SBA Cinderella Program

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APRIL 26–27, 2024 | 6:30 p . m . Matinee: APRIL 27 | 1:30 P.M. Silverdale Center Creekside Theater SILVERDALE BAPTIST ACADEMY PRESENTS RODGERS + HAMMERSTEIN’S CINDERELLA is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of The Rodgers & Hammerstein Organization.

The Arts Department at SBA is excited to offer individual partnerships to allow patrons to sponsor our arts programs. These sponsorships help us to provide students with the highest likelihood of success in the arts at Silverdale and in life. We ask that you prayerfully consider how you might be able to help us in our mission to provide a pathway for students to explore, develop, and showcase their artistic gifts for the glory of God.

Thank you for your support

Rick & Becky Hansard

Keith & Tiffany Askew

Paul & Judy Baker

Elisabeth & Samantha Bennett

Greg & Wendy Bowman

Kevin & Wanda Casey

Alex & Angela Denton

Laura Eubank

Jonathan & Joy Fisk

Stephen & Taryn Humphries

Kipp & Rebecca Kincer

Brandon & Barbara Lamb

Georgia Martin

Michael & Erin Martin

Ken & Roslyn McCoy

Chris & Valerie Raley

Tim & Connie Regal

Chris & Heather Scoggins

David & Ellen Smith

David & Kim Thompson

Jim & Tammy Underwood

Sean & Angela Vereen

Bobby & Wendy Wade

Dennis & Amy Wheeler

Jason Williams

Nathan & Lauren Wilson

Scan to learn more






Orchestration by DANNY TROOB | Music Adaptation & Arrangements by DAVID CHASE


Music Director ...................................................................... Dr. Sophia Moon

Orchestral Director ........................................................ Stephen Humphries

Set Design........................................................ Tiffany Askew, Lientjie Jonker

Set Construction .............................. Jim & Tammy Underwood, Angie Albee, James Stafford, Phillip Scott

Lighting Design ....................................................................... Tiffany Askew

Stage Manager ......................................................................... Tiffany Askew

Assistant Stage Manager ...................................................... Sydney Skinner

Tech .......... Josie Attardo, Camebre Clampet, Izzy Jansta, Caroline Jewell, Taylor

Killingsworth, Mallory Shelton, Kailie Teuton, Caleb Turnipseed, Emma Waldoch

Choreography ................................................... Lientjie Jonker, Connie Regal

Sound Engineering ........................................Mike Summerour, Shaun Sneed

Costumes .......................... Tiffany Askew, Marli Herron ‘23, Grace Bender ‘23

Poster and Program Design ........................................................Curtis Jolley

Headshots ................................................................... Joy Fisk, Ryan Bowman

CINDERELLA is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of The Rodgers & Hammerstein Organization.

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(In order of appearance)

Ella ............................................................................... Sarah Beth Underwood

Topher ........................................................................................ Gaven Hobbs

Lord Pinkleton ..................................................................... Thomas Stradley

Sebastian ...............................................................................Connor Bowman

Marie.................................................................................. Brooklynn Pearson

Jean-Michel .................................................................................. Jo Ellington

Madame .................................................................................. Brayden Kinlaw

Gabrielle ....................................................................................... Leah Brooks

Charlotte ...................................................................................... Kate Tucker

Knights ................... Josh Baker, LJ Bender, Lily Deas, Lilli Drake, Will Fairley, John-David Scott, Scout Mattila, Hannah Wilson, Wes Wilson

Footmen ............................................................... Natalie Belva, Casey Gouge

Horsemen .................................................................... Ali Vereen, Will Fairley

Duke of Cheshire ....................................................................... Zethan Jones

Earl of Cavendish .............................................................. Ethan McLaughen

Duke of Keswick ............................................................................. Will Cline

Claude .......................................................................................... Gracie Hood

Sam ............................................................................................. Scout Mattila

Yvonne .................................................................................... Hannah Wilson

Baby ............................................................................................. Mabel Moon

Ensemble ..... Ella Kate Antanaitis, Josh Baker, Alanna Barker, Sophie Barnes, LJ Bender, Sadie Burnette, Lily Deas, Lilli Drake, Will Fairley, Elizabeth

Fraker Lauren Holt, Chris Margraves, Hannah Martin, Ema McLaughen, Brooke Millsaps, Bentley Pearson, Lily Pierce, Carly Riggs, John-David Scott, Bella Smith, Melina Stafford, Liv Stanhope, Ali Vereen, Ali Wheeler, Piper Williams, Wes Wilson, Grace Womack

a C t I

Overture ........................................................................................... Orchestra

Prologue .................................................................................. Ella and Chorus

Me, Who Am I? ..... Topher, Sebastian, Lord Pinkleton, Knights, and Pageboys

In My Own Little Corner ............................................................................ Ella

Your Majesty ............................................................... Lord Pinkleton, Topher

The Prince is Giving a Ball/Now Is the Time .............. Sebastian, Jean-Michel, Lord Pinkleton, Madame, and Crowd

Fol-De-Rol ............................................................................................... Marie

In My Own Little Corner (Reprise)/Fol-De-Rol ........................ Ella and Marie

Impossible ................................................................................. Marie and Ella

It’s Possible ................................................................. Ella, Marie, and Chorus

Gavotte ............................................................................................. Orchestra

Ten Minutes Ago ..................................................................... Topher and Ella

Waltz for a Ball ................................................................................ Orchestra

Ten Minutes Ago (Reprise) .............. Ella, Topher, Lord Pinkleton, and Guests

15-Minute Intermission

a C t II

Entr’acte ........................................................................................... Orchestra

Stepsister’s Lament ..................................... Charlotte and Ladies of the Court

The Pursuit .................................. Lord Pinkleton, Topher, Lords of the Court, Pages, Ella, Footman and Coachman

He Was Tall ................................................................................................ Ella

When You’re Driving Through the Moonlight ......................... Ella, Charlotte, Gabrielle, and Madame

A Lovely Night ..................................... Ella, Charlotte, Gabrielle, and Madame

A Lovely Night (Reprise) ...................................................... Gabrielle and Ella

Loneliness of Evening .............................................................. Topher and Ella

The Prince Is Giving a Ball (Reprise) ..................... Sebastian, Lord Pinkleton, Heralds, and Madame

There’s Music In You............................................................................... Marie

Now Is the Time (Reprise) .......................... Jean-Michel, Gabrielle, and Marie

Do I Love You Because You’re Beautiful? ............................... Topher and Ella

Ten Minutes Ago (Reprise) ................................... Topher, Ella, and Ensemble

The Wedding ..................... Ella, Topher, Lord Pinkleton, Marie, and Company

Keyboard .................................................................................... Curtis Jolley**

Violin .. Patricia Roberts, Natalie Halling, Anna Grace King, Elizabeth Lindley

Viola ....................................................................................... Kenadie Halling

Cello .................................................................................. Marian Rosenvinge

Bass ............................................................................................. Tony Tortora

Trumpet........................................................... Wayne Estrada, Trent McCary*

Percussion ................................... Devin Elliott*, Merrick Holt*, Jordan Ray ‘23

Flute, Piccolo ....................................................................... Charisma Shaffer

Oboe, English Horn ................................................................... Jean Hudgins

Clarinet, Bass Clarinet ............................................................. Jan Wilkinson

French Horn ....................................................................... Jeremiah Williams

Trombone ...................................................... Carter Crawford*, Michael Itson *SBA Student **SBA Staff t

Mt. Paran Christian School and their technical director, Clair Carvajal, for the loan of pieces from their set | Girls Preparatory School for their loan of the carriage Mr. Sneed for all the hours he spent setting up mics, monitors, and video feeds for this show | Joy Fisk for the countless pictures and playbill assistance | Ryan Bowman for her love for the Arts and all her help with all things lobby related | Brenda Rayburn for altering costumes at a moment’s notice | Curtis Jolley for his graphic design expertise on the playbill and t-shirts and for lending his incredible accompaniment skills to our beautiful orchestra | Amy Wheeler for helping to coordinate snacks for the cast and crew | Rachel Smith for providing Chick-fil-A for the long rehearsal | All the Parents who provided snacks, waters, and helped find costumes | Jim and Tammy Underwood for the unwavering support and time they have not only invested in this show but in the Arts department—always willing to assist when asked | Angie Albee for all her beautifully created works of set art and for being an artistic sounding board | Trisha Morgan for coordinating complicated schedules and being a joyful presence in our lobby and lives | Silverdale Baptist Church Creekside staff for being flexible and gracious during the rehearsal and production process | Alex Denton, Director of the Arts and Jill Fister, Assistant Director of the Arts for their assistance | Taylor Hasty and Margarita Ioannidis for their support | Kim McDonald for all the ways she supports all things involving high school students in this production and throughout the year | Mrs. Hansard for her love of all things Silverdale Arts, but most importantly her love for “her kids”

C I nderella O r C hestra
hank Y O u

The Seniors would like to personally thank a staff member who has influenced them during their time at SBA.

Alanna Barker would like to thank Mrs. Bates.

“She has been my climbing coach since 9th grade. She has taught me how to push through when things get hard and how to deal with my anxiety when I have to perform — whether that’s in climbing or anything else.”

Carter Crawford would like to thank Mr. Humphries.

“I've known him the longest and best.”

Lily Deas would like to thank Mrs. Jonker.

“She prayed for me at my speech, and I really owe my love for theater and my skill to her.”

Lilli Drake would like to thank Mrs. Squires.

“That’s my dawg. She’s been there for me since freshman year, and I love her so much.”

Merrick Holt would like to thank Mrs. Askew.

“She has been there for me my whole high school career when involved in the fine arts. I admire her, and she has shown me all the ways to love and appreciate being in the background and helping others.”

Brayden Kinlaw would like to thank Mrs. Humphries.

“She’s been with me through all of high school and has always been my ‘go to’ person with anything!”

Chris Margraves would like to thank Mrs. Jonker. “She has helped me grow as an actress and a person and has really fostered my love for theater and the arts.”

Scout Matilla would like to thank Mr. Burns.

“He is my boy, my main lad, my ride or die. He is just a really cool and great individual who has made my last year here memorable.”

Brooklynn Pearson would like to thank Mrs. Askew.

“She has encouraged and inspired me so much through these years at Silverdale, and I'm so grateful for her kindness and example in my life.”

Tommy Stradley would like to thank Mrs. Jonker.

“She’s been an amazing teacher to have, and she’s super fun and enjoyable to be around. She’s helped me improve so much — not only in acting but being a more outgoing person.”

Hannah Wilson would like to thank Mrs. Jonker.

“She’s the only teacher that even knows I do theater, and she has made class so amazing.”

Cast Bios

(In order of appearance)

Sarah Beth Underwood Junior | Ella (Cinderella)

SB is thrilled for her seventh production at Silverdale. She has graced the stage in roles such as Mrs. Banks in Mary Poppins, Mrs. Snow in Pollyanna, and Hodel in Fiddler on the Roof. She hopes her take on the iconic Cinderella is both nostalgic and fresh. Her favorite aspect of the show is the musical composition of the score, with its traditional Broadway sound and continuity through the entire plot. She’d like to give a shoutout to her dad for making the impossible possible— both onstage and off of it. Psalm 63:3

Gaven Hobbs Junior | Topher (The Prince)

Gaven has been acting since the 8th grade in shows including Mary Poppins and Pollyanna and has absolutely loved it. Through theater, God helped Gaven find a family of people like him. He’s loved getting to meet everyone in the cast and the directors. He is so appreciative of the privilege he has been given to play this role and be a part of this family. “If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” – Romans 14:8

Thomas Stradley Senior | Lord Pinkleton

This is Tommy’s second production at Silverdale Baptist Academy, his first being earlier this school year in The Secret Garden. He is super happy to have been able to be a part of the theater department in his final year, because he has had so much fun and made many friends.

Connor Bowman Junior | Sebastian

Connor has been in six shows so far during high school at Silverdale — from A Midsummer Night’s Dream freshman year to The Secret Garden junior year — and has loved every minute of it. The theater has become a home for him and so many others. He has loved working on Cinderella and can’t wait for you all to see it! “Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff—they comfort me.” – Psalm 23:4

Brooklynn Pearson Senior | Marie (The Fairy Godmother)

Brooklynn has been in several shows throughout her time at Silverdale, including A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Mary Poppins, Pollyanna, Fiddler on the Roof, and The Secret Garden. The friends she has made through theater at SBA are some of the best she’s ever had, and she will miss them dearly when school is over. Theater at Silverdale has helped her grow as a person and actress. She will always be thankful for the opportunities it has given her. Ephesians 2:4-6

Jo Ellington Sophomore | Jean-Michel

This is Jo’s first Silverdale musical. He claims it started as a bet with Josh Baker saying, “If one of us tries out for the musical, the other has to as well.” That’s what started his musical journey. This has been an eye-opening experience for him, as he has a whole new glimpse into another section of the Arts department. He has enjoyed every opportunity to sing and dance and enjoy time with the family he has made along the way. His main goal in coming to the play was to gather new experiences and explore new doors the Lord opened for him.

Brayden Kinlaw Senior | Madame (The Step-Mother)

Brayden is so excited to be a part of her seventh high school show at Silverdale! Theater has been a big part of her life throughout high school, and she is so thankful for the opportunities it has given her. Brayden wants to thank the cast and crew of this show for their dedication and impact. She wants to especially thank Mrs. Jonker, Mrs. Askew, and Dr. Moon for how they have poured into her life both on and off stage. Thank you for all of the memories! Psalm 13:5-6

Leah Brooks Freshman | Gabrielle (A Step-Sister)

Even though Leah is a freshman, this is not her first high school musical. She was caught running around as Michael in Mary Poppins. Leah is thankful to the team and her castmates for turning this musical into more than just a show, but rather an opportunity to grow closer with her peers and deepen her faith. And she is excited to share the stage with her cousin, Sadie. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Kate Tucker Sophomore | Charlotte (A Step-Sister)

Cinderella is Kate’s second musical at Silverdale, and she has loved participating in it. From all the silly moments to memorizing lines, Cinderella has been a blast for her. She is so thankful for this amazing cast, as well as Mrs. Jonker and every person who has made Cinderella a success. Being in this musical has truly been a blessing for her, and it has helped her grow as a person and an actor. Proverbs 3:5-6

Hannah Wilson Senior | Dance Captain, Yvonne

Hannah has been in five previous productions with Silverdale and has enjoyed every one of them. Her last appearance in a musical was floating above the crowd as Fruma Sarah in Fiddler on the Roof. She has loved getting closer to the theater class and working on Cinderella this year. She’s so thankful for all of the memories made with the entire cast and everyone who made the show possible. Psalm 57:1-2

Scout Mattila Senior | Knight, Sam

Scout has been a part of the drama department since his freshman year, appearing in all eight shows at Silverdale during high school. He is sad that this will be his last but also kind of happy. “But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with patience.” – Romans 8:25

Ethan McLaughen Junior | Earl of Cavendish

Ethan has been in every production he could be in since the 8th grade. He enjoys being a part of as many productions as possible. He gives all glory to God with his performance. Romans 8:28

Zethan Jones Sophomore | Duke of Chesire

Zethan was previously seen in Fiddler on the Roof. He enjoys rock climbing, coding, and 3D modeling on his computer. He has also been a part of the Silverdale robotics team for two years. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is God’s power for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew, and also to the Greek.” – Romans 1:16

Will Cline Freshman | Duke of Keswick

Will is really looking forward to being an ensemble member in his first musical production, Cinderella. He has really enjoyed working on this show with his classmates and great teachers. “So God created man in His own image; He created him in the image of God; He created them male and female.” Genesis 1:27

Ali Vereen Freshman | Claude, Horseman, Ensemble

Ali is a passionate person. She is a member of His Company Dance troupe. She loves the Lord, her family, friends, and everything that has to do with life. “A tranquil heart is life to the body, but jealousy is rottenness to the bones.” – Proverbs 14:30

Natalie Belva Freshman | Footman

Natalie has always had an interest in the arts. She has been a dancer in His Company for two years. She enjoys attending dance competitions where she can bring praise to God through her hobby. Natalie is excited to perform in her first musical and can’t wait to expand her experience in the arts. “For while we were still helpless, at the appointed moment, Christ died for the ungodly.” – Romans 5:6

Mabel Moon Preschool | Baby

At just seven months old, Mabel is so excited to make her acting debut in the role of “baby” in SBA’s Cinderella. Offstage, Mabel enjoys cuddles, her pacifier, and her stuffed pig, Noel. She loves to smile and funny noises make her laugh. She has had so much fun being a part of this show! “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” – Matthew 19:14

Ella Kate Antanaitis Sophomore | Ensemble

This is Ella Kate’s third show at Silverdale. She was last seen as a sister in Fiddler on the Roof. She has loved being a part of the theater department! She is so excited about this musical and absolutely loves its beautiful score. Ella Kate loves music, singing, writing, and hanging out with friends and family. She would like to thank her family for supporting her in all she does! Isaiah 43:1b-2a

Josh Baker Sophomore | Ensemble

This is Josh’s first Silverdale musical. It started as just a bet with Jo Ellington saying, “If one of us joins, then we both have to,” and they have both ended up really enjoying the experience. Josh is having so much fun seeing and learning about how a play is constructed and put together and making lifelong friends in the process. John 3:16

Alanna Barker Senior | Ensemble

This is the first show Alanna has been in at Silverdale, and she has loved it. Through the Theatre program, she has made so many new friends and also gotten closer to existing ones. Cinderella has been such a good experience for her, and she is glad she has been able to participate in this show her senior year. “The mind of the discerning acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks it.” – Proverbs 18:15

Sophie Barnes Freshman | Ensemble

Sophie loves playing soccer and enjoys singing. She is a member of the High School Choral program. This is her first high school show. “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13

LJ Bender Junior | Ensemble

LJ is excited to be in his second show with Silverdale! Whether it’s acting, singing, or dancing, it’s always a blast. Last year he had a taste of what an amazing performance community felt like, and was quick to seek that again. He has fallen in love with theater performance and being on a stage, and is excited to continue in the drama community. Also, shout out to Grace Bender! We miss you! “A joyful heart makes a face cheerful, but a sad heart produces a broken spirit.” – Proverbs 15:13

Sadie Burnette Freshman | Ensemble

Sadie is very thrilled to be given an opportunity to be in Cinderella as her first high school show at SBA. She is excited to share the stage with her bestest cousin, Leah Brooks. “Casting all your care on Him, because He cares about you.” – 1 Peter 5:7

Lily Deas Senior | Ensemble

Lily was last seen on the Creekside Theater stage as Collin in The Secret Garden. Though it is bittersweet, she sees Cinderella as the best possible option for the last show in high school. “Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.” – James 1:2-4

Lilli Drake Senior | Ensemble

Lilli is an artist who loves the theater, and she is so glad Cinderella gets to be her last show. It’s been a blast! “He will cover you with His feathers; you will take refuge under His wings. His faithfulness will be a protective shield. You will not fear the terror of the night, the arrow that flies by day, the plague that stalks in darkness, or the pestilence that ravages at noon.” – Psalm 91:4-6

Will Fairley Freshman | Horseman, Ensemble

Will is a soccer player, a phenomenal actor, and a great magician. He also loves to be outside. “When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put aside childish things.” – I Corinthians 13:11

Elizabeth Fraker Sophomore | Ensemble

This is Elizabeth’s first show in high school at SBA. She loves to sing and act and is enjoying her time in this show. “Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end.” – Lamentations 3:22

Lauren Holt Freshman | Ensemble

Lauren has enjoyed performing in plays since elementary school. She has participated in several children’s theater shows with Skwalking Heads Productions under the direction of Colleen Laliberte, as well as a couple of SBA middle school plays. Lauren enjoys spending her free time reading, learning to draw, and playing with her dog, Bluebell. She is a leadership team member for her youth group at Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church. Joshua 1:9

Gracie Hood Sophomore | Ensemble

Gracie has been performing (very high-quality) shows in her living room from a young age, and this is her first high school theater production. She has enjoyed music and the arts her whole life, and her brief ‘career’ in ballet has — shockingly — come in handy for this production. Through this experience, she aims to grow as an actress and get to know the theater family better. James 1:2

Chris Margraves Senior | Ensemble

Chris is excited to be participating in another Silverdale show. She last wowed audiences as Dicken in The Secret Garden, but she has been performing her whole life — dancing, playing piano, and singing. She will cherish all of the memories she has made in theater with her friends and getting to know new cast members. She is incredibly grateful to Mrs. Jonker for giving her so many opportunities to grow and learn and for always being a loyal supporter. Ephesians 2:10

Hannah Martin Junior | Ensemble

Hannah is very excited about this production. This will be her second production with Mrs. Jonker. Hannah enjoys hanging out with friends and cheering on the sidelines for football and basketball. Hannah wants to thank her friends, family, and God for the opportunity to be part of this show. 2 Timonthy 4:17a

Ema McLaughen Freshman | Ensemble

Ema is so excited to be in Cinderella! She loves to sing and dance, and is excited to be in this show with her brother. “Keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him endured a cross and despised the shame and has sat down at the right hand of God’s throne.” – Hebrews 12:2

Brooke Millsaps Freshman | Ensemble

As this is Brooke’s first high school show, she wasn’t too sure what to expect. However, she is so incredibly thankful God let her be a part of this amazing cast. They have made such a special bond and are giving all the glory to God! Enjoy the show! Isaiah 43:18-19

Bentley Pearson Sophomore | Ensemble

Bentley Pearson has always loved theater. She has been in a production every year at Silverdale since the 5th grade. She has been in plays and musicals at her church since she could remember. Bentley loves the Fine Arts community at Silverdale more than they will ever know. She would like to thank her parents, Mrs. Jonker, Mrs. Moon, and Mrs. Askew. Acts 17:28

Lily Pierce Freshman | Ensemble

Lily is so excited to be participating in her second show at SBA! Getting to be part of this cast has been such a blessing. Thank you to Mrs. Jonker, Mrs. Askew, Dr. Moon, and everyone else who helped bring this show to life. “Strength and honor are her clothing, and she can laugh at the time to come.“ – Proverbs 31:25

Carly Riggs Junior | Ensemble

Carly is an 11th grade student, and this is her second production. She has been a cheerleader since middle school. She is excited for this year’s production. She would like to thank her friends and family for this opportunity. “I will give thanks to the Lord because of His righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High” – Psalm 7:17

John-David Scott Junior | Ensemble

Cinderella is John-David’s first play, and it has been an unforgettable experience. He has loved being able to play the part of a dignitary. From acting offstage, to randomly bursting out in song, John-David has thoroughly enjoyed Cinderella and wishes he had done theater in previous years. He would like to thank all the friends that he has made in the process of joining theater, as they have been the people who really made theater a home. Proverbs 15:1

Bella Smith Sophomore | Ensemble

While this is Bella’s first musical, she is no stranger to music. She has been in SBA’s choir her entire high school career, and she has learned a lot through the process. “Your every action must be done with love.” – 1 Corinthians 16:14

Melina Stafford Junior | Ensemble

Melina was last seen on the SBA stage as Mary Lennox in The Secret Garden. She has always had a passion for theater and has loved being a part of this production. She is so grateful for all the amazing memories and great relationships she has gained over the past few months. She would like to thank all the Fine Arts staff for their dedication to their students and God for providing her with this opportunity. Ephesians 2:10

Liv Stanhope Freshman | Ensemble

Liv is so excited to be doing her first show in high school theater. She has enjoyed the experience of doing this show with her friends and hopes to continue doing shows. She would like to thank her parents for always supporting her and her friends for encouraging her through every experience. – Romans 8:18

Ali Wheeler Freshman | Ensemble

Ali is so excited for her fourth production at Silverdale! She was seen as an 8th grader as one of Tevye’s daughters in Fiddler on the Roof. As an avid lover of all aspects of theater, she finds music, dance, and acting exciting challenges! She would like to thank her parents for always supporting her and the Fine Arts team at SBA for being a Christlike influence. “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” – Ephesians 2:13

Piper Williams Freshman | Ensemble

Piper has always loved the arts and is a member of Jan Lively Dance Company. She is so excited to finally get to be a part of SBA’s high school performances. Working with the cast and crew of Cinderella has been such an amazing experience. Overall, this show has been so fun, lively, and highly enjoyable! Jeremiah 29:11

Wes Wilson Sophomore | Ensemble

Wes enjoys a variety of things. Of course he acts, but he is also a TaeKwonDo instructor and plays electric and acoustic guitar. He also loves teaching his Sunday School class of 2nd and 3rd graders and helping with his church’s production team. “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” – Romans 10:13

Grace Womack Freshman | Ensemble

This is Grace’s third show at Silverdale, her first two being Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars and Little Women. She would love to thank all her friends and family who have helped her in her theater journey and thank God for getting her where she is today! “Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” – Romans 12:2

Carter Crawford Senior | Trombone

This is Carter’s second appearance in an SBA musical orchestra. He is a multi-instrumentalist that has a love for music and making music. Psalm 23

Devin Elliott Junior | Percussion

This is Devin’s third year of helping with performances at Silverdale, and she has absolutely loved every second of it! Thanks to Mrs. Askew and Mr. Humphries for always letting her experience these amazing opportunities!

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Merrick Holt Senior | Percussion

Merrick has helped the Theater department in many ways and is always happy to see everyone’s hard work pay off. She has assisted with costuming, set design, backstage crew, and the orchestra pit. She loves helping and always will, and thanks everyone for giving her a chance to be involved. She loves all the people she has been able to work with and is sad to leave the friends she made along the way. “Now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” – 1 Corinthians 13:13

Trent McCary Sophomore | Trumpet

Trent has been at Silverdale for 13 years now, and this is his fifth year playing trumpet for the school. He has been privileged with participating in different concerts and events through Silverdale playing trumpet and is extremely excited to play in his second musical as a part of the orchestra. Ecclesiastes 3:1-4

Sydney Skinner Junior | Assistant Stage Manager

Sydney is thrilled to have the privilege of helping behind the scenes with this production. Witnessing firsthand everything that’s happened to make Cinderella what it is has given her a greater appreciation for the cast and Mrs. Jonker for what they pour into this program. Romans 8:28

Camebre Clampet Sophomore | Tech

Cinderella is the first show that Camebre has been involved with, and she is so excited to be a part of the stage crew. Camebre says that it has been amazing to witness the amount of work put into the show and be able to help out with it. “We love because He first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19

Izzy Jansta Sophomore | Tech

This is Izzy’s first Silverdale production, and she can’t express how glad and excited she is to be a part of this experience. She’ll forever be thankful for this experience! “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” – 2 Timothy 1:7

Caroline Jewell Sophomore | Tech

Caroline has always enjoyed theater but has been on stage. Doing tech is what she enjoys, and loves seeing the play slowly come together. She loves theater, and doing tech is a way for her to be a part of the production in a unique way. Mrs. Jonker has made her truly love theater, always making it fun. “If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” – Romans 14:8

Madeline Nation Junior | Ensemble

Madeline is so excited about the show. This will be her second show. Madeline loves to hang out with her friends and family. She also is a cheerleader for football and basketball which has really helped her come out of her shell. Madeline would like to thank her parents for loving her and supporting her in everything she does! “A man with many friends may be harmed, but there is a friend who stays closer than a brother.” – Proverbs 18:24

Mallory Grace Shelton Junior | Tech

Mallory fell in love with tech production in Mr. Sneed and Mrs. Askew’s class. She excelled at sound production and was recommended by Mr. Sneed for a summer internship with the Signal Mountian Playhouse. They were so impressed by her work ethic and knowledge that she nows serves on the board there. She is expanding her skillset by running lights for this show. Isaiah 41:10

Caleb Turnipseed Junior | Tech

This is Caleb’s third year at Silverdale and his second musical to work tech. He would like to thank Mr. Vandergriff for supporting and sticking with him throughout his time at SBA. John 3:16

Emma Waldoch Junior | Tech

This is Emma’s fifth performance at Silverdale and, she is so grateful for the opportunity! She is so thankful to everyone involved for all they’ve done! ”Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable — if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise — dwell on these things.“ –Philippians 4:8

Josie Attardo Sophomore | Tech

This is Josie’s first musical. She is a part of the SBA choir and loves Mrs. Askew and Mr. Sneed’s production class. “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:2

Taylor Killingsworth Sophomore | Tech

Taylor loved dancing in Fiddler on the Roof last year. She also enjoys helping on and off stage in performances. She enjoys taking a tech class with Mrs. Askew and Mr. Sneed the most. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21

Kailie Teuton Junior | Tech

This is Kailie’s third production at Silverdale. She has enjoyed being a part of such wonderful shows throughout her high school career. It has given her a chance to connect with the teachers and the cast members. These are experiences she will never forget! “But Jesus looked at them and said, “‘With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” – Matthew 19:26

A Note from the Director

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” – Colossians 3:12

Growing up, I loved the story of Cinderella. This humble, kind, and compassionate girl not only finds true love, but becomes a princess who can share this kindness with the whole kingdom. What I love even more in this version is that it’s these attributes that not only causes the prince to fall in love with her, but also ends up changing the lives of everyone around her.

We serve a loving, forgiving, compassionate God, yet it is often incredibly difficult for us to show that same kindness and compassion to those around us. We struggle to forgive others, even though God is always willing to forgive our sins. My first reaction when reading the script was even wondering how it was possible for Cinderella to forgive her stepmother so easily after all the awful things she did to her, yet that is what God expects of us and also what He has blessed us with. Whilst directing this show, I was reminded of how a single act of kindness can change everything. Cinderella shows kindness to crazy Marie, and this one act of kindness completely changes the trajectory of Cinderella’s life.

This past semester, Theatre Performance has been filled with that same kindness and compassion. We have dealt with a lot of curve balls.

There’s been illness, costume stress, and other injuries. But throughout it all, the students have supported each other and kept believing in the power of prayer. They have gone above and beyond to help, encourage, and serve each other. Whether it was making videos for cast members who missed rehearsals or cheering for their castmates at the end of a scene, they have shown an incredible amount of love to everyone around them. They have encouraged each other to grow both in their craft and their faith.

I pray that when you watch this musical, that is what you see! I want you to see the incredible God-given talent on stage but also the love these students have for each other and the Lord. I want to end by first thanking my incredible theater students. James Stafford, the well is amazing! I would like to thank all the parents for sacrificing their time, especially Jim Underwood and Philip Scott for the incredible set pieces. Angie Albee, you once again helped the show come to life! I would like to thank the faculty and staff, especially Alex Denton and Jill Fister for all their support. Sophia Moon, Tiffany Askew, Stephen Humphries, Shaun Sneed, and Connie Regal, there would not be a show without you. And finally, I give thanks to God, who placed me right here, right now! To God be all the glory!

Now, let’s get this show on the road… – | (423) 892-2319 7236 Bonny Oaks Drive | Chattanooga, TN 37421 1999 • 2024

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