Kamloops United Church

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2C 1W3 p: 250.374.1112 f: 250.374.2279



Date: JULY 27, 2010 Issue: REVIEW Scale: N/A


THE NEW CENTURY AT 4TH AND ST. PAUL While the United Church of Canada dates back to the Union of Methodists, Congregationalists and Presbyterians in 1925, the first Presbyterian service in Kamloops actually took place half a century before that, on September 29, 1872. The Fourth Avenue Methodist Church was built on our current site at 4th Avenue and St. Paul in 1911 – almost 100 years ago. In 1927 we were renamed Kamloops United Church and underwent an explosion of church growth during the postwar years. By 1959 Kamloops United Church had a membership of 817 and a Sunday School roster of over 500 children. The old church building was bursting with activity and at the KUC Annual Meeting of 1959, the decision was made to build what we know today as the Christian Education Centre (“CEC”), which officially opened for use two years later, in 1961. The second major building project in the history of KUC took place in the late-70’s when, with the full support of the congregation, the aging 1911 Methodist sanctuary was taken down and replaced with the multi-purpose sanctuary we still use today. However, the intervening years have seen church populations decline and age, and the now almost 50-year old CEC has served its purpose. Over the past few years, a series of studies and congregational discussions reached the conclusion that a redevelopment of the site of the CEC would provide more useful and efficient spaces for church and community needs. One hundred years after the first place of worship was created on this site, Kamloops United Church will continue to thrive on the corner of 4th and St. Paul, but it will not be the same. As we look to the new century we are committed to “Making All Things New” in the spirit of Christ and in harmony with the changing city we have been part of for so many years.

September, 2010 “ I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” — Isaiah 43:19 God’s presence is stirring something spiritual at the corner of 4th and St. Paul: a springing forth like a new plant pushing through the soil. Look closely with eyes of faith, the evidence is everywhere! Last year our congregation approved a bold, new Ministry Plan, based on a vision of Kamloops United Church as a vibrant centre for Christian community, reaching out in the heart of Kamloops. Our Ministry Plan reflects the fact that we are a downtown and affirming congregation, love based and mission focused. The Plan proclaims three goals that we trust the Holy One is calling us to pursue: grow the congregation; discern our downtown and local ministry; and use our lands and buildings to support our mission. It is leading us to an exciting and challenging time ahead. As we confirm our new Ministry Plan, we are also blessed in being able to welcome the Rev. Teri Meyer as the newest member of the Ministry Leadership Team, and to move forward with the plan to redevelop the property at 4th Avenue and St. Paul.

Left to Right: Sue Sewell, Rev. Teri Meyer, Rev. Bruce Comrie, Gordon Britton, Jennifer Keim

We’ve discussed the need for change, and we can’t ignore the needed changes any longer. The aging CEC no longer meets our needs for space, programs or efficiency of operation, so the time has come to make all things new, and embark on a significant project on our site. The Council Circle, Ministers and Capital Campaign team invite your continuing participation in the planning and building of our new future. We all need to be an integral part of this most significant venture. The following pages include a recap of the Ministry Plan, a description of the tasks and work necessary to achieve such goals, and an outline of the personal monetary gifts necessary to accomplish our goals and plans. We ask everyone – members, adherents and friends of KUC – to read the information that follows and discuss it with family members and community friends. We then ask that you join us personally and financially in God’s enterprise. Between now and December, we will all be asked to welcome campaign representatives into our homes. We are seeking generous contributions to fund KUC’s responsibilities in financing this project, and with expert stewardship advice and God’s grace we are confident our objectives will be met. Kamloops United Church has 100 years of presence on the corner of 4th and St. Paul and we will soon witness another development necessary to the next century of KUC and Kamloops. We are springing forth into something new in God’s good future. And we invite everyone’s participation!

Council Circle, Ministers and Capital Campaign Team

“ See, I am making all things new.” — Revelations 21:5

“ KUC is a significant player in addressing homelessness and poverty because of their service leadership and inclusive church and outreach community.” Brenda Aynsley – Executive Director, United Way

4TH AND ST. PAUL: OUR PLACE IS HERE On this corner we have a long history of Christian community and service in Kamloops. Today KUC continues to serve the Kamloops community with open doors for all. Our outdoor banner says “You Are Welcome Here” and our mission, which begins in the heart of Kamloops, stretches out with open arms to embrace the world with God’s love and justice. Over the past year we have also been recognized for our commitment to serving our community. KUC was awarded the United Way’s 2010 Community Partner Spirit Award for collaboration with many community organizations through the Pit Stop program and providing the meeting place for Changing the Face of Poverty. The Canadian Mental Health Association has also presented KUC with a Community Service Award this year that recognizes the important role we play in the lives of others.

Since the construction of the Sanctuary and the CEC, our congregation has provided a vital ministry. Our Sunday worship is inspiring and we are blessed with the strong music ministry of the Folk of Note, Bells of Note and Harmony in Hand. Pastoral care is compassionately provided. Local and global outreach is offered through charitable and justice-seeking ways including generous support for the Mission and Service Fund. On the corner of 4th and St. Paul our award-winning KUC Preschool and Out-of-School Care program, along with the KUC Thrift Shop and the Sunday afternoon PIT Stop free hot meal program, both run by dozens of dedicated volunteers, help meet the needs of hundreds of those less fortunate.

KUC played a significant role in the establishment of the Kamloops Farmer’s Market and the Kamloops Food bank as well as initiating many refugee sponsorships. Christian education and small group ministries nurture those of different ages and stages in their faith journeys, and our U.C.W. provides support, service and valuable fundraising resources for the church. Throughout these ministries there are many members and friends of KUC who freely offer their time, talent and resources to support the mission of our congregation. Everyone is encouraged to live out their Christian faith in the wider community.

KAMLOOPS UNITED CHURCH (KUC) MINISTRY PLAN Over the years, KUC developed Mission, Vision and Value statements that have helped shape our ministry. In 2009, KUC received a Redevelopment Feasibility Planning Study which included a recommendation to ask Council Circle to develop a Ministry Plan that would encompass our visioning to date and chart a strategic ministry pathway into the future. Our new Ministry Plan, approved by the Congregation in 2009, provides goals, objectives and strategies for mapping our ministry direction and points the way forward for our redevelopment project.

KUC will be a vibrant centre for Christian community, reaching out in the heart of Kamloops. — KUC VISION STATEMENT


GOAL: Discern our downtown and local ministry

GOAL: Use our land and buildings to support our mission

Objective: To increase the congregation and encourage active participation in spiritual growth, discipleship, outreach and all aspects of stewardship.

Objective: To reach out in partnership with others to meet the needs of our downtown and local community.

Objective: To have a facility that supports the congregation’s mission in a financially sustaining manner.

1. Focus on being a “welcoming” congregation. 2. Focus on meeting the spiritual needs of children, youth and families in new and innovative ways. 3. Focus on meeting the spiritual needs of ‘baby boomers’ and seniors. 4. Enrich our present/ emerging ministries. 5. Focus on Stewardship and develop an infrastructure that will support a growing congregation.

1. Strengthen our support to existing downtown outreach ministries and service providers to determine ways in which we can assist. These ministries and services include: PIT Stop, Thrift Shop, Preschool/Out of School Care, Food Bank, AA and NA groups and other ‘400 Block’ partners.

1. Design a redevelopment of our existing KUC. 2. Consider partnership opportunities for our facilities.

2. Seek new partnerships with government and nongovernment agencies or groups to enhance downtown and local outreach ministry. These partnerships may include the provision of facilities, community information, social support, advocacy, social justice and services regarding housing.

Our redevelopment plan, as presented in this Capital Campaign, is central to our vision for KUC and the means by which we can ultimately achieve the goals of our Ministry Plan.

THE VISION AND NEED FOR A NEW BUILDING For almost 50 years, our CEC has provided the necessary space for congregational and community needs. Constructed in the early 1960’s as a youth and Sunday school facility, the building has outlived its usefulness in its present configuration. The outdated CEC has fulfilled its mission, and would require extensive improvements to meet our modern day needs for accessibility, more flexible meeting spaces and a more efficient kitchen. The biggest problem of all is our aging boiler system – it costs a fortune to operate and is not effective stewardship of our environment. The plumbing, electrical and other systems also need work and the building is not air conditioned. Every year, we pour more and more money into operating and maintaining an older building with its ever increasing expenses. As this cannot be sustained, the choice has become obvious and the decision has been made:

“It is time to Make All Things New” KUC has been presented with an opportunity to take the vision of “community” one step further. The plan to revitalize our church facility, as presented in this campaign, will also include the means to provide affordable housing, further expanding the positive role and impact of KUC in the community that surrounds us.

After three years of consultation, the congregation voted overwhelmingly in late 2008 to pursue redevelopment. The launch of our ‘ Campaign for KUC’ is the next important step in developing an exciting new facility. REDEVELOPING OUR CHURCH AND COMMUNITY FACILITY Over the past three years, Council Circle has been gathering information and input by several means, including surveys, task groups, and workshops that have provided opportunities for both individual and group work.

The cost to redevelop a new facility may be significantly higher than the cost of a renovation, but redevelopment offers more opportunity for partnerships and funding that would provide more financial security and stability over the long-term.

The workshop process identified the following criteria which must be met, regardless of whether we decided to renovate the existing facility or rebuild:

With the option to redevelop emerging as the better choice, KUC has undertaken two feasibility studies: a “spirit” feasibility to determine the level of commitment by the congregation and a “business” feasibility study to determine what type of project economically makes sense in terms of income and return on investment.


Revenue generating — affordability for future operation


Consensus on Mission & Vision — who do we serve


Safety & Security — separate access


Welcoming, friendly atmosphere for all ages


Environmental issues — go green


Meet needs of church programs and administration


Flexible space


Financial/structural feasibility — affordability for building


Mixed & Social housing


Meet needs of wider Kamloops community


Meet needs of downtown ministry

n Parking

After three years of consultation, the congregation voted overwhelmingly in late 2008 to pursue redevelopment. The launch of our ‘Campaign for KUC’ is the next important step in developing an exciting new facility. Our plan is to construct a new building that’s more responsive to the needs of the congregation and community, opening up new opportunities for inclusiveness and providing a wider support base for the congregation. Our new building will be environmentally friendly, operate more efficiently and cost less to operate. Accessibility designs will make our new building more comfortable for all users, and the building plan also offers the potential to include a stable income source separate from the offerings of the congregation.




Date: JULY 27, 2010 Issue: REVIEW N/A

RENDERED ELEVATION (ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY) Our Doors Will Remain Open at 4th and St. Paul Scale: The current design concept provides KUC with comfortable DEVELOPMENT PHASES Kamloops



#2-436 Lorne Street, Kamloops, BC, V2C 1W3 p: 250.374.1112 f: 250.374.2279

programming and administrative space while enabling us to expand our call in the downtown by providing affordable housing. The greatest benefit of our design is that it allows us to remain on site during the construction phase.

This means that we can continue our downtown outreach work without interruption – as well as saving us the substantial cost of having to lease another premise and temporarily relocate. The renovation of the Sanctuary site will provide us with a new hall, kitchen and flexible programming space. That flexibility will then be tested as we all move over into the Sanctuary site to enable the CEC to be recreated into new administrative space with a housing component. At the end of the process, KUC will continue its work in premises that enable greater accessibility and comfort for all. The inclusion of housing not only meets a need within our community but is further testament to KUC’s commitment to stewardship: utilizing all our resources to the fullest for God’s work.

Making all things new will require a twophase plan.

Phase 1 — All services and programs are relocated to the CEC. The Sanctuary site is renovated to create a new hall, kitchen and programming space. It is expected that this Phase will take about 8 months from the time that we start building.

Phase 2 — Upon completion of the Sanctuary site renovation, all services and programs are moved from the CEC to the Sanctuary building. The CEC is then demolished to make way for a new building – offering administrative space for KUC and providing affordable housing for the downtown. It is expected that this phase will take over a year to complete.
















THE KUC FINANCIAL PLAN KUC believes that good stewardship includes being financially responsible for the decisions that we make as a congregation. We live out this belief every year by meeting our operational expenses and upholding the financial covenant made by the congregation in approving KUC’s annual budget. KUC does not operate in a deficit. Thus, one critical aspect to the proposed development is to ensure that we can meet the financial obligations that come with a project of this magnitude. The current redevelopment design incorporates the recent discussions held within the congregation of ‘what we want’ versus ‘what we can afford’. As a result, we have scaled back our administrative/programming space from our current building capacity of 19,000 sq. feet to 16,000 sq. feet. This also enables us to incorporate more housing units into Phase 2, which will help us meet our financial targets. The project has been divided into 2 phases to enable us to stay at our current site during construction.

During Phase 1, the Sanctuary building will be emptied with all services moving to the CEC. The Sanctuary site will then be renovated to provide new programming space, a new hall and new kitchen. The estimated cost of Phase 1 is $1.2 Million and is expected to take about 8 months. At the conclusion of a successful capital campaign, we would then be ready to move forward with the final plans for Phase 1 fully funded and with construction slated to begin next summer. From the conclusion of our capital campaign until Spring, 2011, we expect to finalize our development partners and confirm available funding. By the time the construction is scheduled to begin on Phase 1, the remaining funding for Phase 2 will be in place and ready to go. During Phase 2, we will all relocate into the new Sanctuary site and empty the CEC. It will then be demolished and construction will begin on the new building. It is expected that the new building (with our housing and additional administrative/programming space) will take just over a year to build — completing some time in 2013!


The goal of this Capital Campaign is to raise $1.2 million which will pay for our new Administrative/Programming space in Phase 1.

3. Identified Sources of Funding Grants n

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) funding of up to $75,000.00 per unit is available for affordable housing projects. CMHC may also be utilized to provide low cost financing for the project. They have advised KUC that the mortgage funding is available for both Phase 1 and Phase 2 since they will approach the redevelopment as one project, despite the fact that we are undertaking it in two phases.


City of Kamloops – a funding grant of up to $150,000.00 is available for affordable housing projects, along with tax relief and waiving of development cost charges.

2. Partnership Opportunities n


Consideration is underway of potential partnerships with developers. In exchange for providing the land, KUC has the ability to leverage some of the housing units against the cost of building. Currently, the Redevelopment Design Team is finalizing a Request for Proposals that will go out to developers. Further information of what prospective developers are prepared to contribute will be distributed as it comes available. Neighborhood/Community Groups have been approached and indicated an interest in participating. This form of participation may include the pre-purchase of housing units or the payment of the ‘build cost’ in exchange for dedicated space within the building.

Any shortfall between the project costs and our funding sources will result in KUC carrying a mortgage. The costs of the mortgage will be somewhat offset by the fact that our operating costs will be reduced with the installation of efficient heating/cooling systems throughout the property. As well, there remains the possibility that the Grafton property will be utilized to assist with the project at KUC. This may take the form of a mortgage (which could substantially reduce our borrowing costs) or the potential sale of a small portion of Grafton to raise funds. Much more discussion would have to take place within the congregation before any decision would be reached regarding the inclusion of Grafton.

The leadership of KUC believes strongly in our ability to complete this redevelopment. By leaning into our faith and contributing all that we can (time, talent and treasure), we will emerge from this process with a building ready to continue serving our community for the next 100 years! POTENTIAL FUNDING PLAN ( 3 assumptions: KUC retains 100% ownership, utilizes a modified life-lease housing model and the estimated costs are actual costs)

EXPENSE Estimated Build of Phase 1:

$ 1,200,000.00

Estimated Build of Phase 2:

$ 10,800,000.00

Total Costs:

$ 12,000,000.00

TIMELINE: 2010–2013

Capital Campaign Contributions:

$ 1,200,000.00

City of Kamloops Funding Grant:

$ 150,000.00

CMHC Unit Grant (assuming 60 qualifying units) 60 x $50,000.00 Projected Revenue from “Tenants”

Total Revenue:

$ 3,000,000.00



$ 11,200,000.00


Capital Campaign Kickoff

November– December


Community Campaign


n Campaign status

We must achieve the estimated sale price for the units in a timely manner.


The “Total Costs” does not include carrying charges for interim financing.


The estimated costs provided by Coast Architectural Group are close to actual costs.

However, these numbers also do not take into consideration: n

We may exceed our capital campaign goal;


The possibility that we choose to minimize our financial responsibility by partnering with a developer; and


Other funding grants may become known and available to us.


Start project tender process

February– March

n Finalize project



financing plans Award tenders

n Vacate Sanctuary site and

relocate all activity to CEC May

n Start

construction: Phase 1—Sanctuary


n Complete construction:

Phase 1



proposals evaluated by RDT



We must qualify for CMHC funding and/or receive the grant from the City. Without this funding, our ‘Total revenue’ would lower to $12,400,000.00.

n Development

report to congregation

$ 15,550,000.00

The above funding example does rely on several assumptions: n

October 31


n Vacate CEC and relocate all

activity to the Sanctuary n

Start construction: Phase 2

n Completion of project:

early 2013

“ When we see money as something that flows through our lives and through the world, we realize that it doesn’t really belong to anyone; or we could say it belongs to everyone and the opportunity we have is to allow this resource, like water, to move through the world in a way that nurtures the most people and the highest purpose.” — Lynn Twist, Soul of Money

THE GIFT THAT MATTERS We are asking you to be a partner to a new future for our congregation. Our goal through this campaign is to raise $1.2 million in cash, pledges and planned gifts. This contribution is over and above your current annual giving. This special contribution may be spread over three years, enabling us to effectively fund the first phase of the redevelopment project, and to ensure we meet all our financial requirements. It is encouraging that an overwhelming majority of those we have talked to about this campaign support it. A feasibility planning study conducted in 2009 indicated high levels of support for a redevelopment campaign and concluded that, by everyone working together, it is possible for our congregation to raise significant funds. We believe the $1.2 million target is an achievable goal. The key to a successful campaign is generous giving, which will mean something different to each person. With everyone giving according to equal generosity – not equal amounts – we can fulfill our vision and make all things new. The campaign will require a level of support not seen since our founders built our place of worship and Christian Education building. With God’s guidance, we are confident of reaching and even surpassing our goal as we respond to God’s call through all of us.


Gifts and/or pledges–cash gifts made over the next three years Planned gifts–a gift funded from accumulated resources or assets, rather than income

Gifts and/or Pledges

Planned Gifts

These include cash gifts over three years by way of cheque, direct debit, credit card contributed monthly, quarterly, or annually.

Under our current tax laws, there are opportunities for you to make a significant gift to Kamloops United Church from your accumulated resources or assets. Because of the tax advantages, this gift will not negatively impact your current financial circumstances. There are two major categories of planned gifts: n n

Professional Support Gifts in either category require careful planning to take advantage of Canada’s tax laws that are designed to encourage generous giving. If a gift exceeds 75% of net income, the tax credit for the gift can be claimed over five years. As part of the campaign, we will have a professional financial advisor, knowledgeable in all aspects of charitable gifts and planned giving, available to meet with you to discuss specific giving opportunities.

Immediate gifts Future gifts

Immediate Gifts

Future Gifts

Marketable Securities

Bequests Through a Will

These gifts may take the form of cash, stocks, bonds, current life insurance policies or mutual funds. Making a gift of securities or mutual funds can reduce the accrued capital gains tax that you might owe.

Bequests are a very important and meaningful way to leave a final gift to Kamloops United Church. You can leave either a specific gift of cash, artwork or other assets, or a portion of your estate.

Since Spring 2006, gifts of securities or mutual funds to charitable organizations in Canada can avoid payment of capital gains tax otherwise payable by the donor. The Canadian government introduced this initiative to encourage such gifts, benefiting both the charity and the donor; the appreciation in value of such purchases may be quite significant when they are transferred directly to the church. You can receive tax-free retirement income along with an immediate gift to Kamloops United. This is a gift that gives back to you.

Life Insurance

Charitable Gift Annuity You can receive tax-free retirement income along with an immediate gift to Kamloops United Church. This is also a gift that gives back to you.

Bonds There are different types of bonds that are available.

Home Equity Loan You can make a gift to the campaign through your home mortgage.

Making the church a beneficiary of a life insurance policy will give you a tax benefit today and provide a future gift to Kamloops United Church. With a modest monthly insurance premium for a new policy, you can leave a substantial legacy to the congregation in the future. Your annual premiums are tax deductible.

Charitable Remainder Trust You place cash, property or securities in a trust for Kamloops United Church and receive a guaranteed income for life, with substantial tax savings.

Gifting Chart The following chart is one example of how the campaign objective of $1,200,000 can be met through various levels of giving in Gifts, Pledges and Planned Giving. Total Gift Level Over 3 Years

Monthly Amount

Number of Gifts Required

Total Amount

Cumulative Total




$ 60,000

$ 60,000




$ 60,000

$ 120,000




$ 100,000

$ 220,000




$ 200,000

$ 420,000

$ 15,000

$ 417


$ 180,000

$ 600,000




$ 150,000

$ 750,000




$ 100,000

$ 850,000




$ 200,000

$ 1,050,000


$ 4,167


$ 150,000

$ 1,200,000

Tax Credit As you consider the amount of your potential gift to the campaign, please remember that our current tax laws provide a tax credit of 43.7% for any donations to charitable organizations (including the church) in excess of $200. This means that the net impact on your financial situation is much less than the gross amount contributed. This is outlined in the chart below. Gift to the Campaign

Monthly Cost to Giver


Total Tax Credit

Actual Cost to Giver

Approximate Net Monthly Amount











$ 138



















All figures are based on a 3-year (36 month) commitment and more than $200 in other donations which results in a 43.7% tax credit rate.

Cumulative Tax Credits Another very powerful option to maximize your gift is to give back the cumulative tax credits (43.7%). Giving back the cumulative refunds (or credits) of your gift can leverage your gift by nearly 1.7 times over the three-year pledge period. An initial gift of $1,000 in year one results in a $437 tax credit. $437 given back to the church in year two results in another $191 tax credit. The $191 given back results in a further tax credit of $83 in the third year, and if given back, the original gift of $1,000 becomes $1,711 (provided each year the donated amount exceeds the $200 threshold).

Memorial Gifts Kamloops United Church is a sacred place that evokes memories of special people or times in our lives. Gifts in memory of a loved one are meaningful, appropriate and appreciated, and a special letter acknowledging your gift will be sent to the appropriate person(s).

A key campaign goal is the participation of every household.

KAMLOOPS UNITED CHURCH CAPITAL CAMPAIGN PLEDGE FORM Name:____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________ Postal Code: ______________________ Phone:______________________________________ Email:_______________________________________________

I/We believe that God has called us to fulfill our shared vision for Kamloops United Church as a community striving to be faithful to God, and I/We pledge our support to make that vision a reality. It is my/our firm intent to contribute:

A total amount of $___________________ , as follows: An initial gift of $ _________________________ to be made by December 31st, 2010. AND

A. Monthly installments totaling $________________________



$ _______________________ per month for _______months,

commencing __________________________________, 2010

I wish to pay by:

l Pre-Authorized Remittance

( This can be pre-authorized debits to a Bank Account or to your VISA or MASTERCARD. You will be contacted to determine which option you wish to choose.)

or B. Annual payments totaling $ ___________________, as follows:


$ ____________________ by ____________________, 2010

$ ____________________ by ____________________ , 2011

$ ____________________ by ____________________ , 2012

$ ____________________ by ____________________ , 2013


l Post-dated cheques

or C. Single payment of $ __________________________________

Payable to “Kamloops United Church Campaign”

to be paid on or by (date) ______________________________

I am interested in knowing more about these types of gifts:

l Shares or stocks l Life insurance

l Bequests

l Charitable Annuities

l Charitable Remainder Trusts

I/We understand that this campaign commitment is made in addition to my/our regular weekly offering. Signature(s):





Envelope Number:______________________


1. The confidentiality of donors will be respected. 2. It is understood that pledges may be revised or suspended due to changing circumstances. 3. Receipts for income tax purposes will be issued for all funds received up to and including December 31st of each year, in accordance with the current Tax Regulations. Please make cheques payable to “Kamloops United Church Capital Campaign” 421 St. Paul Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 2J7 • Phone: 250.372.3020 • Email: mjkeim@shaw.ca or kuchurch@shaw.ca

KUC LEADERSHIP KUC Council Circle Members and Representatives Chair: Sue Sewell Vice-Chairs: Gordon Britton | Diane Stuart Secretary: Betty Karpuk Members at Large: Fliss Klassen | Sharon Rhodes | Marg Waldon Clergy: Rev. Bruce Comrie | Rev. Teri Meyer Ministry and Personnel Committee Representative: Phyllis Boswell Ministry Management Team Representative and Treasurer: Gail Wichmann Redevelopment Team Representative: Jennifer Keim

Capital Campaign Team Co-Chairs:

Jennifer Keim and Gordon Britton Ron McColl | Kathy Johnson | Rev. Bruce Comrie

Campaign Contact Information Kamloops United Church Capital Campaign Committee 421 St. Paul Street Kamloops, BC V2C 2J7 Phone: 250.372.3020 (during business hours) 250.374.0890 (outside of business hours) Email: mjkeim@shaw.ca or kuchurch@shaw.ca

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