St. John's College 2019 Graduation Program Booklet

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THE BISHOP It is my privilege and delight to address the principal, staff, graduating class, parents and other stakeholders on the occasion of the 2019 Graduation Exercise. I congratulate you all on this milestone. A high school graduation is a culmination of many years and efforts on the part of so many persons, not just the graduates. It is also the beginning of a new chapter for that same group. Graduates, formal education (primary and high school) is the foundation for the rest of your life. As time goes on, you will appreciate the value of these formative years more and more. My advice is that the “sky is the limit” – you can go anywhere and everywhere if you build wisely on this foundation. The words of your theme are therefore most appropriate and powerful because there are actually “NO LIMITS!” with respect to your future. Remember to Go with God! Never forget God’s principles. Keep God as a part of your life always. My wife, Joann, joins me in offering you heartiest congratulations and assurance of prayers. Enjoy this day and this season for you have earned them both.

Yours in Christ,



THE Chairperson Graduations represent one of the best examples of the wonderful things a community can achieve with its collective effort and its collective will; and how the joy and pride of such a shared achievement creates a very special energy for everyone. On this day we celebrate the Class of 2019. We congratulate them for their outstanding achievements. We salute the individual journeys that brought each one of them to this day; the persistence, the drive, the focussed efforts of every student; and we honour the community upon whose shoulders they rose and stood. The journey for each graduate is paved with the love, support and sacrifice of family and friends; the hard-work and unflagging determination of our dedicated faculty and staff; the guidance, teaching and counsel of our Church, our Anglican family; and the support of so many including our alumni and others who through their faith and demonstrated support make up our wonderful Anglican Schools community. The theme of this year’s graduating class is “No Limits!”. A bold announcement of their arrival to the next phase of their life’s journey. May they always be bold in their dreaming and focussed in their steps; and may they face every new day with faith and determination. On behalf of the Anglican Central Education Authority (ACEA), I extend to every graduate our very best wishes, for every day that is yet to come. Whether their next steps take them to higher education, to the workplace, to whatever and wherever the wonderful opportunities they’ve created for themselves may lead, we wish them for them every success that their future holds. We pray for their continued growth and maturation, in the guiding principles and Christian values that have been the foundation of their student experience throughout their Anglican school journey. Sincerely,

A. Gabriella Fraser

Chairperson Anglican Central Education Authority


THE DIRECTOR Today, I extend congratulations to the Class of 2019, and all your proud parents, guardians, teachers and well-wishers. To you, dear graduates, as this chapter of your education ends, I am certain that many thoughts are racing through your minds, and that you are experiencing a mixture of emotions as you reflect on the high school days that led you here. Some of the events were happy, and some sad; there are memories that you will look back on fondly, and then there are some you wish you can erase. No doubt, you would have experienced moments of great pride, suffered times of struggle, and dealt with adversity and failure. However, you learnt how to endure and achieve your goals. It is my hope that your experiences have shaped you and that you see no limits before you as you press forward to the future. During your years at St. John’s College, we sought to instil in you a robust educational foundation. You have all worked hard and experienced varying measures of success. Your dedicated teachers provided you with love and support and assisted you in reaching your full potential while maintaining our vision of Excellence, Equity and Opportunity. Your parents made sacrifices along the way that enabled you to celebrate this day. The staff members worked tirelessly to the best of their abilities to fashion a nurturing environment to assist your development. Overall, the Anglican Central Education Authority has given itself to your journey, and to see you stand on the pedestal of succession today. Thus, you become a part of the rich legacy of St. John’s College and will be counted among the countless alumni of this institution. You must now go out and make your contribution to the society. You can celebrate that your sojourn at St. John’s College has developed your spiritual, academic, physical, social and emotional well-being, has equipped you for future citizenship, and has prepared you for life in an ever-changing global environment. You now possess the soft skills needed to succeed and have budded into effective leaders and speakers who can communicate, collaborate, and network with others to achieve a goal. Your future is bright, and we are all rooting for you to make a positive mark on this world. As you venture into the world, do not forget your past. Do not neglect to apply all the lessons you would have learnt thus far. Strive to be different and do not follow the status quo. Remember that the pursuit of excellence demands much. Go forward with confidence, and consistently acknowledge that you can conquer any obstacles that may come your way with the help of your Heavenly Father (Phil. 4:13). Hence, I leave these final words with you: Be grateful, and remember to always show your appreciation through respect, integrity and service. Remember that “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” - Helen Keller. Today, you have made both your parents and teachers very proud, and they all celebrate with you too. I wish you God’s richest blessings as you step into the future and embark on a new chapter of your life. RESPICE, ADSPICE, PROSPICE! – LOOK TO THE PAST, THE PRESENT, THE FUTURE! Warm regards,



THE PRINCIPAL To the Class of 2019: Today begins a whole new chapter in your life. Congratulations and commendations to each and every one of you on this remarkable achievement of graduation from St. John’s College. Your achievement is worth celebrating. You have worked hard and now you are ready and prepared to move on to the world of college and work. The possibilities are “Limitless”. Take a moment to look back on your senior year... waking up early to arrive to school on time... resting your head in the bed so late after you finished your assignments... balancing your school activities and your social life... stressed by projects and course work. This season has passed. Class of 2019, you are really done. Don’t forget the reasons and the people who made your high school years worth the trouble. Remember to thank them for supporting and caring for you. Realize all that you’ve accomplished and the footprints that you’ve laid. Each step has been a building block for your life. It is expected that you continue to build upon the robust foundation that has been laid for you here at St. John’s College. Jeremiah 29:11 states, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” God’s plans are already laid out for you, just waiting for you to step into them. The possibilities are “Limitless”. Today, you become an alumna of St. John’s College and as such you are encouraged to “look back and give back” to aid your alma mater. Whereby, ensuring the continuance of the deliverance of quality education to every student who enters these hallowed walls. Your principal’s final golden nugget: “Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” – Steve Jobs I love you and thank you for allowing me to be your principal. RESPICE, ADSPICE, PROSPICE! – LOOK TO THE PAST, THE PRESENT, THE FUTURE!

Best wishes,

Nevillene Evans (Ph.D.) PRINCIPAL

KEYNOTE SPEAKER Fr. Bryton B. Ward Curate Christ Church Cathedral Class of 2011

School Hymn “Praise To The Lord, The Almighty” Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation; O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation; All ye who hear, Now to his temple draw near, Joining in glad adoration. -------oOo-----Praise to the Lord, Who o’er all things so wondrously reigneth, Shieldeth thee gently from harm, or when fainting sustaineth: Hast thou not seen How thy heart’s wishes have been Granted in what He ordaineth. -------oOo-----Praise to the Lord, Who doth prosper thy work and defend thee, Surely His goodness and mercy shall daily attend thee; Ponder anew What the Almighty can do, If to the end He befriend thee.

Program Entrance of Dignitaries

(please stand)

Entrance of Graduates

(please sit)

Opening Prayer

Father Enrique McCartney (Chaplain)

National Anthem (Audience) Welcome and Introduction Simone Bellot & Collins Njenga of Master of Ceremonies (Depty Head Boy and Girl) Master of Ceremonies

Mr. Lyndon Sweeting (V.P. Secondary Dept.)

Principal’s Report Choir

“Oh Lord, How Excellent”

Head Girl’s Speech

Class Song

Dr. Nevillene Evans

Ryan Rahming “This is Me” – from The Greatest Showman

Introduction of Guest Speaker

Ajani Rolle (Senior Prefect)

Keynote Address

Fr. Bryton Ward (Class of 2011)

Announcers Mr. Sherwaine Arthurs & Mrs. Karrolann Jervis (Senior Assistants) Presentation of Diplomas & Special Awards Diplomas, Awards Mrs. Italia Davies (Director of the A.C.E.A.), & & Trophies Ms. Gabriella Fraser (A.C.E.A. Chairperson) Vote of Thanks Khajzan Taylor School Hymn

Praise to the Lord (Please Stand)

Remarks & Benediction

Bishop Laish Boyd (Diocesan Bishop)

Order of Recessional Graduates Special Guests Staff

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Student Leaders 2018-2019

Head Girl

Ryan Rahming

Deputy Head Girl

Simone Bellot

Head Boy

Khajzan Taylor

Hensley Armbrister Jasmine Beneby Hannah Burrows Immanuel Carey Lauren Carter Malaysia Cartwright Garyese Curtis Jonathan Dolphin Keishawn Dorsett Tyler Hanna Madison Ingraham Paulina Kantanka Brion Mackey

Senior Prefect:

Ajani Rolle

Deputy Head BOY

Collins Njenga

Kneisha McDonald Rickevon Micklewhite Myra Moss Jason Rahming Jaynelle Rahming Madison Roberts Jairus Russell Christian Strachan Vashanti Storr Shakwame Stuart Janeisha Stubbs Geordan Thurston Travis Willliams

St. John’s College • Class of 2019

Subject Prizes

The Karrolann Jervis Subject Award for English Language

// Ryan Rahming

The Dr. Anthony Dahl Subject Award for English Literature

// Ryan Rahming, Vashanti Storr

The Shari Albury Subject Award for Mathematics

// Vashanti Storr

The Janiece Watkins Subject Award for Information Technology

// Ryan Rahming

// Andrea Adderley

The Lincoln Deal Subject Award for Commerce

The Matthew Kemp Subject Award for Office Procedures

// Angel Daxon

The Matthew Kemp Subject Award for Book Keeping and Accounts The Lincoln Deal Subject Award for Economics Geography

// Khajzan Taylor

// Tyler Hanna

Religious Studies

// Ryan Rahming

The Tiana Campbell Subject Award for History AP Psychology

// Ryan Rahming

// Tyler Hanna


// Ryan Rahming


// Monique Ferguson-Nyakarundi

The Sonia Brown Subject Award for Biology

// Ryan Rahming

The Sonia Brown Subject Award for Chemistry The Sonia Brown Subject Award for Physics

// Vashanti Storr

// Vashanti Storr

The Sonia Brown Subject Award for IGCSE Physics Music

// Kahjzan Taylor

// Antonio Beckford

// Donte Ferguson

Art & Design Art & Craft

// Jasmine Beneby, Madison Roberts

// Simone Bellot

The Melissa Hanna Subject Award for Home Economics The Archdeacon James Palacious Subject Award for Graphical Communication // Keishawn Dorsett

// Skyeesha Lightfoot

Graduation Special Prizes 2019

Proficiency Prize

Ryan Rahming

Ryan Rahming Vashanti Storr Simone Bellot Tyler Hanna Kneisha McDonald Keishawn Dorsett Khajzan Taylor Ajani Rolle Jasmine Beneby Shakwame Stuart

Vashanti Storr



The Bishop’s Prize for the Best BGCSE Results 2018 The Director’s Prize for Academic Excellence The Principal’s Prize for General Excellence

// Giovanno Rolle

// Ryan Rahming

// Vashanti Storr

The Vice Principal’s Prize for General Excellence

// Simone Bellot

Canon Dudley & Mrs. Shelagh Strachan Award for outstanding SAT performance

Vashanti Storr Senior Master’s Prize for most outstanding male prefect

// Rickevon Micklewhite

Senior Mistress’ Prize for most outstanding female prefect Head of Middle School Award for most improved students

// Hannah Burrows

// Raja Nottage

St. John’s College Citizenship Award for Outstanding Character

// Ryan Rahming

Bishop Gilbert Thompson’s Citizenship Award for outstanding contribution to school and community involvement // Ryan Rahming

Chaplain’s Award for outstanding contribution to the development of Christian values // Destiny Reid, The Ruth Saunders-Rolle General Conduct Award

Christian Strachan

// Anwar Bethell Monique Ferguson-Nyakarundi

Canon Harry Ward Award for Elocution and Speech

// Kneisha McDonald, Simone Bellot,

Adon Beckford, Vashanti Storr Ruth Saunders Award for Deportment

// Lauren Carter, Davondre Huyler

Parents / Teachers Emerald Club Award //

Ryan Rahming, Vashanti Storr, Simone Bellot, Tyler Hanna, Kneisha McDonald, Keishawn Dorsett, Khajzan Taylor, Ajani Rolle, Jasmine Beneby, Shakwame Stuart, Jelise Saunders, Davondre Huyler, Collins Njenga, Samyka Knowles, Raja Nottage, Monique Ferguson-Nyakarundi, Brion Mackey, D’Angelo Smith, Madison Ingraham, Immanuel Carey

Archdeacon Keith Cartwright award for perseverance

// Janeisha Stubbs

The Conroy Williams Prize for overall excellence in Science The Edda Armbrister Award for Outstanding Leadership

// Vashanti Storr

// Simone Bellot, Collins Njenga

School Board Award for Demonstration of School Spirit

// Destiny Reid, Khajzan Taylor

Keith Carey Student Athlete Award Donated by Dr. Andre Rollins

// Jameka Chisholm Jonathan Dolphin

Victor Ludorum Award for the most outstanding male athlete of the year

(Donated by Canon Peter A.G. Scott) // Tyrese Porter The Victrix Lodorum Prize for the most outstanding female athlete of the year

(Donated by Canon Peter A.G. Scott) // Lauren Carter Philip Clarke Award for Excellence in High Jump // Barron Pratt Award for Excellence in Engineering

(Donated by Sonia Brown) // Antonio Beckford



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Andrea Adderley

Hensley Armbrister

Torrez Basden

Adon Beckford

Antonio Beckford

Simone Bellot

Jasmine Beneby

Gareth Bethel

Anwar Bethell

Natae Braynen

Khirsten Brown

Hannah Burrows

Zaria Butler

Archanae Cambridge

Calpurnia Campbell

Immanuel Carey

Perica Carroll

Lauren Carter

Malaysia Cartwright

Jameka Chisholm



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Bryanna Clarke

Cha’mael Curtis

Garyese Curtis

Angel Daxon

Johnathan Dolphin

Keishawn Dorsett

Monique Ferguson-Nyakarundi

Donte Ferguson

Tori Ferguson

Hilton Forbes

Darren Francis-Wood

Sameque Gardiner

Tyler Hanna

Denzel Harris

Yanek Huggins

Nyesha Hutcheson

Davondre Huyler

Madison Ingraham

Shaniah Henfield

Shadae Johnson



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Paulina Kantanka

Kerri Ramsey

Samyka Knowles

Brianna Lightbourne

Skyeesha Lightfoot

Jaden Lockhart

Brion Mackey

Alexia Mangal

Daylan Mayor

Kneisha McDonald

Rickevon Micklewhite

Krystal Miller

Ulric Mortimer

Myra Moss

Jayden Munnings

Adam Newbold

Collins Njenga

Raja Nottage

Dion Pennerman

Tyrese Porter



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Barron Pratt

Jason Rahming

Jaynelle Rahming

Ryan Rahming

Destiny Reid

Danielle Richards

Philip Ritchie

Madison Roberts

Vincent Roberts

Taino Rodgers

Ajani Rolle

Denaje’ Rolle

Lutchman Rolle

Jairus Russell

Simone Russell

Laquon Sands

Jelise Sauders

D’Angelo Smith

Tafari Smith

Vashanti Storr



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Christian Strachan

Charlae Stuart

Christon Stuart

Shakwame Stuart

Janeisha Stubbs

Lauryn Stubbs

Fredericka Taylor

Kalie Taylor

Khajzan Tayloy

Zane Thompson

Geordan Thurston

Keano Tonny

Lanario Williams

Travis Williams

Tamia Woodside


2019 Graduates Valedictorian

Special Credit


Ryan Rahming

Lauren Carter Myra Moss Skyeesha Lightfoot Destiny Reid Ulric Mortimer Geordan Thurston Malaysia Cartwright Jayden Munnings Tamia Woodside Jairus Russell Jonathan Dolphin Christon Stuart Kerri Ramsey Gareth Bethel Angel Daxon Archanae Cambridge Madison Roberts Paulina Kantanka Christian Strachan Krystal Miller Dion Pennerman Janeisha Stubbs Fredericka Taylor Anwar Bethell Hannah Burrows Hensley Armbrister Shaniah Henfield Garyese Curtis Denzel Harris Yanek Huggins Tafari Smith Adam Newbold Sameque Gardiner Brianna Lightbourne Antonio Beckford Taino Rodgers Calpurnia Campbell Zaria Butler Darren Francis-Wood Bryanna Clarke Rickevon Micklewhite Keano Tonny Cha’mael Curtis Torrez Basden Nyesha Hutcheson

Jaden Lockhart Barron Pratt Daylan Major Danielle Richards Jaynelle Rahming Lauryn Stubbs Lanario Williams Tyrese Porter Khirsten Brown Donte Ferguson Perica Carroll Kalie Taylor Denaje Rolle Shadae Johnson Alexia Mangal Natae Brayen Adon Beckford Tori Ferguson Travis Williams Charlae Stuart Zane Thompson Hilton Forbes Andrea Adderley Jason Rahming Laquon Sands Simone Russell Philip Ritchie Vincent Roberts III


Vashanti Storr Distinction

Ryan Rahming Vashanti Storr Simone Bellot Tyler Hanna Kneisha McDonald Keishawn Dorsett Khajzan Taylor Ajani Rolle Jasmine Beneby Shakwame Stuart Jelise Saunders Davondre Huyler Collins Njenga Samyka Knowles Raja Nottage Monique Ferguson-Nyakarundi Brion Mackey D’Angelo Smith Madison Ingraham Immanuel Carey


Jameka Chisholm Basic

Lutchman Rolle

St. John’s College Staff Administration Principal – Dr. Nevillene Evans Ph.D. Vice Principal – Secondary Department Mr. Lyndon Sweeting M.A., B.Sc., Dip.Ed., CIPM

Vice Principal – Preparatory Department Mrs. Junann Lewis M.Ed., B.Sc., T. C.

Senior Master Senior Mistress – Preparatory Department Mr. Sherwaine Arthurs B.A., Dip.Ed. Mrs. Lelani Burrows M.S.Ed, B.A. Ed., A.A. Ed, T.C. Senior Mistress Middle School Administrator Mrs. Karrolann Jervis B.Sc., MA Ed. Ms. Kristia Knowles B.Ed. CIS Chaplain /Counselor Fr. Enrique McCartney MA, BA, B.Sc.y MA, BA, B.Sc. Secondary Department Staff Business Studies & Information Technology Language Mrs. Tamika Greene (HOD) B.A., Dip. Ed Ms. Crystal Rolle (HOD) B.A. Mr. Minesh Parekh M.A., B.A., A.A., Dip. Ed. Ms. Heather Thompson MBA, B.S. Mrs. Rekha Parekh B.Com., Dip. Ed. Ms. Kirktiya Rolle B.A. Ms. Kristia Knowles B.Ed. CIS Mr. John Dolphin B.Sc., Dip Ed. Mr. Janiel Vanhorn D.Ed., M.A., A.Sc. Mrs. Karrolann Jervis MA Ed., B.Sc. Foreign Language Mrs. Cherrilene Baxter- Dennis B.Ed., T.C., Dip Soc. Work Mrs. Chikaodi Emepue (HOD) B.A., Dip. Ed. Mr. Mahindra Persaud M.Ed., BA., Dip Ed Mr. Kofi Amponsem T. Cert., Vet. Cert Ms. Ashley McClain B.Ed. (Substitute) Mrs. Prista Coleby B.A. Mrs. Teria Courtney M.S., B.S. Ms. Shanderia Kemp B.Sc., A.A. Math Physical Education Mr. Edwin Embleton (HOD) A.A., T.C. Mrs. Charma J-Smith (HOD) B. Sc. Mr. Sammy Njenga B.S., T.C Mr. Sherwaine Arthurs B.A., Dip.Ed Ms. Shari Albury B.Sc. Mr. Derron Grey B.A. Mr. Leonardo Pino M.A., B.S.Ed. Mr. Glenroy Dixon B.Ed., Dip. Ed. Mr. Patrick Russell B.Sc., T.C. Practical Subjects Ms. Catharina Jirjahlke (HOD) M.S. Ed, B.Sc., Cert in Music Science Mr. Preston Ferguson B.A., Dip. Ed Mr. Floraine Vera Cruz (HOD) B.Sc., T.T. Ms. Diana Daley M. Ed., B.A, Dip. Ed. Mrs. Chandra Persaud M. Sc., B. Sc., T.T. Ms. Lisa Johnson AA Culinary Arts, Dip.Ed. Ms. Krystiel Butler B.S. MBBS Mr. Sean Paul B.S. (Substitute) Mrs. Danah Weech B.A., Dip. Ed. Fr. Shazz Turnquest M.Sc., B. Eng. CTM., PGCE Mr. Ricardo Mitchell M.S., B.Ed. Dr. Wazir Abdool MD, Ph.D, M.Sc, B.Sc., T.C. Guidance & Health Services Mrs. Jocelyn Smith B.A. (HOD) Office Staff Mr. Luke Caley B.A. Ms. Tia Knowles - Bursar Fr. Enrique A. McCartney MA, BA, B.Sc. Ms. Candice Lightbourne - Receptionist Mr. Kyle Dean M.A., B.A. Mrs. Doris Taylor - Receptionist Ms. Olivia Russell M.A., B.A., Cert. AutPlay Therapist Mrs. Nicole Gardiner- Secretary Nurse J. Camille King RN, RM, BSN, MPA Mrs. Cigi Williams Williams - Office Member Ms. Kihan Murphy - Secretary Humanities Mr. Lanardo Forbes (HOD) B.Sc. Ms. Regina Hunt B.Ed. Mrs. Tamara Moncur B.S.Ed., TC Fr. Chester Burton B.A., A.A., T.C. Ms. Keva Kemp B.Sec.Ed.(Substitute) Mr. Delwin Maycock M.Div., BA, Cert. Bib Mr. Karim Diallo M.A, B.A, T.C. Ancillary & Tuck Shop Staff Ms. Rebecca Mckinney Mr. Percy Davis Mrs. Geneva Rose Mrs. Carletha Taylor Mr. Daniel Petit-Homme Ms. Patricia Brown Ms. Eulamae Thompson Mr. Theophile Jean Mrs. Lorette Almonor Mr. Albrion Pennerman Ms. Julie Caprice Mrs. Yvette Clarke Mr. Olisma Saint Julus Ms. Tonia Darling Ms. Ruth Smith Ms. Finishca Stubbs Mrs. Natacha Mackey Board Chairman P.T.A. President Mr. Kevin Ryan Mrs. Kenva Mullings ACEA MemberS The Right Rev’d Laish Z. Boyd B.A. Bishop of the Bahamas & the Turks and Caicos Islands The Hon. Mr .Justice Bernard Turner (Diocesan Chancellor) Miss Gabriella Fraser (Chairperson of ACEA) Ms. Sonia Balfour (Diocesan Administrator) Mr. Wayde Babb (Asst. Financial Comptroller) Mrs. Italia Davies (Director of Education & Director of Personnel)

Mrs. Sheryl Wood (Deputy Director of Education) Mrs. Janice Munnings Ms. Cheryl Simms Mr. Winston Marshall Miss Sharon Brown The Rev’d. Canon Curtis Robinson Mrs. Aisha Stuart-Smith

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