Mission SBA’s mission is to partner with families in order to provide an environment of academic excellence with a Biblical worldview, which is conducive to developing educated young people of character, while preparing them to represent our Lord Jesus Christ in all walks of life.
Vision SBA’s vision is to impact our world by preparing students to become Godly warriors, as we implement Discipleship (Mt. 28:15–20), expect Excellence (1 Cor. 10:31), and encourage Integrity (Psalm 15).
Silverdale Family, On behalf of the School Board, administration, faculty, and staff, we are delighted to present this annual report, summarizing highlights from the 2020-2021 school year. What you will find within these pages is a printed picture capturing a glimpse of the impact of Silverdale on the lives of our students, staff, and families. At Silverdale, we strive to equip leaders - spiritually, academically, physically, and socially - to fulfill God’s purpose for each of their lives. We believe every child is created in God’s image, and the nurturing of each soul from a context of attaining wisdom and virtue is possible when done in partnership between the Christian home, church, and school. Classical Christian education challenges students academically while serving as a platform to create a heart-centered approach that instills within each learner a desire to be a servantleader and a lifelong learner. Our goal, through God’s grace, is that every instructional area, each curriculum choice, every assignment, event, and program would be structured in a manner that enlightens every student to a growing understanding of the truth, beauty, and goodness of God’s creation. Each should be done with excellence with the purpose of giving God all glory. As you read through this report, I invite you to be reminded of how good our God is. Under His guidance, Silverdale is changing lives. We covet your prayers and your continued partnership. For the Academy,
Becky Hansard Head of School
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 Silverdale Baptist Academy 5