Nadia Rolle Memory Book Proof

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In Celebration of The Life of


Thremell McHardy-Rolle Born Into Time: 30th November, 1976 Received Into Eternity: 13th October, 2018 Age: 41 SERVICE HELD AT: Evangelistic Temple Collins Avenue Nassau, New Providence Bahamas Saturday 27th October, 2018 AT 11 a.m. OFFICIATING: Pastor Derek Benjamin ASSISTED BY: Bishop Anthony Roker INTERMENT: Lakeview Memorial Gardens J.F.K. Drive DIRECTING: East Sunrise Mortuary


A TIME TO BE BORN On the 30th November 1976, a beautiful baby girl was born to Nigel and Sharon McHardy in the city of Nassau on the beautiful island of New Providence. She was their first precious gift, and they named her Nadia Thremell. A TIME FOR EDUCATION Nadia’s early education was at the Oakes Field Primary School. She went on to attend St. Augustine’s College, in Fox Hill where she excelled and graduated in 1994. Her Tertiary education was at the College of The Bahamas and later at Columbus State University in Columbus, Georgia where she graduated with a Bachelors of Art Degree in Finance. Her continued thirst for knowledge saw Nadia enrolling and successfully completing the Nova Southeastern University MBA programme. A TIME TO WORK Following her return from Columbus, Georgia and armed with a Bachelor of Arts in Finance, Nadia joined Bahamasair as a Financial Analyst and later she was promoted to Senior Financial Analyst. Whilst there, Nadia became a valuable and respected member of the finance team where she remained for 18 years. Her dedication, attention to detail and strong work ethics were the hallmarks of her tenure over this period. A TIME FOR LOVE Nadia had an effervescent personality which attracted people to her. She met her husband Khaalis on October 12th, 2001. They were immediately attracted to each other. When they met through a mutual friend in a social setting, Khaalis said to his cousin Darren, “this is the one”. Khaalis made the first move by inviting her out to watch a movie. Nadia was an old fashioned girl and made him work to get her attention and affection. After months of lunch dates, dinner dates and weekly delivery of flowers, she finally agreed to be his girlfriend. This storybook romance led to a marriage proposal and subsequent marriage in August 2003. Nadia and Khaalis were very excited when they found out they were expecting their first child. Kerrington was born on September 6th, 2008. Three years later Nadia and Khaalis had their second child Kayleigh. This

completed the family they always dreamed of Nadia and Khaalis enjoyed traveling together and made it a point to collect artwork from their travels. Next to Nadia’s love of God was her love for her family, particularly her children. She did everything to ensure that they were happy and comfortable. Nadia’s love for life, people and God made her an amazing person. A TIME TO GIVE BACK TO HER COMMUNITY Nadia gave of herself selflessly by serving the Community and the Children of The World as a Kiwanian. She joined the organisation in 2002 and served as President of the Kiwanis Club of New Providence in 2010-2011. During her 14 years as a member of the organization, Nadia was very proud to be named “Kiwanian of The Year”. Nadia was also a member of the Bahamas Chapter of Links Incorporated and served as Assistant Treasurer. In addition, Nadia served on the board of the Willamae Pratt School for Girls. A TIME TO DIE Nadia was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2017. After receiving this news, she began treatment which lasted until she passed. Nadia fought a good fight and was defiant until the end. She was always a person of strong faith and never allowed the cancer to get the best of her. There were days she was unable to get out of bed but she always gave God thanks for waking her up. There were days she was in extreme pain but she still gave God thanks for allowing her to remain alive. Notwithstanding the best efforts by a competent team of doctors, from the Bahamas, Canada, the US and Cuba, the disease continued its progression. On Saturday October 13th, 2018 Nadia completed her earthly journey with her husband Khaalis holding her hands at the University of Miami Hospital. Her earthly journey is now complete but her spirit will live on forever. Left to cherish her memories are her; Husband: Khaalis Rolle; Son: Kerrington Rolle; Daughter: Kayleigh Rolle; Step-son: Donavan Rolle; Parents: Nigel and Sharon McHardy; Sisters: Nyoka McHardy, Natasha Black and Nowella McHardy; Mother-In-Law: Gail Martin; Sisters-In-law: Charmaine Albury (Keith), Bradliann Johnson, Latoya Cargill (Quincy), Shauna Burrows (Marvin) and Shandy Andrews (Kendrick); Brothers-InLaw: Alkanardo Black, Delino Moss, Benjamin Martin and William Hunt; Grand Mother: Pastor Mildred Kemp-Ferguson; Grand Father-In-law: Drexwell Rolle Sr.; Uncles: Basil McHardy, Perry McHardy, Manfred Strachan, Craig Kemp, Dwight Lightbourne, Kendall Kemp and Tony Cadet; Uncles-In-Law: Drexwell Rolle Jr., Renwick Rolle (Marcia) and Oliver Hunt (Lucy); Aunts: Melanie Russell-Cadet, Maxine McHardy, Dale McHardy, Florence Kemp, Karen Lightbourne, Coreiser Kemp and Anne Kemp; Aunts-in-law: Alexndria, Karen and Vindora Rolle of Miami Fla., Wendy McKinnon of London, United Kingdom, Janet Rolle, Laroma Seifert (Dudley),

Clara Cartwright (Peter) and Kaylor Hunt; Grand Aunts: Ena North and Pam Kerr; Grand Uncle: Norris Kerr; God Mother: Shayne Archer; Nephews: David Knowles and Ashton Black; Niece: Alyssa Black; Cousins: Shavon McHardy, Dr. Shanique McHardy, Tarah McDonald, Teri Smith, Perry McHardy Jr., Kushanna Kemp, Chivante Tinker, Tatianna, Shashanna, Shaness, Shanae and Ra’mon Kemp, Keilia, Katurah, Denisha, D’Andra, Dimon, Deangelo Lightbourne, Shania, Jermaine and Vaughn Russell, Raymond Minnis Jr. and Mickey Mitchell; Cousins-InLaw: Jeffery, Darron, Renwick Jr., Rendera, W/M LaVonya Seifert, Phillip and Gari Rahming, Deron and Phylicia Sands and Bjorn Hunt; Other Relatives: Sister Clair Rolle, Vernal Rolle, Patrick Rolle, Freddie North, Willard & Marsha Bain, Mervin & Sandra Smith, Dwayne and Magaret North, Raynard and Brenda North, Anthony Kerr, Donna Kerr, Alma “Kikki” Kerr, Michael and Billy Albury, Pastor Derek and Terry Benjamin, Bishop Anthony and Michelle Roker, Joya Pennerman, Winston Pennerman, Keith and Sarah Pennerman, Kevin Pennerman, Kevin Brown, Shanta Richardson, Lilly Taylor, Vanrea Heastie, Debbie, Wendy “Ponkie”, Ingrid Kerr, Donna Wilson, The McCardy Family, The Adderley Family and The Turnquest Family; Friends: Dominique Roberts and Family, Charles Saunders and Family, Yvonne Armbrister, Gloria Arillo, Jackie Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. James Mosko, Dr. the Rt. Hon. Hubert Minnis and Family, The Rt. Hon. Perry Christie and Family, The Hon. Philip ‘Brave’ Davis and Family, Chester Cooper, MP, and Cecelia Cooper, The Hon. Michael and Tracy Halkitis, The Hon. Shane Gibson and Family, The Hon. Allyson Maynard-Gibson and Family, Diane and Larry Phillips, David and Heather Kosoy, Steven Tiller and Family, Carlton Miller, Antonios and Camille Jones, David Farrington, Randy Penn, Randy Rolle, Dr. Theodore Turnquest, Dr. Wesley Francis, Dr. Flora Mackay Dr. Theodore Ferguson, The Rolle Family, The Hunt and Minus Family, The Pinewood and Bain Town Communities, The Progressive Liberal Party, The St. Augustine’s College Class of 1994, The Staff of Bahamasair, The Kiwanis Club Nassau Chapter, Links Incorporated, The Board and Staff of Willie Mae Pratt School For Girls, Pastor Vaughn Cash and members of Evangelistic Temple, the management and staff of Sterling Global Financial, the management and staff of Bayview Academy, the Staff of The Bahamas Customs Department, the Staff of The Department of Inland Revenue, the Management and Staff of Cove Club. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Cancer Society of Bahamas in the name of Nadia McHardy-Rolle.

A Celebration of Welcome | Pastor Derek Benjamin Opening prayer | Bishop Anthony Roker Songs of Praise | Praise and Worship Team Church of God of Prophecy Coconut Grove “Your Spirit” “You Will Win” “You’re Bigger” “Nobody Greater”

Old Testament Reading | Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 | Dr. Shanique McHardy (Cousin) Condolences | Mr. Tracy Cooper Managing Director, Bahamasair Condolences | The Right Honorable Perry G. Christie, Former Prime Minister of The Commonwealth of the Bahamas Congregational Song | “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” ’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take Him at His Word; Just to rest upon His promise, And to know, “Thus saith the Lord!”

Yes, ’tis sweet to trust in Jesus, Just from sin and self to cease; Just from Jesus simply taking Life and rest, and joy and peace.

Refrain: Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er; Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! Oh, for grace to trust Him more!

I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee, Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend; And I know that Thou art with m

Oh, how sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to trust His cleansing blood; And in simple faith to plunge me ’Neath the healing, cleansing flood!

Condolences | The Honorable Philip Davis Q.C., M.P., Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition Video Presentation | Background song: “Wind Beneath My Wings” New Testament Reading | 1 Corinthians 15:44-58 | Rendera Rolle (Cousin-In-Law) Tribute | Craig Kemp (Uncle) Obituary | Silent Reading Tribute | “Endless Love” | Khaalis Rolle (Husband) Eulogy | Pastor Derek Benjamin Closing Prayer | Pastor Derek Benjamin Recessional Song | ”Our God is Greater”

Graveside Service: Song | ”When Peace Like a River” When peace like a river attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot Thou hast taught me to say, “It is well, it is well with my soul!” Refrain It is well with my soul! It is well, it is well with my soul! Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

My sin - O the bliss of this glorious thought My sin, not in part, but the whole, Is nailed to His Cross, and I bear it no more; Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! And, Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight, The clouds be roiled back as a scroll, The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend, “Even so’’ - it is well with my soul. Prayer | Pastor Derek Benjamin Committal of The Body | Pastor Derek Benjamin Song | ”It Is Finished” There’s a line that is drawn through the ages On that line stands an old rugged cross On that cross, a battle is raging To gain a man’s soul or it’s loss On one side, march the forces of evil All the demons, all the devils of hell On the other, the angels of glory And they meet on Golgotha’s hill The earth shakes with the force of the conflict And the sun refuses to shine For there hangs God’s son, in the balance And then through the darkness he cries It is finished, the battle is over It is finished, there’ll be no more war It is finished, the end of the conflict It is finished and Jesus is Lord Yet in my heart, the battle was still raging Not all prisoners of war had come home These were battlefields of my own making I didn’t know that the war had been won Oh, but then I heard the king of the ages Had fought all the battles for me And that victory was mine for the claiming And now praise his name, I am free

My Love, There is an emptiness only you can fill. We had so many plans for the rest of our lives. You did everything right. You were the perfect wife, you were the perfect mother, and you were the perfect person. I knew this the very first time I saw you. You confirmed this the very first time I spoke with you and lived it while I was married to you. I still believed God called on you way too soon but because I believe His way is always the better way I will not question Him. I am mildly comforted by seeing you in Kayleigh’s effervescent personality and Kerrington’s humility every day. You gave them your values, your beautiful smile and great personality. I cried last night recalling the last words you uttered from your hospital bed. “Take care of my babies”! As you take your rest Sweet Angel, please know that your babies are in good hands; I will love and cherish them. I will take such good care of them in your honor. With Eternal Love, Khaalis

Dear Mommy,

I love you with all my heart. I appreciate everything you did for me. You were a great mother. I know that you are now my guardian angel. I was happy when you came to me in my dreams on Thursday and told me you love me also and will always protect me. I am happy to have my very own guardian angel. I know you are now in a better place where there is no more pain and suffering. I love you so much and will talk to you in my dreams every night! Your loving son, Tin Tin!

Hello Bubba,

nd and mo mmy. I miss you. You were my best frie homework and You always helped me with my w if Da ddy bought me nice clothes. I don’t kno you but he can buy the same nice clothes like my hair but is says he will try. He trie d to fix having tro uble‌.lol. n angel every Please continue to be my guardia heaven please day. If there is any slime kit in sen d one for me. I will also pray I will always miss and love you. . every night like you teache d me Fro m your daughter, Kayleigh

Until We Meet Again Those special memories of you Will always bring a smile If only we could have you back for just a little while Then we could sit and talk again Just like we used to do You always meant so very much And always will do too The fact that you’re no longer here Will always cause us pain But you’re forever in our hearts Until we meet again Love Mom and Dad

Precious sister (Author Unknown)

Sometime we still hear the sound of your voice. We wish you were still here with us, but you had no choice. We know an Angel held you as your body said goodbye. But that doesn’t stop our heart from breaking… We miss you and we cry. No one can believe that you are really gone, Our hearts are broken and our spirits mourn. “She was too young to die”, I’ve heard people say, “Why did she have to die this way?” We try not to be angry, we kneel and we pray, Asking God to be with us as we face each day. We always try to give Mom an extra kiss, To make up for the daughter, she will always miss. We understand everyone’s emptiness and their sorrow too, Because, our precious big sister…We all miss you. We know you are happy in Heaven above, Surrounded by Angels and all of their love. But today on earth, our heart still grieves, Because you are no longer here to talk with us. We will look toward Heaven, for we know we will see A star that will suddenly glow big and bright, It will be our big sister smiling…. And watching over us. With Love, Nyoka, Natasha, Nowella

“When I come to the end of the road And the sun has set for me I want no rites in a gloom filled room Why cry for a soul set free?” Honey? Mommy? Sis? Daughter? Friend? What did you call her? She was called to be many things in this life, but to us, she was our big cousin and a child of God. To our beautiful cousin Nadia, We were not prepared for this day. No one is ever really prepared for a time such as this. A time where we have to let you go. A time where neither of us are physically present with family to grieve, or more importantly, celebrate your life! A time where all that remain are the memories of the time spent, the time shared and the time remembered. Luckily for us, we are blessed to have had many beautiful memories of such times over the years. Nadia you were the epitome of grace! Your external beauty, although undeniable, was no match for the beauty that you carried inside of you. You brought light into our lives and into the lives of many. Your smile, laugh, humility, kindness, and calm but resilient spirit were a gift to our family. You are a gem and we were blessed to have had you in our lives. Thank you for loving us and being a great example of God’s love for us! As you make your transition from this life to one with the Father, our hope is that it is more beautiful and peaceful than you had imagined. May the pain of this world cease to be and the most beautiful moments of your time here with us remain with you, forever. May your heart smile and your soul sing, forever. And may your forever be perfect. You are always in our hearts and we will love you; forever! Rest in power Nadia, and do so peacefully, until we meet again. “Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. For those who love with heart and soul, there is no such thing as separation.” From our heart & soul to yours, Ra’mon, Shaness & Shanae

My Darling Grand daughter “My Baby” “A Flower in My Garden”

One day I went into my garden and there it was, a bright and beautiful flower, Nadia. This flower glowed in my garden until God came along on October 13, 2018 and picked it, but whatever God does is well done. I remember very quickly that Jesus only loan you to me for a while and then he took you home with him forever. You have been a joy in my life and I couldn’t ask for a better granddaughter. Your love and caring spirit will live in my heart forever but more importantly, I am so proud of the Godly woman you became. I am comforted knowing that I will see you again someday because where you are now, I will be some day. Grammy loves you and you will be with me each day I live. Found memory would always linger. Job 1:21 says The Lord give and the lord taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Sleep on Baby, I will see you in the morning, Grammy.


ne day I met a classy lady who was friendly, kind and intelligent, with the most practical outlook on life. This was Nadia. When confronted with challenges summed it all up with the phrase “Sometimes you just gotta pray”. We became fast friends and I was honoured when she asked me to be her daughter, Kayleigh’s Godmother. Now we were family. We became travel buddies, sometimes acting like giggly school girls on our trips where we vowed each time to learn something new, and we did. However, there was one trip we never planned. When her journey became inevitable, with strength and fearlessness one morning she assured me that everything was going to be “just alright”. Nadia was extremely private, organized, tactful and diplomatic, never wanting to impose or be a bother. She always offered honest, sound advice where you could feel the love. She was devoted to her family and determined. I admired the way she worked with Kerrington relentlessly, resulting in his becoming a 2 time Spelling Bee Champion of his school. She called me screaming … ‘we did it!’ She was so proud! Nads, thanks for making our friendship meaningful, easy and effortless. Now you have taught me to be strong and fearless. Our friendship was a blessing. Never quite had a friend like you, I love you and I will miss you. Cecillia “CC” Cooper

“I miss that little twinkle

That use to light up your eyes. And I miss the sound of your voice, Your laughter and your sighs. There are others here who miss you, And they’ve gathered here today. Your life touched so many people, Who became your friends along the way.” Nadia letting you go was not easy, but watching you in pain tore me up inside. You were my sister, confidant and friend. It made me feel helpless to know that there was nothing else in my power to help you. Thank you for allowing me to take this journey with you and to carry out my promise to stick by your side to the end. From 23rd June 2017 to 13th October 2018 you have taught me the new definition of what it is to fight to the end. It gives me comfort to know that you made it right with your Saviour. Sleep on my angel and take your well-deserved rest. A part of me has gone with you but God knows best. Your confidante and friend, Toya

These 33 years of friendship

went by so fast. I always thought we would be sitting on a porch together in our senior years, albeit youthful in spirit, reflecting on the good old days. But God had a different plan for you as He called you home earlier than expected. This is not the end as we will continue where we left off when we meet again. Love you always and forever. Your friend, Dominique

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We, the family of the late Nadia Thremell McHardy-Rolle, express sincere appreciation to the relatives and friends who have shared warm expressions of love during this time of bereavement. We gratefully acknowledge and appreciate the telephone calls, cards, letters, flowers, donations and all other expressions of sympathy. Special thanks are extended to Officiating Pastor Derek Benjamin, Bishop Anthony T. Roker, the Praise and Worship Team of the Church of God of Prophecy. We are particularly grateful to Pastor Vaughn Cash and members of Evangelistic Temple. We would like to also extend our heartfelt thanks to those who provided medical and other care for Nadia during the course of her illness. Dr. Theodore Turnquest, Dr. Wesley Francis, Dr. DuVaughn Curling, Dr. Flora Mackey, Dr. Theodore Ferguson, Dr. Catherine Welsh, Dr. Martin Keisch. The staff at Doctor’s Hospital, UM Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Care and UM Hospitals and Clinics. Lastly, a personal thank you from Khaalis to Janet and Latoya for being the lead caretakers for Nadia throughout her entire illness. Your unwavering love and support to her can never be repaid. We request your continuous prayers as we move forward. May God continue to bless you.

PALLBEARERS Carlton Miller (Casper) Knowles Chester Cooper Black Vaughn Russell Lightbourne Delano Moss

Charles Saunders

HONORARY PALLBEARERS Craig Kemp Kendall Kemp Philip Rahming Randy Rolle

Dwight Lightbourne Basil McHardy Perry McHardy Tony Cadet

David Ashton Deangelo

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