Your News, Entertainment & Lifestyle Source PLUS : CITY NEWS | OPINION | SCHOOL | ENTERTAINMENT | CALENDAR | HEALTH & FITNESS AUGUST 28, 2022 11 LABOR BBQSBACKYARDDAY 13 WAYS TO LESSEN YOUR FINANCIAL LOAD AFTER 505 HOLLYWOODTOURING Valencia | Saugus | Newhall | Canyon Country | Stevenson Ranch | Westridge | Castaic | Val Verde End-of-SummerPoolPartyPage7 SPECIALSECTIONBACK-TO-SCHOOLINSIDEPAGE17

4 · SUNDAY SIGNAL AUGUST 28, 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS The entire content of the Sunday Signal is copyrighted 2022 by Paladin Multi-Media Group, Inc. All submitted letters and columns are strictly the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the publisher. All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. If you would not like this delivered to your home, please call (661)Richard259-1000.Budman Publisher Doña Uhrig Sunday Signal Editor Tim Whyte Signal Editor Sales Representatives Maureen Daniels • Jennifer Ramos • Barbara Ward 25060 Avenue Stanford, Suite 141 | Valencia, CA 91355 661-259-1234 SignalSCV. com SINCE 1919 CHECK US OUT ON NEW TIRE PRICES! FOREIGN & DOMESTIC SPECIALIZING IN PRECISION ELECTRONIC TUNE-UPS, FUEL GENERALIGNITION,INJECTION,SMOGCHECK,AUTOMOTIVEREPAIR 2000 or Newer Model * Must have coupon* Exp. 9/30/22 Most Cars & Light Trucks * Must have coupon* Exp. 9/30/22 SMOG CHECKA/C SERVICE 661-259-4150 24135 Railroad Ave. Newhall (Newhall Ave. Across from William Hart Park) $41.75 + certificate$39.95 + FREON NEWS FEATURES 5 5 Hollywood: Discover Your Inner Tourist 6 Channel Your Inner Foodie with Chef’s Tips 7 End-of-Summer Pool Party 8 Volunteering in Santa Clarita FROM THE CITY MANAGER 9 9 Resident Service Center is Here to Help ENTERTAINMENT 10 10 ‘Dragon’ Features Powerful Performances FOOD 11 11 Labor Day Backyard BBQ BBQ Chicken with Chimichurri Marinade • Corn Coleslaw • Smokey Beans • Berry Shortcake SENIOR LIVING 13 13 Ease Your Financial Burden After 50 GARDENING 14 14 Gates: September Gardening HOME 16 16 Floor-to-Ceiling Windows BACK TO SCHOOL 17 HEALTH 27 27 What to Know About Heel Pain KIDS & FAMILY 29 29 Donna’s Day: Video Chat to Play with Grandkids Junior Whirl PUZZLES 30 OPINION 31 David Hegg .com SCV WATER IS EMBARKING ON A NEW WATER TREATMENT FACILITY NEAR BRIDGEPORT PARK TO RESTORE LOCAL WATER AFFECTED BY PFAS. Community members are invited to the Bridgeport Community Listening Session to learn more about the project and provide input during the project’s early planning and design phase. SCV WATER 4-1-1 on the project benefits and Communityimpactslisteningsession TOPICSKEYINCLUDEAUG. 31 6 TO 8 P.M. Bridgeport Elementary School 23670 Newhall Ranch Road, Valencia Register in advance: Email or call 661-705-7253 for more information. BRIDGEPORTLISTENINGCOMMUNITYSESSION

If you’re a fan of film or theater you’ve probably taken in a show at the historic Pantages or seen a first run film at the equally historic El Capitan, but how many of us have explored Hollywood with the eyes of a Discovertourist?themagic of Hollywood, again. Where is Hollywood? The northern boundaries of Hollywood, which is entirely within the city limits of Los Angeles, are considered to be Hollywood Boulevard from La Brea Avenue to the east boundary of Wattles Gar den Park and Franklin Avenue between Bonita and Western avenues; south to Melrose Avenue and west to La Brea Avenue or the West Hollywood city limits.Hollywood was incorporated as a municipality on Nov. 14, 1903, by a vote of 88 for and 77 against. However, in 1910, the city voted for a merger with Los Angeles in order to secure an adequate water supply and to gain access to the L.A. sewer system.
Bikes and Hikes Hollywood Tour Ticket $72/person Info cations,,moviestudios,topfilmlotheHollywoodWalkofFameandmore.
While the glitz and glamour once associated with the parade has waned considerably in the last few decades it is still a fun family outing and a great way to honor the legacy of “old Hollywood.”

Discover Your Inner Tourist NEWS FEATURE AUGUST 28, 2022 SUNDAY SIGNAL · 5
A s mandates have lifted from the worst of the COVID pandemic people feel more comfortable traveling out and about. Discover what is the same … and what is different… by becoming a tourist in your own backyard.
Hollywood and Film Director D. W. Griffith was the first to make a motion picture in Hollywood. His “In Old Califor nia” (1910) was a 17-minute silent Western made for the American Mutoscope and Biograph Com pany.The first studio in Hollywood, the Nestor Film Company, was established in October 1911 by the New Jersey-based Centaur Film Company in a
It’s fun to wander the Walk of Fame looking for your favorite celebrities.

The 2022 Hollywood Christmas Parade Tickets Reserved grandstand seating on sale until Sept. 1. $60/adults; $30 children under 16.
To view the parade the easiest way to get to the parade route is via the Metro Red Line from the North Hollywood station to Hollywood/Vine or Hollywood/Highland. Both stations get you direct ly onto the parade route. Another option is to park at the Hollywood/ Highland shopping complex, roadhouse at 6121 Sunset Blvd., at the corner of GowerSunsetStreet.Gower Studios is a 14-acre television and movie studio established in 1912 at an adjacent cor ner of Sunset Boulevard and Gower Street to Cen taur Film. It continues today as Hollywood’s largest independent studio and an active facility for televi sion and film production with 12 soundstages.
For a true “tourist experience” sign up for one of the many commercial tours available in Tinseltown. Hollywood City Tours Tickets $39 for adults, $29 for children under 10. InfoHollywoodwww.hollywoodcitytours.comCityToursoffers“The Original Hol lywood Tour,” a two-hour Hollywood, West Holly wood and Beverly Hills tour. You will see favorite Hollywood hot spots and homes of the stars and former stars including Justin Timberlake, Elvis Presley, Madonna, Johnny Depp, Tom Cruise and Marilyn Monroe on open air buses. Starline Tours Tickets $39 for adults, $28 for children under age 3-11.’hop-on-hop-off, double-deck er city sightseeing buses. Take the Hollywood Red Route to visit 16 Hollywood stops. Included are world-famous sights such as the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Rodeo Drive shopping district, the Sunset Strip, L.A.’s Farmers Market, Melrose Avenue and Beverly Center shopping, L.A. Brea Tar Pits, LAC MA and the Petersen Auto museums. Stay aboard the bus for a two-hour, 20-mile tour.

By Michele E. Buttelman Signal Staff Writer
For a truly unique Hollywood experience take a hike to get up close and personal with the Hol lywood sign. The Hollywood Sign Hike takes you closer to the Hollywood Sign than any other com pany in L.A. This 3-hour, 4-mile hike will lead you in front of and behind the world’s most famous sign as guides regale you with tales of the sign’s fas cinating history. There are stops along the trail for multiple photo ops.
Christ mas Parade will be held Sunday, Nov. 27 starting at 6 p.m.The City of Los Angeles will once again be pre senting the Hollywood Christmas Parade. The pa rade route begins on Hollywood Boulevard at Or ange Drive. The U-shaped parade route will travel east to Vine, south on Vine Street to Sunset Boule vard and west on Sunset back to Orange Drive.
Commercial Tours
Bikes and Hikes Hollywood Sign Hike Ticket $28/person Info

Hollywood Walk of Fame InfoThewalkoffame.comHollywoodWalk of Fame features more than 2,700 terrazzo and brass stars embedded in the sidewalk along 15 blocks of Hollywood Boulevard and three blocks of Vine Street. The five-pointed stars honor the accomplishments of actors, musi cians, directors, producers and others in the enter tainment industry.
Iconic Hollywood is home to some of the most famous and historic landmarks in Los Angeles. Many Santa Clarita Valley residents are familiar with playing Hollywood tour guide to out-of-town guests. For many in the SCV we only travel to Holly wood to see a play or a movie or to entertain guests.

Hawaiian Luau Party A variation of the “tiki” party, the Hawaiian party focuses more on grass skirts, leis and pineapples for decora tions, drinks and food. Think of a Hawaiian luau for inspiration. Create a custom playlist of the best Hawaiian music including Don Ho’s “Tiny Bubbles” and Elvis’ “Hawaiian Wedding Song” (See playlist here: waiian-music-playlist).com/blog/the-all-time-best-hawww.kingshawaiian.Offerambrosiasalad,shreddedporkonKing’sHawaiianbunsandcupcakeswithacoconutfrostingdecoratedwithtinyumbrellas.
Glow Stick Party For an evening pool party toss glow sticks in var ious colors into the pool. Have the kids dive in and collect glow sticks of each color. Award a prize to the child who collects one of each color the fastest. Decorate with streamers and multi-colored balloons in the same colors as the glow sticks. Twinkle lights can be strung around the yard and on the pergola to create a festive atmo sphere. Games Organize a few games for the kids, and/or adults, to play in the pool. Award small prizes. Noodle Joust Give players a pool noodle and a raft. Last person on a raft wins. Create teams of players, or have one-on-one “duels.”
Ping Pong Scramble Players form a large circle in the pool. Dump container of ping pong balls, each numbered with a point value, in the middle of the circle. Players scramble to collect ping pong balls with the highest points. Highest total wins. Can be played in teams or as individuals. Water balloon toss Water balloon tosses are the most fun in a pool.
Tiki Bar Party Go full bore “Poly nesian” with a fun Tiki Bar stand you can make yourself, or pur chase the essentials online. Serv ing drinks in hollowed-out coco nuts is a must. Decorate with raffia table skirting and fake palm and banana leaves. Include Polynesian tiki totems. Play Polynesian drum ming music. Offer fruit plates and chicken and vegetable kebobs with a pineapple marinade.
Cocktails Blue Hawaiian 1-ounce light rum, 1-ounce blue curacao, 2 ounces pineapple juice, 1 cup crushed ice. Garnish with or ange slice and pineapple chunk.
A “JAWSome” Party A sharkthemed pool party will make guests smile. Decorate with in flatable sharks and make your own “sharks in the water” by cut ting out foam “fins” and gluing them on floats throughout the pool. Place bowls of gummy can dy sharks on the table along with shark fin-topped cupcakes, shark decorated cookies and offer up a signature “Sharknado” cocktail (see recipe below).
Relay Races Make up fun relay races for teams of players. Players take turns going from one side of the pool to the other and the fast est team wins. Some examples in clude: swimming backwards, rid ing a pool float, using a kickboard, pushing a watermelon across the pool, crawling on the bottom of the pool, etc. Food Let’s be honest. The last thing you want to do at your pool party is slave away in the kitchen, or over a hot barbecue. The best option is to cater your party with easy “eats” from one of the Santa Clarita Valley’s ubiqui tous sandwich shops or big box “club” stores.However, if you insist on making your own “gourmet” party spread here’s a few ideas. Serve platters of chicken wings, cut up fruit, raw veggies with dips and other “finger food.”
Sharknado 1 1/2 ounces light rum, 1-ounce simple syrup, 1/2-ounce lime juice, 1 tsp. blue curacao, 1 cup ice, 1/2-ounce cotton candy. Combine rum, simple syrup, lime juice and blue curacao in a cocktail shak er. Strain into glass, garnish with cotton candy.
L abor Day. The official end of summer and the beginning of the fall season. The kids are back in school, summer vacations are in the record books and anticipation builds for the annual fall rollout of pumpkin spice lattes and such. Now is a great time to celebrate the “fall of summer” with family and friends. Make it a family-friendly event with a special theme, games, prizes, food and fun.
Maui Rainstorm 1-ounce Smirnoff Pineapple Vodka, 1/2-ounce Malibu Rum, 1-ounce blue curacao. Combine in cock tail shaker with ice. Strain into glass, garnish with pineapple wedge.

For backyard bbq foods, see Back yard Barbecues Smoke and Sizzle on page 11.
Waikiki Sunset 1/2-ounce pine apple juice, 1/2-ounce lime juice, 1-ounce rum, 1/4-ounce mar aschino liqueur, dash of grena dine. Garnish with cherry atop pineapple chunk.
By Michele E. Buttelman Signal Staff Writer
An end-of-summer pool party must absolutely have a theme. The best party themes are fun, lightheart ed and silly.

Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley
“The hard work and commitment of volunteers is essential to the success of Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley,” said Matthew Nelson, chief executive officer of the Boys & Girls Club of SCV.
One place to start your volunteer career is by joining one of the numerous local service clubs. In addition to contributing to the community, these clubs offer a chance to meet new people, as well as network and socialize with others with similar in terests.
Home Tour League
“Volunteers enhance programs for the kids and teens by supporting and leading programs and ac tivities including science club, robotics, the arts, homework help and coaching sports.” An important part of the club’s funding come from the club’s major fundraisers including the annual auction in June and Festival of Trees in No vember.“It’sour volunteers who secure sponsorship and item donations,” Nelson said. “Boys & Girls Club of SCV thrives because of the passion and dedication of Nelsonvolunteers.”added that the club is always looking for volunteers to help with events. “The club’s fundraisers would not be possible without volunteers,” said Nelson. “Coming up in November at our Festival of Trees event, volunteers will handle everything from designing Christmas trees and gingerbread houses to taking tickets at the door and helping with setup and clean up.”
Service Clubs
JCI Santa Clarita A group of young professionals between the ages of 21 and 39. Visit www.jcisanta Soroptimist International of Greater Santa Clari ta Valley A women’s service organization support ing efforts to improve the lives of women and girls. Visit Soroptimist International of Valencia A women’s service organization supporting efforts to improve the lives of women and girls. Visit www.sivalencia. org. Zonta Club of Santa Clarita Valley A women’s service club that improves the lives of women and girls in the community and worldwide through service projects, advocacy, education and aware ness campaigns. Visit For more on SCV nonprofits and service clubs visit
“The extraordinary volunteer team is comprised of nearly 160 huge-hearted committed people in our community. Each one would say they get more from it than they give, but what they give is phe nomenal. They are a lifeline for seniors providing nutrition, services and offsetting isolation.”
It’s the people who volunteer in the community who showcase the SCV’s true quality of life.
“The SCV Senior Center volunteers are invalu able in enhancing the lives of seniors,” said Robin Clough, director of volunteers and recreation.
How Can
To learn more information, email Ali Campbell at of Trees volunteers begin Oct. 1. Visit Santa Clarita Puppy Club Want a volunteer service project that is both warm and fuzzy? The Guide Dogs for the Blind Santa Clarita Puppy Club is looking for volunteer puppy raisers. Raisers and their families receive a pup when they are approximately 8 weeks old and teach the puppy good house manners and provide socialization experiences to prepare these future canine heroes for formal guide dog training.
A fter the last couple of years, many are feeling a renewed sense of gratitude.
To learn more about how you can support the puppy club as a raiser, sitter or club volunteer, visit to fill out an interest form.

The SCV has long been known for its sense of community and the number of philanthropic and nonprofit opportunities it offers residents.
lar value of those hours equals almost half a million dollars.”Current volunteer opportunities include youth sports league coaches, Wildland Weed Warriors and Red Cross disaster shelter deployment reserve volunteers.“Inaddition to the benefits of the services you provide, volunteers also get to connect with others, learn more about their neighbors, gain new skills, increase self-confidence and build a sense of pride in our community,” said Lujan.
The Meals on Wheels program needs drivers to provide a meal and a smile to seniors who are homebound.“Thosewho volunteer in our Meals on Wheels program cherish the opportunity to connect and have meaningful relationships with recipients, pro viding so much more than a meal,” said Clough. “The impact of all our volunteers is evident by a wall full of cards of appreciation from seniors ex pressing gratitude for their generous and caring spirit.”Formore information, email rclough@scv-senior or call (661) 259-9444. I Help? in
One way to express that gratitude is to join the legion of volunteers in the Santa Clarita Valley who work to make the lives of their friends and neighbors better.
River Rally Cleanup Volunteer registration is now open for the 27th Annual River Rally Cleanup and Environmental Expo on Saturday, Sept. 17, from 8-11Toa.m.sign up for the River Rally and view other vol unteer opportunities visit santaclaritavolunteers. com. SCV Senior Center
Santa Clarita NEWS FEATURE
Santa Clarita Volunteer Hub “There are so many opportunities to volunteer in Santa Clarita. Whether you want to help out at the Santa Clarita Public Library or literally blaze new trails in our open space, residents of any age can give back to our community,” said city of Santa Clarita spokesperson Carrie Lujan.
As older residents move away or retire from ac tive volunteer efforts a new generation is stepping up to prove why the SCV is a great place to live.

By Michele E. Buttelman Signal Staff Writer
“Last year alone some 3,312 volunteers donated more than 14,000 hours of their time to a wide va riety of projects and programs. Added up, the dol
The Holiday Home Tour rais es funds for Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital’s Center for Women and Newborns. To join, or for informa tion or questions, contact the Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital Foundation (661) 200-1200.
The City is Always Available with the Resident Service Center

Santa Clarita City Manager

By Ken Striplin
T he City of Santa Clarita is a workplacedesirabletolive,and raise a family, thanks in no small part to the leadership of our City Council and the commitment and dedication of City staff to serve the needs of residents. From open-house meetings about upcoming capital improvement projects to free events that work to beautify our communi ty, residents know there is no short age of opportunities to play an active role in building our future together. One critical way to have your voice heard is by utilizing the City’s Resi dent Service Center, also known as RSC. Available through the City of Santa Clarita mobile app or by vis iting, this robust customer service system is available 24- hours a day, seven-days a week.Byusing RSC, you can quickly find answers to pressing questions about City services and also submit a ser vice request that will be automati cally routed to the staff member best suited to assist. This way, you don’t need to plan a trip to City Hall and can instead focus on more important things — such as spending time with your family or running your local business.Before getting started with RSC, it is important to know what types of information and support you can find.In addition to submitting a service request, you will also have a wealth of information at your fingertips. For example, if you are cleaning out your garage and need items hauled away, then RSC will help you locate contact information for Waste Man agement’s Bulky Item Pick-Up pro gram.Ifyou are looking to remodel your home or are interested in starting a business in Santa Clarita, you will find sections that outline the steps to take to get all necessary permits and licenses.When it comes to needs for physi cal services – such as tree trimming, graffiti removal, potholes and more – RSC also has you covered. All you need to do is visit the website or use the City’s mobile app, then choose the category that applies to your need. The Resident Service Center allows you to enter a description of your request, as well as a photo and location. Your request is then sent to staff for follow-up, and you are able to track progress, so you know when an issue is resolved. Please note that while RSC is available 24/7, requests are addressed during normal business hours. Additionally, any emergencies or life-threatening situations should be immediately reported to first re sponders by dialing 9-1-1. Please visit the Resident Service Center online at RSC and familiarize yourself with the available resources so you can get the fast and efficient service you expect from the City the next time you need assistance. Ken Striplin can be reached at The views expressed in his column are those of the City and do not necessarily reflect those of The Signal. CITY MANAGER
As the King grows sicker and weak er, everyone around him makes their play for power, and we begin to see that even characters who initial ly came across as noble and true are capable of grand deceptions and un speakable sins. “House of the Dragon” features a number of elaborate and well-staged set pieces, as when the ailing king hosts a reception for his daughter and her betrothed — a night that goes from celebratory to intrigu ing to blood-soaked. The dragons flying in the skies above the Seven Kingdoms aren’t necessarily the most dangerous inhabitants of this world. 13 stars of the Seven Kingdoms
Your guide to some of the major players introduced in Season 1 of “House of the Dragon” … King Viserys I Targaryen (Paddy Considine) is widely considered to be a wise and kind ruler — if a bit too vulnerable to persuasion and ham pered by a reluctance to exercise his power.Prince Daemon Targaryen (Matt Smith) is the king’s younger broth er, a sadistic and cunning sort who plots all manner of revenge after he’s passed over as heir to the throne.

Otto Hightower (Rhys Ifans) is the loyal Hand of King Viserys and a staunch opponent of Prince Daemon.
By Richard Roeper Signal Contributing Writer ‘House of the Dragon’ 1/2 (out of four) HBO and HBO Max. New episodes each Sunday through Oct. 23.
We’ve just finished cel ebrating the finale of one of the great spinoff series of all time in “Better Call Saul,” and now the gods of television once again smile upon us with another potential ly memorable prequel: HBO’s “Game of Thrones” precursor “House of the Dragon,” which gets off to a bloody good start in the first six episodes and holds the promise of becoming mustsee Sunday night TV. It’s going to take a while to recog nize all the new players without a scorecard (which is why we’ve provid ed a scorecard — see below), but I’m pretty sure we’re not going to have to worry about a time-jumping sto ryline in “Dragon” a la “Saul.” Jamie and Cersei Lannister, Arya and Sansa Stark, Jon Snow and Daenerys Tar garyen — their exploits lie ahead, in the distant future. As we’re told in the series premiere, we are in ... THE NINTH YEAR OF THE KING VISERYS I REIGN.TARGARYEN’S
In the early episodes, we alternate between scenes of political machina tions and double crossings with grue some battle sequences, a couple of orgies and scenes of dismemberment, castration and beheading. This IS your great-great-grandfather’s “Game of Thrones,” though there are mo ments when the material is more selfaware of how some of the traditions of the time are so very wrong
Lord Lyonel Strong (Gavin Spokes) is the head of House Strong and Mas ter of Laws for King Viserys. Tyland Lannister (Jefferson Hall) and Lord Jason Lannister (also played by Hall) are the Master of Ships and the Lord of Casterly Rock, respective ly. They are the ancestors of Jaime, Cersei and Tywin Lannister. Copyright 2022 Chicago Sun-Times combines political intrigue, family melodramatics and some impressive ly nasty twists and turns, and pow erful performances from a cast that includes a number of familiar and well-decorated and mostly British veterans along with some greatly tal ented relative newcomers, “House of the Dragon” has the gravitas and visceral gut-punch effectiveness of a series that could be with us for a very longWilltime.itever match the pop-cul ture zeitgeist heights of “Game of Thrones”? Will any series ever do that? “Dragon” is filled with fantastic callbacks, e.g., when a ruler says of a wayward subject, “What would you have me do, send him to the Wall?” or when there’s talk of a long winter coming, or when it’s said of a cocky member of the Lannister clan, “His pride has pride,” but the storylines work even if you’ve never seen a sin gle episode of “GOT.”
The Small Council and virtual ly everyone in the Seven Kingdoms assume Viserys will name his broth er, Prince Daemon (Matt Smith, seen recently as Prince Philip in “The Crown”), as the heir to the Iron Throne — but Daemon is a ruthless,
ambitious, bloodthirsty and nefari ous sort, and Viserys passes him over and shocks everyone by naming his dragon-riding daughter, Princess Rhaenrya Targaryen (Milly Alcock and later Emma D’Arcy) as his suc cessor.Aqueen in charge? Blasphemy! The male hierarchy throughout the Seven Kingdoms is troubled, and sure that a woman seated in the Iron Throne will lead to rancor and rebellion, and the inevitable outbreak of war. Daemon works out his frustra tion by teaming up with the power ful Lord Corlys Velaryon, aka “The Sea Snake,” to wage war against a creepy masked admiral known as the Crab Feeder, so known because this guy nails victims to posts and then commands an army of crabs to chew them up. Meanwhile, Otto Hightow er (Rhys Ifans), the loyal but perhaps not-to-be-trusted Hand of the King, maneuvers things so that his daugh ter Alicent (Emily Carey and then Olivia Cooke in later years), marries the widowed King and delivers him a son, further clouding that whole heir to the Iron Throne deal.
Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Mil ly Alcock as the teenager princess, Emma D’Arcy a decade later) is the king’s firstborn daughter and heir to the throne. She is independent, strong and a fine dragon-rider, but is plagued by her own rash decisions.
Battle lines are drawn — in more ways than one — in the series pre miere, when the benevolent and peacekeeping albeit sometimes am bivalent and wavering King Viserys (Paddy Considine) is left a grieving widower and without a male heir af ter his wife dies in childbirth, with their infant son passing the next day.
Alicent Hightower (Emily Carey in the early episodes and Olivia Cooke in later chapters) is Otto Hightower’s daughter and Rhaenyra’s best friend. Ser Harrold Westerling (Graham McTavish) is the Commander of the Kingsguard and the moral center of ourSerstory.Criston Cole (Fabien Frankel) is a common-born knight who finds himself in a dangerously close rela tionship with Princess Rhaenyra.
Got it? Good! Now off we go on a spectacularly entertaining adventure, with showrunners Ryan Condal and Miguel Sapochnik bringing to vibrant life the characters and events creat ed by George R.R. Martin in his 2018 book “Fire & Blood.” With each episode clocking in at approximately one hour, “House of the Dragon” features Emmy-worthy production design in the interior sets at Warner Bros. Leavesden Studios in Watford, England, and beautiful and lush location shots in Caceres and Trujillo, Spain; Monsanto and Penha Garcia, Portugal: and Cornwall, Sur rey and Derbyshire, England, among otherWithspots.quality direction and cin ematography, strong writing that
Lord Corlys Velaryon (Steve Tous saint) commands the world’s largest navy and is arguably the king’s most valuedPrincessally.Rhaenys Velaryon (Eve Best) is married to Lord Corlys and is cousin to the king. When she was passed over for the Iron Throne at the Great Council, she became known as “The Queen Who Never Was,” and you can imagine how that sits with her.Mysaria (Sonoyo Mizuno) is a for mer sex worker who becomes Dae mon’s romantic interest and his most trusted adviser.
‘Dragon’ Features Quality Direction, Powerful Performances
Smoked bacon sets off the pinto beans. 4 strips smoked bacon 2 cans pinto beans, drained and rinsed 1 large red onion, diced 1 cup celery, chopped 2 cloves garlic, crushed 2 tablespoons sugar 4 tablespoons white wine vinegar 1 cup water, if necessary Cook the bacon in a pan. Set aside. Use the pan with bacon drippings
Berry Shortcake
By Fiona Soukup and Michele Braun Whiteaker Signal Contributing Writers L abor Day weekend is rapidly approaching, which means its time to plan your end-ofsummer backyard barbeques. The heat has hit. Now hit back! By taking your kitchen outdoors, you’ll keep the high temperatures where they belong. Here in California we use “barbeque” as a verb. “Wanna barbeque tonight?” is a common saying in Santa Clarita during the summer months. Native Californians will be sur prised to learn this is not the norm in other parts of the country where families “grill on the grill” instead of “barbequing on the barbeque.” That’s okay. Whatever you call it — it’s just plainOurgood.traditional All-American Barbeque menu includes favorites like grilled chicken, corn-on-the cob, coleslaw and baked beans. To prevent sticking, season your grill with an oil spray, such as Pam, before lighting. A refreshingly patriotic dessert of fruit and cream tops off the meal.

BBQ Chicken with Chimichurri Marinade Chimichurri is an Argentinean marinade made with fresh green herbs, garlic and lemon juice. It also makes a great dipping sauce for bread. It is ideal for marinating chicken and steak cooked over an open fire.

to saute the onion, celery and garlic until browned. Add the sugar and Chopvinegar.up the cooked bacon and add to the onion mixture. Add water, if Combinenecessary.onion mixture with the beans and allow to simmer slowly for 15 minutes.

Mixed summer berries and short cake with whipped cream are the crowning glory of this barbeque

Whipped cream
Combine the berries with the sugar and orange juice and allow to sit for an hour. Fill each shortcake cup with whipped cream. Spoon the berries over the whipped cream and serve.
Marinade: 4 cloves garlic 1 bunch parsley l/2 cup olive oil 1/4 cup lemon juice 6 pieces chicken 1 cup BBQ sauce Combine the marinade ingredients in a blender. Cut slits in the chicken and cover each piece on both sides with the marinade. Marinade the chicken Cookovernight.over hot coals for at least 30 minutes or until done. When the chicken is done, baste with BBQ sauce and keep warm until serving time. Corn Golden ears of sweet com are available in abundance throughout the summer and an essential at a true backyard barbeque. 6 whole ears of com, husks removed ButterFoil Wrap each ear of corn in foil. Cook over the hot coals for 20 minutes. Remove the foil and serve with butter. Coleslaw This colorful summertime salad gets a nutritious lift with watercress, jicama and oranges. Buy a good premade poppyseed dressing to comple ment this crunchy fresh salad. l/2 green cabbage, thinly sliced l/2 purple cabbage, thinly sliced l/2 cup carrots, grated 1 bunch watercress, stalks trimmed 1 jicama, peeled, sliced, and cubed 3 oranges, peeled and sliced Poppyseed dressing Combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl and serve the dressing on the side. Smokey Beans
1 cup blueberries, washed 1 cup raspberries, washed 2 cups strawberries, washed and sliced 2 tablespoons granulated sugar 4 tablespoons orange juice or boubon 6 individual shortcake cups
Labor Day Backyard Barbeques Smoke and Sizzle
blend of laid-back grooves, philosophical lyrics and soulful delivery. You can find him touring the world with his three-piece band and still catching waves anytime he can. You can see Donavon Frankenreiter live at The Canyon Santa Clarita on Decem ber 30. Tickets are available online through AXS, over the phone at (888) 645-5006, and in person at the Canyon Santa Clarita box office. For more information, visit www.wheremusic

On My Mind — Donavon Frankenreiter at The Canyon ENTERTAINMENT
F or nearly four decades Donavon Frankeneiter has been traveling the globe, first as a professional surfer, and now as a musician. Born in Southern California, Donavon spent most of his youth chasing waves, turning pro at the age of 16. These days instead of surf competitions, it’s concert halls that bring Frankenreiter to town, where he entertains audiences with his unique
Cutting back needn’t be complicat ed, and the following are some simple ways for individuals 50 and over to save money. Address Unsecured Debt Unsecured debt, which can include credit card balances and medical bills, tends to carry higher interest rates than debts that carry a collateral re quirement.According to the Federal Reserve, roughly 12.5% of individuals over 50 still have student loan debt, which is another type of unsecured debt. If possible, people over 50 should pay off these debts immediately or make their best effort to pay extra each month so they are paid off as soon as possible. Pay in ‘Cash’ It’s not enough to simply pay off unsecured debt like consumer credit. It’s also important to stop accruing additional debt. Individuals over 50 should resist the temptation to use their credit cards, instead paying with cash or debit cards. Credit card debt is often character ized as a problem for young consum ers, but a 2021 report from Value Penguin found that the median credit card debt among individuals between the ages of 55 and 64 was higher than it was for consumers aged 35 to 44. Paying in cash, whether it’s with pa per currency or a debit card, ensures you’re not digging yourself into debt.
Individuals over 50 can utilize some simple yet effective strategies to re duce their financial obligations as re tirement nears. (MC)

Homeowners over 50 who have al ready paid off a significant percentage of their mortgage loans could reach maturity much sooner if they start paying more toward principal now.
Since housing costs are many people’s greatest expense, removing a mort gage payment from your financial ledger by the time you reach 55 could create significant financial flexibility as you get closer to retirement.

Simple Ways to Lessen Your Financial Load After 50 661.302.4483 23822 VALENCIA BLVD. | SUITE 103 | VALENCIA YOU HAVE TO HEAR IT TO BELIEVE IT. And todayyou can! Demo our newest hearing aids, NO OBLIGATION* for 45-days! FREE Hearing Screening included! HURRY OFFER ENDS AUGUST 31, 2022 *Credit card hold required The smallest thing can make the biggest difference! Do you have hearing loss that needs to be evaluated by a professional? Hearing healthcare with the highest standards in professionalism, service and products. Call the hearing experts at Advanced Audiology and schedule your appointment for your FREE HEARING SCREENING! Don’t delay take care of your hearing and healthon$1000today.UptoOFFasetofpremiumhearingaids. whenOFF25%youtradein your old technology. Exclusions may apply. Discount based off MSRP. Cannot be combine with insurance or other offers. Expires 08/31/2022

B y the time people reach their fiftieth birthday, many have begun to imagine what their life in retirement may lookThoughlike. data from the U.S. Census Bureau indicates the number of peo ple working into their 70s increased significantly during the first two de cades of the twentieth century, the vast majority of professionals still call it a career sometime during their 60s. Retirement may still be a long way off for people who are 50 or in their early 50s, but around this time thoughts of what retirement could be compel many people to seek ways to reduce their financial load in antici pation of the day when they will no longer be working.
Reexamine Your Housing Situation Adults 50 and over who purchased their home in their late 20s or ear ly 30s are likely nearing the maturity date on their mortgages. If so, pay ing a little extra toward the principal each month will help you pay off that mortgage a good deal earlier than if you keep paying the same amount you’ve been paying for years. Though paying extra money each month may not seem like reducing your financial load, it will do so con siderably over time.
For example, the financial experts at Wells Fargo note that individu als with a fixed-rate mortage loan of $200,000 at 4% can cut the term of that loan by more than 4.5 years by paying as little as $100 extra each month toward their principal.

GARDENING September Gardening
September is harvest time! Keep ripening fruits and vegetables cropped. Preserve extras by can ning or freezing and store winter squashes and root crops in a cool, dry space. Should you find you have extra food, share with a neighbor or consid er donating to local food banks. There are people you’ve never met who would very much appreciate your home-grown food.
Do you have permeable paving, swales, dry riv erbeds or other practical set-ups (that can also be decorative!) designed to conduct water from a heavy flash rainstorm safely away from your home or other structures?
By Jane Gates Signal Staff Writer s summer fades, temperatures in the Santa Clarita Valley of ten ignore the shorten ing daylight hours and soar into triple digits. This has been a relatively mild summer when compared to the past few years. But there’s no way to predict what the weather will bring this September. Nonetheless, there are plenty of jobs to do. The shorter days tell desert and chaparral plants to pre pare for their active growth to begin, while most other garden growth prepares for a winter slowdown or the end of annual life cycles. So, now’s the time to clean up fading growth, save any seeds you may want to replant for next year and prepare your new autumn/winter garden. With average annual heat indexes climbing and droughts becoming more frequent, autumn is be coming our most productive season for gardening. We still experience occasional nighttime frosts in winter, but overall, garden growth seems to thrive better with current milder autumn and winter tem peratures than those of the triple-digit summer. Here are some suggestions for September gar dening.Startseeds of cool-weather vegetables. Keep seeds and young plants well-watered for good ger mination and a strong start. Planting early helps sturdy little plants that will grow through the chill ing temperatures of some winter nights. Plant some hardy flower seeds to get a head start on next spring’s season. Irrigate very early in the morning or in the eve ning. Heat during the day will evaporate irrigation water before it can reach the roots that need it. Wet drops on leaves can also work like tiny magnifying glasses, burning spots into the leaf tissue. California native plants are semi-dormant in the heat of summer and look dreary and dry. Let them stay that way until rain falls, or give them slow, deep watering occasionally to wake them up. You can deadhead (cut off) dried up flower spikes if you want to neaten up any shrubs. Keep annual and perennial flowers deadhead ed to encourage late blooming. Or leave the spent flowers in place to dry so you can collect seeds for next year. If you do choose to plant shrubs, trees or flow ers, keep them well watered and try to rig up some temporary shade to make planting less stressful for the first week or two. You are likely to have more success planting after the worst of the heat is over in late September or early October. Unless we have a cool September.
September is a great month for improving your garden. Clean it up and reap the rewards of rede signing your outdoor space. There are plenty of things to do in the garden during early autumn. Do them together with the whole family for faster results and more fun. Do you have your to-do list ready yet? For more information about gardening in the San ta Clarita Valley, visit Jane Gates on YouTube at
Just a few might be to build a raised vegetable garden to add interest, flavor and healthy ingredi ents into your cooking. Add paths for design, easy access and less water usage. Try some decorative shapes, colors and textures of rock, tumbled glass, decomposed granite and much more that can fill spaces between plants making maintenance easier and your landscape artistic.
You can do all these outdoor garden and safety projects while making your landscape gorgeous. Too many homes are surrounded by fields of dead weeds, powdered soil, brown lawns or smoth ered with boring gravel. None of these solutions is useful or good looking. In fact, they only add to the problem by making the air around your home dusty, dry and hot. There are many ornamental ways you can make your landscape lovely, safe, practical and enjoyable.

Landscape Ask yourself these questions to see if your land scape is up-to-date for September. Is your landscape set up for whatever weather wintertime sends? Are your ground drains free of blockage?
September is also a good time to pull out all that faded garden growth and to rake falling leaves, branches and other litter. Keep up with yard clean ing to keep away unwanted rodents and insects before any of them decide to move into your home with inclement weather.
Win out over pests, save water and make gardening easier on your back with raised vegetable beds.

your house? Don’t offer termites this irresistible in vitation into your house!
Are your gutters cleared for smooth drainage and free from flammable dry litter should winds send burning embers your way during a local wildfire? Have you removed all old wood from close to
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Lighting and Energy Efficiency

One of the more appealing aspects of floor-to-ceiling windows is all the natural light they allow in. Of course, all that light also can drive up energy costs on sunny summer days. One way around that is to install energy efficient windows. Such win dows include extra insulation to pre vent cool air from escaping the home on summer days, which can reduce the need to lower the thermostat on your air conditioning.
odern homes show case many dazzling features, but perhaps none draw as much as instant attention as floor-to-ceiling windows. Often seen in high-rise apartments that boast panoramic city views, floor-to-ceiling windows also are right at home in single-fam ilyHomeownersdwellings. considering floorto-ceiling windows may have lots of questions. The following rundown can provide some basic information that can help homeowners decide if floor-to-ceiling windows are right for their homes. Cost Cost is often the primary consider ation when mulling a home renova tion, and that’s even more significant as the world confronts the rising costs associated with inflation. The cost of installing floor-to-ceiling windows depends on a host of variables, in cluding how many windows will be receive several estimates for the proj ect prior to choosing a contractor.
What to Know About Floor-to-Ceiling Windows Sunrise48144_11/2H

A wall of glass also can provide less insulation against the cold. The extra insulation in energy efficient win dows also helps keep warm air from escaping a home in the winter. Ener gy efficient windows may cost more than less efficient alternatives. However, over the long haul, a wall of less efficient floor-to-ceiling win dows will likely cost more due to ex cess energy consumption. needed and where homeowners live. According to Modernize, a service that facilitates connections between renovation-minded homeowners and local contractors, a floor-to-ceil ing window wall costs somewhere between $700 to $1,600 per linear foot. Framing and glazing will add to those costs. Homeowners considering floor-to-ceiling windows are urged to
Privacy and Fading It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the view floor-to-ceiling windows pro vide, especially in homes surrounded by serene natural settings like woods or properties that abut waterways. But that view outward also provides a view in, potentially compromising privacy.Allthat extra exposure to sun light also can cause fabrics to fade over time. Floor-to-ceiling blinds and shades can protect homeowners’ privacy and reduce fading on furni ture, but this extra feature will add to the final cost of the project. Smart window tinting is another way to im prove privacy and reduce fading, but this feature also will drive up the cost. Floor-to-ceiling windows can be awe-inspiring. Homeowners consid ering such windows for their homes are urged to do their homework to ensure their homes are well-suited to this unique feature. (MC)
ENROLLNOW!CJUMP-STARTTEYOURCAREER WITH C areer Technical E ducation supports learners on their path to high-wage, high-skill, in-demand careers in established and emerging industries. SCVi Charter School’s CTE program integrates high school classes, community connections, work-based learning, post-secondary education planning and training. Benefits of C TE : High school credits toward graduation and UC requirements Potential for college credits earned in high school Industry certifications for career internships College/career digital portfolio development Learn more at SCVi is a tuition-free charter school serving grades TK-12. 28060 Hasley Canyon Rd., Castaic, CA 91384 • (661) 705-4820 See KUHLMAN, page 22

By Mike Kuhlman Superintendent William S. Hart Union High School District

O n behalf of the Hart District Govern ing Board, I would like to welcome families back to the start of the 20222023 school year.

It was a pleasure to witness the sights and sounds of our 21,000+ students returning to normal and healthy activities this past week. The hard work of our teachers, administrators and support staff was evident in the positive, productive and pleasantly uneventful launch to the school year. In case you missed it, the Hart District was re cently honored by the State of California for our
work to implement creative solutions to the chal lenges of online learning. The California Pivotal Practices Program recognizes a select number of California districts that demonstrated exceptional innovation during the period of mandated dis tance-learning. The Pivotal Practices award was given in lieu of the California Distinguished School program and is a prestigious honor for our District. While we are pleased that distance learning is be hind us, we are committed to maintaining a spirit of innovation as we move forward. To that end, the Hart District Governing Board recently adopted a new five-year strategic plan that calls for the Dis trict to pursue growth and improvement in five key areas: Student Learning and Instruction, Safety and
Let kids read what they like The tutoring profes sionals at Oxford Learning¨ report that 73 percent of students indicate they would read more if they found books they liked. Parents can address this issue by taking children to their local libraries and letting them choose which books to check out. The more practice kids get with reading, the more their comprehension skills develop.
There’s likely a multitude of reasons why students now read less than they used to. Parents concerned about their children’s reading comprehension can try these strategies to bolster this highly valuable skill.
Read aloud to children Various studies have found that reading aloud to children significantly benefits literacy development. One study from the National Association for the Education of Young Children found that listening to others read helps children develop key understanding and skills, including how stories are written. In addition, the Reading Rockets project, which aspires to bring reading research to life in the hopes of helping young children develop into strong, confident readers, notes that children can listen on a high er language level than they can read. That makes complex ideas more accessible.
Ask questions when reading to children When reading to children, parents can compound the benefits of this activity by asking youngsters ques tions about the book. Asking what, when, where, why, and how can encourage children to look for answers to these questions while they’re being read to. As students advance and then read more on their own, parents can encourage them to ask these questions of themselves (if they’re not already do ing so on their own). Asking and answering these questions is a great way to strengthen reading com prehension skills. Strong reading comprehension skills can help students reach their academic potential. Parents can employ various strategies to help children bol ster those skills. (MC)


trong reading comprehension skills are one of the foundations of a successful academic career. According to the Institute of Read ing Development, students with strong reading comprehension skills get a big boost in all subjects, including math and science. Though the benefits of reading comprehension are well documented, many students are struggling in this area of their academics. Officials with the National Center for Education Statistics note that, over the last decade, students have made no prog ress in reading performance. That likely comes as no surprise to seasoned educators, as ‘data indi cates students are reading less outside of school than they have in years past. Data from the Nation al Assessment of Educational Progress indicates the percentage of public school students who said they read 30 minutes or more a day declined by 4 per cent between 2017 and 2019, dipping below 50% overall in the latter year.
Strategies to Help Improve Reading Comprehension Working to Restore YOUR voice in your child’s education Re-Energize Career Technical Education. Ensuring your tax dollars are spent wisely. Paid for by the Committee to re elect Joe Messina for Wm S Hart Union High School District FPPC# 1258220

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6. Rephrase material. Textbook language can be dry and unappealing. Students can try putting the material into their own words or rephrase passages to make them eas ier to remember and recall. Similarly, teaching or sharing the material with another person also may improve re 7.tention.Make a formula sheet. Depending on the subject, having a sheet with shortcuts, formulas or diagrams can put the material into smaller bursts of information that are easier to digest. Along this same vein, writing information down can help improve recall. These are a few study tips that high schoolers can utilize to improve their grades so they can be more successful in school. (MC)
Factors to Consider Before Enrolling in College Prep Courses
igh school students, particularly ju niors and seniors, spend a consider able amount of time contemplating their academic futures. Students typi cally feel pressure to set themselves apart from the millions of other teenagers who apply to college each year, and many look to college prep courses as a potential game-changer. College prep courses can improve students’ standing in the eyes of college admissions officers, but it’s imperative that high schoolers consider a host of factors before enrolling in such courses.
Graduation/admission requirements A strong performance in an AP class will not negate the basic requirements students must meet in order to graduate high school or be accepted into the college of their choice. Students must confirm that including a college prep or AP course in their class schedules won’t prevent them from taking another course that will help them fulfill their requirements to graduate or enroll in college. College prep and advanced placement cours es can help students stand out during the college application process. But students must consider various factors prior to enrolling in such courses.
such as quizzes and exams help educa tors recognize areas where students are excelling and where they might need a little extra help. In addition to tests in the class room, high schoolers generally take standardized testing for state or pro vincial assessment purposes. Testing may come easier to some students than others, but having solid study techniques can improve stu dents’ performance on a wide range of exams. In fact, research by Stan ford scholars, whose data was pub lished in Psychological Science, found that applying a strategic approach to studying helped college students im prove their exam scores by an average of one-third of a letter grade. The testing preparation resource PrepScholar says it is important to build and maintain strong study hab its to help students avoid undue stress and last-minute cramming. The fol lowing are seven techniques that may help foster good study skills.
2. Avoid distractions. Study time is time to take a break from social media, video games and any other distractions that can pull a student away from studying. Con stantly checking notifications can in terrupt thoughts and make it hard to learn the material.
3. Establish a study schedule. Develop a system and a schedule
1. Find value in the lessons. Many students lament that what they learn in school just isn’t rele vant in daily life. That can make the for studying. Students should estab lish a fixed habit of studying each day or week — whatever is best for him or her. Over time, studying will become 4.routine.Establish dedicated study spots. Students should locate places that work best for them as study and homework stations. Certain individu als may need the quiet of a library or a bookstore. Others may do best with the hum of conversation around them or in a group. There’s no right or wrong study spot. Maintaining con sistency will help the mind associate a place with studying. subject matter feel less important and uninteresting. Finding value in what one is learning and seeing how it can be applied outside of the classroom may make a student more inclined to learn and retain information.
Seven Study Tips for High School Students

Ripple effect Students who have the time to take on the extra work of AP or college prep courses must consider the potential ripple effects of such a decision. It’s true that many institutions view stu dents who excel in AP classes more favorably than their peers who excel in conventional classes. However, students should be sure they can han dle AP coursework without adversely affecting their performance in other classes. Students’ grade point averages will likely drop if a strong perfor mance in an AP class comes at the expense of strong performances in other classes. That dip in GPA could negate the benefits of performing well
5. Use grades as benchmarks and mo tivators.Blaming a teacher for a poor grade won’t get a student anywhere. Rather, grades should indicate how well one is learning the material, and in turn, the effectiveness of students’ study ing habits. Students can tweak their habits if they find their grades are not where they want them to be.
Time Today’s high school students are busier than ever. The 2019 American Time Use Survey from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that the average high school student spends a little less than 90 minutes each day participating in an extracur ricular activity like playing sports, working or vol unteering. Coupled with their existing academic responsibilities, high schoolers’ time may already be stretched thin. That’s a significant factor to con sider before enrolling in college prep or advanced placement courses, which tend to require more work outside of the classroom than standard class es. Students whose schedules are already full may need to choose between their extracurriculars and college prep courses to avoid being overextended.
in an advanced course.
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KUHLMAN from page 25 Wellness, Access and Equity, Financial and Human Resources, and Communication and Collaboration. The plan is easily accessible on our website and our progress will be reviewed regularly during public BoardSinceMeetings.safetyison everyone’s mind, I’d like to take this opportunity to highlight one important ele ment from the Strategic Plan which states that the District“Systematicallywill: identify evolving security needs, evaluate current and potential protocols, and allo cate resources to enhance safety.” Following the tragedy at Saugus High School, the Hart District worked with school violence preven tion experts to identify best practices for keeping our schools safe. The report from those experts is titled “Enhancing Plans and Procedures for the Prevention of Targeted Campus Violence.” The District has been working diligently to implement the best practices outlined in this document and our progress is reported to the Governing Board needs also involves listen ing to the feedback of our community. I would like to invite Hart District students, staff and parents to join us for a Safe Schools Discussion on August 31, from 6:00-8:00 pm at the Santa Clarita Activ ities Centre. At this meeting, District leadership will share an overview of our progress toward im plementing best practices for safe schools. Cap tain Diez from the Sheriff’s Department will be on hand and participants will be invited to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement. As an added layer of protection, we are part nering with 3DK9 Detection Services this year in a proactive effort to deter weapons from being brought onto our campuses. Our agreement will employ canines specially trained to detect firearms and explosives (not narcotics.) Beginning Mon day, August 22, a firearm detection canine unit will be deployed each morning to one or more of our District’s school sites. These friendly canine units and their handlers will help monitor student arriv al to school in the morning. In addition, they will be used to search student parking lots and lockers for firearms. Each school site will be visited 10-11 times throughout the school year on a random ba sis. We believe the promise of randomized visits to campuses will help deter problems while also help ing our students and staff feel more secure. With the implementation of a strategic plan and the focus on safety as our first priority - I’m op timistic about what lies ahead for the Hart Dis trict.
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Advances the hearts and minds of students through innovative learning and differentiated teaching to challenge all learners and provide a holistic approach to wellness in a secure, safe environment. The Castaic Union School District will develop independent, high-achieving, and socially responsible students. Michael Kuhlman speaks at the Sheriff’s PSA Awards ceremony. PHOTO
Castaic Union School District BY CHRIS TORRES THE SIGNAL


24 · SUNDAY SIGNAL AUGUST 28, 2022 N o matter what grade your kids are in, a new school year comes with optimism and opportunity. Everyone is excited for what the year will bring, until the first early alarm goes off and it’s time to get ready for school. Suddenly that joy becomes complaints as they beg for just one more minute and then later scramble to find their backpack while nearly missing the bus. Morning routines don’t have to be stressful for kids or adults, with a little proactive planning. Consider these six morning routine tips to trans form your a.m. from awful to amazing, setting the stage for everyone’s success: Reduce Morning Work
of Nutrition Science at SmartyPants.
The best way to start the day in a positive way is to model a positive attitude. Compliment your kids, smile and wish them a wonderful day. Mod el staying calm and organized yourself so they can reflect that energy. If you feel like mornings are be coming stressed, caregivers can try getting up 1530 minutes earlier. Not only does this give you a lit tle cushion of time, it also is time before kids wake up where you can enjoy a quiet house and prepare yourself for the day ahead. (BPT)
Simplify Breakfast Breakfast helps fuel grow ing minds, but unlike week ends, there’s not much time to make food on weekday mornings. Save time by plan ning out easy grab-and-go breakfast items. Things like pre-portioned yogurt, fruit, granola bars and trail mix are easy to eat at home or on the way to school. Since food calms hunger pangs so kids can focus and learn, under score the importance of eat ing in the morning, especial ly for older kids who may be tempted to skip. Add in Vitamins Getting the right nutri ents is essential, so consider adding a vitamin to your morning routine. Smar tyPants Vitamins, for instance, has delicious, com prehensive gummy multivitamins for everyone in the family — including kids, teens and adults.
Use Alarms Strategically Students of all ages need structure to succeed, and alarms can serve as useful reminders to stay on task and manage time appropriately, which is an important executive functioning skill. There fore, don’t just use alarms to wake kids up; set them throughout the morning to help them focus. For example, set an alarm for 20 minutes to eat, 20 minutes for dressing and tidying rooms, and a five-minute warning before it’s time to go to the bus.
A growing emphasis on STEM has emerged within the educational sector over the last decade or more. Schools and students have put forth extraordinary effort into fostering science, tech nology, engineering, and mathematics in curric ulums and through personal pursuits.
Although there are many proponents of STEM classes and careers, many people feel that creative endeavors, namely arts education, have been largely pushed aside in favor of STEM. But as evidence that arts-based learning has a positive effect on all aspects of education contin ues to mount — including improving students’ test scores on the SAT as well as in math and sci ence — many educators are reintroducing art in schools.STEAM encourages students to think not only analytically but creatively, essentially blending the best of math and science with the arts. A re cent study from even notes that graduates obtaining art degrees from certain schools can expect healthy returns on their edu cational investments. This furthers the push for a reintroduction of arts education, as it indicates that a career in the arts can be a potentially lucra tive pursuit. (MC)

Even though you do your best to plan ahead, mornings can be hectic for everyone. Making checklists is a way to help kids be empowered and stay organized. Plus, they’ll accomplish more in dependently so you can focus on what you need to do. Every child will have different to-do’s based on their age, abilities and needs. Small children may benefit from simple visuals to remind them to brush their teeth and make their bed. Older kids can have checklists that go into detail about what they need to do and pack based on the day’s activi ties, such as extracurriculars.
Stay Positive
SmartyPants Vitamins are available nationwide at dozens of major retailers, in-store and online at and, with 1% of profits supporting the health of women and children in need through a partnership with Vita min Angels. Make Checklists
“What’s more, we are committed to the highest standards of quality and safety. Each of our prod ucts is Clean Label Project® certified, which is a third-party verification given to products that ex ceed the strictest standards of purity and have test ed free of contaminants and chemicals of concern.”
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“We know that the vitamin aisle can be over whelming, so our goal is to give families the utmost confidence that they’re selecting an efficacious vita min … that’s also easy to add to your routine. Our kids, women’s and prenatal formulas include more premium nutrients than the leading multi gummy brand for each respective formula. This includes omega-3s and other important nutrients for child development and adult whole body health,” said Aletta Mayorga, Registered Dietician and Director
The first trick to a smooth morning is to start the evening prior. Whether you have a preschooler or teen, have them select and set out the outfit they are going to wear tomorrow. Additionally, packing backpacks, snacks and lunches the evening before streamlines the morning and sets everyone up for a drama-free morning. Set backpacks and all items that don’t need refrigeration by the door so the family is ready to head out early.

AUGUST 28, 2022 SUNDAY SIGNAL · 25 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Teachers Wanted!! Looking to join a leader in early childhood education in the Santa Clarita Valley? • Full & Part-Time Positions • Competitive Pay & Benefits • Paid Internships & Educational Opportunities to Enhance Your Career • Flexible Hours & Ongoing Training Montessori 27908CopperhillonSecoCanyonRoad 661-673-5676 Montessori of North Park 28180 McBean Parkway (1 blk south of Copperhill) 661-263-3265 Montessori of 24925ValenciaAnzaDrive 661-257-4161 Montessori of Stevenson Ranch 25940 The Old Road 661-259-5500 Email Resume to: ENROLLING NOW INFANT • TODDLER • PRESCHOOL • TK • KINDERGARTEN Enroll by 10-31-22 and receive $100 OFF 1st month tuition Not to be combined with any other offer


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Backpacks are handy resourc es, but overstuffed backpacks may cause injury. Backpacks should only carry weight that people can handle, and there are guidelines that can help people safely utilize backpacks. In regard to children, research ers indicate that a child’s backpack should weigh no more than 10% of what the student weighs. Those find ings are based on a Spanish study in volving 49 primary school-aged chil dren. Therefore, if a child weighs 70 pounds, he or she should only carry up to 7 pounds in the backpack. Individuals also should follow a few other backpack recommendations to alleviate injuries. It’s not a good idea to wear a backpack hanging from only one shoulder. A backpack should be worn on both shoulders, and ideally with a lumbar strap. This will help to prevent muscular pains by providing well-rounded support. A backpack with wide, padded straps can minimize pressure on the shoulders, back and collarbone. Back packs made of lightweight material will not add much additional weight to what’s being carried. Another tip is for children and adults to pack the heaviest item carried in the backpack closest to the center of the back to minimize strain. Failure to follow guidelines may result in pain and injuries and have negative effects on balance, which may increase the risk of falls or other injuries.Whenever possible, individuals may want to use trolley backpacks, which are on wheels. They can be dragged, alleviating the need to carry heavy loads. (MC)

AUGUST 28, 2022 SUNDAY SIGNAL · 27 HEALTH V ery common in adults and on the rise in chil dren, heel pain continues to be the number one rea son patients seek care from foot and ankle surgeons. While experts say there are many reasons for heel pain, including bursitis, Achilles tendon itis, bone bruises, fractures, growth spurts and nerve pain, the most common cause is plantar fasciitis, a condition that one in 10 people will suffer from in their lifetime. According to the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, plantar fasciitis can have serious repercus sions if left untreated. Here’s what to know: What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the band of tissue (the plantar fas cia) that extends from the heel to the toes in which the fascia becomes irri tated and then inflamed. Symptoms include pain on the bottom of the heel, pain in the arch of the foot and How is it Treated? “We typically treat plantar fasciitis conservatively, at first,” said Michael J. Cornelison, DPM, FACFAS, a foot and ankle surgeon and president of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. “This can include a combination of remedies.” Most patients respond well to con servative treatments. However, de pending on the severity of the plantar fasciitis, additional therapies may be required, including:
A small inci sion is made into the heel of the foot and a probe directs ultrasonic ener gy at the fascia to break down bad tissue and help the healing process. A diagnostic ultrasound tool is used to create an image of the inside of the foot and guide the probe. Patients may need to wear a boot for up to two weeks and they can expect to see improvements anywhere from three to six months after the procedure.
Those with overly flat feet or higharched feet are more prone to devel oping plantar fasciitis. Lifestyle factors can also play a role. Wearing non-sup portive footwear on hard, flat surfaces puts abnormal strain on the plantar fascia. Obesity and overuse may also contribute to plantar fasciitis. ly after treatment.
Shockwave Therapy uses sound waves delivered over the skin to slightly damage the tissue and stimu late the body’s natural repair process. This helps the plantar fasciitis heal and relieves pain symptoms without making an incision. Patients can ex pect to be up and moving immediate swelling on the bottom of the heel. For many, the pain is worse upon and increases over a period of months.
What You Need to Know About Heel Pain ©BOYLOSO / ISTOCKPHOTO.COM Caring. Compassionate. Committed.

Injection Therapy Growth factor injections and platelet rich plasma injections are used to boost the body’s healing response and help repair in jured tissue.

Ultrasonic Treatment
Surgery A minimally invasive, minimally traumatic surgery involves making a small incision through the heel into the damaged tendon to try to lengthen it and relieve tension. Patients tend to recover in six to 10 weeks, but it may take up to three months to resume exercise and more vigorous activities. For more heel pain information and to find a foot and ankle surgeon near you, visit (SPT)
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By Donna Erickson Signal Contributing Writer

Nancy plans ahead with a visit to her neighborhood library to check out three age-appropriate books that four-year-old Dominic and two-yearold Gabriel will enjoy. “I try to find a title that’s silly or funny, such as Chris Monroe’s “Monkey with a Tool Belt” series.Humor always grabs their attention and gets us in the storytime mode. I also go for a classic I may have read to my own kids when they were young.
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• Create a special way of saying goodbye, such as blowing kisses. Extra idea Sunday, Sept. 11 is Grandparents’ Day. Send a card, vid eo-chat your grandparents or invite nearby grandparents over for a fun get-together.

t was a dark and stormy night” could have been an apt beginning to an ex citing tale told by Nancy Liddy to her two grandsons in Madi son, Wisconsin, via Skype recently.
• Collect props. Books and items of interest promote curiosity and conversation. Encourage the kids to share their stuffed animals and items of interest, too.
• Look into the camera as often as possible. Eye contact helps kids stay engaged in conversations and inter actions.
is based on a topic that the boys are currently interested in, such as trucks and trains, wild animals or sea life.” It’s not only a pleasure to share good reads with the boys, but vid Nancy Liddy reads to her two grandsons via video chat.
Donna Erickson’s award-winning se ries “Donna’s Day” is airing on public television nationwide. To find more of her creative family recipes and activi ties, visit and link to the Donna’s Day Facebook fan page. Her latest book is “Donna Erickson’s Fabulous Funstuff for Families.” © 2022 Donna Erickson Distributed by King Features Synd. SHOWER DOOR SPECIALIST 661.298.0261 26858 Ruether Ave, Unit A, Saugus, CA www.ValenciaCustomShowerDoors.com91351Lic#852216
“Whether it’s one of the stories I read, or things they show and tell, we always have something in common to talk about when we see each other in person,” she said. Here are tips for video-chatting with younger children:
‘The Story of Ferdinand’ by Mun ro Leaf is a favorite. The third book


eo-chatting also nurtures her long-distance relationship with them.
“A summer thunderstorm and re sulting power outage left us with just a blur on the screen when we tried to connect for our weekly storytime,” she said. “We quickly rescheduled. Neither the boys nor I want to miss the ritual, rain or shine.”
Donna’s Day: Creative Family Fun Use Video Chat to Keep in Touch with the Grandkids


• Put a chat time on the calendar. Schedule it for when the kids are rested and fed, and try to make the “date” on a regular day and time.

A few days ago my wife asked, quite out of the blue, “Why are the Kardashians famous?” And, like the rest of civiliza tion, I had no cogent answer. There is no reason they should be on every maga zine cover except that they’ve been on previous covers and millions of people are curious about their every move, even though you’ll not find many who admit it. They are poster children for an omi nous trend that is overtaking our society. Success is being recalibrated in our day. Where character, hard work, utility and societal benefit used to be the standard criteria for measuring success in life, to day we are increasingly ready to coronate as cultural kings and queens those who may be outra geous, arrogant, irreverent, and downright evil, as long as they are beautiful, rich, interesting or any combina tionButthereof.thisraises two serious problems. First, given the vast majority of us are not beautiful, rich or very inter esting, the result will be only a few will ever be seen as successful. Second, if suc cess becomes equated with beauty, riches, or flamboyance, we will be sacrificing the grand foundation of our culture, which has always measured success in such a way that fame and wealth don’t automati cally factor in.
Let me suggest that success is simply faithfulness in all walks of life. A man who is faithful to his wife, raises emo tionally and spiritually healthy children, does his work heartily and with integrity, and loves his neighbor must be seen as successful in everyone’s book, despite the fact that few will ever recognize his merit.
The successful life is the ethical life, lived in alignment with core values such as integrity, courage, honesty, humility and love. Without these no amount of popularity or material gain can make a life truly successful, no matter how many people recognize you as “somebody” at the next conference.
As you might guess, at conferences no one ever looks me in the eye, and more likely, they are staring right past me after reading my name. I am used to it by now, but it does make me wonder about what qualifies as success today. What makes for success? Certainly, for many it is notoriety. You are successful if you’ve made a name for yourself that is recognized broadly. It usually means you’ve written something that has sold well, discovered something that has been widely used, made a lot of money or come up with an idea that everyone wants to hear. I suppose there are other ways to become famous, but the real question is whether fame really should equal success.
Local resident David Hegg is senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church. “Ethically Speaking” appears Sundays.

Unless otherwise stated, the views and opinions expressed are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily represent the views of The Signal.
Of course, being wealthy, or famous, or interesting doesn’t disqualify any one from my definition of success. But none of those actually measure what is most important in life. Success is faith fulness, and while some may find their faithfulness rewarded with income and opportunities for public acclaim, we must appreciate their character and conduct first and foremost.
A woman who sticks to her word, is hon est and caring in all her relationships, and brings value to her family and friends is a success despite the fact that she never wrote a book or reached six figures.
The Destruction of California, U.S.
Diane SantaZimmermanClarita
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Ioften attend conferences where the attendees are given name tags that boldly announce who they are. This creates a phenom enon rarely seen elsewhere. As we walk the halls of the conference center or hotel, our eyes are fixed on the name tags of those we pass. We’re anxious to see if they are “somebody.” Is he a well-known speaker? Is she an author we’ve read? Are they part of an important faculty or church or company? We zero in on their name tag to find out. But, as soon as we realize they are just commoners, unknowns, and not so special, we initiate the instinctive neck twist and look away, scanning the horizon for the next chance to spot a celebrity.
Santa Clarita, our beautiful city, wanting to build more and more (at least our illustrious City Council seems to think it a GREAT idea, right along with all but one running for their positions). You MUST be kidding me!And, now, Gavin Newsom has the complete audacity to think he would complete his lifelong dream of destroying the United States of America by seeking to become the next president. Yup! The rest of the country really wants to be “just like California”! That is why so many are leaving Califor nia as quickly as they can. Will someone, when they argue with me, please tell me anything that is not taxed in California? Of course, these are just my opinions. Though I believe that a great and growing number of folks believe as I do.
Oh my God! Gas prices going down? So many of you so excited about that? Say what? Of course they are going to go down, probably quite a bit, until after the November election results come in. If the “conservative” Republicans win, they will, more than likely, keep going down and down. If the “far left” Democrats (who should not be using the name “Democrat,” in my opinion) win, your gas prices will sky rocket to much higher than they were in June 2022. (Of course, I hope I am wrong.) Water regulations forced on us? What happened to all of Newsom’s promises and the billions of dollars that went toward water preservation? All of us should be insisting on this being answered. Now! Electricity and oil? Yup. Let’s make sure that “everyone” switches to elec tric vehicles. Sure. Would be soooo great for our state and country. Correct me if I am wrong. Isn’t our electric grid overwhelmed right now? Or is that another preplanned lie that has been forced upon us? Hmm, the United States has the cleanest oil in the world. And, we have more than anyone. But, we close down our pipelines and beg other coun tries for gas that does not even compare to the cleanness of our own? All in the name of “climate change”? Our climate has not been changing any more than it has always changed back and forth. Check it out for yourselves! I feel so sad for the very wonderful young men and women who are dedicating their lives to “The Green New Deal.” What a complete sham. Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, the Obamas, Clintons, Bushes, Newsoms, Pelo sis, Schumers, the Squad and all spreading this crap to innocent folks. So many, that a lot of us have trusted, turning on America BIG time. Newsom and all of his cronies have, almost, completed their demise of California being the “place to live and bring up your family.” Just look at their voting records. They are totally responsible for California’s skyrock eted crime rate, drugs flowing into our state, illegals creating disastrous homeless situations, taxes on those who actually WORK going through the roof, Critical Race Theory’s continuing invasion of our govern ment-run schools at all levels, God being removed from you name it, city councils and school boards being run by many (not all) who hate the freedoms that the United States was founded on…. Oh, so much more.
ETHICALLY SPEAKING Defining ‘Successful’