Ivy Syndicate - Summer 2024

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The Ivy Syndicate is the Official Organ of the T.U.N.E. Administration


South Atlantic Region

Soror Tiffany Moore Russell

South Atlantic Regional Director and Editorial Director

Soror Daya Taylor Chief Editor

Soror Sherri Owens Communications Chairman


Soror Cheryl Brown

Soror Tameke' Davis

Soror Charmere N. Gatson

Soror Geanine Wester - Lead

Soror Florida Bridgewater-Alford Communications Co-Chairman

Newsletter Chairman


Sorors, now is the time for your participation and unwavering commitment to mobilizing, advocating, and getting people registered to vote for the 2024 election season. Your presence, enthusiasm, and dedication to our shared mission are truly inspiring, and I want to reflect on the importance of what we strive to achieve together.

This year's theme, "T.U.N.E In – Engage, Mobilize, Vote," could not be more timely. As we stand on the threshold of some of the most consequential local, state, and national elections in our lifetime, we must harness the energy and momentum generated during Boule. Our efforts are not just about casting a ballot, they are about shaping the future of our communities, advocating for the issues that matter most, and ensuring that every voice is heard.

Your active participation in this initiative and the monthly mobilization strategies, including the Pink Pearl Precinct Project, is a testament to the power of our sisterhood. By pairing with community organizations and hosting voter registration drives, you are helping your communities stay informed about the critical issues at stake. Let’s continue to educate citizens, attend and host voter information forums, and be creative in getting people to the polls this fall.

I am profoundly grateful to each of you for your dedication and hard work. Your efforts have already made a significant impact, and I am confident that together, we can achieve even more in the months ahead. Let us continue to T.U.N.E. in, engage, mobilize, and vote—and let us do so with the same passion and commitment that defines our sisterhood.

Thank you for all that you do, and for all that you will continue to do in the service of our communities and our illustrious sisterhood. Together, we will make a difference.

In sisterhood and service,

Sightsfromthe Sightsfromthe Sightsfromthe Dallas, Texas



Dallas, Texas

71STBOULE 71STBOULE 71STBOULE Memories Memories



North Charleston, SC -- The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® South Atlantic Region proudly announced a special ceremony commemorating the distinguished service and leadership of the 12th South Atlantic Regional Director Soror Vertelle Mitchell Middleton. The event occurred at Trident Technical College, 7000 Rivers Avenue, North Charleston, SC, on August 10, 2024. The day's highlight was the unveiling of a commemorativebenchinMiddleton’shonor.

“We are honored to pay tribute to Vertelle Mitchell Middleton, an innovative leader who has left an indelible mark on this college campus and on the lives of all of those who have benefited from her guidance, influence and service,” said the Honorable Tiffany Moore Russell, Esquire, South Atlantic Regional Director. “This bench unveiling symbolized our appreciation for her contributions to our organizationandthecommunityatlarge.”

Vertelle Mitchell Middleton served as the 12th South Atlantic Regional Director from 1990 to 1994. Her dedication, vision and commitment to excellence has inspired generations of AKA members and beyond. The bench dedication was a tribute to her exemplary leadership and tireless efforts to empower women, people of color and communities. The bench was prominently placed on the Trident Technical College campus, where it serves as a permanent reminder of Vertelle Mitchell Middleton’s dedication to education, leadership and community service.

Own Your Vision, Sorors

God speaks to us in such unique and intimate ways. He can get your attention by any means necessary, but the real question is whether you’re paying attention. When God seeks to shift you, He almost always begins by stirring your heart and agitating your comfort. The next thing He’ll do is give you a glimpse of where He is taking you next. Most of us ignore the signs, tugs, and recurring messages. We say we want to be used by God, but then we avoid all situations disrupting the predictability that makes us feel safe and secure. But to believe bigger is to ask God for a bigger vision and to believe that you’re worthy of more. Sometimes we confuse the desire to experience more with being greedy and discontent. Balance is important, but desire is also divine. Ecclesiastes 1:7 says, “All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full.” You want more because God designed you for more in His limitless image. He won’t force you into it. God gives a bigger vision to those ready to make bigger decisions.


During the EAF Luncheon at the 2024 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® 71st Boule, the South Atlantic Region was recognized for its outstanding EAF achievements. Several chapters, clusters, and individual members were also honored.

South Atlantic Region

“Mission Possible” Cluster Challenge

Clustersarechallenged toraise $15,000tosupport EAFEndowment Scholarships.

Thechallengebegins Sept.1, 2024- Dec.31,2024


1 Graduate Chapters donate $250 or more at Cluster

2 Undergraduate Chapters donate $50 or more at Cluster

3 All members donate $25 or more at Cluster


September 15 - November 1, 2024

Clusters will connect withfamily and friends to support SAR EAF Giving Campaign. Stay tuned for more details. EAFCaptain’sTraining

Sunday, November 3, 2024 at 3:00 PM AKA EAF Know Before You Apply Scholarship Session

Saturday, November 16, 2024.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Chapters and Sorors are encouraged to donate via www.donate.akaeaf.org on this day. Support your Cluster or Chapter Endowment.

Deadline is January 5, 2025

Thursday,April 17, 2025

Scholarship awards will presented during the 72nd SARC EAF Luncheon. Please spread the word and encourage students to apply.

Congratulations to Harriet Brown Birk, the 2024 EAF car raffle winner from Orlando, Florida.

Special thanks to all who purchased tickets. Proceeds from the Raffle will go to EAF for its scholarship and community assistance awards program.


On behalf of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, South Atlantic Region's T.U.N.E. AdministrationandtheIvyCircleCommittee,wearethankfulforyourcontinuedsupportover the past two years. Commendations and thanks to sorors who have been Ivy Circle contributorssinceitsinception.Yourdedication,unwaveringsupportandcontributionshave beeninstrumentalinthephenomenalsuccessandgrowthoftheprogramandtheimpact madeonthelivesofourundergraduatesorors.Weareforevergratefulforyourleadership andproudofwhatwehaveachievedtogether.

Wearedelightedtoinvitesororstocontinuethismomentumbyjoiningthe2024-2025IvyCircle!Withmembershipin theIvyCircle,youwillaccessarangeofexclusiveperksandprivileges.ThesebenefitsareexclusivelyavailabletoIvy Circlemembersforanadditionaldesignateddonationbeyondyourannualsororitydues.

WhenyoujointheIvyCircle,yourannualmembershipfeeisleveragedtosponsorourundergraduates'attendanceat national and regional leadership training events. It will also provide vital financial support for other Alpha Kappa Alphatrainingopportunitiesandassistwithsupportingourundergraduatemembers’primarygoalofreceivingtheir undergraduatedegree.Asabonus,you'llreceiveprestigiousperks!


Sorors,weinviteyoutoT.U.N.E.inwithusaswe,forathirdyear,continueourlegacyofstrengtheningoursisterhood bysoaringtogreaterheights.OurSouthAtlanticRegion'sIvyCircleT.U.N.E.objectivesareto:

TranscendthenumberofsignificantSouthAtlanticRegion'sIvyCirclesupporterswe’vehadinprioryearsaswe providethefinancialsupporttohelpourundergraduatesororssoar.


Nurtureourundergraduatesbyprovidingsupportandopportunitiesthatwillstrengthentheirleadershipskills. Empowerourselves,andencourageoursororstoT.U.N.E.intotheIvyCirclewithus!


The2023-2024MembershipYearconcludedonAugust1,2024.TheMembershipYear2024–2025coversthecostof membershipfromthetimeofreceiptthroughtheendofAugust2025.

Paymentmustbemadeinfulluponregistration.Wearenotabletoaccommodatepartialpayments.SeetheIvyCircle membershiplevelsandduesatthislink.


You must register your membership details using this link to Net Forum This is the same platform used for AKA conferenceregistrationsonavigationshouldbefamiliartoyou.WiththeNetForumlinksororswillhavetheoption andconveniencetopayforIvyCirclemembershipelectronically.A4%transactionfeewillbeaddedtoyourcheckout total.


Sororswhochoosetosubmitacheckormoneyorderforpayment,pleaseusethislinktoregisteryourmembership details.Then,mailyourpaymentinfulltotheaddresslistedbelowandmakeitpayableto:SouthAtlanticRegion,with anoteindicatingitisforyourIvyCirclemembership.Themailingaddressis:

AlphaKappaAlphaSorority,Incorporated® SouthAtlanticRegion,Attn:IVYCIRCLE P.O.Box784312 WinterGarden,Florida34778

TheIvyCircleMembershipDrivewillrunthroughNovember3,2024.Attheconclusionofthemembershipdrive,we willacceptrequeststoupgradetoahighertierofmembership.ThoseupgraderequestswillbeprocessedNovember 4-18.

ThankyouagainforyourinterestintheIvyCircletoensurethatourfutureleadersareequippedbyprovidingaccess to the learning and other resources that will enable them to T.U.N.E. in and Soar! Our undergraduate members are indeed the future of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. We are thrilled to have your partnership on this initiative.

Sisterly, SororShevawnBroxtonYoung,IvyCircleChairmanand SororSshuneMarieRhodes,IvyCircleCo-Chairman

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® recently held its highly anticipated Undergraduate Summit under the theme "Soaring Together: Elevating Our Legacy of Service and Sisterhood" at the 71st Boule in Dallas, bringing together nearly 1,000 undergraduate members from across the nation to celebrate their sharedlegacyofserviceandsisterhood.

The summit featured an extraordinary conversation with Soror Cynthia Erivo, Tony Award and Grammy Award-winningacclaimedactressandsinger,whocounseledtheundergraduatesto"beokaywithwhoyou are and be there for others. It’s OK to be proud of those flaws – the whole of who you are. Perfection is reallyboring,andriskiswhereyoulearnyoudon’tknowwhatcouldbe,howmuchyoucando.”

ThesummitcontinuedwitharousingundergraduatechargeandcalltoactionbySupremeBasileus,Soror Danette Anthony Reed, who urged members to continue their commitment to service and excellence throughfivecourageouschallenges.AhighlightofthesummitwastheUndergraduateLeadershipPanel discussion, "Undergraduates Elevating the Legacy of AKA," featuring the directorate undergraduate leadership.

Thesummitculminatedwithaheartwarmingsurpriseaseachundergraduatereceivedalaptopgiftedby theAKAEducationalAdvancementFoundationandundergraduatesproceededtoall10oftheirindividual Region’s breakout rooms for additional professional development presentations focusing on time managementandlearningdifferentleadershipstyles.

SororCarlaJeffersonservedasthemainpresenterhelpingtheundergraduatesidentifytheirleadership styleswhilelearningtoworkwithotherstoeffectivelymanagethroughchallenges.

TheUndergraduateSummitwasaresoundingsuccess,asthemembersdepartedwitharenewedsenseof purpose,readytosoartogetherandelevatethelegacyofourbelovedsorority.













Graduate Chapters




Graduate Chapters



Alpha Alpha Beta Omega Educates Youth on Banking

Alpha Alpha Beta Omega recently hosted 26 participants in its Youth LeadershipInstitute,developingtheirfinancialliteracyandleadership skills. Youth were introduced to the essentials of bank accounts, credit, debt management, and budgeting strategies. They also participated in interactive financial games. “Alpha Alpha Beta Omega Chapter’s Youth Leadership Institute continues to thrive, and the members are dedicated in support of the dynamic group of youth leaderparticipants,”saidBasileusCherylD.Larkin.

The program’s theme was “Mastering the Art of Debt-Free Living” and included a “Knowledge of Financial Education:Banking101”workshopthatwashostedbytheCityofMiramar’sMayorandCampEmbark.

Alpha Alpha Theta Omega Celebrates Anniversary in Pink and Green Flair

The sisters of Alpha Alpha Theta Omega marked their 6th anniversary with a sold-out luncheon celebrating their service to Northern Hillsborough and Pasco Counties. Themed "Soaring with Service and Pearlfection," the event was held at the Victor Crist Community Center Complex. AttendeesincludedSororsSonjaGarcia,14thSouthAtlantic Regional Director; Crystal Pruitt, EAF Regional Coordinator; DonnaDouglas,formerClusterIICoordinator;CherylSmith, Cluster II Coordinator; and Sherell Wilson, International ProgramRepresentative.

SororFredericaWilson,representingFlorida’s24thCongressionalDistrict,announcedthatthechapter’scharter date would be recognized in Congress. Scholarships and stipends totaling over $4,000 were awarded to high schoolseniorswhodemonstratedacademicandleadershipexcellence.

Alpha Alpha Upsilon Omega Raises Awareness About Sickle Cell Disease

Alpha Alpha Upsilon Omega Chapter partnered with the Sickle Cell Foundation of Palm Beach County and Treasure Coast and the Village of Wellington to celebrate WorldSickleCellDayattheJuneteenth/RedteenthCulturalFestival. Theeventand collaboration allowed chapter members to empower those impacted by sickle cell disease,increaseawareness,shareeducationalresources,supportresearchefforts, andadvocateforimprovedtreatmentandcare.

Chi Upsilon Omega Dazzles with Pink Hat Tea

Chi Upsilon Omega Chapter (Tallahassee, FL) hosted its annual Pink Hat Tea event, a tradition that combines elegance and camaraderie. Held at Florida State University’s Dunlap Champion’s Club, it attracted sorority members and community supporters. The event’s highlight was keynote speaker Soror PamelaMoodyDavis,whospokeabouthavingagrowthmindset. Attendees also participated in a hat decorating contest and parade.

Eta Tau Omega Supports Voter Registration and Education

Voting is always a serious matter, and members of Eta Tau Omega used a recent Juneteenth celebration to educate the community about the right to vote and drive voter registration. Attendees were also provided candidate information for Ocala/MarionCounty,state andfederalelections.

Delta Omicron Omega’s Expo Highlights Entrepreneurship

More than 40 women-owned and Black-owned businesses were celebrated at Delta Omicron Omega's Black Business Expo in Orlando. The event highlighted economic empowerment within Central Florida's African-American community and showcased products and services from handmade craftstoinnovativetechsolutions.

Delta Kappa Omega Targets Mental Health with Symposium

Delta Kappa Omega Chapter recently held its “Supporting the Community through Mental Wellness” symposium in Tallahassee. Chaired by Soror Angela Thornton and moderated by Soror Jackie Robinson and SororKristiReese,itraisedawarenessoncriticalmental healthissuesaffectingthecommunity.

Panelists Dr. Allesa English, Dr. Donald English, and Dr. Alicia Jackson led discussions on mental health challenges faced by people of all ages and helped attendees understand how to reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues. They offered resources for managing depression, anxiety, and trauma. The symposium also included the statement “See something, say something” to encourage supportingandaddressingmentalhealthconcerns.

"The Black Business Expo is more than just a marketplace. It's a celebration of resilience and achievement,"remarkedSororCherylRouse,chairof theBuildOurEconomicWealthcommittee."Whenwe invest in Black-owned businesses, we're investing in the future of our community." The event allows vendors to connect directly with their community, shapetheeconomiclandscape,andfosterinclusivity andunityamonglocalbusinesses.

Gamma Rho Omega’s iKonic Event Debuts

Aninfusionofpink,arts,andculturewasuniquelydisplayedtomorethan1,400guests at Gamma Rho Omega’s inaugural “iKonic” event at the Prime Osborn Convention CenterinJacksonville.Theevent,whichmadehistoryinsizeandfundraisingeffortsby a local organization of color, was held in coordination with the Alpha Jax Foundation and reflected Gamma Rho Omega’s legacy spanning more than 80 years. Soror Johnetta Moore, chairman, Soror Roslyn Mixon-Phillips, Basileus, and Soror Norma Solomon White, 25th Supreme Basileus, ensured the event was a success. Proceeds fromtheeventwillexpandscholarshipsandprogramslikeChildhoodHungerInitiative PowerPacksthatbenefitlocalcommunities.

Gamma Zeta Omega Marks 32nd Mentoring Presentation

GammaZetaOmegapresented14graduatingseniorsandawarded nearly $14,000 in scholarships and book awards to participants of itsIvyRosettesmentoringprogramforhighschoolgirls.

The32nd"EleganceinPink&White"IvyRosettespresentationwas held at the Margaritaville Resort in Hollywood, Florida, and included the inaugural Chairman’s Award, which honored two distinguishedIvyRosettesfortheirexceptionalcontributions.

Lambda Omicron Omega Spotlights

Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence

Awareness on sexual assault and domestic violence took center stage with Lambda Omicron Omega’s second annual “Your Voice Has Power” event at Booker MiddleSchool.

More than 100 people attended the event and were empoweredbytestimonials from local survivors and members of Queens of Domestic Violence. Instructors from AWE! Krav Maga taught selfdefense classes and resources were provided by Safe Place andRapeCrisisInc.

The event also received local media attention, including interviewswithSororTheresaScott,BasileusandSororIvory Gordon,chairman.

Nu Beta Omega Presents Congressional Candidate Forum

About 80 Pinellas County residents recently gathered at St. Petersburg College Clearwater Campus’ auditorium for a rivetingpoliticalcandidateforumhostedbyNuBetaOmega.

Mu Upsilon Omega Helps Homeowners Expand Knowledge

Mu Upsilon Omega partnered with the Alachua County Property Appraiser's Office to educate the community about home tax exemptions and how the value of homes are determined on the market. Speakers from the Alachua County Property Appraiser stressed the importance of homeowners staying informed to know what they are entitled to do. The workshop was part of the chapter’s support of the Build Our EconomicWealthinitiative.

Moderated by Soror Andrea Evans-Dixon, event attendees submittedquestionsaboutcommunityconcernsandgoalsfor candidates seeking Florida’s 13th Congressional District U.S. House of Representative seat. Candidates at the forum also sharedtheirplatforms.

Nu Omega Omega Brings Estate Planning to Community

Nu Omega Omega Chapter in Madison, FL, continues “Bridging the Wealth Gap” with its financial wellness and planned giving lecture series.

In its recent “What to do with Big Mama’s House?” workshop, panelists provided legal information on estate planning with real property and practical application of the law to morethan50attendees.

The event was hosted in partnership with the NationalAssociationofRealEstateBrokersand theTallahasseeAssociationofRealists.

Psi Theta Omega Celebrates Anniversary

PsiThetaOmegarecentlymarked16yearsofservicetothe MetroOrlandocommunity.Chaptermembersspenttheday showering each other with sisterly love and reflecting on their journey. From educational initiatives to outreach programs, chapter members remain committed to being impactful, making connections, and uplifting and supportingthecommunity.

Upsilon Xi Omega Raises Mental Health Awareness

Upsilon Xi Omega Chapter in Plantation, FL, recently hosted the “How Mental Health is Affecting the Community” webinar to address mental health concerns within the Broward County community. A panel of licensed mental health professionals and Florida State Representative Darryl Campbell led discussions, provided information, and issued a call to action to seek out mentalhealthservices.

Potential warning signs were also highlighted, available resources and tools were provided, and strategies to promote mentalhealthawarenesswereshared.

Alpha Alpha Epsilon Omega YLI Graduation

AlphaAlphaEpsilonOmegaChapterinEvans,GeorgiarecentlymarkedtheculminationoftheirYouth LeadershipInstitute(YLI)programwithaspiritedgraduationcelebration.TheYLI,aflagshipinitiative of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, is tailored for youth aged 11-13. Throughout the program, participants engaged in dynamic, youth-led activities centered on fostering leadership qualities like self-awareness and a growth mindset. The final presentation celebrated the achievements and growth of the students, highlighting their newfound skills and confidence. The graduation ceremony not only honored their dedication but also emphasized the importance of empowering young leaders within the community. An end of year video was made featuring the students and shown at the graduation. Alpha Alpha Epsilon Omega Chapter remains committed to nurturingthenextgenerationofleadersthroughimpactfulprogramsliketheYLI,ensuringyouthare equippedwiththetoolsandinspirationneededtothrive.

Alpha Alpha Phi Omega Adopt-a-Planter Program

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. Alpha Alpha Phi Omega Chapter in Milledgeville, Georgia has been hard at work enhancing our community’s environment. Through our partnership with the Adopt-a-Planter program in Milledgeville, we have planted a variety of beautiful annuals in our designated planter. We have also added two crepe myrtles to Sparta, Georgia’s M.E. Lewis Elementary School grounds and an olive tree to Milledgeville’s Harris Community Garden. Our commitment to building community partnerships allows us to make ameaningfuldifferenceinourlocalarea.

Psi Omega Omega Hosts Healthy Mind, Healthy You Seminar

AlphaKappaAlphaSorority,Incorporated®PsiOmegaOmegaChapterinPeachtreeCorners,Georgia hosted the “Healthy Mind, Healthy You” Seminar on May 4, 2024, in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month. A well-rounded panel of professionals, including a psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse practitioner,pharmacist,schoolsocialworker,andyogainstructor,ensuredtheseminaraddresseda wide range of mental health issues. Topics included the harmful effect social media can have on young people’s mental health; the mental health challenges faced in schools; and the benefits and potential side effects of drugs used to treat mental illness. Mindful breathing and meditation techniques were also demonstrated, and attendees were led through stress-relieving exercises. In additiontotheinformativepresentations,arobustquestionandanswersession,andopendiscussion period underscored the significant interest in this topic and the value of the seminar. Psi Omega Omegawillcontinuetoidentifyneedsanddeliverprogramslikethistopromotehealthandwellness.

Sigma Epsilon Omega Relay For Life

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. Sigma Epsilon Omega Chapter in Warner Robins, Georgia participated in the Houston County Relay for Life event. Sorors and community members gathered at the Jesse E. Tanner Junior Park as a community to celebrate cancer survivors, remember those lost, and to help raise money for research toendcancer.TherewereseveralDivineNineorganizations, businesses, churches, and other community organizations participating in the fight to help find ways to end cancer because together, we can make a difference. Participants took turns walking the tracks as a DJ played music for the crowd during the Luminaria Ceremony. This year, Sigma Epsilon Omega surpassed the goal of $1,800 and contributed$2,369toRelayforLife.

Sigma Epsilon Omega Walking for a Cure

Alpha Alpha Pi Omega Leadership Development Cohort 2

Adelma Stanford Brown, Basileus; Kyshia Carey, Anti-Basileus; Committee Chairmen, Graduates, and Commencement Speaker

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. Alpha Alpha Pi Omega Chapter in Snellville, Georgia recently implemented their 2nd Leadership Development Cohort, which spanned over nine months and included several engaging in-person, virtual, and asynchronous sessions focusing on enhancing AKA knowledge. Local, regional, and international guest speakers supported participants inelevatingtheirpersonalleadershipskillsandbranding. Twelve chapter members successfully completed the cohort, culminating in the presentation of two outstanding group capstone projects designed to enhance the chapter's service, followed by a graduation ceremony. Soror Thuane Fielding, Co-Chairman of the South Atlantic Region's Leadership Development Committee,deliveredaninspiringcommencementspeech that energized the graduates, instilling in them a strong desiretoelevatetheirleadershipskillswithinthechapter andcommunity.

EOO Enhances the Enviroment

Epsilon Omega Omega, along with undergraduate chaptersIotaEtaandKappaEta,partneredwiththeYouth Leadership Institute (YLI) and collaborated with Grow Macon, Inc. and Keep Macon-Bibb Beautiful for an "EnhanceOurEnvironmentInitiative"attheMajorWillieD. Billie Community Center's Eastview Garden. This was YLI Scholars' final project under the "Using the Power of PurposetoDriveSuccess"module.Theinitiativeaimedto educate students about healthy food choices and community engagement by planting a garden benefiting local housing developments. Ms. Charm Myers, CEO of Grow Macon, Inc., first led a container gardening activity, then guided a robust planting day where parsley, corn, tomatoes, carrots, green beans, and spinach were sown. EOOEnhanceOurEnvironmentandEmpowerOurFamilies sponsoredthetools,soil,andsupplies.Welookforwardto thegarden'sharvest.

Tau Epsilson Omega Awards Scholarships

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® Tau Epsilon Omega Chapter and The Twenty Pearls Foundation, Inc. in East Point, Georgia hosted an afternoon of excellence, civic engagement, and extraordinary service with their scholarship awards luncheon. The committee recognized and awarded $55,000 in scholarships to 32 deserving studentsinthelocalareaofEastPointandCollegePark. The program also honored its PACE mentoring program members by awarding book scholarships. The luncheon washeldbyMistressofCeremonyCharterMember,Judge Kimberly Esmond-Adams, and the Keynote Speaker was Rev. Dr. Hawkins, who provided an inspiring message about the cost of investing in yourself to the students. The afternoon was topped with a fabulous hat parade showcasing the attendee's beauty and elegance. The chapter and its foundation accomplished its mission of supporting educational, leadership, and philanthropic activities that benefited the East Point and College Park communityresidents.

Tau Pi Omega Chapter Celebrates Youth Leadership Institute

On June 1st, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Tau Pi Omega Chapter in Lithonia, Georgia proudly celebrated the graduation of its Youth Leadership Institute (YLI) students. The YLI program encompassed a diverse range of topics such as Entrepreneurship, Dressing for Success, Resume Writing, creating Vision Boards and All About Me T-shirts, and presenting businessideasinaSharkTank-stylecompetition.

The graduates—Aaralyn Jones, Aubrey Johnson, Bella Thomas, Brooklyn Holts, Bryan Pollard, Caitlyn George, Carley Johnson, Emerson Person, Isaiah Ford, Kai ScottLemon,KimoraYoung,LeahMartin,LoganJohnson,Lucas Brantley, and Michael Cunningham—showcased their year-long learning journey. Highlights included insightful presentations and a creative skit on fire safety. Congratulationstothegraduatesfortheirdedicationand hardworkinmasteringthesediverseskills!

Diamond Soror Mary Crawford-James, Living Legend

The members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.®, Gamma Sigma Chapter in Albany, Georgia honored the chapter’s only living legend as they commemorated their 75th chartering on April 23, 2024.

Soror Mary Crawford-James was initiated at Albany State (College) University, Gamma Sigma Chapter in November 1949. She is the oldest living member initiated in the chapter. As she celebrated her 75th year of membership in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® , the members of GammaSigmaspenttimegettingacquaintedwithherandtakingpictures.

Not only did she attend and graduate from Albany State (College) University in 1951, but Soror Crawford-James spent her career working on the campus as Assistant to Presidents Jenkins, Hayes, and Black. She has served as President of her graduate chapter (Delta Eta Omega), South AtlanticRegionClusterIVCoordinator,andcontinuesservinginAlphaKappaAlphaSorority,Inc.®

Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness month and in honor of this month, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® Gamma Tau Omega Chapter provided green MHA ribbons to show our support. The mental health awareness committee kicked off the month strong with a helpful and very informative presentation by Stephen Akinduro on How Social Media Impacts Mental Health & Family Relationships. Stephen shared detailed information on the tremendous impact social media has on our youth and their mental health. He also shared what steps can be taken to mitigate these effects. Once at Damascus Way- Valley Rescue Mission, we met ladies who are in the recovery program and we were able to spread love and inspiration to women who are going through a difficulttime.Thebagsandtheircontentswereasymbol that their hard time is only temporary, good things are aroundthecornerandthebestisyettocome.

Kappa Omega’s GenNEXT Committee

Since its launch in November 2023, the GenerationNEXT (GenNEXT) Committee of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Kappa Omega Chapter in Atlanta, Georgia has been diligently working under the leadership of Chairman, Soror Rakia Arnold and Co-Chairmen, Sorors Shay Blake and KalaJenkins.

The committee has engaged in meaningful programs that have positively impacted Kappa Omega and the Southwest Atlanta community. Several programs and activities include supporting and guiding undergraduate Sorors as they transition into graduate membership, organizing events such as our Mother’s Day floral arrangements,ice-skatingoutings,practicing for the stroll team, and organizing Pretty Packs®toiletrydrives-tonameafew.

Metro Atlanta Chapters Endow EAF Scholarship

On February 24, 2024, nineteen (19) Metro Atlanta Graduate Chapters and eleven (11) Undergraduate Chapters celebrated our Founders’ Day together, under the theme, “A SoaringLegacyofServiceandSisterhood— Celebrating 116 Years.” Over 2,500 sorors wereinattendance.Localchapterswereable to promote lifelong learning by fully endowingtheMetroAtlantaEAFScholarship in the amount of $25,000. Each Metro Atlanta undergraduate chapter was also afforded the opportunity to receive a $1,000 Scholarship.

These activities foster a strong sense of sisterhood and community through purposefulserviceandtargetedactivities.

The event was co-hosted by two chapters, Upsilon Alpha Omega Chapter and Phi Pi Omega Chapter. The leadership team for UpsilonAlphaOmegawereSororsGeorgette L. Sherman, Host Basileus; Andria S. Daniels, General Chairman; Sebrina Douglas, ViceChairman; and Ramona Russell, ViceChairman. The leadership team for Phi Pi Omega were Sorors Tiffany Callaway Ferrell, Host Basileus; Tonya Mahone-Williams, General Chairman; Deidre Bembry, ViceChairman;andLindaGraves,Vice-Chairman.

South Atlantic Regional Director, Soror Tiffany Moore Russell (center) pictured with members of the Metro Atlanta Basilei Council (partial).

Congratulations to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. Nu Lambda Omega Chapter in Atlanta, GeorgiaforwinningtheInternationalYouthLeadership Institute Award at the 71st Boule! Chapter President, RebeccaDanielDuggerproudlyacceptedtheawardon behalf of the chapter. Thanks to all SAR chapters for empoweringyouththroughleadership.


Celebrations for AKA Mentoring Programs

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, Psi Alpha Omega Chapter in McDonough, Georgia celebrated the youth in our communities with two mentoring programs, Youth Leadership Institute (YLI) and Exquisite PEARLS. YLI, the sorority’s signature program for the Soaring Administration, is geared for both male and female middle school students. The Exquisite PEARLS is for high school femalestudents.

Both programs recognized the season in May 2024. YLI commemorated its mentoring season with a celebratoryendofyearprogramatHeritageParkinMcDonoughwithagraduate.Theotherstudents were invited to attend the YLI program next season. The award-winning Exquisite PEARLS held its end-of-yearprogramgraduatingseventeenseniors.Theseniorsweregiftedbeautifulpearlnecklaces, leatherportfolios,andwordsofwisdomfortheircollegejourneys.Eachprogramprovidedleadership andpersonaldevelopment,heldcareerfairs,etiquetteclasses,healthseminars,andmore.

Zeta Xi Omega Hosts 2nd Annual Women’s Business Expo

AlphaKappaAlphaSorority,Incorporated®. ZetaXiOmegaChapterinAugusta,Georgiahostedthe 2nd Annual Women’s Business Expo, “Sundresses and Success.” This event was a resounding success. The eagerly awaited follow-up to the Inaugural Women’s Business Expo, which was held in 2023, drew in hundreds of community partners, shoppers, and curious visitors. Over 60 womenowned businesses and entrepreneurs from various industries, including banking, wealth building, food, clothing, travel, authors, event planning, health and beauty, entertainment, and many more participated. Guests enjoyed live entertainment, a DJ, and dance performances while shopping with vendors. The highlight of the expo was a highly anticipated fashion show featuring clothing and accessories from the vendors, modeled by chapter members. In addition to shopping and entertainment, the expo provided an opportunity for networking and information sharing between businesses and community partners in attendance. The 2nd Annual Women’s Business Expo proved tobeaninvaluableeventforwomen-ownedbusinessesandentrepreneurs.

Upsilon Omega Omega Holds “Signing Day”

UpsilonOmegaOmegaChapterhostedits“SigningDay”towelcomefouroutstandingsororsfromundergraduate membership to graduate membership. During the chapter meeting, Membership Committee members wore signaturechapterjerseyswhilecheeringandrecognizingeachsoror’sachievements.ThepinkandgreenSigning Day parade emphasized UOO’s uplifting and unifying sisterly love. Sorors were celebrated as they signed their transfer papers, and each soror was gifted a chapter jersey to welcome them into the chapter. Before the meeting,sororstookpictureswiththechapterbasileusandthemembershipchairman.Welookforwardtohelping oursororssoaringraduatemembership.

Out Initiative Activities

The Phi Omega Omega Chapter is committed to empowering the families of Clarendon County through various projects and events. WiththeCHIPP™program,thechapterserved30studentsweekly, providing over 1,000 meals this past school year at Manning Elementary School. YLI participants worked together and learned about STEM and culturally diverse foods and dances, and their team-building and problem-solving skills were sharpened with an escaperoomexperience.

The participants also cleaned a local park for their community service project. Phi Omega Omega celebrated Mental Health Awareness Month in May with a self-care challenge calendar and partneredwithClarendonCountyMentalHealthonamentalhealth awareness event. Our sorors were able to provide mental health education, signs, and gifted self-care baskets. Sorors also visited Branco Adult Daycare Center in Manning, SC, where the clients werepresentedwithself-carebags.

Phi Omega Omega Carries

Omicron Rho Omega Chapter Makes a Difference at Community Park Ball

OnApril27,theOmicronRhoOmegaChapterpartnered with the City of North Charleston as part of the “Enhance Our Environment” initiative to improve the community garden at Chicora-Cherokee Community Park.

This initiative was led by Soror Penelope “Penny” Middleton and her environment beautification team. SororPennyandherteamcleanedupdebris,removed weeds,plantedherbs,andpreparedtheraisedflower bedsforplantingflowers.Thegardenisnexttothe children’splayground,whichservesasaperfectlocation formomsanddadstoworkinthegardenwhilewatching theirchildrengetexercise.

Nu Delta Omega Embarks Mission to Collect 1,908 Books Through Tiny Libraries

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, Nu Delta Omega Chapter unveiledthefirstofmanytinylibrarieserectedthroughouttheBeaufortJasper County area at The Bible Missionary Baptist Church in Bluffton, SC. As a new school year is on the horizon, children and the community will have access to books that empower and enlighten readers of all ages. The books collected by the chapter are books that provide representation of African-American and culturally diverse authors, as well as books that highlight the rich beauty of diversity and historical inclusivity.

Kappa Zeta Omega Chapter and Golden Soror Recognized by the African American Leadership Society

The United Way of Anderson County’s African American Leadership Society held its annual Dream AwardsGalaonJune21,2024.

Kappa Zeta Omega received the Community Organization award. This award is presented to an organization that exemplifies United Way’s core mission of improving the community by providing leadership in identifying needs, securing and leveraging resources, and driving action. KZO’s 5-year impactincludesawarding$60,000inscholarships,donating$18,860tonon-profitorganizations,and implementingsororityprograminitiativesinAndersonCountyandbeyond.

Golden Soror and Charter Member Margaret Rucker and her husband Jason received the Dr. Beatrice Thompson Legacy Award. This award recognizes a community pioneer who has fought, worked, advocated, and produced change through community service, voice, and dedication over the years. The Ruckers have served the Anderson community for over 50 years, impacting many individuals and organizations.

Caption: Golden Soror Margaret Rucker (4th from right) and KZO Members at the AALS Dream Awards Gala.

Gamma Xi Omega Holds 73rd Debutante Ball


HostsBlackMaternalHealthDisparities andInfantMorbidityWebinar

AlphaKappaAlphaSorority,Incorporated®,EpsilonChi Omega’sAdvocateforSocialJusticeCommittee,kickedoff BlackMaternalHealthWeekwithawebinarforumonhealth disparitiesandinfantmorbiditiesinminorities.Thisweekis recognizedannuallyfromApril11thto17th.Thevirtual workshopwasconductedbyPeeDeeHealthyStart.,Inc.,a 501(c)(3) organization focusing on improving health outcomes for pregnant women and children in South Carolina’sPeeDeeregion.Theinformativeonlineseminar broughtawarenesstoinadequatetreatmentofunderlying healthissuesandthelackofmaternalhealthcareprovided towomeninblackand browncommunities.Italsoprovided substantive statistics showing a rise in deaths in communitiesofcoloratthestateandnationallevels affectedby“unconsciousbiasinhealthcare.” Thewebinar forumcanbeviewedonthechapter’sYouTubechannel.

GammaXiOmegaChapterheldits73rdDebutante Ball on April 21, 2024, in Charleston, SC, where 23 high school seniors were presented to family, friends, and society in an elegant program. The themefortheeveningwas“PreciousPearlsSoaring to Greater Heights.” Before the ball, the young ladies engaged in monthly workshops preparing themforlifeafterhighschoolwhileparticipatingin the chapter’s 75th year of its Youth Leadership Program. They participated in etiquette, career pathways, financial planning, resume writing, scholarship, and dress for success workshops, to name a few. Debutantes danced the waltz, displayedtheirartistictalents,andreceivedawards during the evening’s program. The ball was the perfectculminationoftheyear'sresourcefulYouth Leadership Program, and the young ladies are enteringtheirpost-secondaryliveswithknowledge thatwillhelpthembesuccessful.

Sorors Who Soar



Soror Linda Carnes of Lambda Omicron Omega Chapter was recentlyhonoredforbeingthelongest-servingschoolteacher of 50 years in the Manatee County School District. Carnes, a Palmetto (FL) native, attended Memorial Elementary and Lincoln Memorial then graduated from Manatee High School in 1970, the year of the school’s first integrated class. She then matriculated at Florda Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU). Upon earning her bachelor’s degree in secondaryEnglisheducation, Carnesreturnedhometo Manatee County and began teaching language arts at W.D. Sugg Middle School. During this time, Carnes obtained a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from the UniversityofNorthernColorado-Boulder.ShetaughtatSuggMiddleSchoolfor35years.

Since2009,SororLindahastaughtninthgradeEnglishatPalmettoHighSchool.Sheplans toretirewhenhercertificateexpiresin2026.Congratulations!


Nu Beta Omega’s Soror Monique Griggley was named one of CRN’s 2024 “Women of the Channel ‘Power 100 Solution Providers.’” “Highlighting 100 women at solution provider organizations whose insight and influence in their respective companieshelpdrivechannelsuccess,CRNisamediabrandof The Channel Company – the No.1 trusted source for IT channel news, analysis, and insight onlineandinprint,”accordingtothe company’swebsite.

A member of her chapter’s tech team, Soror Monique is Senior Director of IT Operations with the Fortune 100 Company, TD SYNNEX, USA. She facilitates operations for all Americas: Central, North, and South regions. “Be kind to your mind! It is easy to compare your real life to someone else’s highlight reel. This type of comparison can cause unnecessary stress and worry. Focus on comparing yourself to who you were yesterday, lastmonth,orlastyear.Thisiswhenyouseeyour‘glowup!’”SororMoniquestated.



Soror Tanya McDowell recently earned her Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Lynn University. Her dedication andperseverancehaveculminatedinthissignificantmilestone.

Her dissertation, “Balancing Acts: Navigating Urban Principalship Challenges for BIPOC Women to Reduce Burnout and Turnover,” is a testament to her passion for addressing critical issues in education. Her research underscores the challengesBIPOC[Black,indigenousandpeopleofcolor] women face in leadership roles within urban educational settings. It offers valuable insights to mitigate burnout and turnover, ultimately striving for a more equitable and sustainableeducationallandscape.

Soror McDowell’s accomplishment exemplifies the core values of our sisterhood: scholarship,leadership,andservice.Throughheracademicpursuits,shehasdemonstrated acommitmenttolifelonglearningandadedicationtomakingapositiveimpactinthefield of education. Her passion for empowering marginalized communities and advocating for inclusiveleadershipinspiresustostriveforexcellenceandaffectmeaningfulchangeinour endeavors.




The Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation has named Soror Asha Warner Ellen its“BarbaraMasonExecutiveDirectoroftheYear”awardwinnerforGeorgia. Named after the Foundation’s founder, this award honors an affiliate leader dedicatedtomakingGeorgiacleaner,greener,andmorebeautiful.

Soror Ellen’s innovative programs in waste reduction, recycling, and beautification have enhanced local communities. Under her leadership, numerous initiatives have successfully created cleaner public spaces and raised environmental awareness. She has also fostered partnerships with local governments, businesses, and volunteers to support Keep Georgia Beautiful'smission.


Soror Saundra Ellison, a member of Gamma Tau Omega Chapter in Columbus, Georgia, is the latest member of the Fort Valley State University National AlumniAssociation’sHallofFame.

This Golden Soror was recognized for her community service in the Urban League, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Fountain City Classic, and the Democratic Party. She also serves as a positive role model for all sorors in Gamma Tau Omega and is devoted in her




Soror Andrea Freeman of Tau Epsilon Omega Chapter was recently named the new principal of Fayetteville Elementary School in Fayette County, Georgia.

Beforethisappointment,SororAndreawasahighschoolassistantprincipal, dean of students, special education department chairperson, and teacher. A passionate lifetime educator, Soror Andrea is an advocate for public education and works with her local community to improve educational outcomes.


New Life Academy of Excellence, located in Duluth, Georgia, has named Soror Marquita Robinson its Teacher of the Year and Employee of the Year for the 2023-2024schoolyear.

Her 14 years at the school have included teaching kindergarten and 3rd grade, and establishing the cheerleading squad, hip-hop dance team, and LEGO club. She also facilitated the donation of 125 toiletries to middle schoolers at the school.

A member of Upsilon Alpha Omega Chapter in Lawrenceville, Georgia, Soror Marquita’s 28-year teaching career also features stints at Chicago Public Schools and the Matteson School District. She earned a bachelor’s degree from NationalLouisUniversity.



TheGeorgiaDepartmentofJuvenileJusticehasnamedSororLetunyaWalker itsnewdeputysuperintendent.SororLetunyaistheBasileusofTauOmicron Omega Chapter in Dublin, Georgia, and began her 20-year career with DJJ as a teacher. During her tenure, she has served in numerous leadership roles, includingmostrecentlyservingastheassistantdeputysuperintendent.

PriortoDJJ,SororLetunyaspent13yearsasateacherandassistantprincipal in the Baldwin County School District in Milledgeville, GA. She holds a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree from Fort Valley State University, an education specialist degree from Troy State University, and her doctorate’s



Congratulations to Dr. Bernice Moore-Green, a cherished Golden Soror, on being named Emeritus Faculty at South Carolina State University (SCSU). With a career spanning over four decades, Dr. Moore-Green has made lasting academic contributions. Joining SCSU in 1979, she began as a secondary school teacher and principal, advancing to roles such as research fellow, adjunct faculty member, associate professor, department chair, and associate dean of education. Her leadership and dedication have shaped the academic landscapeofSCSU.Dr.Moore-Green'sexcellencehasbeenrecognizedwithhonors,suchas Professor of the Year for both the Department of Teacher Education and the School of Education. Her achievements, including a doctorate in curriculum and instruction, highlight her commitment to lifelong learning. We celebrate Dr. Moore-Green's recognition as Emeritus Faculty, honoring her legacy of scholarship, leadership, and dedication to education.Congratulationsonthisremarkableachievement!


Soror Nia Johnson Ed.D, CCC-SLP, of Epsilon Chi Omega Chapter in Florence, SC, spearheaded the development of a groundbreaking graduate program in speech-language pathology. As the inaugural program director at Northeastern University in Charlotte, her leadership has shaped the program's vision and direction. Northeastern University in Charlotte has received official accreditation from the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology. This accreditation proves the program’s commitment to excellence and its adherence to rigorous academic standards under her guidance. The program is the sole graduate program in the metropolitan Charlotte area. It willalsofeatureanon-campusspeechclinicoperatingonaprobonobasistoextendcrucial servicestothecommunity.ShejoinedAlphaKappaAlphaSorority,Incorporated®intheBeta SigmaChapterinthespringof1997. SheistheownerofGlobalTherapyAssociates,LLC.


Soror Jessica Kennedy Vickers of Orlando, FL was honored as a member of the ofJacksonStateUniversity’sTop40Under40.TheTop40Under 40 recognition honors those JSU alumni under the age of 40 who demonstrate excellence, leadership, and are the embodiment of Jackson State University’s values. It acknowledges honorees’ outstanding accomplishments and impactnotonlywithintheirprofessions,butalsointheircommunityandbeyond.During theawardsceremonyonApril5,shealsoreceivedtheTopFundraiserAwardfor raisingthemostmoneyinhercohort.SororJessicaisa2010graduateofJackson State University, with a degree in Computer Engineering. A third generation graduateofJacksonStateUniversity,sheiscommittedtoupholdingthelegacy

SororJessicaiscurrentlyaManager,MarketingAnalytics&InsightsatTheWalt DisneyCompany,wheresheleadsaglobaldatavisualizationteamthatdevelops dashboards to illustrate marketing performance and help the company determinehowtospendadvertisingdollars.SheisalsotheownerofWoodand Rose Productions,whichseeksto help creativesand newfilmmakerswiththeir



Pearls of South Lake Make History in Lake County

The Pearls of South Lake Interest Group has officially been recognized as Lake County's first interest group. Beginning with just five dedicated sorors in informal meetings,thegrouphasgrownto39generalmembers over the past two years. The Pearls have already become synonymous with fostering unity and promotingservicethroughtheirvariousprograms.

Looking ahead, the Pearls of South Lake remain dedicated to expanding their reach, being impactful, andmakingapositivedifferenceinSouthLakeCounty whilefosteringacultureofsisterhoodandservice.


Interest Group Supports Black-Owned Businesses

The Pearls of Promise and Purpose Interest Group (POPP) in Dillon County, SC, is dedicated to supporting Black-owned businesses year-round. Led by the Build Our Economic Wealth committee, we use our economic influence to uplift these enterprises.

In June, POPP spotlighted two Black, female-owned businesses through video features. Courtney Davis, daughter of Soror Jada Moody-Davis, owns Helioskintrix Skin and Beauty Studio, providing exceptional skincare and wellness services in the PeeDee area. Her unique approach and client care make her a standout. We also showcased The Diva Wedding Planner, owned by Soror Cynthia McFadden. This company is renowned for creating stunning events. Dr. McFadden spent over $50,000withblackbusinessvendorsinJune.HerworkisfrequentlyfeaturedinMunalucciBridalMagazine.

Every Pink Friday in June, our sorors, "Wore PINK, Spent GREEN, and Bought BLACK," surpassing our goals. POPP remains committed to turning promises made into promises kept, continuously supporting Black-owned businesses and strengtheningourlocaleconomy.



Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, South Atlantic Region, invites chapters to submit brief articles for the region’s newsletter, “The Ivy Syndicate.” We welcome:

“Chapter News,” highlighting significant accomplishments and activities that align with our current program initiatives, and

Individual accolades for accomplishments from “Sorors who Soar.”


By following these guidelines, we can all contribute to a thriving Ivy Syndicate that informs, inspires, and connects our sorors across our significant region. We encourage you to review the updated guidelines and familiarize yourself with the submission process. We look forward to receiving and sharing your submissions with the entire South AtlanticRegion!

Only the Ivy Leaf Reporter or Chapter Basileus should submit articles with chapter name, city and state to ensure adherence to sororitybrandguidelines. 1.

Articles should be reviewed and edited for errors before submission.

Chapters should not send any articles or cut lines in all caps. Pleasesubmitarticlesusingsentencecase. 3.


If a chapter submits more than one article, the Ivy Syndicate newsletterteamwillchoosewhichtopublish.


Chapters should not send articles as PDFs. Please submit in Word formatonly.

Do not embed pictures in articles; send them as separate JPG or PNGattachments.


This is an AKA publication; it is not necessary to write "The XYG chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated,®" however, "TheXYGchapter(City)isappreciated.

Photos must be accompanied by an article or a cutline for publication.

Limit one article per section, per chapter, per issue (one in Chapter News,oneinSororsWhoSoar).

A word limit of 150 words will be strictly enforced (not including headings and captions). Articles exceeding the word limit will not bepublished.


Submit articles as Word documents and photos as JPGs or PNGs only.PleasenoPDFs.NoGoogleDocs.






For Region communications, we are moving to a new platform. For certain email services, we will need your help to authorize our new mail system to send you eblasts. Please subscribe to ensure you stay T.U.N.E.d in! Please use this link to subscribe to the new mail system.

If you have never logged into your profile, please follow the instructions below.

Your default login information is as follows: Your login is your financial card number. Your default password is as follows:

First letter of your first name

The first FOUR letters of your last name

And your zip code at the time of initiation

For example, Ivy Lyle who lives in Atlanta, Ga., has a password of ilyle30311. All letters are lower-cased.

If you still cannot log in with this information, please request your access information by completing and submitting a Member Assistance form. The Corporate Office will respond promptly with information on how to access the private side of the site.

Lastly, if you’ve been alerted that an email is coming from the region and you haven’t received it, always check your spam or junk folders. This is especially important for virtual participants in regional events.

Happy birthday blessings to all of our South Atlantic Region sorors September and From my heart to yours, prayingthattheyearaheadshowers joy,laughter,andendlesssisterhood

Regional Director Tiffany Moore Russell sartmrussell@gmail.com

Mailing Address

Soror Tiffany Moore Russell Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®

South Atlantic Region

P.O. Box 784312

Winter Garden, Florida 34778


(407) 476-1291

Tues., Wed., Thurs. 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Find the Regional Director Speaker Request Form on our website at AKA1908.com/southatlantic under the “Contact Us” tab. Please submit your requests within a minimum of 30 days in advance of the date you need her to provide a message in person, in writing or in a video recording.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®

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