Reporting Philanthropy Events & Dollars Raised

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A value we share as members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon is the importance of philanthropy and making a difference in the world. Reporting philanthropy events and dollars raised is now available to report through The SAE Portal. Any member can add events or dollars raised, making reporting your chapters’ philanthropy events and dollars raised much easier. The Service & Philanthropy Chairman (S&P Chairman) should be the primary person creating and managing/adding chapter sponsored philanthropy events and dollars raised to avoid double reporting.

1. Log into The SAE Portal

2. Select your Chapter in the upper right corner.

3. Select the Philanthropy Tile.

4. You will be directed to this page.

5. This dashboard provides a breakdown of your chapter’s total philanthropic activity throughout the year. There is a section for “Total Dollars Raised This Year,” “Total Dollars Raised This Month,” and “Total Dollars Raised This Week.”

6. To create an event or report philanthropic dollars raised, click on the “Create a new philanthropy event” tile.

7. You will be directed to this page. Fill/Type in all supporting information. The more details, the better! Once you complete all the fields, click “Submit.”

8. You will be directed to this page. Click “Continue” to return to the dashboard.

9. The dashboard will immediately update and populate the information on your chapter’s dashboard.

We encourage you to contact the Fraternity Service Center ( if you need additional assistance with reporting your philanthropy events and dollars raised. You and your chapter must utilize this feature in The Portal so that you have all of your chapter’s information in one centralized location and so the Fraternity Service Center can highlight the fantastic work your chapter is doing!

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