What is Your Social Media IQ?
2020 Guide to Social Media Image Sizes for Your Social Media Platforms By Nellie Hathorn
Attention to detail is the subtle difference between 'okay' and 'EYE CATCHING.' When you're competing with so many other influencers and businesses on social media, you need to aspire to the latter, in everything that you do. That's even more the case right now. Currently with COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns, an
increasing number of businesses are looking to maximize their online presence and maintain their operations utilizing Social Media Platforms tools and Apps. That means even more comp-etition, so you need to make sure that you're paying attention to every element, graphic and content to ensure you're standing out from the crowd. This includes your posted images on your Social Media Platforms. Using the right image and dimension requirements for each platform will ensure that your visuals look their sharpest and provide the best reflection of your brand. And that's where this guide can help - Here is an updated, platform-byplatform overview of optimal image sizes to help keep your content looking its best. Tear out and keep the guide as reference. We hope you find this information helpful. If you have any social media questions, please email them to socialmediaiq@ If you would like to learn more about Social Media Marketing Services, call Accipiter Marketing at 951-777-9850. Have a great day!