Prosider Christmas 2010

Page 1

A look back at Christmas Past in Bingley

Tantalising treats for the discerning Food Lover

A brand new section for the Ladies

Get the low down on Santa

A guide to what’s happening over Christmas

Contributions Alan Cattell Wren Copywriting David Dinsey Chris Wildman Lauren Ives John Pennington Kevin Warnes Ros Dawson Ros Walker Paul Spence Rebecca Shaw Bradford Ear Trust Heyla Arbabha Ellenyi Sam Naylor Sgt Di Collins Cineworld - Bradford

Photo Credits Press Association Bradford Library Villa Dental Universal Pictures International UK Twentieth Century Fox

Distribution Area Bingley, Eldwick, Gilstead, Harden, Wilsden, Keighley, Baildon, Saltaire and Shipley Contact Kimberley: Simon:

Tel: 01274 288 011 We hope that all information contained in The Prosider will be useful and interesting. We encourage readers to come forward with their views on content in this issue. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in the publication, The Prosider and Overt Marketing Ltd cannot accept responsiblity for any errors it may contain. All issues and editions of The Prosider is sole property of Overt Marketing Ltd. The Prosider and Overt Marketing Ltd cannot be held responsible or legally liable for the loss of damage or any material, solicited or unsolicited. No reproduction of any part of this publication, in any form or by any means is permitted without prior written consent from Overt Marketing Ltd. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the advertisers or the publishers. All magazine content has received the necessary approval/permisssion, to be included, by necessary parties.

Welcome Dear Prosider readers Welcome to the Christmas Special edition of the Prosider, we hope you enjoy this issue as much as we did putting it together. My partner Kimberley has since joined the team here at Prosider and will be looking at putting together a dedicated section to you ladies out there, with the help of Prosider’s Beauty Editor Lauren Ives. In this issue we have the very successful Beauty Salon Mirror Mirror in Bingley sharing their tips & tricks feeling great this winter. As well as the beauty section, we have also introduced a Food & Drink section, sharing lots of great ideas for Christmas, introduced by Chris Wildman and his new Yorkshire Dales Food Network on page 14, over the coming months Chris and the Prosider hope to bring you many Gastronomic delights. If you are a Movie-goer, you’ll be pleased to hear that we have the Movie section back! This time, we are working with Cineworld in Bradford (your local multiplex cinema) to bring you the best movie reviews and forthcoming film updates! We have 2 new Movie Buffs to help us along our way, young Helya Arbabha, who is currently studying her A-Levels (Eng & Media) and is interested in writing & Journalism and Ellenyi, a singer / songwriter (but also a Movie Geek)!! Ellenyi will also be bringing you right up to date with music & DVD reviews…. So watch this space!! We have a Special Christmas interview with Rob Harrison from the Chamber of Trade, who enlightens us with inside information on all things Santa Claus before his visit to Bingley Market on 27th November. Hope you enjoy reading this Christmas Special and don’t forget if you have anything interesting to share with our readers, get in touch…. We would like to thank all our advertisers in this issue for your continued support with Prosider, but also to our new customers who have also come on board! We hope that Prosider will prove to be successful for your business! Don’t forget people to SHOP LOCAL! Keep our high street bustling in 2011!!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from both of us! Simon & Kimberley - your Prosider team

Contents 4 Christmas Past

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s sines cal Bu gs at the o L lp He avin uge s r NOW at ake H te m is d g n e a k e. R im t e sam oside r .p w 7 ww age 6 See p ails t e d e or for m

a step back in time

8 Christmas Guide

all things Christmas page

12 Christmas fun in Bingley

Santa comes to Bingley

14 Food & Drink

a brand new section for all you foodies page

24 Cheap yet chic Dinner Party

how to hold your own dinner party

29 The IT Crowd

advice on Information Technology

30 Bingley Town Centre Round Up

David Dinsey’s Report on the Town Centre

34 Is Bingley on the right track?

Councillor John Pennington’s ramblings

35 Community Police update

get to know your community Police team

40 Eco House

how to make your house eco friendly

48 Look Good Feel Good

a brand new ladies section with tips and tricks for the party season

57 What’s Happening

entertainment, movie reviews and events listings

64 Brain Waves

brain teasers to keep your mind active - p64 & 66

68 Bradford Ear Trust

transforming lives of the deaf

70 Shipley Green New Deals

Councillor Kevin Warnes update - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


Christmas Past... In a special feature, local historian Alan Cattell captures the spirit and memories of Christmas Past through the eyes and exploits of individuals from contrasting backgrounds, spanning a period of 145 years from 1800 to 1945. Different pictures – different eyes - Christmas means different things to different people but to many of us it evokes among other things: memories and images of snow, Christmas trees, carol singers and presents. In this article our resident historian gives a flavour of what Christmas may have meant to five people who had a reason to be in the Bingley area during Christmases past.

Christmas for the Rombalds Moor Hermit

Images supplied by Bradford Library

Harry Speight (1898) in Chronicles and Stories of Old Bingley records that “Job Senior (1780-1857), the Rombalds Moor hermit, for many years used to come down to Bingley every Christmas wassailing. He generally hobbled into Morton first, his legs and feet in winter bandaged with hay or straw to keep out the cold and the pair of clogs he always wore, stuffed with the same material.” In general appearance he presented a strange figure, his coat and trousers being a mass of patches of various colours, which were held in a position by a hempen belt. On his head he wore a tattered old hat, the brim of which had been missing for many years and to aid him in walking he used two crooked sticks.


During my research for this article I discovered a long-forgotten booklet and pen and ink drawing at Keighley Library in which the artist’s impression gives a hint of what Job must have looked like. His main diet was potatoes. Other requisites including his favourite beer were bought with the money he earned in winter through his curious trick of being able to sing in four voices - treble, alto, tenor, and bass - and in winter he used to travel around local village pubs exhibiting this skill. Because of his lack of personal hygiene pub landlords would only allow him to sleep in outbuildings. He was so unkempt that they would not offer him a bed. Speight observes: “For a lark at Christmas, the lads at Bingley Grammar School would mount him on a cart, or carry him shoulder-high into the town. He would then begin ‘wassailing’; his loud stentorian voice mingled with the barking of dogs which the said singing often provoked, attracting crowds of folk anxious to get a glimpse of the strange pilgrim from the moor. “When at Bingley he generally slept in the barn of the White

Horse Inn, and was always sure of obtaining some coppers from the boys at the Grammar School who got rare fun out of him.”



in Harden in the 1800s

Christmas VC for Bingley man. On Christmas Eve 1858 the London Gazette announced that William Napier of Bingley had been awarded the Victoria Cross. William had been born into a military family at Bingley on 20 August 1828. He was awarded the decoration for valour in battle after rescuing a severely wounded comrade during the Indian Mutiny. Despite being surrounded by sepoys and injured in the head by a musket bullet he managed to fight his way out and carry Private Benjamin Miles to safety. He survived the war and eventually emigrated to Australia.

Story courtesy of Keighley News Archive

In December 1976 the Keighley News carried out an interview with an 84-year old resident of Harden. In it she remembered Christmas when she was a child in the late 1800s, recounting: “Christmas in Harden meant new minted pennies for the children and sixpence for the teenagers. On Christmas Eve my grandfather would set off to the bank to get new coins to hand out as presents the following day. “Christmas was the highlight of the year but not in the commercial way it is today. It was a big undertaking for the women getting ready for Christmas and doing the winter cleaning. “My grandmother wouldn’t have just anyone to let Christmas in, it had to be a man with black hair. She wouldn’t have any man or woman into the house before 12 o’clock. Everyone went to church in the morning in their Sunday best, for a walk in the afternoon and to their grandparents’ for tea. “Nobody bothered much about Christmas cards then. But if you wanted to, you could post a card in Harden on Christmas Eve and you would get it on Christmas Day. The postman walked from Bingley to Harden twice a day –even on Christmas Day. “When I was a girl we seemed to have a lot more snowy weather. We used to have to wait for the horse-drawn snowplough to come from Cullingworth before we could get out. There were a lot more places to get Christmas cheer. The Travellers Rest in Cherry Tree Row, The Black Bull at Lane Top, the Prince of Wales near the post office and of course the Golden Fleece and Malt Shovel. “Christmas trees didn’t become popular until about 1920. Some people had them, but most folk didn’t bother. Holidays didn’t seem as long back then. Schools would break up on Friday night and they would have a week. Mills would have Christmas Day and Boxing Day. “It was a grand time. We spent it for what it was, but now it is a lot more commercial”.

Christmas at Oakwood Hall - Bingley circa 1890 An account of Christmas at Oakwood Hall by the eldest grandchild of the original owners reveals the following: The grandchild whilst enjoying other holidays with her grandparents loved her Christmases with them best of all. She recalls the journey up from the railway station by coach over snow-clad roads and her arrival when suddenly she saw the big dark house blazing with lights contrasted against a background of snow. She also reveals that she only remembers snowy Christmases (a fond memory although this was not necessarily the case). After being greeted by her grandparents, aunts and uncles, she and her brother and sister were taken to their bedroom, bathed, fed and got ready for bed. Her grandmother and mother then came upstairs to help the children hang up their Christmas stockings whilst the rest of the adults would be in the drawing room decorating the tree, which the children would not be allowed to see until midday on Christmas Day.

She also remembers “The carol singers came to Oakwood every Christmas Eve. I always tried to keep awake to see and hear them. I could open the window and look down onto the drive where their lanterns made a semicircle of light far below me. They sang familiar carols and often if I was too sleepy to get out of bed, I went to sleep with the distant sound of their voices mixed with my dreams of Christmas.” On Christmas morning the children would find their stockings filled with tiny presents such as a peg leg doll, wooden soldier, ball, puzzle or perhaps a small tin box with a penny or two in it. These were intended to keep the children amused until the family exchanged other presents from under the tree after lunch on Christmas Day. Remembering what it was like as a grandchild she reminisces: “Oakwood was such a happy house; for me it meant security and the knowledge that I was loved by everyone who lived there”. Story courtesy of Oakwood Hall

Christmas at Bingley College in the 1920s In 1911 Bingley Teacher Training College for ladies opened on Lady Lane in Bingley. Students were residential and stayed in the five halls of residence on site. Besides carrying out their teaching practice at local schools, they also organised events for local schoolchildren including Christmas parties. One student remembers the Christmas of 1924: “Memories crowd in, of the exquisite beauty of carols, sung at Christmas time from the college balcony. It was a most touching sight to watch the faces of local children whilst our much maligned goats (who provided the college with milk and also cropped the grass) pulled a sleigh over the snow up the main college drive with one of the lecturers as Santa, holding the bag of presents and with students supplying the bells and other atmospheric effects. “This was well worth the weeks of planning and saving to set the scene. We students baked cakes for this party and ran the games for the children. In the dusk under the coloured lighted candles and lanterns it looked just like a scene from a fairy-story book. The huge tree and evergreens in front of the college just completed the picture”.

Christmas Greetings 1945

At Christmas 1945 the Bingley Comforts Committee circulated Christmas greetings and a Calendar for 1946 in the form of a card showing Old Bingley and the Weir on the front of it. Inside was a poem of hope for better times where the metaphor used is of a ship that is hoping to return home to Bingley along with an image of a lighthouse shining its light on Harden, Cullingworth, Gilstead, Crossflatts, Bingley, Eldwick,Wilsden and Cottingley . Whilst the language may be that of a bygone age the sentiment of hope for the future is unmistakable:


The ships that bore our dreams away are sailing homeward bound The clarion calls to battle done, Sweet bells of Victory sound Across our little island home, where Bingley lies all still, with Christmas peace and gentleness On river moor and hill The ships that bore our dreams away, must bring them home to find A lovelier dream unfolding here, all pure and strong and kind Her symbol is a sailing ship, her cargo hopes and fears And all that Bingley has endured within these six dark years.

So...... different times with Christmas, meaning different things to different people at both a social and a personal level. What are your memories? How might your own children or grandchildren remember their 2010 Christmas in Bingley? Alan Cattell – Bingley- November2010 Images supplied by Bradford Library


Images supplied by Bradford Library - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

Challenge our historian... Within our local area we are lucky to have a range of historical sites and history which capture the changing social times and economic geography of the Aire Valley. As a community this is part of our heritage and something which we should try to pass on to future generations in the spirit of making history live in the community rather than be confined solely to historical archives. We’re already well represented through the number of Local History Societies who are proactive in local villages and towns and through the Bradford Libraries Local History service. The Prosider also feels that it has a part to play in promoting what after all is your history. If you like our regular articles on local history and have any ideas, old stories or information on Events, People or Places that would be of interest to our readers then please let us know. Maybe you have snippets of information where we might be able to help with filling in the missing pieces or maybe you have old photographs or family stories that would make a great article.

If so then, The Prosider would like to Challenge our Historian to research and collaborate with you on writing such an article and bringing it to life through the pages of The Prosider. To kick start this process John Pennington one of our Bingley Councillors has suggested ideas to the Editor on The Mechanics Institute/Old Library and the Princess Hall Swimming Baths/Dance Floor. Another contributor

has asked for more information on Bingley Cinema’s. Look out for these and other ideas suggested in future editions. We look forward to hearing from you... Please email: - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!



Christmas All the advice, tips & tricks you need to make this Christmas a special one...

“Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.� Oren Arnold


Have yourself

an old fashioned Christmas holiday Many Christmas traditions are gradually being lost in today’s high-tech, always-on-the-go world. But Christmas is the perfect time to slow down and really enjoy the season. Here are three traditions that make an old-fashioned Christmas.

“Christmas is a bridge. We need bridges as the river of time flows past. Today’s Christmas should mean creating happy hours for tomorrow and reliving those of yesterday.” Gladys Tabor “Something about an old-fashioned Christmas is hard to forget.’” Hugh Downs

1. Decorations For many people, decorations are what make Christmas time special. The right decorations can set the mood for a traditional Christmas and involve the whole family. Why not take a day early in December to get the whole family together to make decorations. You could try stringed popcorn or chains made from colorful paper. Play Christmas music, serve eggnog and get everyone into the spirit. Check your local charity or antique shop for some old-fashioned decorations. Wax or blown-glass ornaments were common in years past, and there are often some great examples to be found in charity shops for next to nothing. You can also look for antique tins with Christmas themes. These make great sweet or fruit dishes. 2. Baking and cooking Home baking and cooking come a close second to the Christmas tree for setting the mood for Christmas. Biscuits, pies, and hot cider are all staples of an old-fashioned Christmas celebration. The entire family can take part – even the non-bakers. They can help to decorate the biscuits or gingerbread men. Kids can help cut the shapes before they’re baked. 3. Christmas Day There are plenty of Christmas day traditions that can help create old-fashioned fun. Find someone to play Santa Claus and deliver the presents for everyone in the family. Make the gift exchange time special. Don’t just tear into them en mass, give everyone a chance to open them separately. This gives everyone a better chance to show their appreciation, and lets others watch their reactions. If you’re lucky enough to have a white Christmas, take some time out of the day to go sledging or have a snowball fight. Top it off by serving mulled wine or hot chocolate. These family traditions can be passed on from generation to generation, with each one adding their own extras. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


12 home dressing tips Create a magical atmosphere by dressing every area of your home to make yuletide really special this year. Read on for a dozen festive finishing touches – one for each of the 12 days of Christmas. 1. A warm welcome A pretty garland of sparkling foliage and rustic decorations around the front door will welcome your visitors during the holiday season.

4. Deck the hall Create a fantastic Christmas display in your hallway with a decorated mini tree. Or make your own fresh ivy and eucalyptus garland to snake up the banister.

2. Dress your door Decorate your front door with a wreath that matches the style of decorations inside the house

5. Group your decorations Grouping decorations in clusters will have greater impact than scattering them thinly. A few statement baubles in toning colours, hung at different heights from the ceiling will make an eye-catching display. Scotch magic tape will not damage your ceiling.

3. Light the way On cold dark winter evenings, put a welcoming glow in your window by lighting candles in lanterns on the windowsill.

6. Hang up stockings Make sure that every member of the family has hung their stocking above the fireplace (or at the foot of the bed) ready for Father Christmas. Don’t forget to put the fire out! 7. Play traditional board games Get out your classic board games for a cosy night in. 8. Pep up paper placemats Get the kids to add a homemade festive flourish by adding their Christmas pictures to plain disposable placemats.

9. Bag up treats Get all the family making biscuits in traditional shapes, such as stars, bells and Christmas trees. Tie them in bags with ribbons or seasonal stickers to use as personalised treats for visitors – or use as stocking fillers! 10. Serve a warming tipple Spiced mulled wine will make a delicious welcome. Heat red wine with mulled wine sachets, sugar and a couple of orange slices. Pour into heatproof glasses. 11. Dining room buffet Save the formal table setting for Christmas Day and run a fun, casual buffet service in the run up and aftermath. 12. Don’t forget the children! Involve younger family members with decorating their own mini tree and hanging their Christmas cards on strings above their beds.

“Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall.” Larry Wilde

Three Steps to Picking the Perfect Christmas Tree 1. Size is everything Measure the height of your ceiling and subtract two feet. This is the height of the Christmas tree you should buy. The first foot you subtract is to accommodate the Christmas tree stand and the other is for the angel or star you put on top. Measure the length of your wall. A tree two to four feet less will allow you to walk around and decorate all sides. 2. Shapely is best Look for a tree that is fairly symmetrical. Look for a tree with a full shape. Try to find a tree without gaping holes. Remember, all real Christmas trees will have imperfections but these will be covered by ornaments, lights and other decorations. 3. A healthy tree Needles should not fall off the tree when you pat the branches. If they do, move on to another tree. When you rub a Christmas tree branch between your fingers, it should release a fresh aroma. The needles on the tree should gracefully bend when you gently squeeze them between two fingers. If they break, reject the tree.


Christmas Trivia The Arctic The word “Arctic” comes from the Greek word meaning “bear”. It refers to two constellations or groups of stars called the Great Bear and Little Bear that travel in the night sky around the North Pole. The Igloo People who live in the Arctic, such as Eskimos sometimes build temporary shelters out of snow. The most famous is named the “Igloo” – a dome shaped building made out of blocks of hard packed snow. The blocks freeze together to form a strong, airtight structure that is cosy inside, needing only a single candle to keep it warm. The Teddy Bear One of the worlds most popular toys, the teddy bear, has been around since 1902. It gets its name from the American President Theodore Roosevelt, who was known as Teddy. The president had refused to shoot a bear cub while out hunting one day and, before long, toymakers selling “teddy” bears to an eager public. Today, early toy bears made by the German toy company Steiff can fetch over £100,000!

Santa Claus in Outer Space On 21st December, 1968, three NASA astronauts in an Apollo spacecraft made history when they blasted off from the Earths surface to become the first men to orbit, or fly around the Moon. They spend 20 hours circling the Moon and each time they passed behind it they lost radio contact with Earth, so no one knew if they were still OK. When the spacecraft appeared from behind the Moon for the last time on Christmas Day, the astronaut James Lovell announced “Please be informed that there is a Santa Claus”. To this day no one can be sure if he was joking or if he really did spot Santa on the far side of the Moon.

“There’s nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child.” Erma Bombeck “They err who thinks Santa Claus comes down through the chimney; he really enters through the heart.” Mrs. Paul M. Ell “Remember, if Christmas isn’t found in your heart, you won’t find it under a tree.” Charlotte Carpenter

The Christmas Tree Christmas trees date back over 500 years, when people in Europe started bringing trees into their homes and hanging treats from the branches. Such treats included apples, dates, nuts, paper flowers and even cheese!! Spruce, fir or pine trees were popular, then as now, because these stayed green longest after being cut down. Artificial trees first appeared in the 19th Century and were made from goose feathers!!

Santa’s Reindeer Rudolph Smaller than the other reindeer, but makes up for it by having more heart and more stamina that the rest, plus a very special nose.

Dancer Legs are strong and muscular, and slightly longer than those of other team members. The most graceful reindeer in the team, although not the largest.

Vixen Very clever and strong-willed. Can be relied upon never to give up, even in the worst weather. Usually harnessed alongside Dancer.

Prancer Full of fun and energy! If ever the sleigh team is flagging, it needs only to look at Prancer to put a spring back in its step!

Dasher Always ready and willing, with lots of energy to spare. Usually harnessed alongside Prancer, helping to fill the team with enthusiasm for the journey.

Donner The most powerful of the reindeer. His hoof-beats sound like the rumble of distant thunder – in fact, ‘donner’ means ‘thunder’ in German. He’s always harnessed alongside Blitzen.

Blitzen The fastest reindeer in the sleigh team, Blitzen is named after the German word for ‘lightening’. Even before he began training with the Sleigh Master, he could reach over 100km/h.

Comet Decorating your perfect Christmas tree in five easy steps 1. Face your tree’s best side into the room. Plug in the lights, replace any dead ones and leave them on as you hang them, so you can check that the tree is evenly illuminated. 2. Start at the back of the tree at the bottom then weave the lights in and out of the branches. Place a few bulbs near the trunk to give depth to your arrangement. 3. Now you are ready to add the decorations. It is best to put the top star or fairy on first and work down, so you don’t knock off any decorations as you reach up to put the higher ones in place. 4. Next tie red bows to the ends of some of the branches, or drape tinsel or strings of beads around your tree.

Not as fast as Blitzen, but fast enough to give the ‘lightening’ reindeer a run for his money. Can be relied on to stay on course, no matter how strongly the winds blow.

Cupid Flies straight as an arrow, with a keen sense of direction that always keeps him on course. Usually harnessed alongside Comet.

5. Hang the baubles, starting with the larger ones and using smaller ones to fill any gaps. If you are using different colours, mix them up, always standing back to check the effect as you go.


Christmas fun in Bingley

If you are panicking about choosing last-minute Christmas presents – come on down to Bingley’s annual Christmas Craft Fair in Bingley Arts Centre on Saturday, 27th November. Keep the kids amused on free rides outside and let them marvel at the Christmas Lights switch-on at around 4.30pm. This year we are proud to announce that Sir Jimmy Savile will be switching on the lights. Doors open at 10am and the fair closes at 4.30pm when everyone goes outside to watch Bingley come alight with Christmas cheer. Admission is free to the 30 or so stalls selling an exciting range of Christmas gifts, so join us and catch up on that last-minute Christmas shopping! The Lord Mayor’s Appeal Committee will be running their charity stall and the RNLI will be selling Christmas cards and other gifts. On the stage at 11am our very own ‘Bingley Voices’ will sing festive music; and from 1pm until 4pm bring the children along to have


their faces painted for free. Outside we’ll have the very popular ‘Land Train’ which will bring Father Christmas and his helpers to his grotto, which you will find by the ancient Market Hall and Buttercross. This year due to popular demand, Father Christmas has agreed to alter his very busy schedule and arrive early. At 11am he will be meeting children six years and under, and handing out gifts. There will be more lights than ever this year. We’ve included both Chapel Lane and Wellington Street and hope that the lamp post conversions will be completed in time for the official switch-on. We can’t illuminate Park Road this year because the columns are concrete and not steel – which makes them extremely difficult to convert. We hope to find a solution for future years.

comes to the Christmas Market

The Prosider talks to Rob Harrison from Bingley’s Chamber of Trade to get the low-down on Santa’s arrival on the Saturday, 27 November at Bingley Market Square. ...So Rob, this is the third year in which you have orchestrated the arrival of Santa coming to Bingley. We hope this year will prove to be a successful one, yet again. P: As you are very good friends with Santa, can you tell our readers a little bit more about where Santa lives? RH: Well, Santa lives in the far north at a place called the North Pole. The area around the North Pole, known as the Arctic, shivers under a sheet of ice and snow for much of the year. It includes the vast Arctic Ocean and parts of Russia, Canada, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Iceland. In winter, Arctic temperatures are colder than you could ever imagine – down to minus 68°C – and it stays dark all day! Even in summer, when the sun shines both day and night, the temperature is still freezing around the North Pole. Laplanders from northern Scandinavia and the Inuit people of Alaska and Canada have always lived in the Arctic lands, but the most famous person to have made this his home is Santa Claus.

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P: And what type of house does Santa live in? RH: Santa’s house is an old log cabin, built many centuries ago by Santa and the elves. Santa’s house isn’t shown on any map and there are no signposts to guide the way but, once you step through the magical portal, you have only to follow the welcoming glow of lights and the lazy plume of smoke rising from the chimney to find it. Santa’s house looks rather small from the outside but in this enchanted land, things are not always as they seem. When you walk through the front door you are welcomed not by a tiny cottage living room, but by an enormous hall with beautifully carved wooden walls and a dazzling fireplace at one end. Here, Santa and Mrs Claus spend their evenings planning how to make each Christmas better than the last one. Here, too, Santa hosts his fabulous parties for the elves.

P: So what part do the elves play in the run up to Christmas? RH: Santa’s elves play a huge part in helping Santa. You don’t usually find elves in the Arctic. In fact you don’t usually find them anywhere. But like their relatives the pixies, fairies and leprechauns, these enchanted creatures live in our world but avoid all human contact. They are very skilled craftsmen, foresters and gardeners and that’s why Santa chose them as his helpers! Inside the workshop there is a special room where a group of elves does nothing but invent new toys all day long. Santa is always on hand to help the elves in their work or to try out a new design. Mrs Claus loves helping out in the workshop whenever she gets the chance. P: Have you ever met Mrs Claus? What is she like? RH: Yes, I met Mrs Claus when she came to Bingley to help Santa and the elves with the Christmas grotto. She is a kind, considerate and very hard-working lady. One of her tasks at the North Pole is to oversee work in the kitchen, where the Christmas treats are made for the elves and the reindeer.

P: How did Santa and Mrs Claus meet? RH: Santa Claus has always had the elves to help him, but his one regret was that he did not have someone special to share his happy home. Then, while travelling around the world one Christmas Eve, her met and fell in love with a woman whose spirit was pure, and whose belief in him was so complete. Their wedding was the most spectacular event ever seen, with all the kings and queens of the elves and fairies in attendance. Since then, their love for each other has grown with every passing day. P: Finally, how does Santa himself celebrate Christmas at the North Pole? RH: While Santa is delivering presents on Christmas Eve, the elves are preparing the great hall for a Christmas Feast. As dawn breaks there is huge excitement among the elves as they watch the glowing dot of red light on the horizon approaching the North Pole, heralding Santa’s return. When they hear the sound of the sleigh bells outside, the room erupts with cheer and laughter and everyone rushes outside to welcome Santa home.

Santa makes a speech to thank everyone for all their hard work. Then the party begins. A mouth-watering feast is laid out on long tables in the great hall, with choc-chip biscuits, Christmas cake, and all kinds of pudding and pies as well as ginger beer, pumpkin juice and carrot cordial. The elves take turns at telling stories about all the things that have happened throughout the year and they laugh, sing and dance so hard it makes their heads spin. But there’s no rest for the elves, as the next day, they start preparing for Christmas all over again!

A special message from Santa for all children “You must be VERY good now as I am preparing my present list now for Christmas Eve and of course Christmas Day! Would every kind boy and girl leave a carrot for my reindeer... especially Rudolf who loves the crunchy ones... and a small glass of something for me, but remember I don’t drink and fly. Some children left toys out on the bedroom floor last year and I tripped over in the dark as Rudolf’s bright red nose gets dimmer the more he flies in the cold air. Would everyone tidy up your room for me please. There are some brothers who have been unkind to their little sisters. I am watching you to see if you can be kinder to them please up to Christmas Day and the New Year. My reindeer like Bingley Town as long as children are kind to each other and their friends.”

On Saturday, 11 December at 6pm, the Rev Chris Lowe of ‘Bingley Churches Together’ will be presenting the ‘Christmas Story’ on Bingley Town Square. If you still have your lanterns from previous lantern processions you are very welcome to bring them along.



Food Drink

Welcome to our new Yorkshire Dales food column for Prosider magazine.

Over the coming issues we will be bringing you a cornucopia of local food news, events, recipes and ideas for using local and seasonal produce. We have a wealth of fantastic food in Yorkshire and many artisan producers, growers and farmers are just on your doorstep. One of them is Chris Wildman of the Yorkshire Dales Food Network. He will be introducing the food section each issue but we will also feature recipes, tips and tricks for foodies from other experts.

Chris writes online food blogs, podcasts for Fresh Radio and runs Paganum Produce from his working farm in Kirkby Malham. The company name is taken from ‘paganus’ which means rural or rustic in Latin. Chris uses local producers and suppliers because he believes in lowering his food miles and environmental impact and in this first article he tells us more about his ethical views. He also shares with Prosider readers his formula for the perfect Christmas turkey, shares a clever way with Boxing Day leftovers and throws in some turkey know-how for good measure. Keeping a local focus allows us to supply direct to our customers far more efficiently than some larger organisations. Paganum Produce is a combination of traditional dales farming know-how and five generations of butchery experience. Here at Paganum we are continually striving to lower the environmental impact of our packaging and delivery methods. We use completely recyclable and reusable packaging incorporating wool for insulation. As part of the Yorkshire Dales Food Network we are bringing together producers, suppliers and customers to help each other get the most from local food. Over the last few months I have been involved with food production on our own farm here in the Yorkshire Dales, producing and supplying Yorkshire Dales beef, lamb and pork along with more unusual products such as Yorkshire Chorizo – a Spanish-style cured sausage infused with Spanish smoked paprika and made with the finest ingredients here in Yorkshire. We have visited vineyards and helped with the grape harvest, made sausages in restaurants, scrumped apples and helped with a community cider-making day in Crosshills. That’s as well as being involved in the BBC production ‘One Man and His Campervan’ to be screened in the New Year. The programme follows passionate foodie, Martin Dorey, camping his way round Britain and eating some great local food as he goes.

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food & drink

Turkey Talk At Christmas there’s turkey, turkey everywhere – but which is the best? Are you baffled by bronze turkey or wondering what white turkey is? Read on while I explain all things turkey: • Bronze turkey is most like the original wild turkey, slightly gamier, usually traditionally or free range reared. It can have a little black stubble before cooking, moist rich flavour and finely grained meat. • White turkey is generally a larger breasted bird with clean skin and short legs. • Black turkey is the traditional British bird. It has a fuller, gamier flavour than white turkey and a smaller breast. • Free range means poultry that ranges freely for food rather than being confined. UK Trading Standards state that free range poultry must have continuous daytime access to open-air runs, access to ground mainly covered with vegetation and each have at least ten square metres of ground. • Ethically reared – should be free range, high welfare, small-scale family farms with lots of space. The birds should be well cared for and have a ‘quality life’ not to be confused with organic or GM free. • Organic means produced according to the organic standards as defined by the Soil Association. • Herb fed – our own Yorkshire turkey feed supplemented with fresh herb for a fantastic moist, free range bronze turkey.

Pre-cooking turkey tips • How big a turkey do I need? Allow a minimum of 1lb (As the recipes are in kgs – could Chris convert this to an equivalent in kgs?) per person, more if you are hoping for lots of leftovers for Boxing Day sandwiches or turkey curry. • Size matters! Instead of one massive turkey why not cook two smaller ones? Smaller turkeys will cook more quickly and will usually stay juicier as they will not have dried out in the oven for as long. Remember to check whether your fridge and oven are big enough for your huge turkey. • Stuffing – cook your stuffing separately because stuffing the bird can prevent the core of the bird cooking properly. For the authentic taste you can still add some meat juices from the roasting tin. Cooking your perfect turkey Place your turkey or turkey crown in an oven pre-heated to 230°C/450°F/Gas 8. Cook at this temperature for the first 30 minutes (or for the first hour for birds over 5kg) and then lower the oven temperature to 190°C/375°F/Gas 5. Total cooking time will be approximately 30-35 minutes per kg. About half-an-hour before the full cooking time, remove foil and turn the bird over so the breast bronzes. Carving the turkey

• Turkey crown is a whole turkey with the legs and wings removed. It’s easier to carve, cook and there’s less waste.

Remove your turkey from roasting tray and allow to stand in a warm place for 15-30 minutes before carving.

• Basted or pre-basted can mean it has been injected with fat and salt. Check the label!

• Hold the turkey leg by the knuckle • Cut close to the body and twist off, then carve this dark leg meat

• Christmas turkey – the traditional meal served on Christmas Day along with all the trimmings: cocktail sausages, pigs in blankets (sausages wrapped in bacon), sage and onion, chestnut or sausagemeat stuffing or my favourite sausagemeat balls, accompanied by Brussels sprouts, roast potatoes, roasted parsnips, carrot and turnip and gravy – not forgetting the cranberry sauce and bread sauce.

• Remove the wing and cut in half

• Thanksgiving turkey version of the above.



• Slice the breast meat from one side • Repeat for the other side. Alternatively remove the whole breast by sliding the knife down the breastbone and then carve the breast into slices. Serve on a plate with gravy poured over the top. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

Turkey Trivia Scientific name: Meleagris gallopavo Yorkshire man William Strickland is believed to have brought the first Turkeys to Britain in 1526 Edward VII made eating turkey fashionable at Christmas.

food & drink

Boxing Day leftovers I have persuaded my mum to share her recipe (adapted from Delia Smith’s recipe for English Colonial Turkey Curry) which uses up the turkey giblets and spare meat. It is absolutely perfect for Boxing Day, or any other lazy day with the family.

English colonial curry with turkey Serves four

Ingredients • 600g cooked turkey, chopped into chunks • 1 tablespoon turkey dripping • 1 large onion, finely chopped • 2 sticks of celery, chopped • 1 clove garlic, crushed • 1 heaped tablespoon plain flour • 1 teaspoon turmeric • 1 teaspoon ground ginger • 1 heaped tablespoon curry powder of your choice • 725ml hot stock (made with bouillon powder) • 1 medium dessert or Bramley apple, cored and chopped (no need to peel) • 25g sultanas • 1 heaped tablespoon mango chutney • 2 tablespoons grated creamed coconut • a squeeze of lemon • seasoning Method

There is something about an uncomplicated, old-fashioned curry-powder curry after all the Christmas feasting. Its sheer simplicity offers a muchneeded change of gear. It is equally good made with leftover chicken or beef. We serve ours with the classic curry accompaniments of sliced banana, desiccated coconut, chopped tomatoes, onions and mango chutney.

1. Heat the dripping and fry the onion and celery over a medium heat, tossing till softened and well-browned at the edges, then add the garlic and toss that around for a minute. 2. Now stir in the flour, turmeric, ginger and curry powder to soak up all the juices, and after that gradually stir in the stock. When the sauce begins to bubble add the apple, sultanas, mango chutney and grated coconut, plus seasoning. 3. Turn the heat down to a gentle simmer and let it cook for 30 minutes. 4. After that, add the turkey pieces and a squeeze of lemon juice, stir well. Cover and simmer gently for a further ten minutes to reheat the turkey. Serve with basmati rice, poppadoms, mango chutney and lime pickle.

Sausage Meat balls for Xmas! This is my Mum’s recipe and is simply the best Sausagemeat ball recipe, great hot and I suggest you make extra and hide them so you can have some leftover cold on boxing day! These are so good they should not be restricted to Xmas. Ingredients:1lb/500g pork sausagemeat (or just remove skin from some sausages) 1 grated carrot 1 grated onion 1 grated apple 2 sticks grated celery 1 fresh egg small packet Paxo sage & onion stuffing salt & pepper plain flour if required Method:- make up the paxo stuffing mix with water as directions on packet combine all other prepared ingredients with the stuffing and add a little flour if too wet make into small balls with an ice cream scoop or just use your hands space out on a tray (leave a gap as they will spread out) cook in oven for 20 mins or until cooked through, I like to slightly over cook them until a deep brown colour keep warm and serve with your Xmas Dinner/Lunch I would double or treble the recipe at least and reserve some for boxing day, in our house half get eaten as soon as they come out of the oven by various members of the family pinching one as they pass through the kitchen! be warned…. 

Chris’s blog tells of his foodie adventures in and around the Yorkshire Dales and sometimes further afield. You can find information about great places to eat and some of the traditional food available from producers, farmers and food artisans. All Chris’s products are available at You can follow his progress and evolving story on the Yorkshire Dales Food blog at www. or listen to FreshFood podcast at - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


Fabulous Fish Dish Each issue we will be giving you ideas for fabulous fish dishes courtesy of Graham from the fish man from Bingley Market.

Coley and Spinach Pie

Plaice Favourite



1lb coley (fresh or frozen) 1/2 pint of milk Parsley / dill – herbs of choice 1 tbsp cornflour 1/2lb frozen spinach 2lbs potatoes (cooked) Salt / pepper Butter

4 fillets of plaice 1 minced shallot 2 tomatoes 1/2 gill white wine 1oz butter Salt and pepper to taste 1/4 pint shrimps 1 teaspoonful minced parsley 1/2 tablespoonful cream

Method Poach Coley gently in milk with herbs until just cooked. Remove skin. Mix connflour in a little cold water. Stir into coley and milk. Heat gently until slightly thickened. Season. Place in wide shallow dish. Cook spinach until just defrosted, cover coley mixture with spinach. Add potatoes – either mashed or sliced. Dot with butter.


Method Grease a fireproof dish. Place fish in it lengthways leaving space in the centre. Chop shallot or small onion. Scald peel and chop tomatoes and mix with shallot. Place in the middle of fish. Pour wine over. Dab with tiny bits of butter and season. Bake in moderate oven (gas mark 4) for 10 minutes.

Bake at gas mark 6 until heated through and potatoes are golden brown. A layer of grated cheese may be added and browned under the grill.

Carefully drain liquid into a saucepan. Add parsley. Boil up for two minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in cream. Pour sauce over fish.

Extra vegetables, e.g. Sweetcorn, may be added to coley mixture. Serve with salad and crusty bread.

Enough for two or four persons depending on size of plaice fillets.


How to make the perfect...


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1. Olive Oil 3 tbsp

18. Lime

2. Onion

squeeze of lime juice

17. Tumeric

3. Chicken Breast

1/2 tbsp

4 breasts, cut into cubes

Recipe serves 4

16. Coriander small handful

15. Garam Masala 1/2 tbsp

14. Sugar 2 teaspoons

First Marinate and cook the chicken. To season the chicken, we put the cutlets into a bowl and rub it with salt, cumin, coriander adding oil, garlic and ginger, mixed with yoghurt. Refrigerate for 40 minutes before cooking the chicken under the grill. Whilst the chicken is cooking, we will make the massala sauce. Heat two tablespoons of oil in a pan. Add the finely diced onion, half a tablespoon of ginger and garlic and 1tablespoon of paprika in pan. Cook for 2-3 minutes for it to soften.

13. Tomato Puree

Add the chilli powder, turmeric and garam massala and cook for 2-3 minutes. Now add the tomato puree and sugar to give the sauce a colour and sweetness.

4. Ginger 1 tbsp - minced

5. Garlic

Allow to cook for 3-4 minutes. You can now add the grilled chicken pieces and continue cooking for a further 2 minutes.

1 clove crushed

Add the single cream and coconut milk and allow to cook for another 3-4 minutes on a low heat, letting the chicken soak up the massala sauce.

6. Yoghurt 1 100g natural thick yoghurt t

Squeeze lime juice over the top and sprinkle coriander over the dish and the Chicken Tikka Massala is ready to be served.

7. Single Cream 60 ml

2 tbsp


12. Salt

8. Coconut Milk

1/2 tbsp

40 ml

11. Ground Cumin 1 tbsp

9. Chilli Powder

10. Sweet Paprika

half table spoon (adjust to taste)

1 tbsp


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Bingley Market Come and have a look round Bingley’s Open Market Bingley’s Open Market is the hub of Bingley’s Community. With space for up to 36 stalls, you will find an array of delights to purchase featuring Fresh Bread, Fish, Meat and Game, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, Flowers & Plants, Shoes, Handbags, Traditional Sweets from way back and so much more…

The Prosider are taking a closer look at what is to offer on the Market, which has now been present in the Market Square for approx. 18 months. The Market is open Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 8.00 am to 4.30pm and this Christmas you can find the Christmas Market open on 27th November when the Christmas Lights will be switched on. Here at the Prosider, we understand the need to shop locally, to enable our 20

busy high street to stay healthy under the current economic climate and Christmas is definitely the time to put your well earned money back into our local community, in order to keep the Traders on the market, successfully trading! - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

Prosider needs your feedback!!! Prosider would like to hear from our Readers with regards to YOUR Market! What do you like best about the Market, what improvements do you think could be made (if any)! Are you happy with the type of trade that is currently on the Market, what would you like to see more of? We welcome ALL your comments and feedback please email:

thirsty work Fancy a drink? We discover the crisp, clean taste of Marlborough’s Sauvignon Blanc. South Island’s Sauvignon Blanc New Zealand’s South Island is home to the country’s most famous wine region: welcome to Marlborough, where the Sauvignon Blanc jumps from the glass and embraces the palate with passion fruit, grapefruit and gooseberry flavours. It’s a lively fruit salad the world can’t drink enough of! New world, new wine... such has been the lure of this grape (Sauvignon thrives in Marlborough’s dry climate), the region now accounts for just under half of New Zealand’s “clean, green” land planted with vines. The region’s vineyard explosion has given rise to a whole new generation of winemakers, especially since the majority of grapes were first planted in the early 1970s. Hot, sunny days and cool nights produce a crisp style which can veer from uber-tropical to limey herbaceous, and thanks to prized weather conditions, 2010 promises to be an outstanding vintage.

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For a lip-smacking glass that will bring smiles all round, take advantage of Brancott Estate Sauvignon Blanc 2010, on special offer (£5.99 from £8.99, Nov 11 to Dec 7, Waitrose). Incredibly fresh with ripe flavours of passion fruit and freshly cut grass, this award-winning winery sets the benchmark for NZ’s famous whites. Delicious as an aperitif, or enjoy with seafood.

Brancott Estate Sauvignon Blanc 2010, £5.99 reduced from £8.99, available from November 11 to December 7, Waitrose.

Greener than green, Finest Classic Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2009 (£7.99, Tesco) from Highfields Tuscan winery offers drinkers a zesty glass that’s brimming with concentrated gooseberry and peachy flavours. Intense, delicious and best served with shellfish.

Cliff Edge Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2009, £7.95,

Refreshing and light, Cliff Edge Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2009 (£7.95, has a streak of minerality on the finish and the light, tropical fruit flavours and purity make it a great match with chicken or fish. Passion fruit lovers should try the fragrant Koru Sauvignon Blanc 2009 (£8.98, Asda). Bright and sweet with citrus notes and a clean finish, it’s a drop of tropical sunshine in a glass. Food-friendly, and an ideal partner with white fish, Thai or Oriental. As the nights draw in, why not rekindle the taste of summer with Taste the Difference Dolphin Bay Marlborough Sauvignon 2010 (£7.99, Sainsbury’s). Pungent with strong hints of elderflower and undernotes of blossom, it’s soft, creamy, and less tangy than some.

Taste the Difference Dolphin Bay Marlborough Sauvignon 2010, £7.99, Sainsbury’s.

Villa Maria Reserve Wairau Valley Sauvignon Blanc 2009, £12.49, or £9.99 each when you buy 2 at Majestic.

Or for something mouth-watering and racy, try Crux Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2009, (£9.99, Morrisons) which is bursting with ripe guava fruit. Juicy, with a fresh, grassy finish, it’s divine with goats’ cheese and salad. ‘Awesome’ best describes the trophy whites from Villa Maria, New Zealand’s most awarded wines for more than 30 years. With hallmark gooseberry, passion fruit and limey zestiness, try Villa Maria Reserve Wairu Valley Sauvignon Blanc 2009 (£12.49, Majestic, £9.99 when you buy two). Aromatic with an explosion of green nettles on the mouth, it’s short and sharp on the finish with a crisp acidity that best complements oysters or shellfish. Or for a new world style with old world roots, try Harvey Nichols ownlabel Sauvignon Blanc 2010 (£13.50, Harvey Nichols nationwide), from Auntsfield Estate - Marlborough’s first vineyard with a history dating back to 1873. The family-run winery enjoyed a 40-year window of winemaking until Prohibition, when all the colonial vineyards were removed in the 1930s. Descendants replanted the original vineyard in 1998, and Ben Cowley’s award-winning wine has a richness and texture unique to the fruit grown on ancient rock and clay soils, high on the hillsides. Intense and smooth with signature passion fruit, white peach, lime and citrus notes, it’s a well-rounded mouthful with a hint of minerality.

Finest Classic Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2009, £7.99, Tesco.

With wines like this, is it any wonder the southern hemisphere is basking in the spotlight.

Best buys The Co-operative own brand Californian wines in lightweight glass, £4.20 each. Take the weight off your shopping basket with the Co-operative’s new lightweight Californian wines. Its own-brand trio comprises a Fab Cab red, Pink Chill rose and Big Chill white in 75cl glass bottles, which are 25% lighter than the standard (£4.20 each, The Co-operative). all images courtesy of: PA Photo/Handout

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Local business woman cooks up festive treats Local business woman and founder of Cookielicious, Jean Boyle has launched her latest range of irresistible treats to celebrate Christmas.

Christmas puddings and snowflakes.

The Bradford-based confection company creates edible art in the form of hand-made mini-masterpieces in unusual designs. The Christmas range includes Christmas trees, snowmen, stockings,

“My Christmas cookies make great stocking fillers”, said Jean.

Jean launched the business from her kitchen table earlier this year and is already looking for larger premises.

“This is my busiest time of year, with, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and Easter all following in quick succession - I’m expecting to be glued to the oven for the next few months!” she added. So far, Jean’s order book has ranged from one off -personalised gifts such as cookie handbags and shoes to an order of 2000 hearted-shaped cookies for conference delegates. Jean is in talks with a number of the region’s leading retailers keen to stock her creative collection.

Fine foods of Yorkshire & beyond

The cookies are available at selected food retailers across the region and can be ordered from: COOKIELICIOUS email:

Christmas Hamper Our reputation for producing wonderful gift hampers is spreading fast, starting at only £9.99 for one of our “Yorkshire Jampers” (a hit last Christmas). Each hamper is hand packed and decorated and whatever your budget they are guaranteed Whether its a birthday, Christmas, special occasion, or simply a thank you, our bespoke hampers will always put a smile on the recipients face. Perhaps you want to reward your staff or impress an important client? Then our hampers are the perfect solution. We hand decorate each hamper for that individual, personal touch. You choose the contents or give us a budget to work to ...

Cheese & Chutney hampers always hit the spot! Outside Catering We can do sandwiches if you like, but why not try something different? A buffet with a continental twist, cheese, cured meats, crusty bread and of course a bowl of our homemade chunky coleslaw, its taking Saltaire by storm! Tell us how many guests, your favourite treats and we’ll work out a package for you... E.g. A Menu for Eight - £64 (£8 per head): Homemade chunky coleslaw, homemade potato salad, quiche, pork pies, olives, salami and ham selection, Bondgate Bakery crusty bread, cheese board, cheese biscuits, chutney (of course!) 58 Bingley Road, Saltaire, Bradford, BD18 4SB T: 01274 597008 - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


Photo supplied: Jean Boyle, Founder of Cookielicious Cookielicious Christmas collection Images courtesy of Imajination Photography.


Cheap yet Chic with Minimum Effort

How to Hold Your Own Dinner Party Dinner parties are great, especially at this time of year. They give you chance to reminisce with old mates, eat some tasty grub and fill your home with that yuletide cheer. Anyone can hold one, so whether you’re strapped for cash or a total novice read on for tips how… The Guest List Who to invite and who NOT to invite is one of the biggest challenges facing the host. Think carefully about which friends get along for you’re beloved abode should not have to bear witness to cat-fights or drunken brawls. Great dinner parties tend to invite a range of people who wouldn’t normally associate with one another; you’re table should be filled with laugher, chemistry and plenty of conversations that will nicely coverup any half-cooked potatoes you may have served! Six to ten guests prevent the evening from becoming a drunken shindig and the whole ‘dinner’ part from going out of the window… Therefore, by inviting fewer guests, you can all chat and steadily get merry together over the tasty food you’ve prepared, leading to a good old knees-up after the Christmas pud! Ooze Ambience No matter how cheap the food, booze and crockery set is, if you can create an intimate and festive ambience then the evening’s vibe will take care of itself. And it doesn’t have to be expensive! Lighting: soft lighting not only makes everyone feel relaxed, but instantly instils an air of elegance and beauty throughout the room. Go grab yourself a bag or two of tea-light candles and disperse them down the centre of your table and around the house. Fairy-lights trailed down your table and dimmed lighting also creates the festive, enchanting mood you’re looking for. Music: as a general rule kick off the evening with a mellow, laid-back album or two and then gradually start to pick-up the beat with some classic sing-a-long stuff – why not get people dancing?! Get your guests to bring along their own music, that way, as the night progresses, you can hand over the role of DJ - being one less thing for you to worry about! Table Décor: use candles, fairy-lights, flowers, Christmas baubles … the table doesn’t have to be complicated or fancy, just dress it up a little to show you’ve made some effort; after all, it is a nightout for your guests. It doesn’t matter if you have a random old collection of glasses and plates; in the current climate neither you nor your mates can


afford those fifteen-pounds-a-plate crockery sets! Table plans are of crucial importance at a dinner party; so make your own name places with black card and metallic pens, perhaps even draw a snowflake or two. When setting the places, don’t separate the loud folk from the quiet or the boys from the girls, bring your party together by spreading people’s personalities and assets out, making sure that your spot is near the kitchen. Tasty (edible) Food Don’t make it complicated! The food is NOT the star of the show, YOU are! Therefore don’t make your menu into a Diva who will require all of your attention, be stubbornly temperamental, and at worst, turn nasty on you. Treat your meal like a child, keeping it on a short reign and making sure you know exactly what you are dealing with before introducing it to your guests! Simple and tasty is far less stressful and often better than attempting a five course gourmet meal – the guests have come to see you and will not send the food back to the kitchen. If struggling for ideas, why not try a theme? You could create a Mexican (tortilla chips with guacamole and dips, followed by fajitas/chilli/burritos… washed down with tequila sunrises and margaritas) or an Italian theme (having an antipasti with garlic bread, followed by pasta/home-made pizza/risotto and finish off with some indulgent ice-cream or gelato) for example. Whatever meal you decide to make, it is crucial that you can prepare as much of it as possible before the event. You could start with a

big pot of reheatable soup, or veggies, crisps and dips with a couple of canapés that you can shove in the oven. For the mains, one pan/dish meals are perfect since all you have to do is reheat it or bung it in the oven with a couple of sides; giving you the chance to also feel like a guest. Buy, prepare or ask a guest to kindly make a luxurious, rich desert or two, preferably with chocolate, before the evening; puddings are a big event and your guests will jump at the opportunity to justifiably indulge in a sugary treat! Bring a Bottle Buying booze and food for everyone could mean having to take out a second mortgage… so don’t be afraid to ask your guests on invitation to ‘bring a bottle (or two)’; it’s likely that they would do anyway. If you’ve got a bit of cash spare then it’d be worthwhile to invest in a few bottles of wine, beers and possibly a spirit that you could impressively whiz-up a Christmas cocktail with, eggnog for example. Head down to the local offlicense and ask them what their deals are, they always have some on. And Breathe… Once the guests arrive it’s time to relax. A lot of work will have gone into the evening, so you, of all people, should enjoy it; remember that your guests have come because of the company, not the food. After eating clear the table and forget about the dishes, there’s plenty of time for that so chill, laugh and be merry with your friends. Behave as though you truly are ‘the host with the most’. Rebecca Shaw


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Look out for the launch of the Christmas Party Room at Bingley’s Suburban bar. Situated above the popular Suburban, the room was the dormitory for the Old Fire Station, but you may remember the room hosting the Suburban Bistro until it closed at the start of the year when it was taken over by new management. The new owners’ background was in licensed houses so they felt the time was right to make a break from the Bistro side of the venue and concentrate on making a continued success of the bar. Since then the room has been used for christenings, birthdays, special occasions and business meetings. Local caterer Nathan Obrien was taken on board to run the kitchen when it is required for functions. His modern approach to buffets has proved a big success. Leaving unimaginative catering behind, Nathan jazzed buffets up with his signature hot sticky chicken strips, roasted red pepper tortillas and minted lamb chops. The room comfortably holds up to 100 people, has its own bar which serves until 1am, separate toilets and easy access to the large covered smoking area.

The Suburban guarantee is that you will be partied out, with their large dance floor and a DJ area. Everything is in place to ensure all your special occasion needs are catered for. Your entertainment is taken very seriously and there are plenty of options which can be arranged, such as live music, karaoke and DJ all at reasonable prices.

Why not choose to hold your work’s Christmas celebrations at Suburban? For occasions like this there are two different options you can choose from: a buffet or a three course meal. Large parties are their forte. The Christmas buffet menu has been devised as a more relaxed option; plus it is a more cost effective option and at £11per head represents excellent value. For large parties taking this option you can be given room exclusivity, your own DJ and attentive bar staff. Bespoke drinks packages can be created to further control costs and you will be free to decorate and set-up the room as you like. Back by popular demand after the success of previous Christmases, the room will be available on certain nights for a set three-course menu. The menu has been created in line with previous years when three courses for £17 proved a massive success. For this festive season Nathan and his team of chefs are eager to re-create the success the Bistro once had, ensuring the people of Bingley and its surrounding areas have a great destination for their festive celebrations. Bookings are already being taken for both formats of the Christmas party room and the Suburban’s function co-ordinator is on hand for all your enquiries or to show you the room – whether for a Christmas booking or for any other time of the year. Whilst Christmas parties dominate December, Suburban is happy to take bookings for other special occasions when you may require a function room.

BUFFET MENU Starters Canapes of assorted festive nibbles Main - a choice of: Stuffed carved turkey crown with cranberry and apricot stuffing Burgundy beef with chunky winter vegetables Mediterranean stuffed peppers, stuffed with grugère (V) Mixed potato and vegetable bubble & squeak and roasted sprouts Dessert Cheese board and variety of chutneys Christmas pudding & navy rum sauce Additional Extras Mulled wine on arrival Coffee and mince pies

3 Course Meal

Starters Roast Tomato Soup Traditional Prawn Cocktail Warm Salad of Bacon Black Pudding, Shallots and Spinach Chilled Melon with Mixed Fruit Compote Main Roast Turkey and all the Trimmings Poached Salmon with a Prawn & Dill Sauce Roasted Red Pepper Stuffed with Mediterranean Vegetables and Goats Cheese Beef Bourguignon with Buttery Mash All served with seasonal Vegetables and Potatoes Dessert Christmas Pudding with Navy Rum Sauce Mixed Berry Crème Brulee Cheese and Biscuits Chocolate and Orange Tart

For more information, or if you would like to view the room, contact Suburban on 01274 569108 or email:

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The Dream Chaser’s Journey Never give up on your dreams... you know a dream chaser? Did you ever think you would follow your dream when you were 16 years of age? The legal age to leave school. I can remember that feeling all too well. It was May 1990, I was due to leave 5th Form at St Marys School in Menston. The Summer was upon us, and I was eager to get out into the working world. But was I sure about what I wanted to achieve, who I wanted to be? At 16? I thought I did, but realistically, no I didn’t. I found a good job working for a Contract Hire & Leasing Company based in Calverley (who I’m pleased to say are still there to this day!). I thought by having an office job I was sure to be up there with the high flyers by the time I was 20! Hopefully, with company car and laptop in hand! Well, that was 20 years ago, and I am now running the most successful Community Magazine in our region. I am proud of what I have achieved albeit 20 years late! Are you chasing your dream at the moment? Did you start out doing a 9-5pm office job, only to realize later in life that this wasn’t your vocation? If you ARE following your dream job NOW, you need to get in touch with the Prosider so we can tell the world about YOU!


It takes a strong, determined person to follow their dream in a subject matter close to their heart! With plenty of blood, sweat and tears along the way, but it will all be worth it in the end! CALL PROSIDER NOW if you want to tell your story on how you woke up one day and decided to do the right thing and FOLLOW YOUR DREAM!!! We want to hear from you! Contact Simon or Kim on: 01274 288011 Email

christmas party room for hire

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The official fuel consumption in mpg (l/100km) and CO2 emissions (g/km) for the 107 Millesim 1.0 12v 3 dr are : Urban 51.3 (5.5), extra urban 72.4 (3.9), combined 62.7 (4.5), CO2 106 (g/km). 207 Millesim 1.4 8v 75 3 dr: Urban 32.8 (8.6), extra urban 57.6 (4.9), combined 44.8 (6.3), CO2 145 (g/ km). 308 Millesim 1.4 Vti 95 5 dr: Urban 32.85 (8.6), extra urban 53.3 (5.3), combined 43.46 (6.5), CO2 149 (g/ km). Terms and conditions apply; see participating dealers or visit *The first year Road Fund License (RFL) is included in the on the road price. The Dealer will provide customers with a cheque equivalent to twice the current RFL cost. It is the customer’s responsibility to apply for RFL for years 2 and 3. Terms and conditions apply. Participating Dealers only. Just Add Fuel (JAF) package subject to status and conditions . †Minimum age 25 years (21 years on 107 Mill esim), 30 years on selected models, maximum age 75 years. All drivers must meet the driver eligibility criteria, which includes driving conviction and claim restrictions. Excesses apply. 3 years free motor insurance will be provided and underwritten by UK Insurance Ltd, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. A guarantee may be required. Written quotations available on request from Peugeot Financial Services, Quadrant House, Princess Way, Redhill, RH1 1QA. ^JAF is incorporated into a Personal Lease contract. 207 Millesim advance rental £1,535, optional final rental of £4,933, 35 monthly rentals payable. 308 Millesim advance rental £2,078, optional final rental of £5,527, 35 monthly rentals payable. 107 Millesim advance rental £1,030, optional final rental £3,815, 35 monthly rentals payable. If you choose to pay off the optional final rental at the end of contract, you can keep the car but will not own it – you will pay an annual rental equivalent to one of your monthly rentals. Excess mileage charges may apply. Routine servicing included only. Excludes wear parts. This offer is not available in Northern Ireland. Offer available on vehicles ordered and registered by 30 September 2010. Model Exclusion apply. °Model Nokia 5230. Offer applies to Retail and selected Fleet orders from 1st June and registered by 30th September. Motability, Peugeot Contract Hire and Export sales are excluded. SIM card top up (or own SIM) required for ongoing phone use.


The IT crowd

Protecting your digital life and your data Here’s the second in our regular series of features on information technology. Paul Spence, Complete IT Systems, takes up a theme that many of you wrote in to ask about after his introductory article last time. Here he looks at ways of protecting the personal information which many of us store online. Wow! I wasn’t sure I would receive as big a response as I did with your questions and thoughts so thank you to those of you that have corresponded. I have responded to every comment received and have decided to cover Cybercrime this issue due to it being the most requested topic. This subject is close to my own heart because I have had my own details abused in the past. I have chosen my best recommendation for a product to solve the problems that more people than I had realised have experienced – it was an obvious choice of topic. Having a ‘digital life’ is a reality for most people, with the internet dominating many facets of our everyday life. Yet whilst the internet introduces new forms of entertainment, communication, homeworking and education into the family home, it also opens the door to a mass of unwanted and potentially harmful digital pollution, making effective security essential. There are more than 30,000 new cyber threats being detected every day. Some simply cause disruption to the running of a PC, but the majority are sophisticated, malicious attacks. These programs are capable of creeping into every area of the connected environment to destroy, or steal, those digital assets people hold most dear, such as photos, downloaded music, family videos and private information and documents. The spread of digital pollution is of major concern for home internet consumers, with the potential value of the data held on home PCs often far exceeding the actual value of the computer itself. A new breed of criminal has emerged that is focused on stealing this information for their own gain. The statistics show that cybercriminals (the people responsible for creating and spreading digital pollution across the internet) show no sign of abating in their quest to find vulnerabilities that they can exploit and in turn profit from. Without action there is a real risk that the quality of everyone’s digital and subsequently real-world lives, will suffer.

For those wanting the ultimate protection for their digital life, Kaspersky Lab has developed Kaspersky® PURE, a new generation of software product that empowers home internet consumers to create a safe, clean, risk-free and protected environment for themselves and their families. This new technology makes it easy for non-technically minded people to protect their home IT network from digital pollution and from PC or laptop malfunction, power failure or user error. Built on the solid internet security foundations that consumers have come to expect – antivirus, anti-spam, firewall and other proactive technologies – this new approach far exceeds regular PC security. It includes an impressive array of functions that enable valuable information to be safely and easily backed-up and retrieved, stored data to be well encrypted, files shredded when no longer required, and strong passwords for online banking, shopping and social networking websites to be created and securely protected. Kaspersky have also addressed the family-friendly content issues with their parental controls. Kaspersky Lab also has a range of corporate products for small, medium and large businesses, protecting their IT systems and data against the threats of viruses, hackers, spam and malware. These solutions provide world-class protection for a broad spectrum of corporate IT infrastructure, including servers, gateways, network storage, workstations, terminals and mobile devices. Kaspersky Lab’s corporate products feature flexible configuration settings, allowing on-demand in-depth virus scanning, as well as the Kaspersky Administration Kit, which can be used to manage the protection of the corporate IT infrastructure, providing excellent levels of reporting and problem resolution. Antivirus scans and updates can be scheduled for quiet periods, minimising any impact on network resources.

To find out more about the latest cyber threats and malware landscape, visit: or go to or contact me using the contact details in the panel to the left/right. If you are interested in purchasing either Kaspersky or any other competitive vendor’s product drop me a line and I will be happy to help. Please contact: Paul Spence Email: T: 0845 873 9633 Unit 7 Gumption Business Centre, Little Horton Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD5 0BQ - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!



town centre round-up David Dinsey

Bingley Town Centre Manager, reflects on past achievements and looks to the future – though he sounds a note of warning that nothing is certain in the current economic climate. Those who live and work in Bingley and the surrounding villages have, over the years, seen vast changes mostly for the good. On the positive side Bingley has the relief road, a purpose-built Town Square and improved Main Street, together with the success of the 5RISE development.

Bingley’s shops are running at only 4% vacancy rates throughout the town. This includes the 5RISE development. Our vacancy rate may drop even further because one unit in 5RISE is poised to open soon and others are in the pipeline. Let’s hope we are bucking the trend in Bingley.

Our main arterial link joining Bingley with Harden and beyond is open again after many months of closure. I hope you will agree that the major refurbishment of Ireland Bridge and the Twines, which Bradford Council undertook at considerable cost, was worth the wait.

It’s difficult not to mention Tesco’s proposed ‘edge of town’ planning application. Councillors on the Shipley Area Planning Panel unanimously rejected the proposal in October. They thought the development would have an adverse impact upon committed private investment in the town. If the take-up of vacant units were prejudiced by Tesco’s development that would set back the vitality and viability of the town centre.

The big negative was the mothballing of the Bradford & Bingley building and the transfer of staff to the Crossflatts offices. This has had a major effect on the town’s traders, though some say this is now starting to improve.

Tesco argued that the development would support Bingley businesses and provide 340 jobs, but didn’t mention how many local jobs could be lost if town centre businesses ceased to trade. Tesco are taking stock of their position.

New shops have opened in Bingley this year against the backdrop of a recession and, through the pages of Prosider, we wish them well for the future.

In July Sainsbury’s bought the former Bradford & Bingley Building on Main Street and they will be submitting a full planning application for the site in the New Year.

These improvements make Bingley a place to be proud of and comfortable in whether you are at work, shopping or at leisure.

Bingley Show

The 4th annual Bingley Music Live event held in September saw 42,000 music lovers descend on Bingley. The event is emerging as one of the most notable music festivals in the UK. Traders noticed an increase in trade during the three-day event. As Bingley Music Live only uses half the park the Sunday law is not applicable. CCTV and Town Centre Safety Costings are being obtained for a CCTV camera on the front of the Bingley Arts Centre and we plan to replace the broken paving stones next to the Centre and the ancient Buttercross and Market Hall.


If you would like to get in touch with David Dinsey, Bingley Town Centre Manager, please e-mail him at: or call 01274 438 776

Our ever popular Bingley Show, in August attracted 15,000 visitors to Myrtle Park. Organisers in the Airedale Agricultural Society have been forced to move next year’s show to a Saturday due to the discovery of a law dating back to the 19th century. This law prohibits organisers of events charging entry to parks on Sundays. Unfortunately Bradford Council had no option but to ask the organisers to comply.

so next year’s show is on Saturday, 23 July...

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Big enough to cope small enough to care ■ Insurance Work Specialists ■ Low Bake Burntwood Oven (For That Perfect Finish) ■ Free Estimates ■ Courtesy cars & vans ■ All Work Fully Guaranteed ■ Over 25 years of experience ■ Pick up & drop off service ■ Plastic bumper repairs ■ Alloy wheels refurb specialists ■ VBRA member & OFT approved ■ Contract work on cars & vans ■ Quick turnaround quality work

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BingleyCarBodyshop W h i t l e y

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Your Car is in Safe Hands With Bingley Car Body

No scratch too small, no dent too big, you can rely on the staff at Bingley Car Body Shop to offer you a high quality paint finish, car restoration or accident repairs to your very much loved vehicle.

whilst repairs are done, and the level of customer service is second to none. We would not hesitate to recommend them”. So what does Bingley Car Bodyshop have to offer?


ingley Car Bodyshop is a leading car body/paint repair centre in the Yorkshire region. With a fully refurbished workshop and highly trained staff capable of carrying out work to the highest standards at competitive rates. Their aim is to provide the quality of work that has always been promised - on time, every time.

Illingworth said “our clients were being let down by other insurance companies approved body shops because of poor workmanship and overcrowding”. “Since we started using Dmytro and Peter we have never looked back. The quality of their work is exceptional, clients receive a courtesy car or van

The team at Car Body is headed up by owners Peter Earwaker and Dmytro Brynycz who have been in business together for over 10 years, and still going strong. Together they bring over 25 years of experience in their field of work, customer satisfaction and excellent work reputation has been paramount in the success of this local professional outfit. The bodyshop is a member of the Office of Fair Trading and the Vehicle Builders and Repairers Association who regularly inspect their standards so you can be rest assured your vehicle is in safe hands. Their work comes highly recommended by Illingworth McNair motor insurance specialists. Jamie

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When you bump or scratch your beloved motor vehicle, what do you do first? Call the insurance company to find out which Car Body Shop they recommend you take it to? Well, here at the Bingley Car Body Shop, Dmytro advises you to call them in the first instance! Dymytro explains further “if you call your insurance company, normally they will


For all you Fleet Managers out there!

arrange for you to visit their preferred supplier, where you will be booked in and most probably be asked to drop your vehicle off with them to look at, the next thing you know, your vehicle is still there in a weeks time”, he further adds “when you have a bump in your vehicle, the first thing to do is call Bingley Car Body, our experienced and friendly staff will advise you on your insurance excess, offer you a free quote, then if you’re happy to proceed, we will book you in and give you an estimated time of completion”. To add to this quality service, Bingley Car Body will ensure your vehicle is not sitting around for longer than necessary, and will endeavor to offer you a hire car or van to ease your trouble.

So what’s in a Scratch ? We all love our pride and joy, the second most expensive purchase of our lives! So we tend to want our vehicles to look as good as new, so when we need that all important bump or scratch repairing, we want to know that the best service offering is available. At Bingley Car Body Shop, your vehicle will be painted in a burnt wood low bake oven using fully environmentally friendly water based paint systems to give you a quality finish, as if the vehicle was brand new. They are specialists in plastic bumper repairs and for your special Alloy Wheels, Bingley Car Body Shop are the Refurb Specialist to call in the area.

What happens when your fleet of vehicles are due to expire and are to be returned to the lease company with scratches / dents / bumps etc.? This is bound to happen over a 3-year lease, yes? And cost you a fortune in additional charges? Well Bingley Car Body Shop can help you save time and money! How you ask? For contract work undertaken on cars and vans, Bingley Car Body will ensure that your vehicles go back to your lease company in pristine condition at a Fraction of the price! For further details on this, please call Dmytro or Peter on the number below.

All in all you can expect a quality service from Dmytro, Peter and their team at Bingley Car Body Shop but it doesn’t stop there, Dmytro adds “when we finish a job we don’t wash our hands of it, it is important to us that our customers’ cars are repaired superbly, look right and are safe to drive” For a free quotation contact Dymytro and the team on 01274 510575 or visit their workshop on Whitley Street, off Park Road, Bingley. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


Is Bingley on the right track? In this article Bingley Ward Councillor John Pennington shares his personal thoughts on Bingley. He says there is a lot going for us in Bingley but cautions that we must tread carefully. His colleagues are Robin Owens and David Heseltine. Bingley’s new 5Rise shopping centre is soon to have a Jaldi Jaldi. ‘Jaldi’ means quickly and is the new takeaway concept launched by the Asian restaurant chain Mumtaz, who will now serve Bingley residents as well as Harrods! Apart from exquisite food for collection they will also deliver to your home; ‘Mumtaz on the Move’. Across the road at what used to be Bradford and Bingley’s HQ – or as Prince Charles called it ‘the 70s carbuncle’ – talks are underway with Sainsbury. That’s a welcome boost to what some days seems to be a struggling market and the local shops. On the latter, no more hairdressers or cafes please. I’m sure present proprietors agree. As regards the market we local councillors have asked for a member of the council’s markets team to attend Neighbourhood Forums to enable people and traders to voice their concerns and hear what plans can be made towards improvement. Sadly the town suffered a double whammy, staff vacating the building society offices and closure of Ireland Bridge which cut off surrounding villages and the through passage across our valley. It is important that we locals support our market. The bridge was constructed in the 1600s and it amazed me that there was no builder’s warranty to cover the cost of repair, but unfortunately the original company could not be contacted (only joking here!). Sometimes we take for granted the area in which we live and the facilities we have. Law and order reigns with the council and police working together highlighted lately by the efficient removal of several illegal traveller encampments. Closure of the Magistrates’ Courts is under consideration. It is mooted that operations transfer to Bradford city centre. That would in my view be a retrograde step. Justice needs to be


dispensed locally by people who are conversant with the area. Witnesses may be deterred from travelling in to the great unknown, the Courts in Bradford currently being difficult to access due to work on the Park at the Heart. The courthouse even has a banner outside proclaiming ‘Courts open as Usual’ as though it is some kind of retail promotion – only Bradford could do that. Whilst our roads become ever more congested I can foresee stationary vehicles on motorways each with a bottle of milk and a newspaper by the driver’s door, such is the length of their delay. Thank goodness for the Bingley by-pass but I believe that railways are again the future. I never take my car to Leeds wary of congestion and parking costs at the other end. I travel from our great little railway station down at Foundry Hill – a facility which proved its worth for visitors to Bingley Music Live alone. Wonderfully historic and usually efficiently-run except when trains are cancelled at short notice with seemingly little consideration for the travelling public. Built over 150 years ago it still lacks one thing. We live in an area split in to two halves, to travel to Halifax, Huddersfield or Wakefield one must redirect to Leeds station, which is so busy the last thing wanted are people going there only to change and back out again on the next leg of their journey. Even the old Midland Railway Company and LNER recognised that an X-Rail link across Bradford would be beneficial long before today’s development of the Aire and Wharfe valleys. I know people who travel direct to work from Settle to Leeds daily. Why can people not do the same, say, Skipton or Ilkley to Manchester? We have a city and district with the fastest growing population of any UK city for whom we - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

will struggle to provide employment. The very least we can do is provide a cheap, safe, convenient transport system to enable people to get TO employment. Engineers confirm that a link is technically possible between Forster Square and Interchange stations whilst they can see each other across a demolished flat landscape. It will take just one mile of track, 80% of required land is already in public ownership and it will take just five years to complete. A new ‘Bradford Central’ station would replace the two existing serving the bus terminal, Little Germany, city centre and encourage development of the Westfield site – a train station in a shopping centre or whatever alternative may evolve. People who have (tried) to travel to the Trafford Centre by car will concur with my observations – I say again, rail is the future, a good transport system may be our only legacy to future generations apart from the computer! Bingley needs to be a player in the bigger picture of the coming Leeds City Region.

Thank you for reading my ramblings, have a good day. John Pennington


Your Community Police Team Get to know your Neighbourhood Policing Team The Prosider are pleased to welcome back Sergeant Diane Collins, your neighbourhood Police Team Sergeant who will, in upcoming issues bring you information and interesting articles on the Bingley/ Bingley Rural neighbourhood policing activity. In this issue, Sergeant Collins talks about who the key staff are and what their roles are within the Neighbourhood Policing Team along with those all important contact telephone numbers and email addresses should you need to get in touch! The Bingley/Bingley rural Neighbourhood Policing Team is based at Bingley Police Station and is headed by Inspector Andrew Croasdale with Sergeant Diane Collins as the wards Sergeant. Sergeant Collins has been at Bingley for nearly three years and currently has twelve officers covering the two wards. The Neighbourhood Officers are based locally so they can build up valuable knowledge and experience of the area they serve and also the individuals that they need to be aware of. The two wards have officers allocated to them and then each Police Community Support Officers is allocated specific villages which is their dedicated area of responsibility. The Pcso’s report daily of any issues that they come across and that might need Police Officer intervention. Pcso’s are a valuable resource which not only provides a high visibility presence but due to their continuity in a particular area they build up many contacts who provide excellent intelligence which leads to offenders being arrested and prosecuted. Each village also has a Police Officer allocated to them. They are the beat managers and it is there responsibility to ensure that persistent problems are dealt with effectively and offenders are dealt with appropriately. This may mean that individuals are arrested but it could also mean that the receive a community

punishment by way of putting right what they have done wrong such as removing graffiti or paying for a window they have damaged. The role of the Sergeant is to oversee the work of the officers and to ensure that the work done is of a high standard. The Sergeant also plays a very active role in community engagement in that Sergeant Collins regularly fronts the council neighbourhood forums and also holds six weekly tasking meetings for each ward for representatives to come to Bingley Police Station to discuss local needs and priorities. Members of the public can contact their local officers by way of landline, mobile or website and can expect a response within 24 hours. If there is an ongoing incident that requires an immediate response then 999 should always be used.

Inspector Andrew Croasdale 01274 475327 email: Sergeant Diane Collins 07736086704 email: PC 2246 Katie Jones 07910 897356 email: Pc 3332 Alex Thompson 07736086704 email: Pc 5184 Jonny Green 07736086704 email: Pcso 142 Rachel Doyle 07968605386 email: Pcso 523 Debbie Williams 07596519868 email: Our NPT (Neighbourhood Policing Team) office number is 01274 475331. This telephone number is for nonemergency calls only. For non urgent enquiries, you can contact your local team by email: Bingley rural team Inspector Andrew Croasdale 01274 475327 email: Sergeant Diane Collins 07736 086704 email: Cullingworth/Denholme PCSO 0007 Chris Roe Tel:- 07736086704 email: Pc 255 Alex Allen Tel:- 07736086704 email: Wilsden & Harden PC 6408 Adam Beecroft 07596519864 email: PCSO 255 Allwood 07968 605391 email: Cottingley PCSO 520 Robert Parker Tel:- 07736086704 email: PC 3213 Martin Brearley Tel: 07736 086704 email: - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


Don’t make separating from each other more painful than it needs to be Whilst January is often associated with the making of New Year Resolutions, such as getting fit or eating and drinking less, sadly it is also becoming increasingly recognised by statisticians as one of the busiest months of the year for couples choosing to separate or divorce. What statistics do not show however is how many separating couples find themselves, twelve months on, still embroiled in protracted unpleasant court proceedings which are tearing their families apart. Juliette Kinsey of Kinsey & Co Solicitors in Baildon opened her practice determined to offer parties going through relationship breakdown a dignified and constructive alternative to resolving their issues. Since then the West Yorkshire district has seen a slow but reassuring increase in the number of collaboratively trained solicitors over the past three years with numbers of qualified practitioners now approaching 50, and it is hoped that as the public becomes more aware of the collaborative law approach the number of solicitors training to undertake such work will increase due to public demand.

Traditionally, separating couples have had few options open to them as to how to deal with matters when they disagree in respect of issues relating to their finances, their children or their home. At best, couples have been offered the option of attending mediation which, whilst successful for some, has proved unsuccessful for many, thereby leaving couples with only one alternative which is to proceed through the family courts. Such proceedings usually only serve to heighten the acrimony between the couple and in turn has a negative impact on the lives of their children and other family members. Many family solicitors have, over the years, felt that families are not offered enough support and, although the family court system does ultimately reach decisions, those decisions are based on hard legal reasoning rather than the individual needs of the families concerned. What many separating couples do not know is that there is an alternative to court proceedings and the associated acrimony when deciding to divorce or separate. That alternative is Collaborative Law. August 2007 saw the first Family and Collaborative Law practice open in the Bradford area.

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Collaborative Law is a unique process which requires specially trained solicitors to give professional undertakings to each other not to go to court to resolve issues which arise between their respective clients. Instead, the solicitors commit themselves, and the couple concerned, to sitting around a table for a series of meetings with each other with the sole aim of resolving the issues between the couple in a constructive and practical way. Whilst it is not an easy process for couples to go through, it is considered by many to be a more humane way of resolving matters and is thought by many collaborative practitioners to be less damaging to the parties and their families than acrimonious court proceedings. So what makes collaborative law unique? Firstly, both parties and their collaboratively trained solicitors sign a Participation Agreement. This Participation Agreement requires the couple to act honestly, openly and with respect to each other. The Participation Agreement also requires the couple to concentrate on the current issues that

need to be resolved, such as the children and finances, rather than historic events which have taken place in the past. Secondly and perhaps most crucially, the solicitors representing each party undertake to their clients and each other not to issue court proceedings and instead work together with the separating couple to resolve matters for the benefit of the family as a whole. This in effect disbars the solicitors from representing their own clients in court and means that the solicitors must adopt a non-confrontational approach. Thirdly anything which is discussed between the parties in the collaborative approach is on a “without prejudice” basis and cannot be used in court proceedings in the future and therefore the couple can speak freely with each other in a safe environment as too can the solicitors, thereby often facilitating more open and constructive dialogue. “The collaborative law approach provides a safe and open environment for couples to genuinely discuss all the issues that may arise from their relationship breakdown, ranging from the care arrangements for the children, the distribution of items of furniture, the care of family pets to the sale or otherwise of the matrimonial home and distribution of financial assets.” Juliette Kinsey explains. “Often it is the really personal aspects of the separation that cause the greatest upset, such as the division of personal items and how to tell the children. The collaborative approach enables couples

to discuss these aspects together but in a safe and measured environment. Prior to each meeting the couple agree an agenda containing what is to be discussed at the meeting and the timing and control of the procedure is down to the couple to decide rather than the solicitors or the courts.” “In effect there are four people working to solve a problem rather than two groups of people battling each other in a court arena. Whilst the courts will always have a role to play in certain cases where the couple are prepared to work together the Collaborative Process will take into account the needs of the family as a whole far more.”

If you or someone you know is contemplating a divorce or separation and would like to know about their rights and options, then please telephone Juliette Kinsey of Kinsey & Co Solicitors in Baildon on 01274 589900 to make an appointment to see her.

Early research indicates that couples who separate using the collaborative approach, resolve their issues in a more dignified and respectful manner and, in many cases, manage to maintain a level of communication which would not otherwise occur had the parties gone through the family court process. In a country where the divorce statistics are depressingly high, this approach presents a ray of light in providing separating couples with a more dignified and civilised way of resolving their issues. Whilst divorce and relationship breakdown may be a fact of life for many couples, how they divorce or separate from each other is a matter of choice. Adopting the collaborative approach may be the best option for separating couples hoping to achieve the nearest thing to an “amicable divorce”.

If you would like further advice regarding pensions on divorce or matrimonial and separation issues generally please contact Juliette Kinsey on 01274 589900 to make an appointment or visit: to find out more. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


Armour Glaze

Don’t blow your money when your windows “blow”.

Armour Glaze: the cost-effective way to give a new lease of life to windows and doors - including Velux roof lights and conservatories. Right now, everyone’s looking for ways to save money which is why Armour Glaze is a good place to turn when things start to go wrong with your double-glazed windows and doors. When windows stop performing and start to mist up, many householders and double glazing companies believe the only option is a complete replacement. But, as the experts at Armour Glaze are keen to tell you, this is often not the solution. Instead, the glass on windows, doors, conservatories and Velux roof lights can be replaced, often with superior glazing than before. It’s an energy efficient alternative that can save you thousands of pounds and cut down on landfill too. Armour Glaze, based in the Aire Valley, are double glazing repair specialists who give a new lease of life to almost any kind of glazed window or door. It’s a family firm, run by brothers Nick and J-P Berard, who pride themselves on producing a top quality product at a very sensible price.

Benefits in brief: - No mess so no redecorating - Makes your house easier to sell - More eco-friendly - Much cheaper than changing the frames - Avoids tipping perfectly good frames in to landfill needlessly


Nick said: “Often when double glazing companies see misted glass units they’ll tell you that it can’t be fixed and will then try and sell you a new conservatory or new windows. At Armour Glaze we specialise in replacing only the misted units at a fraction of the cost of a full replacement.” Armour Glaze is particularly successful at replacing the glass in Velux roof lights and conservatories, breathing new life into the windows and doors. J-P said: “Not a lot of people know that when a Velux “blows” you don’t have to change the whole Velux, just the glass. And there’s a huge range of glass to choose from including tinted and selfcleaning. We can even provide Argonfilled glazing which gives you the best possible energy saving benefits. “It’s the same for conservatory roofs. People often think they’re going to have to replace the whole lot but we can usually find a way of replacing just the glass. It can save our customers thousands of pounds.” Armour Glaze uses market-leading, branded glass, including Pilkington, to achieve the right, high quality solution for individual customers. All the windows are made to measure in the firm’s own workshops and fitted by experienced craftsmen. As well as thermally efficient, self-cleaning glazing, Armour Glaze can provide toughened safety glass. It’s very popular - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

and can provide the additional security appreciated by many customers. For those wanting to save the planet as well as some cash, low-e glass could be the answer. Low-e glass is different from regular clear glass in that one side of the glass has a special metal coating, technically known as a low emissivity coating. Nick Berard said: “Low-e glass is the first choice of many of our clients as it increases the energy efficiency of windows. It means that in the winter your house stays warmer by reducing heat loss. In the summer specially coated glass can help to regulate temperature so that a building stays cooler.” Nick and J-P are rightly proud of the reputation they’ve built up. J-P said: “You know you’re doing something right when customers come back – and recommend your services to friends and family. We’re delighted when people choose us and we value every customer.” Prosider reader, Ann from Bingley, recently turned to Armour Glaze when her conservatory windows started to mist up. “I called out two reputable companies to look at the windows and both said they could not be fixed. They both recommended a new conservatory. After seeing their advert in the Prosider I asked Armour Glaze to have a look. My conservatory now looks as new and the cost came in at over £5000 cheaper than the nearest quote. I was very happy with their work and thought they were wonderful.”

For further information, free quotes and advice, contact Armour Glaze on: 01274 899698

How to give your home an “eco-retrofit” and cut your bills A recent report by energy regulator Ofgem made gloomy reading. In a worst-case scenario domestic UK energy bills could rise by 60% by 2016 – although most estimates put the likely price rise to between 14% and 25% above inflation by 2020. But there are some straightforward ways to reduce the amount of gas, electricity and water we use in our homes – and to cut our bills. This is what Richard did: • Insulated the roof, walls and floors. Loft insulation should be at least 270 mm thick – the Dawson’s is 300mm. The cavity wall insulation cost £197 – with a 50% grant from the Energy Saving Trust. The external walls were also lined internally with insulating plasterboard. Richard says: “A good time to do this is when re-decorating because it is messy and you also lose some space. External insulation – there are various systems - is also an option.”

Richard Dawson, a Yorkshire RIBA chartered architect who regularly advises clients on energy efficiency measures, has put his ideas into practice at his own home. Thanks to an “eco-retrofit” he has turned his 1980s traditionally built house in Bingley, West Yorkshire, into one of the most energy-efficient in the town. He’s cut the gas bill from a peak of £200 a month to £55 a month – and reduced water bills by 25 % to £30 month. The Dawsons – Richard, his wife and two young daughters – moved to Bingley early last year. Richard admits that to most visitors, the house’s most appealing feature is its view over the Aire Valley. But for him the house provided the ideal challenge and opportunity to put into practice all the current thinking on energy efficiency. The first heating bill the Dawsons received - £200 for gas for January 2008 – quickly focussed his thoughts on the need to retro-fit the house fast.


• Installed a modern, efficient heating system with good controls. He opted for an ‘A’ rated gas boiler, solar panels and wood-burning stove which work together to heat water in a large copper insulated cylinder known as a ‘thermal store’. Richard says: “When it’s the sun shines it heats the water, when the fire’s lit that does the job – and otherwise the gas kicks in.” • Replaced single-glazed doors and windows with double-glazed units increasing warmth and sound insulation. • Replaced old 9 litre toilets with dual flush, low water-using WCs. Shallow basins and water-reducing spray taps were also installed. Pipe work was also put in for a future project to harvest rain water to flush the WCs. • Replaced old energy-guzzling appliances – washing machine, tumble drier etc – with “A” or “B” rated ones. Richard says: “It’s a gradual process. The dishwasher is old and still needs replacing so we try to put it on just once a day.” - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

• Installed a heat recovery ventilation system to extract stale moist air from the kitchen and bathroom whilst providing fresh filtered air to other rooms • Made sure all light bulbs are low energy. It’s also vital to check electrical appliances not left on stand-by. Richard believes the best way to make sure you’ve got a house that uses little energy is to keep it simple and do the easy things first – insulation, a new boiler with controls and low energy electrical fittings.

Richard says: “All new housing is heading towards “zero carbon” which should guarantee low bills. However, a new house can sometimes mean compromising on space, character and the ability to extend. For many of us that’s just not an option and, after all, the majority of houses in Yorkshire are older properties. That’s why altering an existing house – retro-fitting – is often the best or only course of action. It’s just a question of adopting adopt a low carbon lifestyle and thinking about smarter ways of using our resources better to reduce, reuse and recycle.” Richard recognises that while spending money on making a house more energy efficient can have an immediate impact on your bills, as it has for his family, it has to be seen as an investment with pay-back in the medium to long-term. There are government incentives and grants available through the Energy Saving Trust and some energy saving materials attract VAT at 5% rather than the full rate when retrofitting. However, to get lower bills and better air quality, Richard acknowledges he’s had to make a considerable investment on insulation and systems. But the Dawsons have no plans to move home so, says Richard, for his family the investment is worth it. That said, even taking a long-term view

informed by the latest predictions of soaring energy prices, cutting domestic energy consumption is still very much a life-style choice rather than the mainstream. Richard believes that to bring change, energy saving materials and measures have to be more affordable. “Low bills and low energy consumption have to become the norm. They need to be recognised as features that make homes more valuable and marketable – in the same way as, right now, some people consider neutral décor, plain carpets or a modern kitchen essential. Let’s not wait until our utility bills are sky high before we alter our outlook.”

For more information contact: Richard Dawson: 01274 512808.

Go Green, get FIT & Save Money

There’s never been a better time to make the move to solar to provide the energy you need to run your home or business. Once the past time of the ecoenthusiast, generating power through solar products – also known as micro generation - is now widely accepted as being mainstream. What’s more, there are plenty of incentives about to encourage you to switch to solar. Firstly, there’s the ongoing cost of energy – gas, electricity and oil bills are constantly increasing in price. Secondly, there’s increasing concern for the environment so more and more people are looking at what steps they can take to reduce their carbon footprint and ultimately save themselves some money. Thirdly, as the solar industry has grown and matured over the last decade, the cost of putting put solar panels on your home have decreased significantly, dropping over 40% in just the last few years. And finally, the Government recently introduced FITs, a scheme which pays you for electricity that you generate. But how exactly does Fits work? To get the low-down, The Prosider went to see Daniel Lang of Electrotect Renewable Energies Ltd., a Bradfordbased business which specialises in solar photovoltaic renewable energy installations in homes and businesses. Daniel regularly advises people on how to apply for the FITs scheme and the


expected rate of financial return. Daniel explained that under the FITs scheme, energy suppliers make regular payments to householders and communities who generate their own electricity from renewable or low carbon sources, such as solar photovoltaic (PV) panels or wind turbines. The scheme guarantees a minimum payment for all electricity generated by the system, as well as a separate payment for the electricity exported to the national grid. The payments are index-linked, tax free and guaranteed for 25 years and are in addition to the savings made by using the on-site generated electricity. Daniel said: “Basically, it’s a win-win situation! As soon as the system is installed there will be a reduction in your electricity bills, in addition to the income from your Feed-in Tariffs. “We believe we have a responsibility to the environment to cut down CO2 emissions and the FITs scheme has made micro-generation accessible to a far wider range of people.” Two people who recently took advantage of the scheme and turned to Electrotect UK are Suzanne and Donald in Adel. “We thought it was about time we put our money where our mouths are!” said Suzanne, who leads the Green Team - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

at St Chad’s Church. “We are delighted with our new system. It took just a couple of days to install, with minimum fuss, and it was generating electricity immediately – even on a dull day! And, financially, the rate of return is far better than other investment opportunities.” Electrotect UK uses the latest, mainly German, technology. Daniel said: “It is guaranteed for 25 years – giving you plenty of time to not only recoup your investment, but also make money and add value to your home.” The lightweight panels are unobtrusive and can be fitted to either roofs or walls. The technically minded will be interested to know that the DC electricity created is converted into usable power (AC) via a wall-mounted inverter in the attic. It then runs through a generation meter to your household distribution board. The installation process causes little disruption and, depending on the size of the job, can be up and running well within a week. Danny hopes that perhaps soon microgeneration will be incorporated into every new build and we will all become less dependent on power generated using fossil fuels or nuclear.

He said: “That’s an idea we might have laughed at ten years ago, but it seems far more achievable now.”

For more information about putting solar power into your home or business, contact Daniel Lang, Electrotect Renewable Energies, 01274 816782. or email

home interiors

United as One For a fantastic choice of the very best carpets, laminates, vinyl and wood flooring, why not take a trip down to United Carpets, Wood Floor & Beds of Shipley. It combines the great prices and choice of a nationwide company with the personal touch of a local independent business that has been providing the highest level of customer service for over 15 years. The team at United Carpets is headed up by owner Adrian Lee, who has been in the carpet industry for over 15 years. Starting at the bottom, Adrian has worked his way up from working in a carpet warehouse to running a successful franchise within the United group for the past 9 years. The Shipley store is one of the largest stockist’s of carpets, beds, laminate and vinyl within the Bradford area and has ranges to suit all budgets and taste. They will guarantee to beat any genuine like for like quote and you will get excellent advice and service from Adrian and his experienced team within the store. After speaking to Adrian, I asked what his unique selling point was over and above any other carpet manufacturer in the Bradford area, he replies “at United Carpets, we go the extra mile for our customers by offering appointments to fit their carpets on a Sunday, where other retail outlets may not. We understand that our customers have very busy lifestyles, and Sundays are usually the most convenient time for them”. He also adds “all our fitters are fully insured, so rest assured your carpets will be


completed to the highest standard at all times”. To add to the above, United Carpets have three main fitting teams available who will come to your home to remove your old carpet and dispose of it, whilst helping to move furniture at the same time. Adrian explained “we feel proud to be able to offer this personal service to our more mature customers, who may find it difficult to lift heavy furniture”. You will always find great deals throughout the store in Shipley, with a selection of beds and laminate in stock, available to take away same day. They offer free fitting on all carpets when underlay is purchased with the carpet with free measuring and planning also available. For more information on how to purchase the right carpet, beds, wood flooring or laminate for your home, why not visit Adrian and his team for a free no obligation quote, call 01274 533408 or drop in at Steadman House, Otley Road, Shipley, BD17 7EX. Alternatively, browse through their website at www. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

Some satisfied customers said: “Great Deal - will be visiting again! It was a pleasure doing business with you. Thanks” Mark W from Bradford “Great deals to be had and great service that can’t be missed!” Winston H from Bradford “Very good sound advice given on choice of carpet” – Raif T “I have dealt with Adrian at United Carpets for over 15 years and always found him and all his staff very helpful and friendly. His prices are always competitive” Winston O “Excellent Value! Excellent Service! Excellent Quality! Excellent Staff! - I would highly recommend them.” Peter H “Good selection of carpets to choose from. The staff are very friendly and approachable. Would recommend to others”. John T “They have a great set of lads at United Carpets. Really helpful, polite and with great product knowledge. Thanks very much for your help.”

“Free fitting on all carpets when underlay is purchased” “great prices and choice of a nationwide company with the personal touch of a local independent business”


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beautiful homes

Simply beautiful meets beautifully simply

A Yorkshire company makes it easier than ever to create breathtaking interiors In the 10 years since the company’s creation, Daedalian has already earned a well-deserved reputation for combining inspirational design and superlative quality craftsmanship. The Oxenhope-based team uses the time-honoured skills and techniques of traditional cabinet making to produce unique furniture and stunning interiors for a relatively small but extremely loyal client base. Today, Daedalian are overseeing more and more projects in which they’ve commissioned and collaborated with other associated specialists. This is because demand for stunning end results is matched by a growing need for simplicity, seamless coordination and consistent high quality achieved through skilful project management and a single point of contact. Preferring to stick with what they do best rather than compromise on the quality of their ideas and workmanship, the company’s experienced design and cabinet-making team now enlist a range of trusted outside partners to deliver a service that covers all disciplines. Company co-director Catherine Senior explained: ‘We’ve found that many

of our customers trust us to take on 46

every aspect of an entire project, so we’ve built up a wider team that now includes builders, interior designers, plumbers, decorators and tilers. This way we offer a more comprehensive service that doesn’t just make life far easier for our customers, it also leads to better continuity, minimal disruption and consistent high quality when it comes to the overall end results. We’re a team that prides itself on genuine craftsmanship and unrivalled attention to detail, so we’re more than happy to coordinate entire projects and outside specialists because it helps to do justice to our own work.’ A small yet undeniably friendly team, Daedalian’s approach is refreshingly down to earth. Jonas Hartley is the company’s other co-director, a highly experienced cabinetmaker who takes direct and personal responsibility for every project. Jonas explained: ‘We take a very meticulous and hands-on approach to our work because we’re fanatical about getting it just right for our own sakes, as well as for the - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

sake of our clients. Whether we’re a creating a reproduction front door for a listed building or refurbishing an entire period house room by room, the fact that we’re a company led by design and craftsmanship - not marketing and sales margins - always shines through. This is what our customers really value about us and it’s also how we attract only the most dedicated cabinetmakers who know they’ll be given the time and resources to perform their work to their own exacting standards.’ A quick look around Daedalian’s workshop, or a chat to a cabinet maker, fitter or polisher working there, bears out Jonas’ comments. ‘It’s abundantly clear that our work is primarily a labour of love. And the fact that we’ve managed to combine our own expertise with trusted specialists who share the same values is one more reason why customers can expect finished interiors that are every bit as beautiful to look at as they are easy to commission.’ Daedalian Ltd, Brooks Meeting Mill, Shaw Lane , Oxenhope Telephone: 01535 640860

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Look Good Feel Good Health, Beauty & Style

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Get your body ready for Christmas glamour Follow these winter beauty tips and shine out at parties this season.

In this feature we welcome Lauren Ives who shares her knowledge and passion for the beauty industry with Prosider readers. Lauren trained as a beautician for two and a half years and at the age of eighteen she went on to gain experience working in local salons. Three years later, having built up her reputation, she became beauty manager for the spa at the locally renowned and respected Devonshire Arms hotel near Bolton Abbey. Unfortunately Lauren developed repetitive strain injury and had to leave the job she loved. She now works for a local IT company but, still only 26-years-old, she holds an ambition to channel her knowledge of the beauty industry. We welcome her as Prosider’s new health and beauty editor where she can pass on her beauty tips and inside knowledge of products to our readers.

Are you reading this in November, realising that not only have you not thought what to wear or HOW to wear it? You are probably not alone! We all dread the Christmas period when women are under pressure to look glamorous, sophisticated and preened. We all spend time working, running a home, getting our hair and possibly nails done for a special occasion…but when it comes to the Christmas party season it strikes us as a bit of a battlefield. We all have parts of our bodies we don’t want to bare, but what could happen if we spent just one hour a week leading up to Christmas on caring for our bodies? If I told you that the next few simple steps would help massively in boosting your confidence in your LBD? One main problem is dry, winter induced skin, and it affects so many other things. Dry skin, dry hair, dry lips, dry feet, itchy legs and a miserable outlook too!

So let’s look at how we can improve for 2010. Make yourself proud, walk down those stairs and shine. It really doesn’t take a lot to get you right for the festive season, and treating it as pleasure than a chore would also help. Taking a bath during the week rather than the rushed shower, follow these simple steps 6-8 weeks beforehand to get your skin 100% ready: 1) Whilst the bath is running, get a stiff bristled body brush (these can be bought from most high street stores) and brush upwards on the leg and covering each stoke up to 4-6 times. Don’t worry if you look a little rosy. It’s good for your circulation. 2) Fill your bath with some moisturising bath soak to take away those everyday aches and pains. 3) Soak in the bath for 15 minutes, spending some time exfoliating the tops of your arms, heels, shoulders and hands. 4) When you get out, use a soft towel and pat dry rather than rubbing yourself like a woman possessed, this does not do any good for your skin. 5) Finally, body creams come in an assortment of price ranges, but no matter which you choose or can afford, remember that some is better than nothing. Apply liberally and then wrap yourself up in a warm towel whilst cleansing and moisturising your face, this will help the moisturiser sink in. Try this once a week – or more if you find the time – and I guarantee you will see a massive difference. Your skin will be smooth, softer, sheenier and prepped for self-tan application if you so wish.

With radiators on full blast, and fires on there’s nothing nicer than curling up under a blanket in the warm watching a film. But just turning the heating down even a fraction can help. The warm air is so dry, it holds no moisture to nourish your skin, and this is what causes the ‘winter itch. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!



I’m dreaming of a bright complexion, just like the one I used to know…


Your dreams can be reality with the latest Priori anti-ageing technology, says Suzanne Bennet from Mirror Mirror, one of Bingley’s best-loved beauty salons. In this article exclusively for Prosider readers she shares her winter beauty tips and suggests ways of surviving the stress of preparing for Christmas. Joseph A Lewis, the founder of Priori, is not just a chemist; he is a pioneer of cosmeceuticals. He previously developed MD Formulations, AHA Peels and the famous BareMinerals makeup, before turning his attention to his latest ground-breaking advanced antiageing treatments. These are ideal for consumers who have reached a plateau with their current skincare regime and want more. It is claimed that the new treatments significantly reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in just four weeks. Christmas should be one of the most exciting times of the year. So why is it that nearly all of us begin to have raised stress levels the moment December arrives. Having an hour off each week in your favourite salon might just maintain your sanity during this festive season. Present-buying can often be a chore.


Make life easier by buying gift vouchers, which are available for men and women from as little as £5. Or why not take advantage of our free wrapping service for all items purchased in the salon. Espa have the most beautifully presented gifts from only £10. Why not get the buying over quickly so you can relax. Modern age sun beds are a real no no, as they can damage and age the skin. So the best option is a spray tan. Quick and efficient, a spray tan gives you a lovely bronzed body in just a few hours. But there are a few pitfalls. The stain that is used to colour the skin is sugarbased, so it will have a direct effect on your skin’s ph balance. The better tans are derived from sugar ‘cane’ and not the ‘beet’. The latter is the cheaper, less effective product and may give the ‘orange tango’ look. So remember, even with tanning you get what you pay for. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

Early stages of pregnancy, antibiotics and certain medications, may also have an effect on the colour outcome. So always consult your therapist. The perfect tan Ex-foliating the body and face is essential preparation before tanning. It’s not always necessary to spend a fortune – a Riffi glove is suitable for most skin types. At only £6.50 everyone should find one in their stockings this Christmas, if not before. Removing dead skin cells should be done daily in the shower to avoid dry scaly skin, pimples and the build up of lotions and creams. This procedure will help to enhance and boost the life of your tan. There can be nothing worse than a tan applied to dry, flakey skin. So come on girls (and boys) let’s start exfoliating!

look good feel good

The perfect tan Do – before your Tan • Exfoliate, shave or wax the night before • Do not wear deodorant, perfume or make up • Do not moisturise – this will act as a barrier • Wear dark, loose fitting clothes and remove all jewellery.

After your tan • Do not bathe or shower for at least four hours until your tan develops • Avoid water or any exercise that may cause you to perspire during the four hours after your treatment

Perfect Lashes

Perfect Nails

Perfect lashes are a must this Christmas and if you’re not lucky enough to have Audrey Hepburn’s lashes, then help is at hand.

If time is an issue, have the Minx effect this Christmas. Soft foils are applied to the nails and you’re ready to leave the salon immediately. The choices of colours and patterns are amazing and there will definitely be one to match that special party dress.

The best options are the single lashes. They thicken and lengthen natural lashes, enhancing the charm and appearance of your eyes. They can last 8-12 weeks with regular maintenance. Make sure you use a fully-qualified technician. Treatments can take up to two hours, depending on thickness and cost from £50-£70. Temporary lashes are a brilliant substitute and can be easily applied and removed. The cost is obviously far less. Or try lashes in a bottle, instant thickening to your eyelashes with amazing results and they can be removed each evening. And don’t forget to buy that little black party dress now, before all the best ones get snapped up.

Alternatively, try out our latest Seche gel (lasts up to 14 days). The look is fabulous and lasts longer than most nail polish applications, resisting chips and smudges. The gel dries instantly so there’s no need to wait around. If you do choose the conventional method of nail enamel, no fear, just brush on a fine application of olive oil. This will help dry and protect the polish. Always remember when having pedicures, to bring a pair of open toed shoes or flip flops. Not very practical in two feet of snow, but at least your toenails won’t smudge!

• As tan develops, avoid touching or rubbing the skin • Long hot baths, showers, swimming, excessive use of soap will cause your tan to fade more quickly • Moisturise regularly to maintain your tan.

Merry Christmas from Suzanne and all the girls at Mirror Mirror. Gift Vouchers now available ...

Mirror Mirror Beauty 25 Park Road, Bingley BD16 4BQ Telephone: 01274 510033 Email: - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


Once again, our Beauty Editor Lauren has all the much needed advice to keep your nails healthy and strong this winter.

Nails…..we all have them… are they tools or jewels? Most of us use them as tools but still want them to have the capability of looking like jewels- am I right? Here at Prosider we like to think we have some of the best Nail Technicians and Salons on hand to offer advice and techniques to conquer all nail problems. With salons in Bingley boasting some of the industry’s best. Plus, as a mobile nail technician myself… Prosider is the best place to come for advice!

Always file from one side to the centre and again from the opposite side. Never “saw” your nail as this creates splitting of the nails and is quite difficult to regain once damaged. Keep your cuticles neat by simply gently pushing back with the towel when you get out of a bath or shower. This enables the nails to breathe and absorb as much moisture as possible.


The nail industry is somewhat more advanced than it used to be, so here, with those thoughts in mind, is Autumn/ Winter 2010 Prosider Guide to Festive frolicking fabulous nails!

Colour…..With winter being the season of warmth, wool and camel colours… Nail colours are becoming the staple to bring s dash of colour to those neutral wardrobe pieces.


If you have gained a neat, shorter length nail, deep rich red claret would look wonderful, keeping three strokes of varnish from the centre outwards leaves a small edge elongating the nail and making it look longer.

Moisture…… one of the worst things in winter is your heating…whilst its sapping money from your purse it’s doing the same with your hands, hair, skin and ultimately the first thing to suffer is your nails. If you find you have increasingly dry hands use the old wives treatment of cotton gloves and Vaseline- warm your cotton gloves over the radiator or fire, apply Vaseline or a favourite hand cream liberally all over the hands and slip the gloves on. Doing this just before bed means you sleep whilst repairing your skin. Gloves and hand creams are available at all chemists. You will find in the morning that those delightful digits are worth showing off!


Groom…. Making your nails tidy and cuticles trimmed will help you WANT to keep them looking good.


If you are more daring a dark navy is very much in and does the same to a short nail as a dark plum red. However if you prefer to keep everything natural as god intended, then a beautiful nude blush pink would nicely set those nails gleaming. Try going for one with a little gold glitter in for the Christmas parties and New Year celebrations. When you are varnishing make sure you protect with a base coat. Remember this is the part that actually touches the nail, so invest well. Sealing with a good quality top coat will maintain colour and longevity meaning that those household chores make light work. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year Lauren Ives

The Prosider would like to welcome a new fashion store recently opened in Bingley... Having been successfully selling online since June 2009, Passionfruit Poppy team have opened their retail outlet in Bingley Main Street in November, offering Ladies fashion to local customers at affordable prices. From everyday-wear to eveningwear and a range of accessories including bags, shoes, gloves and scarves there is plenty of choice to suit all tastes and occasions. Some of the stock is known as ‘Cut Label’ or ‘Ex high street’ this is stock that was originally destined for major high street stores but for a variety of reasons such as over orders, late delivery or cancelled orders was left with the manufactures who then debrand the items and sell them on. So whilst this stock is not branded you can be sure your getting some quality items at great prices. With this Stock arriving regularly throughout the week keep popping in to grab yourself a bargain.

As well as the ‘cut label’stock’ Passionfruit Poppy also stock a number of carefully selected guest brands, in store now is the Amari collection, with simple flattering shapes and unique fresh prints the Passionfruit Poppy team believe items from this quality range will some of it’s best sellers this Winter. Other Collections from Fever, One and Max C of London will be arriving throughout November and December. The shop is family run and with stock buying influences from different age groups the team believe there will be something in store for all generations and hope that the offering of a local fashion store will compliment the mix of

local shops in the area and will mean the local community will not always need to pop out of town to the large retailers for their weekly fashion fix. As a Prosider reader you can get yourself 10% off all purchases at Passionfruit Poppy on production of this advert until the 24th December 2010, so why not pop in and see whats in store!!!!

Best choose

Villa Dental Suite... Bingley’s newest dental surgery guarantees the very latest in dental treatments, top quality surrounding and exceptional patient care. When dental surgeon Steve Woolley opened Villa Dental Suite just off Bingley’s Park Road his vision was clear: a state-of-the-art practice where all patients are guaranteed to receive the latest treatments and techniques and are always cared for by highly-skilled and friendly professional staff. Steve has invested substantially in the very latest high-tech equipment at Villa Dental Suite and is committed to ensuring the practice always offers the most up-to-date treatments. Villa Dental Suite opened in April 2010 after a complete refurbishment and redesign of the former doctor’s surgery on Priestthorpe Lane. Steve said: “It’s been a tremendously exciting project and, for me, the fulfilment of a long-held dream. “The great advantage in designing a dental practice from scratch is that I have been able to specify exactly the layout of the surgery and the care we offer. After 24 years as a dentist I know what patients want and Villa Dental Suite is designed for them. Here, they can enjoy the very latest treatments that the dental profession can offer whilst knowing they are valued and cared for in top quality, luxury surroundings. “We treat everyone as an individual offering real options and fantastic results. The feedback we’ve had so far from clients has been fabulous. They come to us confident that they’ll get the best possible care and they leave knowing that they’ve received it.


“Existing patients already feel at home in our new premises in Bingley and we are always delighted to welcome new patients, young, old and in-between.” Steve, who lives in Bingley, qualified as a dentist at Leeds Dental School. He’s practised at the highest level in dentistry for 20 years and is rightly proud of the reputation he and his colleagues have built up. Primarily, Steve and his associates advocate good routine dental care to avoid the need for specialist treatment. Villa Dental Suite always aims for minimally invasive, conservative and preventative dentistry and works hard to establish systematic oral hygiene, especially amongst children. The practice has its own hygienist with whom patients are invited to make regular appointments and who is always on hand to give advice and promote dental care. But when more sophisticated solutions to dental problems are required, Villa Dental Suite also provides a comprehensive range of specialist and cosmetic services. One of these is “Cerec”, a breakthrough treatment which enables crowns to be replaced in one single visit. This efficient turnaround ensures patients need never experience the discomfort or potential embarrassment that can go hand-in-hand with other methods that involve crowns being made at off-site laboratories. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

Thanks to a specialist Cerec laboratory, on the premises at Villa Dental Suite, and a highly experienced team of staff, Villa Dental Suite patients can have a ceramic crown of exact likeness to the tooth it replaces created and fitted during a single visit. Cerec offers patients the best possible fit; computer scanning and digital imaging ensures a tooth with an accurate bite. There is no need for any impressions to be taken of teeth, no moulds have to be made and no temporary teeth fitted. Many of the Cerec procedures are performed by Craig Thompson, one of the first dentists in the country to be trained in this type of technology.

Craig said: “Patients are always amazed at the quickness and efficiency of the Cerec procedure. Once the digital imaging is completed, they can relax in the waiting room while our equipment creates a unique Cerec crown. Having a Cerec fitted is painless and patients are back to their normal lives as soon as they leave the door.” Cerec is also metal free and long-lasting. The majority of the materials used in the process are far stronger than the traditional Bonded Crowns used at present. Crucially, Cerec is the best aesthetic option, ensuring a new crown that looks wonderful - and a confident patient with a happy smile. Dental Implants are also another area of expertise at Villa Dental Suite. The implants are carried out by Robert Dyas, registered with the General Dental Council as a specialist oral surgeon and with 20 years experience of placing implants. Robert Dyas is also a director of the Association of Dental Implantology, a clinical coach and mentor to other dentists. He is assisted by a highly trained team, who regularly accept referrals from other dentists. Robert Dyas said: “Whether patients are missing one tooth or all of their teeth, implants offer an option most like natural teeth. That’s why they are an essential part of a top dental practice’s repertoire. Implants have huge benefits for patients, not just allowing them to bite and chew naturally, encouraging good eating habits, but helping them feel more attractive and confident.” Dental implants can be used to replace the root and crown of a missing tooth and have a range of other applications.

They can be used to retain crowns, bridges and dentures, they can help to prevent bone loss, keep other teeth in place and offer a permanent solution for missing teeth. As part of any dental procedure, the dental surgeons at Villa Dental Suite can routinely carry out tooth whitening and other cosmetic procedures. Steve Woolley said: “One of the first things that people notice about you is your smile. A healthy smile can brighten your life and enhance your appearance but unlike plastic surgery, cosmetic dentistry isn’t a major operation or expense. It’s an easy way to allow the real you to stop hiding behind stained, chipped or crooked teeth. We love it when patients come for an appointment and leave with the smile they’ve always wanted.” As well as providing an exceptional, professional service and the latest techniques and treatments, Villa Dental Suite also offers patients luxury surroundings that are easy to access. All treatments take place in dental suites fitted out with brand new equipment to the highest clinical standards and able to cater for every type of procedure. The staff members, immaculately turned out in smart blue uniforms, are always professional, helpful and friendly. The waiting room is calm and relaxing thanks to clever interior decor and soothing colour schemes. Refreshments are available and children are catered for with a well-equipped play area which includes books and toys.

Steve said: “Above all, when a patient comes to us I want them to relax and be confident that they’re in top surroundings and the best possible hands. All our patients know they are being cared for by professionals dedicated to providing treatment perfectly tailored to their individual needs.” For more information please visit: Telephone 01274 271700 or e: Villa Dental Suite, 2 Priestthorpe Lane, Bingley, BD16 4ED

Villa Dental Suite’s location, at the corner of Park Road and Priestthorpe Lane means it’s easy to get to and to find. In addition, there is on-site parking and the practice is open Saturday mornings and some evenings. The aim is to make every visit pleasant, convenient and straightforward. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


Welcome to

Prosider would like to welcome two new recruits to the Team, who will be divulging all things Movies, DVD reviews, Music and Gig reviews in this and forthcoming issues. Both ladies have a passion for writing in different mediums, to find out more about our new writers, see below.

Welcome to our brand new section “Whats Happening”.

Heyla Arbabha, 16 years of age, is studying her A-Levels in English and Media Studies and has a true passion for writing. She will be bringing Prosider readers the latest in entertainment, including up and coming films reviews, DVD releases, news and much more!

What’s Happening Your exciting Prosider guide to entertainment and the arts across all media, featuring what’s on locally and nationally. This section will include listings of forthcoming events in our area, music and DVD reviews and we are working with Cineworld Bradford to bring you the best of 2011’s Blockbuster Movies, along with free tickets & merchandise giveaways.

In this special Christmas issue, we have reviewed two of the most anticipated movies showing at the Cinema at the moment; Despicable Me (for the family) and Social Network (for all you Facebook addicts)! We will talk about the biggest Blockbuster Movie over the Christmas holidays - The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader, the sequel to Chronicle of Narnia (Lion, Witch & the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian). Further to that, we will be offering FREE ticket & Merchandise giveaways in collaboration with Cineworld Bradford. In upcoming editions we will bring you the best in news, views, reviews and sneak previews. Keeping you fully informed about all that’s happening in the world of movies. If you have any suggestions, queries or reviews here’s your chance to get them into your next issue. Simply email us at Get in touch!!

Ellenyi is an upcoming female singersongwriter, who also has a passion for writing... Mostly very soulful melodies! She will be writing for the Prosider, bringing you up to date with all the latest in Music and Gig reviews, along with movie reviews for our adult readers. If you would like to contact either of our talented writers, please email happening@



Listings of what’s going on in the area.... if you have an event you would like listed then please contact:

City Carol Service 20th December Bradford Cathedral Christmas with The Rat Pack 23rd December St. George’s Hall Christmas Light Switch On Events Ilkley – 20th November Keighley – 25th November Shipley and Bingley – 27th November Baildon at Christmas Wed 1 Dec 2010 18:00 to 21:00

Black Dyke Concert

presented by Bingley Airedale Rotary Club

Bradford Grammar School Saturday 13th November 2010 Time: 7-00pm Cost: £12.50 (Discounts available for groups of 10+) Supporting Yorkshire Cancer Research and other charities supported by Rotary Tickets available from: Richard Colton, Tel. 01274 561941 or 01274 551124 or by post to: 8 Waterside, Bingley, BD16 2SN (money with request) Saltaire United Reformed Church A Christmas Concert for all the family Saturday 18th December at 7.00pm Performed by Leeds Concert Band Adults £5 Concessions £4 Refreshments will be served Contact The church is in the middle of a large restoration project but before it can go onto the next phase it needs a further £40,000 so any money that we can raise on the night will help towards this and hopefully make the public aware of its funding problems for future fund raising projects.

Haworth Christmas Market 20th & 21st November Victorian Christmas Market 27th & 28th November, Bradford Industrial Museum Bradford Christmas Street Market 2nd to 5th December Bradford City Centre Shipley Christmas Market 10th & 11th December Shipley Town Centre Victorian Christmas 12th December Bolling Hall

Salts Mill Late Night Christmas Opening Salts Mill & 1853 Gallery Thu 9 Dec 2010 18:00 to 21:00 01274 531163 Shipley Christmas Market Fri 10, Sat 11 Dec 2010 01274 438849 The Bradford Chorale Sat 11 Dec 2010 19:30 Victoria Hall -Saltaire 01274 594659 Turn Back Time Pop-Up Shop as seen on BBC1 December 3rd - 5th, 10:00 - 17:00 Ivegate, Bradford, BD1 1SW Visit the Turn Back Time 1930s grocer’s shop. Find out how to research your own high street history and get hands on with local artefacts. High Street History Bradford Central Library November 18th, 14:00 - 16:00

Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs 18th December to 6th Feb 2011 Alhambra Theatre

National Media Museum November 23rd, 14:00 - 16:00

Grand Charity Evening in aid of Sue Ryder Care Sat 20 Nov 2010 Bradford & Bingley Rugby Club Wagon Lane, Bingley 01535 640448

Come and share your stories of high street shopping in Bradford. West Yorkshire Archive Service and the National Media Museum are working with BBC Hands on History capturing memories to support a new series exploring a century of change on the ‘high street’. All memories will then be preserved and used to create an exciting interactive archive on

Guided Walk - Manningham to Myrtle Bingley Train Station Wed 1 Dec 2010 Wellington Street, Bingley 10:45 01274 432666 Santa’s Festive Cruise - Dream Achievers Sat 4, Sun 5 Dec 2010 Unit B Lower Ground Floor, Shipley Wharf, SHIPLEY 13:00 to 16:00 0845 2415497 Guided Walk - Harden Circular Sun 5 Dec 2010 St Ives Estate, Bingley Harden 10:30 01274 432666

Fairfax Singers

Fairfax singers have 40 singing members, drawn from Burley-inWharfedale, lkley, Guiseley, Menston, Baildon, Idle, Bingley, Yeadon and Cookridge. Smaller Group available for weddings and corporate events. For concerts we have a policy of encouraging talented Young musicians and invite them as guest performers to give them platform experience. With Dorathy Hawkshaw as Director we sing for Charities and good causes. We are always looking for new venues to help any charity raise funds. Forthcoming concerts: Christchurch Ilkley - Saturday 4th December 2010 7-30pm Bradford Lord Mayors Star Ceremony - Tuesday 7th December Arthington Village Hall - Saturday 11th December 2010 7-30pm

58 - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

The Social Network

A virtual book of faces, names, pictures and funny random status updates. Say it out loud and it sounds silly, but that is the genius idea of The Social Network – a film about the founders of the socialnetworking website, Facebook – as created by Mark Zuckerberg. The Social Network is now showing at Cineworld, Bradford and after going to see it, I am now completely and utterly transfixed on this phenomenon.

The film itself is set out as a documentary-drama that makes for an interesting twist. It is as if you are having a history lesson on your favourite subject without realising it. I have personally used Facebook for a number of years and I remember first seeing it online and wondering what it was. The true addiction of it pulls you in before you realise and then it is simply too late. I know people who are in their 80s that use that popular term “I will facebook you” and it has often replaced texting or emailing when I have needed to get in touch. I sat there with my bucket of Fanta and super-sized popcorn and started to daydream. I wondered if there were any idea similar to this social tool that I could invent myself. Unfortunately there simply isn’t. Facebook has become something that everyone wants to use, update, show off and check every five minutes! It was interesting to see the story behind the site that I use up to 50 times a day

CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER UK Release: 9th December 2010 Cast: Georgie Henley, Skandar Keynes, Ben Barnes Director: Michael Apted Return to the magic and wonder of C.S. Lewis’ beloved world – via the fantastic Narnian ship, the Dawn Treader. In this new installment of the blockbuster “The Chronicles of Narnia” motion picture franchise, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, along with their cousin Eustace, their royal friend King Caspian and a warrior mouse named Reepicheep, find themselves swallowed into a painting and onto the Dawn Treader. Their mission – on which rests the fate of Narnia itself – takes the courageous voyagers to mysterious islands and a river that turns to gold, to fateful confrontations with magical creatures and sinister enemies and to a reunion with their friend and protector, the “Great Lion” Aslan.

and to really draw into the characters too. Justin Timberlake had an interesting character and brought some eye candy into the story. Overall, this film was great and something that can definitely be watched by all ages of ‘facebookers’ everywhere. I really liked that Cineworld, Bradford offers an additional late showing for those with hectic schedules and are probably too busy ‘facebooking’ to catch an earlier show! The super size combo option is great value for money with the huge bucket sized Fanta lasting all the way through the film. So put down your Facebooks for more than five minutes, grab a few friends and head down to Cineworld, Bradford to watch this captivating movie. Elle x

WIN Cinema Tickets & Narnia merchandise Competion Time: To win a family ticket for 4 along with merchandise from Narnia, (courtesy of Cineworld Bradford). To Win: 1 x Magnetic Bookmark 1 x 3D Puzzle 1 x Christmas Bauble 1 x Kaleidoscope 1 x Snow Globe Frame 1 x Make Your Own Christmas Card Kit 1 x Kid’s Black T-Shirt

Answer the following question: In the original story, how do the kids enter the magical land of Narnia? If you know the answer email:

For more information about The Chronicles of Narnia - The Voyage of The Dawn Treader, please visit the official website:

Competition terms: Email to be submitted by close of play 19th December 2010. Entries must include name, telephone number. Winner will be randomly selected and notified by telephone. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


Meet fabulously wicked super-villain Gru, star of this brilliant new animated comedy that’s already topped the US box office! Despicable Me (U) Steve Carell, Russell Brand, Julie Andrews, Jason Segel 95 minutes

I must admit, when I sat down to watch ‘Despicable Me’, I wasn’t expecting fantastic things. The film is from Universal Pictures, a movie studio that is not well known for its animations. After all, when you’re competing against other outstanding animations such as Disney’s Toy Story and Dreamworks’ Shrek you know you have to deliver. Within the first 20 minutes, however, I was completely hooked.


‘Despicable Me’ tells the story of Gru (Carell), the world’s former number one super villain, but who has been beaten by Vector (Segel), the new nerd on the block who has just stolen Giza’s Great Pyramid and replaced it with an inflatable one. He must now try and beat Vector to regain his status as the number one super villain by trying to steal the moon, picking up one elderly scientist assistant, three orphaned sisters and thousands of little yellow Minions on the way. As I sat in the cinema surrounded by families, there were bursts of laughter, but not just from the children. ‘Despicable Me’ has managed to break through into the family market spectacularly, as children and parents alike were laughing their way through the entire film. With plenty of cliché jokes for children and one-liners for adults, the film put a smile on everyone’s face. One sly joke had a father laughing for ten minutes, although I won’t spoil it for you! The film would not frighten children, although some may be a little apprehensive over Gru’s snarling dog and a shark that seems to have taken a certain liking for Gru. The voices suited all the roles perfectly. Steve Carell (Gru) had adopted a Russian/Hungarian accent for the character, which gave him another depth, in contrast to the mostly American voices that were given to the other characters. The use of Julie Andrews and Russell Brand’s voices probably comes as a delight to adults, but because of their distinctive voices, I found it hard to watch their characters (Andrews as Gru’s unimpressed mother and Brand as Gru’s deaf assistant) without thinking of them as just Russell Brand and Julie Andrews. There is a good variety of characters, but I would have liked to have seen more character development with Vector, a certain bank manager and the professor, as we seem to have a very shallow knowledge of their backgrounds by the

end of the film, as oppose to Gru – as at the end we know his childhood and his struggles to be a super villain. The three orphans and the Minions steal the film as the talking point. The orphans provide warmth as we see them turn Gru into a big softy, and the Minions made me laugh every time they came on the screen by use of their speech, their factory habitat and their little denim dungarees and goggles. Although I saw ‘Despicable Me’ in 3D, you really don’t need the 3D experience to enjoy the film. This 3D viewing isn’t like anything you see in the IMAX – the scenes and characters don’t appear in front of your face. The 3D effects may seem trivial to adults, but children will still love the novelty of bigger and bolder imagery. Small children may find it difficult to wear the glasses as they only come in one size, which may cause parental distraction, not to mention the other members of the audience. The film was just the right length, and went faster than its 95 minutes. My only criticism is that the ending was slightly rushed, and I was left thinking ‘is that it?’ Although there has already been a confirmation of a sequel in the works from the production team, I really don’t see the point. I’m not sure what other storylines could fit with the film, although maybe the audience could then get a satisfying ending. I’m not a huge fan of sequels (Star Wars and Toy Story excluded, of course) when there is no need for a story to continue. Overall, I thought the film was brilliant. Despicable Me is definitely up there with the best family films of 2010.

I gave this film a well deserved 4 out of 5 stars, for a great day at the cinema and a big smile on my face when I left. Heyla Arbabha

WIN Cinema Tickets & Despicable Me merchandise

Competion Time: To win a family ticket for 4 along with merchandise from Despicable Me, (courtesy of Cineworld Bradford). Answer the following question: Julie Andrews plays Gru’s Mom in the movie, what was the name of the film where she was a magical nanny looking after 2 young children, was it: Mrs Doubtfire Nanny McPhee Mary Poppins If you know the answer email: 3 runners up will also receive Despicable Me merchandise, which will be randomly selected. Competition terms: Email to be submitted by close of play 19th December 2010. Entries must include name, telephone number and age of child (this is required for a t-shirt). Winners will be randomly selected and notified by telephone. Merchandise will be selected randomly for the 10 runners up. They will be contacted by telephone.

forthcoming movies

For the best in movies over the Festive Period, visit Cineworld at The Leisure Exchange Bradford. We have cherry picked the best movies to go see over the festive period when you’re at a loose end and not sure what to do, take a trip down to the Cinema and watch one of these fantastic new movies!! 19.11.10 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 1 (2D only) 03.12.10 Megamind (3D) 09.12.10 Chronicles of Nania: Voyage of the Dawn Treader (3D) 17.12.10 Tron Legacy (3D) 17.12.10 Burlesque 24.12.10 Meet the Parents – Little Fockers 31.12.10 Gullivers Travels (3D)



UK Release: Boxing Day 2010 Cast: Jack Black, Emily Blunt, Jason Segal, Billy Connelly, Amanda Peet, Catherine Tate, James Corden & Olly Alexander Director: Rob Letterman

UK Release: Weds 24th November 2010 Cast: Denzel Washington®, Chris Pine, Rosario Dawson Director: Tony Scott

Jack Black is bigger than ever…as Gulliver, a perpetual underachiever and wannabe travel writer at a New York newspaper. When he finally makes an effort to actually venture out of the city to write a travel piece, a storm-tossed voyage lands him on an island inhabited by tiny folks called Liliputians. After a rocky beginning, the gargantuan Gulliver becomes an inspiration to his new six-inch-tall friends. He brings them modern-day wonders like a PDA and music video games – while they help him learn that it’s how big you are on the inside that counts.

Oscar-winner Denzel Washington and “Star Trek’s” Chris Pine team with action maestro Tony Scott in this non-stop action thriller. A massive unmanned locomotive, nicknamed “The Beast” and loaded with toxic cargo, roars through the countryside, vaporizing anything put in front of it. A veteran engineer (Washington) and a young conductor (Pine), aboard another train in the runaway’s path, devise an incredible plan to try and stop it – and prevent certain disaster in a heavily populated area.

Sat 4th & Sun 5th December 2010

Includes an Ice Rink, Ice Sculpture Trail with Live carving by the artist, music, competitions and much more. For more information see


Glitz-up your life with

Performing Arts!

‘There’s no business like show business’, as they say, so why not give it a try?! The world of performing arts holds a fantastic array of people from every walk of life; whether you’re a ten year old prima ballerina or a one hundred and seven year old Elvis impersonator, amateur dramatics is for you! Performing arts is not only brilliant for making fabulous friends but it’s great for building your confidence, it’s endlessly exciting and just so much fun. Not quite sure what it involves or how to get into it? Then this article is for you… Performance has been around probably as long as mankind itself. The classical Greek playwrights were profound in their hilarious comedies and moving tragedies, and amazingly, a few millenniums later, we’re still dancing about on stage or cheering them on from the audience – whether that means simply shouting at the TV every Saturday night..! People love performance, and even though societies have struggled with funding, censorship and suspensions, a passionate few have lovingly nursed their societies with the utmost care. The Keighley Amateurs, for example, have unfortunately had to move their base several times in the last century, yet in the ’50s the men were so devoted that they actually agreed to costume change in a rented singledecker bus! Amateur dramatic societies are fantastic for encompassing a whole variety of people who have dramatically different skills. You needn’t have a flair for performing to get involved; anyone can join these vibrant communities. Tradesman? You’re needed. Admin staff? You’re needed. Beauticians, artists, writers, photographers – you’re all needed! Societies such as Bingley Little Theatre are always looking for more people to get involved. What you see on the stage is only the tip of an iceberg, dozens and dozens of people have got together to build those sets, direct those plays, choreograph those dances, write-up those rehearsal schedules, the list goes on… So if you’re looking for a chance to meet new and enthusiastic people then pop on down to your local society; all amateur folk are so friendly and welcoming that they’ll be sure to find

just the spot for you; – you never know, you may start off as a prop lady and end up becoming the star of a show! Pantomimes, those fantastically ridiculous events that have become just as British as Sunday roasts and warm beer, are so much fun to produce and, since they’re coming up, give you a chance to get a foot in the door. Local societies are recruiting around December and performing in February or March; Keighley are putting on the lovely ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and Bingley Amateur Operatic Society ‘Aladdin’. And kids, why not drag along your mum, dad, granny or uncle? Pantomimes are especially good for giving relatives of all ages a chance to bond over something mutually fun, exciting and truly special. All that singing and dancing not your scene? Not to worry! Amateur dramatic

societies cover a wide selection of performances; Bingley Little Theatre for example, is fantastic for producing a whole variety of productions, holding an impressive eight diverse plays per season. The B.L.T. hold ‘Studio Meetings’ on the first Wednesday of every month where anyone is welcome to go along, whether they want to get involved in future productions or just to see if it’s their cuppa tea. Everyone is going out on evenings and weekends less frequently, trying to keep that bank balance afloat; but instead of being constantly stuck in the house, amateur companies are fab for giving you the chance to do something entertaining and sociable without spending money. There are initial membership fees of a few quid and then you can get involved with the society as much as you like; getting you off that couch! Interested? Take a look at some local amateur dramatic websites or just pop on down, they’ll explain what’s on and how you can get involved. Give it a shot, even if that simply involves scoffing popcorn in the audience whilst shouting ‘he’s behiiiind you!!’ Rebecca Shaw

tel 564049, or <> or both! Thanks! Jan - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


Brain Wave



Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must each column, as must every 3x3 square.


Kakuro puzzles are a little like crossword puzzles, except they use numbers instead of letters. As with Suduko, the puzzles are solved by filling in blank squares with numbers from 1 to 9. However, in Kakuro puzzles, these numbers must add up to the total shown either above the column or to the side of the row – remember columns go up and down and rows go left to right. Try your hand at this one, answers can be found at the back of the magazine.

1 2


1 7 3 6 9



7 3

6 7

9 8 2


4 2 7

8 2

3 6 1 5




6 8 5




29 9 3


4 8







17 9




See page 72 for solutions to all Brain Wave puzzles. 64 - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

Brain Wave

brain wave

Jumbo Crossword Brain Teaser Clear, logical thinking is the key to solving these baffling brainteasers. They have been designed to confuse, confound and mislead, so you will have to concentrate hard and use sound reasoning to arrive at your answers.

Fair Money Three boys arrive at the funfair on Sunday morning. The man in the ticket booth tells them that the entrance fee is £10 each – so the boys pay £30 and enter the fair. However, the man in the ticket booth realises that tickets cost less on Sundays, so the boys should have paid only £25. The man asks his assistant to go and find the boys and give them £5 back. The assistant cant work out how to split £5 between three people, so he keeps £2 for himself and gives the boys £1 each. This means that the boys have now paid £9 each for their tickets – a total of £27 – and the assistant has kept £2, making £29. Whats happened to the other £1? The Frustrated Farmer A farmer is trying to use a small boat to row a fox, chicken, and a bag of corn across a river. However, he can only take one thing at a time in the boat. If he leaves the fox with the chicken, the fox will eat the chicken. If he leaves the chicken with the corn, the chicken will eat the corn.

DOWN 1. Evil (10) 2. Fall (4) 3. Accomplish (5,3) 4. Thickness (7) 5. Hater of mankind (11) 6. In the year of our Lord (4,6) 7. Smudges (6) 8. Moored (8) 10. First-rate (5) 16. Harsh in sound (7) 20. In the district (5) 22. Blasphemous (7) 23. Bed coverlet (11) 25. Acted as mediator (10) 26. Carelessness (10) 28. Views (8) 31. Hypocritical (3-5) 32. Predict (7) 34. Overseas (6) 35. Audibly (5) 39. Expression of woe (4)

ACROSS 9. Railway coach (8) 10. Move on snow (3) 11. Calling (6) 12. Assistant (6) 13. Singing voice (7) 14. Dull pain (4) 15. Type of bed (4-6) 17. Two-legged garment (8) 18. Subtracts (7) 19. Make indistinct (4) 21. Obstruct (6) 24. Southern line of latitude (6,2,9) 27. Pamper (6) 29. Void (4) 30. Odd (7) 33. Differ in opinion (8) 35. Sorry (10) 36. Jetty (4) 37. Examine (7) 38. Arouse (6) 40. Mad (6) 41. Show agreement (3) 42. Chic (8)

How can the farmer get across the river without anything eating anything else, at either side of the river?

See page 72 for solutions to all Brain Wave puzzles.

Flower Power In each flower, the four outer numbers can be added and multiplied in the same way to make the number in the centre. See if you can work out how to do it. What number should appear in the unfinished flowers...


4 2


6 6

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50 9

5 2


? 8

5 6


? 5



Don’t we all want to see the local high street bustling again? To start saving money whilst helping keep local business healthy, then please register... The Prosider magazine is all about our community and as such, we want to help promote local business. We believe this benefits the community as a whole by keeping our money in the local area and by using small local businesses we can all help make a difference. We have been working with local businesses to bring our readers exclusive offers that mean you can make huge savings when using local services. Using our new Prosider “Shop Local” loyalty scheme you will not only save money, but you will also help your local community and keep the High Street thriving! Receive weekly offers by email, entitling you to great offers in the local area. With discounts and special offers to use each week, we will keep you informed about how to save money when shopping locally.

Competitions, Exclusive Offers & Discounts, FREE vouchers and regular updates on how to save money when shopping locally... Register online now:

Tel: 01274 288 011

Recruitment... Prosider Delivery Agents Your favourite community magazine needs delivery agents for the following area’s: Bingley, Eldwick, Gilstead, Baildon & Shipley. Delivery is door to door with flexible hours. Prosider Sales Agents Are you confident and comfortable with cold calling and developing relationships business to business. If the answer is yes, then get in touch with Prosider. We are looking for Sales Agents to join our team to sell advertising to local businesses.

Prosider Models Prosider are looking for Male & Female models to work with us on upcoming issues in 2011. All applicants must be 18 years or over. If this takes your fancy, then get in touch with us for further details! Freelance Graphic Designer To work on Advertising, Magazine Layouts and Websites. Experience of Adobe Creative Suite essential...

Freelance Writers Do you have a passion for writing? Are you looking for your next challenge? If so, Prosider would like to speak to you about writing for our future issues. We are constantly striving to make Prosider a better read, and with your natural writing flair, we can make this happen! Get in touch if you want to be part of the best loved Community Magazine in this area!!

If you are interested in any of these vacancies please contact:

Tel: 01274 288 011 email:

Advertise your vacancy here... Reach over 15,000 people every 2 months. Prosider are working hard to put together our new “Recruitment pages” which will enable you to advertise your vacancy to our readers.

If you are a recruitment agency advertising multiple job vacancies – this is the right medium to choose!

If you are a business seeking new staff, Prosider can help you!

For further details on how Prosider can help you get that special someone, contact:

We can offer a listing type advert, or a larger advert, whichever suits your business. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


Bradford’s sound cause Pioneering Centre transforms lives of the deaf and treatment of patients with severe to profound hearing loss. The Listening for Life Centre is helping to put Bradford on the map due to its cutting-edge nature. State-of-the-art equipment improves the diagnosis, rehabilitation and education of cochlear implant patients and their families throughout Yorkshire and neighbouring counties. The Centre is the vision of surgeon and Ear, Nose and Throat consultant at BRI, Chris Raine, who set up the Ear Trust charity to support the work of the YCIS by providing specialist equipment not available on the NHS. Two-and-a-half-year-old Joshua Shaw was the 500th patient of YCIS. His deafness could be attributed to breathing problems when he was born or to the antibiotics he had to take. But his cochlear implants have helped to make him a happy and outgoing little boy.

We tend to take our hearing for granted and just accept that we can hear our friends and family speaking or listen to music. But can you imagine a world without sound and the challenges and isolation that would cause? Now imagine a lifetransforming procedure that dramatically provides the ability to hear – perhaps for the first time in your life. A small piece of modern technology, the cochlear implant, gives people of any age the chance to hear. The Yorkshire Cochlear Implant Service (YCIS), based in Bradford Royal Infirmary (BRI), has already gained international renown. Unique centre Due to the reputation and success of this life-changing work, a pioneering facility has opened to maintain and develop YCIS. The Listening for Life Centre is the UK’s first purpose-built unit dedicated to cochlear implants and the assessment

68 - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

“The change in Joshua is enormous,” said Mum, Andrea. “He has started to speak and is quite a show off with his cochlear implant.” The new Listening for Life Centre was the venue for 23-year-old Laura Jakubowski’s very successful 15-year review of her cochlear implant after gradually going deaf by the age of eight.

“The years have gone by so fast and it has come to the point where I hardly notice the cochlear implant on my ear anymore,” said Laura. Laura’s blog – Laura’s Medical Journey – has attracted around 7970 visitors so far.

Double implant for Georgia A cochlear implant on five-year-old Georgia Green’s right ear proved so successful that she has had the procedure performed on her left ear too. “Although we were apprehensive about her having to have another operation, this is outweighed by the benefits she has experienced from hearing with two ears rather than one. Georgia now gets much more clarity with music, and she is singing a lot,” Mum Samantha explained. Olivia Laws, aged four, also underwent the implant operation. Its success has helped parents Helen and Ian to overcome the shock of learning that their child was profoundly deaf. “It was a terrible experience when we found out. I became severely depressed and was off work for around eight weeks but now we are starting again and every day Olivia learns to do something new,” said Helen. The Laws family has generated at least £5,200 for the Ear Trust through a variety of events including a highly popular ‘squeaker’ sale of young pigeons.

the positive support from local people and is keen to ensure the service continues to flourish and grow. “People have been very generous in supporting the project, but we still need help from individuals, Trusts and businesses,” he commented. “One of our goals is to fit a spatial sound lab to measure patients’ responses to sounds and to assess how well they can cope in noisy conditions,” Mr Raine explained. Although the Centre is officially open, funds are still required to maintain equipment and to purchase new items. Ways to help If you would like to know more about the Ear Trust, or help or donate to the charity, please contact Breeda on 01274 364853; email; Websites:;

Consultant Chris Raine is delighted by - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


Community News

If you would like to get in touch with Kevin, please contact him on 01274 588022 or email:

Green New Deals for Shipley Written by Councillor Kevin Warnes - The Green Party

George Bernard Shaw warned us that “we grow old because we stop playing”. His words help to explain why Shipley’s three Green councillors have delivered a series of regeneration projects across Shipley over the past eighteen months with the central aim of improving the ward’s recreational areas. Most of these projects were made possible by the sale of Leeds-Bradford airport in 2007, which released £100,000 of ‘ward investment’ funding for Shipley. Cllr Warnes says that “these improvements have made a real difference to our open spaces and we hope that they will benefit the whole community for decades to come”. The new multi-activity community area on the Hirst Wood playing field was the first project ‘out of the blocks’. Cllr Hawarun Hussain, who opened it during her year as the District’s Deputy Lord Mayor, says that it “is a fantastic new space for playing football, cricket and basketball that is enjoyed by hundreds of younger residents and any adults brave enough to take them on”. More recently, the neglected open area on the corner of Baker Street and Caroline Street in Saltaire has been turned into a vibrant play area for younger children. It has enhanced the amenity of this close-knit residential area, and Cllr Martin Love says that he is


“quite simply amazed by the difference”. The councillors also chose to upgrade the facilities at Salts Sport Association to provide new bike training facilities and link their grounds with the nearby LeedsLiverpool canal. According to Cllr Kevin Warnes, “the removal of the rusting steel barrier that separated the tow-path from the playing fields has opened up the whole grounds in a wonderful way and transformed this part of the Canal Conservation Area”. The funds have also delivered longoverdue renovations to the bowling pavilion in Northcliffe Park, and the Shipley councillors joined forces with Cllr John Cole of Baildon to pay for a new climbing wall at Titus Salt School. According to John, the wall has been a “huge hit” with the school’s students and other community groups as well. Apart from the ‘airport money’, the councillors are using £9,000 in Community Infrastructure Funds to improve the area around Hirst Lock and renovate Silver Square in Saltaire. Cllr Martin Love says that “these projects have been designed by members of the Hirst Wood Regen Group and the Saltaire Village Society and we hope that they will permanently enhance these locations for the benefit of local residents and visitors”. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!

The councillors have earmarked another £5,000 of infrastructure funding to help the ‘Forest of Bradford’ team plant trees across the ward. Fruit trees will go into the outdoor education garden at Glenaire Primary School, recently described by Cllr Kevin Warnes as “an inspiring example of environmental leadership”. The ‘lost trees’ at the car park opposite the Shipley Swimming Pool will also be replaced soon, and many more new trees will be planted near the river Aire in Lower Baildon and elsewhere in the Shipley area. Finally, the Kirkgate Studios in Shipley will be renovated using a £5,000 community donation from National Grid. The gift is a ‘goodwill gesture’ from the company in recognition of the months of disruption caused by the cable repairs on Birklands Road. Cllr Warnes, who liaised with the company on behalf of local residents to secure the arrangement, says that this investment is “very welcome and will leave a positive legacy for the local community”. George Bernard Shaw also famously advised us to “take care to get what you like”. Some might interpret this as a clarion call for selfishness, of course; but it could also be argued that there is no better time than these ‘difficult economic times’ to invest in better community spaces to help us all weather the storms that lie ahead.

Say ‘cheese’ Shipley College is a small, friendly College located in the heart of Saltaire and offers: • a range of work related full-time courses and Apprenticeships to help young people develop their careers • part-time courses to help adults develop work and/or life skills or to progress leisure interests and • training for local organisations and businesses People are the College’s greatest asset: staff, students and contacts.

The College is delighted to showcase its diverse students in an exhibition in the centre of Shipley...

‘Reach for the stars’ Travel & Tourism students fund raising for Children in Need and a class trip

Shipley Focus’d based which was brought about to bring an an based at at 20 20 Market MarketSquare, Square,isisaacommunity communityproject project which was brought about to bring empty The support of of thethe people of Shipley hashas been emptyshop shopunit unitback backtotolife lifeusing usingthe thearts. arts. The support people of Shipley been crucial to to its itssuccess successand andthis thisfitted fittedwell wellwith with the College’s values. With a wide range of crucial the College’s values. courses for students of all ages, Shipley College is at the centre of our community, and The theme of the exhibition is summed up as follows: “Every living person has some gift or is providing the gifts that the community needs to grow capacity of value to others. A strong community is a place that recognises these gifts and stronger. ensures they are given.” -(John McKnight and Jody Kretzmann). The theme of the exhibition is summed up as follows: The College theorphotos of students and that “you gained an insight into “Every livinghopes personyou hasenjoyed some gift capacity of value not only who we arecommunity but also what do. They say a picture speaks a thousand words and, to others. A strong is awe place that recognises for us, gifts someand of these arethey ... opportunity, these ensures are given.”fun, energy, optimism, choice, discovery.” -(John McKnight and Jody Kretzmann). The photographers David Berryman and Alan Sutton were free to capture spontaneous The College hopes you will enjoy the of students glimpses of life at Shipley College. We photos hope you managed to see the exhibition an as always, andCollege that “you gaintoan insight into not only who the wishes thank staff and students for we theirare all but their help. also what we do. They say a picture speaks a thousand words and, for us, some of these are ... opportunity, fun, energy, optimism, choice, discovery. Do drop in and see actors what they convey to you.” Hat” a celebration of some of thewe Our next exhibition is “Alf Robert’s hope ber, Novem starts The show All 22 photos are fromt’sthe College photo library and will beon on12th display in full colour hat. trilby ark tradem Rober Alf g wearin large format. The photographers David Berryman and Alan Sutton were free to capture your trilby! wear to free feel and it... make you can spontaneous glimpses of life at Shipley College. As always, the College wishes to thank staff and students for their willingness to participate.

r for the

ent designe ‘Creative �air’ Winning stud with fashion designs Robinson Design Group


‘Singing their hearts out’ Shipley College choir ‘Champagne


Exhibition opening times:

Mondays 10am - 4.30 pm Thursdays 10.30am - 4.30pm Fridays and Saturdays 10am - 4.30pm

‘Anything for CHARITY’ Students in fancy dress for Sport Relief Fun Day

*All photos on this page by David Berryman

T: 01274


E: W:

Reception, Salt Building, Victoria Road, Saltaire BD18 3LQ Join Shipley College to improve your skills, develop your interests and hobbies or start a new path in life. We offer a great range of full-time courses, Apprenticeships, part-time courses and services to business. If you don’t already know about us, we are a small, friendly college where you will can meet new friends and get the individual support you deserve. Situated in the UNESCO World Heritage site of Saltaire it is a great place to study and easy to get to by bus or train.

Why not get in touch and find out what Shipley College could offer you. If you are currently out of work some of our courses may be FREE to you, call 01274 327281 to find out more. - ShopLocal - Subscribe for FREE today!


Brain Wave Sudoku

3 5 6 9 1 4 8 2 7 1 4 7 3 2 8 5 6 9 2 8 9 5 6 7 3 4 1 6 7 3 1 9 5 4 8 2 9 1 5 8 4 2 7 3 6 8 2 4 7 3 6 9 1 5 5 3 2 4 7 1 6 9 8 4 6 8 2 5 9 1 7 3 7 9 1 6 8 3 2 5 4 Kakuro 15 21 17 15




6 15


29 9


17 17

9 24

7 9







SOLUTION TO Crossword Across: 9 Carriage; 10 Ski; 11 Naming; 12 Helper; 13 Soprano; 14 Ache; 15 Four-poster; 17 Trousers; 18 Deducts; 19 Blur; 21 Impede; 24 Tropic of Capricorn; 27 Cosset; 29 Null; 30 Strange; 33 Disagree; 35 Apologetic; 36 Pier; 37 Explore; 38 Awaken; 40 Insane; 41 Nod; 42 Elegance. Down: 1 Malevolent; 2 Drop; 3 Carry out; 4 Density; 5 Misanthrope; 6 Anno Domini; 7 Smears; 8 Anchored; 10 Super; 16 Raucous; 20 Local; 22 Profane; 23 Counterpane; 25 Intervened; 26 Negligence; 28 Opinions; 31 Two-faced; 32 Foresee; 34 Abroad; 35 Aloud; 39 Alas.

Brain Teaser Fair Money Whats happened to the other £1? The three boys initially paid £10 each, or £30. They are then given £3 back, which means they paid a total of £27. (the £25 entrance fee plus the £2 pocketed by the assistant!) The £27 added to the £3 refund equals £30, so there’s no missing money. In the puzzle, the £2 taken by the assistant is added to the £27 to create confusion. The Frustrated Farmer How can the farmer get across the river without anything eating anything else, at either side of the river? The farmer crosses first with the chicken, and leaves it on the other side. He then returns, picks up the fox, and crosses again. Then he swaps the fox for the chicken, so that they are not left together, and takes the chicken back. He then swaps the chicken for the grain, and takes the grain across, leaving it with the fox. He then returns, picks up the chicken, and takes it to the other side.




3 17 9




2 1



5 6



57 5

Flower Power Add the three largest numbers and then multiply them with the smallest...

Pick up your copy of Prosider Here at Prosider, we are striving to deliver to as many outlets as possible, so that it makes it more accessible to you .. The reader!! Did you know you can now pick up a copy of the Prosider in Morrisons and Sainsburys in Keighley as well as all the local Coops in the area! You can also pick up a copy whilst shopping in any of the retail outlets in Bingley, Shipley, Saltaire and Baildon. You are likely to see the Prosider sitting on all the Doctors Surgeries coffee tables, Dentists, Pubs & Bars, Fast Food outlets, Coffee houses, Libraries, Council Shops, Gyms, Hotels and Garden Centres! Look out for the Prosider P.O.S. stands in the larger supermarkets and Garden Centres!! So you will never be without your Prosider magazine!!! Keep an eye out for it wherever you go!

New Online Version, we will be launching our new online issue soon, so please register at our Shop Local page to get the online issue sent directly to your email..... If you would like to receive a copy of the Prosider magazine, you can always get in touch by calling 01274 288011 or emailing, where we will be happy to send one out for you (please send an A4 SAE to the value of £1 for this service to The Prosider Magazine, The Gumption Centre, Glydegate, Bradford BD5 0BQ)

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Overt Covert Viral Alternative Guerrilla Buzz Astroturfing Relationship ...are you confused about these terms and what kind of marketing you should be doing? Over the coming issues we will be trying to demystifying, these and many other marketing terms. Marketing is much more than advertising and some of the best marketing campaigns can be implemented by small companies with small budgets. In this first article we explore guerilla marketing... The concept of guerrilla marketing was invented as an unconventional system of promotions that relies on time, energy and imagination rather than a big marketing budget. Typically, guerrilla marketing campaigns are unexpected and unconventional; potentially interactive;[1] and consumers are targeted in unexpected places.[2] The objective of guerrilla marketing is to create a unique, engaging and thoughtprovoking concept to generate buzz, and consequently turn viral. The term was coined and defined by Jay Conrad Levinson in his book Guerrilla Marketing. The term has since entered the popular vocabulary and marketing textbooks. Guerrilla marketing involves unusual approaches such as intercept encounters in public places, street giveaways of products, PR stunts, any unconventional marketing intended to get maximum results from minimal resources. More innovative approaches to Guerrilla marketing now utilize cutting edge mobile digital technologies to really engage the consumer and create a memorable brand experience.

Levinson’s books include hundreds of “guerrilla marketing weapons”, but they also encourage guerrilla marketeers to be creative and devise their own unconventional methods of promotion. Guerrilla marketeers use all of their contacts, both professional and personal, and examine their company and its products, looking for sources of publicity. Many forms of publicity can be very inexpensive, while others are free. Levinson says that when implementing guerrilla marketing tactics, small size is actually an advantage instead of a disadvantage. Small organizations and entrepreneurs are able to obtain publicity more easily than large companies as they are closer to their customers and considerably more agile. Yet ultimately, according to Levinson, the Guerrilla marketeer must “deliver the goods”. In The Guerrilla Marketing Handbook, he states: “In order to sell a product or a service, a company must establish a relationship with the customer. It must build trust and support. It must understand the customer’s needs, and it must provide a product that delivers the promised benefits.” Levinson identifies the following principles as the foundation of guerrilla marketing: • Guerrilla Marketing is specifically geared for the small business and entrepreneur. • It should be based on human psychology rather than experience, judgment, and guesswork.

• Instead of money, the primary investments of marketing should be time, energy, and imagination. • The primary statistic to measure your business is the amount of profits, not sales. • The marketer should also concentrate on how many new relationships are made each month. • Create a standard of excellence with an acute focus instead of trying to diversify by offering too many diverse products and services. • Instead of concentrating on getting new customers, aim for more referrals, more transactions with existing customers, and larger transactions. • Forget about the competition and concentrate more on cooperating with other businesses. • Guerrilla Marketers should use a combination of marketing methods for a campaign. • Use current technology as a tool to build your business. • Messages are aimed at individuals or small groups, the smaller the better. • Focuses on gaining the consent of the individual to send them more information rather than trying to make the sale.



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