Your News, Entertainment & Lifestyle Source PLUS : CITY NEWS | OPINION | SCHOOL | ENTERTAINMENT | CALENDAR | HEALTH & FITNESS Online Shopping Tips Page 4 AUGUST 14, 2022 15 TIPS YOURSTARTINGFORGARDEN7 LOCAL LOCATIONSSUNSET5 THREE WAYS TO KEEP YOUR BONES HEALTHY Valencia | Saugus | Newhall | Canyon Country | Stevenson Ranch | Westridge | Castaic | Val Verde

SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 SATURDAY, JULY 23 SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 City of Palmdale and City of Lancaster present FIREWORKS CELEBRATION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 6 PM MUSIC BY THE PLATINUM GROOVE GATES OPEN 4 PM Tickets $5 • Kids 12 & Under Admitted Free Tickets available online beginning August 1. • Limited on-site www.PalmdaleAmphitheater.comparking.PALMDALEAMPHITHEATERFAMILYOFPARTNERS—THANKYOU!

AUGUST 14, 2022 SUNDAY SIGNAL · 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS The entire content of the Sunday Signal is copyrighted 2022 by Paladin Multi-Media Group, Inc. All submitted letters and columns are strictly the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the publisher. All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. If you would not like this delivered to your home, please call (661)Richard259-1000.Budman Publisher Doña Uhrig Sunday Signal Editor Tim Whyte Signal Editor Sales Representatives Maureen Daniels • Jennifer Ramos • Barbara Ward 25060 Avenue Stanford, Suite 141 | Valencia, CA 91355 661-259-1234 SignalSCV. com SINCE 1919 CHECK US OUT ON NEW TIRE PRICES! FOREIGN & DOMESTIC SPECIALIZING IN PRECISION ELECTRONIC TUNE-UPS, FUEL GENERALIGNITION,INJECTION,SMOGCHECK,AUTOMOTIVEREPAIR 2000 or Newer Model * Must have coupon* Exp. 8/30/22 Most Cars & Light Trucks * Must have coupon* Exp. 8/30/22 SMOG CHECKA/C SERVICE 661-259-4150 24135 Railroad Ave. Newhall (Newhall Ave. Across from William Hart Park) $41.75 + certificate$39.95 + FREON NEWS FEATURES 4 4 Tips for the Best Online Shopping Deals 5 Keep Your Bones Healthy and Strong 6 Things to Consider When Moving Out of State 7 Picture-Perfect Golden State Sunsets FROM THE CITY MANAGER 8 8 Plan Your Next Event with the City FOOD 9 9 Bountiful Weekend Brunch Overnight apple Cinnamon French Toast Casserole Brown Sugar Pound Cake ENTERTAINMENT 11 11 ‘Prey’ Could be the Best ‘Predator’ Movie HEALTH 12 12 Thyroid Cancer Causes and Symptoms SENIOR LIVING 13 13 How Tech Can Help You Age in Place HOME 14 14 Simple and Serene Bath Features GARDENING 15 15 Tips for Starting or Expanding Your Garden KIDS & FAMILY 17 17 Donna’s Day: Watermelon Checkerboard Salad Junior Whirl PUZZLES 18 OPINION 19 David Hegg HOW TO PROTECT YOUR LANDSCAPE IN A DROUGHT STAGE 2 EFFICIENT IRRIGATION PRACTICES • THE TIME OF DAY YOU WATER MATTERS. Early morning (midnight to 9 a.m.) or late at night (8 p.m. to midnight) will keep more water on your landscape, rather than evaporating in the heat and wind. • HOW LONG YOU WATER MATTERS. Much of our SCV soil is clay, which means there is typically runoff after 5 minutes of traditional irrigation. By breaking the 10-minute watering time into two 5-minute or less cycles, your landscape will soak up more of the water it needs. • YOUR IRRIGATION ZONES MATTER. Two 5-minute cycles are allowed per irrigation zone. Meaning, each section of your groundcover, shrubs or other landscaped areas can be watered a maximum of twice a day, no more than 5 minutes each time. If you need to hand-water brown spots, use a hose with an automatic shutoff nozzle. This smart practice is more efficient than increasing running sprinklers. EXEMPTIONS Watering day and time limits do not apply to: • Landscape irrigation zones that use drip irrigation or high efficiency sprinkler nozzles with low precipitation rates (equal to or less than 1 inch per hour). • The hand watering of established trees as well as fruits and vegetables for human consumption.

Make a list of items you’d like to purchase this year and research the best times to shop so you can get the best deal possible. Use online shopping tools for price comparison, cash back and coupons or discounts. There are numerous shopping apps and tools that help ensure you’re getting what you need at the lowest price. Some even offer cash back for simply using the savings tool when you complete your pur chase.It’seven easier if you do your on line shopping on Microsoft Edge, the browser with built-in tools de signed to save you time and money. No need to download extensions to your phone or laptop! On average, people save about 20% (or around $25) when shopping in Microsoft Edge using features like: Coupon alert You’ll be alerted about any coupons available for the site you’re browsing, which can be automatically applied at checkout. Price comparisons Microsoft Edge will check prices at competing re tailers for lower prices. Price history Plan your next online purchase by looking at historical price trends to fit your budget. Price change alerts You’ll be item urgently, leave it in your cart. You’ll likely get an email the same day or a day or two later that the item you were thinking of purchas ing has had a price drop. Use your credit card’s cash back. Are you using your cash-back rewards? If you have a cash-back credit card, you make back some of what you spent on your regular purchases like gas, groceries and household products. While it may not seem like a lot for individual purchases, cash-back rewards can quickly add up, so you can put that money in the bank or apply it to ward other purchases. Join loyalty and rewards programs. You’ve probably been asked at grocery stores, clothing retailers and gas stations about joining the store’s loyalty and rewards program. These programs are generally free to sign up for, and you can even do it at checkout in most places that of fer them. Simply input your phone number and/or email address and you’ll earn reward points or receive coupons and discounts for future purchases.Smartshopping pays off. Use these five tips while shopping on line for all your summer needs. (BPT)
Check out these five tips to help you save time and money this sum mer. Wait and shop at the right time. If you’ve ever bought something during a Black Friday sale, you know how rewarding it can be to wait and get a big-ticket item at a bargain price. You can use this tac tic year-round by becoming familiar with seasonal retail sales. According to NerdWallet, if you’re looking for fitness equipment for your home gym or TVs and elec tronics, then take advantage of dis counts in January. If you need to replace your old mattress, wait and buy in September around Labor Day.
Tips for the Best Online Deals this Summer
NEWS FEATURE S ummer can bring a flurry of activities and experienc es. Whether you’re traveling to see friends and fami ly, camping, going to the beach or simply enjoying outdoor summer activities, this time of year can quickly put a dent in your bank ac count.Shopping online can help make summer fun more affordable. You can find great online deals on beach and pool accessories, warm-weath er clothing and more. However, to make sure you’re getting the best deals, you’ll need to follow some online shopping strategies.
Reviews and ratings Access online expert reviews and customer ratings for over five million products Express checkout Microsoft Edge will autofill your information so you can speed through checkout. “We want to help people save time and money so they can focus on the things that matter most,” said Liat Ben-Zur, corporate vice president of marketing, Microsoft. “Whatev er you’re searching for, whether it’s clothing, gifts or furniture, you can shop confidently with our built-in savings tools and know you’re get ting the best deal without all the ex tra leg work.” Avoid markups by beating dynamic pricing. Have you ever gone to buy a plane ticket and realized that the price has gone up within a matter of hours? Dynamic pricing (also known as surge pricing, demand pricing and time-based pricing) is to blame. This strategy allows companies to adjust the price of an item in real time based on supply and demand. To avoid markups, delete your browser’s cookies or shop in a pri vate window, especially when buy ing airline tickets or booking a hotel room. Also, if you don’t need an
alerted if items you’ve viewed have changed in price.

• Tofu made with calcium
Make sure you’re getting enough calcium in your diet. Ninety-eight percent of the body’s calcium is stored in the bones, making this mineral critical for building and maintaining strong bones. Getting too little calcium can potentially lower your bone mass and make you more susceptible to osteoporosis. Dairy foods such as milk, yogurt and cheese are excellent sources of calcium. For those who don’t consume dairy products, there are plenty of other food options including:
• Calcium-fortified plant milks and foods
Purple Power Smoothie Prep Time 5 minutes Servings 1 large smoothie or 2 small smooth ies Ingredients1/4 cup diced California Prunes 1 cup baby spinach leaves 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt 3/4 cup Pomegranate juice 1/2 cup frozen berries (can be a mixture of berries or just strawberries) 1 teaspoon honey 1 cup ice Directions 1. Add all ingredients into a blender except ice. 2. Blend until smooth. 3. Add ice until you achieve desired consis tency. tabolism, mineralization and formation. Too little vitamin K in the diet may weaken bones increasing the risk for fractures. Much like consuming natural sources of calcium and vitamin D can support bone health, so does eating foods with vitamin K. California Prunes are a delicious plant-based food high in bone-building vitamin K. Plus, prunes provide minerals like copper and boron, which are also important for bone health. A study from Pennsylvania State University found that daily prune consumption preserved bone mineral density (BMD) at the hip and pro tected against increased fracture risk in postmeno pausal women. A hip fracture is a serious injury that commonly leads to hospitalization, diminished quality of life, loss of independence and a short ened life span. “The naturally sweet flavor of prunes makes them a versatile ingredient or convenient snack for anyone,” says California Prune Board’s nutri tion advisor, Andrea N. Giancoli, MPH, RD. “Just a handful of prunes a day can easily be incorporated into any eating plan. Add them to salads, trail mix es, cereal, smoothies and savory dishes.”
Hit the Weights
If you avoid the weight rack at the gym, you should reconsider. Weight-bearing and resistance training doesn’t just help you build muscle. It can also help build strong bones. Research has shown that resistance training may slow bone loss, rebuild bone and potentially offset age-related bone mass loss.There are plenty of ways to incorporate strength training into your workout routine. Not ready to start lifting free weights or weight machines? Re sistance bands are an easy and approachable way to do strength training. Best of all, you can use them in the comfort of your own home. Looking for the perfect way to start your day and support your bone health? This purple pow er smoothie is refreshingly delicious and ideal for your daily routine! For more recipes with prunes, visit California (BPT)
• Almonds
• Dark, leafy greens like broccoli and kale
Healthy and Strong NEWS FEATURE
Check Your Calcium and Vitamin D Intake
t’s never too early (or too late) to take care of your bones. After all, your bones are the supporting structure that allow you to move every day and they protect your vital organs. According to the National Institutes of Health, bones store minerals, namely calcium and phos phorous, for later use, so your body has what it needs.Your body reaches a maximum amount of bone, or bone mass, by age 30. As you age, you lose bone mass which can weaken your bones and can lead to injury. In fact, 1 in 3 women over the age of 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis. While the disease is more common in women, 1 in 5 men over age 50 will also break a bone due to osteoporosis. This “silent disease” can be easi ly overlooked but taking stock of your bone health now along with the right nutrition and exercise could help increase your bone strength and reduce your risk of fracture. Check out these three tips to keep your bones healthy and strong. Get Plenty of Vitamin K Vitamin K is an essential nutrient vital for main taining and supporting bone health. Several bone proteins rely on this vitamin to regulate bone me
• Soybeans (aka edamame) and pinto beans
• Calcium-fortified juices and cereals
• Canned salmon and sardines with bones
Three Ways to Keep Your Bones
For your body to properly absorb and use calci um, you’ll also need enough of the sunshine vita min, vitamin D. This vitamin is naturally found in only a few foods like fatty fish, egg yolks and some mushrooms. Milk is fortified with vitamin D as are most plant milks. Your body can also make its own vitamin D by exposing your skin to the sun. How much calcium and vitamin D you need depends on your age and sex. Before you change your diet, make sure you talk with your doctor or registered dietitian. If your calcium and vitamin D intakes are still low after changing your diet, your doctor or dietitian may recommend taking supple ments.

“I always wanted to move to Mon tana because I couldn’t take the heat in the SCV,” she said. “It also seemed it kept getting hotter and hotter.”
One surprise for Woodgerd in Montana was the lack of gardeners. “There are no gardeners here,” she said. “I have to mow my own lawn now, which I’ve found I enjoy.”
By Michele E. Buttelman Signal Staff Writer M oving out of California is a hot topic of con versation throughout the Santa Clarita Val ley, and throughout the state, as well. If you’ve been thinking of relocat ing to another state you are not alone. According to the United States Postal Service California saw a net loss of more than 101,000 households in 2021 making it the number one state in the nation followed by people leav ing New York, Illinois and Pennsyl vania.Reasons given for leaving Califor nia include high taxes, increased cost of living, high housing prices and de clining quality of life. A WalletHub survey released in March reported the top five states in order of tax burden, which includes state income tax, property tax and sales and excise taxes, are 1. New York, 12.75% 2. Hawaii, 12.70% 3. Maine, 11.42% 4. Vermont, 11.13% 5. Minnesota, 10.20%.
Service Providers Plumbers, electricians and contrac tors are often booked far in advance in many areas. Weather Conditions If moving to an area where there is snow in the winter it is important to invest in a car with all-wheel drive.
Considering the California Exodus? Things to Look At
Postal Changes Change your address with the post office. To view the WalletHub report, lowest-tax-burden/
Former Saugus residents Juli and Blaine Woodgerd moved to Missoula in 2022 and learned that winters in Montana are very different. In addition to having to clean their driveway and walks, they could not find a gardener and now mow their own lawns.
To register their cars the Poores first had to visit a local police station with a $20 cashier’s check to have their vehicles vehical identification numbers verified. Then they could move forward to the state DMV to register the vehicles. “Our vehicles then had to undergo a complete inspection and we re ceived a sticker on our windshield,” hePooresaid. was surprised that no paper registration was necessary to carry in the glove box. “The sticker serves as the registra tion,” he said. Texas Jim and Stephanie Weiss of Saugus were ahead of the California exodus curve when they moved to George town, a rural suburb 30 minutes out side of Austin, Texas in 2010. Weiss who grew up in the San Fer nando Valley and considers Santa Clarita her hometown initially found the move difficult, but soon made new friends through her church and other activities. In addition to lower gas prices and lower taxes Weiss said there are many
Here are the top tips from people who’ve made an out-of-state move. Do Your Research Research more than one neighbor hood. Don’t limit yourself with pre conceived ideas of exactly where you want to live. Research crime, weather, cost of insurance, nearby hospitals, grocery and drug stores. Country Living It sounds great to live in the “coun try.” Be aware that homes in most ru ral areas are not connected to sewers. Septic systems require maintenance and changes in daily living (no grease down the drain and one-ply toilet tis sue is recommended). Medical Access Access to quality medical care is an important consideration. In many areas of the country finding a new doctor, dentist and specialists can be challenging. Veterinarians are also in high demand. Reliable Mover Find a mover you can trust and ask for personal references. Horror stories abound of misdirected deliv eries, lost and damaged furniture and long waits. Get everything in writing. Make sure everything is insured. Take treasured family heirlooms with you, don’t trust anything with a mover you don’t want to lose.
California is ranked ninth at 9.72%. The states with the lightest tax bur den45.areFlorida, 6.64% 46. New Hampshire, 6.41% 47. Wyoming, 6.32% 48. Delaware, 6.22% 49. Tennessee, 5.75% 50. Alaska, 5.06%.
The top three destinations for Cal ifornia residents according to the postal service are Texas (tax burden #32. 8.22%), Nevada (#33. 8.19%) and Arizona (#29. 8.39%.) People who have taken the leap to move out of state recommend doing thorough research on your new state before you move. Dennis Poore, a former resident of Canyon Country, said he was sur prised at the number of differences between California and Rhode Island. “Some things are so different it’s al most like the United States is really 50 different countries,” he said. Rhode Island Dennis and Wendy Poore moved in April of 2022 to join family in Provi dence, R.I. other pluses to life in Texas. One of the pleasant surprises of liv ing in Texas Weiss noted is the lack of smog.“Iwas surprised at how blue the sky is in Texas,” she said. “There are big white fluffy clouds we see about every day.”Weiss said learning where the gro cery stores and shopping centers are located was among the first challeng es she “Theencountered.hardestthing for to learn was the pattern of roads and freeways in Texas,” she said. “Texas has a lot of frontage roads and you have to know where the exit road is you need to take. I can’t tell you how many times I would get off at the wrong exit and figure out how to go back.” Weiss said another plus is how friendly and mannered people are in Texas.“Kids have manners here,” she said. “Kids are raised very differently in Texas.” Montana Juli and Blaine Woodgerd moved to Missoula, Montana early during the pandemic in August of 2020. “My in-laws called and said they needed help so we decided to make the move,” Juli Woodgerd said. Woodgerd was a one-year-old when her family moved to Saugus. A graduate of Saugus High School she said the couple knew they wanted to eventually retire to Montana, but ex pected the move to be a decade away.
The first surprise that greeted the Poores in R.I. was when they pur chased their home. “In Rhode Island they don’t have escrow. Home sales are conducted en tirely with the assistance of attorneys. The seller and the buyer each have an attorney that is paid out of pocket,” Dennis Poore said.

Santa Clarita Valley
Ventura Pier One of the best spots for memorable sunset photos in Ventura is on the Ventura Pier (450 E. Harbor Blvd., Ventura 93001). Stand on the beach as the setting sun glances off the ocean and take a photo of pier, first built in 1872, with the sun set ting over the Channel Islands in the distance.
Mission Beach Boardwalk (W. Mission Bay Drive, San Diego 92109) is a lively destination in San Diego. This beach stays busy even as the sun drops. The boardwalk runs along the ocean for nearly two miles allowing many opportunities for beautiful sunset photos. tiful colors when the sun is going down are worth theSeeeffort.Canyon Country bathed in the beautiful golden hues of “magic hour” at Todd Longshore Park (28151 Whites Canyon Road, Canyon Coun try 91351). This small park with a big view offers a sweeping panorama of the city as the warm glow of golden hour washes over the landscape below. As the sun disappears from view the city comes alive as the lights below sparkle like jewels in the distance.
Huntington Beach Known as Surf City USA, this 3.5-mile-long beach (1 Main St., Huntington Beach 92648) offers many spots to watch the sunset. The best sunset view is near the Huntington Beach Pier. Seeing the reds, oranges and purples of the sunset behind the pier’s silhouette is breathtaking. Jutting out 1,850 feet into the Pacific Ocean, the iconic Huntington Beach Pier is one of the lon gest concrete piers on the West Coast. You can find picture-perfect year-round sunsets as the sun sinks quietly below the horizon. Frame a few palm trees in your photo against the golden glow of sunset for the classic Southern California sunset photo. Santa Monica Pier Sunset at Santa Monica Pier (200 Santa Monica Pier, Santa Monica 90401) offers a special vantage point if you hop onto the Ferris Wheel for a unique California sunset experience. You can also take a romantic stroll along the 1,600-foot-long pier while watching the sun dip below the Pacific Ocean. An other classic sunset shot features the Ferris Wheel framed against the golden sky.
Oceanside Pier (1 Oceanside Pier, Oceanside 92054) is an historic 125-year-old pier. It is near ly 2,000 feet long and is one of the longest piers on the West Coast of the United States. This San Diego icon is home to both fishermen and surfers, perfect silhouettes in a sunset photo.
The riding and walking path at Iron Horse Trail head (25311 Magic Mountain Parkway, Valencia 91355) begins with the historic 1898 railroad trestle bridge adjacent to Magic Mountain Parkway and connects to the South Fork Trail. Watch the sunset from the trestle bridge with Six Flags Magic Moun tain in the background. Frame the theme park’s roller coaster loops and towers against the sunset backdrop for memorable photos. The dramatic rock formations caused by seismic uplift at Vasquez Rocks Natural Area and Nature Center (10700 Escondido Canyon Road, Agua Dulce 91390) are a beautiful setting for sunset pho tos. You might need to do a bit of climbing to get the best angle, but the stark scenery with the beau State Beaches, Robert H. Meyer Memorial State Beach, is made up of a number of cove or cliff-foot strands known as “pocket beaches” along the west end of the city of Malibu. There are signs on Pacific Coast Highway with the names of the beaches: El Pescador, La Piedra and El Matador. Each of these three small beach es are a jewel unto themselves. All sites are located along Pacific Coast Highway near Encinal Canyon Road,LimitedMalibu.parking is available at the bluff top with paths leading down to the beach. You can take in golden hour from atop the bluff and watch as the horizon takes on a honey-colored hue and the cream-colored rock formations take on the rich colors of the sunset. Walk down the stairs and ex plore the rugged coastline of rocky outcrops, arches and caves. San Diego Jacobs Park (222 Marina Park Way, San Diego 92101) is a lush public park surrounded by water on three sides, which means it offers 360-degree views of downtown, the marina and San Diego Bay, creating a perfect backdrop for golden hour photos. With a name like Sunset Cliffs Natural Park at Ladera Street, San Diego, it would be very disap pointing if this spot didn’t offer a great view of the San Diego sunset. The park’s topography includes intricately carved coastal bluffs, arches and sea caves. It affords inspiring panoramic ocean views.
Santa Monica Vasquez Rocks Malibu
Malibu Located between Leo Carrillo and Point Dume
By Michele E. Buttelman Signal Staff Writer W hat is it about sunsets? Why does a perfect sunset, when the sun hovers just at the horizon, make us stop and appreciate the colors of the sky, appreciate the beauty of that life-giving golden orb and savor that fleeting moment before the world is plunged into darkness? Photographers and cinematographers have long sought the picture-perfect images captured during “golden hour,” the time the warm, soft color of the setting sun enhances the colors of the surrounding landscape. This “magic hour” of diffuse and warm light can create spectacular photographs. This summer in the Santa Clarita Valley residents have shared countless images of stunning sunsets. From Castaic to Canyon County, from Acton to Stevenson Ranch the skies of the SCV have been lit up with the setting sun using the colors from nature’s paintbox of indigo, lavender, purple, pink, orange, tangerine and red. Beautiful photos of spectacular sunsets can be captured nearly everywhere in the SCV and nearly everywhere you travel in the Golden State. Here’s a few locations you might want to visit to celebrate “golden hour” in the Golden State.
Picture-Perfect Sunset Locations in the Golden State

The Cube — Ice and Entertainment Center, Pow ered by FivePoint | Valencia, is another unique ven ue catering to the needs of the business community in Santa Clarita. While you may think of The Cube as strictly an ice skating rink, it actually offers an additional 9,600 square feet of private event space and can accommodate groups of up to 100. You can even reserve private ice time too! Learn more about available meeting and event rooms at The Cube by visiting The next time you are planning a special event or corporate meeting, discover the uniqueness and beauty you can only find in Santa Clarita. These City facilities and more are available to reserve by visiting
Ken Striplin can be reached at The views expressed in his column are those of the City and do not necessarily reflect those of The Signal. and guests comfortable on even the warmest days. City residents can also reserve a variety of in door venues, which are great for weddings, galas, non-profit events and more. The Centre, located at 20880 Centre Pointe Parkway, has a variety of spaces available that are unique and customizable, so you get the exact set up you want. Do you need banquet seating for an awards ceremony? How about a classroom-style layout for professional development? The Centre has you covered! One of the City’s newest event spaces is the Mitchell River House at Vista Canyon Park, located off Lost Canyon Road west of Sand Canyon Road. The venue features a bridal room, warming kitch CITY MANAGER Your Next Event with the City of Santa Clarita
By Ken Striplin Santa Clarita City Manager S anta Clarita offers something you just don’t see in other cities — ideal places for any type and style of event imaginable. Known as a preferred destination for Holly wood productions needing to film on location for television and mov ies, Santa Clarita is known for its beautiful open space, idyllic neighborhoods and variety of event spaces. If you are planning a special event, including a birthday, retirement party, wedding or a corporate gathering, the City of Santa Clarita has the perfect venue. From shaded picnic areas at City Parks to new indoor-outdoor locations that honor the City’s rich history, you can ensure that you have the back drop you want so you can focus on other aspects of theMoreevent.than 20 City of Santa Clarita parks offer picnic areas that can be reserved in advance. With all of the planning that goes into birthday parties, knowing that you have a reservation at the park allows the rest of the day to go smoothly. Plus, cov ered picnic areas offer shade to keep your family en and outdoor lawn, while the house itself boasts vaulted ceilings and includes a look at the history of the Mitchell family and the surrounding area in theThefoyer.Mitchell River House pays tribute to Santa Clarita’s rich heritage and offers an intimate and rustic space for small gatherings.

Toppletely.with sweetened whipped cream and fresh fruit, if de sired.
Nonstick cooking spray 1 package (20 ounces) French bread, cubed, divided 1 can (20 ounces) apple pie filling 9 eggs 1 cup half-and-half 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1 cup powdered sugar, plus additional (optional) 2 tablespoons milk, plus additional (optional) Spray 8-by-8-inch glass baking dish with nonstick cooking spray.
F resh air, warm sun and delicious foods make brunch a favorite weekend event. Set the stage (and the table) for an invit ing experience with recipes that cover all the bases from snacks and desserts to a mouthwa tering main course. Tide the appetite of your guests with Overnight Apple Cinnamon French Toast Casserole for a sim ple centerpiece. Just as those delectable dishes are vanishing, pull Brown Sugar Pound Cake out of the oven and pair with sweetened whipped cream and fresh fruit for a sweet finishing touch. Visit to find more ways to broaden your brunch menu. Perfect for any brunch occasion is a delicious dish that can be made a day in advance, simplifying your morning prep before guests arrive with growl ingPreparedstomachs.the day before and chilled overnight, this Overnight Apple Cinnamon French Toast Cas serole is ready to bake to perfection in the morn ing with a gooey interior and crisp exterior filled with mouthwatering flavor. Drizzle with glaze then dish out to loved ones for a delicious way to make brunch easy. Overnight Apple Cinnamon French Toast Servings:Casserole12
In baking dish, add 10 ounces cubed French bread in bottom of dish. Pour apple filling over bread. Top with remaining cubed French bread. Set aside. In medium bowl, whisk eggs, half-and-half and cinnamon. Pour evenly over bread. Cover with aluminum foil and chill overnight.
Heat oven to 325 F. Remove foil and bake 50-60 minutes. Let cool 10-15 minutes. In small bowl, whisk powdered sugar and milk. Add additional, if needed, until pourable glaze is reached. Drizzle over casserole before serving. (Family Features)
Brown Sugar Pound Cake Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 1 hour Servings: 8 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour, plus additional for coating pan, divided 1 cup packed C&H Light Brown Sugar 1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened 4 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon sweetenedsaltwhipped cream, for topping (optional) fresh fruit, such as strawberries and blueberries, for topping (optional) Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease and flour 9-by-5-by-3-inch loaf pan. In large bowl, beat sugar and butter until fluffy. Beat in eggs one at a time. Add va nilla. In separate bowl, combine 1 3/4 cups flour, baking powder and salt. Gradually add to sugar mixture. Pour batter into pan. Bake 1 hour, or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Remove from pan and turn out on rack to cool com

10 · SUNDAY SIGNAL AUGUST 14, 2022 T he Expendables started out as a spirit ed party band in high school covering Surf-rock nuggets such as Dick Dale’s “Miserlou” and “Wipe Out” for birth days and family gatherings, but in their nearly 25-year career, elementary school buddies Raul Bianchi, Adam Peterson and Geoff Weers, along with bassist Ryan Demars, who joined in 2000, have forged a unique original sound born in the laid-back beach life of their Santa Cruz, California hometown. The Expendables: A Rare Live Acoustic Performance ENTERTAINMENT The Expendables’ infectious hybrid of ska, surfrock, punk, reggae and metal is one of a kind. Still wanting to improve after all these years, The Expendables approach their 25th anniversary with out looking over their shoulders, knowing there’s always room to focus and grow as musicians. In other words, The Expendables haven’t yet hit their ceiling.Youcan see The Expendables live at The Canyon Santa Clarita on November 19. Tickets are avail able online through AXS, over the phone at (888) 645-5006, and in person at the Canyon Santa Clar ita box office. For more information, visit www.

WWW LAEMMLE COM has honed her tracking, hunting and healing skills on her own, much to the amusement and sometimes de rision of the male-dominated tribe, including her older brother, Taabe (Dakota Beavers), who is clearly pro tective of his sister and keeps insisting she’s not ready to go out on her first hunt and might never be prepared for all the dangers lurking in the wild. “Why do you want to hunt?” says Naru’s mother, Aruka (Michelle Thrush).“Because you all think I can’t!” comes the fast reply. (At times it feels as if Naru could be a live-action char acter in a forward-thinking Disney adventure — if that adventure includ ed a giant killing being from the plan et Yautja Prime.) After a little foreshadowing involv ing some semi-cheesy, 1990s-level special effects that announce some thing wicked this way flies, with cine matographer Jeff Cutter contributing some terrific overhead shots, we’re plunged into a typical horror-movie storyline, with Naru the only one in the Comanche Nation who believes the tracks they’re finding are too big for a bear, and the carnage they’re discovering is too horrific to be caused by lions. After all, Naru is just a silly teenage girl, and the men are skilled and fearless warriors! “Prey” features a number of pulse-pounding set pieces, as when Naru literally finds herself up a tree and facing a lion, or when she is plunged into a pit of quicksand (!) and has to come up with an inge nious means of escape. Time and again, Naru and her loyal dog escape danger, but this is the kind of rip-to-
E A S T E R S U N DAY C Sun: 1:30 7:30; Mon to Thu: 1:30 4:30 7:30 Stand up comedy sensation Jo Koy stars as a man returning home for an Easter celebration with h s r otous, bickering, eating, dr nking, laughing, loving fam ly, in this love letter to his Fil pino American commun ty N O P E E 1:10 4:00 7:00 The film reunites Peele with Oscar® winner Daniel Kaluuya who is joined by Keke Palmer and Oscar® nominee Steven Yeun as residents in a lonely gulch of inland Cal fornia who bear witness to an uncanny and chill ng discover y
- PresentsMarrying Myself A Farcical Comedy — An unmarried 38-year-old decides to give up on men, but lives the fantasy of being a bride at a wedding and decides to marry herself. Her hilarious girlfriends support her and her selfish mother objects. Outdoor screening on Sunday, August 21st 7:45 PM. Bring a folding chair & jacket. $5 per person includes concessions. RSVP 21430 Centre Pointe Parkway, Santa Clarita, CA 91350
W H E R E T H E C R AW DA D S S I N G C 1:00 4:00 7:10 Kya, an abandoned girl who raised herself to adulthood in the dangerous marshlands of Nor th Carol na, finds herse f drawn to opens herself to two young men from town N AT I O N A L T H E AT R E L I V E: H E N RY V Mon: 7:30 PM; Tue: 1:00 PM Kit Harington leads the cast in an exciting modern produc tion, exploring what it means to be English and our relationsh p to Europe Shakespeare s ever popular play is a thril ing study of nationalism, war and the psychology of power TM
L a e m m l e T h e a t r e s • S a n t a C l a r i t a S i g n a l 3 c o l ( 4 . 7 5 ” ) x 5 . 9 ” A d i n s e r t i o n d a t e : A d c r e a t i o n / d e l i v e r y d a t e : a d s o u r c e @ e x h i b i t o r a d s . c o m p . 8 8 8 . 7 3 7 . 2 8 1 2 f . 2 0 3 . 4 3 8 . 1 2 0 6 Tu e s d ay, A u g u s t 9 , 2 0 2 2 a t 1 1 : 2 8 : 1 6 A M C A S C S L E M 0 8 1 4 0 8 1 8 . q x p Sunday-Thursday, August 14-18, 2022 E M I LY T H E C R I M I N A L E Sun: 1:20 4:20 7:20; Mon: 1:20 4:20; Tue: 4:20 7:20; Wed & Thu: 1:20 4:20 7:20 Emily is saddled with student debt and locked out of the job market due to a minor criminal record Em ly soon finds herself seduced by the quick cash and illicit thrills of black market capitalism, and increasingly nterested in her mentor Youcef M AC K & R I TA C 1:30 7:30 A disillus oned 30 someth ng who s exhausted by soc etal demands and wishes to be comfor table n her sk n like her
M R S. H A R R I S G O E S TO PA R I S B 4:15 PM Mrs Harris Goes To Paris tells the stor y of a widowed cleaning lady in 1950s London who falls madly in love w th a couture Dior dress She works, star ves and gambles to raise the funds, then embarks on a life changing adventure in Paris
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Bringing the Finest in Film to the SC V!
By Richard Roeper Signal Contributing Writer ‘Prey’ (out of four)
20th Century Studios presents a film directed by Dan Trachtenberg and written by Patrick Aison. Hulu. W e might be damn ing “Prey” with faint or should we semi-invisiblesaypraise by saying it’s the best “Predator” movie since the original. The testos terone-fueled, “Get to the choppa!” B-movie classic of 1987 was followed by a series of forgettable sequels that reached a nadir with the execra ble “Alien vs. Predator” (2004) and the somehow even worse “Alien vs. Predator: Requiem” (2007), but this IS the best entry in the franchise since the first one. Against all odds, we actually find ourselves looking forward to anoth er “Predator” movie — if it’s a direct sequel to this chapter, and it features the return of Amber Midthunder, who gives a captivating, live-wire of a performance as the driving force of theWithstory.a strong script that features terrific action and economically ef ficient dialogue from Patrick Aison and crisp direction by Dan Tracht enberg (who’s now two-for-two in the “There’s Something Out There!” genre after his debut with “10 Clover field Lane” in 2016), “Prey” is a deep cut of a prequel, set in the Comanche Nation in the Great Plains in 1719. “A long time ago, it is said, a mon ster came here,” says Midthunder’s Naru, an independent spirit who ‘Prey’ Could Be the Best ‘Predator’ Movie Since the Original shreds movie that has us genuinely worrying that even the dog might not make it to the end. One of the most intense sequences involves an enor mous bear who is about to gobble up Naru when you-know-who shows up. And while the chief antagonist is indeed the Predator (played by Dane DiLiegro) in all his metallic-fingered, dreadlocked, translucent and mon strous glory, he’s just a Predator doing what a Predator is programmed to do — unlike a group of vicious, sa distic and ruthless French fur trap pers, who take sick delight in their violence, whether it’s against animals or humans. As much as we’re rooting for Naru to take down the Predator, there’s possibly even more satisfaction to be had when she has to outwit and outfight those rotten trappers. Time and again, Naru is under estimated — by her tribe, including her own family members; by those twisted and violent fur trappers; by animals in the wild and by the Preda tor, who at times seems indifferent to Naru, perhaps because she’s a woman, perhaps because she has no firepower of any kind, just a hatchet and a bow and arrow, and her guile. How can one teenage girl hope to take down this enormous, often invisible, fero cious, emotionally intelligent extra terrestrial being with a wide array of weapons at its disposal? Let’s just say “Prey” comes up with ingenious ways to even the odds. Just a few weeks ago, we saw Midthunder give an authentic, im pactful, moving performance as a very modern 24-year-old in the grip ping romantic drama “The Wheel.” With her blazing screen presence in “Prey” -- moving with athletic grace through the wild, delivering her lines with power and wit and style — there’s little doubt we are witnessing the ascension of a true star. 2022 Chicago Sun-Times grandmother Wh le at her best friend’s par ty, she stumbles into a “sound bath regress on pod” and emerges as a 70 year old B O D I E S B O D I E S B O D I E S E 1:00 3:15 5:30 7:45 When a group of rich 20 somethings plan a hurricane par ty at a remote fam ly mansion, a par ty game turns deadly in this fresh and funny look at backstabbing, fake friends, and one par ty gone ver y, ver y wrong B U L L E T T R A I N E 1:10 4:10 7:10 An unlucky assassin determined to do his job peacefu ly after one too many gigs gone off the rails Fate, however, may have other plans, as Ladybug’s latest mission puts him on a collis on course with lethal adversaries from around the globe

Medullary thyroid cancer
There are several types of thyroid cancer: A doctor may recommend an ultrasound and physical exam if thyroid cancer is suspected. A fine needle aspiration biopsy also may be ordered.
Approved medications for treating thyroid can cer are available. Radioactive iodine may be used to treat cancers that have metastasized outside the neck area. Surgery to remove a portion or the en tire thyroid can sometimes cure the cancer alto gether.Thyroid cancer may not be the most prevalent cancer, but it is worthy of attention to increase the chances that it is detected early. (MC)
The ATA says thyroid cancer often presents as a lump in the thyroid and does not cause any other symptoms, which can make it challenging to diag nose. Nodules often are detected during imaging tests being used to test for other illnesses. If lumps are large enough, they may show when looking in a mirror or they may cause pain or trouble with swallowing and breathing. Causes and Symptoms
Who gets thyroid cancer?
This is a rare type of thyroid cancer that primarily affects people over the age of 50. If this type of thyroid cancer is ag gressive, it may spread to the lungs and bones.
HEALTH Caring. Compassionate. Committed.
Adults and children with an inherited gene that causes increased risk for medullary thyroid cancer should be cautious. Some high risk people consider having a thyroidectomy (thyroid removal) as a pro phylactic way to prevent thyroid cancer, says the MayoWomenClinic.are more likely to get thyroid cancer than men, and Whites are more likely than Blacks to develop it. Individuals who work around radia tion also are at an elevated risk. But thyroid cancer is very treatable, even in patients with advanced stages of the disease.
What is the thyroid? The thyroid is a gland located in the base of the front of the neck. It is responsible for producing hormones that regulate a number of functions, in cluding blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate and weight. It also affects how individuals con sume oxygen.
Papillary thyroid cancer
This accounts for up to 80 percent of all thyroid cancer cases. It grows slow ly but may spread to the lymph nodes in the neck.
Anaplastic thyroid cancer
Thyroid Cancer
hyroid cancer is a relatively uncommon form of the disease, especially when compared to more prevalent types. In fact, the American Thyroid Associa tion reports that approximately 44,000 people will be diagnosed with thyroid cancer in the United States this year, compared to more than 280,000 with breast cancer and 150,000 with colon cancer.
Follicular thyroid cancer
What is thyroid cancer? Like other cancers, thyroid cancer develops when cells mutate and begin multiplying rapidly. When enough of these abnormal cells accumulate, they form a tumor, says WebMD. Are there different types of thyroid cancer?
This begins in thyroid cells called C cells, which produce the hormone calcitonin. Calcitonin regulates calcium in the blood, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Thyroid cancer treatment
This grows quickly and can be difficult to treat. It tends to occur in people older than 60 and may cause severe symptoms, like neck swelling and difficulty breathing and swallow ing. Symptoms of thyroid cancer
Nonetheless, thyroid cancer can still strike and af fect the body in various ways, and it can help people from all walks of life to learn about the disease.

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• pill dispensers can help ensure you never miss a dose or take too much medication. Depending on your needs, you may need to look for a solution offering both visual and audio notifications, or one suited for those with limited dexterity.
• Motion-sensing lighting can make nocturnal trips to the bathroom — common in one’s golden years — much safer, helping to reduce the risk of dangerous trips and falls. Many lighting options plug directly into outlets, while others are battery-op erated and can be installed anywhere. Be sure to include these fixtures in bedrooms, hallways and bathrooms. “True independence must be ac companied by peace of mind for you, your family and your caregivers,” says Simmons. “By adopting new technol ogies, you can help create a virtu al safety net, enabling you to stay at home while living in a safe environ ment and providing piece of mind to your loved ones.” (SPT)
B y 2030, almost a quarter of the American population will be over the age of 65, up from 16% in 2020, cre ating a situation that’s going to drive greater demand and greater pressure on the care industry. In addition to a larger workforce and more finan cial resources, new technologies also have the potential to help solve the problems created by this seismic de mographicAccordingshift.toexperts, Artificial In telligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are already among the key com ponents of new technologies provid ing improved quality of life for those who want to continue living inde pendently at home. “While AI and ML have trans formed other industries, adaptation has been slow in the care industry, but we’re working to change that,” explains Chia-Lin Simmons, chief ex ecutive officer of LogicMark, (NAS DAQ: LGMK), which manufactures personal emergency response sys tems (PERS), health communications devices and remote care and activi ty monitoring technologies to cre ate a Connected Care Platform, and recently incorporated two-way voice communication technology into its medical alert pendant. To help you live safely and com fortably in your home in the years to come, Simmons offers a few strategies for using the newest technology to your advantage:
• PERS, also known as Medical Emergency Response Systems, allow you to call for help in an emergency by pushing a button. Wearable pen dants — along with water-resistant wall-mounted devices and mobile solutions — can keep you protect ed in every room of your home by helping you instantly connect with loved ones and emergency personnel. Those offered by LogicMark use AI and ML for pattern recognition and fall detection, for an added layer of security. To learn more, visit logic

Sophisticated Customization Style is highly personal, and the functional com ponents found in the bathroom are no different. Further tailor a space by selecting specific, exclu sive finishes. The Allaria™ Bath Collection debuts three irresistible split finishes, including Brilliance® Black Onyx/Matte Black, Polished Chrome/Clear and Brilliance® Luxe Gold®/Clear, to bring further distinction to design and unique personalization. The collection provides an added layer of customi zation through the pairing of finishes with the new clear handles, ultimately creating a smooth look. Another way to achieve a personalized bathroom experience is by selecting versatile technologies that will effortlessly enhance the bathroom and al low for a heightened sense of luxury. From steam showers to warming towel racks, convenient inno vation takes the place of extraneous features, fash ioning a truly unique environment. (BPT)
uring stressful times, the home can be come a sanctuary. From soothing col or palettes that evoke a sense of calm to high-tech features that make daily tasks feel a bit less strenuous, design choices are crucial in curating serene spaces. This is especially true in the bathroom — the room where people escape to cleanse and recharge.
Refined Elegance
Elegant design does not require over-the-top sty listic features. Instead, focus on elements that are beautifully understated. Create a refined aesthetic that combines clean lines and curves with luxurious materials and finish es to achieve an unassuming, timeless space. To bring this style to the bathroom, a space that should feel and look fresh, make deliberate design choices by removing features that distract from the beauty of the space. There is power in simplicity; an alluring force that can elevate any room.
Bring Simplicity and Serenity Features to the Bath and place your order for pickup… Mexican Grill & Bar 25387 Wayne Mills Place, Valencia, CA 91355 (Cross streets – Tourney Rd. & Magic Mountain Pkwy.) 661-254-5500 Serving Lunch & Dinner, Monday - Sunday Hours: Mon - Thurs 10:30am - 10pm, Fri 10:30am - 11pm, Sat 10:00am-11:00pm, Sun 10:00am - 10:00pm Delicious @Menu Explore Our Also inquire about special events, banquets and fund raisers. Wi-FiFree Limited Time Special CERTIFICATE PremierAmerica.com19-MonthTerm| $1,000 to Open 2 .75% APY * *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates effective as of August 1, 2022. Certificate must be opened with funds not currently on deposit with the credit union. Offers and rates subject to change or end without notice. A penalty may apply for early withdrawal. Special 19-month Certificate renews automatically to a standard 12-month term at the rate in effect at the time of renewal unless instructed otherwise. A deposit of $1.00 into a Smart Savings account is required to join Premier America Credit Union. For businesses, a deposit of $250 into a Business Savings account is required to join Premier America Credit Union. Taxpayer identification number and government issued identification featuring a physical address, required to establish membership. Federally Insured by NCUA. Open your account today at your local branch or scan the QR code to open online. Burbank | Chatsworth Granada Hills | Reseda Santa Clarita | Woodland Hills Thank You For Voting Us Best Credit Union
Curated style choices, such as a light color palette, soft-textured accent pieces like plush towels and wood features or other organic elements, create the feeling of airiness akin to the serene design found in spas.Water plays a key role in the bathroom, and fix tures that are both purposeful and elegant should serve as the pathway to bring this natural element to life in the room. Showcase water as a design element by selecting faucets and fixtures that bring the design and de tails of the space together in a harmonious fash ion. Create a sanctuary that perfectly captures the intrigue of minimalism. Incorporate the smooth
Serene Sanctuary
The bathroom is a place of livable serenity within the home. Regardless of the size of the space, it is important to create the feeling of openness, which will truly transform it into “the spot” to come back to and to relax in after a long day. contours and sleek aesthetic of the Allaria™ Bath Collection by Brizo®, offering effortless beauty and unparalleled craftsmanship. The collection trans forms simple forms into functional works of art. By combining curved geometric shapes with strik ing split finishes, the fixtures achieve a look of soft modernism.

Tips Starting
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or Expanding Your Garden GARDENING
S tarting a garden for the first time or expanding an existing plot is easier than you may think. With a little love and care, your green space will bloom and“Forthrive.anyone with the inclination, a beautiful lawn and garden is always within reach,” says Jamie Briggs, director of marketing, Exmark, a leading manufacturer of commercial mowers and equipment for landscape professionals and homeowners with a lot of lawn to cut. This is the driving idea behind “Backyard Smart,” a free online video series. These short explainer videos are full of facts and relevant infor mation to answer your most com mon lawn and garden questions. The following planting strategies come directly from two recent “Backyard Smart” episodes: Start With Seeds Looking to add new plants to your garden and flower bed? Try starting from scratch. While many nurseries have limited species of mature plants to select from, there are literally thou sands of varieties of seeds available at dirt cheap prices. A quick trip to the seed kiosk in your local hardware store offers the potential for you to enjoy flowers you’ve never seen and vegetables you’ve never tasted.
“It’s easy to be intimidated by the prospect of growing plants from seeds but the truth is that all you need is soil, just the right amount of wa ter and lots of sunshine,” says Briggs. “Nature will handle the rest.”
Practice ‘Companion Planting’ Whether it’s growing marigolds alongside tomatoes to block bad bugs or planting corn next so squash to provide shade, plants are kind of like people, they do better with a buddy. Companion plants help block weeds, prevent pests, create fertile soil, promote pollination and offer plants a place to climb. In fact, people have been practicing this technique for centuries to create vigorous gar dens.For more entertaining, easy-to-un derstand approaches to making the most of your outdoor spaces, check out the Exmark Backyard Life site at’vealwaysdreamed of hav ing your own, homegrown, fruits and vegetables in your cooking, or brightening your home with fresh-cut flowers, there is no better time than the present to pursue this dream.
The long sunshiny days of summer are ideal for developing your green thumb..

16 · SUNDAY SIGNAL AUGUST 14, 2022 Tues-Friday 9-6pm Saturday 8-5pm 3956 Center St. Piru, CA 93040 This is Bob, formally owner of Canyon Country Barber Shop from June 10, 1969 to June 18, 2022. To all the customers that came through our doors for the last 53 years, I want to thank you. If it wasn’t for you, I would not have lasted this long. Thank You again, and if you can’t get a barber to make you happy, we will be at Bob’s Piru Barber Shop to serve you. Downtown Piru, Ca. Appointments available (661) 252-9888. Thank You, Bob The Barber 2 20 1 2 0 2 2

By Donna Erickson Signal Contributing Writer I t has been a watermelon sum mer! The luscious, juicy treat has made a regular appearance in our soups, salads, grilled sides, as well as sliced up on large platters for the perfect al fresco bigcrowdSummerdessert.days are going by too quickly, so grab a fresh melon today and let it quench your thirst, satisfy your sweet tooth and provide lots of “good-for-you” vitamins, like A, B-6 andHereC. are some creative ideas for serving local watermelon during this peak season: Watermelon Checkerboard Salad For 2 servings 10 chunks of ripe watermelon and 8 chunks of ripe honeydew melon cut into 3/4inch cubes 1/4 cup feta cheese 2 fresh mint leaves chopped 2 basil leaves chopped (optional) Olive oil and white balsamic vinegar, or
Donna Erickson’s award-winning se ries “Donna’s Day” is airing on public television nationwide. To find more of her creative family recipes and activi ties, visit and link to the Donna’s Day Facebook fan page. Her latest book is “Donna Erickson’s Fabulous Funstuff for Families.” 2022 Donna Erickson Distributed by King Features Synd. to keep your library card handy this summer. Saugus, CA
SHOWER DOOR SPECIALIST 661.298.0261 26858 Ruether Ave, Unit A,
KIDS &FAMILY Donna’s Day: Creative Family Fun It Has Been a Watermelon Summer — Family-Style white balsamic or a vinaigrette dress ing. A pinch of sea salt tastes good, too. Alternate idea Replace two honey dew cubes with cube-shaped avocado.
Watermelon Ice Cubes Cut three cups of watermelon flesh into chunks. Remove seeds and liq uefy in a blender. Pour into ice-cube trays and freeze. For a satisfying cooldown beverage on a hot afternoon, fill a tall glass with the watermelon ice cubes and orange or grapefruit juice. Garnish with a whole strawber ry or a thick triangular slice of water melon with the pointed end slid onto the rim of the glass. Watermelon Fruit Kebabs When serving grilled chicken or beef kebabs, keep the food-on-a-stick theme and let one of your school-age kids skewer chunks of watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple and kiwi on short wooden skewers. Strawber ries look especially appealing on ei ther end of the stick. Enjoy the fruit dipped in small dishes of fruit-fla vored yogurt.
www.ValenciaCustomShowerDoors.com91351Lic#852216 Sliding Tub Enclosure Chrome with 1/4” Clear onlyStandardGlassSizes$525installationincluded2 0 2 2 FREE OverConsultationIn-Home25yearsinbusiness your favorite vinaigrette dressing Let kids arrange the cubes in a checkerboard pattern on salad plates. Sprinkle feta, mint and basil on top. Dress with a drizzle of olive oil and A delicious watermelon checkerboard salad on a summer day.

Insurance Problem More Widespread
I was reading the Aug. 6 article about the fire insurance in crease for the Cimmaron Oaks condominiums. It stated it was unknown, at that time, whether surrounding properties have also seen a similar spike. The answer is yes, and worse. I live in Double C Ranch and I, as well as several neighbors, have had our homeowners insurance canceled. We have been with AAA for about 18 years and received notice this year that our policy would not be renewed due to wildfire danger. Subsequently, our earthquake insurance was also canceled, because “without homeowner’s insurance, we can’t insure your property.” Of course, to add insult to injury, our car insurance premiums went up 15.7% because we were no longer bundled. We had paid in full, but they added that 15.7% surcharge to the months between our homeowners cancellation and our auto insurance renewal date. Our neighbors were with other companies who also canceled existing policies, many as long standing and claim-free as ours. There was a fire a few years ago that I believe started on the freeway, then spread to homes below us on The Old Road. I do not know anybody on The Old Road, so I don’t know their status. Nobody on our street has ever experienced a fire loss to my knowledge. We had a difficult time procuring new insurance because of the perceived fire threat. The few companies that would insure us had exorbitant premiums. One company would insure us as long as we had the California Fair Plan. Fair Plan? Our premi ums would have increased from $1,516 to $5,256! We finally found a company through Costco that is out of Utah and they insured us. We’re paying $2,401. I had read an article from a former California state insur ance commissioner decrying the insurance companies for can celing by ZIP code instead of by individual property addresses. He thinks it is a despicable practice and should not be allowed. Too bad he’s the FORMER commissioner. Dee AnnCastaicWood Thanks for Scully Tribute Re: Ms. Lois Eisenberg letter, Aug. 6, “A Treasure to Base ball.” Finally, finally, finally. A letter submitted by you in tribute to Vinny (Vin Scully) that I can agree on with you 100%. A long time in the coming. Hopefully sometime in the future you will submit another one that, if not 100% agreed upon, at least leaves some wiggle room open for discussion. Yes, Vinnie was special. I admit personally that in much of the tribute to him I had a case of damp eye. I have five com plete score books of Dodger games accumulated over the years. For every one, I scored with ear buds in so I could hear Vinnie describe what I was seeing. Thanks for the tribute. Ron SingermanValencia
Consider this rule: Don’t shift responsibility and blame. Imagine if this really became the choice of our citizenry. Of course, most broad cast media and the political machine they cover would have almost nothing to say, but at this point, I’d be willing to risk it. But what I really want to leave with you is the poignancy of the book’s title: “Choosing Civility.” There you go. Some of the best things we can do in this life demand that we make a choice to do the right thing, be the righteous person, and act and speak in the right way, the way that promotes civility, unity and the commonChoosinggood.toact in a way that benefits others while upholding universal human dignity and value is quite hard today since our new national sport seems to be judgment, ridicule and den igration, with the goal being the total destruc tion of fellow citizens who disagree and dissent. Well, I choose civility. Yes, I have opinions. I have convictions. I have bedrock spiritual values grounded on biblical truths. But, I have no animus toward those who disagree with me, who even consider my choices to be intoler ant of theirs. I say, let’s talk. Let’s grab a cup of common courtesy over coffee and seek first to understand before we pontificate, castigate and eliminate one another from the list of those considered valuable. As you make your choices today and tomor row, try choosing civility.
Submit a Letter to the Editor Include name, address & phone; Anonymous letters aren’t printed; email: Mail to: Letters to the Editor, The Sig nal, 25060 Avenue Stanford, Suite 141, Santa Clarita, CA 91355.
The Power of Personal Choice
Unless otherwise stated, the views and opinions expressed are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily represent the views of The Signal.
Perhaps never in our lifetimes has personal choice been so strenuously promoted as a sacred, individual right. And rightly so. As free citizens we have so many choices, and the freedom to make them in many ways actually identifies what it means to be free. We all agree we can choose where we live, who we live with, and what our lives will look like, at least to some extent. And one need only head to Costco to experience the Su per Bowl of choice. Everything there is available to us, if only we choose to spend the money. The problem is that, as humans, we also can make poor choices, even choices that are dangerous for ourselves and others. And therein lies the challenge of law enforcement. As a society of laws, we actually have come to agree that the freedom of personal choice must be limited, and even fully abridged in certain situations. For example, speed limit laws make certain personal driving choices illegal. Yes, you have a choice, but choosing to break the law will bring a penalty. And so it is with myriad other personal choices available to us, some of which can even mean the loss of all personal freedom.Whatabout good choices we fail to make? What about standard acts of common courtesy that are more and more never chosen by the majority of our citizenry? I don’t see anyone protesting for those personal choices. So, I’m going to be the first. I want to argue in favor of choosing civility. Full disclosure, I bought a book three years ago because it looked interesting. More disclosure, I never read it! But, as I left for vacation in the Pacific North west a few weeks ago, I decided to add it to my “vacation reading” box. And, yes, I started reading it and found it extremely convicting as well as motivating. The title is “Choosing Civility.”Written by P. M. Forni, cofounder of the Johns Hopkins Civility Project, this wonderful little book argues convincingly for the impor tance of civility in any thriving society. After stating the case for civility, Forni lists “the 25 rules of considerate conduct.” When I turned to the 25 rules, I expected something quite profound, some spectacular, erudite group of principles worthy of years of intense scholarly work. After all, Forni led with some statements about the number of years he had been preparing the book. But that wasn’t what I Instead,found.Ifound a list of those thoughts and actions almost all of us heard from our parents, teachers, or coaches. The list is profound precisely because it reminds us how uncommon common courtesy has become. Let me give you a sample. Among the 25 rules, each defined, defended and declared as essential, are: pay attention; acknowledge others; think the best; speak kindly; don’t speak ill; accept and give praise; respect others’ opinions. I could go on but you get the picture. Here’s my favorite: refrain from idle complaints. Wow, now that would greatly improve us as we now are wallowing in a society that competes to be seen as the greater victim.
Local resident David Hegg is senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church. “Ethically Speaking” appears Sundays.

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