Shine a Light Digital Journal

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The Buslik and Levy Families are honored and proud to support Sid Jacobson JCC’s Community Needs Bank for all the incredible, life-changing work it does for our community. Congratulations to all the honorees including our Ryan Buslik. You are all the future and the future is bright! Thank you to Susan Berman, the JCC Staff, the Bank Advisory Committee and the Bank Volunteers. We admire and respect your dedication and commitment to making the world a little brighter.

Phil, Judy, Brad, Michael and Chrystal, Zoe, Charlie and Luke honor the memory of Nikki Schwartz, loving daughter, sibling and aunt. Though Nikki is no longer here to celebrate, her generous and caring spirit is with us. Nikki spent her life dedicated to the goal of helping others. She would be so proud to know that her legacy lives on every time an individual or family in need receives assistance from SJJCC’s Community Needs Bank pantry, named in her honor. We love you very much, Nikki. The Schwartz Family

Ava and Lily “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi We are so proud of you both and all you have accomplished so far. We know you won’t stop now… we can’t wait to see all the amazing things you have yet to achieve! Love always, Samantha, Jordan, Whitney and Mikayla Platt

Gary Podell

In support of Ryan Altman Congratulations! Love, Grandma and Grandpa

For Tracy Levy Thank you for being a beacon of goodness. Both me and Mom are in awe. We love you.

ProHealth Connect is honored to support SJJCC and the Shine A Light On Hunger Committee. No one should ever have to worry about where their next meal is coming from. Delivering equitable access to community and ethnic retailers supporting health plan member’s cultural needs

Kimberly and Kenneth Ackerman

Debbie and Robert Ackerman and family are proud to support Sid Jacobson JCC’s Community Needs Bank. We would like to thank our family and friends for their support: Lynn and Craig Abramowitz, Kimberly and Kenneth Ackerman, Steven Ackerman, Adam Brzostovski, Neil Dolgin, Ivan Halpern, Lisa and Jeffrey Knee, Debbie and Joel Levine, Brian Meyerson, Elyse and Steven Mussman, Gary Podell, Judy Shatz, Jimmy Tullman, Rifka and Jeffrey Weinbaum

Mazel Tov, Ryan! We are so proud of you! We love you, Mom, Dad and Rachel The Altman Family

Congratulations to all of the honorees who stepped up to Shine a Light on Hunger! Your efforts have clearly made a difference in the lives of so many! You inspire all of us each and every day to continue to do good in our neighborhood! Kudos to all of you! Gayle R. Berg, PhD

Hiram Cohen and Son and Chubb Insurance Are proud to support the amazing honorees and SJJCC’s Community Needs Bank.

Gordon Crane

Renée and Adam Haber Trellus Same-Day Delivery & Market Place, support Sid Jacobson JCC’s Community Needs Bank and its youth volunteers’ efforts to Shine a Light on Hunger.

The Jacklin Family

In honor of our dear friend Tracy Levy! Thank you for your dedication and hard work to this great cause and event! Congratulations to all of the honorees! Amy and Scott Jaffee

Sterling Sanitary Supply Corp. and The Migden family are proud to support the efforts of Ryan Buslik and the other honorees. Hoping that no family ever goes hungry in our community again. We are proud to support the Community Needs Bank now and in the future.

Howard and Randi Rombom

It has been a true privilege to support SJJCC’s Community Needs Bank and serve as Co-Chair of the Community Needs Bank Advisory Committee alongside Tracy Levy. Tracy, I am so honored to be working with you. Your generosity, warmth of spirit and creativity have brought such inspiring life to the process! I would also like to thank our Community Needs Bank committee members for your time, dedication and work. And I congratulate each honoree this evening. Mostly, I would like to thank the incredible staff members who keep the bank running from all departments including those who truly made this evening’s wonderful event come together: Susan Berman, Dina Shuster, Jaimee Molberger, Franny Stephens and Jaime Teich. I extend my warmest and sincerest gratitude for all of your work. Brad Schwartz

The I. Waldbaum Family Foundation Congratulates the young men and women for their commitment to lead by example. Our hope is that the notion of food insecurity becomes a distant memory.

Pamela and Phillip Barnett are proud to support the Community Needs Bank. Congratulations to all those that volunteer for this important initiative.

“There’s enough on this planet for everyone’s needs but not for everyone’s greed.” Mohandas Gandhi In Support of the SJJCC Community Food Bank Lynn and Jay Beber

Mazel Tov to Ryan on this well deserved recognition! We are so proud of you for being a source of illumination to our community. Congratulations and best wishes to all of the other honorees. May you continue to be a source of strength to our community. Nicole, Jeff and Jordan Buslik

Congratulations Ryan Buslik on such an accomplishment for starting Beads 4 Needs and raising significant funds for the Community Needs Bank! Love, The Davoodi Family

We are incredibly proud of Ryan Altman’s continued hard work and dedication to SJJCC. It is an honor to watch him mature into the man he is becoming. We are delighted to support him always.

We are so proud of Anna Dubner and all of the honorees for their commitment to the Community Needs Bank! Anna, you continue to inspire us to help those in need and to bring kindness into the world! We love you Anna! XOXO



The Dellis Family

Mommy, Daddy, Bella and Josh

In support of Ryan Altman, Anna Dubner and Benjy Rubin. Mazel Tov on your important work for our community. Love, The Dubowskys

Congratulations to SJJCC, Eliza Liebowitz and all the volunteers for the wonderful work you do to help support those in Nassau County who are food insecure during these difficult times. Eliza, we are so proud of you! Love, Uncle Dan and Aunt Ilene

Congratulations to all our honorees. Thank you for what you do to make SJJCC’s Community Needs Bank successful. Hildy and Neal Goldrich

In honor of Ryan Altman for all of his hard work to Shine a Light on Hunger. Love, Aunt Elaine and Joel

Congratulations to Ava and Lily as well as all of the honorees for Shine a Light on Hunger. Ava and Lily, your tireless support of our community throughout the pandemic is both important and inspiring. Keep up the good work in pursuit of noble causes! Love, The Granoff Family

Ava and Lily, Thank you for stepping up and helping others! Love, The Iroms

Harvey Marx

Elyse and Steven Mussman

Sophie, we are so proud of you and all that you continue to accomplish. You always have big ideas and your determination, kindness and entrepreneurial spirit will most certainly continue to make our world a better place. Keep shining bright! Mommy, Daddy and Miles

We would like to congratulate Eliza Liebowitz on her wonderful and meaningful work she did for SJJCC’s Community Needs Bank. Job well done! All of our love and best wishes, The Slonim Family

Jodi and Robert Rosenthal

We congratulate our children, Benjy Rubin and Eliza Liebowitz and all of the honorees, committee members and staff for their commitment to helping those in need in our community. Thank you for all you do! The Liebowitz and Rubin Families

We are so proud of Ava and Lily! What a wonderful achievement. Love you always, Mommy, Daddy and Duke

Congratulations to Ava and Lily! We’re extremely proud of your commitment to help others. Mark and Pam Weinstein

Andrew Weisbach

We are proud to support Sid Jacobson JCC’s Community Needs Bank and congratulate the honorees for their dedication to the JCC and our community. Victoria, Richard, Rachel, Evan and Bobby The Zecher Family

We’re so proud of you, Jonah! Mom, Dad, Anna and Maya

In memory of John Ryan

In memory of Ruth and Edmund Slakter and Miriam and Arthur Glasman

Peter Janowsky

Congratulations to Remy Tauber on her amazing work for Sid Jacobson JCC’s Community Needs Bank!

Ryan, starting Beads 4 Needs was such a great accomplishment! Congratulations on this well-deserved honor.

Love, Bonnie, Daniel, Jordie, Jesse and Aidan Katz

Rita and David Levy

Ava and Lily, We love you so much!

Congratulations, Ryan Altman!

We are proud of you today and always!

We love you!

Love, Maga and Pop

Dara, Brian, Brooke and Taylor

We join SJJCC in honoring Remy Tauber for her leadership, commitment and compassion to those in and around our community. Always follow your heart Remy. We love you! Mommy, Daddy and Jordan

Inbar and Eytan Behiri The Bendett Family Jill Dee The Cohen Family Kenneth Goorin The Greenberg Family Pearl and Nathan Halegua The Henslovitz Family Robyn Jaslow Jordan and Elisabeth Karlik Carri Levine

Elinor and Michael Levy The Posner Family Lucy Raskin Leonard Resnick Martin Rosenman The Silverman Family Andrea, Hal, Aden, and Ella Stein Rachel Stier The Wilensky Family Deborah Zucker

Lynn Abramowitz Deborah Adler Leslie Adler Deborah Agulnick Sara Ambalu Dan Art Phyllis Barrie Tania Beck Elaine Benlevi Lisa Berger Felice and Len Bergman Judy and Israel Birnbaum Michelle and Michael Birnbaum Mindy Borg Fran Borsack Michelle Brandman Kim Breakstone Madelline Brisman Adam Brostovski

Stephanie Bruck Bradley and Sophie Buslik Audrie Caracciola Craig Casper Joanna Cepler Michele Chayet Judy Shatz and Susan Chorne Jill Cooper Rose Corn Dana Davidson Helene and Glenn Dorfman Wendy Baila DeAngelis Ellen Dicker The Dolgin Foundation Inc. In honor of Stanley Donin The Donnenfeld Family Allen Dubner The Dubner Family Lindsay Dubofsky

Janna Edelstein Francine Fabricant Roxanne Feldstein Drew Fenton Susan Fenton Laurie Finkelstein Allison Fliegler Farrah Forrest Phyllis Fried Rachel Friedmann Perri Gass Ronit Gilady Barry, Jen, Jay and Devyn Gladstein Pam and Matthew Gladstein Jennifer Glass Annette and Barry Goldberg Debbie Goldberg The Golden Family

Alison Goldfarb Carrie Gordon Rachel Greenbaum Stacey Greenman-Stroot Stefanie Guillon Fran Gutleber Amy Guttell Elyssa Harris Kelly Hershkowitz Randi Jacklin Shari Jacobson Mark Kamberg Dorit Kane Randi Kaplan Stacey Kaplan Amir Karp The Karp Family Nava and Jake Kashetsky Craig Kasper

Cynthia and Ronald Katz Sharon Katz-Solomon Risa Kessler Amy Klein Lisa and Jeffrey Knee Nancy Krosser Jamie Kwiat Ellen Landau Gail Lenson Debbie and Joel Levine Lauren Levine Lisa and Richard Levine Melissa Levine Melanie Lichaa Brett Liebman Tracy Lieberman Emilie Lippman Scott Lorberbaum Debbie & Rob Marchlewski

Maria Masciangelo Meyerson & Levine LLP Corey Miller Meredith Miller Hallie Mindell Abby Morgan Alicia Munves Shila and Hooman Neman Emily Nussbaum Jodi Okun-Alfano Bari Pech Phyllis Pellman Rachel Pessah-Pollack Diana and Leon Plotnitzky Alison Pnini Pamela Potter-Osit Annabelle Rabiei Mary and Bruce Rabiner Irene and David Redleaf

The Relkin Family Brian Resnick Scott Resnick Yaakov & Jocelyn Ringler Erica Ritchie Holly and Noah Rosenthal Jeff Rubinstein Keri Sadler Rosanne Saltzman Barbara Samuels Alisa Samuels-Stein Rebecca Schaja The Schiffer Family Lynda and Herbert Schuchman Steven Schultz

Hillary Schultz Julia Schuster Cantors Elena and Sergei Schwartz Robyn Sendach Julie Shea Stephanie Shenker Alex Silber Emily Silverstein Shirin Simkhai Randi Sofer Brooke Sokolov Karen and Henry Somers Tammy Szerencsy Emily Topel

Dina Ulrich Geri Valauri Ellen Walk Rifka and Jeffrey Weinbaum Beth Weinberg and Family Dena Weiner Brooke Weingarten Dana Weisbrot Barry Wiederman Dana Wilkins Mandy Wurtz Jill Zarin Ariel, Ross and Ryder Zuckerman Sarah Zwerling The Zwerling Family



The Dubner Family

The Altman Family

The Liebowitz Family


The Slonim Family PMS 200



The Rubin Family


PMS 429

PMS 200

The Winakor Family



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