Skeglan Newsletter in Langanes and vicinity vol. 6, 10th yr. Wednesday, February 13th, 2019. María Peters Sveinsdóttir is responsible for the English translation.
Wedding!! Comedy-Drama at Breiðumýri The Theatre Group of Efling premiered the comedy Wedding by Guðmundur Ólafsson at the community hall at Breiðumýri last weekend. Director is Vala Fannell and music director is Jaan Alavere. The play is about a wedding and a banquet held in a community hall in the North and various unexpected events associated therewith. Next performances: 3rd show – Friday, February 15th at 20:30 4th show – Sunday, February 17th at 20:30 5th show – Thursday, February 21st at 20:30 6th show – Sunday, February 24th at 16:00 7th show – Thursday, February 28th at 20:30 8th show – Sunday, March 3rd at 20:30 Ticket Prices: • • •
Adults: 3000kr. Children 16 years and younger: 2200kr. Senior citizens and people with disabilities: 2700kr.
Members of Framsýn, Þingiðn and Húsavík employee union can receive coupons from their unions and thus get a 1000kr. discount to the theatre show. Dalakofinn Restaurant offers a theatre menu for groups (minimum 6 people), lamb steak with all the trimmings, coffee and cake for 3900kr. Dalakofinn Restaurant also offers a 15% discount on the menu for theatre guests. As always, the Women’s Club will be selling coffee and waffles at exhibitions. Tickets can be ordered by phone 618-3945 or by email
Call for bids – Extension of Höfðavegur February 2019
Norðurþing requests bids for the project: Extension – Höfðavegur The work involves soil transport and equalization of the extension of Höfðavegur in Húsavík. The work needs to be completed by June 1 st, 2019 Main quantities are: Excavation
3.020 m3
4.160 m3
Surface discharge
1.800 m3
Bidding information can be obtained at the Norðurþing office at Ketilsbraut 7-9, 640 Húsavík. Bids must be submitted at the same place. Bids will be opened at the Norðurþing office at Ketilsbraut 7-9, 640 Húsavík, on Friday, March 1st, 2019, at 14:00 in the presence of the bidders who so request. Norðurþing Construction Agency
Öxarfjörður District Council Open Residential Meeting in the school in Kópasker Thursday, February 21st at 20:00 Agenda: ✓ Presentation of the District Council’s work ✓ Charlotta Englund: An introduction to the project Öxarfjörður in action ✓ Silja Jóhannesdóttir chairman of the Planning and Implementation Council will attend and give a speech ✓ Election of a preparation group for the 2019 Solstice Festival ✓ General discussions The goals of the District Council are: ✓ To be a formal discussion forum on the interests and services of the municipality for the area ✓ To be a forum for consultation between residents, unions and the business community in the local area and the local government ✓ To be a forum for the area residents to be active participants in all of Norðurþing’s policies within the relevant area
✓ To make recommendations to the Regional Council on activities and services within the relevant area ✓ To promote any kind of regional co-operation ✓ An advisory role to the municipality’s administration and promoting the empowerment of social resources in the area ✓ To better connect the municipality’s management system to its residents and to take advantage of their knowledge of their immediate environment Everyone is welcome to attend!
Höfðaberg Real Estate Agency For sale: Bakkagata 4, (mhl. 02 0101) Kópasker (The Fire Station) The real estate is registered at 103,3 square metres and is a concrete industrial house on one floor with a bilateral pitched roof and a large industrial door. Centrally located in Kópasker. A large plot comes with the house and the property has been well maintained.
Offers welcome, suggested price 5.000.000 For information about the property, contact Höfðaberg, Real Estate Agency, Garðarsbraut 5, 640 Húsavík. NOTE! Offer deadline is Friday, March 8 th, 2019 at 12:00. Bids should be made at Höfðaberg before that time and will be discussed at the next Regional Council of Norðurþing meeting following that date. The seller reserves the right to accept or reject any bids.
From Skinnastaðir Church Public service will be held in the church on Sunday, February 17 th at 14:00. The church choir leads the singing under the direction of Stefanía Sigurgeirsdóttir organist. Welcome! Parish priest and parish council
Skeglan by email You can receive Skeglan by email as soon as it is available, which is usually on Monday evenings. Send an email to: if you want to be on the mailing list. Skeglan is published every Wednesday unless otherwise notified. Advertisements are to be emailed to or phoned in to 892-8202 before 22:00 on Monday nights. Skeglan is distributed to every home from Bakkafjörður in the East to Kelduhverfi in the West.