Holographic Reality - Do we live in a Simulation?

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Sílvio Guerrinha - All rights reserved © 2021 No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use - other than specific rights afforded the reader through purchase or "fair use" as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews – without the prior written permission of the publisher.

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Table of contents. Introduction …………………………………………. 8 to 11 We are not always conscious …..……………………. 12 to 14 The brain can’t distinguish real from imaginary… … ..…. 14 Eight brain circuits ………….………………………...15 to 16 Reality is what you believe …………………………….. 17 to 18 Demiurge …………………..…………………………… 18 to 21 Magnetites in our brain …………………………………. 22 to 25 Clues that we might be in a simulation ……….……………… 25 to 29 Simulation Hypothesis ………..…………………… 30 to 32 Digital physi……...………………………………………. 33 to 38 Does consciousness create reality? ….………………………. 39 to 41 Anunnaki and the illuminati ………………………….. 42 Did Neo transcend the Matrix or that was na illusion? …….. 42 The dream world and the astral plane …….……………….. 43 to 45 Altjeringa – The dream world .………………………. 45 Virtual reality ……………………………………………. 46 Robotic avatars ………………………………………….. 48 to 49 Brain Cloud Interface ………………..…………..…… 50 Parallel selves, multiexistence, reincarnations …... 50 to 54 Look-alikes that exista round the world …..………… 54 to 55 Māya- World of illusion ……..…………………..……………. 56 to 59 Descartes’ evil genius ……….………………………. 59 Perception ………….…………………………………… 60 to 61 Visible light spectrum ………………………………… 62 Diagram- Many realities …….……………………………. 65 Parallel realities, retrocausality ………………………… 67 to 68 Diagram- Parallel Universes, wormholes…..………….. 69 to 72 Is there one reality or several? ……………………… 73 to 75 (alfa reality, subjective reality, objective reality) ………... Noosphere, Akasha, Gaia ………….………………….75 to 76 Matrix …………………………………………………….. 79 to 81 The Wave Structure of Matter …………………………………

81 to 82 Multifrequency Matrix, the web of life …………..…… 84 Prakriti, Prthvi – Cognitive programs of the Matrix ….…….. 85 The Universe is mental ……………….…………………… 86 What is the purpose of this Matrix? ……………………….. 88 Reincarnations -Samsara cycle …………….………………… 89 to 92 Anunnakis, Elohim, Neteru gods ………………….. ….. 92 Glitches in the Matrix, déjàvu………………………….. 94 to 95 The human being’s curiosity ……………..…………. 95 to 97 Energy grid – Ley lines ……….…………………….….. 98 to 99 Do we have free will or are we programmed? 100 to 101 (conscious, subconscious, autoconscious) …………………. Alternative timelines, Destiny A, B, C or D …… 102 to 104 Like players in a game ……………………………. 105 to 106 Are we pre-programmed? Is there a Destiny? ………… 106 Are you free? ……………………………………. 107 to 111 Are we simulation..………………………………………… 111 Are you awake? …………………………………………… 112 A bit of science …………………………………………. 113 John Wheeler’s Participatory Universe ……………………. 113 Zeno Effect …………………………………………………. 114 Intelligent code in the Universe- Self-correction codes….. 114 Adinkras codes….…………………………………………. 115 Space-time itself can be a code ……………………… 117 Anti-de-Sitter Space…………….……………………………………. 117 The Universe is made of information …………….. 118 to 120 Scientists who believe in the Simulation Hypothesis 121 to 128 The Universe is like a neural network …..…………….. 129 Scientists are looking for a mirror Universe……… 132 to 134 Evidence of a multiverse? …………………………. 135 to 137 Mirror-Matter and Alice-Matter ………..…………. 138 to 139 Human beings want to escape reality – Mind upload. 140 to 146 CIA and The Gateway Process …………………….. 147 to 145 Solution: Exiting the Matrix? ……………………… 156 to 158

The human experience in the Matrix…………………… 159 Time travel ………….………………………………. 160 to 162 How does paranormal phenomena work?….…….. 163 to 167 The illuminati ………………………………………………. 167 Enlightenment- Nehast …………….……………………. 170 Awakenig from the Matrix ……..………………….. 171 to 173 We are all interconnected ……………………….. 174 to 181 Glossary of terms ……………………………… 183 to 208 Movies, TV shows and books ……………….………….. 209 Bibliography ………………………………………. 212 to 213 Navras Mantra ……………………….………………….……. 214

In this book, I will discuss the possibility of the world, and the entire Universe (in which we all are), to be a simulation. Therefore, I approach Simulationism and Holographic Cosmology (cosmoholography). Many highly regarded scientists and engineers also have the same view point, which is cited in this book. I use the Simulation Hypothesis as a point of reference and at the end of the book, I present a glossary of terms that will help the reader understand some concepts in a clearer manner. One of the main points is to understand the reality being constructed within us, which is based on our perceptual constructions. Everything around us may look totally different, as we can only see a very limited fraction of the visible light spectrum. We are not able to see anything at a higher frequency, and despite that we're not always consciously aware (more on this later). Our physical senses are limited, our vision for example, captures movement at 24 frames per second. A film is not a sequence of fluid movements, but a sequence of dozens of static images that are repeated per second (today there are HD cameras that film at 30 or 60 frames per second, others for slow motion film at 120 fps).

Everything that moves around us is in fact, sequence of static episodes in time, several static moments in time, that succeed each other, giving the illusion of movement (our brain assembles the inner film, with the sequence of 24 images per second). In a virtual game, movement is an illusion of our perception, it's just pixels that are recreated in sequential points (and compared to the background image, surroundings and background). The pixels of an object disappear and reappear in another position (giving the illusion that it has shifted), but in reality, new pixels appear: which means new "events" created. In our "real" world what we see are just atoms (material things) and photons (particles of light), our eyes capture the light reflected by all those atoms. When a person passes us, we see the atoms that compose him, moving in space-time.

In the Simulationism conjecture, "space" is the architecture of the nodes in a network, "time" is the processing cycle of nodes in a network and "objects" are distributed processing waves, that is, neither visible plane nor background are absolute. Everything is dynamic processing, be it time, space or objects. Therefore, reality and everything around us is interpreted by our brain according to the inputs of our perception of things. Linear time itself is just a perception.

The physical world is digital output of quantum processing from non-physical sources. In this model, quantum entities (nodes) are programs, motion is the transfer of processing, interactions are processing overheads, and the laws of physics are network properties.

Each reality is relative, defined and limited by the printed circuits of the nervous system of the receiver (individual). Reality is therefore a perceptual aggregation.

Neuroscientist, philosopher and professor of psychology at Stanford University: Karl Pribram, believes that the brain also looks like a lens and uses holographic principles to mathematically convert the received frequencies through the senses into the inner world of our perceptions.

But the most engaging aspect of Pribram's holographic model of the brain is what happens when it is coupled with Bohm's theory? If the "conceptivity" of the world is nothing more than a secondary reality and what is "there" is a holographic frequency blur, and if the brain is also a hologram and only selects some of the frequencies in this blur and mathematically transforms them in sensory perceptions, what is objective reality after all? Is the red rose being really red? No. Because it reflects the frequency of red and we pick up in the visible light spectrum. Simply put, it ceases to exist. Reality is not a place; it is a frequency. The world is actually silent and colorless. Sounds and colors only exist within us. They are particle vibrations, at a certain wavelength, which can be perceived by the auditory and optic nerves. Without them, we would see the world as it really is: silent and colorless. Just as we do not hear the ultrasound nor see the ultraviolet or infrared radiation. Source: Terra.com.br or https://tinyurl.com/ycnx8m5h

Colors are thus an optical illusion, what we see are reflected photons (light) from objects in some particular frequency ranges. Examples: red (405 to 480 Thz), yellow (510 to 530 Thz), blue (620 to 680 Thz), violet (680 to 790 Thz), wavelength and frequency possess inverse relationship, i.e. the shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency. Black is actually not even a color, but the absence of color (no or little reflected light). Black materials are materials that absorb all wavelengths of visible light. So if it absorbs everything, we don't get anything reflected back to us, then we see an absence of color: dark. On the other hand, a white wall is all colors but white, as we see "white" because that's the frequency it reflects (reflected light and frequency) to our retina.

Morpheus in "The Matrix" said: What is real? How do you define what is real? If you're talking about what can be smelled, tasted and seen, then real is simply an electrical signal interpreted by your brain.

Furthermore, quantum physics has proved that when we observe something, we break the wave function, the observer effect can even make an atom change its state. How can we trust 100% in what we observe? When a person is hypnotized, the hypnotist manipulates how the individual's perception works. If you are told that you are a chicken, you start waving your arms and pecking at the ground, your perception of reality has been reprogrammed. What you understand as real is not reality, but your manipulated individual reality instead.

We are not always aware of our surroundings: We are often in “off” mode.

Most of the time we are in the unconscious (automated) mode, for example, when walking and already know the route, or when driving the car from work to home: driving without taking any idea of the route, which is already known, then you go into automatic mode. Only if some strange obstacle or a different situation arises in front of you, then you become aware and react. Have you noticed that sometimes you spend tens of minutes daydreaming? A study by a group of psychophysicists at the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland

concluded that awareness is not always continuous, we have long periods of unconsciousness interspersed with brief moments of awareness. The lead author of the study is Michael Herzog, which was published in Trends in Cognitive Sciences. According to him; "A person goes from unconsciousness to consciousness upon waking up in the morning or from anesthesia. Most philosophers agree with the idea of continuous awareness because it follows basic human intuition." Psychophysicists Leila Drissi-Daoudi and Adrien Doerig argue that the human mind is made up of two stages: "Conscious awareness is preceded by a long period of unconscious processing, this is because the human being needs to process information continuously, but not you can perceive them without stopping”. "Thoughts and surroundings are unconsciously updated; if something doesn't make sense, you change your route." “Conscious processing is overrated. We should give weight to the processing period that takes place in the shadows. We would have that extra dimension of time to solve problems if people took it seriously.”

Source, Science Daily: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/09/20090311421 4.htm

The brain can't distinguish real from imaginary:

When we observe any object outside our perception, we request a sequence of neurons and a pattern of brain firing. If we imagine an object, the process is the same: the same sequence of neurons and firing pattern will create a representation, that is, an image that represents that tool. Therefore, the brain does not differentiate reality from imagination. The brain uses the same circuits when sensing an external reality and an internal reality.

Buddha in the Dhammapada, says in one verse: "Everything is anticipated by the mind, inclined by the mind. We are today what we thought in the past. We will be the thought of today tomorrow. We are a mental creation."

Holographic Reality - Sílvio Guerrinha © 2021

Eight brain circuits:

The terrestrial circuits:

1. The Biosurvival Circuit: Printed in childhood. Concerns about nutrition, affection, biosecurity.

2. The Emotional-Territorial Circuit. Printed at the stage of learning to walk. Concerned with territorial issues, emotional power tactics, strategies of domination and political submission.

3. The Semantic Circuit. Printed by human artifacts and symbol systems. Concerned with dealing with the environment, invention, calculation, prediction, building a "map" of the universe.

4. The Sociosexual Circuit.

Impressed by early orgasm mating experiences and tribal "morals". Concerned about sexual pleasure, local definitions of "moral" and "immoral" reproduction, nurture young people.

II. Extraterrestrial circuits:

5. The Neurosomatic Circuit: Impressed by ecstatic experience through physiological or chemical yogas. Concerned with neurologicalsomatic feedbacks, feeling high somatic reprogramming (Christian Science, faith healing, etc.).

6. The Meta programming circuit: Printed by advanced yogas. Concerned with reprinting and reprogramming all previous circuits, the relativity of perceived "realities", cybernetic consciousness.

7. The Neurogenetic Circuit: Printed by advanced yogas. Concerned with evolutionary consciousness (past and future), DNARNA-brain feedbacks, Jung's "collective unconscious".

8. The Neuroatomic Circuit:

Printed by shock or near-death experience. Concerned with quantum consciousness, non-local consciousness (beyond spacetime), so-called "PSI" or "magical" powers, enlightenment.

Reality is what you believe.

If everything that exists (including our Universe) is a simulation (Holographic Universe theory, that is, Holographic Cosmology) it means that it was artificially constructed, there is a programmer (Divinity, an omnipresent and omniscient Sintellect), then what is the purpose of simulation? A study setting? In Genesis chapter 1:3, God said, “Let there be light” and there was light. Was it the Big Bang (already refuted by some scientists) in the creation of this Universe, or is Light the projection of this Holographic reality? Scientists believe that the collision of high-frequency light in a vacuum can create matter.

Astronomers discover intelligent radio signals emitted by pulsars, quasars, neutron stars. They will never admit that these signals are extraterrestrial, not because it would shock humanity or

because there is censorship, but because the truth is so much more frightening. These signals are not extraterrestrial, they are a kind of binary code, the encoding that supports the Universal hologram. Cosmic rays reaching our planet Earth are also an evidence of holographic projection. Cosmic rays have a finite amount of energy and decay over time. When they reach Earth, they all have similar amounts of energy, with a maximum of 108 electron volts. This suggests that all cosmic rays have similar starting points. Cosmic rays are extremely penetrating particles with high energy, typically of 10 electron volts. They are mostly made up of protons and other atomic nuclei, but there are also electrons, positrons, antiprotons, neutrinos and gamma photons.

And behold, Genesis becomes like this Gene.sys (Sys alluding to system, operating system)

If the Universe is a simulation, then the “God” who created this holographic scenario is a good or a bad god? Was it the Demiurge that gnosis mentioned? The G.A.O.T.U (Great Architect of the Universe) that freemasonry refers to?

Demiurge: According to Gnosticism, Demiurge was a false god, he created this universe and this reality as an illusion, some associate him with Yahweh/ Yaldabaoth. In Babylon it was Enlil, in Egypt it was Ptah. Some occultists associate this god with Saturn "El", several god names ended in El, the Caananite (Phoenician) word for god was "El", worshipedBa'al Hammon (which the Greeks identified as Saturn). The term Elohim (starts with El) means gods (plural). Ēl (‫ )אל‬is a Northwest Semitic word translated into English either as god or as ... ELOHIM (in Hebrew) = El + Iah + im (im is a plural indication). So the Archons (gods, Elohim, in the plural) were extraterrestrials in the service of a superior being (Demiurge) who created this hologram universe? And Saturn would be his control base and the frequency transmitter located in our solar system? Saturn resembles a dish that transmits a signal, its rings are made up of billions of pieces of rock and ice that behave like crystals, and Saturn emits frequencies towards the Earth from both poles. These radio waves differ from “natural space noise” picked up near other planets, appear more organized and have a mechanized origin.

These sounds are audible to the human ear, are actually radio and plasma waves (or particles colliding and being vaporized, etc.) which were later converted by Cassini to sound waves for analysis. Another Saturn phenomenon is the perfect hexagon at the South Pole, first photographed during the Voyager mission in 1981. NASA scientists were surprised by the perfect shape of the hexagon, even if it's atmospheric winds or storms, as they form a hexagon, geometrically perfect, not a circle? This hexagon is 13800 km in diameter (larger than Earth's, that is, our planet would fit inside), and 32000 km high. It rotates with a period of 10h 39m 24s, the same period as Saturn's radio emissions from its interior. In fact, the hexagon is more likely to be a pattern caused by sound frequencies than by storm winds. Cymatics is the science that studies sound and certain frequencies which can draw these geometric patterns on a metallic sheet covered with sand, the sand grains assumed these geometric patterns. The term Kymatica was coined by Swiss scientist Hans Jenny. It is derived from the Greek Kyma, meaning "wave", and ta, kymatika meaning "matters concerning waves" or vibrations. In astrology Saturn is the "lord of karma" and destiny. And if we go with the hidden symbology, notice that Saturn with the rings, if seen on the side, it has a "disk" shape, but if seen from above, it resembles an eye, "The all seeing Eye”. In fact, the vortex in Saturn's hexagon is sometimes called the “eye”.

The Hexagon, for example, has been adopted by some countries and religions (e.g. the Star of David, the 6pointed star in Judaism, or Israel). On October 7, 2009, NASA's Spitzer telescope discovered a gigantic new ring around Saturn, so large that it would take 1 billion planets Earth to fill the space it occupies, 36 million km in diameter. The announcement was made by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and published in the journal Nature. Now a question arises that is the demigod or false god, Demiurge, who is the meta-programmer of this simulation, is outside of it, rather than inside his own simulation? We can create a virtual reality game and go inside (with VR glasses and a haptic suit, for example) and have an immersive experience. God can thus also be inside the simulation, transferring his consciousness to everything that exists, all the atoms and subatomic particles in the Universe, the simulated universe itself can have a self-conscious source code and in fact, some scientists believe this.

Information processing or transcendent computation is the essence of the phenomenon we experience as consciousness, so that, in absolute reality, the fundamental substance of existence is pure consciousness or computation.

Our minds are a kind of non-local “holographic software”, the mind is not physically in the brain but interacts with brain areas and neuronal connections. Our mind can remotely receive information (encoding) by light (photons in quantum entanglement). The light that comes from the Sun, from other stars in the universe, or even cosmic rays. Light is information. Human consciousness is a complex pattern of vibrations and several layers of interacting resonant frequencies. There are chips made of carbon, the human body also has carbon in its constitution (18%). Furthermore, we have millions of magnetites in our brains.

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