Sunday Signal 121822

Page 11

Your News, Entertainment & Lifestyle Source PLUS : CITY NEWS | OPINION | SCHOOL | ENTERTAINMENT | SENIORS | HEALTH & FITNESS SCV’s Best Holiday Lights Page 6 DECEMBER 18, 2022 MAKE YOUR POINSETTIAS LAST LONGER 20 HOLIDAY POPCORN FUN11 4 THE TRADITIONS OF HANUKKAH Valencia | Saugus | Newhall | Canyon Country | Stevenson Ranch | Westridge | Castaic | Val Verde HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE INSIDE


In 2023, we’re excited to bring back some in person workshops, mixed in with the popular virtual options! Workshops are subject to change, so check online to confirm details.

All workshops are on Saturdays from 9 to 11 a.m.

JAN 7 Proper Pruning (in-person)

FEB 4 Strategies for Replacing Your Lawn

MAR 4 Elements of Designing a Sustainable Landscape (in-person)

APR 8 Small Space Gardening

MAY 6 Cap it or Convert it! Better Landscape Irrigation Practices

JUN 10 Intro To Composting & Sustainable Water Solutions (in-person)

JUL 8 Sprucing up Your Landscape and Protecting it

AUG 5 Top Plants for the SCV

SEP 2 Save Water! Turf Care & Substitutes

OCT 7 Replacing Lawns with Native Plants (in-person)

NOV 4 Perennials and Natives for the SCV

DEC 2 Harvesting Your Own Garden

Register at landscape-workshops or scan the QR code.

is About Tradition The
6 The
Light Show 9 Ring in 2023
10 10 Protect You and Your Home This Season FOOD 11 11 Holiday Fun with Popcorn Gingersnap
Snack Mix
Balls ENTERTAINMENT 13 13 ‘Avatar’ is a Hit on Visuals, a Miss on Storyline GIFT GUIDE 14 SENIOR LIVING 19 19 Habits That Affect Cognitive Health GARDENING 20 20 How to Make Your Poinsettias Last Longer PUZZLES 22
23 David
Meaning Behind
SCV Christmas
Easy, Elegant Holiday Popcorn White Chocolate Peppermint Popcorn
Cranberry Popcorn
The entire content of the Sunday Signal is copyrighted 2022 by Paladin Multi-Media Group, Inc. All submitted letters and columns are strictly the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the publisher. All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. If you would not like this delivered to your home, please call (661) 259-1000. Richard Budman Publisher Doña Uhrig Sunday Signal Editor Tim Whyte Signal Editor Sales Representatives Maureen Daniels • Jennifer Ramos • Barbara Ward 25060 Avenue Stanford, Suite 141 | Valencia, CA 91355 661-259-1234 SignalSCV. com SINCE 1919 CHECK US OUT ON NEW TIRE PRICES! FOREIGN & DOMESTIC SPECIALIZING IN PRECISION ELECTRONIC TUNE-UPS, FUEL INJECTION, IGNITION, SMOG CHECK, GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR 2000 or Newer Model * Must have coupon* Exp. 12/31/22 Most Cars & Light Trucks * Must have coupon* Exp. 12/31/22 SMOG CHECK A/C SERVICE 661-259-4150 24135 Railroad Ave. Newhall (Newhall Ave. Across from William Hart Park) $41.75 + certificate $39.95 + FREON
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Tradition is a Major Part of Hanukkah Celebrations

Tradition is a major component of the Jewish faith, so it’s no surprise that tradition plays such a central role during the celebration of Hanukkah.

Although some are quick to note Hanukkah is not one of the major Jewish holidays, it is celebrated in a very public fashion. Hanukkah celebrants make the holiday more high profile by displaying menorahs in prominent locations and participating in holiday meals.

Like other Jewish holidays, Hanukkah is shrouded in tradition. Hanukkah means “dedication” or “induction” in Hebrew. The holiday begins on the 25th of Kislev and can occur in either November or December. Also known as the Festival of Lights, Hanukkah includes menorah displays, traditional foods and games and songs. This year, it starts on Sunday, Dec. 18.

Hanukkah rose to prominence thanks in part to the story of faith and miracle behind its inception. Antiochus IV was a Greek sovereign in control of the region of Syria, Egypt and Palestine, where many Jews resided. Antiochus began to oppress the Jews, prohibiting the practice of the Jewish religion

and desecrating the Jewish Temple. Opposition to Antiochus grew, and a group led by Mattathias the Hasmonean and his son, Judah Maccabee, took on the Syrian army. They were successful in their efforts to combat religious oppression, and the Temple was subsequently rededicated. The Talmud states that, at the time of the rededication, there was very little oil left that had not been defiled by the Greeks. This posed a problem because oil was needed to burn the Temple menorah throughout the night every night. However, there was only enough left for one night’s illumination. Miracu-

lously, that oil burned for eight nights, leading to the development of an eight-day festival to commemorate this miracle.

Because Hanukkah is about the miracle of the oil and the lasting flame, oil and candles factor heavily in the holiday. A nine-armed menorah called the hanukiah is lit, and one candle is lit on each of the eight nights of the celebration. The last branch of the candelabra holds the shamash (servant) candle. The organization Reform Judaism says the traditional song “Ma’oz Tzur (Rock of Ages)” is sung after the lighting of the candles each night and at other times throughout the holiday. Foods fried in oil, including latkes and jelly doughnuts, are consumed as well.

Celebrants play games with a dreidel, a German-based spinning top, and giving to charity is encouraged. Hanukkah is one of the few times of the year when rabbis permit games of chance. The letters atop the dreidel stand for the first letter of each word in the Hebrew statement “Neis gadol hayah sham,” which translates to “A great miracle happened there,” and refers to the defeat of the Syrian army and the rededication of the Temple (MC) 

The Meaning Behind the Menorah

The menorah is perhaps the most recognizable symbol of Hanukkah. Displayed in homes, and often in windows, each year, the menorah is a nine-branched candelabrum that symbolizes Hanukkah and much more.

Menorahs have been part of the Jewish faith since ancient times. Isaiah 42:6 indicates that the menorah is a symbol of the nation of Israel, and its mission is to be a “light unto nations.” After being liberated from slavery in Egypt, the Jews were commanded by God to make the original menorah, which at the time featured seven branches. The seven arms were believed to refer to the seven days of creation. The menorah was lit every evening and cleaned every morning. The wicks were replaced and fresh, consecrated olive oil was put into the cups to keep the flame alive.

After the Second Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed and desecrated by the Romans, there remained only enough sealed, consecrated olive oil left to light the menorah for one day. Miraculously, the oil burned for eight days, giving the Jews enough time to make new consecrated oil. This became known as the Hanukkah miracle.

While the original menorahs were seven-branched, the Hanukkah menorah, or Chanukiah (Hanukkiah), became a nine-branched version lit only during the holiday. According to the Jewish holiday site Breaking Matzo, celebrants light a new candle or wick on each night of Hanukkah.

The ninth night, called the Shamash (“helper” or “servant”), is used to light all the other candles or oil lamps. To be kosher, the Shamash must be placed on a different level than the eight other candles.

After both temples were destroyed, a new tradition developed in which Jews did not replicate anything from the destroyed temples. As a result, menorahs used in many Jewish services, apart from Hanukkah, no longer had seven branches.

Six-branched menorahs became popular in some synagogues. However, the Jewish Virtual Library indicates that some rabbis have gone back to seven-armed

menorahs for regular services because the modern ones are electrified and, therefore, cannot possibly be duplicates of the original Temple menorah.

Lighting the Hanukkah menorah gives celebrants the ability to embrace the holiness of the holiday and take a small part in Jewish history. (MC) 


Bakers across the country have been reporting that tried-and-true cookie recipes have failed in record numbers during the past year due to a change in the manufacture of basic cooking staples. Butter, shortening and flour have all been suspected as the culprits in these baking fails.

Crisco has changed its recipe to remove trans fats, so be advised that taste and texture of baked goods may not be the same. Some bakers have switched to store brand shortening or lard, which reportedly produces better results.

Fat content in most commercially produced butter is also now suspect. Bakers report using butter from grassfed cows, or a butter with a higher known fat content may be needed for successful results.

Using a higher quality flour is also being recommended by many bakers. Gold Medal or King Arthur are two flours receiving consistently high marks from bakers.

Christmas Cookies 2022

Christmas cookies are part of our family heritage. Every family has “that” cookie that means “the holidays.”

Many Christmas cookies are recipes brought by immigrants to our shores and handed down through generations.

This Christmas try a few of these holiday recipes from around the world.

Austria: Linzer Cookies

A friend of mine made these cookies every Christmas. I’m glad she passed her recipe on to me.

1-1/4 cups butter, softened

1 cup sugar

2 large eggs, room temperature

3 cups all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon baking cocoa

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1/8 teaspoon ground cloves

2 cups ground almonds

6 tablespoons seedless raspberry jam

3 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar

In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy, 5-7 minutes. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Combine flour, cocoa, salt and spices; gradually add to creamed mixture and mix well. Stir in almonds. Refrigerate for 1 hour or until easy to handle.

Preheat oven to 350°. On a lightly floured surface, roll out dough to 1/8-in. thickness. Cut with a floured 2-1/2-in. round cookie cutter. From the center of half the cookies, cut out a 1-1/2-in. shape.

Place on ungreased baking sheets. Bake 10-12 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Remove to wire racks to cool completely.

Spread bottom of each solid cookie with 1/2 teaspoon jam. Sprinkle cutout cookies with confectioners’ sugar; carefully place over jam.

Russia: Tea Cakes

These Russian Tea Cakes are a cookie that I remember making 60 years ago with my grandmother on my mother’s side. We don’t have Russian roots, but the recipe was given to my great-grandmother by a friend who had Russian heritage.

1 cup butter, softened

1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2-1/4 cups all-purpose flour

1/4 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup finely chopped nuts

Additional confectioners’ sugar

In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy, 5-7 minutes. Beat in vanilla. Combine dry ingredients; gradually add to creamed mixture. Stir in nuts. Cover and refrigerate for 1-2 hours.

Preheat oven to 350°. Roll into 1-in. balls. Place 2 in. apart on ungreased baking sheets. Bake until lightly browned, 12-13 minutes. Roll in confectioners’ sugar while still warm.

Cool on wire racks.

Scotland: Shortbread

My grandfather had Scottish roots. This shortbread recipe was passed down by his mother.

2 cups butter, softened

1 cup packed brown sugar 4 to 4-1/2 cups all-purpose flour

Preheat oven to 325°. Cream butter and brown sugar until light and fluffy, 5-7 minutes. Add 3-3/4 cups flour; mix well. Turn dough onto a floured surface; knead for 5 minutes, adding enough remaining flour to form a soft dough.

On a sheet of parchment, roll dough to a 16x9-inch rectangle. Transfer to a baking sheet, and cut into 3x1-in. strips. Prick each cookie multiple times with a fork. Refrigerate at least 30 minutes or overnight. Chilling the dough is the secret to success for these cookies.

Separate cookies and place 1 in. apart on ungreased baking sheets. Bake until cookies are lightly browned, 2025 minutes. Transfer to wire racks to cool completely.

Italy: Italian Christmas Cookies

There are many different kinds of Italian Christmas Cookies including Neapolitan Cookies, Pignoli Cookies and Italian Butter Cookies. This is my favorite recipe, given to my mother by a friend of the family. This recipe goes back generations.


6 large eggs, room temperature

5 cups all-purpose flour

2 cups confectioners’ sugar

2 tablespoons plus 1-1/2 teaspoons

baking powder

1 cup shortening

3 teaspoons almond extract 1-1/2 teaspoons lemon extract


3-3/4 cups confectioners’ sugar

1/2 cup warm 2% milk

1 teaspoon almond extract

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Colored sprinkles

Using a heavy-duty mixer, beat eggs on high speed until light and foamy, about 5 minutes; set aside. In a large bowl, combine the flour, confectioners’ sugar and baking powder; on low speed, gradually beat in shortening and extracts until mixture resembles fine crumbs. Gradually add beaten eggs (dough will be stiff).

Roll dough into 1-in. balls. Place 2 in. apart on ungreased baking sheets. Bake at 350° for 12-14 minutes (tops of the cookies will not brown, but bottoms should brown slightly).

Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine the confectioners’ sugar, milk and extracts until smooth. As soon as cookies are removed from the oven, quickly dip 2 or 3 at a time into glaze. Remove with a slotted spoon or tongs; place on wire racks to drain. Immediately top with sprinkles. Let dry for 24 hours before storing in airtight containers.

Nothing says the holidays like a plate filled with homemade Christmas cookies from around the world. PHOTO COURTESY SILVIA FROM PIXABAY.

For many of us, a trip out to view the holiday light displays is a must-do this time of year. And, if possible, those displays just keep getting more amazing every season. From meditative luminarias to good old-fashioned wooden reindeer, to blowup, light and music extravaganzas that can probably be seen from space, there is something for everyone, and everything for some. Here we offer you the best of that, with a few insights and updates.

Transit Light Tour

Tonight (Dec. 18) will be your final opportunity to enjoy the Santa Clarita Transit Holiday Light Tour. The tour departs from the McBean Regional Transit Center and lasts approximately 45 minutes, visiting some of the city’s best light displays (does not include Wakefield Court).

Trips depart every 15 minutes, beginning at 6 p.m., with the final tour leaving at 9 p.m. Tickets are first-come, first-served and can be purchased when boarding for $3 per person or are free with the donation of a canned food

item. All canned foods collected will be donated to the Santa Clarita Food Pantry.

For more information contact Santa Clarita Transit at (661) 294-1BUS (1287) or visit

Old Town Newhall

You might have missed the Light Up Main Street event in November, but Old Town Newhall continues to be a twinkling winter wonderland throughout the holiday season, anchored by the Christmas tree at the library. Stroll down Main Street and visit the shops, theaters and restaurants in a snow globe-worthy atmosphere.

Street/neighborhood displays

Wakefield Winter Wonderland Wakefield Court, Saugus, through Dec. 25 from 5:30 - 10:30 p.m.

For many years now, Wakefield Court has been the big boss of holiday lighting in the SCV. Thus, it is incredibly busy during peak hours. But that’s part of the show. Just take it very slow on the drive through or park a few blocks away and do it by foot. There is almost too much to see, and the neighborhood is wel-

coming. However, the neighbors do request you be respectful, patient and neighborly, yourself.

Drive/walk with caution and be aware of the children that may move about quickly. Use the trash cans placed out or take it back to your car. Remember that some homes have children sleeping in them while the festivities take place. There are no public restrooms.

Reindeer Lane Grandview Drive, Valencia, from 5:30 - 11 p.m.

Misty Right Light Show Misty Ridge Place, Canyon Country from 5 - 9:30 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday and 5 - 10 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.

Canterwood Drive South of Copper Hill near Bouquet Canyon Road.

Homestead Holiday Homestead Place near Copper Hill Drive and Paragon Drive.

Ash Court Saugus, just off Deodar Place near Seco Canyon Road.

Brooks Circle Off Poe Parkway, in Stevenson Ranch

Luminaria Lane Clearidge Drive, Essex Place, Keith Hagedorn and Misty Gloudeman stroll past 277705 Essex Place in Valencia. PHOTOS BY DAN WATSON / THE SIGNAL Rio Bosque in Valencia 25086 Cotton Blossom Lane in Stevenson Ranch. Brooks Circle in Stevenson Ranch.

Meraweather Place, Valencia, through Dec. 31 from 5 – 10 p.m.

Special Homes

Holiday Light Spectacular 27732 Briarcliff Place, Valencia, through Jan. 8 from 6:3011 p.m. “Our 2022 fundraising page for the National Brain Tumor Society just went live. If you like the show, please consider a donation to NBTS at Lights-on-Briarcliff.”

Roberson Lightshow 23235 Cuestport Dr., Valencia

Quires Winter Wonderland 23551 Chatfield Way, Valencia, through Jan. 1. Fridays and Saturdays 5:30 - 10 p.m. Other days 5:30 - 9 p.m. Reindeer Road 27705 Essex Place, Valencia, through Dec. 31 from 5 - 10 p.m.

Silas Family Lightshow 25437 Plaza Escovar,

Valencia, through Dec. 31 from 5 - 10 p.m.

Robert and Danny at it again 27747 Sequoia Glen Dr., Valencia. “My love for Christmas decorating started back when I was in junior high and my mom asked me to put the lights up for her,” said Robert Cowan. “I think I ended up doing four or five of the posts on our block that year, and Christmas really took off on the block. It was great to see all the neighbors get into it and turn our block into something magical.” He and Danny continue that wonder in Valencia. “This year we did away with a bunch of the giant, inflatable things, added some custom programmable lights to the garage door and 12 foot Christmas tree and got a fake snow machine. It really brings a nice feeling of community to see all the families walk or drive by to enjoy out little light show.”

Drive, Valencia. Scott Smith, wife Kate Santiago and son Kamden want you to know that “Christmas has always been our favorite holiday. Our son loves decorating even more than Halloween with his Mom and Dad. Our holiday display includes giant inflatables, over 5,000 lights, cheerful holiday music from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., a wood burning fire pit, and snow machines. We love to chat with people as they drive buy and encourage photos next to the decorations. Our family holiday display is best viewed at night because of all the lights, but we do not turn it off. Usually, our family is out greeting passersby from 6:00 p.m. until 8 or 9:00 p.m. This is usually when we have the snow machines and music playing.”

Sweetgum Lane 17772 Sweetgum Lane, Canyon Country, 6:30 - 7 p.m.

Candy Land 27809 Sycamore Creek Drive, Saugus, through Dec. 31 from 5 - 10 p.m.

Combs Tree Lot 28114 Guilford Lane, Saugus, through Dec. 31 from 6 - 10 p.m.

Holiday Pups 21702 Jeffers Lane, Saugus, through Jan. 3 from 5 - midnight.

Minion Land 21118 Cimarron Way, Saugus, through Jan. 1 from 5:15 - 11:30 p.m.

Spectacular Xmas Lights 19646 Castille Lane, Saugus, through Dec. 31 from 5 - 10 p.m.

Trinity Place 22274 Trinity Place, Saugus, through Dec. 26 from 5:30 - 9 p.m.

The Hallak House 25086 Cotton Blossom Lane, Stevenson Ranch, through Dec. 30 from 5:30 -10:30 p.m. 

The Holmes family stops their truck to take photos of the lights on 23501 Clearidge Drive in Valencia. 23235 Cuestport Drive in Valencia 27602 Sequoia Glen Drive in Valencia

Holiday trees will be collected and recycled on your regular collection day beginning December 26, 2022 through January 14, 2023.

Holiday trees will be collected and recycled on your regular collection day beginning December 26, 2022 through January 14, 2023.

Before placing trees out for collection:

Before placing trees out for collection:

• Please remove lights, tinsel, ornaments and stands.

• Please remove lights, tinsel, ornaments and stands.

• Cut trees larger than 6 feet in half when possible.

• Cut trees larger than 6 feet in half when possible.

• For multi-family communities, place your trees next to your designated trash enclosure.

• For multi-family communities, place your trees next to your designated trash enclosure.

Please note: flocked trees will be collected and disposed of as trash; they cannot be recycled.

Please note: flocked trees will be collected and disposed of as trash; they cannot be recycled.

For more information, contact your waste hauler or the City of Santa Clarita at (661) 286-4098

8 · SUNDAY SIGNAL DECEMBER 11, 2022 Give us a call , we ' re ready to help! FLEXIBLE COMMISSIONS Cancel anytime No fees until home sells Premier Home Prep System Maximum Marketing Package SELLING YOUR HOME? S a n t a C l a r i t a ' s P r e m i e r T e a m Access to off-market deals We'll help pay for your move One year free home warranty Love-It or Leave-It Guarantee The best loan programs available Our services are complimentary! 6 6 1 - 4 6 6 - H O M E C r a i g M a r t i n H o m e s . c o m
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The New Year is almost here. Celebrate New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day in SoCal style. This year New Year’s Day falls on a Sunday, which means the New Year’s weekend will be extended through Jan. 2.

New Year’s Eve

The New Year is only weeks away. Now is the time to book your reservations for a festive New Year’s Eve.

Ring in the New Year

The Canyon Santa Clarita Valencia Town Center, 24201 Valencia Blvd., Valencia 91355 Info

The Canyon Santa Clarita presents “Ring in the New Year” with DJ and dancing at The Canyon Santa Clarita. Party Like a Rock Star this New Year’s Eve.

Doors open at 10 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 31. Guests under 18 must be accompanied by a paying adult.

J.R’s Comedy Club New Year’s Eve

Hart and Main Event Center 24217 Main St., Newhall 91321 Info events

Dinner and full bar service. After dinner J.R.’s Comedy Club All Star Comedy Show starring Kivi Rog-

ers from “The Tonight Show,” local favorite Jeff Frame and Paul Douglas Moomjean. Each guest will receive party favors, noisemakers, hats, along with a Champagne Toast at 9 p.m. when there will be a countdown to ring in the new year as if you were in Times Square in NYC.

East Coast New Year’s Eve

Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Show at 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $89.99.

West Coast New Year’s Eve

Doors open at 9:30 p.m. for dinner. Show starts 10:30 p.m. Tickets: $89.99.

Universal Studios EVE 100 Universal City Plaza, Universal City 91608

Info www.

Be part of Hollywood’s biggest New Year’s EVE celebration at Universal Studios Hollywood’s EVE event Dec. 31 where you can party until 2 a.m.

Fill your day with rides, shows and attractions, and then keep the thrills going into the night. Have fun and celebrate with multiple party areas featuring music, dancing, photo ops, drinks available for purchase and a midnight countdown celebration with fireworks. Tickets: $139.

L.A. Zoo Lights Family New Year’s Eve

5333 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles 90027


L.A.’s brightest winter tradition has been reimagined for the 2022/2023 season! Explore an immersive landscape filled with spectacular lantern sculptures of animals among blooming flowers, towering trees and more for a wildlife-centered experience that’s as inspiring as it is breathtaking.

Opens 6 p.m. Includes express entry to L.A. Zoo Lights: Animals Aglow, buffet dinner with dessert, dancing, live broadcast of the Times Square ball drop and more. All ages.

Special NYE tickets: Adults $100,

ages 2-17 $75. Under age 2, free.

LA Zoo Lights

Zoo Lights will also run nightly through Jan. 22. Regular nightly admission is $39 for ages 13 and older. Under 13 admission is $32. Open New Year’s Day evening at regular admission prices. Closes 10 p.m.

Sant’olina Rooftop at The Beverly Hilton 9876 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, 90210


Inspiring Tips for Eating Well During the Holidays

For many of us, healthy eating can easily fall by the wayside during the holidays. What you eat has an impact on your health. However, eating healthy can be easy and delicious. Check out these tips from Kaiser Permanente nutrition experts to get health eating back on track.

Healthy Baking Ideas

Instead of sourdough bread, try your hand at gluten free or vegan baking. Substitutes like coconut or almond flour for white flour or applesauce for oil pack a flavorful and nutritious punch. Find

healthy and delicious recipes from Kaiser Permanente clinicians at KP’s Food for Health blog.

Plant-Based Eating

Kaiser Permanente recommends a mostly plant-based diet, which focuses on whole grains, legumes, fruit, and vegetables and limits meat and dairy. Not only is it good for your health, but I’s also good for the health of the planet. And with so many options these days, it’s easier than ever to eat plant based. Get the information you need to start a plant-based diet.

Watch Your Beverages

Studies show that over 22% of calories consumed in the US come from sugary or alcoholic beverages. This can lead to wight gain over time and can contribute to condition like pre-diabetes. Drin water, unsweetened iced teas, or sparkling water. Give your water a kick with a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime, or a small splash of 100% juice.

For more information about healthy eating, visit the Kaiser Permanente website at 

See NEW YEAR, page 14

With the holidays upon us, I am excited to see Christmas lights going up in the neighborhoods, residents shopping locally throughout the City and of course, all of the holiday events taking place in our community. We must remember that even though it’s the most joyous time of year to spend with family and friends, it’s also the time when crime rates surge.

From porch pirates and burglaries, to car thefts and larceny, and although we are heralded as one of the safest cities in the nation, Santa Clarita is not immune to any of these crimes.

According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, robbery and larceny increases 20% in the month of December. By knowing this information, you can better protect your homes, cars and valuables from thieves.

When you are out shopping, don’t leave anything valuable in your car or in sight. Always remember to lock your car doors, whether you’re shopping or parked at home. For any packages that get

delivered to your home, try asking your neighbors to pick them up for you or have them delivered to your work. Coordinating pick-up times and safe locations can help save you the hassle of a lost or stolen package.

I also want to reinforce the importance of your family’s safety inside and around your homes during the holiday season. While we enjoy decorating our houses, we must be mindful of the potential dangers. When you are putting up lights inside or outside your home, check that cords are not broken or frayed. Damaged cords can easily ignite a fire, especially on a Christmas tree. Remember to always turn these lights off when you are going to bed or leaving the house.

For residents who love the festive scent of pine, remember to water your Christmas tree to keep them from becoming dry and brittle. Within sec-

onds, a spark can cause a tree to become engulfed in flames.

By implementing these small safety measures into your holiday decorating routine, you can keep your homes and family safe.

As we come together this season to celebrate the end of what has been another great year, I must remind you to never drink and drive. With easily accessible options like Uber, Lyft or the GO! Santa Clarita bus, there is absolutely no reason that anyone should be on the road while under the influence. A somber reminder to us all, are the 118 tree stumps in our Youth Grove, each one signifying a life cut short due to a traffic-related incident in Santa Clarita. I hope you all take a moment to think before getting into your car after any amount of drinking.

With so much to be grateful for this year, I wish everyone a very happy and safe holiday season. To learn about any of the safety tips mentioned above and more, please visit santa/ Emergency.

Ken Striplin can be reached at The views expressed in his column are those of the City and do not necessarily reflect those of The Signal.

FROM THE CITY MANAGER Protect Your Family, Home and Valuables this Holiday Season CERTIFICATE Open your savings account today at your local branch or scan the QR code to open online. *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates effective as of December 1, 2022. Certificate must be opened with funds not currently on deposit with the credit union. Offers and rates subject to change or end without notice. A penalty may apply for early withdrawal. Special 9-month Certificate renews automatically to a standard 12-month term at the rate in effect at the time of renewal unless instructed otherwise. A deposit of $1.00 into a Smart Savings account is required to join Premier America Credit Union. For businesses, a deposit of $250 into a Business Savings account is required to join Premier America Credit Union. Taxpayer identification number and government issued identification featuring a physical address, required to establish membership. Federally Insured by NCUA. Limited Time Special 9-Month Term | $1,000 to Open New Money Required 4 .00% APY *

Holiday Fun with W

ith countless ways to enjoy the holiday season from decorating and hosting parties to wintertime activities, it’s a perfect time to bring family and friends together for some festive fun. One simple ingredient can be your go-to for just about any tradition: popcorn, which is an inexpensive, versatile, whole grain that makes holiday occasions better.

Consider these simple seasonal ways you can let popcorn fuel your holiday adventures.


Strings of popcorn and cranberries add a nostalgic touch to the family tree while making popcorn trees adds whimsy to the table. Before stringing popcorn, let it sit out for a day or two as freshly popped popcorn may be too fragile to thread without breaking. Push a threaded needle through the center of each kernel then pull the kernel to the end of the knotted thread, adding an occasional cranberry, if desired. Festive trees can be made using popcorn mixed with melted marshmallows then shaped and finished with sprinkles.

Give It as a Gift

If it’s your turn to host this year’s holiday party, popcorn makes for a perfect party favor. Pop up a delicious treat like these Cranberry Popcorn Balls, place them in pretty jars or neatly wrap them then finish each with a bow. For an added touch, include the recipe instructions and popcorn kernels in a separate container so your guests can make it at home.

Enjoy It as a Snack

Freshly popped popcorn is a simple and delicious snack to share after a day of shopping,

caroling, sledding or decorating. You can take the holiday season up a notch with creative recipes like Gingersnap Popcorn Snack Mix, White Chocolate Peppermint Popcorn Bark and Easy, Elegant Holiday Popcorn. These treats are perfect for popping up in the morning so the snacks are ready once guests arrive.

Visit to find more sweet, salty and savory holiday recipe ideas.

Gingersnap Popcorn Snack Mix

Yield 2 quarts

2 quarts popped popcorn

butter-flavored nonstick cooking spray

1/3 cup granulated sugar substitute

2 teaspoons ground ginger

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black or white pepper

Preheat oven to 325 F.

Spread popcorn on baking sheet and spray lightly with nonstick cooking spray.

In small bowl, combine sugar substitute, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and freshly ground pepper; sprinkle evenly over popcorn. Spray again with nonstick cooking spray and toss to coat evenly.

Bake 7 minutes and serve warm.

Easy, Elegant Holiday Popcorn

Yield 8 cups

8 cups popped popcorn

1/2 cup milk chocolate chips

1/2 cup white chocolate chips candy sprinkles

On serving platter, spread popcorn in thin layer.

Over double boiler or in microwave, melt milk chocolate chips. Drizzle over popcorn.

Over double boiler or in microwave, melt white chocolate chips. Drizzle over popcorn.

Sprinkle candy sprinkles over warm, chocolate-coated popcorn. Allow drizzles to set until firm.

White Chocolate Peppermint Popcorn Bark

Yield 1 pound

5 cups popped popcorn

12 ounces white chocolate baking chips, chopped white chocolate or white candy coating

1 cup crushed hard candy peppermints

Cover baking pan with foil or wax paper; set aside.

Place popcorn in large bowl; set aside.

In double boiler over barely simmering water, melt chocolate, stirring until smooth, or melt according to package directions.

Stir in crushed peppermints after chocolate is melted. Pour chocolate mixture over popcorn mixture and stir to coat. Spread onto prepared pan; cool completely.

When chocolate is cooled and set, break into chunks for serving.

Store in airtight container at room temperature.

Cranberry Popcorn Balls

Yield 18 balls

2 cups sugar

1 cup whole berry cranberry sauce, slightly mashed

1 tablespoon grated orange peel

1/2 cup cranberry juice

1/2 cup light corn syrup

1 teaspoon vinegar

1/2 teaspoon salt

5 quarts unsalted popped popcorn

In heavy saucepan, combine sugar, cranberry sauce, orange peel, cranberry juice, corn syrup, vinegar and salt. Bring to boil; lower heat and cook to 250 F on candy thermometer.

Mixture will bubble in pan; watch to keep from boiling over.

Pour slowly onto hot popcorn and mix until well-coated.

Let stand 5 minutes, or until mixture can easily be formed into balls.

Butter hands and form into 3-inch balls. (Family Features)

White Chocolate Peppermint Popcorn Bark Gingersnap Popcorn Snack Mix

Take a Little Trip to The Canyon — WAR

Multi-platinum selling WAR, the original street band, has been sharing its timeless music and message of brotherhood and harmony for more than four decades before millions across the globe. The long list of hits includes “Low Rider,” “The World Is A Ghetto,” “Why Can’t We Be Friends,” “The Cisco Kid,” and many more.

This phenomenal group has been honored twice by its hometown of Los Angeles for making positive contributions to the betterment of the commu-

nity with its powerful music and has been honored by President Obama as “All Day Music” was placed on his official playlist of the summer. More recently, LA Weekly declared WAR in the Top 1— Concerts of 2018.

With 12 Billboard Top 40 hits, seven Top 10 hits, more than 50 million records sold to date, and countless samples and nods by artists such as Kendrick Lamar, Flo-Rida Tupac, SmashMouth, Janet Jackson, Dave Matthews, Korn and countless others, WAR has not only sealed their status as a

household name, but has also proven that their music and message continues to be as relevant as ever today as they always have been.

You can see WAR live at The Canyon Santa Clarita on January 20th, 2023. Tickets are available online through AXS, over the phone at (888) 645-5006, and in person at the Canyon Santa Clarita box office. For more information, visit www.wheremusic



‘Avatar’ — Four Stars for Visual, Storyline Only

‘Avatar: The Way of Water’  1/2 (out of four)

20th Century Films presents a film directed by James Cameron and written by Cameron, Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver. Rated PG-13. In theaters.

If I had two separate categories to judge James Cameron’s motion-capture epic “Avatar: The Way of Water,” I’d give it four stars for Visuals and two and a half for Story, and I’m in charge of the math here, so I’m awarding three and a half stars to “TWAW” for some of the most dazzling, vibrant and gorgeous images I’ve ever seen on the big screen.

That’s more than enough to forgive a borderline corny, frequently repetitive, cliche-riddled storyline that features elements of everything from “Free Willy” to “Titanic” to “Die Hard” to “Apocalypse Now,” and I swear there’s even a sequence that reminded me of that scene in “The Karate Kid” where poor Daniel gets jumped by those bullies in the Halloween skeleton costumes.

Arriving in theaters 13 years after the original “Avatar,” with a production budget of at least $250 million and a three-year filming process involving live action, motion capture, performance capture, cutting-edge visual effects technology and I’m gonna say movie magic as well, “Avatar: The Way of Water” is such a screen-popping visual feast it earns the 3-hour, 12-minute running time, though the primarily aquatic setting might contribute to some viewers dashing out for a bathroom break. Director Cameron and his co-writers Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver have packed Pandora with so many characters it’s hard to keep track of everyone — and yet they have them flying and swimming and running about in the service of a relatively thin main storyline.

When last we left Pandora in the year 2154, humans had been expelled from this moon world in the Alpha Centauri star system with just a few exceptions — chief among them Sam Worthington’s Jake Sully, the paraplegic Marine who has fully inhabited the

form of a Na’vi. “The Way of Water” takes place more than a decade later, with Jake the head of the Omatikaya clan and the patriarch of a family that includes his wife, the fierce and brilliant and lovely Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), and their children: adopted daughter Kiri (Sigourney Weaver), who is intrinsically connected to the late Dr. Grace Augustine (Weaver in the original); oldest son Neteyam (Jamie Flatters), the “golden child” who can do no wrong; second-born son Lo’ak (Britain Dalton), who is something of a rebel, and adorable little sister Tuk (Trinity Jo-Li Bliss). (Jack Champion’s Spider, a human who was left behind on Pandora as a toddler, frequently tags along with the family and has a particularly close bond with Kiri.)

With Cameron, cinematographer Russell Carpenter and the visual effects army providing candy-colored, beautifully detailed images of landscapes, skies, flora and fauna that pop right off the screen, we see that the Sully family and the community as a whole are enjoying an idyllic life in the lush jungle forest — but the world of Pandora is once again turned upside down by the “Sky People,” aka humans, who have returned with a vengeance and a mission to colonize the planet, as Earth has become virtually uninhabitable.

A miscast Edie Falco plays the ruthless Gen. Ardmore, who clomps about in a giant robotic getup that mimics her movements, and guess who is charged with taking down Sully? None other than Col. Miles Quaritch (Stephen Lang), who was

killed all those years ago but returns as a recombinant, i.e., an autonomous avatar embedded with the memories and personality of the human whose DNA was used to create it. In other words, Quaritch is as bloodthirsty and cunning as ever, but now he has the size and strength and speed of a Na’vi warrior.

After a harrowing sequence in which Quaritch and his warriors make it clear their mission is to hunt down Jake and his family, Jake relocates the entire brood across the vast oceans of Pandora to the reef-based home of the Metkayina clan, who are a different shade of blue, have large hands, bigger tails and an almost fin-like cartilage, and can hold their breath underwater for great stretches of time.

The Metkayina are led by Ronal (Kate Winslet) and Tonowari (Cliff Curtis), who reluctantly welcome the Sully family and begin to teach them the way of, well, water. This affords Cameron and company to deliver ex-

tended sequences on and under water, as we’re introduced to a spectacular array of new creatures, foremost among them the tulkun, whalelike marine mammals the size of a football field who are sentient beings capable of communicating with humans. (Outcast brother Lo’ak forms a special bond with an outcast tulkun, leading to some touching albeit corny moments.)

The extended running time of “The Way of Water” allows room for a number of subplots, from a potential teen romance to Spider’s conflicted loyalties to Kiri’s quest to understand her roots. All the while, Quaritch and his henchmen are in pursuit of Sully, literally burning down villages until they track down Sully and his family. An epic battle is brewing, and when it arrives, the screen explodes with incredible sights and sounds. Pandora remains one of the most amazing worlds we’ve ever seen on the big screen. 

Santa Claus is on the grounds, and he’s about to show why this Nick is no saint

D E VOT I O N C Sun to Tue: 1:05 4:10 7:15; Wed: 1:05 4:10; Thu: 1:05 4:10 7:15

Two e ite US Nav y fighter pi ots during the Korean War The r hero c sacrifices would ultimately make them the Nav y ’s most celebrated wingmen

T H E FA B E L M A N S C 1:00 4:00 7:00

2 1/2
L a e m m l e T h e a t r e s • S a n t a C l a r i t a S i g n a l 3 c o l ( 4 . 7 5 ” ) x 5 . 9 ” A d i n s e r t i o n d a t e : A d c r e a t i o n / d e l i v e r y d a t e : a d s o u r c e @ e x h i b i t o r a d s . c o m p . 8 8 8 . 7 3 7 . 2 8 1 2 f . 2 0 3 . 4 3 8 . 1 2 0 6 Tu e s d ay, D e c e m b e r 1 3 , 2 0 2 2 a t 1 0 : 2 5 : 1 6 A M C A S C S L E M 1 2 1 8Sunday-Thursday, December
2022 I T ’S A WO N D E R F U L L I F E 75T H A N N I V E R S A RY P R E S E N T E D BY TC M B Wed: 7:00 PM t’s A Wonder ful Life in selec t cinemas on December 18 & 21, including exclusive insights from TCM Embraced as a cher shed hol day tradition by fam lies around the world, Frank Capra’s hear t-warming masterpiece now celebrates 75 years with this big-screen event AVATA R: T H E WAY O F WAT E R C Sun to Tue: 1:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 7:00; Wed & Thu: 1:00 2:00 6:00 7:00 “Avatar The Way of Water ” begins to tell the stor y of the Sully fam ly (Jake, Neytir and their kids), the trouble that follows them, the lengths they go to keep each other safe, the battles they fight to stay alive and the tragedies they endure V I O L E N T N I G H T E Sun to Tue: 1:15 4:20 7:30; Wed: 1:15 7:30; Thu: 1:15 4:15 7:30 When a team of mercenaries breaks nto a wealthy family compound on Christmas Eve, taking ever yone inside hostage, the team isn’t prepared for a surprise combatant:
A coming- of-age stor y about a young man s discover y of a shatter ng family secret and an exploration of the power of movies to help us see the truth about each other and ourselves E O Sun to Tue: 1:30 4:45 7:55; Wed & Thu: 4:45 PM The world is a mysterious place when seen through the eyes of an animal EO, a grey donkey with melancho ic eyes, meets good and bad people on h s life s path, experiences joy and pain But not even for a moment does he lose his innocence B L AC K PA N T H E R: WA K A N DA F O R E V E R C 1:10 7:20 Queen Ramonda, Shuri, M’Baku, Okoye and the Dora Milaje, fight to protec t their nation from inter vening world powers in the wake of King T Challa’s death As the Wakandans strive to embrace their nex t chapter the heroes must band together with the help of War Dog Nakia and Everett Ross and forge a new path for the k ngdom of Wakanda TM NEWHALL FOR 12/18/202212/22/2022 ONLY 22500 Lyons Ave. info Line 310.478.3836
Bringing the Finest in Film


Sant’olina is hosting a spectacular rooftop New Year’s Eve event, 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., that captures Los Angeles’s top spot for coastal chic and elegance. Exploding onto the L.A. scene with a premier location atop the iconic Beverly Hills Hilton, the setting for this New Year’s Eve party boasts spectacular 360-degree panoramic rooftop views. Guests will be counting down to the New Year under the stars.

Stop by the five-hour premium open bar. Jam out to the sounds of a live DJ blasting Top 40, Hip Hop, Dance, House, and Mash Ups that will keep you on the dance floor late into the night. Don’t miss the DJ-led countdown to midnight complete with a complimentary glass of champagne to test the New Year.

General admission is $89. VIP tables from $800 (for four).

New Year’s Weekend

Disney 100 Movie Marathon El Capitan Theatre, 6838 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles 90028


Celebrate New Year’s Day with the kids at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood for a special Disney 100 Years of Wonder movie event.

Tickets are on sale now to see the Disney 100 Movie Marathon at The

El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood on Jan. 1, 2023. The marathon starts at noon and will include “Beauty and the Beast” (1991), “Aladdin” (1992), “The Lion King” (1994) and “Frozen” (2020).

Tickets are $40 and include admission to all four films, an event credential with lanyard, 20 oz. bottled beverage, D100 popcorn container with popcorn and collectible print. Family packs are available for $120 and include four of each item.

Jan. 2 “Floatfest: A Rose Parade Showcase”

Sierra Madre and Washington Boulevard, Pasadena 91184 Info floatfest/

The 134th Rose Parade and Float fest 109th Rose Bowl Game will be held on Monday, Jan. 2, 2023. The participating floats lineup along a 2-mile showcase of Rose Parade floats following their appearance along the parade route. Each year, nearly 70,000 visitors head to Sierra Madre and Washington Boulevards in Pasadena for the chance to walk within a few feet of the floats and appreciate up close, the creativity and detail of each magnificent display. Hours of Floatfest will be Jan. 2: 1-5 p.m., Jan. 3: 7-9 am (reserved for seniors and disabled visitors), Jan. 3: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tickets: $20. 

Home Stereo Systems For the love of the ART ... For the love of the SCIENCE ... For the love of the Music ... ENJOY YOUR VINYL RECORDS AGAIN! AFFORDABLE STEREO SYSTEMS FOR ALL BUDGETS! Ask about current specials! Visit Our Website For Additional Product Lines We Carry GIFT IDEAS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! Totem Acoustic Kin Monitor (Pair) $749 Totem Acoustic Kin Amp $799 Totem Acoustic Kin Amp & Monitor Combo $1399     Totem Sky Monitor Speakers (Pair) $2150 Rega Planar 1 Turntable $595 Rega Planar 2 Turntable $775 Rega Apollo CD Player $995 REL Acoustics T/5x Subwoofer $699 REL Acoustics HT/1003 Subwoofer $599 NAD D3020 V2 Integrated Amp $499 Dynaudio Emit 10 Speakers (Pair) $799   Dynaudio Emit 20 Speakers (Pair)$1049 Home Stereo Systems THE GIFT OF MUSIC FOR THE HOLIDAYS Rega IO Integrated Amp $725 Rega BRIO Integrated Amp $1100 Atoll IN100 Signature Integrated Amp $2099 Atohm GT-1 HD Speakers (Pair) $4499 25574 Rye Canyon Road, Suite F Valencia, CA 91355 661.702.1722
Continued from page 9 Sant’olina Rooftop at The Beverly Hilton. Take in the spectacular open-air views of Los Angeles while you celebrate the new year. PHOTO COURTESY ZOCHA GROUP
DECEMBER 18, 2022 SUNDAY SIGNAL · 15 3176 Honey Lane Fillmore, CA 93015 Mon-Fri 8 am - 4:30 pm Sat & Sun 9 am - 5 pm 805.521.1375 Great Holiday Gift Ideas at Bennett’s Honey Farm! Unique gift for everyone on your holiday list! •Lotions • Candles • Soaps • Books • Gourmet Honey & BBQ Sauces • Honeycomb and MUCH More! From “Our Farm” to Yours Wishing You and Your “Honey” a “Sweet” & Happy Holiday Season Visit our Honey Store or Visit our Website at to get your 20% Discount Valid in store or online only. Coupon not valid with wholesale pricing, sale items or any other offer or coupons. Offer does not include Manuka Honey or any of the candies. Limit one coupon per household. Must present coupon to cashier at the time of purchase. Expires 2/15/2023 h e Discover Aldik Home Los Angeles’ Most Magical Christmas Store For 70 Years Hurry In AnD SAVE 40% Off LA’s Best Artificial Christmas Trees! 7651 Sepulveda Blvd. Van Nuys, CA - (818) 988-5970
Green Thumb GARDEN CENTER Green Thumb Nursery 23734 Newhall Ave, Santa Clarita 91321 661.259.1071 Poinsettia Florist Quality Plants Grown For Green Thumb Christmas Lights We carry a huge selection of indoor and outdoor light sets. Shop early forbest selection. Thankful For BETTER HEARING! 23822 Valencia Blvd Suite 103 Valencia 91355-661.200.9470 Demo Our Newest Hearing Devices. This holiday season, stop by Santa Clarita’s #1 Auto Stereo Store and give the gift of car audio accessories, GPS navigation systems and much more! 25845 Railroad Ave. Unit #10 Santa Clarita 91350 (661) 286-1100 | 7651 Sepulveda Blvd. Van Nuys 91405 40% OFF Discover Aldik Home Los Angeles Most Magical Christmas Store for 70 years! 818-988-5970 Advanced brow artist specializing in natural results! Give the Gift of Brows! $50 off Microblading or Powder Brows when you mention this ad. Schedule an appointment today! 661-231-5317 16 · SUNDAY SIGNAL DECEMBER 18, 2022
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Habits that Affect Cognitive Health

Various changes to appearance and health are associated with aging. Issues such as diminished vision, waning muscle strength and gray hairs are among the more common and noticeable side effects of aging.

Cognitive decline is another symptom often associated with aging, even if that needn’t be the case.

Certain lifestyle choices can protect against cognitive decline and dementias. While there is no surefire way to prevent dementias, here are some good habits for maintaining cognitive function well into your golden years.

Exercise Frequently

Harvard Health reports that exercise, in addition to the many other benefits it provides, may help improve cognitive function in people who have already experienced memory issues.

Exercise may be particularly advantageous to people who carry the APOE4 gene variant, which makes people more susceptible to Alzheimer’s. Speak with a doctor about how much exercise is needed and what is safe for your age.

Enjoy Video Games

Playing a favorite video game may improve long-term cognitive function. Researchers at Cambridge Brain Sciences found study participants who played non-cognitive-training video games were associated with better performance in several cognitive domains, but only for younger

(age 18 to 64) participants.

Cognitive training games, on the other hand, were not associated with any cognitive improvement.

Stay Socially Engaged

According to a study published in the journal Experimental Aging Research, seniors who have high levels of social engagement also have better cognitive function.

Getting together with friends, participating in a club, attending religious studies, and any other activity that gets you out with other people can help with cognitive function.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating a diverse array of healthy foods is beneficial. Nutritious diets can help reduce the risk for illnesses that may affect cognitive ability. Eating well also helps keep the brain healthy.

A Mediterranean diet appears to lower the risk or slow the progression of dementia in people who have the condition.

Sleep Disorder Help

Lack of sleep can affect memory and learning. By getting help for sleep disorders, you may reduce your risk for cognitive issues.

While it is not possible to prevent or cure cognitive conditions like dementias with lifestyle changes, certain behaviors can lower the risk of developing these illnesses or reduce their severity. MC) 

Hear Better for the HOLIDAYS! The holiday season has arrived. If you are struggling with hearing loss, this could make the holidays more stressful and difficult. Now is the perfect time to have a hearing screening. Experience the difference hearing aids could make. Call today to schedule a complimentary hearing screening. 661.302.4483 661.302.4483 23822 VALENCIA BLVD. | SUITE 103 | VALENCIA WE LOVE TO HELP YOU HEAR

How to Help Make Your Poinsettias Last Longer

Poinsettias are synonymous with the holiday season. These colorful plants brighten up homes with their vibrant hues in variations of red, white and pink, making them a holiday decoration many people cannot live without.

While they’re most visible during the often chilly holiday season, poinsettias prefer warm weather. Poinsettias are native to Central America and originally flourished in an area of southern Mexico. The Aztecs used the plant for decorative and medicinal purposes.

The poinsettia may have remained a regional plant if not for the efforts of Joel Roberts Poinsett, who was the first United States Ambassador to Mexico under President James Madison. Poinsett, who would later found the Smithsonian Institution, had a love of botany and became enamored with the brilliant red plants he saw in Mexico. Eventually, Poinsett began growing the plants at home in South Carolina, and friends and others soon coveted them.

Poinsettias are beautiful and the bracts (modified leaves) can be vibrantly colored. That signature vibrancy is why many people would like to preserve their poinsettias to last beyond the New Year, which is possible with the right care. The following

are some tips, courtesy of Mother Nature’s Network, Habersham Gardens, Oregon Live and Phoenix Flower Shops, to keep poinsettias thriving past the holiday season.

• Start with healthy plants that have full leaves, bracts and deep colors.

• Poinsettias do best when the temperature is between 65 and 75 F. Temperatures below that or drafts from cold windows can cause leaves to drop.

• Position the plant in a room that gets indirect sunlight for at least six hours per day. If direct

sunlight can’t be avoided, diffuse the light with a sheer curtain.

• Poinsettias need well-drained soil. Overwatering or allowing roots to sit in wet soil can cause the leaves to fall off prematurely. Water thoroughly only when the pot looks dry. In households with temperatures around 70 F, the plant should be watered about once a week.

• Fertilize the plant after the blooming season with a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer.

• Try placing poinsettias in or near a bathroom, as they prefer high humidity.

It may be possible to get poinsettias to rebloom next season. Allow the poinsettias to dry out a little more in the spring. In May, cut about four inches from each stem to produce a lush, full plant during the winter. The plants can be moved outside in June and during the summer, but keep them away from direct sunlight.

Return the poinsettias indoors beginning around October. Make sure the plants get at least 12 hours of darkness per day for around eight weeks in October and November. This will help them develop a deep hue and bloom on time for Christmas. (MC) 



Compassionate. Committed.





Congress Is Just Too Old

Nancy Pelosi is finally giving up her position of leadership at the age of 82. Two other House members giving up their leadership posts are Jim Clyburn at 82 and Steny Hoyer at 83.

There are currently 11 representatives and five senators over the age of 80. There are also 65 representatives and 21 senators over the age of 70.

The average age of someone in Congress is over 60 years old.

The average age of today’s American citizen is a mere 37.6 years. How can people like those mentioned above possibly represent and understand the needs of those at least one full generation younger than them? I mean, it’s really unbelievable when you stop to think about it.

Our senators and representatives are mostly attorneys, they’re mostly old, and they’re mostly career politicians (they even get pensions). Somehow I cannot get myself to accept that this is a good thing... for anyone but those in Congress.

I can see “elder statesmen” playing the role of analyst or advisor to those who would more truly “resemble” the population, but after retirement at say, 65. There have been several attempts to impose term limits on Congress, but every one of them has been struck down as being unconstitutional (the Constitution does not allow for it). A Constitutional amendment would solve that problem, but good luck with that.

But why is it that even the president is limited to two terms while Congress is not limited at all? The answer lies in the framing of the Constitution. The Founding Fathers considered — and rejected — the idea of term limits for Congress. A majority of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 felt that the longer they served, the more experienced, knowledgeable, and thus, effective members of Congress would become. Frequent elections would be a better guard against corruption than term limits.

Boy, were they wrong.

Perpetuating Racial Discrimination

Reading the transcript of the affirmative action trial at the Supreme Court, it’s clear that nothing has changed: When I was born Democrats strongly believed that it was OK to discriminate based upon race. And they still believe that today.


On Ethical Christmasing

So … here we go again! With Thanksgiving and Black Friday behind us there are no more excuses. The Christmas season is upon us and we’re already tired! Worse, memories of past seasons have us secretly wishing we’d actually planned that December trip to Hawaii. But this year can be different if we’ll just take the reins and use Christmas rather than, once again, allowing the season to use and abuse us. That’s what I call “ethical Christmasing.” Here are a few thoughts on making the season work for us in a way that aligns with our best self.

1) Prize people over presents. One of the biggest challenges of the season is gift giving, especially if you have many to shop for, and do most of the family buying yourself. I can see you already. You’ve made lists for everyone, and lists of lists including stores and sizes. Or maybe you’re way behind in your list making, and that is just adding more stress.

Here’s the deal. Make this Christmas about the people more than the presents. Reach out and reconnect with some distant friends. A phone conversation may be the best gift they get. And plan some family time without media distractions so you can recover the meaning of conversation, laughter and love. Most of all, when you are shopping, think “thoughtful” rather than “expensive.” After all, we already have the stuff we need. What we would truly enjoy is a thoughtful, carefilled gift that says you knew just what would speak love to us.

things, for the right reasons. Watch a sappy Christmas movie, or host a carol sing in your home. C’mon Scrooge… give up the long face and make Christmas work for you.

3) Give some time and money to those in need. Look around and you’ll see plenty of opportunities to live beyond yourself and help others find some joy.

Statistically, Los Angeles County leads the nation in people without shelter. Our local shelters – Bridge to Home and Family Promise – can always use extra provisions, money and helpers. Take your kids and serve a meal. You’ll bring smiles to many, and a dose of reality to your children.

But it isn’t just the homeless who are hurting. Chances are there is someone in your world who has recently lost their job, or been overcome by relational, financial or medical challenges. Reach out and lend a helping hand, but first fill it with some cash to make their life just a bit better.

The bottom line is we’re in this together. What ought to separate us from other societies in this world is our love and care for one another. If the freedom we enjoy is to resonate outside our borders it simply must produce better people inside them. And we’re the people who make the Santa Clarita Valley a great place to live. Let’s do our part to keep it that way.

Submit a Letter to the Editor

Include name, address & phone; Anonymous letters aren’t printed; email: Mail to: Letters to the Editor, The Signal, 25060 Avenue Stanford, Suite 141, Santa Clarita, CA 91355.

2) Take time to drink. OK, so wow, I have your attention now! Obviously, most of you don’t need any more encouragement in that arena. I’m talking about taking time to “drink” in the sights, sounds and rejuvenating energy of the season. The truth is, we’ve trudged through so many Decembers that familiarity has actually bred contempt. Fight it off, and you’ll rediscover some genuine joy. Take the family out for a drive and enjoy some of the brilliantly lit homes in our valley. And if you want the best time, include some young children. Find time to take in a holiday concert at your local church (I know a good one!) or school. I suspect hearing some old carols and new holiday tunes will help refocus your heart and mind on the right

So, fast forward to Dec. 30. How do you want to feel? Tired? Regretful over your Visa bill? Sad because you allowed the hustle of the season to steal away the hoped-for enjoyment? None of us want that.

The problem isn’t going to be that we didn’t have the resources or ability to make Christmas work for us. The question will be whether we have the will to do the right things, in the right way, to have the results we’ll smile about when it’s all over. So, let’s start now to make the weeks live up to our cheery greetings. Make it a Merry Christmas, and the happiest of holiday seasons!

Local resident David Hegg is senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church. “Ethically Speaking” appears Sundays. 

OpinionUnless otherwise stated, the views and opinions expressed are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily represent the views of The Signal.

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