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What's shibori? How to do shibori? 4 ways shibori style


MO HOM The traditional thai tie dye of phrea province.



Indigo on the beach Indigo on runway Indigo on street

In Japan, the earliest known example of cloth dyed with a shibori technique dates from the 8th century; it is among the goods donated by the Emperor Shomu to the Todaiji in Nara.Until the 20th century, not many fabrics and dyes were in widespread use in Japan. The main fabrics were silk and hemp, and later cotton. The main dye was indigo and, to a lesser extent, madder and purple root.




Shibori is a Japanese dyeing technique that typically involves folding, twisting or bunching cloth and binding it, then dyeing it in indigo. Whatever is used to bind the fabric will resist the dye, resulting in areas of the cloth that take the distinctive blue dye in patterns created by the resistance, and other areas of the cloth that remain white.

Only natural fibers will accept dye, so be sure to steer away from synthetics. For the most traditional shibori look, go with solid white fabric. Cotton responds really well to indigo dye, so cotton is a great choice for your first attempts. Be sure to wash and fully dry before using.

You'll also need a large container to mix the dye in (one with an air tight lid is ideal if you want to keep the dye longer than a day, as oxygen will kill the indigo dye), and if you're working indoors, you'll want some plastic drop cloths to protect your surfaces from the dye.


The spontaneity, mystery, and the serendipitous effects of shibori continue to inspire new generations of artists and designers all over the world. They manipulate cloth and record the process by exposing it to dye and chemicals.

They explore shibori in fashion applications artistic painterly expressions conceptual sculptural statements architectural industrial designs

The enduring popularity of shibori patterning indicates the high value consumers place on directly experiencing the artful interaction of human hand with fabric and dye. The creative processes recorded in shibori since ancient times will inspire the continued blossoming of textile art.


Triangle F ld Fold the fabric lengthwise into a long strip. Then, fold the strip again in triangles, accordion style.Lightly secure one rubber band on each corner, trying not to scrunch the fabric too much. Then just place it in the dye as is – no wood pieces are necessary for this one. Believe it or not, even without wood blocks, the folded fabric will resist the dye, and the triangle pattern will emerge.

Square Accordion F ld Fold the fabric lengthwise, accordion style, to make a long strip. Then fold this strip again, accordion style, to make a square or rectangle. Place one wood block on either side of the folded fabric, and secure with two rubber bands per side.


Ring To make an abstract ring pattern, simply bunch up a small wad of fabric anywhere on your larger fabric piece, and place a rubber band around it. The areas covered by the rubber bands will create small, abstract rings of white.

Fan F ld To make an abstract ring pattern, simply bunch up a small wad of fabric anywhere on your larger fabric piece, and place a rubber band around it. The areas covered by the rubber bands will create small, abstract rings of white.


M H M Mo Hom is the traditional indigo dyeing process of the people in Phrea province, North Thailand. The creative community of Ban Thung Hong is a small village where local artisans are renowned for their textile technique and line the streets with their inventive indigo designs.


Thai tie dye style The term Mo Hom literally translates to Mo meaning pot and Hom which is the name of the indigo plant growing local to the landscape. Mo Hom is more than just a dying process, it is known as the pride of Phrea and is the signature style of labours to that area.

Mo Hom clothes have been worn by local workers for generations as the original demand for the style was developed to meet the robust needs of living on the land. The design of the fabric is said to be more durable than regular cotton but cooler and more comfortable than denim, perfectly in tune with the Thai climate and it's people. Similar to Shibori, the art of Mo Hom has advanced in recent years to meet the design desires of creative consumers who are more than ever on the look out for authentic artisan products. Fabrics and fashion are often mathamatically manipulated into various arrangements. Depending on the strength of dye and time soaked in the solution, when the process is finished stunning shades of indigo will vary across a spectrum from midnight to sunlight blue, leaving behind the pretty prepleated patterns


H me Gr wn M - H m An exclusive behind the scenes tour of a Mo Hom workshop and learnt about the production process of the plant at Ban Thong Hom.

Indigo leaves are home grown and picked from the garden. The branches are tied in bundles and left to soak in vat of water mixed with lime plaster for 3 days. A concoction of tamarind, wooden ashes and rice liquid are also added to the vats before whisking the water into frothy foam. The mixture is then strained and the sedement can be saved for future production purposes when the leaves are no longer in season. The longer the preserved paste is saved, the more intense it will stain the material. Using various objects, pre fold your fabric with a design of your choice and submerge it into the dye solution for around 1 minute. When the fabric comes out the dye it will look green. Remove any presecured implements (such as wooden sticks, rubber bands etc) and watch the magic of oxygenisation before your eyes as the design will turn blue over a few minutes. Rinse the fabric 3/4 times until the water runs clear and hang to dry. Wash seperately from other clothes for 4/5 cycles.




Indigo on beach


Indigo on runway


Indigo on street


Indigo of dress / Indigo of sea+sky

Indig n beach

Indigo dye dress is the best style on the beach.


Indig n runway

Indigo is calmy but most hottest on runway.

Indigo is a new trend of 21th.


Indig n street

Indigo is must have item! They lovin it!

Indigo is simply but fantastic.







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