TITANIC The story of a tragedy.
The building of the « Unsinkable » ship.
She would not sink even if two or four compartments were flooded.
She was built in Belfast, Ireland.
 More than 10,000 workers from Harland and Wolff Ltd. spent three years laboring on the ship, which was the largest moving object in the world at the time.
 The company also built the famous ships
Britannic and Olympic.
The cost:
Titanic cost $7.5 million to build, which is equivalent to about $400 million in today’s dollars.
The beginning of the fatal journey:
The Titanic left Belfast, Ireland and headed for Southampton, England on April 2, 1912. Titanic arrives in Southhampton on April 3, 1912. The Titanic left Southampton on its maiden voyage on Wednesday, April 10, 1912 at 12:00 Noon.
How many passengers were there on board?
There were 3,547 passengers on board for a capacity of 2,603. There weren’t enough lifeboats to rescue every one.
VI. The final and fatal shock:
 The Titanic struck an iceberg on Sunday, April 14, 1912 at 11:40 pm.
 The Titanic sank on Monday, April 15, 1912 at 2:20 am.
VII. How many people died? How many survived?
 More than 2 thousand people died.  Only 705 passengers were saved and went aboard the Carpathia.
VIII. The story of the survivors: The story of the Titanic.