Sid Jacobson JCC Membership Handbook

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Our Doors Are Open to All Our programs are as diverse as our community! Within and beyond our walls, wherever you are from, whoever you love, however you identify, whatever makes you who you are, you are welcome here.

Mission Statement

Sid Jacobson JCC promotes Jewish identity. We provide a comprehensive program based on Jewish values, traditions, heritage and culture and are committed to enriching the lives of all the individuals and families in our community.

We are here to assure you have an enjoyable experience every time you walk through our doors. If there is anything we can do to serve you better, please let us know. If you have any questions, please contact the Front Desk, or the Health + Wellness Center Desk at 516-484-1545.

Your feedback and comments are valued. There are suggestion boxes located near the Front Desk and the Health + Wellness Center Desk. Suggestions are read and if you leave your name and telephone number, the appropriate staff can

respond. You may also stop by our Membership office anytime!


Membership Terms

Membership is for 12 calendar months, except for Snowbird, which is six consecutive months for seniors 65+.

Membership fees are non-refundable or transferable.

Membership Categories

We offer a variety of membership types to suit the needs of our community. We encourage you to evaluate your membership category to ensure it best serves you and your family’s needs. Members may upgrade their membership any time during the year. Members may downgrade their membership only once per year. Please speak with our Membership team if you have any questions.


Family units consist of 2 parents/ spouses/life partners and their children who are under the age of 26 and living in the same household. When the child turns 26 years of age, they must obtain their own membership plan.

Single Parent Family

A single adult and their children who are under the age of 26 and living in the same household. When the child turns 26 years of age, they must obtain their own membership plan.

Single Adult

• Young adult: ages 18–33

• Individual adult: ages 34–64

• Senior adult: ages 65+


Couples living together as life partners at the same residence. Documentation is required.

• Young couple: ages up to 33

• Couple: ages 34–64

• Senior couple: ages 65+


A partial-year reduced-fee membership is available for members age 65+. This category is for a six-consecutive calendar-month period that may vary according to your requirements and lifestyle. As a courtesy, you have the opportunity to purchase a guest pass during the months that your Snowbird membership is inactive, up to 3 times per year. To purchase, visit the Front Desk. If you find that you are regularly purchasing guest passes for yourself, consider changing to a 12-month membership.


Teens ages 13–17 may have their own individual membership. Teens aged 13-15 must first take a one-time Teen Certification Course (see page 15) in order to obtain their own membership.

Au Pair

Available at a reduced rate for families that maintain a current Family or Single-Parent Family membership. The au pair must live with the family and link to a Family or Single-Parent Family membership.

Corporate Membership

Corporate rates are available to any organization, partnership. or professional corporation with five or more participating employees.


If you are a member of the clergy, please contact us to discuss pricing


Payment policy

All new memberships require an initial 12-month commitment, valid from the date of registration.

Membership Priority

To receive priority registration for programs, members must be active and in good standing at the time of registration and maintain membership in good standing

throughout the duration of the program. Members who allow their membership to lapse may forfeit their spot in a program if attendance limits only allow for active members in good standing to attend, or if active members in good standing receive priority registration. If there is availability, members who allow their membership to lapse may remain in the program and will be charged the nonmember rates.

Outstanding Balances

Membership privileges are denied to anyone with an overdue balance unless specific arrangements have been made.

Refund Policy

Membership dues and other membership fees are non-transferable and are not refundable. Under no circumstances will we provide refunds, credit, or reimbursement for non-usage of the facilities.

Temporary Closures

Paying for membership is not dependent upon the availability of the JCC’s facilities or the member’s frequency of use. From time to time, we may have to temporarily close or restrict use of certain areas due to repairs, maintenance, facility renovation, or any unforeseen events or

circumstances, including, without limitation, the JCC’s annual Maintenance Week at the end of each summer. Sid Jacobson JCC is not obligated to reduce or suspend membership fees during the time when its facilities may not be available.



New and renewal memberships can be paid in full by cash, check, ACH, or credit card. Please note, all transactions made via cash, check, or ACH will receive a discount of 2.91%.

Payment Plans

Pre-authorized payment plans are available. A transaction is posted on or about the 15th of the month according to a pre-authorized payment plan. Please note, all transactions made via cash, check, or ACH will receive a discount of 2.91%. The membership is automatically renewed after your 12-month initial commitment is met. After the 12-month initial commitment, you may cancel the membership at any time with 30 days written notice.

Financial Aid

Scholarship assistance is available for families or individuals in need, subject to availability.

Requests are handled on an individual and confidential basis. Application can be obtained at or by visiting the Membership Office.


We reserve the right to change membership rates at any time with 60-days notice.


Medical Freeze

If you are unable to use our facility for an extended period due to illness or injury, contact Membership immediately. To freeze your membership, make your request in writing and provide a doctor’s note documenting the date and nature of your illness or injury. If you have lost membership time due to illness or injury and you notify us after the fact, the JCC will issue a credit up to one month of lost time only with a doctor’s note. For membership categories with more than one member, the entire membership is frozen unless a membership downgrade is requested. Memberships cannot be frozen or extended for any other reason, i.e. travel, lifestyle change, or lack of use. If you are billed monthly, we will continue to bill $10 per month while freeze is in effect. If you paid in full, when reactivated, you will pay $10 for each month your

membership was frozen and the duration of your membership will be extended accordingly. A doctor’s note is required to reactivate the membership.


Guests must be 16+ years old, and are only welcome to use the JCC facilities when accompanied by a current member in good standing with a valid JCC member key fob. Members may purchase guest passes at the Front Desk. All guests are charged a fee to use the facility.

Guest must show a valid driver’s license or photo ID and fill out a guest registration form to gain admittance to the JCC building and the Health + Wellness Center. Each guest is allowed to use the JCC up to three times during the calendar year and must purchase a new guest pass with each visit. After three guest visits, we encourage guests to become a JCC member.

Refer-A-Friend Program


by referring a new member who commits to a one-year membership! Help us spread the word and grow our Sid Jacobson JCC family. The highest compliment you can give us is to refer us to your friends, family and acquaintances. Members in good

standing can earn one free month for each referral, up to 12 per year, who commit to a one year membership.

Refer-A-Friend is valid for new members or those who have not been a Sid Jacobson JCC member for three years. Contact Membership for details on how you can earn up to 12 free months a year!

JCC Reciprocity

As a courtesy, your JCC membership is honored at most JCCs outside of the tri-state area. Upon request to Membership, we will provide a letter to the JCC you are planning to visit. Membership of the JCCs outside the metropolitan New York area receive reciprocal benefits at Sid Jacobson JCC’s Health + Wellness Center for short-term visits. Visitors must fill out a guest registration form and present a valid photo ID, and proof of active JCC membership, in good standing, to either the Front Desk, the Health + Wellness Desk, or Membership.

Membership Cancellation Policy

Unless cancelling for medical reasons, death, or because you are moving, all new memberships are for one year, and cannot be canceled prior. After the one-year

initial commitment, memberships can be canceled at any time with 30 days written notice via email.

Medical—If due to medical reasons, you are not permitted to exercise for a minimum of six months or more, a medical doctor’s note MUST be provided stating as such and include specific details. Once documentation is received, it must be approved by Membership. Cancellation is not retroactive.

Moving—If you move more than 25 miles from the facility, you must present documentation to cancel the membership.

Acceptable forms of documentation are a lease agreement, or bill of sale of your home, or credit card statement, or bank statement with the new address. Once documentation is received, it must be approved by Membership. Cancellation is not retroactive.


Previous members who canceled their membership must pay the membership activation fee at the time they choose to rejoin. Previous members who have unpaid balances must pay their balance in full to rejoin.


The JCC’s electronic security system controls access and monitors building entrance activity. We reserve the right to inspect all packages carried into the building.

Entering the Facility

All members, 13+ years of age, must use their non-transferable member key fob or scan their phone app to enter the building. Those not carrying their membership key fob or phone app may be denied admission.

After entering the building, members 13+ years of age must scan their key fob or phone app to enter the Health + Wellness Center. Those ages 13-15 are required to first take a one-time Teen Certification Course prior to receiving access to the Health + Wellness Center. Members under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or caregiver and must stop at the Fitness Welcome Desk to gain admittance to the pool and gymnasium.


Designated caregivers beyond parents who regularly drop off or pick up children in Early Childhood, youth fitness classes, or other programs, can be issued a “Caregiver” ID Card for ease of

entry. One Caregiver ID Card per member unit will be issued at no charge. To receive the ID card, we must receive a caregiver letter of authorization. Caregivers must show photo ID and we ask that you accompany them to receive their ID Card. If your caregiver changes, a new letter authorizing the change is required.

Lost Member Key Fob Replacement

Report a lost key fob to the Front Desk immediately. Member key fobs are non-transferable. A fee is charged for the replacement key fob. The old key fob is deactivated at time of replacement.

Unauthorized Use

Any individual who allows their member key fob to be used by another individual endangers membership privileges. Memberships suspended or revoked for unauthorized use of key fobs are non-refundable.


Smoking of any substance is not permitted anywhere in the building or on the JCC grounds. This includes the use of vape pens or pipes, which set off our alarm system. If caught smoking or vaping, your membership may be immediately suspended or terminated.


Parking is available in the lot adjacent to our JCC building. Park in the marked spaces only. To ensure the safety of pedestrians and our children, drive slowly and cautiously. As a reminder, please respect the handicapped parking spaces. Cars parked outside of designated spaces, reserved spots, or the fire lane outside of the main entrance, may be stickered or towed.

Please lock your bicycles securely to the provided racks, as we cannot assume responsibility for any loss or damage.

Please refrain from walking through the property adjacent to the JCC and hopping over the fence to gain access to our facility.

Entrances and Exit Safety

• Use only the designated entrances and exits for entering and leaving the facility

• Do not jump any fences or barriers, as this can pose serious safety risks and damage property

• Please use our bike racks located at the entrance and refrain from chaining bikes to any fences


All members must adhere to our 0% tolerance policy—abusive, inappropriate language, disruptive behavior, horseplay, and fighting are not tolerated. All persons using the JCC’s facilities shall be responsible for any and all damages to the premises that are above and beyond the normal wear and tear. Parents may be held responsible for the inappropriate or disruptive behavior of their children. Membership can be suspended or revoked for inappropriate or disruptive behavior and is non-refundable. Department directors have the final authority involving policy interpretation, behavioral concerns, disputes, etc.

Please remember that you are responsible for your guest(s). Permanent expulsion of the guests from the facility and possible loss of your membership maybe be incurred should our rules of conduct be broken.


Children are always welcome in our family-friendly community center. To ensure the safety of your child(ren) while using the JCC, a responsible adult must supervise all children 12 years of age and under.

Kashrut Policy

As a Jewish communal agency, Sid Jacobson JCC maintains Kosher-style guidelines. These policies strive to impart Jewish traditions while respecting the personal lifestyles of all.

Onsite, year-round: Outside catered food and food served by our Gezunter Café adhere to our Kosher-style policy. Kosher options available.

What is Kosher-style? Products containing pork or shellfish are not permitted. Meat and dairy are always kept separate.

Shabbat and Holidays

In keeping with our mission of providing programming based on Jewish values, tradition, heritage and culture, the JCC is closed in observance of certain Jewish holidays. Our holiday schedule is updated at

Hours of Operation

Please check for the current hours of operation. The Health + Wellness Center will close 15 minutes before the JCC building closes.

Indoor and Outdoor Playgrounds

• Food and beverages are not permitted

• Cell phone usage is not permitted, as it distracts from supervision of children

• Regularly scheduled programs have priority (i.e. Early Childhood classes during 9:30am–4:00pm)

• Please observe posted hours

• Outdoor playground closes at dusk

• Indoor playground is only for children ages 2½–6 years

• Shoes are not to be worn while using indoor playground equipment. Cubbies are provided to store shoes


Health + Wellness Center Usage for Children Children under the age of 13 are not permitted to use the second floor fitness facilities, even if accompanied by a parent or responsible adult.

A responsible adult must remain in the pool or gymnasium area to supervise children under the age of 13.

Upon completion of a Teen Certification Course and written parental authorization, children ages 13-15 are permitted upstairs in the Health + Wellness Center. To learn more, please read page 15.

To schedule, contact Membership at 516.484.1545.


Complimentary Training Session for All New Members Ages: 16+ years

Try-A-Trainer is open to new SJJCC members who are also new to personal training, for FREE! Schedule one complimentary half-hour personal training workout with an SJJCC trainer. This program does not include teen sessions. Advance registration is required. To schedule, contact the Fitness + Conditioning Supervisor at ext. 153.

Teen Certification Course

Members 13-15 years of age must complete a mandatory Teen Certification course prior to using the Fitness Center. A parent or guardian must be present to register their teen for this course and pay the applicable fee. This 90-minute course will educate and familiarize your teen with our equipment, expectations, and guidelines.

Health History Report

For those 65+ years of age, we recommend your doctor complete and sign a JCC health history form, provided by one of our certified trainers. Bring this completed form to your fitness

consultation before starting a regimen.

Training Sessions

All training sessions including, but not limited to fitness, exercise, swim, and/or sports training can only be performed by approved Sid Jacobson JCC staff.

General Health + Wellness Center Rules

• Members must scan in with their key fob or phone app upon entry. Upon request, proof of Membership must be presented

• Appropriate athletic wear is required. Shoes and shirts are mandatory. Sandals, open-toed, or street shoes are not permitted

• Only water or sports drinks in plastic containers permitted; food is not allowed at any time

• You will be asked to leave the Health + Wellness Center for inappropriate behavior or failure to comply with these rules

Locker Room/Lockers

Male and female locker rooms, as well as a gender-neutral changing room, are available. All visitors are welcome to choose the locker room that

best aligns with their gender identity or expression. Please accompany children 4+ years into the locker room of their gender when supervision is required. When your child’s gender differs from yours, kindly use our Family Changing Room.

• Lockers are available on a daily basis; bring your own lock and use any available locker for the day. Take your belongings and your lock upon leaving. The JCC is not responsible for loss of property

• Eating or drinking is not permitted in the locker rooms

• Locks are available for purchase at the Health + Wellness Center Desk

• Any unauthorized locks left overnight will be clipped and will be held at the H+W Desk for a short period of time before it will be donated

Sauna/Steam Room

• No one under the age of 18 may use the sauna and steam rooms

• If you are taking any medication or have a physical condition, you must consult with your physician before using the sauna/steam room

• Properly cover yourself with a towel or a bathing suit

• Drink water before and after entering

• Limit your time in the sauna/steam room to no more than 15 minutes

• Shower thoroughly prior to use

• Shaving, nail clipping, and other personal grooming is prohibited

• Dressing or undressing is not allowed

• DO NOT use oils, mud, or any other skin products

• DO NOT put any liquids, including water, or clothing on the sauna coals


Swimming Pool Rules

• Bathing caps must be worn by everyone over the age of 5

• Showers should be taken before swimming

• Diving is not permitted

• Children under the age of 13 must be supervised by a responsible adult

• Children wearing a JCC approved flotation device must be within arm’s

length of an adult who remains in the water with them at all times

• Children not 100% toilet trained MUST wear swim diapers under their swimsuits. Children may not be changed on the pool deck

• Appropriate bathing attire must be worn

• All swim lessons/instruction must be given by an SJJCC instructor

• Swimmers must obey the lifeguard. Swimming is prohibited when lifeguard is not on duty

• It is common to share lanes with other members. You may be asked to circle swim. Lifeguards regulate the pool’s activity depending upon the number of swimmers

• The whirlpool is limited to adults over the age of 18

The following are prohibited in the pool or on the pool deck:

• Outside shoes or sneakers; strollers

• Diving, jumping, running, throwing, or “horseplay”

• Food, beverages, shaving, gum chewing, or glass objects

• Persons with open sores or infections

• Spitting, spouting of water, or blowing of the nose

• Swimming across lanes or sitting/hanging on ropes

• Flotation devices (unless provided by pool staff)


Reservation Lap Swim:

All lap reservations and cancellations must be made online. Swimmers must check in with the Aquatics staff at the side door entrance, by the lifeguard office, prior to swimming. During each reservation time slot, a maximum of 11 reservation slots will be available for members.

No Reservation (Open) Swim:

Lifeguards are responsible for overseeing the management of lap lanes and may require swimmers to relocate from their current lane. If there are more than two swimmers in a lane, swim to the right of your lane (“circle swim”). The number of swimmers to a lane is not pre-determined and is up to the discretion of the Aquatics staff. Swim at a steady pace. If you are being passed regularly or if others are swimming at your feet, move to a slower lane.

Swim the entire lap once you start —stopping in the middle of a lane almost always guarantees collisions.

Adjust your strokes to conditions in your lane. Backstroke, wide arm strokes, or wide kicks may cause problems in a crowded lane.

Allow swimmers to make their turns unimpeded. If you are standing by the wall “catching your breath,” allow swimmers the space needed to make their turns or move out of the lane and rest elsewhere.

If there are any problems, notify the Aquatics Supervisor or Lifeguard on duty.


Swimming Pool Rules

All instruction in the Cardio + Conditioning Rooms must be given by a certified JCC personal trainer or instructor.

You will be asked to leave the Cardio + Conditioning Rooms for inappropriate behavior or failure to comply with these rules:

• Members must be 13 years of age or older to use the Cardio + Conditioning Rooms. Members 13-15 years old must complete our Teen

Certification Course to use the Cardio + Conditioning Rooms

• Appropriate athletic wear is required. Shoes and shirts are a must. Sandals, open-toed, or street shoes are not allowed

• Only water or sports drinks in plastic containers permitted; food is not allowed at any time

• 60-minute time limit on all cardio equipment

• Return all fitness items to their proper locations, especially dumbbells and free weight plates

• Do not drop weights or dumbbells

• All bags, coats, and personal items must be left in the locker rooms or on the coat hooks located between the conditioning and cardio rooms

• Wipe down all fitness equipment after use

• Be respectful of others if using your cell phone.

Do not linger on equipment while using your phone

• Allow members to work in with you. Do not “reserve” equipment by leaving personal property on a machine


• Adhere to all posted track rules

• Walk/run in the daily direction of the red arrows on the signs located by the elevator and elsewhere around the track.

o Walkers – Inside Lane

o Joggers – Middle Lane

o Runners – Outside Lane

• Refrain from walking three or more abreast at the same speed

• Stopping or standing on the track is not permitted

• Appropriate athletic footwear must be worn

• Mobility aids such as walkers and strollers not permitted


Class Participation

Ages: 16+ years

We provide a wide variety of FREE group exercise classes. By the first of each month, the schedule is released online and printouts are on display by the Fitness Welcome Desk. All group exercise reservations and cancellations must be made online. The schedule for any given week if

emailed to members and posted on our website the prior Friday.

For the safety of our members, participants are not permitted into the class after the warm-up and stretching segments have been conducted (10 minutes after class has started or when door is closed).

Be considerate of your fellow members when participating in class—gum chewing, perfume, and cell phone use are prohibited.

Voluntary policy—to help keep our studios clean, please consider a separate pair of exercise shoes to be worn exclusively in our studios, not worn outdoors or in the parking lot.


• Classes, leagues, and special programs take preference over recreational activity times. Check the current gymnasium schedule available on our website

• Sneakers or running shoes are mandatory

• No horseplay, fighting, inappropriate language, or disruptive behavior will be permitted

• Food and glass bottles are not permitted


Volunteer Opportunities

As a nonprofit organization, we are always eager to enlist the support of our community. If you’d like to join the ranks of dedicated JCC volunteers and committee members who donate their time and expertise, please contact Volunteer Services at ext. 149.

For information on community service for teens, please contact the Teen Director at ext. 224.

Scholarship Funds

There are users of JCC programs who may not be able to afford some of our programs. Please consider contributing to our Scholarship Fund that will help an individual or family in need. To donate, contact the Front Desk at ext. 100, or see the Front Desk team in person.

Tribute Card

You are welcome to make a gift to Sid Jacobson JCC to honor someone’s accomplishments, birthday or anniversary, or you may acknowledge the birth or passing of a loved one and make a gift in that person’s memory. To donate, please contact the Front Desk at ext. 100, or see the Front Desk team in person. You can also make a gift at!/ donation/checkout.


Your membership dollars help support our social service mission.

In addition to your membership dues, monetary support from corporate and individual sponsors, endowments and donations help Sid Jacobson JCC continue to serve the thousands who rely on us each year. All donations are gratefully appreciated and acknowledged. Contact the Development Office at ext. 281 for further information or donate at

We are thrilled to have you as part of our valued Sid Jacobson JCC community!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Membership at 516.484.1545.

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