Original Memory Book for Kenton Deon Knowles

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A Celebration of Life for The Late

Kenton Deon Knowles July 3, 1967- July 27th, 2011 Aged: 44 Years

Service Held At

Church Of God Auditorium Joe Farrington Rd Nassau, N.P. The Bahamas

Saturday, August 13, 2011 @ 11am Officiating Rev. Dr. J. Carl Rahming Assisted by Other Ministers of Religion Interment Woodlawn Gardens Cemetery Soldier Road Nassau, N.P. The Bahamas

ORDER OF SERVICE ORGAN PRELUDE THE PROCESSION OF THE FAMILY & PARTING VIEW OPENING SENTENCES HYMN | WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged; Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness; Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Are we weak and heavy laden, Cumbered with a load of care? Precious Savior, still our refuge; Take it to the Lord in prayer. Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer! In his arms he’ll take and shield thee; Thou wilt find a solace there. PRAYER | Rev. Euly Thompson FIRST SCRIPTURE READING | Psalm 35 | Sandra Bain (Cousin) CONDOLENCES | Min. Dorcas Miller, St. Paul’s Baptist Church Senator The Hon. Jacinta Higgs Senator The Hon. Michael Pintard AS I KNEW HIM | Perry Mortimer (Friend) TRIBUTE | Destinay Knowles (Daughter)

HYMN | BECAUSE HE LIVES I CAN FACE TOMORROW God sent His son, they called Him Jesus He came to love, heal, and forgive. He lived and died to buy my pardon, An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives. (Chorus) Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, All fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future, And life is worth the living just because He lives. How sweet to hold a newborn baby, And feel the pride and joy he gives. But greater still the calm assurance, This child can face uncertain days because He lives.

And then one day I’ll cross the river, I’ll fight life’s final war with pain. And then as death gives way to victory, I’ll see the lights of glory and I’ll know He lives.

2ND SCRIPTURE READING | PSALM 121 | Deonya Knowles (Daughter) OBITUARY | Stanleia Bethell (Friend)

HYMN | GLAD REUNION DAY There will be a happy meeting in heaven I know When we see the many loved ones we’ve known here below. Gather on the blessed hilltops with hearts all aglow. That will be a glad reunion day. (Chorus) Glad day, a wonderful day, Glad day, a glorious day; There with all the holy angels and loved ones to stay, That will be a glad reunion day. There within the holy city we’ll sing and rejoice, Praising Christ the blessed Saviour with heart and with voice. Tell him how we came to love Him and make Him our choice. That will be a glad reunion day. When we live a million years in that wonderful place Basking in the love of Jesus, beholding His face. It will seem but just a moment of praising His grace. That will be glad reunion day. EULOGY | Rev. Dr. J. Carl Rahming SOLO | Ms. Magnola Clarke PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY | Rev. Godfrey Bethel

A million times I’ll need you A million times I’ll cry If Love alone could have saved you You never would have died In Life I loved you dearly In death I love you still In my heart you hold a place That no one could ever fill It broke my heart to lose you But you didn’t go alone For part of me went with you The day God took you home Things will never be the same And all though it hurts so bad I will smile whenever I hear your name And be proud you were my Dad. Our last moments together were playing video games and eating popcorn. Before you left, you kissed my forehead and said “I love you!” Daddy I love you forever and a day. Love you, Destinay!

RECESISONAL HYMN | IT’S ALRIGHT NOW There was a time I travelled a lonely sinful road; Beneath a heavy burden bending low; But now all things are different, since Jesus took my load It’s alright now, I’m His I know. (Chorus) It’s alright now, for I am in my Saviour’s care It’s alright now; my Saviour hears and answers prayer He’ll walk with me, (He’ll walk beside me) Till I climb the heavenly stair, And everything (And everything is alright now) And down a lonely pathway, without a friend to guide, I walked in sin and sorrow all alone ‘Till Jesus came and found me, and drew me to His side; It’s alright now, for I’m His own. No more in sin I wander, no more in darkness roam The Lord has placed my feet on higher ground; Each day new heights I’m gaining, my soul is nearing home, It’s alright now, I’m heaven bound.

“You look beautiful baby” were the words you said to me in the limo on my wedding day. Do you remember? It was just you and me, and I asked you if you were scared, you laughed and said, “I’m alright”. At that point I was sacred, but I felt so secure because I had my daddy by my side. And that’s how it has always been, even if you weren’t around, I had the security in knowing you’re just a drive or call away. Now things have changed; you’re in another life, but just how you walked me down that isle with your head held high, that’s just how I want to remember you - a happy, proud, loving Father. I ultimately want to say, I love you Daddy until the end of time. Diandra

DEON’S LIFE JOURNEY HIS ENTRANCE: Monday, July 3, 1967 was a joyous day for Edward (deceased) & Beverley Knowles for they welcomed their third son into the world, Kenton Deon. Being the youngest of five, he had the undivided attention of his parents and siblings. When mom returned to work, he was fortunate to have as his baby sitter a close family friend, Barbs, who loved him as her own. A bond developed between them which continued throughout his life. As a child, he was always happy and smiling. HIS EDUCATION: At age five, and with much hesitation from mom and the baby sitter, Deon was enrolled at Sandilands Primary. His high school education was received at L. W. Young. HIS FAITH: As a young man, he became a part of the Rastafarian faith and he knew the Word. He grew his roots and it was always clean and neat. His long roots were his strength. He took his belief seriously and was kind of a philosopher to many who came to sit and reason with him. Whenever he parted company he would advise “JAH Guidance Still”, “JAH Love”, or “Respect”. Not only was he particular about his appearance but also about whom he ate from, so much so that he ate mostly from one Rasta friend. HIS RECREATION: Deon lived a life of fun. He was popular, he was well liked, and he developed a love for motor bikes, fast cars and boats. His passion for these machines was derived from “the thrill” he received from their speed. He could be seen racing through the traffic on his trail bike, enjoying the feel of the wind on his face, or you could find him on the tracks racing his motor bike. His bike was his true passion, and it bought him joy, laughter and friendships. Deon’s popularity and outgoing personality brought him into contact with people from all walks of life and he loved this. HIS GIVING: He was free handed and had a giving spirit. If Deon had and you needed, he gave, even to strangers. He was unselfish with his giving. The seniors in his community were no exception, to his generosity. He played an integral role in the upgrading of homes for person in the community. HIS FAMILY: As a son, Deon was the apple of his mother’s eye. He loved her and she loved him, unconditionally. He hurt when she hurt. As a father, Deon was a loving provider and protector. He wanted his children to have a good life that was pleasing to God. He always talked with his children and had a relationship with them. He would always tell them how hard the streets were and he did not want that type of life for them. Deon’s last three days on earth were spent at home, playing video games and watching TV with his two youngest children. He did his best to meet the needs of his children and other family members. As a companion, he was loving, supportive and a provider. He loved unconditionally. As a brother, he was kindhearted and considerate. As a grandfather, he had a

soft heart for children, and loved to play with them. As a friend, he had your back. He was true and trustworthy. There was nothing he would not do for his family and friends. HIS STRUGGLES: Like most young men today, he had his challenges, but he never lost his zest for life and comfort. This last year and a half, of his life, he was taking steps to turn his life around. Every day he could be seen reading his bible, and even had the automatic scripture sent to his phone. HIS DEPARTURE: July 27th, 2011…Deon took his last phone call; took his final ride on his bike, being chased by two cars. Deon’s earthly sojourn ended, when one of the cars knocked him off his motor bike and he was shot multiple times in the back and succumbed to his injuries. God knows all things, and he is now resting safely in the arms of his Heavenly Father. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE! Left with cherished memories of DEON are: Loving & Devoted Mother: Beverley Knowles; Companion: Simone Bethell; Daughters: DiAndra Deane, Denika, Deonya, Ashley, Deketra, Danielle, Shaunte, Dekeisha, Davante, Destinay, Glendina; Sons: Dario, Toriano, Ryan, Deondre, Pashad, Roshando, Jamal, Tevin, , Sherron, Ian, Kenton, Keon; Sisters: Donna and Denise Brother: Kevin Grandchildren: Toriano Jr., Dario Jr., Deniko, Zhyon, Lanaia, Deondre Jr., Eugene Jr., and Jamal Jr.; Nieces: Davanya, Danisha, Denecia, Kenrica, Kenya, Nakeisha, Dearshae, Iana; Nephews: Dwight, Kelson (Stavanya), Kirmal, Stepen, Kenrico, Kendino, Kendray, Kenron, Kenyon, Kenton, Brynton, Donte; Aunts: Dolly Edgecombe, Gloria Miller, Ellen, Andrea (Julie), Jensey, Betty and Patty Bethel; June Hawkins, Zelma Knowles, Patsy Moss, Marily Rahming; Dolly Delancy and Pauline Caswell; Uncles: Paul and Glen Bethel; Rupert Mitchell, Frederick & Cedric Knowles; Grand aunts: Monica & Euly Thompson, Hazel Kemp; Grand Uncle: Carlton Thompson; Son-In-Law: Anthony Deane; Brother-In-Law: Dwight Johnson; Friends: Adrian, Albury, Mallory, Romel, Perry & Family, Jetro & Family, Squid, Tiger, Snoopy, Michael Pintard, Linden Bethel, Jacob, Troy, Mario, Michael Lightbourne, Sean Poitier, Kirk, Cardinal, Philip, Pete, Shorts, Shayne Proctor (Bermuda), Shaquille, Other Relatives & Friends including: Mario, Dino, Toriano, Mauricio, Crestwell, The Edgecombe Family, The Mitchell Family, The Miller Family, The Bethel & Thompson Family of Nassau & Palmetto Point, Eleuthera, Stanley Bethell & Family, Tracy & Michelle Smith & Family, Colin Bethel, Tina Stirrup & Family, Barbara & John Rahming & Family, Stephanie Knowles-Rolle & Family, Millie, Godfrey & Charlie Bethel & Family, Earnestine Bethel & Family, Milton Bethel Family, Monica Thompson Family, Barbara Higgs, Bridgette; Angela Sweeting & Family, Shana, Mona, Monica, Seanie, Judy Boyd, Rev. Dr. J. Carl Rahming & Family & Members of St. Paul’s Baptist Church, Senator Jacinta Higgs & Family, Diana, Willamae, Pecky & Alma Curry, Jackie, The Fox Hill Community, and many many more too numerous to mention.

A TRIBUTE TO MY SON On July 3, 1967 God gave you to me; and that day was one of the happiest and proudest days of my life. I am proud to have had you as my son. You have always shown me love, respect and always made it known that I was your precious gem. I will miss your presence, and looking to see if you are in or out. I will miss your big smile, your hugs and kisses. You have always had a heart of gold, and a giving and loving spirit, and for that I am proud. God loaned you to me for 44 years and now He has taken you home to be with Him, safe in the arms of Jesus. One day, I will meet you there. May your Soul Rest in Peace “Sweet tears will flow. What it means to lose you, No one will ever know” Love you dearly, Mom

To My Soul Mate On this day I celebrate your life with me and the precious memories we had. Deon, you were a blessing in my world. - My king; my unconditional love! We stood firm and unified for years, through thick and thin. Our love and devotion stood the test of time. They say time is a healer and with time, although I’ll long and yearn for your love and loyalty, the Lord will strengthen me and remind me that you are amongst the angels always watching over us with the King of Kings, our Lord, to guide and protect us like you always did. This reminder will be brought by the beautiful and so priceless gift we shared - Destinay Aalayah BethellKnowles. Our blessed bond gave us the most cherished reward of all - our daughter- the love of our lives. For her and your legacy, I know the Lord will keep me strong. Through you, I became a strong woman, a mother, I am your Queen. I will always admire your realness and your fearless spirit. A true king. You will forever be in my heart, soul, and mind. Unconditional love never dies. Till we meet again. Take your rest my love! Love you forever. Your Baby (Simone)

TRIBUTES TO OUR DADDY Daddy, we’ll always remember you Your favorite line you would say when you’re in disbelief……”Ya lie man, Ya lie” That one of a kind smile, that caring and loving heart That warm embrace you would give us There will never be another like you Daddy Daddy, the love we have for you will never be replaced We know that no matter what, you will always be there with us The memories we have of you will live in our hearts forever You are our African King, Daddy, and we know you loved us dearly We’ll see you again someday, in a place where there’s no pain and sorrow We’ll celebrate the life you had, knowing you’re in a better place now Love Always & God Bless You Daddy Deonya, Deondre, Deketra, Dekeisha

Daddy, You are my king. You were always there for me and I will always love you. Love Devante

Daddy, God looked around his garden and noticed you were not there, and then he sent you the message that he needed you there. Though we‘ll always miss you and wish you were still here, we’ll get through it because you’d be looking down on us. Daddy, we love you and your memory will live on in our hearts. Love Shaunte, Kenton, Keon

A TRIBUTE TO OUR DADDY It’s so hard to say goodbye under any circumstances, but this being our final farewell is even more difficult. It is senseless at this point to ask “Why You? Why Now? Why so Soon? We accept this great loss, but hold on to the many cherished memories that we shared that can never be taken away. The invaluable lessons you taught us: to speak our mind; never to be afraid of anything or anyone; to choose our battles, especially the ones we could win; to pray; to speak to everyone and to listen; how to be a man; reminisce and learn from the past; and look forward to the future; and finally we are Knowles’ and most importantly we are your sons. As we write these words, Daddy, crying and smiling all at once, the silence in the house is deafening. We will no longer hear our source of laughter, encouragement and entertainment. You are gone now, but you have left us all with enough to carry on for the rest of our lives. It was really great to have a father like you. YOU WERE THE BEST. You will be forever in our hearts. Your loving Sons

Daddy you were my strength. Whenever I came across a situation or had a serious decision to make, I would stop and think what would you think or how would you feel. Now that you are gone, it’s my duty to become an even stronger woman, and make you proud because God knows you only wanted the best for me. Daddy you were not only a great father to me, but also to my son Zhyon. We are going to miss the days when you would come and push him on his bike, or let him throw his toys all over the floor, or he would mimic you as you stomp your feet. I’ll keep your memory alive in his mind, by telling him of the good times you two had together. Daddy I wouldn’t say there’s a whole in my heart, because my love for you remains in the same place. Daddy, I love you from the depts. Of my heart and I’ll forever miss you. I’ll hold firm just for you until we meet again. Love Deonya & Zhyon

Daddy, when I got the call that you had died, my heart shattered. Having you as my father was the best thing I had. Now that you have been taken away from me, it’s kind of hard for me to move on. I cherish every moment that I had with you. You were a Daddy any child would wish to have. You were my hero, a great supporter, a leader and a true friend, but most of all you were a father and it will be a struggle for my pain to go away. It’s sad to know that you’re gone, but memories shall and will live on. I will always have you in our hearts. Daddy, take your rest, we love you but God loves you best. Your lovable daughter, Danielle

Daddy, I will miss you and your BIG SMILE. You always showed me love, a happy face, and kindness. I love you so much Daddy, and wish you did not go away. Your Son Keon

“Yes I, Nika”! It’s hard to believe I would hear that anymore, when I call your phone. It hurts my heart to know when I ride pass Bernard Rd I can’t stop to say hi. To me, you were “MY BOSS”. No matter what anyone has to say, you were a great father. I was so happy to see you show up at my “Sweet 16: dinner party and my graduation. You were laughing and talking - I wish I could turn back the time and live those moments again. But Daddy God took you and he knows best. De’Niko would always be your “lil soldier”. He talks about you every day and as he grows, I would always remind him about you, so that he would never forget you. You would always be in our hearts. Sleep on Daddy, we love dearly but God loves you best. De’Nika & De’Niko

A Tribute to Our Brother We’re related by blood; therefore, our bond could never be broken, Your face brightened our day, and your voice was music to our ears, Your smile a treasure, Deon, visions of our life fill our head If we had a need and you had it, it was ours You were free handed to all - family, friends and strangers alike Nothing was too little or great for you to share. We’ll miss the warmth of knowing you’re just a call away You always watched out for us, and it won’t be the same without you here But, we’ll remember forever, your love and kindness. We knew you better than MOST You have experienced pains and joys, some twice your age have never seen You had love in your heart, soul, and your mind Some people found it, some didn’t. Deon, as we bid farewell, As time passes by, and memories fade away, We’ll find a way to keep you alive, and our hope forever will be That someday we’ll meet again, brother of ours We could love you no more than we do No matter what is said or done, you’ll always be in our hearts No more labels, No more earthly stress, God look down from heaven on earth, stretched out his hand to you And said, come my child, you are “MOST WELCOME” We love you Deon Kevin, Donna, Denise

A Tribute to my Dear Uncle God has blessed me in many ways, of which one was surely to have an uncle like you. You were kind hearted, loving and caring to us all. Even though you are gone now, you will always have that special place in my heart. My Dear Uncle, Take your Rest!! Your Niece Kenya A Tribute to the Greatest Uncle in the World For the wonderful years that you were a part of our life, your memories are bright and your love lives on. Even though you’re gone, your spirits soars to heights unknown. You have been taken but I shall not forget in time how awesome you were to me. Someday we’ll meet again, I hope. Sleep on Uncle Deon from earthly life, take your rest. We are all sad that you had to depart, but you’ll always have that special place deep down inside our hearts. Love you. Your Niece Denecia

A TRIBUTE TO MY UNCLE Uncle Deon, I really love you for everything. I wish I could see your face one more time, and tell you “thank you” for what you have done for me. You always showed me kindness, even when you weren’t having a good day. Uncle Deon, no more untwining of your hair. No more restless nights, no more being called things you didn’t want to be called. Even though you are gone, your face and voice still linger in our hearts. You are in a much better place and you can rest now. We love you so much that there is no way we can forget you. We’ll miss you and love you for ever and ever. Your beloved Niece, Dearshae

Graveside Hymns IT IS FINISHED

There’s a line that is drawn through the ages On that line stands an old rugged cross On that cross, a battle is raging To gain a man’s soul or it’s loss

The earth shakes with the force of the conflict And the sun refuses to shine For there hangs God’s son, in the balance And then through the darkness he cries

(Chorus) It is finished, the battle is over; it is finished, there’ll be no more war It is finished, the end of the conflict; it is finished and Jesus is Lord

Yet in my heart, the battle was still raging Not all prisoners of war had come home These were battlefields of my own making I didn’t know that the war had been won

On one side, march the forces of evil All the demons, all the devils of hell On the other, the angels of glory And they meet on Golgotha’s hill

Oh, but then I heard the king of the ages Had fought all the battles for me And that victory was mine for the claiming And now praise his name, I am free.

CITY OF GOLD There’s a city of Light, where there cometh no night; ‘Tis a city of beauty untold; All my treasures are there and its beauty I’ll share, When I get to that city of gold. (Chorus) When I leave all trouble and care, I will say good morning up there; I will have great gladness untold, When I get to that city of gold

There’s no sorrow up there in that city so fair And no sickness can enter I’m told; Shadows all will have flown, I will meet friend I’ve known When we get to that city of gold. Won’t you go there with me to the home of the free, Would you see heaven’s beauty unfold? If you will come along, we will sing heaven’s song When we get to that City of gold.

WHEN PEACE LIKE A RIVER When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul. (Chorus) It is well, it is well, With my soul, with my soul, It is well; it is well, with my soul. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, let this blest assurance control that Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the whole, is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! And, Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, the clouds be rolled back as a scroll; the trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend Even so, it is well with my soul

Message of Appreciation

God is SOVEREIGN. In His providence He has assembled each of us here today to celebrate the life of our beloved Deon. Our family would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for all of your prayers, kind words of comfort, expressions of love and support. We are grateful to you all and may God bless you. Our lives are forever changed but, with God’s help, we will move forward and continue to remember Deon and the many ways that he has touched our lives. We kindly ask that you do the same. MAY GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU IN HIS CARE The Family

PALLBEARERS Roshando Knowles Pashad Knowles Mario Bethel Kirmal Storr Toriano Bethel Michael Lightbourne Crestwell Edgecombe

HONORARY PALLBEARERS Kevin Knowles Carlton Thompson Colin Bethel Romel Rolle Paul Bethel Glen Bethel

Funeral Service Entrusted To: Bethel Brothers Morticians P.O. Box N-1026 Nassau Street Nassau, Bahamas 242.322.4433 (T) 242.328.2314 (F) 242.422.1033 (M)

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