New Portfolio

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S ílvia S antos


Name: Geburtsdatum: Land: Adresse: Kontakten: E-mail: Linkedin Web Page:

SĂ­lvia Canastra SimĂľes dos Santos 25/04/1988 Portugal Frankfurt am Main, Germany +49 157 510 16331 (DE) +351 937 464 776 (PT)







Bachelor und Master in Architecture and Urban Planning - Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade TĂŠcnica de Lisboa (FAUTL) - 2006/2011 Istituto Universitario di Architecttura di Venezia (IUAV) - Erasmus for 1 year in 2009/2010

happarchitecture. JJH Architekten Gesellschaft GmbH Montijo City Hall, Stadtplanungsamt Sem Gaffes, associated architects Freiberuflich

Portugiesisch Spanisch Englisch Deutsch Italienisch

Archicad Autocad Photoshop Indesign Corel Draw Illustrator Office Sketchup

seit 2013 2012/2013 2012 2009/2013

Haupt Projekten

Villa B6 Ökosiedlung Schumacher Quartier Berlin-Tegel The Link p. 04 University Campus p. 08 Tilia 3 Höchst Neu Erleben Fuchstanz Palais Kalbacher Höfe Hindenburgring Aubuckel Siedlung p. 14 Fishenkai p. 20 Kommunale Bauleitplanung p. 24 Korkfabrik Legalisierung Autowäsche Wettbewerb Baumhaus Corte-Real Häuser Haus Erweiterung Golfplatz Schule Landschaftsplanung Schule Auditorium

Frankfurt am Main, 2016 Friedrichsdorf am Taunus, 2016 Berlin, 2016 Frankfurt am Main, 2015 Künzelsau, 2015 Bad Soden am Taunus, 2015 FFM-Höchst, 2014 FFM-Rödelheim, 2014 FFM-Kalbach, 2014 Bad Homburg v.d.H, 2014 Mannheim, 2013 Montijo, 2013 Montijo, 2012 Alcochete, 2012 Sintra, 2012

p. 30

Urban Voids Suture the City p. 34 Strukturelle Routen p. 46 Water City or Land City? p. 52

Rüdesheim am Rhein, 2014 Moita, 2013 Moita, 2013 Moita, 2010 Moita, 2010 Moita, 2009 Lissabon, 2011 Padua, 2010 Venedig, 2010


The Link Mehrfamilienhäuser


Projektleiterin 2015-2018 78 Wohnungen, 8.033 m2 BGF LPH 1-4, im Bau Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland

LEITIDEE Das Konversionsgrundstück im Stadtteil Gallus grenzt im Norden direkt an das Europaviertel. Eine hohe Mauer trennt derzeit die unvermittelt aufeinanderprallenden Milieus. Als Ausgangspunkt für eine Neu-


bestimmung des öffentlichen Raums umschließen die Neubauten unter Einbeziehung des Bestands an der Kölner Straße einen an drei Straßen angebundenen städtischen Block. Nach Osten rückt die Neubebauung

weit von der Grundstücksgrenze ab und macht Platz für eine Allee, die in Fortführung der Hellerhofstraße zukünftig beide Stadtteile miteinander verbindet und damit eine seit langem gewünschte Anbindung für Fußgänger und Radfahrer schafft.



Regelgeschoss Grundriss

Der nach Süd-Westen ausgerichtete, lärmgeschützte Gartenhof ist Schwerpunkt des neuen innerstädtischen Wohnquartiers. Die Neubauten fassen ihn von Norden und Osten ein und legen sich schützend um die privaten Gärten.

Nach Außen und zur Allee begrenzen in hell abgetönten Naturtönen verputzte städtische Lochfassaden mit großzügig gestalteten Hauseingängen den Raum. Sockelzonen und herausgehobene Gebäudeteile sind mit Verblendmauerwerk bekleidet, farblich abgesetzte und

hervortretenden Fenstereinfassungen sowie bodentiefe Fenster mit „französischen Balkone“ und tief eingeschnittene Fugen erzeugen ein lebendiges Fassadenrelief.





Campus Campus Neuanordnung


Projektleiterin 2015 2. Preis Offener Wettbewerb KĂźnzelsau, Deutschland

LEITIDEE Leitbild ist die Hochschule der kurzen Wege. Das Erschliessungssystem wird dazu grundlegend neu geordnet und erfüllt mit einer differenzierten Strassen und Wegehierarchie die Anforderungen an einen modernen Campus. Durch Verschiebung des Mittelanschlusses von der Morsbacher Straße nach Westen und Bau eines neuen, in Stufen ausbaubaren Parkhauses unmittelbar im Zufahrtsbereich ist der Campus frei von PKW-Verkehr.


Die neuen Forschungsund Institutsgebäude F und G formen mit den Bestandsgebäuden im zentralen Bereich um die denkmalgeschützte Hofratsmühle einen großzügig dimensionierten, baumüberstandenen Campus-Platz, von dem aus alle Hochschuleinrichtungen auf kurzem Weg erreichbar sind. Zum Kocher sind die Übergänge landschaftlich fliessend. Das Studierendenwohnheim liegt am östlichen Rand des Wettbewerbsgebiets und profitiert von der reizvollen Lage am Kocher.

Für die nutzungsoffenen Bereiche außerhalb der Hochschulerweiterung ist eine fächer förmig der Topographie folgende Bebauungsstruktur mit hoher Flexibilität vorgesehen, die auf den Anschluss der Fußgängerbrücke ausgerichtet ist. Der Bereich wird in Ost-WestRichtung von einem grünen Band für Fußgänger und Radfahrer durchzogen, das an den Campus anbindet. Der ufernahe Raum nördlich der Mittelerschliessung bleibt frei und wird landschaftlich gestaltet.



Querschnitt Lagpelan


LANDSCHAFTSARCHITEKTUR In Fortführung der reizvollen landschaftstypischen Strukturen in der näheren Umgebung werden die einzelnen Bereiche durch Wiesen, Strauchhecken und Baumreihen gegliedert. Wichtige Blickbeziehungen in die freie Landschaft werden aufgenommen und gestärkt. Der Campusbereich erhält zur Landesstraße aus Abschirmungs- und Lärmgründen eine dichte Abpflanzung, welche sich an den südlichen Rändern der zentralen Platzfläche auflöst. Die Campusmitte wird durch einen großzügigen, differenziert gestalteten Platz geprägt. Als Bindeglied formt er

die ihn umgebenden Bestandgebäude und Neubauten zu einem zusammenhängenden Ensemble. Mit Großzügigkeit und Aufenthaltsqualität bildet die Platzfläche gleichermaßen die öffentliche Bühne für das alltägliche studentische Leben, wie auch den notwendigen Raum für besondere Veranstaltungen der Hochschule. Ein lockerer Baumhain auf einem auf Sitzhöhe angehobenen Plateau bietet ruhigere Rückzugsmöglichkeiten und gliedert die Platzfläche räumlich. An der Nord-Ost-Ecke öffnet sich der Platz zum Kocher hin. Die Auflösung der

Platzkante ermöglicht die Erlebbarkeit des bewusst landschaftlicher gestalteten Bereichs und des anschließenden Naturraums. Der Fluss erfährt durch den gestalterischen Einbezug eine Aufwertung und wird zu einem identitätsstiftenden Element für den Campus. Zur weiteren Förderung des Naturerlebnisses sowie zur Schaffung von Retentionsraum ist zudem die weiterführende Renaturierung der angrenzenden Auenbereiche denkbar.


Erdgeschoss Campus Grundriss



Aubuckel Siedlung Mehrfamilienhäuser


2013 280 Wohnungen 27.850 m2 BGF 1.Preis - Eingeladener Wettbewerb Mannheim, Deutschland

LEITIDEE Die städtebauliche Idee vom familienfreundlichen „Wohnen im Park“ ist das Leitbild. Der Siedlungscharakter der Baukörper und die städtebauliche Figur der 50er Jahre werden prinzipiell erhalten und durch den eleganten Schwung der leicht gebogenen Zeilen, die sich organisch in den Freiraum integrieren, zeitgemäß neu interpretiert. Die Neubauten werden auf dem städtebaulichen Fußabdruck der Bestandsgebäude entwickelt, sie respektieren die Anforderungen der gegebenen In-


frastruktur bestmöglich und berücksichtigen mit durchdachten Grundrisslösungen die spezifischen neuen Anforderungen der heutigen Zeit hinsichtlich Wohntypen, Infrastruktur und Parkierung. Das Angebot an Wohnungstypen wird an die heutigen Bedürfnisse mit entsprechend von der GBG vorgegebenen neuen Wohnungsgrößen und Wohnungsmix angepasst. Die Wohnfläche kann dabei um 10% auf insgesamt ca. 22.212 m2 vergrössert werden.

Für den ruhenden Verkehr wird ein durchgängiges Parkierungssystem mit natürlich belüfteten Garagen im Gebäudesockel vorgeschlagen. Die vorhandene Parklandschaft mit dem Baumbestand bleibt weitestgehend erhalten. Klare Baukörper, sich wiederholende Fensterformate, Putzfassaden mit Ziegelsockel tragen zu einer wirtschaftlich tragbaren und gleichwohl dauerhaften und robusten Fassadengestaltung bei.




FREIRAUMGESTALTUNG Der Baumbestand – eine für die Nachkriegszeit typische Mischung aus Ziergehölzen und Exoten – hat sich über die Jahrzehnte prächtig entwickelt, vermittelt nahezu Denkmalcharakter und prägt den Standort über die Neubebauung hinaus. Mit der Beibehaltung der Kammstruktur bleiben die Baumstandorte weitgehend unberührt, der Park kann sich großzügig mit den Neubauten verzahnen.

körper neue Qualitäten. Während die Eingangsseiten wie gehabt auf Straßenniveau und damit barrierefrei bleiben, erhalten die Wohnzonen eine Hochparterrelage, die insbesondere den Wohngärten der Erdgeschosse einen angemessenen Abstand zum öffentlichen Grün schafft. Auf gleicher Höhe liegt die kopfseitige Hausterrasse als großzügiger Freisitz eines Zeilenpaares mit gemeinsamer Zugangsmöglichkeit über die Hausdurchgänge.

Die flachwelligen Übergänge aus den Hochparterrelagen bilden natürliche Nutzungsgrenzen und geben den Bauminseln einen akzentuierenden Rahmen. An ihrem Fuß liegen Muldenrigolen, die das Regenwasser von den versiegelten Flächen aufnehmen. Mit diesem leicht bewegten Relief korrespondieren die Spielplätze, die sich teils mit schattigen Ruhebereichen unter die Bäume schieben.

Dabei entstehen allein durch die Höhenlage der geplanten Bau-

Garten Ansicht




Erdgeschoss Grundriss




Fishenkai Ă–ffentliche Infrastruktur


2013 5.065m2 , Fertiggestellt Kooperation zwischen Stadtplanunsamt und SCUPA Montijo, Portugal

Concept Montijo has always had a strong connection with the river Tagus. Its birh and growth until the 20th century depended from the river, incluinding transportation, the connection with Lisbon and mean of subsistence, supporting a strong fishing community. The morphology of its riverfront was artificially structured with several salines and fish-ponds that worked through tide mills. The fishing community remained as one of the main activities in the city until the 1990s.

Until now the fishermen did not have a condign place in Montijo where they could approach and unload the fish, doing it in improvised quays. This activity almost disappeared from Montijo, but recently was an increase of interested people to take professional fishing as occupation. For that, it was necessary to build a properly quay. The place chosen for the new fishing wharf is an old fish-pond around one of the tide mill, being located in one of the most emblematical sites for this activity in Montijo.

From the existing mill there are only ruins left, showing how it was, how it worked and its dimension. This project is part of the plan to recover the city’s waterfront and the maintenance of their heritage. In this case the idea was to recover the old fish-pond space and the adjacent salt marine. The aim is that it can, in medium/long term range, be used as retention basins and be able to dredge naturally the river, increasing its navigability and thereby increasing the potential of the wharf.

Riverfront Montijo’s Ancient Carthography



1903 21

Section A

Section B

Section C


Intervention plan

Wharf floor plan

The project not only respond to the demands and needs presented by the fishing community as well as it is integrated in the context and with the surrounding landscape, integrating the existing mill as a centerpiece that gives identity and memory. The tide mill was kept as “clean ruin.” Since there is a wide variation in the tides (4m), the platform of the wharf is located at an elevated point of 3.15, 0.75m above the maximum height of tide to ensure safety. This wharf allows direct berthing at least for 12/13 boats, to maintain them and still have a small support

equipment to store the material necessary for the activity. In the construction level, it was decided to use 15 “boxes” in concrete, that were brought some years ago to the site, to the sides of the wharf tha are exposed to greater wear. These are protected and secured/ snapped by a prefabricated structure in reinforced concrete. The mill

is protected by an “open box” in gabions. The rest was done with sand landfill from the site. The inner side of the wharf is protected by riprap. The fact that was reused existing equipament and material from the site, we were able to keep ecological solutions together with a lowcost and prefabricated construction system.


Kommunale Bauleitplanung Städtische Entwicklung


2012/13 348,40 km2 Team koordiniert von Prof. SidĂłnio Pardal Montijo, Portugal

Concept This work aims to define of a territorial organization through urban planning for the development of Montijo, one of Lisbon’s metropolitan area councils. This metropolitan area, was the third that most grew

up in the last decade. Montijo has 348,4Km2 and is one of the few in Portugal that is divided in two parts geographically separated. In this case are aparted around 20km. It’s located South of Tagus river and the

main part of this territory consists of the riverfront land. Montijo West connect the two harbours through the new bridge (Vasco da Gama’s Bridge) and highway.

Mafra Vila Franca de Xira



Odivelas Amadora






Montijo Almada

Moita Seixal


Montijo Inside Lisbon’s Metropolitan Area





Montijo East is connected to Lisbon by the oldest bridge in the metropolitan area and it’s connected with North a highway and one of the main roads between the North and the South of Portugal. Montijo has always been the connection between Lisbon and Spain, where the main road to do this cross also connect the two parts of the council. Montijo West is integrated at the first ring around Lisbon, Riverine Arc South, which has the first level importance to turn the Tagus Estuary the centre of this metropoli-

tan area. The East part is dominated by forest and agricultural lands. The concept to organize the territory and its development is divide in territorial units which depends what uses exists. A group of uses determines what territorial unit will be developed, whether they will be urban, sylvan or agricultural. An aggregation of several territorial units origins a class which is decided by the uses on it.

more and bigger urban areas, sylvan or agricultural areas grouped in it territorial units. This concept is the result of an investigation work from university (Lisbon Technical University) and Montijo urban department. Is the first council in Portugal where this concept is trying to be applied. The idea is to turn Montijo in a case study, where the theory developed in the last decades is applied in reality.

The classes of soil use can be urban or rural, it depends if they have

East side

Urban Category/Territorial Unit Agricultural Category/Territorial Unit Sylvan Category/Territorial Unit West side


Application of the theory on Montijo’s council


Four areas

1. Urban perimeter - occupy the expectant spaces inside of urban perimeter, consolidate and stitch the existing urban tissue 2. Expansion areas - the City Hall will program the available areas to urban expansion through several plans. Most of them will stay with an open program to be adapted according to the needs. 3. Agricultural areas - urbanizations and land division are forbidden 4. Military Base - occupies a big part of this territory and has its own autonomy.

MONTIJO 1. Agricultural areas - the two main territorial units. Improve the silvan and agricultural activities; forbidEAST 2. Sylvan areas den the division of the property and contain the dispersed construction 3. Urban perimeter - to consolidate and to receive new constructions 4. Expansion areas - mainly to close the urban perimeters and to reinforce them has a place to habitat Five areas in this council’s side. 5. Airport Reserv - where are projected the high-speed rail service (TGV) to connect Lisbon with Europe and the new Lisbon airport which will shelter in its perimeter several industries, hotels and logistics related with these connections systems.

Planning Plant Proposed to Montijo’s Council



voked an uncharacterized city and disconnected between itself.

The delimitation of these units over the areas for urban expansions avoids the lack of control on the last decades regarding the new residence urbanizations that have pro-

It fits to the City Hall the responsibility to decide where and when it is going to happen the future city’s expansions and project and plan them. In this way returns to the City Hall


the capacity to decide how, when and where is going to be the new residence and economics expansions and developments. It returns to the municipality the decision about the expansion of the urban perimeter and it which measure.

Operative Units Plant Proposed to Montijo’s Council - West Side

The objectives to achieve with this new masterplan are: - To consolidate and to reinforce the existing urban perimeters, containing the construction outside this perimeter with more restricted rules in a way to get a better use and profitability of the existing infrastructures;

- Take advantage of the council’s position between Lisbon and Spain by exploit the historical connexion with Spain, the road and fluvial accesses and the proximity with the portuguese capital;

- Return to the municipality/city hall the capacity to decide how, when and where to do new residence and economics expansions and developments.


Corte-Real Häuser Doppelhäuser


2013 3.000m2 Direkt Auftrag Moita, Portugal

Concept This project offers a different way of living inside Lisbon’s Metropolitan Area. It is inserted in one of its councils on the South side of Tagus River and the houses are placed on a touristic and housing enterprise.

The houses are distributed in two plots with areas over 3.000m2. One of the main concerns about the houses location was keeping as many as possible the existing trees, conjugating them with the landscape and

surrounding. In this way, the exterior space was divided into five areas: an orchard for more privacy; one parte in the natural state; a small kitchen-garden; a garden; and one leisure area more private.

Aggregation of the houses

Site plan 31

North Elevation

South Elevation

2 1


98 prateleiras

11 3





7 6 89 7 6

Legend 1 - Hall 2 - Kitchen 3 - Living Room 4 - Bedroom 5 - Bathroom 32


1 2

11 5





6 - Master Bedroom 7- Closet 8 - Master Bathroom 9 - Laundry 10 - WC 11 - Corridor Ground florr plan

The house is divided in three parts: motor (kitchen and sanitary areas), public and private. The motor is in the North side, the private areas in the South and the public part is perpendicular to these two, closing the living functions. Therefore it is possible to appreciate the light and the

landscape that exists on the South. On the ground floor there is a transition space between bedrooms and living room with the exterior, which maintains the interior level. On the first floor there is an extra room and a terrace facing South. One of the

main characteristics of the house is the natural light present in all rooms. The colors and materials used are typical from the region. They were combined to reinforce the different prospect plans, giving texture and light to the houses.


Urban Voids Suture the City Temporary Residence


Universität Abschlussprojekt und Thesis 2011 13.700m2 BGF Prof. José Aguiar + Prof. Pedro Pacheco Belém, Lissabon, Portugal

Concept Lisbon presents many urban voids and the main concept consists in “urban acupuncture” through requalification and integration of these spaces in the city’s urban tissue. This project is focused in Lisbon’s waterfront because there is an abundance of urban voids that need regeneration. It is proposed using the urban voids as hinge spaces between the city and the river, strengthening this connections.

front, such as the physical barriers remaining between the two parts. The use of urban voids located here respond to these assumptions and also brings new uses and equipments that complements the existing needs.

Only acting simultaneously in this set of “expectant spaces” is possible to produce a strong effect and change in the city. The intervention doesn’t acts only in these spaces but also involves the requalification of the surrounding streets.

Currently there are several obstacles to use properly Lisbon’s water-

Expectant Spaces with Intervention Expectant Spaces in Intervention Expectant Spaces

Lisbon’s Waterfront Urban Voids 35



city and river

Opportunities to connect

Passage over railway

city and river

Project Site

Masterplan 36

The proposal focuses on the urban void left by the relocation of FIL (Lisbon Exhibition Fair) to Parque das Naçþes in the East side of the city. The idea is to keep this space with empty areas, as a memory of what was and as breathing space in the city, making a transition between the densest North and the river. This space remains public and open, in contrast to what happens today with these expectant spaces, which are mostly sealed. The proposed public space focuses in discovering the different spaces as you walk through the buildings. The project integrates with the existing urban tissue, serving as a connection point between the city and the waterfront.

This proposal integrates different uses in the block in order to reach more people and activities all day long, doing a mix between private and public uses and investments. The building on the west side is further developed including temporary housing, for students, teachers and tourists, among others. The main concept of the project is the dialogue between the interior and exterior environments and between the different floors. This concept is translated into a central space connecting the different levels, flooded with light. The multifunctionality of the building is present in the corridor that has enough quality to be living and working spaces.

The residence building in the ground floor allows different uses besides the inhabitants and hostel guests. About the tectonics, the main material is concrete, which is used for the structure and for the facades. Besides concrete, is used a system of yellow prefabricated ceramic panels applied through ventilated facade system. The color used in these panels is very typical in Lisbon and it serves not only to give more light and transmit energy to the block but also to reinforce the connection with the surroundings.

Building Organization Concept

Legend Residence


5 persons Apartaments

Circulation/Meeting Space

1 or 2 persons Apartaments

Ramp Acess

2 x Small Double Romms

2x2 Individual Romms

1 x 2 Big Double Romms


Dinner and Living room

Agreggation System of Residence Romms


Sudents Residence Axonometry Students Residence

Second Floor

Elevated Public Space

Multifunctional Corridor Hostel First Floor

Ground Floor 38


South Prospect

Longitudinal Section - Interior Prospect of the South Block 40



Transversal Section 43


Detailed Residence’s South Prospect


Strukturelle Routen Grundschule


IUAV ERASMUS 2010 ca. 6 Ha Prof. Fernanda de Maio + Prof. Chiara Tosi Padua, Italien

Concept The challenge was to create an urban system for the city, involving the block placed South to Prato della Valle, from Foro Boario to the Apiani Stadium, where a new school would be designed.

After a first analysis of the city it was noticed the existence of “expectant spaces� set on the South side of the town and around the walls. From this point we created a cycling and pedestrian urban system connecting these spaces. It was

proposed the reconversion of the urban voids into several typologies that would complement the existing needs in the city, making an urban acupuncture intervention, in order to revitalize the surrounding urban fabric.


Another goal was to keep the relation with the historical walls, an older urban system, creating new areas alongside them, where there are several green and leisure spaces.

Bike and Pedestrian Lanes System


The central Block was developed in more detail. The program consisted in a set of activities that work together with the new school. The concept of this intervention is based on the analysis of the existing flows. Also the velodrome is kept and adapted to new functions, com-

bining the existing geometry with the ground modulation, in order to keep the sensation of “emptiness” in where the city can “breathe.”

City Block Urban Flows

Proposal Pedestrian and Bike Route

Primary School Gym Shops Civic Center Newspaper Library Library

School Gym Nursery School Staff Area + Kiosks Welcome Centre

Restaurant Bike Renting Tourist Office Shops

City Block Proposal


The building developed in greater detail is the school, placed in the southern corner on the block. The project is developed on “L” shaped volume, over two floors. In the ground floor are the classrooms and on the first floor, the teacher’s rooms and special classes. The upper floor

is as mezzanine, achieving a constant visual communication between the two floors.

where is their respective classroom. Between two tons there is always an entrance to the building.

The façades have several colors following a color gradient scheme, transmitting more energy and making it easier for students to identify

All classrooms on the ground floor have direct access to a playground area.

School Axonometry






Teacher’s Office

Classroom Classroom Atrium/Entry




Water City or Land City? Marghera Watercity - New Venice


IUAV ERASMUS 2010 280 Ha Prof. Alberto Cechetto + Prof. Aldo Aymonino Venedig, Italien

Concept The challenge in this project was to create a new Venice: Venice of the year 2100. The intervention site is located in the industrial pole of Venice-Mestre in Marghera. This area is based on a landfill created for these industries and the goal is to consider what could happen in an hypothetical scenario where the industry disappeared. This would allow the crea-

tion of a new “water city� with ca. 4km2, where we would apply the same principles of the historical Venice island, but adapted to the 22nd century. The starting point was to understand which parts of this island could be important. The places where this relation was more intensive generated the city center, working as the main spine of the island.

Strategic Points 53

Proposal to Marghera - Venice in 2100 54

Considering that this project creates an urban tissue from scratch, one of the main ideas was to maintain and reconvert some of the existing buildings in order to keep the identity and relation with the industrial heritage. The main concerns in this new city were the public space, the creation of a public transportation system of the island with its surroundings and Venice and the establishment of a green and pedestrian system and road traffic. This new Venice required the creation of water channels, serving not only for leisure and relief of the city, but also as a means of transport and connection to the island of Venice, being able to keep one of the main characteristics of Venice, the water as a main feature for everyday life. These proposed channels work as the skeleton of the city’s new urban tissue, being wider or narrower according to the role of the channel.

Plans for: City Center Waterfront and Docks Waterfront Housing 55

SĂ­lvia Santos +49 157 510 16331

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