The Ivy Syndicate, Dec. 2023

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The Ivy Syndicate: is the Official Organ of the T.U.N.E. Administration

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated South Atlantic Region

Soror Tiffany Moore Russell South Atlantic Regional Director and Editorial Director Soror Daya Taylor Chief Editor Soror Sherri Owens Communications Chairman Soror Florida Bridgewater-Alford Communications Co-Chairman Newsletter Chairman Soror Kimberly Willis Green Communication Co-Chairman Media Relations & Social Media Chairman

NEWSLETTER TEAM Soror Cheryl Brown Soror Tameke' Davis Soror Charmere N. Gatson Soror Geanine Wester - Lead





10-11 Feature Story Bench Dedication and Ceremony 16th South Atlantic Regional Director


Undergraduates We’re Growing - Two New Undergraduate Chapters Chartered

16-23 Undergraduates Updates

26-35 Cluster Season







This is the most wonderful time of the year, and this festive holiday season feels perfect to share warmest thanks for the incredible year we have had. Embrace the warmth of family and the joy of friendship, and savor every moment with your nearest and dearest. Sorors, what a fantastic Cluster season! Thank you to our Cluster Coordinators and host chapters for planning superb programs as we soared to the same T.U.N.E. with a new altitude. The unwavering commitment and dedication have made this cluster season truly outstanding. Together, we have reached greater heights and brought our community closer in the spirit of sisterhood and service. With the new year on the horizon, we are gearing up for AKA Day at the Capitol in all three states. As we prepare to unite, we must ensure that our voices are heard as we advocate for demonstrative change and a better future for all who are underserved, unheard and unappreciated. Alpha Kappa Alpha has always been at the forefront of advocacy, and it is imperative that we show up and show out to continue to make a difference. It’s not over, Sorors. As we send wishes of joy, warmth and tranquility this holiday season, I am deeply grateful to each and every one of you for continuing to reach new altitudes and make a positive impact on our communities. May you experience the light of laughter, the warmth of love, and the joy of gratitude this season and beyond. May our sisterhood and advocacy efforts continue to thrive, . and may our bonds grow stronger with each passing day. Warmly,

Soror Tiffany Moore Russell Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® South Atlantic Regional Director

Day at the Capitol

Save the Date

Florida AKA Day at the Capitol January 23-24, 2024

South Carolina AKA Day at the Capitol January 30-31, 2024

Georgia AKA Day at the Capitol February 11-12, 2024

Find registration information at


Bench Dedication and Ceremony

held in honor of 16th South Atlantic Regional Director,

Soror Ella Springs Jones

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, South Atlantic Region, held a special ceremony commemorating the distinguished service and leadership of the 16th South Atlantic Regional Director, Soror Ella Springs Jones. The event was held at Augusta Technical College in Augusta, Georgia, on September 22, 2023. The highlight of the day was the unveiling of a commemorative bench in her honor. "We are honored to pay tribute to Ella Springs Jones, a trailblazer who has left an enduring legacy of leadership and service," South Atlantic Regional Director Soror Tiffany Moore Russell said. "This bench unveiling symbolizes our appreciation for her contributions to our organization and the community at large." The bench dedication is part of the South Atlantic Region’s “Legends Legacy Project” established by the T.U.N.E. Administration, under the direction of Soror Tiffany, to honor the contributions of former regional directors. The bench for Soror Ella was the first to be unveiled. The inscription on the bench reads, “Dedicated in honor of Ella Springs Jones, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, 16th South Atlantic Regional Director, and her life of significant service to her community.” Known as our Centennial Regional Directory, Soror Ella served as the 16th South Atlantic Regional Director from 2006 to 2010, leaving an indelible mark on the South Atlantic Region. She was the first member in Alpha Kappa Alpha’s history to seek the office of regional director unopposed. She established the South Atlantic Endowment Scholarship and served as regional director during the sorority’s Centennial Celebration. Her dedication, vision, and commitment to excellence have inspired generations of sorors and beyond. The bench dedication is a tribute to her exemplary leadership and tireless efforts to empower women and communities. The bench was placed prominently on the Augusta Technical College campus, where it serves as a permanent reminder of Soror Ella’s dedication to education, leadership, and community service. In attendance for the ceremony were 25th Supreme Basileus Soror Norma Solomon White, 18th South Atlantic Regional Director Soror Sharon Brown Harriott, 12th South Atlantic Regional Director Soror Vertelle Middleton, other sorority leaders and guests. Graduate Cluster VI Coordinator Soror Yolanda F. Copeland presided over the ceremony at Augusta Technical College, where Soror Ella worked for many years.


Congratulations to South Atlantic Regional Director Soror Tiffany Moore Russell and Upsilon Xi Chapter, the first sorority chapter on the campus of Georgia Gwinnett College. Fourteen women were initiated as new members to charter the Upsilon Xi Chapter.


Congratulations to South Atlantic Regional Director Soror Tiffany Moore Russell and Upsilon Pi Chapter, of Rollins College (Winter Park, FL). Twelve women were initiated as new members to charter the Upsilon Pi Chapter.

PINKED IN For those seeking to advance or start their careers, many utilize the LinkedIn platform, which allows its users to find employment, connect and strengthen professional relationships and learn skills to succeed in their selected careers. When the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha come together to network and share skills that are essential to career building and advancement, we refer to it as “PINKED IN.” One of the greatest advantages of being a part of our wonderful sisterhood is the amazing wealth of professional resources that is available for networking opportunities and career building. Our resources are ever growing with the intake of new members and as our current members continue to grow professionally in their various careers. It is important that as we grow we stay “PINKED IN” to share the wealth of knowledge and resources that are available within our great sisterhood. There are several strategies that sorors should and can use to effectively take advantage of the resources and networking opportunities. The top strategies that sorors seeking to advance their careers or who would like to build professional relationships should employ are maintaining an updated profile, setting goals, regular self-evaluation, and sharing what we learn.. Staying PINKED IN means maintaining an updated professional profile. Sorors should keep an updated headshot and resume. When opportunity knocks (and it will) one must be ready to take action. Headshots should be taken in professional attire, minimum make up, jewelry and wellgroomed hair styling. Make sure that the background is neutral or has limited distractions in the background. After all, the picture should show you. When you post on social media sites, make sure you post your best professional shots. Keep your resume current and targeted. One resume doesn’t necessarily fit all positions. Sorors, make sure to make adjustments on your resume based on the position that you are interested in. Also, as you grow remove those items that are dated and no longer relevant.

Secondly, PINKED IN means to set career goals and goals for career development. As you are meeting sorors with various backgrounds and professional experiences, they can better assist you if you know what advice you are seeking. You will need to have short-term and long-term goals. Be flexible with your goals. Know that these goals may change in focus or the timeline you set for accomplishing them. As Dr. Benjamin Mays once said, “It is not a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for.” One thing that you will never have to tell a lady of Alpha Kappa Alpha is to look in a mirror to make sure she is ready. For the sake of being “PINKED IN,” sorors should also regularly self-evaluate. This means taking a reflective view of your career goals and progress. Sorors should ask themselves serious reflective questions such as, “Where do I want to be in five years? Ten years? What do I want to accomplish career-wise? Am I doing want I really want to do? What will I do when I retire?” Retirement can open a whole new world of opportunities. Lastly, being PINKED IN means building positive professional relationships with those who have similar career interests both inside and outside of our organization. Building positive relationships is essential to obtaining valuable information that could assist you with career advancement as well as aid with smooth navigation through your career track. What a wonderful opportunity we have as sorors to network with women with whom we have vowed a lifetime of sisterhood and service. Remember, sharing is a two-way street. During the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.®, 2023 Leadership Seminar this past summer in Chicago, the South Atlantic Region Undergraduate Services Committee sponsored a workshop that was presented by Soror Kusawn Foster of the Central Region. Soror Kusawn shared these and many other valuable PINKED IN tips for success with our outstanding SAR undergraduates. They were able to ask questions and share concerns regarding career development. Not only did we discuss the importance of having a professional headshot, sorors were given the opportunity to have their professional headshot made by Soror Jolene Butts Freeman. Our undergraduate sorors found the workshop to be insightful and useful. Soror Vanessa Payne serves as Chairman of the South Atlantic Undergraduate Services Committee.

AND THE WINNER IS . . . Congratulations to the Sorors of Gamma Nu, Claflin University, Orangeburg, SC, for submitting the winning undergraduate theme for the T.U.N.E. administration! “TUNE in to Undergraduates L.E.A.D. -- Leaders of Excellence, Action and Distinction” was selected by South Atlantic Regional Director Soror Tiffany Moore Russell from among many undergraduate chapter submissions because it most exemplified the spirit of the Significant South Atlantic Undergraduate and it was also uplifting and encouraging. The winning theme was announced by Madam Regional Director at the Undergraduate Summit in Chicago this past summer. Look to see this logo on all undergraduate communications and some undergraduate merchandise in the near future. Digital versions of the logo will be distributed to all undergraduate chapters for their use. Thank you to our SA Regional Graphics Team for capturing the spirit of the theme in a great design! To all of the undergraduate chapters who participated in this challenge, thank you for your submissions, thank you for your ideas and most of all thank you for your continuous support and active involvement in the T.U.N.E. administration! Stay T.U.N.E.d!

Article submitted by: Undergraduate Services Committee Soror Vanessa J. Payne, Chairman Jloundia Pinckney, LaToya Shannon, and Jalyn White, Co-Chairmen

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The South Atlantic Region Conflict Resolution Committee is TUNE’d in and ready to navigate our dear sorors through courageous conversations with the goal of achieving a mutual understanding! Conflict is a natural occurrence, and we encourage chapters to not ignore it! The Conflict Resolution Committee is composed of sorors from across the South Atlantic Region who provide informal, neutral, and private dispute resolution services for sorors and chapters in the South Atlantic Region. The committee defines conflict as friction or opposition resulting from actual or perceived differences or incompatibilities. Conflict is a struggle between two sorors or a group of sorors and ranges from complaints, interpersonal misunderstandings, procedural disputes, or general concerns regarding the business of the sorority. We understand that conflict can take on many forms; however, we also recognize that to sustain our sisterhood it is critical for the chapters of the Significant South Atlantic Region to TUNE in with the mission and vision that have been drafted for the sorority’s greater good. If you would like to submit a Conflict Resolution referral to the South Atlantic Region Conflict Resolution Committee, please complete and submit a committee intake form online. The Conflict Resolution Committee Intake Form is located on the South Atlantic Region website under the “Contact Us” tab. After an intake form is submitted for review, a Soror Conciliator (committee member) will respond to complete an initial intake interview to begin mitigating the concern(s) identified in the referral. If you have questions about the conflict resolution process or to learn more about the committee, please visit us online or email us at

The 2023 Cluster Meeting Season

The 2023 Cluster Season kicked off on September 16 in Spartanburg, S.C., with the Cluster VIII Meeting and wrapped up on December 4 in Tallahassee, FL, with the Cluster IV Meeting. The theme for the meetings was “Soaring: Same T.U.N.E., New Altitude.” Madam Regional Director challenged sorors to stay true to the same goals we set the previous year – Transcend any limitations we may have put on ourselves, Unite and work together to reach our ambitious goals, Nurture one another in the beauty of our sister; and Empower ourselves and our communities – but to elevate our level of service. That means, in part, providing more support for our undergraduates through higher levels of membership in the Ivy Circle, and attending the 71st South Atlantic Regional Conference in Florida next spring to become part of a countermovement against what Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and the state legislature have put into motion. It means participating in AKA School Board Days and making our voices heard on issues that impact our children. It also means attending AKA Day at the Capitol in great numbers and making our case for change. As we do these things, and more, we will bring to life Madam Supreme’s vision of Alpha Kappa Alpha women “Soaring to Greater Heights of Service and Sisterhood.”











Alpha Alpha Beta Omega Enhances the Environment in the Miramar Community Alpha Alpha Beta Omega (Miramar, FL) facilitated a community clean-up beautification activity under its Adopt-a-Street Program. Ninety volunteers participated. Chapter members organized the activity to enhance the environment and were joined by several local members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated®. Attendees learned about the importance of contributing to the global environment, assisting in the beautification of the community, and lending a helping hand to keep the city clean. The chapter leads the community clean-up program monthly and plans to extend the reach to beautify local beach areas. Currently, three custom signs bearing the chapter’s name are located throughout Miramar neighborhoods to identify its participation in the Adopt-aStreet Program. Additionally, chapter members partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation to plant more than 25 trees during the launch of the tree planting initiative to enhance the Miramar Community Garden.

Gamma Mu Omega Participates in Coastal Cleanup Gamma Mu Omega (Daytona Beach, FL) members enjoyed a wonderful morning of sisterhood and service as the chapter participated in a coastal cleanup project hosted by the Volusia County Association for Responsible Development and the Florida Planning and Zoning Association Surfcoast Chapter. The activity took place on September 16 at City Island in Daytona Beach. Spearheaded by the chapter’s Enhance Our Environment committee, buckets of cigarette butts, paper, and plastics were collected during the cleanup. The committee has led additional service projects throughout the year. In June, chapter members visited local, Black-owned assisted living facilities and encouraged residents and staff to create home gardens with the distribution of more than 50 succulents. On April 22, the chapter celebrated Earth Day with a tree planting in the city’s Outreach Community Care Network offices. The Enhance Our Environment Committee is chaired by Soror Morgann Robinson and co-chaired by Soror Vana Noel.

Strides Made in Polk County Breast Cancer Walk Kappa Omicron Omega Chapter (Bartow, FL) participated in the 2023 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk of Polk County. The chapter team raised $1,856 to help with research and finding a cure. Participants received gifts and useful information on breast self-checks and cancer-fighting foods. Remember, EARLY DETECTION SAVES LIVES, so schedule your mammogram!


Gamma Zeta Omega takes on CHIPP

‘How Does Your Ivy Grow’ Kicks Off in Gamma Theta Omega In May, Gamma Theta Omega Chapter (Tampa, FL) kicked off its chapter-wide campaign, “How Does Your Ivy Grow” (HDYIG) in alignment with the Enhance Our Environment Initiative. The six-month project taught sorors how to plant and provide ongoing care for Hedera Helix, commonly referred to as English Ivy, as an indoor and outdoor plant.

In March, the Gamma Zeta Omega Chapter (Miami, FL) launched CHIPP™ by distributing 375 Power Packs equally among three adopted Miami-Dade County schools. Madie Ives K-8 Preparatory Academy, Edison Park K-8, and South Miami Heights elementary schools have worked in partnership with the Empower Our Families committee to ensure 25 students from each of these schools are provided meals for the weekend by receiving one of the Power Packs each Friday. Gamma Zeta Omega Chapter members hope to distribute a total of 3,300 “Power Packs” by the end of this year, providing a total of 19,800 meals. Several sorors have been actively involved in assembling the bags every week. The process has been streamlined with the help of students from Madie Ives K-8 Preparatory Academy where Soror LaShinda Moore is the principal. Soror Mary D. Mites Campbell, Empower Our Families committee chairman, also participates in the weekly effort.

Eighty chapter members received a live English Ivy plant, trowel, gardening gloves, watering bottle, planter saucer, care instruction card, and an educational video. Live repotting demonstrations were provided, and the HDYIG committee provided support to answer questions. Photos were captured of the ivies’ growth. The project promoted the benefits of houseplants and cultivated an interest in gardening. Growing English Ivy was a great way to show love and admiration of our beloved symbol – the ivy leaf. Soror Tangela D. DuPree is the Basileus of the chapter.

Breast Cancer Awareness Promoted During Luncheon Mu Upsilon Omega Chapter (Gainesville, FL) and The Twenty Pearls Foundation, Inc., sponsored their annual Pink Dress Luncheon on Oct. 12. The event is aimed at raising awareness about breast cancer and is open to the community free of charge. To learn more about the disease, attendees gathered literature and other information from board-certified oncologists, healthcare professionals, thrivers, and survivors of breast cancer.


Lecture Series on Economic Wealth Hosted by Nu Omega Omega

Nu Iota Omega Showcases Women Entrepreneurs Nu Iota Omega Chapter (Maitland, FL) Building Our Economic Wealth committee hosted the chapter’s Women’s Entrepreneur Expo on Sept. 23 at Second Harvest Food Bank. The goal of the expo was to help women entrepreneurs soar. The conference space buzzed with excitement as more than 100 people shopped a wonderful array of products and services offered by 26 of Central Florida’s women-owned businesses, including an 11year-old with an eco-friendly, kid-friendly body care line. The Orange County Business Development Division provided resources to support women and minority-owned businesses. The expo was featured on Channel 6/WKMG News which is anchored by Bridgett Ellison. She interviewed Soror Nutoshia Carr, chapter Basileus, and Soror Cherrief Jackson, committee cochairman. Soror Cherrief Jackson underscored the importance of supporting women and minorityowned businesses: “A community thrives when local businesses thrive. We know the hurdles in getting businesses started, so when you support these businesses, you support your community.”

Nu Omega Omega Chapter (Madison, FL) successfully concluded its inaugural Building Our Economic Wealth lecture series. The series began March 9, with Florida A&M University Professor Rashada Turner, MBA, who demonstrated a parallel between physical and financial fitness. The series continued with financial and estate planning, where participants learned strategies to help translate personal wishes into actionable planning steps. This segment was presented by industry leader, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated ®, member, and Crossroad Capital Partners’ President Padric H. B. Scott, AEP, CFP, ChFC, WMCP, CLU. The final presentation educated members on the Chapter’s Pearls of Distinction youth group. The discussion featured the importance of saving and establishing savings accounts; financial literacy for children; and tools to assist parents with guiding their children to a sound financial future. This lecture was conducted by Ivy Salters, Branch Vice President for Vystar Credit Union in Tallahassee, Florida.


The Ivy Run 5K/10K: Metro Orlando Crosses The Finish Line The Pink Pearl Foundation, Incorporated , (Orlando, FL) held its inaugural Ivy Run 5K/10K race on Oct. 7 at Moss Park in Orlando. The virtual race component welcomed participants to run from any location. This family-friendly race provided Metro Orlando community members an opportunity to get their hearts pumping. In-person and virtual runners received an Ivy Run medal for crossing the finish line. The Pink Pearl Foundation, Incorporated , provides educational assistance, social services, and programs to Metro Orlando and surrounding Orange County communities.

Zeta Rho Omega Facilitates Community Conversation on Mental Health Wearing signature green attire in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, sorors from Zeta Rho Omega Chapter (Broward County, FL) facilitated a timely community conversation in May. “Let’s Taco ‘Bout It,” an important discussion about mental health, was held at Nova High School in Davie. The event included a dynamic presentation about warning signs of mental health conditions and the crucial steps to take if someone shows such signs. Guest speakers included health professionals from the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) of Broward County and Henderson Behavioral Health. An array of interactive handouts and other community resources were provided to students and parents by social workers and mental health counselors. Students also had the opportunity to participate in drawings for gift cards. The event concluded with chapter members serving scrumptious tacos and delicious fixings to the community. Catering was provided by Moe’s Southwest Grill.

University of South Florida Chapter Wins First Place in NPHC Extravaganza The sorors of Zeta Upsilon Chapter at the University of South Florida (Tampa, FL) won first place in the university’s NPHC Extravaganza, a step show competition geared toward exhibiting the unity and creativity among the oncampus Divine Nine organizations. Competitors included the USF chapters of Delta Sigma Theta and Zeta Phi Beta sororities, along with Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, and Phi Beta Sigma fraternities. Held on Oct. 10 at the Marshall Student Center, the annual extravaganza took place as part of the homecoming lineup of events and had been on hiatus since 2016. The undergraduate NPHC works diligently to build a unified presence on campus, foster organizational relationships with other Greek organizations, and show support for all the fraternity and sorority life initiatives.


ALPHA ALPHA EPSILON OMEGA Supports the 2023 Alzheimer's Walk Members of Alpha Alpha Epsilon Omega Chapter in Evans, Georgia served as volunteers to help raise awareness and funds for care, support and research at the Walk to End Alzheimer’s event. AAEO President Bonita Jenkins also serves on the Executive Committee for the Evans Alzheimer’s Event and was proud that the AAEO walk team led by Soror Connie Beverly raised more than $1,800! The 2023 Walk to End Alzheimer’s – Evans/Augusta event will take donations until the end of the year to reach the goal of $67,000. They are currently at 86% and climbing!

Nu Lambda Omega Hosts Symposium Atlanta, GA - Nu Lambda Omega Chapter hosted a P.E.A.C.E. (Practice Self-Love, Empower Yourself, Adopt a Positive Mindset, develop Coping Skills, and Execute) Symposium to help bring Self-Awareness and Mental Health support in two events, one for students and the other for parents and teachers. Each event consisted of a panel of mental health professionals and counselors that provided tips and resources to deal with the many complex issues facing all of us. Students discussed their concerns with being a student as parents asked how to talk to their children. Both events went viral on the Atlanta Public Schools social media feeds.

Lambda Xi Omega Chapter Participates in the Pink Run For the second year, the Lambda Xi Omega Chapter partnered with Archbold Hospital for the 7th Annual Live Better 5k Pink Run to kick-off Breast Cancer Awareness Month. With more than 225 participants, the local chapter supported the hospital’s efforts to promote a greater understanding of the link between obesity and cancer, as well as the early detection of breast cancer and overall healthy living. This year’s run invited children to be a part of the community health initiative. By uniting local communities, chapters across the country are able to raise awareness.


Pink Out 5k

Macon, GA -The Uplift Our Local Community initiative sponsored a team in the United in Pink 10th annual Pink Out 5K Run/Walk in support of breast cancer awareness and survivors. Epsilon Omega Omega Chapter sorors joined a sea of pink walkers, runners, and volunteers to honor cancer survivors, encourage routine mammograms, and raise money to bring hope to cancer patients. The 12-member team, “EOO Runs for a Cure,” started the race energetically, tackled a few challenging hills and crossed the finish line strong. It was an inspirational day, one where two of Epsilon Omega Omega chapter’s cancer survivors, Sorors Cristel McRae and Vivian Austin, were among those honored and celebrated. The ladies of EOO Chapter are determined and dedicated in helping to change the future of breast cancer.

Upsilon Alpha Omega Soars to Greater Heights of Sisterhood with a Reclamation Wine Tasting On Saturday, September 9, Upsilon Alpha Omega chapter (Ga.) gathered its members and inactive sorors for a Reclamation Wine Tasting event. This gathering not only allowed sorors to savor the delightful taste of Black Girl Magic wines, charcuterie cups, and desserts but also served as a platform for deepening their understanding of the chapter's ongoing initiatives to enhance our presence and impact within Gwinnett County. There were 13 inactive sorors in attendance, and three sorors reactivated. The Reclamation Wine Tasting also served as a space for fostering sisterhood, building connections, and welcoming back members who may have been less active in recent times. Attendees left the event inspired and motivated to continue their journey of empowerment and community enrichment. Soror Kalandra BloodworthBarnes serves as Membership chairman and Soror Georgette Sherman is the chapter basileus. Together,UAO members are reaching for greater heights as they SOAR toward a brighter future.

Members of Upsilon Alpha Omega Chapter and Inactive Sorors


Psi Omega Omega Chapter and the Georgia Pearls of Service Foundation, Inc. Host Back-to-School Community Event On Saturday, July 29, 2023, Psi Omega Omega Chapter and the Georgia Pearls of Service Foundation, Inc. (GPOS), hosted a Back-to-School Community Event. Psi Omega Omega and GPOS are no strangers to the residents of Peachtree Corners. For 10 years, the two organizations have awarded over $50,000 in college scholarships; adopted a stretch of Peachtree Corners Circle; provided healthy food for students in need; and partnered with, volunteered for, and donated to area community service organizations. Dr. Glenda Glover, 30th Supreme Basileus, visited one of the clothing drive sorting sessions and provided words of encouragement to sorors preparing for the event. The Back-to-School Community Event delivered essential resources to the community, including: 250 backpacks filled with school supplies were given away to area students; 1,000+ clothing, shoes, accessories, and toiletry items were distributed at the event, and were also donated to the Landmark Church Feeding and Clothing Ministry; and 8,510 period products collected from the chapter’s Strive to End Period Poverty (STEPP) Project’s Period Products Supply Drive. The event also featured sorors sharing information about: Voter registration assistance; Psi Omega Omega’s Youth Leadership Institute; and Resources to help parents prepare their children to thrive in kindergarten; and Dental health More than 200 Peachtree Corners residents attended the Back-to-School Community Event.


The sorors of Kappa Omega, AKA YLI members and Tree Atlanta volunteers, planting trees in a local Atlanta community.

Tau Pi Omega Chapter Fuels Civic Empowerment

Kappa Omega Enhances the Environment with Atlanta Tree Planting Kappa Omega Chapter (Atlanta, Georgia) through collaboration with AKA Youth Leadership Institute (YLI) members, and a partnership with Trees Atlanta, enhanced the Atlanta environment. On Saturday, October 7, 2023, 31 native trees were planted along United Avenue in the Grant Park neighborhood of Atlanta. This collaboration served as an opportunity for AKA YLI members to address one of their Environmental Project goals. The impact of this project will be felt for many generations because trees help reduce harmful pollutants and make the air quality safer to breathe for those in the community. In addition, these newly planted trees will help control storm water runoff which has plagued many Atlanta neighborhoods and caused flash flood damage. In its Centennial year, Kappa Omega is soaring to greater heights by making a positive impact on the environment.

Stone Mountain, GA – Tau Pi Omega Chapter embarked on a transformative mission on National Voter Registration Day. The chapter members brought the power of democracy to their community by setting up vibrant voter registration stations at the Black Dot Cultural Center and the trendy Green Love Restaurant. Their dedication to civic engagement did not stop there. The chapter also extended its efforts to Redan High School, where young, eager voters-to-be found the guidance and resources they needed to participate in the democratic process. Beyond merely registering voters, Tau Pi Omega sparked enthusiasm for civic duty in the hearts of their community. They turned National Voter Registration Day into a celebration of empowerment, reminding everyone that democracy thrives when citizens actively engage in the process.

Xi Beta Omega (Gwinnett County, GA) Participates in Scarecrow in the Garden “Scarecrow in the Garden” is an annual event that promotes gardening and environmental themes. Visitors from far and near posed and took photos with “Pink Ivy” in or alongside her Barbie Cadillac.

GEORGIA Alpha Alpha Pi Omega Community Conversation with Legislators Alpha Alpha Pi Omega Chapter, South Gwinnett County of GA hosted a remarkable in-person, nonpartisan community conversation that proved to be a significant gathering. The chapter members were honored to have the participation of three state senators and eight state representatives, making it an enriching event for everyone involved. This community-driven dialogue provided an invaluable opportunity for residents to directly engage with legislators. Attendees had the chance to learn more about the legislative process, voice their concerns and influence the priorities of these elected officials. The aim was to enhance community understanding and to empower individuals to make informed decisions that resonate not only within the city but also across the state and nation. Community Legislators

Alpha Alpha Pi Omega Chapter understands community conversations are impactful, and play a crucial role in fostering more informed and active citizens.


Fashionetta Since 1988, the members of Pi Zeta Omega Chapter (Greer, South Carolina) have creatively and effectively implemented Fashionetta for girls in grades 1 through 8. On June 10, 2023, the Pi Zeta Omega Chapter presented its 18th Biennial Fashionetta using the theme: A Celebration of Black Excellence. Little Miss Devyn Warner won the Little Miss category and is the daughter of Wykina and Tyrone Warner. Devyn attends Plain Elementary School in Simpsonville, South Carolina. Miss Cailynn Douglas won the Miss category and is the daughter of Akeita Douglas and Chauncey Richardson. She attends Beck Academy in Greenville, South Carolina. This year, the chapter had 30 participants, and each participant had an opportunity to participate in enrichment activities and a Mother-Daughter brunch.

Left to Right: Miss Fashionetta Cailynn Douglas and Little Miss Fashionetta Devyn Warner

Epsilon Beta Omega Congratulates the Newest Debutantes Spartanburg, SC - Epsilon Beta Omega Chapter presented ten debutantes and ten sub-debutantes to society. These young ladies worked hard over several months preparing for an evening of elegance. Along with the members of Epsilon Beta Omega, all twenty young women worked hard within the community and gave a helping hand when needed. They exemplified their academic achievements, leadership skills, beauty, and grace. In addition, these young ladies worked diligently over several months to prepare for their special day. They gave back, kept their academics up to fellowship, and got to know their peers and the sub-debutantes. Congratulations to them.

A Pretty Kicks Celebration Sneaker Ball Omega Tau Omega (S.C.) and York County Pearls of Promise hosted their second Pretty Kicks Celebration Sneaker Ball on September 30th in Fort Mill, SC. The event was attended by more than 600 people and exceeded fundraising goals. Proceeds benefit community programs and fund scholarships for high school seniors. Six handcrafted, local, black female-owned businesses participated as vendors. Melissa Tate, owner of The Sweet Box, returned as a second-year vendor and described OTO as a blessing to her business! Guests were treated to live entertainment by the Queen’s Court Party Band, and DJ Double D. Tina’s Southern Chic Catering provided flavorsome bites, while Photo Booth 360: Peek-A-Boothed and Ameera’s Images selfie booth captured priceless moments. VIPs Included former and current SAR Cluster VIII Coordinators Regina Campbell and Kira Reaves. Congratulations to April Smith and Shavonda Courts, Chairman and Co-Chairman for the second consecutive year!

Sorors Kira Reaves – SAR Cluster VIII Coordinator, Denise Casey – Basileus, Omega Tau Omega, and Regina Campbell – former SAR Cluster VIII Coordinator attending A Pretty Kicks Celebration Sneaker Ball in Fort Mill, SC.


Epsilon Chi Omega and The Palmetto Pearls Foundation Scholarship Recipients Florence, SC – Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated®, Epsilon Chi Omega Chapter and its philanthropic arm, The Palmetto Pearls Foundation, selected five highachieving graduating seniors from local school districts to receive $3,500 in scholarships. The five scholarship recipients were chosen based on their academic achievements, community service, and their demonstration of leadership. Scholarship recipients are: Gloria S. Frieson STEAM Scholarship - Anja Cooper; attending the University of South Carolina. ECO/TPPF Diamond Scholarship - Joshua Daniels; attending Howard University. ECO/TPPF Pearl Scholarship - Jaliyah Douglas; attending Francis Marion University. ECO/TPPF HBCU Scholarships - Kayla Johnson; attending Claflin University and Madison Miller; attending Spelman College. Teresa Moses, chapter president, and Patricia Toney, president of The Palmetto Pearls Foundation, worked directly with Cassandra A. McCray, Chairman, and the Scholarship Committee to make this event possible. Awardees and their families attended a Scholarship Reception on August 10, 2023.

Mental Health Matters On Saturday, May 13, 2023, Iota Upsilon Omega Chapter let the community know that Mental Health Matters! We provided valuable information to our community, along with additional education and resources to increase their awareness of mental health, provided access to services and assistance, and encouraged overall mental wellness!

Cluster VI Kappa Upsilon Omega Chapter and CHIPP within the Community Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ®, Kappa Upsilon Omega Chapter hosted our Cluster VI Meeting in the beautiful city of Aiken on Friday, September 22, 2023, and Saturday, September 23, 2023. Through the community’s volunteer efforts, we supported our Childhood Hunger Initiative Power Pack (CHIPP) program. CHIPP is designed to offer a supply of meals and snacks, free of charge, for students enrolled at local schools over the weekends and/or extended breaks. Each week, a bag with non-perishable food items containing food for two breakfasts, two lunches, two snacks, one can of vegetables, and one can of fruit is delivered to the schools. The following organizations assisted in this effort: 1) Second Baptist Church 2) Omicron Tau Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated 3) Silver Bluff High School Key Club 4) South Aiken High School National Honor Society 5) Success Team Because of their collaborative efforts, we could load, unload, and organize. Empower Our Families Initiative (CHIPP) program Chapter members include Cabinet Member of the SC Connection and Social Chairman Soror Jade Nealious and Co-Chairman Action Coordinator and Former Cluster VI Coordinator Soror Velice Cummings, Soror Tina Jackson. Basileus Soror Stephanie Franklin, and Anti-Basileus Soror Michelle Bush. Empower Our Families Initiative (CHIPP) program Chairman Soror Jade Nealious and Co-Chairman Soror Tina Jackson.


Nu Alpha Omega Reactivation Day Nu Alpha Omega chapter (S.C.) supported two initiatives simultaneously, hosting Reactivation Day and a Community Gardening event. This doubleheader successfully allowed general and inactive sorors to experience the wonderful fellowship within the Nu Alpha Omega chapter while enhancing our environment. The garden will be used to provide fresh produce to citizens of Berkeley County who are in need.

Luxury, Sisterhood, & Service to All Mankind! On September 30, 2023, Nu Delta Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.® , hosted our 2nd PINKnic at the Harry C. Chambers Waterfront Park in downtown Beaufort, South Carolina. Saying it was a beautiful evening is an understatement! The PINKnic is an annual fundraising event to raise money for the Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation and Nu Delta Omega’s programming initiatives that directly impact our community. This year we expanded the impact of our sisterhood by collaborating with the United Way of the Lowcountry to assist in their homeless outreach initiatives. Last year, after the PINKnic we watched as several individuals waited for us to leave the pavilion as that was their nightly home. This year, we decided to work together by bringing care packages for them and helping with future initiatives that will benefit their continued development! We turned the waterfront park pink and green! Everyone and everything were absolutely beautiful!! Sorors signed up to host sites-which includes decorating and providing food for the guests they invite. This is a luxury picnic event! The sisterhood, the purpose and the vibes were unmatched!

Sigma Upsilon Omega Mental Health Awareness Sigma Upsilon Omega began a partnership with the Charleston Area National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) in the fall of 2022. This partnership has effectively brought awareness to Summerville, SC, and the areas surrounding Summerville. In June 2023, Sigma Upsilon Omega and the NAMI point of contact began planning SUO’s support of the 5th annual NAMI Charleston Area 5K Walk to bring awareness to mental health and specifically awareness to the issue of suicide. Members participated in the walk in person and virtually to support the event and made a sizable donation to support the cause. Prior to walking, chapter participants networked with other organizations supporting the walk and heard the personal stories of two individuals battling with mental illness and suicide and how treatment with NAMI and other area resources helped bring change and stability to their lives.

Sorors Who Soar E X C E L L E N C E




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Campbell Honored in Pinellas County

Soaring Soror Gloria Campbell of Nu Beta Omega Chapter (Clearwater, FL) was honored as a “Haynes Heroes” awards recipient on Oct. 14 by the Pinellas County Urban League at The Hilton St. Petersburg, Carillon Park. Previous chapter Basileus and the current chairman of risk management and membership, Campbell, who is also chief executive officer (CEO) of Advantage Insurance Solutions, enjoyed the Sankofa Soiree: “Honoring the Past, Treasuring the Present, Shaping the Future, An Equal Opportunity Day Gala.” Soror Gloria joined the dais at the event along with four other honorees and Nikki Gaskin-Capehart, CEO of the Pinellas County Urban League. As she received her award, Soror Gloria warmly shared her gratitude: “I do it because I believe it’s my calling. I believe the scripture that says ‘to whom much is given, much is required.’ And so, tonight I proudly thank all of you. … Thanks to the Urban League and God bless the AKAs.”


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Leadership Tampa Selects Soror Dionne Holt to Participate

Alpha Alpha Theta Omega Chapter (Tampa, FL) congratulated Soror Dionne Holt for her recent selection to Leadership Tampa 2024 class. Established in 1970, Leadership Tampa is the third oldest leadership program in the nation and is exclusive to the Tampa Bay Chamber of Commerce. Members of Leadership Tampa are business and community leaders within their companies or organizations who demonstrate a commitment to community engagement, advocate for the Tampa Bay region, and collaborate on strategies to address community concerns. The annual selection process is rigorous and competitive. Soror Holt, Vice President HR/HSE/Security at Smiths Interconnect, Inc., was selected because she consistently demonstrates her ability to inspire others, drive innovation, and connect meaningfully with others. Alpha Alpha Theta Omega Chapter members look forward to the valuable insights and contributions Soror Holt will bring to the chapter and to the Tampa Bay community.

Promotion and Premier Award for Pinner Soror Laurena Pinner (Lambda Omicron Omega Chapter, Sarasota, FL) was promoted from a highperforming sales representative for Pfizer, Inc., to the company’s Internal Medicine Cardiovascular Area Business Manager. In this new position, she serves the Mid-Atlantic region of the country. Additionally, Soror Pinner was recently awarded Pfizer’s prestigious 2022 Premier Award for Rheumatology and Gastroenterology. Pfizer’s annual Premier Award honors the best performing individuals in the nation. Congratulations, Soror Pinner!


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Soror Kellee McCluney Honored as Assistant Principal of the Year

Iota Pi Omega Chapter (Brevard County, FL) congratulated Soror Kellee McCluney on her extraordinary achievement as Brevard County Public School’s Assistant Principal of the Year. Soror McCluney was selected after a lengthy and competitive process and panel interview. Soror McCluney is celebrated throughout the county for her commitment to excellence, love for her students, and innovative approach to administration. A true servant to all mankind, Soror McCluney’s school principal stated that she “models, supports, and sets high academic expectations through her administrative work” and cited her willingness to take over a fourth-grade classroom for six weeks all while continuing to assume her responsibilities as just one example of her character and commitment. Soror McCluney was key to raising her school’s 20212022 school grade by 89 points over the previous school year. The consummate professional, her peers, students, and parents remarked on Soror McCluney’s unmatched talent to inform and educate from a place of knowledge and compassion. Soror McCluney will soon represent Brevard Public Schools at the state level and in Washington, D.C., at a national conference in March 2024. Best wishes to Soror McCluney!

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Soror Stacy Mills: A Nu Iota Omega Ivy on the Run An avid fitness and running enthusiast, Soror Stacy Mills (Nu Iota Omega Chapter, Maitland, FL) not only has a cadence that she follows to run in the most challenging and elite races, but she also has a cadence for thriving in the race called life. Soror Stacy is one in about 1.1 million marathon participants globally, according to the International Institute for Race Medicine, and she is one of less than one percent of the population in the United States who has completed a marathon. She ran the Chicago Marathon on October 8, qualified, and was selected by the World Major Marathon Board. Her journey in life and running has taught her well about the power of one.

Having started at running at a very young age, she describes sports and fitness as her life. She joined an afterschool track club, and she hasn’t lost her stride since then. But the running road hasn’t always been paved with gold. In her 20s, Soror Stacy said she faced a lot of negative talk: “You don’t look like a runner” and “Black people don’t run marathons and races like this.” Finding her own voice, she blocked out the naysayers and continued her love of running. Soror Stacy’s first race was a 5K, but she wanted to challenge herself, so she began running larger races. She asked herself if she could run a marathon. Her response to self: “You can do this.” To prepare, she had to learn how to properly train and block out criticism and stereotypes. She focused on the reason she keeps going: “To get the message of positivity out and run for those who can’t run.” Soror Stacy offers this cadence for life: “Make up in your mind that whatever it is, you can do this! Start where you are, and the progression will come with consistency.” She further advised that we must take a leap of faith and SOAR!


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Soror recognized by CanvasRebel and Shout Out Atlanta magazines for Excellence in Business Soror Chassica Braynen-Thomas is soaring to higher entrepreneurial heights! This dynamic soror was featured in three magazines - CanvasRebel, Shout Out Atlanta, and Industry Certified Magazine – for her amazing accomplishments in business. As a technology operations strategy planner, she has shown her ability to strategize goes far beyond the boardroom. Soror Chassica co-owns Blackrock Publishing with her husband and business partner, Kenneth T. Thomas, Sr. Together, they assist independent authors with cover art design and book publishing. Not only that, she has also written six books ranging in subjects from inspirational faith to women’s health and wellness issues (under the pen name: “Cee” Braynen-Thomas). Finally, yet as importantly, Soror Chassica recently expanded into the recreational vehicle market as a result of her family’s love for travel. Braynen Brand, RV and Van Division, was created for people who love to go camping, glamping, or simply want to travel in style, and is one of the few African American-owned RV contracting companies in the southeast. This is something to be proud of! In sum, Soror Chassica is the embodiment of a Soror who is soaring for economic wealth and entrepreneurship in her community and beyond! A copy of the most recent article can be found here:

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Soror Cheri Dean Leading the Charge at United Way of the Coastal Empire Soror Cheri Dean, of Gamma Sigma Omega Chapter, is leading the charge at United Way of the Coastal Empire to improve the reading proficiency of our earliest learners through Read United, a year-round series of programs to improve early language and literacy for all children in the Coastal Georgia region. The most visible of these programs is Read United Day, when community support makes it possible for United Way to place books in the homes of Pre-K through 2nd grade students. During the last school term, 950 United Way volunteers and community leaders read and gave books to more than 19,000 children in 950 classrooms in Bryan, Chatham, Effingham, and Liberty counties. According to Get Georgia Reading, “the end of third grade marks the critical time when children shift from learning to read to reading to learn. Children unable to make this shift face serious barriers as they progress through school.” Students who are not proficient in reading by the end of the third grade are four times more likely to drop out of high school than proficient readers, based on research from the Annie E. Casey Foundation. United Way’s latest early literacy program, also led by Soror Cheri, is Read United Buddies. In partnership with the Rotary Club of Savannah, volunteers are recruited, trained, and paired with second-grade students at two pilot public schools in Savannah. Volunteers will mentor and tutor students twice weekly for the entire school to improve reading fluency and proficiency scores—the pilot program launches in October 2023.

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Soror Kristie Searcy Honored with Leadership Award

Soror Kristie Searcy, Chaplain and Leadership Development Committee Chairman in Alpha Alpha Epsilon Omega Chapter in Evans, Georgia was recently honored with a 2023 Shero Award. She currently serves as the Dean for the Augusta Technical College School of Health Sciences. The awards program honors women in the Augusta River Region who have gone above and beyond to improve the lives of others and who have made a positive impact in their respective communities. The theme for the 16th award year was “She Believed She Could, So She Did!” and is hosted each year by Cher’s Sisters Only Club. Searcy was awarded the 2023 Education Shero Award for her diligence in Allied Health and Sciences Education and for training students in the healthcare sector.

Soror Lynita-Mitchell-Blackwell Earns Doctoral Degree Soror Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell was conferred the Doctor of Spiritual Studies degree from the Emerson Theological Institute on Thursday, October 5, 2023. Soror Lynita is a member of the Upsilon Alpha Omega Chapter in Lawrenceville, Georgia. In addition to being an ordained minister, Soror Lynita is an attorney, CPA, international speaker, and a bestselling author of five books, with the most recent released last year titled, “Live Life on Fire: The Ultimate Guide to A Successful Life Full of Peace, Joy and Fulfillment”.

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Soror Michelle Singh: Transforming Education, One Victory at a Time In the heart of Miami, Soror Michelle Singh, member of Pi Delta Omega Chapter, educator extraordinaire and the driving force behind LCT-E Learning Solutions™️, recently emerged victorious at the fiercely competitive Victory Lap Pitch Competition, hosted by the Miami Open for Business (Miami Foundation). This remarkable event shone a spotlight on the very essence of small business excellence in the vibrant Miami community and underscored Singh's relentless commitment to redefining education. Singh's personal experience as an immigrant student fuels her mission to foster cultural competence in education and empower educators to teach with empathy, excellence, and equity. At the heart of this vision lies a platform for educators, including the Restful Teacher initiative, and a groundbreaking teacher membership program. Here, teachers acquire the tools to cultivate inclusive and empathetic learning environments, benefiting both themselves and their students. As Soror Michelle continues her inspiring mission, she extends an invitation to join the community in reshaping education. Connect with Soror Michelle Singh: LinkedIn Profile Learn more about the Restful Teacher: Restful Teacher

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Soror Sonya Powell Inducted Into Hall of Fame

Soror Sonya Powell of Tau Epsilon Omega Chapter in East Point, Georgia, was recently inducted into the 2023 Tuskegee University ROTC Hall of Fame. Tuskegee University ROTC Hall of Fame recognizes distinguished graduates who have served their country with duty, honor, and integrity. Soror Sonya is the first female Brigadier General from Tuskegee University. Soror Sonya was confirmed by the 117th United States Congress and promoted to Brigadier General in the Army Reserves in October of 2022. She is currently the Deputy Commanding General for the 76th Operational Command in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Tau Epsilon Omega initiate currently serves as the Ivy Leaf Reporter and is active on several committees.

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Phi Omega Omega Soror is Grand Marshal for Hometown Homecoming Parade

Soror Paulette King of Phi Omega Omega Chapter in Alcolu, S.C., was selected as the 2023 Grand Marshal for the Annual C.E. Murray Alumni Weekend Parade. This prestigious honor was given to Soror King based on her many years of dedicated service to C.E. Murray High School and the community in many capacities for over 35 years. She taught French, English, and Drama. Her students participated in several original plays and dinner theaters. As a result, these productions provided vast cultural arts experiences and were well attended by the community and surrounding areas. Soror King has five plays copyrighted by the U.S. Copyright Office, Washington, DC. She has served as Language Arts Department chairperson, cheerleader advisor, academic challenge coach, French Club advisor (students traveled to Montreal and Quebec under her leadership), and Junior-Senior Prom advisor. She was selected Teacher of the Year for C. E. Murray High School, Williamsburg County School District, and South Carolina Speech and Theater Association presenter at Newberry College. One of her favorite quotes is “People do according to their understanding,” which the school’s namesake, Dr. Charles E. Murray, said on many occasions.

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Who’s Who in Black Charlotte

Sorors Thelma Brooks and Mareisha Reese were honored as two of the distinguished Who’s Who in Black Charlotte 2023. This event celebrates black excellence and local African-American achievement across industries. Soror Thelma was recognized for the second time as Lead Control Management Officer at Wells Fargo, and Soror Mareisha for her work as President and COO of the Winters Group, a social justice, diversity, and inclusion organization. Soror Thelma is honored and humbled by the award. She has successfully influenced senior executives to be proactive about risk mitigation strategies and has won the prestigious Golden Shield Award from Wells Fargo. Soror Mareisha was named one of Charlotte Business Journal’s Power 100 and in Profiles in Diversity Journal as Women Worth Watching in Leadership. Both credit their ambition, drive, and internal motivation to their parents. Omega Tau Omega salutes them for their impact on the Charlotte Region.

Sorors Nicole Pierce - 2nd Anti Basileus, Mareisha Reese and Thelma Brooks attending the Who’s Who in Black Charlotte Celebration.


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Renominated to Serve on the Governor’s School for Agriculture Board of Trustees Soror Yvonne Knight-Carter, a member of Nu Alpha Omega chapter, has been renominated by Governor Henry McMaster to serve on the Governor's School for Agriculture Board of Trustees. The Forestry Association of South Carolina has stated Soror Yvonne is highly qualified to serve with her experience as an educator, tree farmer, member of the Forestry Association's Board of Directors, and as past Chair of the Center for Heirs' Property Preservation Board of Directors. Congratulations, Soror Yvonne!

NEWSLETTER GUIDELINES HOW AND WHEN TO SUBMIT ARTICLES TO THE IVY SYNDICATE Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, South Atlantic Region, invites chapters to submit brief articles for the region’s newsletter, “The Ivy Syndicate.” We welcome: “Chapter News,” highlighting significant accomplishments and activities that align with our current program initiatives, and Individual accolades for accomplishments from “Sorors who Soar.”

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Articles should be submitted by the chapter's Ivy Leaf Reporter with chapter name, city and state. Please keep all submissions to 250 words or less (not including headings and captions). Include a heading and photo caption, not to exceed five names. Submit only one article per section per issue. There is a one photo limit per article. The content of each article should be timely and to-the-point. Please adhere to our sorority brand guidelines.

PROTOCOL NOTES FOR SUBMITTING ARTICLES We will use Greek titles in this publication, since it is only sorority-facing. We will use "soror" (lowercase) when referencing sorors in general. "Soror" will be capitalized before all names. Never use "Soror Dr." or "Soror Mrs." in the sorority publication, the word "Soror" is a courtesy title, unless referencing someone by elected or appointed title on the first instance. The word Madam should never include an "e".




Include chapter name when including a soror's name. Use "chairman," never "chair" or "chairwoman" Submit photos with variety, not always posed shots. FIND THE SUBMISSION FORM ON OUR WEBSITE AT AKA1908.COM/SOUTHATLANTIC UNDER THE “CONTACT US” TAB



To be certain that you’re receiving all the latest information from the South Atlantic Region, please make sure that you have registered your correct email address on your profile at the corporate office website under the Members Only Section ( That information will automatically sync with the region’s website. If you have never logged into your profile, please follow the instructions below. Your default login information is as follows: Your login is your financial card number. Your default password is as follows: First letter of your first name The first FOUR letters of your last name And your zip code at the time of initiation For example, Ivy Lyle who lives in Atlanta, Ga., has a password of ilyle30311. All letters are lower-cased. If you still cannot log in with this information, please request your access information by completing and submitting a Member Assistance form. The Corporate Office will respond promptly with information on how to access the private side of the site. Lastly, if you’ve been alerted that an email is coming from the region and you haven’t received it, always check your spam or junk folders. This is especially important for virtual participants in regional events.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Happy birthday blessings to all of our South Atlantic Region sorors born in November, December and January. From my heart to yours, praying that the year ahead showers joy, laughter, and endless sisterhood celebrations upon you! With Sisterly Love,

Soror Tiffany Moore Russell Regional Director Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® South Atlantic Region



Regional Director Tiffany Moore Russell, Esq. Mailing Address

Soror Tiffany Moore Russell Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® South Atlantic Region P.O. Box 784312 Winter Garden, Florida 34778 Phone (407) 476-1291 Tues., Wed., Thurs. 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Find the Regional Director Speaker Request Form on our website at under the “Contact Us” tab. Please submit your requests within a minimum of 30 days in advance of the date you need her to provide a message in person, in writing or in a video recording.

Registration Coming Soon!

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