Fraternity Service Center
Risk Management Team
Minerva's Shield Quick Reference Guide
Updated October 10, 2024
Below are highlights from Minerva’s Shield. Be sure to read the version HERE.
Hazing: Hazing is illegal, morally wrong, and conduct unbecoming of a True Gentleman, and it contradicts the founding precepts, principles, and mission of our organization. Hazing in any form is forbidden and chapters must be free of hazing at all times If you have to ask if an activity is hazing, then it probably is. No member should ever feel he must prove his worth to be welcomed as a brother. If you learn hazing is taking place, you should report it to the Fraternity Service Center. Some states also have adopted laws that obligate you to immediately report it to local law enforcement and/or the host institution.
Phoenix Member Education: Sigma Alpha Epsilon does not have a pledge process or new member process. Instead, chapters are required to use the Phoenix Member Education, which was inspired by the feedback and collaboration of our collegiate brothers This program replaced The True Gentleman Experience as SAE’s member education program and provides programming for every member of the chapter. Click here for the manual.
● “Slush Funds,” “Passing The Hat” or any collection of money (including Cash App, Venmo, Paypal, etc ) from brothers to purchase alcohol is prohibited (also no chapter funds to be used to buy alcohol).
● Bar minimums may not be covered using chapter funds
● Alcohol above 15% ABV (30 proof) of any variety is prohibited at any SAE event or any Fraternity-related facility or property, which includes events involving parents or alumni (a $500 fine PER bottle will be assessed to the chapter for violation)
● No fraternity event that includes alcohol shall occur during the seven (7) calendar days following the start of each academic year OR the five (5) calendar days preceding final exams, during final exams, and the one (1) calendar day after final exams
● Recruitment events must be DRY. This includes any event where potential recruits may be in attendance
● Member-education activities must be DRY. Chapters must include alcohol awareness in their member-education programming each semester
● No alcohol may be served or present at a philanthropic event sponsored by the chapter, and of course, no person in attendance should be under the influence.Common-containers (punch, kegs, cases of beer, etc ) and common-source alcohol distribution are prohibited on chapter property and at any chapter event NOT at a third-party establishment licensed and insured to provide alcohol (a $5,000 fine will be assessed to the chapter for violation).
Drugs: The possession, sale, use and/or abuse of any illegal drugs is strictly PROHIBITED at any event that could be associated with Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Firearms: The Fraternity recommends that NO firearms including BB, Pellet, or Airguns of ANY type be stored or permitted in chapter houses or on Fraternity property.
Designated-Driver Programs: The Fraternity PROHIBITS designated-driver programs hosted or operated by a chapter We recommend the chapter use a third party like a bus company, Uber, Lyft, or your local taxi service
Sexual Assault: The Fraternity does not tolerate sexual assault, harassment, or misconduct, and our Sexual Assault Response Plan can be found HERE
● Event size: The size of a chapter’s event has important insurance implications, as coverage may not apply when the ratio of guests to members exceeds 3:1 Please note that the ratio may be smaller for larger chapters
● Open parties are not permitted: If a chapter is considering a large event, such as a concert, they are required to contact the Fraternity Service Center and/or our insurance agent at least 30 days prior to the potential event. They will likely need to secure special events insurance. Our liability insurance policy does not typically cover these types of activities.
● Themed events: In selecting themes, members must be aware of the message the theme sends to the community. Themes may not be alcohol-based and may not intimidate or ridicule a person or group based on gender, ethnicity, national origin, race, sexuality, religious or cultural practices
● Water events: Events involving water, like pool parties or canoe trips, must be FREE of alcohol
● Construction for events must be completed by third-party professionals: Aside from simple party decorations, any construction projects for chapter events social or otherwise must be completed by local, licensed professional contractors with proof of acceptable general-liability coverage and a written contract Examples include, but are not limited to, construction of stages, structures of any kind, pools, slip-and-slides, pathways, rope bridges, any wooden structures meant to support a person, car demolitions, bounce houses, and mud bowls for football In addition, the consumption of alcohol at these types of activities or events, even with professional, licensed construction, is strictly prohibited.
Things to watch for: Providing alcohol to minors, using common-container alcohol, such as kegs, hosting recruitment events with alcohol present, purchasing alcohol with chapter funds, having hard alcohol or alcohol above 15% ABV present at any SAE events, participating in drinking games or other high-risk drinking, hazing or observing hazing without intervention
Crisis Management Protocol can be found HERE