2017-2018 Head of School Annual Report

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Mission Statement: SBA’s mission is to partner with families in order to provide an environment of academic excellence with a Biblical worldview, which is conducive to developing educated young people of character, while preparing them to represent our Lord Jesus Christ in all walks of life.

Vision Statement: To impact our world by preparing godly warriors through implementing Discipleship (Matthew 28:15-20), expecting Excellence (I Cor.10:31), and encouraging Integrity (Psalm 15).

Table of Contents School Board........................................... 2 Head of School........................................ 3 Senior Report Card................................. 4 Financials................................................ 5 Taking Center Stage................................ 6 CSI Silverdale.......................................... 8

Alumni Testimonial.............................. 10 The Future is Bright.............................. 11 Athletics................................................ 12 Campus Life.......................................... 14 Outdoors Is The Place To Be................. 16





Kevin Casey

Londie Wallin

Paul Bowman

David Klein


John Shadden

Vice President

MaryBeth Sanders

Karen Bolton Secretary

Bob Peck

Brooke Standefer

Charlie Wheaton

At Silverdale, we commit to partner with parents on this journey of educating children and strive to provide an outstanding educational experience that is focused on academic excellence and the spiritual training and discipleship of our students. We believe all children are created in the image of God, and as a result, we know that children are born with a desire to learn. It is our responsibility to feed that hunger by providing a broad curriculum that fosters a love of learning. Silverdale has been successfully pursuing this goal by relying on a rigorous, college-preparatory curriculum and by hiring the most outstanding teachers who are experts in the subject areas they teach. It is here at Silverdale that we prepare our students to be engaged in both heart and mind.




HEAD OF SCHOOL Dear Silverdale Baptist Academy Families, It is my privilege to introduce to you the review of the 2017-2018 school year within this Head of School Annual Report. We have renamed the original “Annual Report” to the “Head of School Annual Report” and we have changed the format this year. I remain amazed by the favor God has shown Silverdale Baptist Academy over the past year. As I have declared many times, it remains the grace and favor of His hand that has led this Academy for the last 19 years. We remain humbled by your choice to entrust your child’s education to us. A long-standing philosophy at Silverdale is that parents have been charged with the primary responsibility of educating their children. This charge has been given by God Himself. Understanding this, Silverdale will always hold our parent-Academy relationship in the highest esteem. It is our desire to continue to partner with our families as we work to do all we do as unto the Lord. As we embark on the construction phase of the Silverdale Center - our largest building project to date - I am humbled by the way the Lord continues to provide for the Academy. One of my favorite memories from this past year was witnessing our entire school community celebrating together as we reached our goal of raising $1 million by the end of a particular school day. Donation updates were made over the intercom each hour, elementary students were praying at recess, and math classes were tallying totals all along the way. I wish you could have heard the cheers echoing throughout the halls of the Academy when we reached that first one million dollars! It was an unforgettable day of answered prayers experienced by the students, faculty, and staff. Thank you for your generosity and obedience to God’s prompting to make this a day we will always remember! I am confident that God will continue to bless your commitment to providing for your children a Christian education. The power and perspective of this type of education has no bounds for achieving and influencing great things in and through our students for their future. Please know that Christian Education is not merely the acquisition of knowledge and skill, but rather a foundation for wisdom and understanding. Christian Education is not merely a means for making a living, but rather a means for learning how to live. In the chaos and uncertainty that is the 21st century, now more than ever, the greatest thing we can give our children is a sound Christian Education (Deuteronomy 6:6-7) to guide them along their path. For the Academy,

Becky Hansard Head of School Deuteronomy 6:6-7 These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. SILVERDALE BAPTIST ACADEMY



Senior Report Card: Class of 2018 College Acceptance Cross-Section Auburn University Austin Peay State University Arizona State University Belmont University Berry College Bryan College Carson Newman University Covenant College East Tennessee State University Florida State University Georgia Tech Lee University Liberty University Lipscomb University Louisiana State University Middle Tennessee State University New York University Penn State University Pepperdine University Samford University

GPA Average: 3.38

Savannah College of Art and Design Shorter University Tennessee Tech University Tennessee Wesleyan University Texas A&M University Trevecca Nazarene University Tulane University Union University University of Alabama University of Georgia University of Kentucky University of Memphis University of North Carolina Chapel Hill University of Tennessee Chattanooga University of Tennessee Knoxville University of the Cumberlands Vanderbilt University Virginia Tech Wichita State University

National Honor Society Members: 19



Scholarship Offers: $3.1 million


2017-2018 FINANCIALS

CAFETERIA $680,890.00 ATHLETICS $145,000.00


TUITION $8,512,800.00


CURRICULUM $380,749.00

OVERHEAD $1,510,290.00

ATHLETICS $145,000.00 CONTINGENCY $86,037.00





Express Yourself





rom middle and high school choirs to middle and high school drama, there is a place for every student to learn, create, and grow. From beginner, intermediate and advanced marching/concert bands to our award-winning praise band, there is much to do in our Fine Arts Department. Being able to dance on stage opens up a whole new passion for many of our students as they learn interpretative dance and everything in between. Research finds that the arts can be a vital tool for success in school because they provide positive, enjoyable, creative pathways for teenagers to express their feelings and ideas. This is particularly important at an age when kids are worried about the future and feeling conflicted about many intractable issues, particularly dependence/independence. Given that, here’s why arts education matters, especially in our school: • The arts help teens enjoy - and stay in - school. Arts keep students engaged in school life. Students can take the skills learned from their arts experiences - discipline, patience, problem-solving—and apply them throughout their lives. • Taking classes in the arts helps teens graduate on time. For example, a recent report from the Center for Arts Education found that New York City high schools with the most access to - and support for - arts education have the city’s highest graduation rates.

New Fine Arts Academic Path for 2018-2019

The new Fine Arts path is designed to prepare and equip students for College studies and careers in the area of Music, Dance, Vocal Performance, and Theater. Students in this path are expected to complete 4 fine arts credits and other fine arts electives as their schedule permits, along with all other Silverdale graduation requirements.

• Arts education can be a gateway to the future. Arts-related businesses, especially in urban areas, provide jobs in creative fields ranging from advertising and video game design to fashion and theater management. The creative sector needs more than just artists, too - it needs accountants, marketers, computer technicians, lawyers, and many others. • The arts can help in applying to college. The College Board has found that students who take classes in the arts for four years in high school scored substantially higher on the SAT than students with six months or less training in the arts. An incredible faculty guides students in sharpening their skills and using their abilities in a way that is pleasing to the Lord. Our teachers are gifted artists in their own right, with a passion for sharing their love of the arts with students. It is all about expressing yourself and at the end of the day, giving all Glory and Honor to our Lord. SILVERDALE BAPTIST ACADEMY



STEAM and Project-Based Learning

The Amazing “Chemistry” Race

This year the Engineering class built and tested their trebuchets, which are catapults that utilize a swinging arm to throw a projectile. You can only imagine the fun our Engineering students had that day! Eighth graders in Physical Science competed against one another with their air-propelled vehicles. Honors Chemistry students used “candy isotopes” to study how the atomic mass that appears on the Periodic Table is derived. Students taking Anatomy created “protein sentences” through an exercise involving the transcription of DNA and translation of RNA and Biology students tested different liquids for pH. Innovative and engaging days are happening in our classrooms. It is all hands-on and thoroughly enjoyed by our students.

Reviewing for a test can be a fun, interactive activity in a students’ high school life. For Chemistry students, this takes place through the Amazing Race. In the Amazing Chemistry Race, the students work together to get the exam review answers correctly. The overall winners enjoy a small treat of coffee or other prizes. The competition encourages students to put forth an extra effort. There are many students determined to “win” and they study all weekend to prepare for the Amazing “Chemistry” Race! The best part? Their test scores reflect their determination. It is a win-win when student learning, content mastery, tons of fun, and outdoor education mesh together!

Math Curricular Initiative 2018-2019

We have adjusted the curriculum to offer Pre Algebra to all qualified students entering the 7th grade (instead of 7th-grade math which is not as advanced in content). We are

also maintaining one section of 7th-grade math for students who need reinforcement in their math skills.

Science Curricular Initiative 2018-2019

Engineering and Computer Science Class

Silverdale is excited to offer Physical Science in the 8th grade for students in honors Algebra 1, so they are prepared to take Physics and a STEAM elective in the high school. This addition allows a concentrated Science path that will benefit those interested in this field.

Students in Mr. Walter’s Engineering class and Dr. Cuison’s Computer Applications class learned all about 3D printing from high school junior Nathan Fisk. Nathan taught the class about the types of filament and their uses, the parts of a 3D printer and how it works, using CAD to model designs, and how to upload and download projects online. Nathan brought in many of his projects to share with the class and showed students a live online feed he uses to monitor printing.




New STEAM Academic Path for 2018-2019

New Computer Science Courses for 2018-2019 to advance College Readiness

The new STEAM path is designed to prepare and equip students for careers in the areas of science, technology, engineering, utilizing creativity and imagination through the fostering of Related Arts and math. Research indicates that 60% of future jobs will be

With so many jobs in the 21st century available to those in information technology or related fields, our desire is to expose students to different aspects of computer science. This year we are offering two new computer science classes: Intro to Computer


Principles of Engineering 201

in the science and math related fields, but only 20% of the population will have the required skills for these jobs. STEAM’s focus will be to prepare Silverdale graduates to take advantage of these career opportunities. Students will be able to select the STEAM path starting in the 8th grade with Honors Algebra 1, Physical Science, and Computer Science: Coding classes. In their high school years, they may choose from Physics, Engineering, Honors Chemistry 2, and a variety of other classes.

This course utilizes problem-based learning and projectbased learning to allow students to explore a broad range of engineering topics, (Robotics, Civil Engineering, Aerospace, Automotive Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Environmental Engineering) including mechanisms, the strength of materials and structures, automation, and motion. Students develop skills in problemsolving, research, and design while learning strategies for design process documentation, collaboration, and presentation.

New Robotics Club

Project & ProblemBased Learning Philosophy 2018-2019

We are offering a Robotics Club for students who want to incorporate engineering and computer programming in order to increase problem-solving, critical thinking skills, and collaboration. The students in the club are working as a team to build Vex Robots and enter robotics competitions.

Silverdale will follow a project and problembased learning philosophy (referred to as PBL). PBL is a dynamic approach to teaching that rests on three pillars: hands-on problem solving, crosscurriculum applications, and collaboration. SILVERDALE BAPTIST ACADEMY

Science: coding (semester) and AP Computer Science




Alumni Testimonial

y parents enrolled me in SBA in the sixth grade with the hope of providing me with opportunities for college that I could not have received in public school. At first, they were skeptical. So skeptical in fact, that they pulled me out the next year when a new public school opened near my house. They quickly realized, however, that the true gift of a Silverdale education is not just smaller, more engaging classes but a nurturing Christian community and reenrolled me.

During my six years at Silverdale, I was surrounded by a consistent group of

Godly teachers that invested in me both academically and spiritually so well that I still keep in touch with them nearly four years after I graduated. Silverdale’s faculty believed in my potential so strongly that they made me believe in my own ability to achieve my greatest dreams, including studying at one of the nation’s top universities completely debt free. I also made a group of lifelong friends that have stood together on the best and worst days of our lives

Silverdale provided us with countless opportunities to push the boundaries of our comfort zones from learning archery, acting in school plays, having constructive discussions about our faith, to traveling the world. We are better people for it. Because I had a safe space to learn and grow, I graduated high school with the strength and determination to take the bold steps to chase after God’s call on my life in my studies at NYU and in my job as a reporter at CNN. Taylor Rogers Class of 2015

The Future is Bright The Silverdale Center

Save the date! Within just a few months, Silverdale will host a historical groundbreaking ceremony for The Silverdale Center, the next building project on our ever-growing campus. Our architects, engineers, design team, and countless others have been busy polishing the details of each and every space within this new nine million dollar facility. It is real, the time is now, and it is all God. Thank you for those that have committed to the IF Campaign toward this God-sized project. One of the primary spaces in The Silverdale Center will be our 625+ seat Creekside Theatre, designed for everything from worship and drama productions to concerts to Chapel and everything in-between. With room to fly scene backgrounds and props as well as some of the most advanced stage lighting available, we are excited to see our fine arts students thrive in this new space! For the first time in our program’s history, there will be dedicated rehearsal spaces for our band, orchestra, and choir that will include music and instrument storage and cleanup areas. Continuing with the arts theme, there will also be a spacious dance studio, a Black Box Theatre, theatrical dressing rooms, and a scene room for prop construction and storage. On the second floor, private practice rooms will line the halls and provide our performing arts students with a prime environment to fine-tune their craft, whether with a private instructor or solo. For our athletes, there will be a 1,000 seat tournament-capacity gymnasium with 50/50 seating on either side of the floor.


When the bleachers are retracted, there will be room for two cross-courts in either basketball or volleyball setups, giving us maximum flexibility in a competitive environment. Men’s and women’s locker rooms open out onto the playing surface and have ample space for developing that perfect gameplan. The trainer’s room will run adjacent to the weight room, where our student-athletes can push themselves and receive the best care from our training staff. Finally, a dedicated concession area will help feed the masses, and a spirit store will keep you geared-up in official Seahawk merchandise! “What about academics,” you ask? There will be five classrooms on the second floor that will house our ever-growing gender-based 6th grade. This transition will enable the rest of the Academy to grow and shift classes to fully maximize the space that God has given us. There will be spaces for STEAM projects and collaboration as well as classrooms outfitted with SMART Board technology, and some including lab equipment needed for science classes. These spaces will allow our students moving from elementary to middle school an opportunity to flourish in an intentionally transitional environment. We hope you are as excited as we are for the future of the Silverdale Baptist Academy campus! Please continue to pray for The Silverdale Center and all that it involves. To find out more on this project, visit www.silverdaleba.org/if.



0 e l a d Silver ATHLE TIC S

Taylor Brannon

Dylan Bryant

Lee University - Cheerleading Carson-Newman University - Baseball

Collin Lovell

Covenant College - Baseball

College Scholarship Signees

Drake Christensen

Elijah Kirk

Milligan College - Tennis

Bryan College - Fishing

Kaili Phillips

University of Tennessee - Softball

Tyler Stephenson

Berry College - Swim


Silverdale’s first team state championship and second state champion in its eighteen-year history. SILVERDALE BAPTIST ACADEMY







ur school theme last year was ‘If I Told You My Story’ a focus on the personal and historical accounts of Divine manifestation in the lives of God’s people. As Elementary classes presented chapel programs featuring Bible characters such as Moses, Daniel, and Esther students were able to witness the biblical narrative come to life. These miraculous stories challenged students to hunger for God to write a story for His glory with their own lives.

In addition to gaining greater familiarity and insight into the faith of biblical characters, students were also exposed to other historical and modern testimonies of God at work in the lives of His people. Accounts of faith heroes such as David Brainerd, Hudson Taylor, Susannah Wesley, and Ruth Graham inspired students to the exercise of greater personal faith. From the many ways in which He miraculously provided for George Mueller’s orphans to the incredible events of Israel’s Six Day War God’s mighty hand was clearly on display to the wonder and amazement of our students. Last year’s theme provided a showcase of famous stories revealing God’s glory but it also gave us, teachers and staff, the perfect opportunity to share personal accounts of His faithfulness. We were able to relate instances of God at work in our own lives and allow students to see just how real He is. Authentically recounting our struggles and His triumphs enabled us to connect with students for ministry on an even deeper level. As a pastor, it thrilled me to witness the near tangible enthusiasm students showed about chapel every week! Parents shared how excited their children are waking up on chapel days, over and over they said it’s their favorite part of the school week. I loved hearing from them about how their child came home on chapel day exuberantly sharing and re-enacting everything that happened. The spiritual life of our elementary students seemed to flourish as they consistently gained greater insights into God’s word, His character, and how they fit into His story. Over the course of the year, we saw 28 students make a personal decision to follow Jesus and 11 go through the waters of baptism. All together we recorded 35 separate student-initiated faith responses last year! These are the responses we can count but there is more to ministry than mere external measurements. In addition to decisions counted there are also the intangible spiritual gains that are not easily recorded or measured. Planting the seeds of biblical faith although not always instantly visible produces genuine long term impact. How do you quantify a first-grade student being moved to tears by listening to a chapel testimony that touched his heart? “I’ve never cried in chapel” the boy explained to his teacher, “but I just couldn’t help it”. With a heart made tender by stories of God’s glory, he approached his teacher early this year saying he wanted to give his life to Jesus! Last year, as in the case of this young man, the Lord gave us spiritual gains that will undoubtedly be manifesting in student’s lives for years to come. To God be the glory, great things He hath done!

Korbet Swope Elementary Chaplain SILVERDALE BAPTIST ACADEMY



“This was the Lord’s doing; and it’s marvelous in our eyes” (Psalms 118:23) is the best description for the 2017-2018 school year. Our school theme was “If I Told You My Story” and there were powerful moves of God and testimonies throughout the school year. I’m reminded in scripture in Revelation 12:11 which declares, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” We saw miracles and a thirst and hunger for God from our students like never before. It all began with one of our student-athletes diagnosed with POTS disease. Being confined to a wheelchair she was unable to walk, could no longer play sports, and even had to withdraw from school. Undeterred, she continued to pray for healing and so many others agreed together with her in prayer. Despite her condition, she determined to go with her peers on a mission trip to Honduras and as soon as she got off the plane the Lord miraculously healed her! This miracle not surprisingly ignited a spiritual flame that glowed throughout the school year. During the Senior field trip to Skyline, one of our students accepted Christ and was later baptized during Chapel. This led to a revival of more students making decisions for Christ. A student-initiated Bible study birthed out of this revival lead even more to make decisions for Christ. As the second semester began, the Bible studies continued and the Lord continued to move in our chapels and among our student body. During Spring Break, our Seniors went on their annual trip to Greece which proved to be a life-changing event. As we toured Greece tracing the steps of the Apostle Paul on his second missionary journey from south to north and north to south the Lord was preparing the hearts of our students each day. We literally saw the word of God come to life. One evening as we watched the sunset and worshiped at the Aegean Sea, we saw the hand of God move mightily again. The Lord moved on the heart of one of our Seniors who asked a fellow student to lead him to Christ. This sparked another revival which lasted for three hours and we saw several other students make decisions for Christ. Upon returning from Greece we had a special chapel where the Seniors shared their experiences and testimonies and we baptized three students. During this chapel, three more students made first time decisions for Christ and they were all baptized during the last chapel of the school year. “To God be All the Glory!” What a way to begin and end the year! In addition to decisions made, we saw a lot of our students mature in their walk with the Lord. We serve an Awesome and Mighty God!

Roger Woods Director of Campus Life







ilverdale loves dirt and mud and bugs and more. Our Outdoor Education Initiative offers a dynamic and beautiful setting for teachers to integrate the external environment into the teaching of every discipline, including science, math, language arts, environmental studies, nutrition, and health. The on-campus garden is part of the Academy’s ongoing effort to provide engaging, hands-on educational experiences for its students, Pre-K through Grade 12.

Our outdoor classroom and experiential learning center provide students with opportunities to work collaboratively with peers and faculty in other divisions and disciplines. This helps to cultivate their understanding of the interconnections within the environment and gain an appreciation of the importance of sustainability. Students participate in all phases of soil preparation, sowing, cultivating, harvesting, consuming, and composting, which demonstrate the cyclical nature of organic processes and enrich their appreciation of how gardens can inspire and reward whole communities.




“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.� Helen Keller

We are Silverdale!

7236 Bonny Oaks Dr Chattanooga, TN 37421 423.892.2173

www.silverdaleba.org 2017-2018 FAST FACTS




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