless shopping trips, sip and paint dates, cruises and music festivals. We did it all and we had so much more planned!! Through the breakups, the fun times, the highs and the lows of my life YOU have been there! 23 years of friendship and sisterhood. I have known you more than half of my life. You became family to my family and friends and they loved you like family. When I got the call that you had transitioned, I stayed in bed all day crying and laughing as I reminisced about the day we first met….. when you told me you were pregnant….helping you prepare Khaylee’s nursery….your baby shower….deciding on Khaylee’s name. You were so happy to be a mother and you were THE BEST MOTHER!! Your sacrifice was like none other. Your guidance and support helped me through my own motherhood trials. You taught me how to build a village to ensure that our children would always be surrounded by decent role models who would support and protect them, and we both played integral roles in each other’s village. With the loss of you my village has been rocked to its core. But rest assured, Khaylee is forever loved, supported and protected. I got her! WE got her! It is often remarked that people come into your life for a reason, season or a lifetime. I met you 23 years ago as a shy, naïve island girl. You made it your duty to protect and guide me like a big sister. We shared many seasons filled with wonderful experiences. The memories we created will last a lifetime. I miss you Kelli….. I miss you soooo much!! Even though I’m heartbroken, I am extremely grateful to have been a beneficiary of your love, your friendship and the great times we shared together. I will love you for infinity, well beyond the grave. Brandace (bestfriend)


y Auntie Kelly was an amazing person. She loved others as she loved herself. I miss her but I know that she is in a better place. Her days on earth were spent helping others and being so kind. I am so proud to say that she was my aunty. She will be forever in my heart and I hope she will be in those that she has touched in her time on this earth. From your favorite ninja, Nicholas aka “NinjaNick” (godson)


I love you and will miss you so much, It hurt my heart that you left me, Thank you for teaching me about God and the wonderful memories like when you invited me to your house, to the zoo, had lunch, and you let me teach someone to swim, they were great moments. I hope you tell God I am a wonderful kid. Love Bryson your big 6 yr old son


I am still processing, you have left me heartbroken and numb, so many unanswered questions and yes this definitely hurts. Thank you for being a loyal and trusted friend. Thank you for praying for me and seeing me through over the years. Thank you for pouring into Bryson these short years of his life, picking him up for Sabbath school, sending him YouTube links of Sabbath school during the pandemic, teaching him how to worship and love God, and just the other day he said Mommy, I love God and I cannot live without him, he helps me make good decisions. I will cherish our memories and I promise to support Khay like she is my own. Take your rest, Queen K, you have done well. From Eureka


rom the moment we met, you made me feel like family. There was a joy and light that came with being in your presence, that no matter what you were dealing with, I and everyone felt. When I first met you, we’d always joke about how obsessed I was with you. I didn’t anticipate that just within months, you’d turn into ‘Aunty Kelli-Ann’. I am beyond grateful for the time, advice, the clothes from your closet, laughs, and love you shared with me. Know that I will always love you and of course, be my sister’s keeper until we meet again. - Dana

TO OUR AUNTY KELLI-ANN I always called her Ms. Sands, but now it feels so distancing to not express the strength of our connection by calling her Aunty Kelli-Ann. I’m not sure what led me to being so proper with her, but in her last days and now, as we remember her, I wouldn’t dare withhold her correct title. There are not enough people in this world to fill the place Aunty Kelli-Ann had in my heart. Her passing serves as my reminder to always accept the “come chill by the pool” invitation; to never think “I’ll see her next week”; to never get so busy that I don’t have time to just hang out with the ones I love. I’ll live the rest of my life with reminders of the joy she brought me and the love she always made sure I felt. I’ll live the rest of my days making sure that I always have the time. Jesus once said, “This do in remembrance of me”, and in remembrance of her I’ll be sure to always step out looking fly, make sure my people eat, and never, ever be too busy. -Brinel


y Second mom, Aunty and I’s relationship transcended that of ‘my best friend’s mom’ a long time ago and because of that my heart is broken in a way I didn’t know was possible. She would tell people “No I don’t miss Khay, I have Tyla!” and refer to me as her ‘other daughter’. It is insane to me that there will be no more “come over I cooked” or “clear your schedule for x date, I need you to be my plus-one” calls. Whose house am I supposed to show up to now in the middle of the night when I am losing my mind or when I had a long day and want to unwind by the pool? Being in her confidence and trust is one of the greatest honors of my life and although our time was irrationally cut short, my life is forever changed and bettered having known her. The last words she spoke to me were “I love and appreciate you so much Honeyboo! See you later”. Although that “see you later’ has taken on a different meaning now (I mean if she wanted a break from me so bad, she could have just said that), I know that she lived a life in which I WILL be able to see her again when Christ returns - Love, Tyla


unty Kelli-Ann was a force of nature. The original Hot Girl, she set the standard incredibly high for us in how we were to carry ourselves, dress, have fun, but also be strong. She welcomed us into her home and heart without reservation and her doors were always open to us for a plate, listening ear, or a get-off session. Her closet was our own and there are numerous times she saved the day by pulling out an outfit for one or more of us. Aunty had the coolest job and always either brought us behind her to various events or made sure that we had access to them. From junkanoo tickets to pool parties at Balmoral, she always made sure her three ‘adopted’ daughters were taken care of. This treatment was given even if Khay was not in town, as she would invite us over, call us to hang out or drag us to Bethany with her. Aunty cultivated a strong village for herself, and her daughter and this legacy will live on as we will always be there and look out for our sister, now and forever. Love Tyla, Dana, and Brinel (Your 3 Daughters in Love)


ull of promise we stuck together one day in high school, a friendship that would span the next thirty-two years. We looked out for each other like sisters – checking in often just to say “Hey!” or to express a warm fuzzy thought, share a memory or brag on one of our children, ask a favor, or to encourage or support through a season. We were there for each other – as women, as sisters, as blood. We are so grateful for the time we got to spend together. We are blessed because we called you our sister, our friend. Your laugh, your kindness, and your love will forever live on in our hearts. In your honor, we vow to be the glue in someone else’s life. Your legacy will live on. Our hearts are sore. Potential, obedience, love, commitment, pride, purpose and God’s wisdom and favor carries us. He who started a good work in us is faithful to complete us. Today, we are incomplete. We are not ready to let you go – never! We’ll get together soon, friend – we know you are down for whatever, whenever, wherever! We can’t wait to see you again – where we are addressed by our names of perfection and peace – redeemed, beloved, my child, good and faithful servant! Until then, we love you, Kelli-Ann! Aldise, Tenera & Lynette 1991 to Present “The Icks!”


he day God called your name It broke my heart in two But heaven needed an Angel And the one he picked was you I just wished that he could have waited And let you stay with me But you have left memories in my heart And that’s where they’ll always be I just wish I could rewind the clock Or make it turn real slow I could have hugged you one more time Before you had to go No matter how much time will pass I’ll miss you everyday Keep smiling bright in heaven So you can light my way Love always Zion (Grand-niece)

I Appreciate You!



n July 12 of 2014, sixteen family members and I were celebrating our yearly vacation at Atlantis, Paradise Island. When the very unexpected happen, the sudden passing of my husband. On that day God blessed me with a phone call “hello, Mrs. Adkins, My name Kelli-Ann, my condolences to you and your family, but if you don’t mind, can I give you a call back, I need to get your husband’s body out of general population.” Shortly after her call, she made her presence to Atlantis along with Pastor Clark and Pastor Roach embracing us with prayer. From that assembly a true friendship and sisterly bond ensued. Today with tears in our eyes and heavy hearts, we say until we meet again to someone who unselfishly, over the past nine years, took the time to become not just an acquaintance, but a friend to our family. Kelli-Ann has surely touched many hearts in her lifetime, including mine and my families.

The memories will linger cherishing our prayers, conversations, outings, and laughs, as we continue in the abundance of joy that we have shared over nine years with this kindred spirit! Because of her true compassion, we find it easy to remember the grand source of strength she displayed during our time of sorrow within our family while visiting Paradise Island, Nassau Bahamas. And now, believing she is gently resting, we know she is being kept by the Almighty… as God offers solace in all our sorrow. My princess Khaylee, the Whyly and Sands family, your New Jersey and Maryland extend our sincere love and condolences. Lovingly, Cynthia, Charne’ Danielle, CeCe, Mia, and Kia

“The loss of a good friend is like losing a part of yourself. You never forget them no matter where life takes you”.


he expectations of meeting someone you plan to do life with rarely occurs when starting a new job. But, God knew what I needed when he divinely aligned Kelli’s path with mine. Meeting Kelli and forging a relationship was God’s way of giving me one of his best. Kelli took on the role of being my work mom and a friend in all facets. We laughed together, had meaningful conversations and even shed a few tears and when needed, Kelli corrected me, in love. Kelli knew I was happy and when I was not, and in each moment she knew exactly what I needed to hear. Kelli’s love for me was evident. From being introduced as her staff to being introduced as her second daughter, everyone who came into contact knew the love we shared. The Christmas holidays were our favorite. From riding around town looking for decorations, to hours spent decorating the trees, Kelli completed each task with excellence in mind, a lifelong memory that will forever be etched in my mind. Later on in our friendship, Kelli had the joy of adding another godchild to her lineup and she was overjoyed. Kelli’s love for me quickly transcended into the life of Kaylen in such a seamless way. Kelli was truly the epitome of love, strength and unwavering faith in God. An angel, earth-side. Although our earthly friendship has come to an end, the memories made and the love we shared will forever transcend time and space. To an amazing friend and godmother, “Goodbyes are not forever; goodbyes are not the end; they simply mean I’ll miss you until we meet again”. With love, Lynnae

FROM STRANGERS TO FAMILY September 2015 we left our home lands (Barbados and St Vincent and the Grenadines) and traveled to The Bahamas to study, not knowing anyone there. We both had a number for an Adventist sister with whom we were told would help us to find a church. Little did we know that we both had the number for the same person - Ms. Kelli Ann Whyllie Sands. There was an instant connection.We both gained a mother and a little sister. She would introduce us as her daughters when people asked who we were. Kelli Ann and Khaylee took us under their wings from the second they met us and have been two of our biggest supporters from our graduation, to our engagements to our weddings and even when we welcomed Kelli’s first Grandchild Tovi. She flew to Barbados to surprise Patria for her baby shower. That was just the kind of person she was - loving, selfless, and so so supportive. Patria: I distinctly remember Hurricane Matthew, my first real experience with a hurricane of this strength. All I will say is that we had a running joke every hurricane season since we left that we should come back just to enjoy some bad weather together. Kelli made us home cooked meals on warmers, we had soft drinks and snacks, we braided each other’s hair and did crazy makeup looks. It was a wonderful time any time we got to spend with her and Khaylee. I honestly cannot begin to explain how much I will miss her - her positive energy and infectious laugh. I am so sorry that Tova did not get a chance to meet her in the flesh but I will see to it that she knows Kelli for all that she was. Our pray is that we live right and just so that we have a chance at seeing this beautiful soul again. We will miss you Kelli. Love you forever. Karielle & Patri


We, the family of the late Kelli-Ann Sands would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all of those who provided our family with support, prayers, comfort, or assistance in many other ways in our time of sorrow. Today, the prayers and the presence of those who travelled from near or far, are greatly appreciated and has helped to strengthen us during this challenging period. Such sincere deeds during this time has encouraged us and through God’s help, our sorrow is easier to bear.

May the Lord richly bless all of you. Funeral Service Entrusted To:

P.O. Box N-1026 Nassau Street, Nassau, Bahamas 242.322.4433 (T) 242.328.2314 (F) 242.422.1033 (M)

Tel: 394-BOOK (2665) Mobile: (242) 818-3478 SCAN HERE

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