Weaving the Strands That Make a Community FOR NEARLY 60 YEARS, Sid Jacobson JCC has resonated with
the sounds of life — the laughter of people playing, the music of celebrations, and the murmur of comforting words. Representing a vibrant North Shore Jewish community, it’s here that lives are woven together in meaningful and unexpected ways.
Our unique program offerings and renowned reputation draw hundreds of new individuals and families into our community with each passing year. As the community has evolved so, too, has SJJCC. We have created innovative opportunities to learn and grow, new ways to connect, and new programs to enrich and support our participants with the values that are the backbone of our Jewish heritage. From generation to generation, we have brought people together — families and individuals, young and old, healthy and hurting. People come in to improve their well-being or learn a new skill or see a performance, and they become part of the vivid tapestry that is our community. We have embarked on a $12 million capital campaign to modernize our building and create new, flexible spaces so we can meet future needs and enrich more lives. The spaces will allow us to fulfill our core mission — enabling lives to flourish — on a larger scale. Help us ensure that generations to come will have a place where they will be joined in times of celebration, supported in times of need, and feel safe in their home away from home.
Meeting Our Community’s Evolving Needs Flexible spaces will allow our programming to evolve as our community does.
The voice of a child asking “why,” the thud-thud-thud of a bouncing basketball, the sound of music and dancing feet, the splash of water in the pool, a gentle, comforting voice. These are the sounds of our JCC. Our campus bustles with activity from morning to evening, filling every available space with members of all ages. We serve 15,000 people every year in a 30-year-old building with limited office space and a parking lot that doesn’t work for our traffic flow. The space can no longer support all the people who want to use our services and new infrastructure, such as a new roof and HVAC system, is needed.
To accommodate our growth, we need new, modern spaces so our programming can expand with the interests of the community — we can give our thespians a better stage on which to perform, offer additional opportunities for wellness, offer more ways to connect with others, and take care of those who need a helping hand. A revitalized Sid Jacobson JCC will allow us to deliver exceptional educational, social, cultural, and wellness programs to meet the needs of our growing community.
Enhancing Functionality and Modernizing the Building Upgrades and new spaces will address long-term needs and set a strong foundation for our growth.
Our planned improvements will dramatically enhance the look, function, and safety of our building while providing for the sustainability of our community. We will be able to offer a richer array of classes — from theater to cooking, from yoga to restorative health. We will also be able to support those who need specialized services, from help with job readiness to help making ends meet. This campaign will help SJJCC to remain the preeminent resource of the North Shore — ready to serve the needs of the community.
• The Gershwind/Jacobson Health + Wellness Center will expand by 7,500 square feet. • A new culinary kitchen will be used by programs for all our populations. • New flexible spaces will meet a variety of needs, from social activities and early childhood programs to cultural events. • The parking lot will have more spaces available and improved traffic flow. UPGRADES
• The updated lobby will have enhanced security and be a more welcoming entry to our 98,000-square-foot facility. • The auditorium will be modernized, with upgraded stage, acoustics, lighting, and new seating. • HVAC and a new roof with solar panels will improve our energy efficiency and reduce our carbon footprint.
Three years ago, while Greg was undergoing treatment for lymphoma, his 10-year-old son Seth participated in our We’ve Got Your Back – Family Cancer Support program. Amidst the chaos of his father’s illness, Seth played after-school basketball where he met other children his age and was able to experience the joy of being a child without worry. When Greg completed his treatment, he joined our Nancy Marx Cancer Wellness Center, participating in swim, yoga, and exercise classes to revitalize his body, mind, and spirit in a life-affirming setting as opposed to a hospital. Joanna, one of our Gershwind/ Jacobson Health + Wellness Center certified cancer exercise specialists, helped Greg to regain his strength and energy. In addition, Greg’s weekly discussion groups with others who were diagnosed with cancer gave him the support, understanding, and lasting relationships he needed GOOD to move on with his life. THINGS
Cancer hits families hard. But the JCC softens the blow.
Strengthening Our Community and Promoting Jewish Values Through this campaign, more people will have the opportunity to live their Jewish values.
At SJJCC, you can join others working for social justice or build a one-on-one connection with someone who shares your values. SJJCC is where people can become their best selves — whether serving as a counselor to a child with special needs, mentoring a youth looking for direction or packaging a meal for someone in need. When we care about others, we are stronger as a community. From repairing the world, tikkun olam, to helping your neighbor, these are the values that we want to infuse in ourselves as well as our children. For young families, SJJCC is the place they turn for a holistic education that supports their values. For older families and individuals, SJJCC is a place that helps them apply those values in their own lives.
As a result of this campaign, we will expand opportunities for people of every age to make connections, learn, and grow. Older members will have an extended family. Younger people can put down roots, grow tall and proud, and provide the shade and fruit for those in need.
At our Waldbaum Family Children’s Center, it’s also about learning rich traditions. On Fridays, Emma and her classmates celebrate Shabbat with the adults in our programs for those 60+ with functional impairment as a result of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or other neurodegenerative disorders. Among them is Emma’s grandfather, Martin. Together, they feel the wonder of lighting the Sabbath candles and singing the Sabbath prayers and songs. Carrie, Emma’s mother, is a member of the often stressed ‘sandwich generation,‘ responsible for the care of both her daughter and her father. While her family participates in SJJCC programs, she recharges at a fitness class.
Preschool is about growing cognitively, academically, and physically.
Expanding to Serve Vulnerable Populations Our new Community Resource Hub will help us fill unmet needs in our community while providing job training to those with autism.
Sid Jacobson JCC has moved far beyond the typical role of a JCC by providing specialized services to fill unmet needs in our community. This campaign will allow us to continue to expand our programs and enter into new arenas of support for the vulnerable. For example, our new Community Resource Hub will help people whose incomes don’t cover essentials, such as soap, paper products, and diapers. The Hub will be staffed by participants of our Vocational Training and Educational Center program for individuals on the autism spectrum or with other varying levels of ability. As they stock items and serve customers, the VTEC participants will receive job training as a stepping stone to their next job and feel the satisfaction of being valued members of our community.
The Hub is one part of the capital campaign’s plan to reconfigure our current space and add another 10,000 square feet of space. This will allow us to move staff from the main building, which will make room available to create new program spaces as well as alleviate congestion in our main parking lot by making spots available for 40 to 50 cars. We will have more space for various support groups and programs as well as a computer training center to be utilized by people of all ages and levels of expertise.
Marie, the Volunteer Supervisor of our new Community Resource Hub, proudly oversees Bobby, who is a member of our VTEC program. Not only is he learning job skills, he is also learning how to interact with people — when to smile, how to greet a friend. As a person on the autism spectrum, these are skills he needed to work on. Barbara, whose income plummeted when her husband died, is the person Bobby smiles at the most. Together, they select the things that Barbara needs but can’t afford, while building a friendship. Barbara’s loneliness lessens and Bobby’s confidence grows.
Bobby is getting real-life experience and hands-on training in the skills that will help him become more independent.
Whether you are up for a challenge or facing a challenge, SJJCC provides support, wisdom, and opportunity. Support the organization that brings people together, that pushes us all to think beyond ourselves, and works actively to make the world a better place. With an expanded campus, people of every age and stage will find a home, a place where they can be more and give back. With your help, our vision becomes the reality for all whole lives we touch.
Working at the Hub has taught me the life skills needed to be a contributing member of my community.
As soon as I walk into the welcoming lobby I instantly experience a sense of warmth and security.
I no longer need to circle the parking lot with all of the available spaces!
I feel like a real Broadway star when I sign and dance across the new stage!
Having the expanded space dedicated to fitness has really aided in my recovery.
Meditating in the designated quiet space gives me the tranquility and serenity to face my day. I love learning how to cook with my friends in the awesome culinary kitchen!
The updated seats and lighting in the auditorium has made the Author Breakfast series that more enjoyable (and comfortable!)
My weekly visit to the Hub reminds me that it’s okay to ask for help.
Connect with the Future We are counting on your help to make this campaign a success in supporting the needs of our community.
We are at a transformative moment, a crossroad of Sid Jacobson JCC’s past, present, and future. It is time to make important changes that will enhance both our JCC as well as the lives of our members. As our JCC continues to grow and our programs touch the lives of more people, we must look towards tomorrow! Our plans represent the future of SJJCC — a vision of what can be achieved when we work together.
Our goal of $12 million represents the investment required to make our vision our reality. We recognize that the scope of the project is extraordinary, but its impact will be invaluable. Your gift is an acknowledgment of the importance SJJCC has had in your own life and will continue to have in the community. CONTACT
Debra Wiener Director of Development 516.484.1545 x215 dwiener@sjjcc.org
Won’t you support the campaign?