FES-BC Accomplishments Report 2020

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Stand Rehabilitation Our B.C. forests are diverse and beautiful, providing important social, economic, and environmental benefits for all British Columbians. However, our forests are also susceptible to many threats that can inflict significant harm such as disease, insects, wind, and fire. Helping to manage forest health is essential work and the projects we fund help to improve our province’s damaged or low value Crown forests. This work is done through thinning, fertilization, seed collection, and replanting with ecologicallyappropriate species. The goal is to create conditions that result in healthy and resilient forests that better provide a full range of social, economic, and environmental benefits, including enhanced timber supply. Here are some of the highlighted projects we’ve funded throughout the province.

“ We were pleased to partner with the Forest Enhancement Society of BC and British Columbia Timber Sales (BCTS) to assist in completing the planning and forest stewardship prescriptions of this project. BCTS is managing this timber salvage opportunity. The investment from FESBC will help return this land to productivity in a timely manner, which benefits all British Columbians.” • Trina Vercholuk, Project Coordinator, Tolko


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