Devotion & Prayer Guide “Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!� Psalm 115:1
From the Head of School I thank our Lord for the privilege that He has given us to build on the legacy of the great pioneers that established Silverdale Baptist Church. What a joy it is to consider that at long last God has moved us to the vision of the Silverdale Center and building a more functional structure to house and grow the ministries of the Academy. In order to prepare our hearts for the work that is before us, we’re asking each member and family to use this devotional and prayer journal. Seek God’s will relative to what He will have each of us contribute toward the goal of preserving our heritage while building for our current and future ministry needs.
The Silverdale Center will provide much-needed space for our drama and performing arts students, as well as a tournament-capacity gymnasium for our basketball and volleyball programs.
Please read and meditate on the scriptures given for each day. Pray for our Academy’s vision using our campaign as well as other prayers that God puts on your heart. Over the next 30 days, I’m confident that God will do a mighty work in our midst! Enjoy the journey, and I look forward to sharing and celebrating with you.
Be Blessed,
Becky Hansard Head of School
It Takes Us All Becky Hansard | Head of School
Warren Wiersbe has written: “British humorist Jerome K. Jerome said, ‘I like work, it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.’ When it comes to the work of the Lord, there is no place for spectators or self-appointed advisors and critics; but there is always room for workers.” We have begun our fundraising campaign for The Silverdale Center. The plans have been years in the making and covered in a multitude of prayer. It will take every single one of us reading this devotion book to make this dream a reality for the people of Silverdale. When I read the quote above by Wiersbe, I am reminded of those spiritual giants of Silverdale Baptist Church who have gone before us. As far back as 1889, those individuals saw the need for your child, our students, to have a place that would educate them through a spiritual worldview long before your child was even born. Long before all of us were even born. They saw the need and they refused to sit and look at the need without doing something about it. So they joined together, much like those citizens in the Book of Nehemiah did when the call was given to rebuild Jerusalem’s wall. They banded together monetarily and physically to make it happen for the Lord, themselves, and the children of the present and the future. God has called us to expansion. We feel The Silverdale Center is an answer to this call. It cannot and will not happen without each of us asking the Lord what He would have our financial role to be in this project. I pray that you will ask Him. It is time for our generation to now “build it forward” for students we will never meet this side of Heaven. Is there anything more noble? I often refer to myself as the “memory keeper” for the Academy. I have watched it grow from 6 students to over 1,000 students in 18 years. I have witnessed miracle after miracle as God raised this Academy up against all odds. I know that God is able. I know that His Hand is upon this place. I believe that for as long as He has me in this position, He will continue to give me vision for Silverdale Baptist Academy. I see The Silverdale Center completed. I see students and adults alike coming to a saving grace of Jesus Christ through its venues. I see it. I claim it. I support it. I ask that you prayerfully consider doing the same.
Nehemiah 3:1-32
Tony Walliser | Senior Pastor, Silverdale Baptist Church
Making A Way For Others
Why are we doing this building campaign? Well, let me state from the very beginning that it’s not about you. Most of our decisions are filtered through the question, “What’s in it for me.” But when we become followers of Jesus Christ, the lens and filter of our lives has changed. The motive of our decisions moves from us to the Lord and touching others. And that is why we are in this building and giving campaign. It is all about touching more people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s not just about expanding facilities; it’s about touching more families. It is not just about more space, it’s mostly about more salvations. It’s not about a change of venue but a change of lives. When you give to the kingdom of God, it makes a way for other people to hear about Christ? Above is the prophecy from the book of Zechariah which foretells of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The Messiah would come riding on a donkey. What most people don’t recognize is that the donkey didn’t belong to Jesus. Jesus rode in on a donkey that was somebody else’s donkey. There was some guy who gave his donkey to Jesus. We don’t know his name or what he did for a living. But we know that when Jesus needed transportation, fulfilling an Old Testament prophecy, there was one unnamed person who said, you can use what I have. His gift made a way for Jesus to come. It is the same with you. Your gifts make a way for others to hear and know Christ. God will use your gift to make a way for others to find the same freedom and grace and power and life that you have in Jesus Christ. Prayer: Father, I am so blessed. I live in a country where others have died so I could be free. I eat fruit from trees that others have planted. I worship in buildings that others’ generosity has provided. Help me to give, so the next generation may hear as well. Use my generosity to make a way for others to hear.
Zechariah 9:9
The Joyful Giver
When we were children, Fridays were almost like holidays. Everybody looked forward to Fridays. Friday was the end of the work week, the start of a time of rest and reflection. Friday was also payday for most, as the expression goes: “the Eagle flies on Friday.” Friday was also another demonstration of God’s love. He has given us the means and opportunity to earn our livelihood. Rather than taking a portion of the proceeds from His investment, He lovingly gives us the freedom to choose how we will respond to His love. God’s desire is that we discover the joy of giving which is the perfect reflection of Love. “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 Discuss this passage with a family member. Pray that the “joy of giving” would pervade our homes. Pray a prayer of thanksgiving for your work environment. Proverbs 3:5-6
2 Corinthians 9:7
Keith Askew | Parent and Campaign Co-Chair
Trusting God With Your What Ifs
It was spring of 1994. I was in an informational meeting about a mission trip to Minsk, Belarus. A friend who was discipling me had encouraged me to pray about going on this mission trip. In the meeting we learned about Minsk and that Belarus was now open for westerners and in a prime position for us to share the “Good News.” I prayed and God confirmed to me that He wanted me to go. Little did I know that the Lord was also impressing upon the heart of a young woman, though not at that meeting, to go on this mission trip as well. Deciding to go created a lot of anxiety for me. I grew up hearing testimonies from missionaries about what God was doing around the world and the frightening conditions they had to endure. I would think, “I don’t want to endure those kind of hardships and risk losing my life.” What if I faced hardships? What if the government took us into custody? What if I was robbed or hurt while in a foreign country? Through spiritual growth and my personal walk with the Lord, He brought me to a point of being willing to follow Him where He was leading. The second hurdle was raising money. What if people thought badly of me? What if they thought I was asking for a handout? It was a point of pride. I did not have a proper view of what God had called me to – I thought it was about me. It wasn’t about me. God called me to follow Him to be a part of what He was doing. In order to do that, I had to allow other people to be a part of what God was calling me to in Minsk. What if I had not followed God? I would not have experienced His working in people’s hearts around the globe. What if I had not gone? I would not have learned to trust God and experience His faithfulness to provide, protect, and proclaim His message. What if I had not gone? I would not have experienced the peace of walking in God’s will for my life at the moment and the boldness and clarity He gave to share the Good News. What if I had not gone?, I would not have met a certain young woman, who also followed God’s “If” in her life. Tiffany and I met on that mission trip and have now been married 22 years. What is God asking you to do that scares you? Doing it may give you the opportunity to experience His peace, faithfulness, and provision in your life. Proverbs 3:5-6
What If I Didn’t Go To The Hairdresser That Winter Day?
Cynthia Dale | Parent and Campaign Co-Chair
Our whole lives we are riddled with “What ifs?” This question can take us on many different journeys, good and bad. The Dale family’s journey to Silverdale had a few “What ifs?” It began with, “What if I didn’t go to the hairdresser that winter day?” One Saturday afternoon, in the winter of 2001, I was waffling on whether to go to the hairdresser. It was cold and windy, and I just didn’t want to get out, but being the mom of a toddler, a few hours alone were very appealing. Then again, my hairdresser had moved her salon into her home way out in Harrison. I lived in East Brainerd and it seemed so far. Still, I decided to go. Well, maybe I wouldn’t. I had become a stay-at-home mom, and Jay and I were still learning how to budget our new single income family. Did I really need to spend the money on a cut and highlights? I decided I really needed a mommy makeover, so off I went! One simple trip to get a cut and color changed the course of our children’s education forever. When I finally arrived at Karla’s, after much hemming and hawing, as they say, I sat down in her chair and started our small talk. “I love the place,” I’d say. “Thanks. It’s been a labor of love,” she’d reply. You know the drill. Then, we moved on to our kids. Her son was about a year older than Emma and had started preschool at Silverdale while she worked. She raved about her son’s teacher, Mrs. Tina. She shared how Bible stories and songs were an integral part of her son’s learning at only 2 1/2. He was learning new things so quickly and when it was time to go he never wanted to leave school. I wanted that for my daughter. I wanted, and maybe needed, a school that would foster in Emma the love of the Lord and a love for school. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” I know this is truth. It’s in God’s word, but I also see it every day lived out in the lives of my girls. Emma is now 18 and a senior here at SBA. She is about to embark on a new chapter in her life. She is ready. She is armed with the truth of God’s word and His everlasting mercy. What if I hadn’t gone to the hairdressers that day? Who could have known a simple trip to get my hair done would affect our family forever?
Proverbs 22:6
“I have received full payment and even more; I am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:18-19 Have you received full payment yet? I think not! Our God who supplies all of our needs will reward the work that we do for Him. Paul in his final days on earth reminds us that whenever we bring a gift to the ministry of Jesus Christ it is a sweet aroma in the nostrils of God! Whatever we do for Him is an acceptable sacrifice. He also points out that God’s ability to supply our needs is without limits. Pray for God’s revelation relative to your sacrificial commitment over the next years. Meditate on God’s receiving of our collective sacrifice for the vision. Pray for the capital campaign leadership.
Philippians 4:18-19
For God So Loved The World
Love is putting the interest and welfare of someone or something ahead of you. It means that you make a sacrifice to benefit the object of your affection. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 This familiar passage reminds us that God truly loves us in that He gave his only Son as an offering to assure us of the privilege of having an everlasting, eternal life with Him! This would be extraordinary if we had done some great and noble deed for Him. However, consider the fact that we did nothing to earn or merit such perfect love. God’s grace motivated His actions. God’s grace demonstrated His commitment to us by His action. God teaches us a very important lesson in this passage, that giving is the natural response to love. He loved us and therefore He gave the best that He had, Jesus Christ! Take a moment to meditate and ponder the depths of God’s love. Pray for those that don’t know the magnitude and degree of God’s love. Pray for the Academy and the mission and vision to manifest the love of God in this community.
John 3:16
Christie Johnson | Director of Advancement
What If?
You are enough! Do you struggle with the constant thoughts of “what ifs”? What if I was prettier? What if I was thinner? What if I never get married? What if I never have children? The what ifs can get easily out of control if you allow yourself to live there. Do you see yourself as ordinary, average? Do you constantly play the comparison game? Oh, if only I got that job or drove that car or had those shoes… This is where I lived a majority of my life. I always seemed to get caught in the “what if” trap? But God. At age 37, I realized I was as lost as lost could be; earthly significance was all I had and all I wanted but God drew me to Him and my life was forever changed. I began diving deep into the Word and finding my significance there. This is where my life verse surfaced…Psalm 139:14 “I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful and I know it full well.” Living out the knowledge that you are enough through Him alone is not always an easy thing to accomplish. The enemy knows your weaknesses and comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but remember God comes to give you an abundant life…that’s the “full well” part. Seeking your purpose and security from anything outside of Jesus Christ is a lose-lose scenario. Trust me on this one. There is no relationship, no earthly possession that compares to the One and Only…not your spouse, not your children, not your best friend, not your job. You are unique, one of a kind and you were designed to glorify God as only you can do….that’s why you are here. So ponder this: What if you begin to view yourself as enough? What if you lived your life unto Him and Him alone? No one is promising you a rose garden life; there will be thorns but the fragrance of His Spirit in you and with you is enough. Start walking in the “full well” and not the “what-ifs.”
Psalm 139:13-14
His Great Love
“I in them and you in me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that you have sent me, and have loved them as you have loved me.” John 17:13 One of the beautiful aspects of love is unity. Think about how you feel when you embrace a friend or relative whom you haven’t seen in a great while. Love seeks togetherness. God’s love is the greatest unifying force. His love is inclusive, not exclusive. His love binds us together with Jesus ,whom He sent for that very purpose. This passage makes an incredible point about God’s love for us in that it equates that love to His love for Jesus, His only begotten son! How great is His love? Read the scripture aloud several times as you meditate on its meaning. Pray for unity in the Academy, the Church, your family, and the community.
John 17:23
Mitch Mizell | Alumni, Class of 2013
Trust In The Unseen
In December of 2013, my siblings and I had been called to a family meeting at my parent’s house. After we all arrived, my mom and dad called us to the living room to talk. My dad proceeded to tell us that he had been unfaithful to my mother. Not only had he admitted that he had been involved in an affair, but that he also had another child that we did not know about. That night I felt like my life was over. I had the sensation that someone was stomping on my chest and I couldn’t escape. To say the least, I was in utter shock. The months following, I fell into a deep depression. I found myself not speaking or leaving my bed. I was in a state of anger towards God. I wondered how something like this could happen to my family. My mother is a woman of strong faith. She chose to stay with my dad despite the circumstances. To take it a step further, they chose to raise the child together. It was clearly God’s providence that saved my parents’ marriage, but I was still bitter. In the spring of 2014, I felt my life was in dire straits. I chose to try to talk to God one more time. I asked, “If you are real and you are who you say you are, please deliver me from this hell and change my heart.” Right then, my decision to cry out to God changed my life. In my absolute worst state, the Lord was beside me the whole time. My heart changed, I forgave my dad, and I had a love in my heart for my little sister. Through all this, the Lord changed my perspective. I learned to trust in the unseen because He is the Truth and He has the power to deliver those who call on His name. These truths are revealed in II Corinthians. Not only are our troubles momentary and light, but they are also meaningful. Everything that happens to us in life has purpose if we are on the path of obedience. Not only had I received a miracle from God, but I had a group of friends, all Silverdale alumni, who came beside me to walk with me in my time of need. The community I had from my friends was unprecedented. They emphasized the fact that the church is here and now, not bound by walls. I tell you my story not to receive pity, but in hopes that someone may hear of the unwavering faithfulness of our God. Like Plato’s Cave, we become prisoners to a false perception. We see shadows of doubt and pain and count them as truth. But when we are freed from that cave, we see the truth. The reality is that God has already set us free from captivity. When I saw the light of truth, I knew that pain was temporary but God’s providence was forever. I encourage you to take the uncertainty of life and lay it at the feet of Jesus. In every chapter of life, we will experience doubt and pain, but know who holds the future and trust in the unseen. Proverbs 3:5-6 2 Corinthians 4:7-18
The Zoad In The Road Karen Bolton | School Board Member
We all have stories of defining moments in our lives that make such an impression on us they shape the way we think as well as the way we live. When I hear life changing stories they always remind me of Dr. Seuss’s poem, “The Zoad In the Road.” This poem is about a Zoad who comes to a fork in the road and as he is standing there with his hands in his pockets he didn’t know which road to take. He was scratching his chin and was afraid to make a decision and he said to himself with concern, “I’ll be taking a chance.” At the end of the poem the Zoad couldn’t make a decision and so he “went no place at all with a split in his pants.” How terrible! Early in our marriage my husband,Greg, and I were faced with a “fork in the road” decision that changed our lives forever in the way we are stewards of the finances God has entrusted with us. Our two children were sacrificially enrolled in a private Christian school, which Greg and I were passionate about providing, and it was time to pay tuition. One day, Greg and I had run into a missionary friend of our family and he shared with us how the mission had to move and was running on a tight budget. A couple of days later I was going about my day and the Lord starting impressing on my heart to write this missionary a check for $1200.00. Every time the Lord came to me I kept thinking this is a lot of money especially knowing school tuition was due. After two days of being prodded by the Lord, I mentioned it to Greg and he told he had been impressed the exact same way with the same amount! As we “stood in the fork of the road,” we prayed and discussed what the Lord was telling both of us and we decided to write the check by faith. The next day I delivered the check to the missionary around 11 a.m. and when I did he informed me he had a financial situation needing attended to that was due by noon for the exact amount of the check. I was blown away with what the Lord had just done! Had we not written the check in obedience to the Lord’s leading, our friend’s need would not have been met and we wouldn’t had learned a spiritual life changing, financial lesson. I am so glad Greg and I trusted the leading of the Holy Spirit and we didn’t stand in the fork of the road with our hands in our pockets and do nothing. Oh, by the way, about a month later we received an unexpected reimbursement check in the mail for far above the amount we had given!!! What if we had not obeyed the Lord; we would have missed out on a spiritual lesson and blessing only God provides!
Proverbs 3:5-6
All For Good
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 Life has its ups and downs. Some days are sunny and bright, others are rainy and dark. Circumstances change rapidly: one minute you’re on top of the world, and the next minute the world is on top of you. How good it is to know when we have placed our love and faith in God, He works in all things to bring about good! When I surrender my will to God’s will, I have His blessed Assurance that no matter what, in the end, everything will be worked out to the good. This is one of the greatest promises in scripture. It is made real by our love for God. Reflect on past events that seemed negative at the time that worked out to your good. Pray for insight into God’s will and purpose for you in the capital campaign. Pray for our Head of School and her family.
Romans 8:28
Now Faith Is Roger Woods | Director of Student Life
Many years ago, doctors told me and my wife we wouldn’t be able to have children. We initially settled for that and as an alternative, we did what many other couples in the same situation do. We got a puppy; a Yorkie who we named Tigor. After we got Tigor, I was watching a minister on TV and he ministered from one of my favorite scriptures, Hebrews 11:1. After hearing that message, Tia and I began to believe God in faith for a child. Shortly thereafter, our little one was conceived. On November 26, 2007, our little one was born. As a result, we had no other choice but to name her Faith to signify what God had done for us, as she was conceived in faith. Since that time, the Lord has taught me so much about faith in Him as I continue to watch my daughter, Faith, grow. When Faith was born, the Lord showed me that every time we as parents held Faith, we had faith. When she started crawling, He showed me through her crawl that we have to go from just having faith, to always moving in faith. When my daughter stood for the very first time, the Lord showed me, we must go from moving in faith to standing on our faith. When Faith start walking, He showed me that we must go from standing on our faith to walking by faith. And, when Faith started talking, the Lord showed me that we must go from walking by faith to talking by faith. As my daughter Faith continues to grow and mature, the Lord continues to reveal more and more to me about our faith in Him. NOW FAITH IS: MATURING Father, help us each and every day to mature in our faith. Teach us to go from having faith to moving in faith; from moving in faith to standing by faith; from standing by faith to walking by faith; from walking by faith to talking by faith. Teach us to understand NOW FAITH IS and that FAITH IS NOW. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
Hebrews 11:1
For The Next Generation
“I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be blessed.” Psalm 37:25 I was speaking with an old friend today, one whom I hadn’t seen in several years. During our conversation we naturally talked about family and children. As we filled each other in on the latest with our children, I couldn’t help thanking and praising God for how He provided for our children. They all grew up to love and worship God and have avoided the traps and vices of modern culture. What we do and the example of faith in practice that we set has a profound impact on future generations. What can we do through our faithfulness to the church’s vision that will inspire future generations and release God’s Provision? Pray for our students and community. Pray for God to rise up godly warriors. Reflect on how the new facilities will enable greater ministry to children and youth.
Psalm 37:25
Heart, Mind, And Soul
“Jesus replied, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all of your soul and with your entire mind.” Matthew 22:37 The greatest of all commandments is the commandment to Love God. Loving God in the spirit of this commandment is to love God with everything and above everything. We are to love God with body, mind, and soul. Loving God with the heart means to keep my heart pure and clean because it is where He resides. Loving God with my mind is to study His word and seek Him in all things. Loving Him with my soul is to be willing to place myself on His altar of sacrifice. Meditate on the scripture. Pray for the Capital Campaign Team. Reflect on what it means to live out this commandment.
Matthew 22:37
Tristan Huggins | Alumni, Class of 2014
Big And Bold Faith
Have you ever prayed so boldly that your life changed? Have you ever paused recently and realized how big of a God we are praying to? I am a product of bold faith. At one point I was considered “unredeemable” to many people, but now I am a servant of Jesus Christ because bold people prayed boldly for a troubled high school kid. One of the most beautiful things that I have experienced in my Christian walk is the answer of prayer. So many times it becomes routine, or even mundane, where we just throw some words up to the sky and hope something sticks. When you really enter the presence of God and pray bold prayers, your life, and the lives of people around you will begin to change. It takes more than just being big and bold though; it takes faith. On a scale of 1-10, how strong is your faith when you pray? See, you can pray big and bold all you want, but if the faith is not there to back it up then do you really expect God to move in your life? Have Faith! He is the God over all! The winds and waves of the ocean obey him, and the mountains bow down to him! That’s a big God. That’s the God that you and I serve. You see, Jesus questioned the men on the boat before he settled that ocean. Jesus said, “You of little faith why are you so afraid?” Do you see it now? What we pray to God reveals what we believe about God. Are our prayers big and bold, like our God? My life has completely changed because of bold prayer. I have had opportunities at 22 that blow my mind. I have seen lives of people around me change because of bold prayer. I cannot take any credit for the work that The Lord has done through my prayer life, but I am so thankful that God has chosen to use me to glorify him. It is safe to say that because of big, bold faith in my life I have experienced fulfillment in my Lord. What if we prayed like that daily? How would our lives look? How would our communities look? How much Jesus would people around us get to experience because of big, bold faith? Prayer matters, and our faith is interwoven into the basic fabric of prayer. Have faith, be bold, be consistent.
Matthew 8:23-27
Glorious Joy
“Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.” 1 Peter 1:8 Isn’t it interesting how the world views things as compared to how people with faith in God see them? The world says, “Seeing is believing,” the Bible teaches us that believing is seeing! “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 This passage reminds us that we “see” God with eyes of faith. This faith makes the invisible God real. God rewards our faith with joy that is so deep and full that we fail in our best attempts to describe it! It is beyond words. This joy wasn’t given to us by the world, and aren’t you glad that the world can’t take it away! As the old song goes, “...this joy that I have the world didn’t give it to me and the world can’t take it away.” Today let us fully experience the joy of the Lord. Spend a few moments meditating and enjoying the joy of the Lord. Pray aloud a prayer of thanksgiving for your joy. Share your joy with everyone that you meet today.
1 Peter 1:8 - Hebrews 11:1
The Greatest
“For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, to your amazement he will show him even greater things than these.” John 5:20 Love is an amazing thing! Love is the most powerful force in the world. In 1 Corinthians chapter 13, we learn that love is even greater than faith and hope! “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13 As we experience the love of God, we can expect amazing things to be revealed and manifested in our lives. God promises as much in this passage. Regardless of how we view the status of equality and justice in America, we cannot deny the progress in justice and relationships among the people. God’s love is the source and motive of all progress in relationships. God has done some amazing things in our lifetime. As we continue to believe and follow God, what other awesome and amazing things will we see him do? How about restoring families and the sanctity of marriage? Abolishing hunger and homelessness? Converting prisons into colleges? Curing chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and AIDS? I believe that God will continue to amaze us with His grace! Reflect on how and when you expect God to move you and your ministry to the next level. Pray for God to open our hearts to the full measure of His love. Share your “next level” reflection with someone.
John 5:20 - 1 Corinthians 13:13
His Kingdom Or Mine? Joy Fisk | High School English Faculty
Am I building my kingdom or His? Recently, I was awoken from sleep with that question. Our family lived in Charlotte, North Carolina for the past sixteen years, and it was the only home my children had ever known. We were comfortable there. We knew our way around, we attended a great church, and our children attended a small but growing Christian school where I served as Head of School. Life was good. Then came the loss of my job this past June, and along with it the loss of some dear friendships. It came completely out of the blue, seemingly without cause as the school was flourishing, and the circumstances were painful. As my husband and I prayed together as a couple, it became clear within a matter of just days that the Lord was moving us here to Chattanooga and specifically to Silverdale where I was offered a job teaching high school English. He threw open every door here and closed every door there. Still, moving was stressful over the summer, and there was the grief of leaving behind all that was familiar. I was back in the classroom again and loving it, but it felt like I had “started over” in my career. Instead of setting vision and strategizing, fundraising and budgeting, I was now writing lesson plans and grading papers, as I had been when I first started teaching. I felt I was rebuilding my career. So the question in the early morning stopped me short. I believe that God allows everything for a purpose, and I have trusted Him through every stage of this journey. But my focus had been on how God was going to do something new for us and certainly also in us. But I had forgotten about what God wanted to do with us. God is not in the business of building up our little family or my little life, though I know He cares for us. He is in the business of building His kingdom. Put another way, it isn’t about me. I don’t know why I lost my job or we had to endure a painful move, though we love it more here every day. Maybe he brought us here so that I could reach a kid no one else could reach or so my daughter’s friend would have a kindred spirit. I’m not saying that the Lord needs us. He is all-sufficient. But somehow in the marvelous mystery of the good news, God chooses to use us - He blesses us to be a blessing. My children may graduate from Silverdale before the new building is completed, but the spaces we enjoy so much now and the Smart Board I use in my classroom every day were given by those who came before us, those who chose to invest in something bigger than just their own family’s comfort. What is God calling us to do today, sacrificially, with our time or our resources? Are we building our kingdom or building His?
Matthew 6:33
Blessed Through Giving
“Moreover, we will bring to the storerooms of the house of our God, to the priests, the first of our ground meal, of our grain offerings, of the fruit of all our trees and of our new wine and oil. And we will bring a tithe of our crops to the Levites, for it is the Levites who collect the tithes in all the towns where we work.” Nehemiah 10:37 The Bible is absolute in its testimony of the blessings and benefits of being faithful to God in tithes and offerings. Nehemiah follows the familiar pattern of restoring faithfulness in worship by teaching the people to tithe. This act of faith and obedience releases the flow of resources and blessings. We must honor God with the first fruit or all our increase. Bringing the tithe into God’s storeroom ensures that our house will continue to be an open channel through which God’s blessings will freely flow! God’s provision is linked to the tithe and offering. Pray for God’s revelation relative to your offering in support of the vision of the Academy. Reflect on how God has blessed your obedience in response to the tithe! Pray for the opportunity to give your testimony relative to your sacrificial giving.
John 5:20 - 1 Corinthians 13:13
Nehemiah 10:37
From A Simple Seed
“Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” 2 Corinthian 9:10-11 The most powerful concept in nature is the seed concept. Seed is the source of the harvest. No seed, no harvest. The seed contains the essence of the fruit. The seed is the nourishment that gives the energy for the harvest. Everything begins and ends with the seed. God, the Creator, makes and supplies all of the seed. He gives us seed for our bread as well as seed to invest for the future harvest. Think about God’s goodness in providing seed! This passage is filled with powerful promises of God. All He asks of us is that we have the faith to share His generosity. Read the passage aloud three times. Meditate on each of the promises contained in the scripture reading. Reflect on the conditions required to enable the promises in the scripture passage.
2 Corinthians 9:10-11
Kinsey Thomas | Class of 2018
What If You Prayed More?
Throughout my entire life, I have wrestled with the idea of prayer. I’ve worried myself to death making sure I say the right things and cover all “necessary topics” during each of my prayers. I had this negative connotation to prayer which has led me to a place of false perceptions about God. My prayer life was solely observing other people pray, which led me to complacency. Getting to know God plays a key role in how we can learn to pray with boldness and confidence. Build a relationship with Him. Without truly experiencing God, in all His goodness, we cannot expect to grow in our prayer life. I thought that prayer needed to be a certain way, with specific words, within a neat time frame but I learned that prayer is merely a conversation we are able to have with a God who wants to hear our voice. We need to trust His character enough in order for us to have faith that He will answer our prayers to ultimately bring Him glory. I’ve seen Him answer prayers just as I assumed He would and I’ve seen Him carry out His purpose for my good, regardless if it’s what I had expected. We have to bring ourselves to a place of surrender and humility to allow God to work in our lives through prayer. God has shown His faithfulness to me through prayer specifically in the last year. We have to believe that God can and will do what we ask of Him. We tend to put God in a box but He is capable of immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine. Never stop praying. We are to let our conversations with other people be an interruption from our conversation with God. God, thank you for being faithful. Thank you that Your mercies are new every morning. We praise You for who You have been to us and for never failing us. Please remind us of your character when we struggle to pray consistently. Let us not grow weary in doing good. Give us a continual desire to talk with You and to be in Your word. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Ephesians 3:20
He’s Got You!
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6-7 How can we avoid worry when nothing seems to go right or as planned? We work hard and come up with good plans that should ensure success; however Murphy’s Law seems to always be at work. What can go wrong, will go wrong. Where can we turn to find relief from the anxiety of failure and breakdown? The Apostle Paul, while confined to a Roman prison awaiting his trial, instructs us on how to find the relief from worry. He says simply pray about everything and do not worry about anything! God gives us the choice to either worry or pray; we can’t do both at same time. Worry is concern for what could happen. Worry shows little faith in God’s power to act on our behalf. Prayer acknowledges God’s power and concern for us. Proper prayer also recognizes that we don’t always know what to pray for, so we defer to God’s wisdom. We should pray as Jesus prayed, concluding our prayer with “not my will but Thy will be done.” This simple statement speaks volumes about our trust and confidence in God. Finally, we should thank God for all things. Thanksgiving not only expresses our gratitude to God, but it also says that we appreciate the wisdom and righteousness of whatever outcome the Lord deems appropriate. Make a list of the things that you could worry about if you were so inclined. Write Philippians 4:6-7 across the list and destroy it. Spend some quiet time today in thanksgiving. Make a list of the things for which you are grateful.
Philippians 4:6-7
Promise Through Imitation
“We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.” Hebrews: 6:12 One of the great dangers of living in an affluent society is the peril of laziness. If we’re not careful we tend to take life easy. We relax our work ethic and drift into idleness. This idleness impacts our spiritual life as we prefer television to telling someone about Him. The focus moves from what is needed to what is desired. We drift away from God and toward the things of the world. This passage in Hebrews is a warning for us to stay actively engaged in the work of ministry. The roll call of the faithful in the book of Hebrews is populated with the heroes and heroines who through faith patiently continued to strive for the uplifting of God’s kingdom. They are the heirs to the promises and heavenly provisions of God. Let us join with them and our Savior in diligently working to see that God’s Kingdom progresses. Pray for diligence and perseverance in our building process. Pray for the Academy’s staff and leadership. Contact someone that needs encouragement.
Hebrews 6:12
The Faithfulness of God John Shadden | Alumni Parent, School Board Member
We have always loved the story in the Bible of Abraham and Isaac. Abraham was faced with an impossible situation when God asked him to sacrifice his son. Can you imagine what must have been going through his mind as he and Isaac walked up the mountain? Since he had experienced the faithfulness and provision of God in the past, he was probably counting on God to provide what was needed during this difficult time. We have two children that graduated from SBA. Our daughter, Catie, began in the 3-year-old preschool program and graduated in 2016. Many people asked us when she completed 5th grade, what private school we were going to move her to. It never occurred to us to change schools because it had always been important to us that she receive an education based on a biblical worldview to prepare her to navigate her world. Our son, Nick, was born with multiple birth defects and is mildly intellectually challenged. His education consisted of special education programming in the public school system. Every day we would drop our daughter off at the elementary school at SBA and then take Nick to his public high school. We prayed every day for him - for his protection, his education but most of all, we prayed that God would provide a way for him to attend SBA. It seemed to be an impossible situation due to his limitations. BUT GOD! We met with Mrs. Hansard and with tears in our eyes shared our dream of Nick attending SBA so that he could experience the same excellent education and godly influence that his sister was experiencing. It was the Fall of 2003 and school had already started. After much prayer, the decision was made by the administration at SBA to accept our son into the high school if a teacher could be found and we could help provide her salary. As we prayed daily for what seemed impossible, God not only provided a teacher but also a nursing job for Sandy to offset the cost of tuition. Nick thrived at SBA! He met many new friends and enjoyed a new way of learning. His best memories of SBA were the time spent as the manager of the football and basketball teams. He was even affectionately called, “Coach Shadden.” We will always be eternally grateful to SBA for thinking outside the box and seeing the potential in our son! We learned a powerful principle during this time from the story of Abraham. As he and Isaac headed up the mountain, Abraham had no idea how God would provide the sacrifice. Because he had experienced God’s faithfulness and provision in the past, he chose to be obedient by putting one foot in front of the other to climb the mountain. We learned that God will provide for us even when we can’t see the provision. We just need to be obedient and trust God! Genesis 22:14
Blessed Obedience
“As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, ‘Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.’ He replied, ‘Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” Luke 11:27-28 Imagine your delight in hearing the words of the woman in the crowd! You’re busy doing what you’re called to do, performing that which gives your life meaning and purpose. People are watching and hearing the profound excellence of your work. Suddenly, someone declares that thanksgiving and honor are due to the mother that gave you birth and nursed you! How awesome a compliment is that! What a great clip for the highlight reel of your life! Jesus uses this pregnant moment to underscore the imperative of hearing and obeying the Word of God. In effect, Jesus is saying as great as you view the blessing of the woman selected from all of the women of history to give birth and nurture to the savior of the world, it does not surpass the blessing of simply hearing and doing God’s word. This is an incredible statement! The greatest blessing comes with obedience to God’s word. Pray for those that do not know the Lord. Pray for the expansion of the ministry of evangelism and discipleship in our Academy.
Luke 11:27-28
All For God’s Glory Stephen Pike | Alumni Parent
Twenty years ago our family joined Silverdale Baptist Church. At that time we were in our comfort zone at a sister church where we knew most of the members. We felt then and we feel today that it was God’s plan for us to join Silverdale Baptist Church. We were not in our comfort zone here, we only knew two members, Bill McKaig and Benny Eaves. We quickly learned those men were a big part of the Silverdale Story. They had humility and a burning desire to glorify God. Over time we became involved in our wonderful church and eventually had the opportunity to serve in a multitude of positions within the church. Most importantly, Lea and our daughter Mary were born again and baptized at Silverdale Baptist Church. Eventually Silverdale Baptist Academy opened and Lea has been the Elementary Librarian there for 16 years. Mary attended the Academy from preschool to her high school graduation in 2015. We often wonder WHAT IF we had not joined the Silverdale Family. But God… God knew that Lea would have the opportunity to have a career at the Academy and that Mary needed the faith based education that the Academy would offer. He knew I would have wonderful opportunities to serve. Even more importantly, however, He knew our marriage would be strengthened here and our family would be changed for eternity as we began relationships with Jesus Christ. God opens and closes doors in our lives. Silverdale has been an open door for our family. In relation to the “If “Campaign for our new Silverdale Center, God may be asking all of us to get out of our comfort zones. This may be an open door to be blessed through giving. God is about His glory, not raising 10 Million Dollars. HE owns cattle on a thousand hills and HE can sell cattle at any time and raise the money, but HE is calling us to join Him where He is working. He is working at Silverdale Baptist Church and Academy. He is drawing families from all over our city to be a part of our church and academy family. He is bringing them here for marriages and families to be strengthened and to draw them into a relationship with Jesus Christ. God will not tell you but rather ask you to participate. For our part, if we will accept his invitation we will not only have ownership in the new building, but we will bring His name glory by continuing the Silverdale Baptist legacy of grace and freedom found only in Jesus Christ. HE will receive the Glory and you will receive the Blessing. Our prayer is that as thousands of folks, over time, drive down Bonny Oaks and see the new building they will think to themselves “their God must be BIG, HE is probably BIG enough to help me.” Yes, HE is more than big enough.
Psalm 115:1
Courage And Conviction
“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.” Joshua 1:7 God’s direction to Joshua, the young leader who succeeded Moses, is still applicable to us today. The first thing is to be strong and operate with courage and conviction. When we do this we show our faith in the help and protection of God. My weakness is replaced by God’s strength as I learn to lean on and trust Him. Any fear or uncertainty is banished by my faith in Him. My responsibility is to know and obey His Word. I must keep my focus on His kingdom and not be distracted by things on either side. I must move toward the goal of building His kingdom. The promise of God is that I will prosper wherever I go. I choose to believe God and show my faith by my obedience. “Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them-- to the Israelites. I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses. Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the great river, the Euphrates-- all the Hittite country-- to the Great Sea on the west. No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. “Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them. Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:1-9 Pray for God to rise up additional teachers and administrators. Reflect on how these verses apply to our Academy. Luke 11:27-28
Joshua 1:1-9
Not Of This World
“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.� Colossians 3:1-2 The journey of faith has allowed us to really seek God and understand His purpose in our lives. We have a renewed sense of mission and Godly vision. We understand the special call that God has on the life of every believer. This passage serves to remind us of where our focus must be in order to please God. We set our affection on the things above, where Christ is seated making intercession for us. We commit to work so that His kingdom is expanded here in our neighborhood. Lord, let our love for you and concern for those lost drive us to accomplish your vision. Pray for both the Silverdale and greater Chattanooga communities. Pray that we are His light in this dark world. Pray for what your sacrifice will be for His kingdom.
Colossians 3:1-2
Shelby Duggard | Class of 2018
He is Surely Faithful
One Hebrew word for faithful is “chesed.” When translated, we find that it correlates God’s faithfulness to His love for His people. From the standpoint of an 18 year old, I have found that we are bound to go through numerous trials. These are the trials that can shape our testimonies, test our faith, and draw us closer to our God. But these are also the trials that can break us, if we do not look to God’s faithfulness despite our pain. As I dealt with a life-changing sickness for months, God was still faithful. As my dreams of being a collegiate softball player didn’t pan out, God was still faithful. In the midst of hospital rooms, God was still faithful. When I doubted God’s ability to work everything for good, God was still faithful. As God healed me out of a wheelchair, let me say it again: God was still faithful. He was faithful, is faithful, and always will be faithful. God’s faithfulness can be seen in the midst of suffering and great joy. Countless times throughout my day, God reminds me of every single trial in my life that He has worked for good. And with each reminder of His faithfulness, I’m left in a puddle of joy on the floor. The same God who knelt to answer Job is still showing His faithfulness today(Job 38-42). As we go on with hopes and prayers for God to use Silverdale Baptist Academy in big ways, let us not forget of His faithfulness. Let us not forget what He has already done in each of our lives. Let us not be distracted by the world, but let us be enthralled by the history of God’s faithfulness. So with that, I want to challenge you to examine your lives, with an emphasis on how God has been faithful, and continuously focus on the sure fact that our God is a faithful God. Prayer: “God, help me dwell on the numerous times that You have shown Your faithfulness to me. As I wake up each day, let Your faithfulness empower me to have Your perspective on circumstances. God, let my life be a unmistakable example of Your faithfulness. Amen.”
Hebrews 10:23
The Silverdale Center’s 1,000 seat tournament-capacity gymnasium, as seen from the corner of Bonny Oaks Drive and the athletics complex main entrance.
“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!� Psalm 115:1
Psalm 115:1
“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!�
if www.silverdaleba.org/if