Prosider Spring 2011 Wedding Issue

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FREE Spring 2011

WeddingGuide Have yourself a “stress free” wedding Brand new Health section – Is Asprin safe to use? Goitstock - A walk through the Hidden Valley

Issue sponsor

Contributions: Alan Cattell David Dinsey Heyla Arbabha Cineworld - Bradford Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures UK Wren Copywriting Girl Guiding UK Solna Burnham Bingley Handbell Ringers Lauren Ives Naveed Ahmed Vicky Lomax Simon Grazeley, Doctor @ Canalside Health Centre Ali Brooks Photo Credits: Bradford Libraries John Steel Photography Annia Harrup Mathew Imison Picselect Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures UK Distribution Area Bingley, Eldwick, Gilstead, Harden, Wilsden, Keighley, Baildon, Saltaire and Shipley Contact Editor - Simon Harrup: Kimberley:

Tel: 01274 288 011 We hope that all information contained in The Prosider will be useful and interesting. We encourage readers to come forward with their views on content in this issue. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in the publication, The Prosider and Overt Marketing Ltd cannot accept responsibility for any errors it may contain. All issues and editions of The Prosider is sole property of Overt Marketing Ltd. The Prosider and Overt Marketing Ltd cannot be held responsible or legally liable for the loss of damage or any material, solicited or unsolicited. No reproduction of any part of this publication, in any form or by any means is permitted without prior written consent from Overt Marketing Ltd. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the advertisers or the publishers. All magazine content has received the necessary approval/ permission, to be included, by necessary parties.

Welcome Welcome to the all-new Prosider magazine. If you picked up a copy of our last issue (Prosider Guide 2011), you will have noticed it was a smaller, compact size. The feedback we received from you, the reader was that it was more accommodating and a handy little handbag size, so this got us thinking! We decided that going forward we would create a custom sized magazine that would enable our readers to carry it about with them but still giving our customers the impact they require for their advertising. So .. here is our new custom made format of the Prosider. You will see that we have still kept the same quality you love about the magazine. In this issue, our Spring / Wedding Special, you will find lots of advice and tips for your big day. We appreciate that not all our readers are looking to tie the knot, so we have also included lots of interesting articles to read about the local community we live in. We have two fantastic articles from our resident Historian Alan Cattell. Once again, he has written some amazing historical facts on Bingley and the surrounding areas. Our usual business articles are also in the magazine, to encourage you to buy from local independent businesses. Try them out, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how cost effective shopping locally can be. The movie pages are back, with two fantastic films showing at Cineworld Bradford, I am No. 4 and West is West. With free tickets and merchandise up for grabs, turn to these pages for further information on how to enter the competition. Well, I hope you enjoy this issue of the Prosider Magazine, as usual any feedback would be greatly received. Please email: Best wishes Simon Harrup Editor

Contents Wedding photo shoot contributors: John Steel Photography Annia Harrup Photography Midland Hotel Oakwood Hall Hotel Shirbar Exclusive Liz Farrar, Elizabeth Jayne Bridal Sarah Scaife, Simply Weddings Tannia Summers - Tantalising Flowers Leensi, Ophiuchus Hair Salon Gemma Stott, Hudson & Stott Nikki Herberts, Make-up Artist Models: Stacey Lewis Kaylee Lewis Georgia Harrup Katie Pentith

6 Bingley Town Centre Round Up

David Dinsey’s Report on the Town Centre

8 Pre-Raphaelite Movement

Pre-Raphaelites in Bingley

14 Wedding Guide

All things Weddings for 2011

40 Look Good Feel Good

A guide to health beauty & style

50 Health Matters

The truth about Asprin

54 Goitstock Walk

Discover the hidden valley

60 Dream Chaser

An up and coming comedian tells all

64 Movie Review

Reviews & Competition

73 Education

For the latest on what’s happening in Schools & Colleges

80 Mechanics Institute

The oldest building on Bingley Main Street

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Bingley Town Centre round-up David Dinsey Bingley Town Centre Manager

As Bingley Town Centre Manager, I have had the pleasure of providing editorials for the Prosider for quite some time now even going back to when it was known as the “Insider”. However, sadly I might add, this will be my last editorial as Bingley’s Town Centre Manager. As some of you may remember, I started in the role as Bingley’s Town Centre Manager in October 1997, which does seem an eternity ago now but, during that time, we have all seen a great many changes in Bingley – changes of which I am extremely proud to have participated in and I do hope that readers will agree that all these changes have been of a positive nature. I have always thought of Bingley’s exciting regeneration programme as a giant jigsaw puzzle - ostensibly simple - as everyone involved could see where the pieces were meant to fit together but getting them in place did require a lot of hard work and commitment from everybody. The building of the long awaited Bingley Relief Road (the initial part of the jigsaw) which commenced in 2001 - opened to the public in December 2003 -and, after being ‘officially’ opened in January 2004 by the Rt. Hon. John Prescott MP Deputy Prime Minister was, I do believe, the catalyst for many of those changes. The subsequent work which was carried out to upgrade Main Street i.e. new lamp posts, street furniture, pedestrian crossing points, on street time restricted free parking, 20 mph speed restrictions, and the partial closure of Queen Street, notwithstanding the “jewel in the crown” Bingley’s Town Square, where the three day Market and other events have subsequently taken place, was the second part of the jigsaw. For the third part of the jigsaw, we saw the partial demolition of the Myrtle Walk Precinct with ‘5RISE’ taking its place. The Co-Operative remained as its anchor store

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and we have subsequently welcomed the new retail offer now occupying units. Sainsbury’s planning application which will be the final part of the jigsaw puzzle, is currently being processed and we should shortly know the outcome which will, I am sure, be positive. Over the years we have seen the annual Bingley Christmas event grow; we had the very successful ‘Lantern Processions’ which was originally suggested to myself by Liz Palliser and her husband, the late Neil Palliser, who became very dear friends, and we have had two extremely successful ‘Fine Food Festivals’ with James Martin as the Celebrity Chef. How can I talk about Bingley without mentioning the ‘Bingley Show’? … which I do believe should be renamed ‘The Great Bingley Show’. This year The Airedale Agricultural Society will proudly celebrate their 131st show which is scheduled to take place on Saturday 23rd July, 2011, an event which should not be missed. Other notable successes have been ‘Bingley Music Live’ which has “morphed” into a three day event. This year’s event is scheduled to take place during the weekend of the 2nd – 4th September, 2011, and will again be held in Bingley’s superb Myrtle Park which is a perfect setting for this not to be missed event.

Community Let us also not forget that Bingley is a Fairtrade Town! I could go on and on about the wonders of Bingley but I think it is now time for me to walk away quietly into the sunset. Those that know me well will understand how passionately I have felt, and still very much do feel about Bingley, and I would therefore like to take this particular opportunity, via the pages of ‘Prosider’, to personally thank all those of you who have supported me over the years and I wish all of you the very best for the future.

Remember - Bingley is a great Town – it is your town, so please do still continue to show your utmost support to all those that trade in Bingley and please remember to shop locally wherever possible! With very best wishes David Dinsey Bingley Town Centre Manager

Note from editor... The Prosider team would like to say a big thank you to David for his contribution to the Prosider magazine over the years. David has been a strong supporter of the magazine since the early days and as a community magazine we rely heavily on support from both residents and people working and supporting development in the community. More importantly... We would like to thank David for his good work in the community. The many projects David has been involved in over the last 14 years have indeed brought about positive changes to our much loved town. Changes that we will continue to enjoy for many years to come. Many thanks for all your hard work David, and all the best for the future. Simon Harrup Prosider Editor

Get your copy of Prosider Here at Prosider, we are striving to deliver to as many outlets as possible, so that it makes it more accessible to you .. ...The reader!! Did you know you can now pick up a copy of the Prosider in Sainsburys in Keighley, all the local Co-ops in the area! You can also pick up a copy whilst shopping in any of the retail outlets in Bingley, Shipley, Saltaire and Baildon. You are likely to see the Prosider sitting on all the Doctors Surgeries coffee tables, Dentists, Pubs & Bars, Fast Food outlets, Coffee houses, Libraries, Council Shops, Gyms, Hotels and Garden Centres! So you will never be without your Prosider magazine!!! Keep an eye out for it wherever you go!

We have been listening to our readers request and as a result will be increasing our door-door distribution over the coming months. With a new distribution team we hope that you will receive your copy through your letter box. If not, please get in touch and we will try to put you on the distribution route.

Please register for our Shop Local campaign at to get the latest offers, and an online issue e-mailed directly to you... WIN FREE Cinema Tickets & I Am Number 4 Merchandise... see page??

In this article local historian Alan Cattell traces the links between a national phenomenon, The Pre Raphaelite Movement, and local art and craft commissions in the Aire Valley in the 1860’s and 1870’s Background to Morris and the Pre Raphaelites

William Burges

What, you may ask, had the industrial areas of the Aire Valley to do with the Pre-Raphaelites? The district was in fact a pioneer in recognizing the merits of William Morris and his ideas and as such a number of local benefactors were at the forefront of being early supporters of the firm of Morris, Marshall, Faulkner and Co which was founded in 1861. Leach and Pevsner (2009) The Buildings of England –West Yorkshire state “During the 1860’s Bingley was for a short time an example of the artistically innovative with work by Norman Shaw, Morris and Co and William Burges amongst others”. A National Perspective

Historic Images courtesy of Bradford Libraries

William Morris was one of the most significant voices in Victorian art and architecture, and his influence also helped shape the Arts and Crafts Movement of the 20th Century In 1859 Morris commissioned a friend Philip Webb, to design a new home for him called The, Red House in Bexley Heath. The house was to be built in a simple style using traditional materials. Morris found it difficult to find good internal decoration, textiles and furniture to suit this philosophy, so he decided to design them himself. With the help of friends including Edward Burne-Jones, Dante Gabriel Rosetti, Ford Maddox Brown and Webb he did so, later forming a small firm, eventually called Morris and Company, to sell the products they designed. William Burges was an early visitor to Morris’s Red House in the summer of 1861.


Behind Morris’ designing there was a profound social philosophy. He was a committed socialist and medievalist who was horrified by increasing mechanization and mass-production in the arts. His dream was to re-establish the values of traditional craftsmanship and simplicity of design. Under Morris’ leadership the company soon made a name for itself as a high quality producer of stained glass, furniture, wallpaper and textiles. The firm’s medieval inspired ethic and respect for hand crafts and traditional textile arts had a major influence on the decoration of houses and churches which carried over into the 20th Century. So where does the Aire Valley fit in? A Local Perspective The mid 1800’s and effects of industrialisation saw a move away from control by a local “Squirearchy” based on land ownership and inheritance, to a “network of influence” formed by new money and created by the expansion of the local manufacturing base and industrialisation. Local manufacturers became involved in church and local business and political affairs as well as seeing themselves as patrons of the arts as regards building, furnishing or decorating their new or refurbished large houses. To an extent evidence suggests that a philosophy of “keeping up with the Jones’s also existed amongst these “benefactors”. In researching this article I became aware that many of the sources used made mention of one individual Pre Raphaelite application locally rather than seeking to make links with others. In the article I will highlight in bold those names and places which are common denominators potentially linking with each other. I have identified religious buildings in Bingley and Bradford and houses in Harden, Bingley and Silsden. For the purposes of this - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

History dedicated to a friend of his should be awarded to the company, even though this was said to be only their third commission” This was carried out as was subsequent work for the Cathedral. John Aldam Heaton

article I will concentrate on those buildings which had Pre Raphaelite connections between 1860 and the early 1870’s Woodbank – Harden John Aldam Heaton a manufacturer at Beehive Mill in Bradford moved to Woodbank an ancient farm near Harden in May 1860 (Speight 1898 Old Bingley). He followed an interest in designing furniture, stained glass and wallpaper and was strongly influenced by the Pre Raphaelite movement. He was one of the first in this district to recognise the merits of the work of Morris and his friends. The Holy Trinity Church Centenary Brochure 1868 – 1968 establishes “Amongst Aldam Heatons friends were Rossetti, BurneJones, William Morris, and Norman Shaw. It is significant that examples of work by all these men are found in Bingley”. Heaton invited Rossetti to stay at Woodbank to paint a portrait of Mrs Heaton which was eventually commissioned as a stained glass window for the house. In a letter to Heaton, in October 1861, Rossetti says” I could spare a fortnight which, with hard work on my part and kind abundance on Mrs Heaton’s, would suffice to do the portrait if not finish the picture” In the event Rossetti stayed for a month between November and December 1861. Lawson (1985) The Bradford Antiquary Volume 1, Third Series; records that this must have been amongst the first products of the Morris studio. In 1862 Heaton had a hand in recommending the Bradford Architects Knowles and Wilcock and the Morris Company to a textile manufacturer, Walter Dunlop who leased Harden Grange in that year. Heaton in making recommendations was extremely confident of the quality of Morris’s work. This matches a statement by Rossetti in January 1862 “Our stained glass may challenge any other firm to approach it” In 1863 Heaton suggested that the commission for glass at Bradford Cathedral and the design of a memorial window

Aldam Heaton is attributed by The Stained Glass Museum, Ely as probably having designed a Star of David window for Holy Trinity Church Bingley in the early 1870’s Heaton left Harden to set up his own business in London as an artistic decorator. As his business developed he worked in collaborative partnership with Richard Norman Shaw an architect who besides having a national profile, carried out commissions at Bingley Holy Trinity Church and at Silsden House. Amongst work which Heaton did during his later career was the design and decoration of the State Rooms of the Titanic. Harden Grange In 1862 Walter Dunlop made a number of additions to Harden Grange including building a music room and an entrance hall and staircase to showcase Morris glass. Morris provided Dunlop with a programme for the work entitled “Short abstract of the romance of Tristram” The theme of the 13 small stained glass windows was built around the story of Sir Tristram and la Belle Isoude. Morris commissioned four of the artists who had previously worked with him on another Arthurian legend project, to design the cartoons and drawings for the 13 panels. Morris himself designed four of the panels with others being designed by Burne –Jones, Rossetti, Madox Brown and Val Prinsep. Dunlop worshipped at Bingley All Saints Church and paid for the purchase of two bells which made a new peal of eight bells at the church. In 1917 the Tristram and Isoude windows and the short abstract were acquired by Bradford Art Gallery. Silsden House Records at the Stained Glass Museum show that in 1863 Rossetti designed a series of stained-glass panels for Charles Hastings a Bradford Worsted Spinning Manufacturer, for his house in Silsden. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


History They depicted the twelve Labours of the Months and were part of the décor of the house, designed by the architect Norman Shaw. Whilst a sketch design (March – A Woodcutter) and two of the panels (August – Threshing and December – Killing a Hog) still exist in the William Morris Gallery at Walthamstow the others remain untraced. It is however known that the glass was removed before the house was demolished in 1903. Evidence that there was a Pre Raphaelite connection with the house is shown in the notice of sale of the house in the Leeds Mercury of March 6th 1888:

Mr William Lawson, Auctioneer, Bradford Begs to announce that he has received instructions to sell by auction the residence of Mr Charles Hastings, Silsden House, Silsden. “The Choice and elegant contents of the above Country Mansion are all of fine quality, style and design and in excellent condition. The lots include the tastefully designed appointments of dining room and drawing room suites from the designs of R Norman Shaw, William Morris and others. Omnibuses meet every train from Bradford and will take passengers up to the house”.

Oakwood Hall In 1864 a recently married Thomas Garnett co-founder of Gillies Garnett Stuff Merchants, commissioned architects Knowles and Wilcox to design a new gothic villa for him in Bingley, called Oakwood Hall... Taylor and Symondson (Architectural Review July 1968) Burges and Morris at Bingley – A Discovery identify that for advice on the interior decoration for his new home, Garnett turned to his cousin Charles Beanlands (born in Bingley) who was founder vicar of St Michael’s Church, Brighton. Beanlands had also been the presiding vicar at Garnett’s wedding in Scarborough. He also had experience of the work of Burges and Morris who had designed a series of windows and furnishings for his new church at Brighton and was consequently happy to recommend them and their fellow artists to Garnett. On receiving the commission William Burges contacted the architects and prepared Detail Drawings of Furniture etc for Thomas Garnett, Oakwood, Bingley, Designed by William Burges, Architect.. This showed architects plans of the building, furniture, layout, ceilings, wall panels and fireplaces in the lounge and dining room and is now held in the RIBA Collection at the Victoria and Albert Museum. Having viewed it as part of my research, it captures the Pre Raphaelite style of Burges in terms of the colour, style and flair which he is suggesting to Garnett. Notable amongst the watercolour drawings are two fireplaces. Whilst one no longer exists, the other carved by Thomas Nicholls with letters TG in a shield signifying the owners name, and surmounted by a Lincoln Imp, is still resplendent in what is now the bar of the Oakwood Hotel. The ceiling in this room is also the original designed by Knowles and Wilcox. Morris and Burne- Jones are attributed with the design of the stained glass windows at the top of the stairs on the first floor landing above the entrance. These show St George flanked by female figures of the Four Seasons as well as depicting Chaucer flanked by the heads of four female Chaucerian Heroines. A white rose and red rose are also included on two upper lights indicating that the Garnett family lived in both Yorkshire and Lancashire.

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The rather grand fireplace at Oakwood Hall - Bingley.

History Holy Trinity Church In 1874 a twenty two feet six inches by four feet six stained glass window attributed to Burne- Jones and Morris was installed in the east window of the church. The upper part depicted a large crucifix and the lower, the Crucifixion and Sacrifice of Isaac. The church was demolished in 1974 and glass from the windows was acquired by Bradford Museums and Galleries. Design of the church, school and vicars residence is attributed to Norman Shaw. Local Networks My research has highlighted the possible direct and indirect links between the Pre Raphaelite sponsors in the local area, mainly through church contacts. Advertisements in the Leeds Mercury of the time also show that Dunlop, Garnett, Hastings and Aldam Heaton were all General Committee members of the Bradford arm of the British Association for the Advancement of Science who would have come into contact with each other on a regular basis in business terms. Morris and the Pre Raphaelites Networks Burne Jones and Morris 1890

Richard Norman Shaw

Garnett and his wife died within a few days of each other in 1916. His eldest son Harold sold Oakwood and moved presumably with any Burges furniture into White Lodge the former vicarage of Holy Trinity Church, Bingley. I have managed to trace a card table described in Burges’ Detail Drawings to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts but apart from this it has not been possible to trace any further Burges furniture. Whilst Garnett and his family were initially regular worshippers at Bingley All Saints Church, records show that from the 1870’s they transferred to Holy Trinity Church. An article in the Keighley News in May 1912 states “Mr and Mrs Garnett have always been amongst the best supporters of Holy Trinity Church and the interests of the church and school have always held a warm place in their hearts”. Bingley All Saints Church



In 1870 Norman Shaw carried out restoration of the north chapel. In 1873 a memorial window to four children who died in infancy was designed by Burne-Jones and erected as the north chancel chapel window of the church. The three panels illustrated Angels playing long trumpets. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

The members of Morris’s artistic and architectural network obviously exchanged information on commissions with each other. What is also apparent is the link to architects such as Norman Shaw and sculptors like Thomas Nicholls and the use of local architects Knowles and Wilcox. In later life Morris became a founder of the Socialist League and visited Keighley and Bingley to espouse his socialist beliefs. Morris’ Dilemma Whilst politically he was a committed socialist, artistically it seems ironic that his ideal of “by the people, for the people” was at odds with the fact that initially only those with considerable wealth or sponsorship could afford the fruits of his and his colleagues artistic endeavours! And Finally........... Between 1870 and 1873 work began on building perhaps the most Gothic of all the large houses in the local area. Milner Field designed by architect Thomas Harris and built for Titus Salt Junior as a home for his family also had Pre Raphaelite connections..... but more of Milner Field in the next edition of Prosider.

Oakwood Hall Hotel

A favourite

Bingley Wedding venue for many years

The restaurant can seat up to 75 guests and the Garnet Room up to 40 the two rooms combined can easily seat 130 guests. However for informal evening wedding parties and other functions we can cater for up to 200 guests with a buffet. An imposing Victorian, Gothic style Grade II listed building with open fires, four poster beds, landscaped gardens and patios within quiet woodland creating a beautiful backdrop for your wedding or simply a quiet retreat. Oakwood Hall has achieved a worthy reputation as a venue for both civil marriages and high class wedding receptions along with private functions, conferences and seminars. Oakwood Hall is also renowned for its Sunday lunch, and are very proud of the fact that the restaurant not only satisfies guests, but also entices non-residents over and over again.

20 bedrooms Bar staffed 24 hours Ample Free Car Parking Quiet Woodland Setting En-Suite Bathrooms WIFI, Colour TV, CD Player Direct Dial Telephone Alarm Clock Radio Tea & Coffee Making Facilities Iron and Ironing Board Trouser Press, Hair Dryer Some Rooms have Four Poster Beds Four Bedrooms Situated on the Ground Floor

Oakwood Hall Hotel - Lady Lane, Bingley, West Yorkshire BD16 4AW Telephone: +44 (0)1274 564123 email:

Wedding Guide We all knew that when Prince William and Kate Middleton announced they were getting married in April that all things weddings would be the topic of conversation, especially with the ladies. If you are planning your wedding in 2011 or 2012, there’s sure to be no shortage of experts giving you the low down on what you should be wearing, how you should be wearing it and how to make your big day run as smoothly as possible. So here at Prosider we’ve put together a very special wedding guide to help you along your way. We’ve got tips from our wedding expert at Elizabeth Jayne Bridal, along with a selection of images taken from our magnificent photo-shoot at Oakwood Hall and Midland Hotel, showcasing the finest in wedding dresses supplied courtesy of Simply Weddings and Elizabeth Jayne. There is a complete beauty timeline for the Bride to be, written for Prosider by Lauren Ives, Beauty Editor. You will also find many articles in the magazine, which have been written by two University students, Naveed Ahmend and Vicky Lomax, who are currently studying Journalism at Leeds Trinity University College in Horsforth. Both joined Prosider on a work placement throughout January and February 2011. I hope you like what they have put together for us. Keep an eye out for our fashion pages in forthcoming issues, where Naveed will be writing for us on a regular basis.

So grab a cup of tea, relax and enjoy the next few pages, where you can indulge in pure wedding bliss...

Model: Katie Pentith Photographer: Annia Harrup

Wedding Directory

The people in the know...

Below is a comprehensive list of all the people who helped out on our recent Photography Shoot at Oakwood Hall and Midland Hotel. Without these people, our dream to showcase such beautiful Wedding shots in our Wedding Special Prosider, would not have come true. So, a big thank you to all who helped out. We are happy to say that all involved did a sterling job, and we would recommend you speak to any of them should you be organising your wedding now.

John Steel Photography Fun, creative and modern wedding photographer. No cheese, it’s your story, will blend into the background and create great images. 01484 714614 07951 726212

Elizabeth Jayne Bridal Based in a Victorian arcade in the heart of Keighley, offering the best quality wedding/ prom dresses, occasional wear, accessories and alteration service. 14 Royal Arcade, Low Street, Keighley 01535 692660

Simply Weddings Based in the heart of Bingley, offering a huge range of wedding dresses, including plus sizes, prom dresses, occasional wear and accessories. 73 Main Street, Bingley 01274 551818 07854 731755

Shirbar Exclusive Designer Dressmaker Specialising in one off bridal, evening and prom gowns for weddings and special occasions. Hand crafted, made to measure and made to fit. 47 Wilsden Road, Sandy Lane, Bradford T: 01274 546638

Michael Bower Menswear An extensive range of menswear, for the well dressed conscious man of today. Hire Wear, Occasional, Leisure or Business. 297 - 301 Bradford Rd. Sandbeds, Keighley 01535 667134

Nikki Herbert Professional Make-up Artist Specialising in creating beautiful make-up for weddings, special occasions, editorial and photographic make-up. 07889 337575

Ophiuchus Hair Studio For that perfect wedding hairstyle in the Bingley area. 77 Main Street, Bingley 01274 772773

Hudson & Stott Hair Studio For that perfect wedding hairstyle in the Baildon area. 4a Westgate, Baildon 01274 595141

Tantalising Flowers Offering a bespoke and personal flower service for your wedding day, party or event with an emphasis on quality, design and attention to detail. Shayburn, Bradford Road, Cottingley Bridge, Bingley 01274 515805 07980 084712

Oakwood Hall Hotel An imposing Victorian, gothic style grade II listed building with open fires, four poster beds and landscape gardens – the perfect wedding venue. Lady Lane, Bingley 01274 564123

Midland Hotel A city centre location, with 2 of the finest ballrooms in Yorkshire and 9 additional conference and banquet rooms. Forster Square, Bradford 01274 735735


Photographer: John Steel Flowers: Tantalising Flowers - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


. . . n w o d t n u o WeddingC written by Naveed Ahmed and Vicky Lomax, Journalism students at Leeds Trinity University College

Twelve months before • Decide on a budget for your wedding. • Set a date and time with your registrar, vicar or priest. • Decide on guest lists and numbers. • Visit venues for your wedding and book one as soon as you can. • Book a professional photographer, florist, caterer, and a DJ or musician for the reception. • Decide on your wedding attendants and bridesmaids. Nine months before • Make an appointment with your officiant. • Start shopping for your wedding dress and have your first fittings. • Shop for your wedding accessories and shoes. • Prepare your guest list. • Start searching for your honeymoon location. Six months before • Meet with your wedding professionals (photographer, florist etc). • Arrange your wedding transportation. • Book your honeymoon trip, and confirm your final budget plans. • Order bridesmaid and flower girl dresses. • Start shopping for wedding rings. Three months before • Finalise your guest list with your fiancé and both families. • Order your wedding rings. • Visit your hairstylist and decide on a style . • Make hair appointments for yourself and bridesmaids for the day. • Arrange vaccinations for going on holiday (if you need them). • Research and book hotels for any guests that will need accommodation. • Confirm your dress and the delivery date. • Have your final wedding dress, accessory and shoe fitting.


Six to eight weeks before • Prepare your wedding invitations. • Send your invitations to your guests. • Shop for any wedding gifts for your fiancé, guests, parents and grandparents. • Collect your rings. • Test a spray tan if you want one for your wedding day. • Print out or buy thank you cards for your guests. • Send out your thank you cards. Ten to 14 days before • Confirm your caterer and the final menu. • Confirm with your officiant the venue and time of your ceremony. • Confirm with your photographer, DJ and/or musician. • Confirm your hotel honeymoon reservation, and any special requests. One week before • Attend any parties or bridal showers in your honour. • Confirm the final number of guests to your caterer. • Give the bridesmaids and flower girls the confirmed time to arrive. • Purchase travel insurance if travelling abroad for your honeymoon. • Make sure that your travellers’ cheques are accepted at your honeymoon destination. • Buy your travellers’ cheques or exchange your money.

Wedding day • Relax and enjoy your perfect wedding day. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

Wedding Guide

At Elizabeth Jayne Bridal in Keighley we believe that choosing your wedding gown will be one of the most exciting decisions you will ever make. Our aim is to help and advise you in our friendly and relaxed Bridal Boutique. Elizabeth Jayne Bridal 14 Royal Arcade Low Street Keighley

Based in the picturesque Victorian Royal Arcade in the heart of Keighley, we offer the following services: bridal gowns, bridesmaids, flower girl and pageboy outfits, veils, tiaras, jewellery, shoes and accessories to complement your attire, along with petticoat hire and prom dresses. In addition to the array of products we sell, we also offer a dry cleaning service, alterations and a range of pre-owned wedding dresses to suit all budgets. We understand that paying for your wedding can leave a hole in your purse, so we are now offering an interest-free payment plan. Elizabeth Jayne will also be introducing a mother of the bride/groom clothing range. Liz Farrar from Elizabeth Jayne has put together some hints and tips for brides looking for their perfect wedding dress. Start looking approx 12 months before – at around the time of year your wedding is planned for as weather conditions will be similar. You may require a lighter-weight dress for summer.

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Order the dress no later than six months before your wedding as deliveries can take up to 20 weeks. Allow a further four to five weeks for alterations. Choose a style that suits your venue. A full skirt, enormous train and veil will not be suitable for a beach ceremony, for example. Consider your skin colour. Pure white can wash out very pale skins. Ivory or light gold helps to give a glow. Spray-on elastoplasts can provide a barrier against highly-beaded or embroidered bodices where they might chafe bare skin. When choosing your veil or tiara, consider how you are having your hair styled. A good time is when you try out your hair style.

Whatever your figure, choose a style to flatter in the right places. Here are some tips: Pear shape. You would suit strapless, v-neck, scoop neck or off-shoulder necklines. Flattering dress shapes are A-line but not too full-skirted, empire line, or diagonal draping on bodice. Avoid halter necks, high cut necks which make hips look bigger, bias or straight-cut dresses. Remember that gathered or pleated skirts emphasise hips as do mermaid styles and any bulk around the hips. Small-busted figures can wear a ruched bodice or slightly-padded halter neck to fill the upper body. A good bra with extra boost can also help. V-necks draw attention to a small bust. If you are petite avoid drop-waisted or calf length styles which can shorten your legs. You could be swamped in a voluminous skirt. Stick to small detailing on the bodice. Avoid ruched bodices and sheen fabrics if you are busty. These add volume and draw attention to the chest. Scooped or sweetheart necklines work well. For plus sizes an empire line flows from the bust. A looser, draping style will be more flattering. Tall girls can carry almost any dress style but avoid the empire line as they can look too tent like. Princess line and drop-waisted styles are flattering for the fuller waist. If you have broad shoulders avoid halter necks and off the shoulder. A strapless or scoop neckline would be more flattering.

Call Liz for further details or to book an appointment on 01535 692660

Dress by: Simply Wedding Dresses Model: Stacey Lewis Photographer: John Steel


All images on this page by Photographer: Annia Harrup


wedding guide

Simply Wedding Dresses Simply Wedding Dresses from Bingley teamed up with Prosider on their recent photo-shoot at the Midland Hotel and Oakwood Hotel, supplying a range of beautiful wedding and prom dresses for four local models. Sarah Scaife, owner of Simply Wedding Dresses, tells us a little about how her dream began, where she is now and what the future holds. I am a Yorkshire lass, born in Queensbury. When I was a child, my mother was always sewing and was well known in the village for her high quality alterations to brides’ dresses and dowries. I was wowed by the beadwork and sparkles on the dresses but was never allowed anywhere near them.

After a milestone in my life, I decided to follow my dream and in April 2008 Simply Wedding Dresses was born. In 2009 we expanded to the second floor introducing a catwalk for the brides, bridesmaids and prom girls. The catwalk in particular has been a favourite with all the ladies, and we often train the flower girls to practise the run with the promise of a lollipop afterwards. We have a great team here at Simply Wedding Dresses, so rest assured you will be dealing with experienced staff at all times. There’s myself and two members of staff. My Saturday girl who has been with me for over two years and will shortly be leaving for university and Stacey, who works alongside me and doubles up as our model. Also soon we will have a new member of staff joining us, who will be offering a bespoke wedding dress service. We will sketch, design and make your dress from start to finish. Something very exciting that is happening with us in the near future is our move to new premises. We have outgrown our shop on Main Street and will be moving to Springfield Lodge, Park Road, Bingley. We have been trying to secure these premises for over a year, and thanks to all our support from Bingley traders and clients are thrilled to be able to do so. As we don’t only sell wedding dresses we are changing our name to Simply Designer Dresses too Here at Simply Wedding Dresses, we have over 150 wedding dresses in our bridal suite. We are one of the largest stockists of sample Dessy Bridesmaid dresses (over 80 styles) and hold over 80 prom dresses in stock,

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We cater for brides, bridesmaids, prom, flower girl, occasional wear and cruise wear – along with all the accessories you need for your big day. Some of the collections of bridal gowns we stock include Trudy Lee, Bonny Bridal, D’Zage, Jade Daniels, Sophia Tolli and Veromia Couture wedding dresses are coming soon! Plus sizes include: Sonsie by Veromia and Bonny Bridal Unforgettable. We also carry dresses for bridesmaids, flower girls, Mothers of the bride (due July 2011). If you are a bride in search of her perfect dress, why not call Sarah at Simply Wedding Dresses to make an appointment for an exclusive consultation. Alternatively, you could visit the shop (weekdays are less busy) to browse the rails and get some expert advice.

Prom season

Shop Opening Hours Monday – opening through summer months Tuesday to Friday 10am-4.30pm Late night Friday by appointment only Sat 10am-5pm appointment only

To make an appointment, please call Sarah and her team on: 01274 551818 or 07854 731755 or by emailing: Simply Wedding Dresses, 73 Main Street, Bingley, BD16 2JA

Dress by: Simply Wedding Dresses

Model: Stacey Lewis Photographer: John Steel


Dress by: Elizabeth Jayne Bridal

Model: Georgia Harrup Photographer: John Steel


Menswear Michael Bower Menswear

Take a closer look When you walk into Michael Bower Menswear in Riddlesden, you will be pleasantly surprised to see so many brands you wouldn’t expect in a retail store outside of London, Leeds or Manchester. With a complete range of menswear to suit any well-dressed man, Michael Bower hosts an array of top brands ranging from Gant, LaCoste, Bugatti, Gibson of London, Calvin Klein, Loake and many more.

nights out that are amazing so you don’t want to look okay, you want to look great, and that is the type of client we are catering for”. From casual and smart casual to tailored suits and even hire wear they offer a complete lifestyle collection. Whatever the occasion they cover it with the very best names in menswear.

Established in 1950 by Paul Walowka, a very well known and highly regarded master Tailor in the area, with his colleague David Kehoe, who joined him in 1977, they built up an outstanding reputation for the supply of menswear. Michael Bower took over the business in 1988 and with his Son Steven; they both developed a total life style collection taking the store into the 21st Century, bringing in only the best brands in menswear. With David Kehoe by their side, they are able to offer the best in tailored garments to suit any occasion. Now owned by Steven, Michael Bower Menswear is regarded as the one of the unsurpassed menswear stores in the business. Steven and David continue to bring in only the very best collections along with a first class service to their loyal customer base, who travel far and wide to purchase their goods. Some of Michael Bowers’ menswear may be difficult to find on the busy high street and this is the reason why every well-dressed gentleman should visit the store. They offer a private appointment system where customers can come out of hours and have exclusivity to the store; all you need to do is contact Steven to arrange a suitable time convenient to you. You will be sure to receive a top class personal service and expert advice at all times. They are confident you will find what you are looking for in their selection, from business to leisure wear, with the added benefit that they provide tailor made alterations in house. This means what you buy will not be just about right; it will be made for you. After speaking with Steven, he said “you only live once and you only have a selected few

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For that special occasion. Whether it is your wedding day, Prom or an important event, at Michael Bower, Steven offers the best in quality tailored garments. Steven adds “Every man should want to look his best on the big day, as does the bride… knowing that you are the best dressed man in the room, will ultimately make you feel a million dollars”. Steven will talk to you about your requirements and get on your level. He will get to know you personally and suggest ideas that fit best, ranging from the understated to the simply outrageous. Steven will make sure that you will feel comfortable with what you are wearing on your big day.

For further information on how Michael Bower Menswear can help you achieve your desired look, whether it is casual or tailored please contact Steven on 01535 667164. Michael Bower Menswear Tel: 01535 667 164 email:

...a complete lifestyle collection

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Special Offer Buy any Suit Jacket or Trouser and get second Suit Jacket or Trouser FREE! Offer applies to Brook Taverner suits only, for a limited period only...

Michael Bower Menswear, 297-301 Bradford Road, Sandbeds. Situated on the Bradford Road, heading towards Riddlesden.

Tel: 01535 667 164

Renewing Wedding Vows

has now become very popular, as many married couples are choosing to do this as a way of recapturing their wedding day or celebrating a special anniversary. There are many reasons for renewing vows, and it can be a perfect way of showing your ongoing commitment to each other and re-living your special day once again.

Written by Vicky Lomax, Jouralism student at Leeds Trinity University College

Reasons for renewing your vows: To celebrate a special wedding anniversary (5th, 10th, 25th, 50th etc) To marry either legally or religiously (depending on how you married the first time) To have a more elaborate wedding, if you couldn’t afford it the first time If you didn’t have many guests the first time and would like to invite more family and friends If you have been through some difficult times in your relationship and would like to renew your commitment to one another If you think it would be a romantic gesture. It is helpful to know where to start with planning and how easy it is to make it happen. It can be the two of you alone in your perfect spot reciting your vows, or a lavish event with lots of guests; it is entirely up to you. First steps As with wedding planning, you should start by thinking about the style of ceremony, your budget, the date and the venue. Vow renewals are generally cheaper than first weddings, and you will have more freedom in planning your day and making it extra special for the both of you.

What have you experienced together? Talk about your highs and lows and how you overcame them. What have you learned about your partner during these times? Look back at your original wedding vows. Do they reflect your life together now? Which of these vows have you both truly kept? Are there any vows you are still working at? Think about your future together. What do you hope for? Is it any different to the future you imagined when you first made your vows? What do you want to stay the same? What do you want to do differently from now? The venue Your ceremony can be held at a register office or at a number of wedding venue locations, either at your home or away. You can also hold your ceremony in another country if you want to go somewhere remote. If you choose to hold your ceremony in your own home there will be a maximum charge of £30 for the celebrant to come to your home. Renewing vows is not considered a marriage service; it is a religious ceremony, therefore you will not be required to sign the wedding register, although it can be recorded in the church register.

To lead the vow renewal you could ask a judge or a clergy member to make it official; however, if you would prefer to keep things simple or more personal, you can ask a friend or any adult to officiate if you wish.

The day

Writing your own vows

The ceremony can be made more unique to you by adding elements such as re-using your wedding rings or giving new rings, giving gifts, playing music, guest speeches, or the acknowledgment of children.

Renewing your vows is a perfect opportunity for you both to enjoy a more flexible, relaxed ceremony. To make the day really personal you may want to write your own vows. Tips to help you write your vows: Firstly, talk about your life together since you first made your vows to each other. What were your most memorable moments? It


may be buying your first home together, going on a special holiday, or having your first child. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

Wedding vow renewal ceremonies usually start with a welcome message then move on to a reading, renewal of vows, signing of the certificate, and a closing message.

You will need to produce your marriage certificate before you can book your vow renewal ceremony. The price of the ceremony can be £150 upwards, depending which day and location you choose. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


Anniversary gift ideas Written by Vicky Lomax, Jouralism student at Leeds Trinity University College

Looking for the perfect anniversary gift to give your partner? Here is a wedding anniversary gift guide so you can commemorate each special year. Remember you can always give flowers with your chosen traditional gift, or chocolate and champagne for a perfect accompaniment to any gift. 1st: Paper

35th anniversary: Coral

Make your first anniversary an extra special one and be creative with your paper gifts; think of a special experience to give your partner, or give something personal and from the heart. Also, enjoy some edible treats on this day as a tradition.

Coral jewellery- red is the most valuable coral.

Book, picture, poster, gift voucher, theatre or cinema ticket, voucher for gift experience, plane ticket, love letter or poem, board game.

Rubies are red - so give red roses to symbolise your love, or a ruby ring, and celebrate with ruby port or red wine. 45th anniversary: Sapphire A colourful bouquet of flowers (in Sapphire colours), try freesias

10th: Tin

50th anniversary: Gold

Modern or contemporary materials associated with this wedding anniversary are diamonds, so instead of a tin gift, you could go for diamond jewellery or a special trip away.

Celebrate spending half a century together by going for gold and buying each other new wedding rings, and have them personalised with your own message.

15th: Crystal/Glass

55th anniversary: Emerald

Crystal champagne/wine glasses, vase, something for the house. It is also a perfect time to renew your wedding vows if this is something you’re interested in.

Buy beautiful emerald jewellery. Take your dream trip to Ireland and visit the Emerald Isle.

20th anniversary: China Celebrate this very special occasion with a fancy party, and as a gift buy another piece to add to your finest wedding china. 25th anniversary: Silver Silver weddings are the first major milestone and deserve to be commemorated by something extra special. There are many silver gifts to choose from, such as; jewellery, a silver anniversary photo frame, or specially engraved champagne glasses. 30th anniversary: Pearl Pearl jewels make a wonderful gift, or for a less expensive gift buy something in a pearly colour. Celebrate with champagne and caviar, served with a mother of pearl spoon.


40th anniversary: Ruby - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

60th anniversary: Diamond Celebrate this wonderful event by splashing out on a beautiful piece of diamond jewellery for your loved one. 70th anniversary: Platinum An eternity ring would be an ideal gift for this special anniversary – showing your everlasting love. 75th anniversary: Diamond Celebrate this wonderful event with a special party with all your family and friends, and the finest champagne.

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Five Rise Locks Hotel & Restaurant

Richard Stoyle and his wife Margaret have run Bingley’s hidden gem – the Five Rise Locks hotel – for the last four years. Tucked away in a tranquil location overlooking open countryside, the boutique hotel in a former mill-owner’s house offers a comfortable and stylish dining experience. There’s a wide choice of good value, fresh produce and a well-balanced wine list to complement your meal. Richard and Margaret re-styled the interior in 2010, basing their choices on 35 years’ experience running hotels all over the country. The couple ran the Bankfield hotel in the 1990s and have stayed in Yorkshire ever since.

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They have achieved a friendly bar and restaurant which present a comfortable and stylish venue for every occasion from a quiet meal out à deux to a family wedding. The bar and restaurant are open to nonresidents on Monday to Saturday evenings and for Sunday lunch. An early bird menu offers two courses for the price of one if your order is placed before 7.30pm. In a move to elevate their standards further, Richard, himself a chef, has brought in Steven Heaton who trained at the Devonshire Arms hotel and Michelin-starred Sharrow Bay in the Lake District, to fine tune the menus. Steven uses the finest local and seasonal ingredients wherever possible. The hotel’s signature Roast Yorkshire lamb rump is a popular feature on the dinner menu – with regularly changing variations to the dish. Another winning dish is pan-fried seabass on a bed of mint risotto with roasted cherry vine tomatoes. After your meal you can relax in the bar where you will find local ales, a good selection of single malt whiskies and wines by the glass.

Sunday Lunch A three course Traditional Lunch is served each Sunday with a choice of 4 starters and 4 Main courses and Desserts, ÂŁ13.50 for Adults and ÂŁ8.00 for Children under 8. Booking is advised.



Home Cooked Fresh Food and Fine Wines served in Elegant Surroundings


Early Bird 2 Courses for the Price of One

Monday to Saturday 6.30pm to 7.30pm (orders must be in by 7.30pm) The price of the Main Course includes a FREE Starter or Dessert. Last order for the A la Carte Menu is 9.15 pm. Our Current Menu and Wine List are available for download on our website.

Call: 01274 565296 or visit:

Five Rise Locks - Hotel & Restaurant Beck Lane Bingley BD16 4DD email:

Civil Partnerships It was a momentous occasion in 2005 when the law on same sex marriages was changed after decades of campaigning. On 21 December 2005 the Civil Partnerships Act in England paved the way for thousands of gay couples to finally get married. The law now gives two homosexual people the same marital rights as a heterosexual couple. Couples who had long awaited the change in law finally got hitched and declared their love in front of their family and friends. The first celebrity civil partnership was that of Sir Elton John and his partner David Furnish. They were married on the day the law changed. As would be expected it was a grand and lavish ceremony with guests ranging from Victoria Beckham and the Osbournes to Lulu and Greg Rusedski. Fans gathered outside Guildhall in London where the couple were to be married, while millions watched on TV. The happy couple made history as did the other 700 couples being married on that day.

The law would not have changed without all the campaigning and protesting for this cause. This groundbreaking law shows the world that the UK is a diverse nation and is promoting equality. Let us hope that the world continues to champion universal equality. If you have any questions or wish to make a provisional booking either to give notice of your intention to form a civil partnership or for the registration and/or ceremony please contact the Bradford and Keighley Register Office.

Written by Naveed Ahmed, Journalism student at Leeds Trinity University College The Register Office 22 Manor Row Bradford BD1 4QR Keighley Register Office Town Hall Bow Street Keighley BD21 3PA Enquiries: 01274 432151

Wedding anniversary...

Anniversary Trips Written by Vicky Lomax, journalism student at Leeds Trinity University College

One of the best ways to celebrate your wedding anniversary is to take a romantic trip together. There are holidays to suit everyone’s taste and every couple, ensuring you both have the time of your life. If you have the money to indulge yourselves you could go for a luxury hotel or a cruise break, or visit the places you have always wanted to see. If you can’t afford a trip to celebrate each anniversary, you could always put money aside for the special anniversaries. The major milestones in a marriage are 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, and 25th anniversary. A trip to celebrate these special occasions is a perfect alternative to a traditional anniversary gift. To help you choose your perfect break, here is a guide on planning your very own anniversary break. Romantic city breaks If you are a lover of romance, sightseeing, and shopping there are many places that will be perfect for you. Paris, New York, Rome, Venice, and Prague, are all synonymous with romance and love and have many things to offer alongside that. When choosing your ideal anniversary trip, read about what each city has to offer, and go for the place that means the most to you – whether you have both visited a particular city before, or have always loved or wanted to visit a certain place. For a perfect city break, stay in a four or five star hotel and enjoy sightseeing during the day, and taking a luxury cruise at night. Beach holidays If you love beaches and relaxing by the sea, then a beach holiday is for you. They are perfect for unwinding and escaping into a paradise of beautiful islands and beaches.

There are so many destinations to choose from including; Antigua, Barbados, Jamaica, Cuba, Florida, Dubai, Mauritius, and Thailand. All you have to do is pick your perfect spot and get ready to soak up the sun. Cruises If your idea of a perfect trip is relaxing all day in luxury, then a romantic cruise would be perfect for you. There are many types of cruises to choose from so you are sure to find one that suits you. These are; Mediterranean, Middle East and the Far East, Alaska, the Caribbean and river cruises. A cruise is something different. It gives you the luxury of time to relax and enjoy the wonderful scenery, and see different places. Skiing holidays If you fancy trying something completely different and exciting, then a ski holiday with your partner may be the thing for you. The many ski trips to choose from include family ski holidays, beginner skiing, cross country ski breaks, or for a more relaxing stay - a ski and spa break. Thrill seekers could try a snowboarding holiday. British holidays If you are looking for a break that is closer to home and just as special, then stay in Britain and visit our wonderful towns, villages, beaches, woodland, and historical places. If you love the works of Shakespeare then visit the scenic Stratford-upon-Avon, picturesque Cornwall, Dorset, or Cumbria for acres of beautiful countryside. Or enjoy the history and architecture in Edinburgh. There are many places to see in Britain that can be just as special as going abroad. The perfect anniversary trip will give you both the time alone to celebrate, reminisce, and reconnect as a couple without any distractions from your everyday life. Enjoy seeing the sights, relaxing and spending quality time together.

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…and now for the legal bit! Juliette Kinsey from Kinsey & Co Solicitors in Baildon explains to the Prosider the benefits of engaged couples seeking legal advice before they tie the knot:

It is not exactly rocket science to identify that when a couple are planning to get married, the thought of what would happen if they were to divorce will be the furthest thing from their minds. After deciding upon a venue, picking a dress, choosing the flowers, arranging the cars and booking a honeymoon, entering into a premarital agreement rarely appears in an engaged couples “to do” list. Ironically however, with the average wedding now costing in the region of £17,000, and increasing numbers of couples separating and divorcing, the preparation of a premarital agreement could not only save the parties a lot of heartache but also expensive legal fees dealing with the divorce, should the worst happen, and the marriage not survive the early days. What is a Premarital Agreement? Premarital agreements, otherwise known as prenuptial agreements, set out in basic terms what each party can expect in the event that

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their marriage breaks down in the early years. Clearly, it would be impractical for parties to decide what would happen in the event of their marriage breaking down after 10, 15 or 20 years. Such marriages have been long term partnerships often through thick and thin and difficult times. The purpose of most premarital agreements is simply to identify what happens in the event that a marriage breaks down say within the first five years. In other words, a premarital agreement is in some respects an insurance policy against a shortterm unsuccessful marriage. After all, if you have spent ten years working and acquiring your own assets, why should you share them equally with a person whom you have only been married to for 12 months? Why should you have a Premarital Agreement? Whilst premarital agreements are not yet legally binding in England and Wales, increasing weight is being given to them by the courts in cases where the separating couple can show

Premarital Agreement

that they knew what they were doing when they signed the agreements and that both parties had received legal advice in a timely manner. What is required for a Premarital Agreement to be taken seriously? In order for courts to give weight to premarital agreements, both parties need to be able to show that they both sought independent legal advice as to their respective positions, before signing any premarital agreement. This usually means that one party instructs a solicitor to prepare the agreement, setting out the terms that have been agreed between the parties as to what would happen in the event that their marriage broke down in the early days, and the other party then seeks advice from another solicitor as to the contents of the agreement prior to signing the document. It is also recognised that for a premarital agreement to be given weight, it is only right and proper to ensure that when the parties enter into the agreement, they do so free from the pressure of an immediate marriage. In other words, if you have spent two years planning your wedding, for your intended to announce a fortnight before the big day that they would like you to sign a premarital agreement, would be a little time pressured and unreasonable! Both parties should enter into negotiations and discussions regarding a premarital agreement as soon as possible, giving as much time to the parties to discuss matters free from the pressure of the imminent big day. Finally, to give the premarital agreement as much chance as possible of being upheld, both parties need to show that they have disclosed to each other their current financial positions. In other words, both parties should tell the other what they have by way of financial assets. This should not be an arduous task, given that

if a couple are taking steps to spend the rest of their lives together, then one would assume that a discussion has already been had about finances and what each other has by way of assets and liabilities. If by disclosing each other’s assets and liabilities there will be gasps of dismay, shock and horror then perhaps questions should be asked in any event as to how well the parties know each other. What if you have children? Clearly when there are children in a relationship, no premarital agreement will oust or override the jurisdiction of the court in determining what is required in order to ensure that the children’s best interests are served at all times. Indeed, even if the premarital agreement took into account the arrival of children in the early years of the marriage, the courts could seek to ignore or vary the terms of any agreement which relates to the children, as the overall priority of the court is the welfare and wellbeing of the children, and no document produced by any party or solicitor will override that. Premarital agreements have their limitations, but they do act as a safety net for couples whose marriages do not endure. To put things in perspective, if the average marriage costs £17,000 and the nightmares of divorce costs are also taken into account, a premarital agreement may be the best money a couple have ever jointly spent.

If this article has given you food for thought or you wish to seek matrimonial or family law advice please contact Juliette Kinsey on 01274 589900 to make an initial no obligation fixed fee appointment or alternatively visit: for further details. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!



Model: Katie Pentith Photographer: Annia Harrup

Look Good Feel Good 40

Health, Beauty & Style

look good, feel good

Beautiful Brides 2011 Your wedding day… no-one else’s…YOURS!

So why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to have The Wedding of the Year, to look a million dollars, to look different from other brides? Because it’s your day and you don’t want to mirror anyone else’s. Some brides might feel a mixture of horror, nerves, excitement and joy at the prospect, revelling in the planning and the preparation. Others prefer to be laid back, reap the simplicity of the vows and family atmosphere. But out of all the differences and wide variety that weddings offer to the happy couple, there is just one more certainty that comes with being a bride, and that is you want to look AMAZING! Walking down the aisle, the pier, the sandy path, the lawn or the pebbled beach, we all want our husband-to-be to turn to look at us and be taken aback by the beauty of his future wife. Following a step-by-step timeline, guide and hints and tips, we can all ensure that we look a million dollars. At The Prosider, we have encompassed the joy, beauty and simplicity that weddings can bring, for different budgets. Whether you want to blow the budget, or keep a hold on the purse strings, we women already have said beauty, now let’s ENHANCE! Now when we get married, the whole idea is that we do it just once, so why not splash out? Ideally you should be choosing a reputable salon, with good reviews and great service throughout your plan. Booking advanced appointments is often the best way to do this, as it maintains your timeline and gives you progressive results. Nine Months before your big day You should be planning a course of consistent facials. They can remove toxins, aid the anti-ageing process and ultimately relax you during the planning madness. If anything else does appeal from having

Anybody who has dreams and aspirations will know how hard it can be to make those come true. However, one local person who is trying to make his dreams come alive is 19 year old Ash Caton, who is making it as a budding comedian. Ash studied, in his own words, ‘very little’ at Sixth Form– English Literature, Biology, History, Drama at Ilkley Grammar School, tending film auditions. So, what changed his mind about acting?

facials, or you are lucky enough to have great skin, use the hour for pure 100% relaxation! Nails are also a key to your beauty regime… I mean, what is that ring going on! Your hand!

Written by Lauren Ives, Beauty Editor

Start with regular manicures – one every two weeks is recommended, with after-care and a more gentle approach to your hands, this will maintain and develop strong, polished and durable nails. Six weeks – keep up with your regime! The facials should be paying off and showing a more radiant glow! Nails should be perfect by now, shaped and groomed. (Helps when trying wedding rings on! ) However at this stage you should now incorporate make-up. The choice of where to go for this is entirely yours, but be warned that department stores are partial to tango techniques! Three months before your big day Assess your skin. You are uber-stressed and worrying about everything other than yourself. You need to start taking more care over your stress levels. The skin doesn’t lie and your nails are not going to be bitten to the quick. Booking your make-up artist for your trial is now a must: they get very busy and need plenty of time in advance for bookings. Give - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


the artist some inspirational pictures, ideas of how you want your day to look, and yourself. Otherwise how is she/he going to know what to do with your make-up if you don’t know? One month before your big day If you have been cheating on your regime, then now is the time to be religious about it. No leaving your make up on before bed, drink plenty of water and maintain your facial appointments. Your trial final make up is now due, so you get to see how the artist has translated your pictures to suit you. But be honest. Let her know if you don’t like it, if there is anything else you want or don’t want. The best thing that can be done at this point is an all-over body scrub. Have it done in a salon, and then keep up to it once a week at home. This will maintain a glorious sheen on your skin for your wedding day and also prepare for that honeymoon tan. You should have by now decided whether to have artificial nails or natural, so if you have chosen the artificial route, leave them till a few days before the wedding. If natural, make your last manicure and pedicure appointment the day before your wedding. Wedding hair should be considered at this point also. Keep having trials at this stage to find out what suits and what you like. One week left before your big day. Have your final facial – preferably a collagen enhancing one which will plump up your skin, radiate your complexion and prep your skin for the make-up. Eyebrows are vital. Leave them to grow out a little beforehand to get the best shape and have them shaped on the day before. A spray tan is always an option but some brides don’t like the idea of the colour rubbing onto their gown… so again totally up to you. Your final hair trial should have been this week, pinning it down to the very design you require.

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The Big Day! Everything should be planned and have gone smoothly, hair and make-up done, nails done, brows done and skin glistening ready for that amazing dress! So now is the point where you sit back, relax and drink some bubbles. Trends for 2011 The majority of women walking down the aisle want to look natural, groomed, glossy and beautiful. Think Este Lauder Bride! This year the main attraction for brides is lashes. But remember one thing… only enhance one asset, not both. If you have a wonderful, rose bud lip-line, wonderful cheek bones, and almond eyes then not only are you a very lucky lady, but you have a choice. Either enhance the eyes OR lips… but not both. To enhance your eyes, look for lashes, lash extensions or strip lashes. These are applied by either your beauty therapy salon, or if you’re lucky enough, your make-up artist on the day. For lips – if you can – a bold, matt red looks wonderful on a vintage look, but rose lip-gloss is also wonderful and suits all skin tones.

look good, feel good

The ‘Perfect’ Day Ali Brooks - Cognitive Behaviour Therapist explains how to make your wedding day stress free... Yes, I know there is so much to do and so little time to do it. My first daughter got engaged in August and married in November – tell me about it! If anything doesn’t go to plan will it really be that disastrous? Do you care more about what people think of your planning and preparations than what the ‘loved one’ wants? How do you normally deal with stress?

Ali Brooks CBT Therapist (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) Member of the B.A.C.P. (British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists) Pain Management Clinic, Halifax Mobile 07770 833 965

How do you relax on a DAILY basis through unhelpful or even destructive ways? Do you need a holiday or time off work? Do you know how to ‘self-care’ (not the same as self-indulgence). You feel the way you think. In other words you feel stressed because you think thoughts that create emotions and physical responses in your body too. The meaning or the importance that you attach to the ‘Big Day’ will influence the amount of stress you feel throughout all of the planning stages, the day itself and will have further repercussions if the day hasn’t gone as planned. When you feel stressed you will act in a particular way. If it’s ‘good’ stress you will feel excited, energised, motivated and will do all of the actions necessary to make the day a success. If it’s ‘bad’ stress you’ll still do all that needs to be done, but your feelings will cause you to be irritable, jumpy, nervous, anxious and your eating and sleeping patterns may change. You may feel overwhelmed or out of your depth at times. So how can you change the way you think so that you feel happy and excited instead of worried or anxious with a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach? Look at what this day really means to you; whether you are the mother of the bride, the friend organising the hen party or the beautiful woman marrying the man of her dreams.

Do you: • soak in the bath by candle-light • read a good book • watch a DVD • take the dog for a walk • have coffee with a friend • have a facial, a hair cut or your nails done • sit quietly and just breathe? Create your list now, and get practising whilst still focusing on the facts. Stuff has to get done so you might as well enjoy doing it. Marriage is about love. Doing everything with an attitude of love creates a great feeling. Focus on the love you have for the one you are planning for and not on the thoughts and opinions of others. Whether you are having a civil partnership ceremony, a blessing or having to make the speech, focus on the one you love. Remember it’s not about your personal rules for an event to be a success. Your expectations and what you anticipate; it’s about love and doing what you know your loved one really would want on this special day. It’s as easy as having a cup of T.E.A. Thoughts impact your emotions which impacts how you feel as you act. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


Tanning Salon Golden Rays in Bingley (formerly Banana Beach) has undergone a huge refurbishment since new management took over in September 2009, creating a salon with a warm, inviting environment. More than just a tanning salon, the new owners Debbie & Derren Elliott have introduced luxury organic spray tanning solution and two FLABeLOS toning plates. Spend ten minutes on the power plate and that is the equivalent to one hour in the gym!! Call in any time – you don’t need to book. Debbie & Derren have five high-performance tanning beds, all in their own changing area with facilities. The 250 watt tubes are checked, re-tubed and maintained to the highest standard.

Debbie said: “The approach we took when making the decision to choose ‘VANI-T’ as our spray tanning solution was to research numerous spray tanning products, and take into consideration all their individual benefits before making our choice. The results are that of complete satisfaction from our clients. Our client care continues beyond your treatment with an aftercare leaflet and follow-up courtesy call from our fully trained technician.”

GoldenRays Bingley

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Spray Tan VANI-T spray tanning solution is loved by ‘A’ list celebrities. This is no ordinary tanning solution: it’s 100% natural and organic and contains no Parabens, artificial fragrances or preservatives, petro-chemicals or harsh chemicals. It’s a quick, healthy and luxurious way to have a glowing body with a completely natural looking tan. It also has skin firming and cell rejuvenation properties. It’s a great way to look healthy and feel at your best for any big event whether that is a wedding, prom, holiday or if you just want spoil yourself. Nail Technician Golden Rays also has a resident nail technician, Gina Newnham, who is Creative & NSI trained. Gina specialises in Shellac and Minx. You’ll find an extensive range of MINX colours and designs on display to choose from. MINX is ahead of the nail polish field – it’s made of flexible film and is applied using heat and pressure. So there’s no drying time, it’s long-lasting and smudge free. The new SHELLAC system is the breakthrough in resilient colour that has zero dry time, remains flawless for 14 days and removes in ten minutes! What’s more there are exciting colours to choose from.

Tanning Salon

“Prom season has arrived, come and get your body and nails looking beautiful at Golden Rays” We have 2 exclusive Prosider offers below, please show this Ad to redeem, 1 per customer. Offers expire 30/06/11

Nails by Gina Special Offer: Shellac fingers & toes - £33 saving £5

Loose a dress size in 3 weeks! • Burn Fat • Anti-Ageing • Loose Weight • Reduce cellulite • Increase flexibility • Improve varicose veins

Receive a full body organic spray tan for £15 (saving £5) 17-19, Park Rd, Bingley, West Yorkshire BD16 4BD

Tel: 01274 567367

Beauty Therapy & Wedding Make-Up Specialist SPECIALS SPEC SP EC ECIA CIA IALS LS Facials, • Fa Faci ciial alss, Waxing, Waxi W ing, Eyelash tints, tin Manicure & Pedicure, Acrylic/Gel/Minx nails • Alternative Therapies – Aromatherapy, Swedish, Hot Stone massage, Reflexology, Hopi Ear Candles, Platinum Detox, Slimming wraps, Indian head massage • Spray/cream tans • Pamper parties – in your home or venue of your choice (ideal for childrens parties (6 years +), hen parties, girlie nights FULLY QUALIFIED MAKE-UP ARTIST Specialising in Wedding make-up • Free trial • Mobile, will travel to your home or venue of your choice • Wedding make-up for bride, bridesmaids, mother of the bride, flower girls

SPECIAL OFFERS ON “MAKE-UP APPLICATION” and “BRIDES PACKAGES” to make you feel relaxed and de-stressed before your wedding. Contact: Hayley on 07990 983 269 E-mail: 18 Wrose Avenue, Wrose, Shipley. BD18 1NS

look good, feel good - hair

Essential Hair Tips for

“the big day”

If you are planning to have your hair dressed professionally for your wedding day, here are a few hair tips to help you along your way.

From left to right: Model Stacey Lewis, Hairdresser Gemma Stott, Make-Up Artist Nikki Herberts, Model Georgia Harrup, Model Kaylee Lewis, Hairdresser Leensi, Model Stacey Lewis, Model Katie Pentith Essential hair tips for the big day Written by Vicky Lomax, Journalism student at Leeds Trinity University College

Choose your hairdresser wisely, someone who has experience in Wedding Hair, Prosider recommends Gemma at Hudson & Stott, Baildon or Leensi at Ophiuchus in Bingley. Two weeks before the wedding, arrange a wedding hair trial with your chosen stylist to experiment with different hairstyles before your big day. Choose your make-up and hair accessories for the day, and try these with your hairstyle. Make sure you take these with you to your trial, so that the hairdresser can style the hair with them in. One week before the wedding, have a deep conditioning treatment to make your hair soft, healthy, and shiny. The night before your wedding, wash your hair to prevent your hair becoming static and flyaway.

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Brazilian blow dry For those who want to splash out, try a Brazilian blow dry. It smooths out frizz, takes out volume, and is excellent if your hair is coarse. It adds protein to your hair leaving it soft and silky. This treatment is done over four sessions, and lasts about three months. Prices range from £200-£250 at most leading salons.

Five Top Wedding Hairstyles Written by Vicky Lomax, Journalism student at Leeds Trinity University College The Chic 50s Look Wear your hair swept away from your face, into a high, neatly combed ponytail. Apply a small amount of hair serum into the palms of your hands and smooth evenly over your hair for that long-lasting beautiful shine. The Sophisticated up-do Part hair to the side and add root spray for volume. Comb hair back straight, and put hair into a neat bun or a vertical roll and pin it up. Add a small amount of hair polish, and smooth all over hair to give that highly polished finish. Complete the look with a sparkly tiara. The Pixie Wedding Look If you have short hair try the 60s pixie hairstyle. Have a long or short feathered fringe, cut shorter at the back and pointed over the ears. This style can be achieved with soft hair wax, and dress hair with a delicate sparkly headband, or tiny flowers. Glamorous Hollywood Curls Pin up hair with hair grips, comb hair horizontal and take half-inch sections at a time. Spray each section with heat protection spray. Use a curling wand to create soft and bouncy curls. Continue until you have curled all sections. Use a good strong hold or volumising booster hairspray to achieve that Hollywood star look. Beach Wedding Hair Create loose twirls for that natural, sun-kissed look. Start by parting the hair vertically at the centre, then across into four equal sections. Starting at the bottom left from centre, take a half-inch vertical section and spray with heat spray. With slim hair straighteners, start at the roots and rotate hair to the ends to create a curl. Continue this until all sections are complete. To finish use a shine mist so your hair looks glossy in the sun.

Prosider would like to give a big thanks to all that made our photo shoot possible... Hair stylists Gemma Stott of Hudson & Stott - Baildon, Leensi of Ophiuchus - Bingley. Make-up artist Nikki Herberts Trained at the School of Make-up - Stockport Manchester Jewellery supplied by Elizabeth Jayne Bridal See directory page for contact details - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


son a e S s i h t nd Be on T re

look good, feel good...

Written by Naveed Ahmed, Journalism student at Leeds Trinity University College

Ladies and Gentlemen get ready for outrageous, extreme and out-of-this-world creations. All the fashionistas want to be on the front row of the catwalks to be the first to see what to wear next season. They desire the clothes worn by the catwalk models. They want the clothes. But what exactly are this season’s trends? Colour Block Be bold and daring. Go for bright, clashing colours. Make them clash or wear a headto-toe hue of colour. The designers were showing colour blocks all over the catwalks this season and this style will definitely be a hit this coming spring and summer. Go on – dare to wear a bright neon-pink dress this summer. Feather dresses? Really? Yes really! Feathers, tassels and knitted dresses are going to be everywhere this season. Why not try a crocheted dress with beautiful feather detailing or a soft pink feather dress (I promise, if you style it right, you will not look like a flamingo). Maxi Dress The elegant, summery dress is once again revived this summer. Try a soft blue maxi dress or a flower print maxi dress. Be summery chic with your hair straightened and sleek and wear flat sandals with maxi dresses and enjoy summer. Hues of blue Head-to-toe in blue. Try different hues of blue, for example a tiffany blue top with teal blue trousers. Or try a maxi dress with different hues of blue on it – the maxi dress is back this season. All in white This season following the colour block trend why not dress in white without looking bridal. Pair a lovely delicate, swaying dress with lovely snowy white pumps. Or for a more tailored outfit, why not twin a sharp white suit with a crisp white shirt. These are the main trends this season, so come on people – let’s get shopping!

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Hudson & Stott have recently celebrated their one year Anniversary.

As a thank you to loyal and brand new customers, they are offering a HALF PRICE Cut & Finish for both men and women.

Stockists of Lanza haircare, Wella colour, ghd & cloud nine

Terms and conditions: Offer valid from Tuesday to Friday, with selected stylist. Mention Prosider voucher when booking and bring the voucher to appointment to redeem. This voucher cannot be used with any other offer or exchanged for cash. Voucher valid until end of May 2011.


4a Westgate, Baildon BD17 5EJ Tel: 01274 595141


Health Matters... In our new regular feature, Dr Simon Gazeley, a GP at Springfield Surgery in the Canalside Healthcare Centre in Bingley, will be sharing with Prosider readers exclusive advice on topical health issues and giving his tips for a healthy life.

Simon trained as a doctor in Newcastle, has worked in the north east and Australia before coming to Yorkshire in 2000 to finish his GP training. He has worked at Springfield Surgery for the past eight years and lives in Ilkley with his wife (also a GP) and four children. My first topic is aspirin.


Patients have been asking for advice on taking aspirin as a preventative measure. Advice varies, and many of you are unsure what to do.

YES – If your doctor has prescribed it for a previous heart attack or stroke, you should continue to take it.

The approach used to be to prescribe aspirin for its ability to thin the blood. It was thought to reduce the risk of developing heart attacks or strokes, particularly for patients with high blood pressure or those with heart problems in their family.

NO – If you are allergic to it, or have had a stomach ulcer. NO – if you are taking it to prevent heart attacks or strokes but have never had one. POSSIBLY – if you’re over 55 and want to try and protect yourself from cancer.

However, aspirin is not always safe. Over a five-year period, one person in 667 would develop a serious stomach or other bleed.

Top 5 tips for a healthier lifestyle:

Aspirin may also interact with antiinflammatories (eg ibuprofen, diclofenac), warfarin and some blood pressure medications.

2. Eat your five-a-day of fruit and vegetables

Doctors now think that the benefit of aspirin in reducing the risk of heart attacks or strokes is so small that these risks outweigh the benefits. In the plus side aspirin may reduce the risk of dying from some cancers. But there doesn’t appear to be any benefit if you are under 55 years old.

1. Don’t smoke. The NHS runs many excellent clinics to help you stop

3. Get more active – use the stairs not the lift, leave the car at home and walk 4. Strenuous exercise that makes you out of breath for 15 minutes, three or four times a week, will greatly reduce your chance of heart disease 5. Work out your BMI – keep it below 25.

If you would like feedback any comments to Simon regarding this feature, or would like to suggest ideas for future features, please contact him through the Prosider by emailing

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look good, feel good

Commando Fit... am I mad? Turning the tide of the inevitable middle age spread.

Prosider Editor Simon Harrup accepts a challenge to get Commando Fit, here’s what he has to say.

and training where you will be encouraged to push yourself that little bit more than you ever would down the gym.

Well, I’ve been putting it off for long enough and as I turn 40 this summer I thought it would be as good a time as any. I was in pretty good shape through my 20’s as I was very active, using a gym, cycling, running, walking etc. However over the last 10 years, I just never seem to have the time for exercise and as a result I have gone from a 32” waist to a 36” gaining over 2stone in weight.

You must complete a health questionnaire before commencing which you can download and bring along or simply turn up and complete before your first class (ensure you arrive 15 mins early for administration).

I looked at various options including diets, gym membership etc but I was hearing good things about Commando Fit. It sounded like something I would have done without hesitation 10 years ago, I’m rubbish at diets and would probably not find the time to use a gym. So I’m about to go for it, with Commando Fit, I must be mad... Check my progress in the next issue. Here’s what I’m letting myself in for Commando Fit is a fitness training programme for men and women which is based on styles used in both the Armed Forces (but without the shouting for shouting sake) and in Professional Sport and is therefore highly effective for a whole range of purposes. Whether you want to lose weight, get healthier or get fitter for sport or even to chase your children around the park then this is for you. The training sessions last for a whole hour around West Yorkshire Parks and Venues and are designed to burn the maximum amount of calories within that time but at a level you can sustain throughout. The sessions are graded according to your fitness levels and you work in a group that matches your health and fitness status. With highly motivational instructors who come from various backgrounds (Military, Fire-fighting, Professional Sport) and understand the holistic approach to fitness use a program

The minimum age is 16 and providing you are in good health and physically able there is no maximum! What to expect at one of our sessions. On your first session your motivational instructor will check your health questionnaire and explain the session. The session starts with a class warm up to mobilise and warm up all the joints. Summer or Winter, you will be wanting to remove layers after this bit. Then the main work begins; fun, interactive, challenging at a level that matches your ability. Fluid will be carried by the instructors and suitable water stops given. This is done ‘hygienically’. After 50 minutes you are ready for the cool down. At the end of the session the instructor will answer any further questions you have. Job done, 600+ calories burned and permission to go home and radiate (or collapse until acclimatised!). Oh and did I mention that it’s at 06:30 in the morning in the park... The closest venue is: Roberts Park, Saltaire, BD18 3LD Start Times: Monday 06:30 - 07:30 Tuesday 19:00 - 20:00 Thursday 06:30 - 07:30 Thursday 19:00 - 20:00 Saturday 09:00 - 10:00 For more information visit: Telephone: 01226 382800 Mobile: 07724 465770 - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


look good, feel good...

Elitephysio is a new physiotherapy & sports massage practice located at Cottingley manor consulting rooms. Our practitioners all work within elite performance sport and collectively have extensive experience in managing all aspects of musculoskeletal injury. In this new feature Prosider welcomes on board physiotherapist, Ian Blackburn, owner of Elitephysio in Cottingley Manor. Ian will be writing a feature for us in every issue, so if you are a sports enthusiast and would like impartial advice from an expert, be sure to pick up a copy of Prosider. Running injuries As spring arrives most of us feel invigorated and start exercising, coaxed outside by the warmer days and lighter evenings. It is not surprising that one of the most popular activities is running. The prospects of improving fitness, weight management, or competitive aspirations at one of the many events are all attractive elements of running. This natural exercise requires minimal specialist equipment and its time efficiency makes it an appealing proposition. A 30-minute run can set you up for the day, provides stress relief or ‘me’ time.

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Unfortunately running is not without its difficulties. The discomfort of muscle soreness, respiratory challenge and fatigue are often overlooked in a quest to achieve your targets. At the other end of the spectrum heart rate, mileage, GPS tracking and talk of intervals or hill reps often dominate discussion. Regardless of your level and commitment, one common denominator prevails – at some point athletes and recreational runners alike develop injuries. Whilst many are the result of acute incidents, poor technique or overzealous effort when you start out, others are more deep-seated in origin. Injuries could relate back to previous ailments and trauma with more prevalent problems including the back, hip, knee foot or ankle. Men and women sometimes present with different problems, but the majority of injuries can be reduced or avoided through building up your training gradually and wearing suitable footwear. In addition many individuals would benefit from assessment and possible treatment by a qualified physiotherapist or practitioner with experience in sports injuries. This would help to identify specific issues and address them through advice or treatment. This could prevent you becoming disheartened and giving up your running.

You might like the benefit of training with others, perhaps joining a group or club where the organised environment can cater for mixed abilities. A club can also provide a valuable resource for advice on common training errors that might predispose to injury. Clearly the desire to enjoy your activity is paramount with most not wanting to become a slave to exercise, however most athletes would agree that any injury which stops them training is one of the most frustrating experiences they have to endure and one that can be easily avoided through some simple planning and advice or treatment. Lead physiotherapist, Ian Blackburn (MCSP HPC), has 10 years’ experience providing the highest level of treatment across multiple sports. Career highlights include GB team physiotherapist Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Games, lead physiotherapist 2009 Tour de France along with provision to UK Athletics, English Institute of Sport and athletes at national, European and world championships.

Each session involves a comprehensive assessment followed by treatment of your condition where appropriate. This could include:

• manual therapy and mobilization • postural & gait analysis • soft tissue release • acupuncture • kinesiology taping • electrotherapy • rehabilitation programmes • bike fitting There’s also additional support with sports nutrition and strength and conditioning. Elitephysio aims to help clients return to full activity and achieve their goals. Contact Ian on 01274 510200 or email:

The same exacting standard of treatment is applied to all clients regardless of their level of activity. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!



Take a walk...

Goitstock Woods & Harden Beck 21/4 miles (3.5km) Circular walk Anybody who has dreams and aspirations will know how hard it can be to make those come true. However, one local person who is trying to make his dreams come alive is 19 year old Ash Caton, who is making it as a budding comedian. Ash studied, in his own words, ‘very little’ at Sixth Form– English Literature, Biology, History, Drama at Ilkley Grammar School, tending film auditions. So, what changed his mind about acting?

Image courtesy of Mathew Imison Photography

A relatively level walk along the valley bottom, walking mainly through woodland on unsurfaced footpaths which are often wet and boggy, including one short section where a handrail has been fitted to assist the walker over a narrow and rocky section. Please take care! This walk is not suitable for pushchairs, wheelchairs and people with restricted mobility. Walk start point: Harden Beck Bridge, junction of Wilsden Road and Harden Lane, adjacent to the Malt Shovel Public House. Bus Services: 616 Bradford/Bingley and 727 Keighley/Cullingworth pass the walk start point. Contact Metroline 0113 245 7676 for details. Car parking is limited to on street parking, please park with care. Although the Malt Shovel has a car park it is limited to patrons only.

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The Walk Start by walking along Goit Stock Lane between the houses and garages, following the sign for Harden and Bingley Caravan Site. (Harden park Homes). Continue along the lane walking parallel to Harden Beck on your left, all the way to the entrance to the caravan site. On reaching the caravan site follow the road through the site walking between the neatly trimmed hedges to where the site road turns to the right. Here the route leaves the caravan site by going straight ahead to walk in front of Calgary Lodge and through the gap in the fence into Goit Stock Wood. Follow the welldefined path through the woodland, again walking parallel with Harden Beck, which is now on the right hand side. Eventually the path starts to narrow down and is strewn

As you pass below the chimney the footpath crosses over the chimney flue. Continue along the path for a short distance and go through the stile at the side of the gate to where the path joins a track. Bear left along the track and around the right hand side of a gate to walk in front of a row of cottages (Goit Stock Cottages). Continue along the now tarmaced track to walk around the right hand side of a second gate.

with rocks, a handrail has been fitted here to help your passage and great care is required. Continue along the footpath as it starts a gentle but rocky climb, passing two waterfalls and crossing a railway sleeper bridge. After a short distance you will meet with a bridleway path crossing from left to right. Turn right downhill and across the bridge (Hallas Bridge), which spans Harden Beck, then turn immediately right again on the opposite side and follow the path a short distance up to the metal railings which can be seen above, and over the stile in to a field.

After approximately 125yds (115m), just beyond the first bend look out for a narrow footpath off to the right. Take this path through a small gate walking downhill at first, through thick vegetation and over a small railway sleeper bridge, before bearing right and then left near to the large rocks.

Cross the field diagonally to the right going uphill to another stile. Climb the stile back into the woodland and follow the well-defined path as it meanders through the trees, eventually reaching a stile in front of a large meadow.

Continue by following the dry stone wall on the left, through a field gate and straight ahead in front of the farmhouse (Ivy House Farm). Just beyond the farmyard bear left on to the farm access track, which you should follow back to the main road from where you started the walk.

Go through the stile and straight ahead across the meadow, keeping to the left of the row of mature trees in the centre of the meadow before crossing a metal footbridge at the far end. The path now follows the dry stone wall on the right, uphill and through the stile next to a field gate. Here bear right following the wall on the right to its end, before bearing left across the field towards the Goitstock Mill stone built chimney and the electricity pylon.





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See Points of Interest Along the Way on next page...

Goitstock Woods & Harden Beck

Points of Interest Along the Way In the next edition of Prosider, our historian Alan Cattell and Paul Davis of Harden Park Homes explore Harden and Cullingworths best kept secret, known to some as the Hidden Valley. Find out why the Airedale Poet John Nicholson chose the location to write some of his best poetry and discover the history behind the successful development then demise of the Happy Valley Pleasure Resort - Goit Stock in the 1920’s.

Like many valleys in the Bradford District, mills were built during the Industrial Revolution so as to take advantage of the ready supply of running water needed for the water wheels and steam engines. Along our short walk evidence of three mills can still be found. At the start of the walk on your left on the other side of Harden Beck the former Harden Bridge Mill has now been converted to a printing works. Further along the route at the caravan site, stood Goitstock Mill, the chimney of which can be seen built into the hillside on the return part of the walk. Towards the end

of its life, Goitstock Mill had parts of the building converted for recreational use. Mill machinery was removed to make way for a ballroom and cafe. Just beyond the half way point of the walk at Hallas Bridge the mill there has been converted for residential use. Walking through the woods and along the beck many different species of birds can be seen along with a wide variety of wildflowers. At the end of your walk the Malt Shovel Public House offers that much needed refreshment.

Harden Park Homes

The perfect place to put down roots . . . A meandering trout stream and idyllic waterfall, bluebells nodding in the shaded woods, oaks and conifers all around, squirrels and roe deer as some of your nearest neighbours ... what more could you ask for? This multi awardwinning park nestles in a sheltered valley, just on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales, and is surrounded by 80 acres of unspoilt private woodland. Compared to busy urban bustle, or even to traditional country living, this relaxing environment provides a truly unique way of life.

Most of the residents have sold their conventional homes and moved here permanently to experience the benefits of life in this secluded setting, coupled with the community of friendly neighbours and easy access to local amenities. Harden Park Homes is situated within walking distance of the pretty village of Harden, which offers shops, post office, two pubs and regular bus services to neighbouring Bingley, Keighley and Bradford. In addition, residents have free access to the 80-acre estate which offers wooded walks, fishing and bird watching.

Imagine life in the Hidden Valley Residential Park Homes in a beautiful rural setting

...the perfect place to put down roots Multi award-winning Harden Park Homes is situated within walking

distance of the much sought after and pretty village of Harden. Set in 80 acres of secluded, unspoilt private woodland containing spectacular waterfalls and wild deer, you can enjoy living in a beautiful, rural environment without feeling isolated. For enquiries or to arrange a free, no obligation tour to view our show homes and available plots please contact:

Beautiful Homes

Eco Frames... A No-nonsense approach to selling windows, doors and conservatories

Are your windows and doors looking a little worn out? Do you need that extra living space but don’t want to build an extension? Then look no further… Eco Frame are experts at helping you choose the right product for your home. Based in Bradford, Eco Frame Windows, Doors and Conservatories Ltd are a family run business who have been creating some of the finest quality bespoke windows, doors, conservatories and orangeries for many years. Eco Frame do not employ door to door sales people or telesales people, so rest assured you are speaking directly to a family member. Each member plays an active role, from the initial enquiry, to booking a sales designer to call, through to the final completion of your project. You can expect a quality professional service and expert advice from all members of the team, including our surveyors who are highly experienced in the use of top quality PVCu profiles, with a full understanding of both traditional and contemporary design. Only the best German profile products are used throughout. This combination of knowledge and experience is applied in all Eco Frames’ installations to ensure that the finished product integrates perfectly with your home. Prosider recently visited Eco Frames to get the low down on the company and their services, this is what the owner James had to say “from the moment Eco Frames arrive at your home we treat it with the same respect we do our own, heavy duty dust sheets are used to ensure minimal

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mess and at the end of each day all rubbish is removed. We make sure that we leave your rooms as clean as we find them”. He also added “We can help you with planning consent and architect services for conservatories, which we know can be very time consuming”. James also spoke to us about their fabrication to installation process, he adds “We not only fabricate your units in our own modern workshops using the latest up to date machines and techniques using REHAU quality base material, but we also employ our own installation engineers and so we are able to guarantee not only the product for 15 years but also the quality of the installation. You can be confident that in the unlikely event of you having a problem, an experienced engineer will call to assess the query and rectify the issue”. Now for the technical bit … In October 2010 the government made changes to Part L of the Building Regulations, which requires all existing homes to be more energy efficient. Also all conservatories will be assessed using the same regulations as the rest of the home. Eco Frame was one of the first companies to meet the proposed regulations, offering you an effective way of reducing your energy bills and keeping your home warmer and quieter. Window energy ratings are becoming increasingly important within the industry and Eco Frame are Certass accredited installers who also provide a full insurance backed guarantee for all installations. Eco Frame can offer you environmentally friendly windows, which all have a U-Value of 1.6 or lower. Eco Frame are so confident with their product, that they will be happy to provide local testimonials, available on request. They have many satisfied customers in the Bingley, Baildon, and Saltaire areas of Bradford that would be more than happy to speak to you. To find out more about how Eco Frame can transform your home, please contact James and the team on: 01274 725766 or 07967 250743

Quality uPVC Windows, Doors & Conservatories A family run local business, we manufacture in Bradford. No hard sell, just the best in energy efficient uPVC with a 15 year Guarantee. Contact us today for a free quote...

4A, Hillam Court, Hillam Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD2 1QN Behind Bradford Motorcycles

Chasing Dreams

DreamChaser Anybody who has dreams and aspirations will know how hard it can be to make those come true. One local person who is trying to make his dreams come alive is 19-year-old budding comedian Ash Caton, who is hoping to be accepted to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2011. Mitch Hedberg, who died quite young in 2005. He performed brilliant one-liners.” Ash divides his comedy between one-liners and story-telling. “My stories are unplanned. But with my one-liners I know exactly what I’m going to say and when I’m going to say it.” Since he began, in October 2008, Ash has already played about 30 gigs across North Yorkshire. I ask if he remembers his first gig, and if it was daunting. “Actually, it was lucky,” he recalls, truthfully. “It was at a talent night and I was the only comedian there. The other acts were poets and I think the audience would have laughed at anything.”

Here our movie reviewer, Helya Arbabha, met up with Ash to find out what inspires him. I start by asking him why he does comedy in the first place, especially as it’s such a difficult market to break into. He agrees with me and says, “I realised I’d crossed off every other option. In reality, I’d like to be a comedian full-time.” Before he started comedy, Ash was acting. I watched him play the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland at Kings Hall Ilkley last year, and was very impressed. He has also been an extra on the children’s ITV favourite My Parents Are Aliens. So, what changed his mind about acting? “I just prefer the freedom of comedy. I’d say I have a better chance of becoming a comedian – you have more space to be creative. When you act you are reading somebody else’s words.” I wonder who stands out for him as inspiration. “Eddie Izzard is the main one. I’m not much like him, but I just think he’s the funniest man ever. And there was an American comedian called

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As well as comedy, Ash also has a keen interest in films. One we mention is Man on the Moon, which triggers Ash to remember another comedy inspiration – the late Andy Kaufman, who was a performance artist. “Man on the Moon is a film about his life.” I am intrigued to find out how Ash gets into the zone for writing an amazing gig rather than a total flop. “I don’t simply sit down and write – it just sort of happens. If I hear someone say something silly or they do something funny I’ll keep it in mind and turn it into a joke later.” He also admits he never tests his jokes beforehand. “Some jokes work well for a big audience others work one-on-one. I hate it when people say, ‘tell us a joke’, because they’re made to suit different audiences.” Any tips for budding comedians? “Be prepared to fail a few times,” he advises. “Even top comedians have failures.” To finish off, I ask where he sees himself in ten years time. He simply answers, “It’ll probably still be in a mirror.” for laughs: email:

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Bespoke AV storage systems

One Yorkshire name is music to our ears. Daedalian is a company whose glowing reputation has already been built on creating bespoke handmade furniture and interiors using traditional cabinet-making techniques. Today, it might surprise some people to know that designing and crafting state-of-the-art housings for the very latest audio visual equipment is another important area of the team’s business. Based in Oxenhope, Daedalian’s small but highly experienced team prides itself on a quality-driven and detail-led approach that’s fast disappearing in this age of mass-production. While bespoke furniture, kitchen’s and period makeovers still make up the majority of the team’s projects, more and more of its loyal client base are trusting Daedalian with the task of designing and creating functional yet breathtaking storage solutions for high-end home entertainment systems and media rooms.

Using the same fine materials and timehonoured craftsmanship that helped make their more conventional work so desirable, Daedalian’s design and cabinet-making team are producing everything from standalone AV cabinets to entire AV walls skilfully concealing systems costing many tens of thousands of pounds. The company’s Co-Director and Designer, Catherine Senior, explained, “Many of our customers live in beautiful period properties with a very particular aesthetic style, so they ask us to create bespoke AV storage that will complement the surrounding style and yet remain completely functional when it comes to actually operating the technology. This area of our work has been steadily growing for several years, and now we’ve got the specialist knowledge and handson experience needed to create storage systems that really do justice to a property’s architecture and interior style as well as the AV system’s performance.” With customers spending anything up to £100,000 on high-performance AV equipment for the home, it’s crucial that Daedalian’s designs and workmanship help those users get the most from their investment. While some commissions are for relatively straightforward work, like stylish automated mountings for plasma TVs, other customers require far more complex features including TV lifts, housings for 60” screens and so-called ‘optical eye’ or ‘IR bug’ remote windows. Wiring, ventilation, sub-woofer positioning and user access are the sort of considerations that make careful planning and innovative design a crucial starting point, but it’s Daedalian’s use of specialist woods and meticulous craftsmanship, as well as their superior finishes and professional installation, which help guarantee classleading execution and peerless end results. Daedalian’s Co-Director and Project Manager, Jonas Hartley, summed up, “We’re used to working with Bose Lifestyle systems and other state-of-the-art products, so it’s essential that our work doesn’t just look great and last well, it must also contribute to the overall performance of the AV technologies. By combining our expertise with the expertise of the AV supplier chosen by the customer, we’re able to produce

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unique and highly individual storage systems that perfectly reconcile our customers’ expectations with the specific technical requirements of the equipment.” There’s no denying the fact that with so much amazing technology to choose from, buying the right AV system is very much a matter of personal preference. But one thing is for sure: your finished AV system can look every bit as good as it sounds, with a little help from Daedalian.

West is West UK release: Out now (15) Cast: Om Puri, Linda Bassett, Jimi Mistry & Aquib Khan In 1999, a small British film grossed £10 million in the UK and more than $4.1 million in the US. That film was East is East. For those of you have never seen East is East, here’s a quick summary. The year is 1971 and Pakistani-born Muslim, George Khan (Om Puri), lives in Salford with his second wife Ella (who is white and Christian) and their seven children. For those of you who are wondering, the children’s names (in age order) are Nazir, Abdul, Tariq, Maneer, Saleem, Meenah and Sajid. George tries to bring up his children in the Islamic way as he was, but it’s difficult when all they want to do is rebel against him and his beliefs. The film was met with critical acclaim and people wanted to know more about the wonderful Khan family. Eleven years later, our requests were granted and we were given West is West. This film is set four years later, in 1975, and all the children have left home apart from Sajid, who is now 15 years old, causing trouble in his school and ashamed of his Pakistani heritage. Determined to put Sajid back in his place, George takes him back to Pakistan, where he is introduced to George’s friends, family and, more significantly, George’s first wife: the woman he left in order to start a new life in England. The storyline is sweet, if a little cliché, but the film pulls it off. The introduction of George’s first wife, Basheera Khan (played by Ila Arun), was a risky move for the film makers, but it is executed well. There is a particularly poignant scene where Ella arrives in Pakistan and meets Basheera for the first time. Despite being unable to speak one another’s language, they have a heart to heart in which they talk about their feelings towards each other and George. There are plenty of jokes about Bradford and Yorkshire in the film, and Cineworld is the perfect place to enjoy them. The audience were laughing out loud when I saw the film (always a good sign), and apart from a few jokes that have been - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

done before, the comedy was still strong. The characters were played very well and there were some brilliant scenes –but I feel that the storyline let it down a bit, and of course the lack of the Khan family. I noticed the absence of six of the children. This is understandable. Archie Panjabi (you’ll know her from Bend it like Beckham) played 14-year-old Meenah Khan in East is East when she was 27 and is now a 38-year-old Emmy Award winning actress. The actor who played Nazir (Ian Aspinall) is now 49. I think you’ll agree with me when I say that it might look slightly odd to have them in a sequel set just four years after the first. Jordan Routledge, who played parka-clad Sajid (he rarely took his parka off as he was confused as to who he was) is now out of the acting business and too old to play a 15-yearold, so Aquib Khan was recruited to stand in and play the new Sajid. Khan does a good job playing Sajid (it can never be easy filling somebody else’s shoes), and he has good


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chemistry with Om Puri, who, for me, is still the best actor on the screen. Puri made his name in Bollywood films, in which he still appears today. He is the perfect choice for George Khan; his comic timing and ability to switch from emotion to emotion is phenomenal. The fantastic thing about East is East and West is West is that they both manage to combine comedy with difficult social issues. The film deals with racism, family separation, leaving home and marriage – but don’t let that put you off! You will enjoy West is West if you don’t compare it to East is East, because they’re so different. However, you really need to watch East is East to properly understand this film and the characters in it. There are rumours of a third film, although I can’t really imagine what the storyline could be, and what it would be called – South is South? North is North? As much as I adore the Khan family, I struggle to think of a possible plot that could match the brilliance of the first. Because of its frequent use of strong language, the film is a certificate 15. Teenagers and adults alike will enjoy this film, but, if you’re easily offended, maybe this isn’t for you. I gave the film three and a half stars; I liked it a lot, though it didn’t match up to the genius of East is East. Still, West is West had me and the rest of the audience smiling away, and if you get yourself down to Bradford Cineworld it will have you doing the same! Review by Heyla Arbabha

Competion Time: I Am Number Four merchandise, Torch, Pen & T-Shirt PLUS Cinema Tickets (to see a movie of your choice). Sign up to Prosider Shop Local to be entered into the prize draw. 2 lucky winners will receive a merchandise pack and 2 cinema tickets. 2 runners up will receive cinema tickets. Visit: and Register for our SHOP LOCAL campaign... Winners will be randomly selected and notified by email. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


Entertainment is As well as West West, another film the that recently hit big screens was r. I Am Number Fou Produced by , Steven Spielberg this American film was a definite hit with teenagers everywhere. If you the have yet to see movie or planning to wait until it is released on DVD, wn here’s the low-do on everything you need to know.

Review by Heyla Arbabha

Cast: Alex now Uk release: Outa Agron, Timothy Pettyfer, Diann ector: D.J. Caruso Dir Olyphant nager who John Smith, a tee Alex Pettyfer plays to kill him. nt wa t tha enemies is on the run from yphant) he Henri (Timothy Ol With his guardian reaches he to place, until moves from place expected un er oth an takes Ohio, where his life ron), Ag first love (Dianna turn. He meets his had he ew kn r ve wers he ne discovers new po have y ma he t tha le peop and a link to other on with. something in comm

FACT FILE Made on a budget of $50 million It is based on the novel of the same name by Pittacus Lore (a pseudonym for James Frey and Jobie Hughes) It was filmed in 20 different locations High Franklin Regional ville School in Murrys a was selected as filming location. nna Alex Pettyfer, Dia Agron and Teresa ted Palmer are contrac re to participate in futu sequels.


Alex Pettyfer

THE CAST Dianna Agron

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Food & Drink

New Asian Cuisine in Silsden Over the last six months a restaurant specialising in traditional Bangladeshi cooking has successfully established itself in Silsden. It is fast becoming known as one of the best kept culinary secrets and dining experiences in the Aire Valley by offering a choice of either traditional Bangladeshi cuisine, or, a range of the Indian dishes to which diners may be more accustomed. Deshi (no prizes as to why the restaurant is called that!) prides itself on offering customers fish, meat or vegetarian choices based on traditional Bangladeshi recipes, the difference being in the spices used. These tend to present a milder flavour than their alternative traditional Indian counterparts. Deshi specialities include fish curries or fish kufta (kebabs), for which Bangladeshi cuisine is famous. Deshi is owned by a family who have been in the catering trade for 20 years offering Asian cuisine in Penistone and Barnsley. The owners chose Silsden for their new venture as it was felt that there was a discerning market there. This decision has been proved

Asked why customers should consider a trip to Deshi for a meal the owners summed up their dining experience:

“We offer quality food and really good personal service in a friendly atmosphere, where nothing is too much trouble. Well we would say that, wouldn’t we!” But why not see for yourselves and give us a try... our regular return customers did!

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right since the restaurant was opened six months ago as it has attracted a regular and increasing clientele primarily from Crosshills, Steeton, Skipton, Addingham and Ilkley, but also from further afield. The team in the kitchen are all Bangladeshi and based on their reputation for providing excellent cuisine were head- hunted from Reading by the family. From the staff point of view their move to Yorkshire has provided them with the challenges of setting up a new restaurant from scratch, as well as offering them a better quality of life. Deshi offers customers the choice of takeaway (a side of the business which has quickly grown based on reputation), or eating in the newly decorated 55 seat restaurant which is spread over two floors.

We asked some of our regulars what they thought of Deshi, here’s what they said... What do you like about Deshi? Answer: For me the freshly cooked food and wide variety of dishes on the menu make it what it is. Favourite meals at Deshi? Answer: Sylheti Murghi, Sea Food Special Starter, Chicken Majmani and the “chef specials” are fantastic, of the many dishes I’ve tried, mild to hot, I am yet to find one I dont like. What about the service? Answer: The service is very good. The staff quickly learned our names and our likes/taste. Because everything is cooked upon order a slight wait between courses is fully expected with fresh food of this class. What can customers look forward to? Answer: Customers will find a friendly atmosphere, easy to understand menu with a vast array of dishes to suit all tastes, children a regular sight at deshi and welcomed by the staff. A good selection of beers, wines, spirits etc is available upon request as are soft drinks too.

Traditional Bangladeshi cuisine

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Please note: these offers are for restaurant diners only and can not be used on take away orders

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10 Kirkgate | Silsden | BD20 0AL Tel: 01535 656222 Opening Hours: Sunday - Thursday 5:30pm - 11:30pm Friday - Saturday 5:30pm -12:30am


Bingley Handbell Ringers Solna Burnham, secretary of Bingley Handbell Ringers, got in touch to tell us how they raised funds to restore some of a haul of 71 historic handbells discovered in Bingley Parish Church. Back in October 2008 we launched a fund-raising campaign to restore some of the historic handbells found hidden away in the tower of Bingley Parish Church. Research showed that the bells could be traced back to the late 1880s and were originally manufactured by a Bradford company, James Shaw & Son. As they had not been rung for over 50 years they were in a very poor state of repair.

foundry towards the end of June. It is amazing how they have been transformed into sparkling objects from the very dull and battered items which we sent earlier in the year.

We obtained a quotation of £3,200 from Taylors Bell Foundry of Loughborough to restore 25 of the bells back to full working order. Through the local media including the pages of this magazine we publicised our campaign and finally reached our target in May 2010 – less than two years after launching our campaign. We raised much of the money ourselves through sponsored walks, car boot sales, waitressing at a wedding and clothes collections.

As time progressed more people joined us and we were ready for two appearances in December. The first was at a Bellringers’ carol service in Idle and the second was at the All Saints, Bingley Carol Service.

However we would not have reached our target if it had not been for very generous donations from Bradford and Bingley Community Action team, Shipley Community Chest and the Bingley Civic Trust. We are also very grateful to individuals and small groups who also assisted us. The refurbished handbells complete with custom-made cases arrived back from the

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Later we were assisted by a further grant from Cnet which enabled us to purchase music and stands, table cloths and the all important matching polo shirts. We started off with no knowledge (well very little anyhow) of handbell ringing. Most of us were predominately tower bell ringers. We decided that if we started learning Christmas carols we might be ready to perform by Christmas.

We hope those of you who came to hear us enjoyed our performance. Despite two of our band being unable to attend due to weather problems and other commitments we still had sufficient members to play all our party pieces – even though one of our number had only joined us less than a month before. Our appearance had the added benefit of attracting the interest of a number of potential ringers and three of them joined us at our first post-Christmas rehearsal. Our next big event is a spring rally at Grassington on 21 May where we have to show our talents in front of other handbell ringers – they will be a much more critical audience we fear.

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n o i t a c u d E

brings you n io t c e s ducation e w s right e n ie r d e n s A r r u b n Our Fr oM s w e n t s cation... e t u a d l E e r h e t h l t l r a h to Fu g u o r H t y the WA

We feel strongly about giving Educational organisations the opportunity to communicate with the local community through the pages of Prosider. The purpose of this section is to inform our readers what the local schools, nurseries and colleges are getting up to, what achievements they have made and what their plans are for the future. It could be as simple as introducing a new teacher to the school or maybe an editorial on a school trip away. If you represent a local educational facility and think you may have something exciting to share with Prosider readers, or equally if you are a student or a parent and would like to make suggestions of what you would like to see on these pages in the future, then please do get in touch...

A call to local businesses.

This section is heavily subsidised by the Prosider (because we feel it’s important to give educational facilities a voice), however if you would like to sponsor this section of our magazine and help support education in your local area, whilst promoting your business at the same time, then please get in touch. For further details, please contact Simon Harrup, Editor on: 07881 801563 or email:

We would love to hear your ideas... - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!



Harden Pre-School In the heart of Harden village, approximately 2 miles from Bingley town centre, is an OFSTED rated “good” village Pre-School offering places to local families and outside communities. Prosider recently took the time to visit the Pre-School, to find out what it has to offer parents of children aged between two and five years. Harden Pre-school offers childcare provision for children aged between two and five and is set in Harden village, near the Memorial Park. It is based in the Memorial Hall and has an extensive play area outside.

their own pace, and with a key person in place, this allows us to plan the curriculum tailored to the needs of each individual child. Our Pre-School recognises that parents are the first and most important educators of their young children, and with this in mind we are here to support parents in this role.” She continued, “ We also welcome parents as part of our “open door policy”, which means as a parent or carer you are welcome to visit us at any time be it to have a look at your child’s work or to discuss any aspect of your child’s activities at Pre-School”. Harden Pre-School is a member of the Shipley branch of the Pre-School Learning Alliance and is registered to receive nursery education grants for all three and four year olds under the umbrella of the OFSTED early years directorate. Funding becomes available for children the term after they turn three years old. However, the Pre-School also offer places to children from the age of two, and will gladly take them in their morning sessions, which run from Monday to Friday from 9.00 until 11.30. The school offers twenty-four registered day care places per session, and has a high ratio of adults to children. Harden Pre-School also offers full day care for children aged three years and upwards, which enables the child to learn through play, but also to socialise with other children in the Pre-School’s lunch club sessions. As a charity (registered no. 1040505) Harden Pre-School relies on fundraising activities to help support the Pre-School and it is always keen to organise family orientated events. A recent example of this is the Pre-School’s sponsored walk, which saw Pre-School children and their families enjoy a walk through the local idyllic sights of Goit Stock,

Suzanne Fletcher, a manager at Harden Pre-school, described the unique experience Harden Pre-School has to offer, “We feel Harden village has a great sense of community spirit. We see Harden Pre-School as a fantastic starting point in your child’s journey. Gina Thompson, also a manager at Harden Pre-School added “Our team are experienced and qualified, and appreciate that each child is unique. The children are supported in developing their potential at

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Education whilst raising money for Pre-School at the same time. On their return each attendant was treated to a goody bag and a certificate of achievement. Speaking about this event, Angela Parker, one of the Pre-School committee members explained, “We were positively overwhelmed by the number of parents and children who took part in our sponsored walk. We see fundraising as a way of both continuing to support Harden Pre-School’s future and

as a fun social day out for the children to share with their Pre-School friends and their families alike.” So, if you are looking for a good quality learning environment for your PreSchool child in September 2011, then look no further. Suzanne and Gina, the Pre-School Managers will be pleased to answer any questions you may have. You can contact them on 01535 275019 or 07817 240908 or email:

For more details about how to become a Girlguiding volunteer in Baildon and what is involved please telephone 01274 481419 or go online at

Last year saw Girlguiding UK celebrating its centenary with an exciting programme of events throughout the year. The centenary showcases Girlguiding as a modern, diverse organisation that provides females with exciting opportunities to develop their potential, make a difference to the world and have a lot of fun.

5-7years), six Brownie units (aged 7-10 years), two Guide units (aged 10-14 years) and a Senior Section unit (aged 14 +) plus all our adult volunteers who as well as running units throughout the year, plan, organise and run numerous activity days, camps, sleep overs, fund raising events and pack holidays.

To commemorate the centenary, Girlguiding Baildon District has donated a rose and a plaque to the Baildon Community Garden. The garden is a central part of the village and is used throughout the year by the different units within Baildon for a variety of activities. An army of volunteers cares for the garden and the local community admires their hard work throughout the year.

To enable us to carry on Girlguiding in Baildon for the next 100 years we are actively looking for, and extend a warm welcome to, new leaders or unit helpers. Whatever skills and interests someone has and no matter how much or little time they have to spare, one of Girlguiding’s volunteer roles is bound to suit and in return we offer the chance to make new friends, have lots of fun along the way and to make a positive contribution to Baildon village.

Girlguiding is very well supported within Baildon, with two Rainbow units (aged - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!



Lady Lane Family... Prosider took time out to visit Lady Lane Park School and Nursery recently to find out what you can expect if your child joins the school. Gill Wilson, Headteacher tells us what the children of Lady Lane are getting up to.

The girls and boys at Lady Lane Park School and Nursery invite you to join them at their busy and fun packed school. They are very proud of their school and enjoy each and every amazing day to the full. There is always something exciting and interesting just around the corner and children are encouraged to be inquisitive, confident, articulate and supportive of each other. Just recently our little ones in the nursery have planted potatoes for an early summer feast and apple and pear trees for future years of delicious fruit. They have visited farms and completed a nature trail in a local park. Back in our nursery and with imaginations in overdrive, they have dressed up as pirates to sail the oceans blue and follow their own beautifully made little treasure maps. Our children are always challenged with new and exciting experiences, and of course they are always loved and cared for by experienced staff, and they always feel safe in their home from home, which is Lady Lane. During a recession all parents have to compromise on all sorts of things, but not one of us would compromise on the finest start in life for our children. Young children can’t wait for the recession to end, they need their excellent start in life now.

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At Lady Lane Park School and Nursery, we understand that, and we will do all that we can to help you to achieve that. Just pick up the phone and the rest will take care of itself. We all look forward to welcoming you to our Lady Lane family. For further information on how your child can join Lady Lane Park School and Nursery, please contact Gill Wilson 01274 551168 or email: Lady Lane Park School and Nursery Lady Lane, Bingley, West Yorkshire, BD16 4AP Headteacher: Mrs. Gill Wilson

Further Education

Shipley College is a small, friendly place that will give you the individual attention you deserve. This has given us a reputation for providing outstanding support for students. Based in the UNESCO World Heritage site of Saltaire, it is a great place to study and only 15-20 minutes from Bradford or Leeds by bus or train. Full-time courses and Apprenticeships We have lots of courses on offer, to find out more and request a prospectus, phone us, Full-time visit our website or pop along Prospectus 2011/12 to one of our Open Days:


Great People, Great Place

Tuesday 10th May 2011: 4pm – 7.30pm Exhibition Building, Shipley College

Thursday 23rd June 2011 2pm - 8pm Exhibition Building, Shipley College Fund Raising Fun Staff and students get very involved in fund raising, both for class trips and campaigns like Red Nose Day. So far this year we have raised more than £530 for Comic Relief! This was a cross college effort with different classes organising fun and wacky activities like a pie throwing competition, sponsored hair dyeing and leg waxing and video games tournaments. Our ‘Shipley’s Got Talent’ competition also proved popular. Singers and musicians performed rap, rock and soul to a very appreciative crowd. Combined with a display of martial arts this made for a great talent show!

We have a great range of spring/summer part-time courses; you could develop a hobby or interest or improve your career prospects with a professional development course. Try something new this spring, meet new people and have some fun! Professional Development options include: • Book-keeping & Accounts • Childcare NVQs • First Line Management • First Aid • Food Safety • Health & Social Care NVQs • IT Hardware • Online Business & Enterprise • Web Design Personal Development options include: • Cooking • Creative Crafts • Gardening • Introductory Holistic Therapies • Keep Fit & Sports • Languages • Wedding Planning • Flexible IT courses

To enrol on the courses above or to request a copy of our part-time spring brochure call 01274 327222 Our new part-time prospectus will be launched in June 2011.

Sports student discovers her talents Toni Thompkins - Sporting Champ Toni Thompkins, a Sports student at Shipley College is the youngest member of the England Woman’s Student Rugby Team. Most of her team mates are at university! A sports fanatic, Toni stumbled upon rugby aged ten when what she really wanted was to play football. She stayed with rugby and plays locally for the Bradford Thunderbirds, based in Clayton. She fits intensive training for national matches with her full-time study on the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport, where she is achieving high grades. Toni is a local sporting superstar, being the only one from Bradford to play for the England Student Team and has competed against international teams from France to Kazakhstan. The best bit about rugby for Toni is the intensity of the matches and putting up a good fight inside the ‘scrum’. Toni is an inspiration to young girls everywhere who love sport. She hopes to continue playing rugby and wants a career in the army. Softly spoken Toni is an example of the true hardworking Shipley College talent.

Are you the type of person who is constantly striving to be environmentally friendly, by recycling your waste or reducing your carbon footprint? If the answer is yes, then maybe you should consider generating your own electricity with Electrotect’s solar photovoltaic panels. Convert sunlight into electricity and the government will give you an annual cash back sum of up to £1750 per year So, how do you do this? By generating your own electricity using low carbon or renewable sources such as wind turbines or solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, you can receive up to £1750 per year from the government’s new cash back plan, called FiTs (feed in tariffs). What are FiTs? The FiTs scheme, which was recently introduced, offers the incentive of a clean energy cash-back plan for participants. The scheme makes regular payments to households or communities who are generating their own electricity. Households are paid 41.3p per unit/kwh of generated electricity regardless of whether you use it or export it. What’s more, payments are tax-free, index linked and guaranteed for 25 years. And VAT on electricity is still only 5% for the foreseeable future. So how does the FiT generate income for the user? 1. With PV micro generators, you will be paid for every kwh or unit they produce (typically 41.3p per unit) 2. The user will be paid an export rate to the national grid for energy not consumed onsite – this can be arranged with the supplier 3. Plus the household has significant savings on its electricity bill. So now you know how to help reduce your carbon footprint, who can help you achieve it? Electrotect Renewable Energies Ltd is a family-run Bradford business which specialises in solar photovoltaic renewable

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energy installations in homes and businesses. The owner, Daniel Lang, regularly advises people on how to apply for the FiTs scheme and the expected rate of financial return. Daniel said: “We believe we have a responsibility to the environment to cut down CO2 emissions and the FiTs scheme has made micro-generation accessible to a far wider range of people.” Daniel also explained that in April/May 2011 there is likely to be an increase of the FiTs scheme when it is up for review, which means the user will benefit from up to an additional £70 per year. The best two months for production are April and May, due to the long daylight hours, the efficiency of the panels and optimum condition of production. So it is the right time to be thinking about converting to solar panels NOW, in order for you to get a better return over the next few months and the whole of the year. Electrotect are also looking to introduce their new Hybrid Panels, made by Sanyo. The panels are much higher in efficiency and a market-leader in this field; this means that the user can earn up to an extra 10-12% payback on investment. Daniel added: “We have several happy and satisfied customers in the Bingley, Baildon and Harden areas of Bradford and we will happily arrange for you to speak to them should you be looking for feedback.” If you would like no-nonsense advice on how you can reduce your carbon footprint, whilst getting paid for it, please contact Daniel Lang at Electrotect on 01274 816782 or email

H Harness the power off th th the sun and receive up to ÂŁ1750 per year from the Government. Electrotect are photovoltaics (PV) specialists and can show you how to use Solar Panels as a sound investment for both your property and the future of our environment. As family run business and leaders in our field, we believe in cutting through the jargon to give simple professional advice.

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Mechanics Institute - Old Library In this article local historian Alan Cattell identifies and explores the many uses of what must surely be one of the oldest buildings on Bingley Main Street.

Further Education and a girls’ school Images courtesy of Bradford Libraries

In 1864 a Mechanics’ Institute was erected in Main Street, Bingley, by public subscription. Its purpose was to provide a venue for self- help classes and educational opportunities for working people. Mechanics’ Institutes were pioneers in further education, established to further understanding of technical and scientific subjects through a lecture and night school approach.


The Leeds Mercury of 15 November 1864 reported that facilities included: • A hall for lectures and music on the top floor which was designed to accommodate 500 people on the top floor • A news reading room and classrooms on the ground floor • A spacious schoolroom for elementary instruction and evening classes in the basement. In its first year the Institute had 350 members and the reading room supplied seven daily and seven weekly newspapers. As a small library it also issued over 6000 books. The clock to the Institute was initially the subject of some derision: its primary motive power was water which proved - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

History ineffective and for some time the clock was permanently stopped at a quarter to one until a new power supply was fitted in 1868. From 1873 to 1879 a Girls’ School was carried on in the Mechanics’ Institute as a precursor to later integration with other schools in the area. (Dodd,1930, History of the Bingley Grammar School) Town Hall and free library In 1890 the Mechanics’ Institute was leased as the Town Hall for Bingley and in 1892 the old reading and news room was converted into a Council Chamber. At a meeting of local ratepayers in 1890, the concept of the Free Libraries Act was adopted and accordingly a library was also opened in the building in 1892. This was supported by local benefactor Alfred Sharp of Myrtle Grove who contributed £1000 towards the purchase of new books.

Public baths Around this time, sanitation and cleanliness were a major topic of debate at both national and local level. As a result, Bingley adopted the idea of public baths (not yet swimming baths, which were not built in Bingley until 1927).

The Leeds Mercury of 12 March 1892 reported: “The erection of public baths at Bingley Town Hall is almost completed. There is a Turkish Bath and two first class and five second class slipper baths, each fitted with arrangements for rapid filling and fed by a large cistern for hot water.” The arrangements for the different aspects of the Institute to coexist together were: • The basement was converted to public baths • The ground floor became public offices • The first floor became the free library. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


History also joined the Yorkshire Regional Library which made it possible to borrow books not included in local stock. In 1926 the whole building of the Mechanics’ Institute was handed over to the library and Myrtle Grove now became the Town Hall. The year 1928 saw the lending library and reading room being enlarged. The next major refurbishment was in 1946 when large-scale alterations were carried out. In 1950 an exhibition room was provided to house the model steam engine collection donated by Mr W H Smith and a junior library was opened in the former exhibition room. During 1960 a mobile library service was inaugurated to replace centres at Harden, Wilsden and Cullingworth. This service also covered Cottingley. In March 1973 the former Mechanics’ Institute closed after 109 years; 81 of these as a library. The reason for the closure was that the building was no longer fit for purpose as an expanding library. 1973 to 2011

The rest as they say... is history. On 17 April 1973 the new central library opened in the Myrtle Walk shopping centre where it remained until its relocation within the 5Rise shopping precinct opened in 2010. Workers’ Education Association (WEA) Bingley District Council obtained the freehold to the building in 1907. Whilst the original function of the Mechanics’ Institute was the provision of general educational opportunities for workers, this was superseded by provision by the Workers’ Education Council, a branch of which was launched in Bingley in 1913. In the years immediately after World War I, the WEA flourished and the Bingley Branch based at the Mechanics Institute, was thought to be one of the most successful in the county in proportion to head of population. Public library After the adoption of ‘open access’ in November 1923 and the awarding of a grant by the Carnegie Trust, the public library in Bingley steadily increased its services, whilst the WEA influence sadly declined. The library

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When the Mechanics’ Institute was opened on Main Street in 1864 the dignitary who opened it prophesied: “It is a most beautiful building which will be an adornment to the town: it will enable the inhabitants to hold public meetings and to listen to lectures: for many, many years to come it will be destined that there will be much to instruct and please within these walls.” Now, 147 years later the building still stands in a prominent position on Main Street having more than fulfilled its promise to instruct by serving the town at different times as a Mechanics’ Institute, girls’ school, town hall/ council chamber and library. Nowadays it fulfils its promise to please by housing a wine bar and dance school. Alan Cattell, Bingley, January 2011






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