Around the Christmas Table 2019

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Chemo Cookery Club

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Merry Christmas from Penny Writing this message always gives me a lovely opportunity to look back at the events of the year and really think about what I’ve learned and those I’ve learned from. This is on a theme of hospitality. To me, the gift of hospitality is to be in a state of grace, whether giving or receiving. I have the privilege of being part of an extended family. We’re strewn across the world and today enjoy each other’s company on a daily basis through modern technology. It’s great. My dad was the youngest of nine children, born to Swedish settlers. My grandfather was a minister primarily in the Canadian and American prairies. It’s not surprising that the nine siblings ended up scattered to the wind but their bond was close and travelling long distances to be together was a way of life. The next youngest to dad was my Auntie Eunice. They shared that bond of being ‘last of the litter’. Eunice and her husband, Don, chose to make Alaska their home. In those days letters by post were the norm and the famous Alaska Highway was the standard mode of transportation. Visits were infrequent and wonderfully anticipated. One cold Canadian night dad got the news that Eunice had cancer. Her prognosis wasn’t encouraging. Dad, with my mother right by his side, packed up and headed for Alaska. They told Don but Eunice wasn’t to know. Somewhere en route my dear old dad prepared for Eunice and extraordinary gift of hospitality. He shaved every hair on his head. When mom and dad arrived on Eunice and Don’s doorstep, dad wrang the bell and Eunice – a la carefully coifed wig and expertly drawn-on eyebrows opened the door to see her brother donning a billiard ball for a head. Eunice immediately whipped off her wig. They laughed, then cried, then laughed again. He knew exactly what to do to make her feel warm and comfortable. Hospitality is a state of being and in giving and receiving, it’s gracious. We can all open our doors to friends and entertain but that’s well – entertaining. Hospitality is making the weak feel strong, the frightened feel safe – or brave, the lost feel needed. Merry Christmas

PS The Northern Sunset recipe at the end of this year’s Christmas menu is an old family favourite from my Auntie Eunice, Uncle Don and my Alaskan cousins.

Barbara's Christmas Message What better time than the festive sparkle of Christmas to find a reason to celebrate with family and friends? Finding a way to enjoy food can be tricky, however, when you’re amid the bleak midwinter of cancer treatment. Grazing on some small, taste-tempting morsels of festive fare could be just what you need to gift yourself some good nutrition. mo Here are some of Penny’s festive food suggestions to help you find what works for you – especially for you but also just right for sharing with family and friends. Enjoy!

Sarah's Christmas Message The best Christmas present I received last year wasn’t beribboned, wrapped and nestling under the tree. It came with a hand on my shoulder and a huge smile on the face of the giver. “I never dreamed I could feel as well as I do,” said my client. “I’m stronger, happier and more positive than I have been in years.” Lisa was coming to the end of lengthy treatment when I was introduced to her. We started gently, walking, stretching and building up her strength gradually. There were small milestones: the day she could reach up to wind a clock for the first time in two years, the news that she could come off steroids, the check-up that showed her blood pressure was normal again, the scan that was clear. By Christmas, she could cope with the narrow stairs in her cottage, get out of her bath and up from her sofa comfortably, look after her garden, go for long walks and enjoy life again. This year, I wish the same transformation for everyone who is in treatment, recovering from it or looking after someone on that journey. Give yourself the gift of movement and I promise that you will feel better too, through whatever life throws at you, this year and every year.

Our unique Thumbs-up guide to nutrition© The nutrition information accompanying the recipes is intended as general guidance and not as specialist medical advice. However, our Thumbs-up guide utilises UK food composition databases and purpose built dietary analysis software, Dietplan 6 & 7, Forestfield Software Ltd. There are many factors that will influence the absolute nutrient content of foods, including food storage and growing conditions. Therefore, our nutritional analysis uses a generous point of reference. The thumbs-up scoring for recipes is based on a percentage of Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) levels, and a ‘reference person’ has been assumed. Everyone’s nutritional needs are different so demonstrating that the recipes are good sources of these nutrients and also being consistent in our approach is important. Your doctor and registered dietitian can help you tailor the advice to your specific needs. When Chemo Cookery Club was first published in 2013, Penny’s husband, Simon, was chosen as the 'reference person’ for RNI comparisons. He was then a 50-ish male of moderate occupational and recreational activity. Male RNI’s are generally higher for nutrients than the female equivalent and this offers an approximation for any increased energy needs that people may have whilst going through treatment. As the RNI for iron is higher for women before the menopause than men, but breast cancer is more common after the menopause when iron requirements for women are lower, an average of the male and pre-menopause female RNI’s has been used for assessing the iron contribution of the recipes. So, essentially, we’ve used a calculation that is likely to cover the majority of UK population needs without over-estimating the likely contribution each recipe will make to nutrient intake. Special provision has not been made for children’s needs or pregnancy but you can be sure that these recipes will tempt the tastebuds at any age and they all lend themselves to adaptation and the use of substitute ingredients if required. If a particular nutrient is not listed in the thumbs-up guide beside a recipe, this simply means that a portion provides less than 20% of the RNI. Many of the recipes will make a contribution to more than the nutrients listed but the thumbs-up scoring is formulated as follows: > 100% 80 - 100% 60 - 79% 40 - 59% 20 - 39% no thumbs but may at times be credited for other value. 1 - 19% The RNI is the amount of a nutrient that is enough to ensure that the needs of nearly all the population (97.5%) are being met. Individual nutritional needs vary widely . Our figures are based on the UK population, not individuals. For further information about RNI visit

Specialist advice Our recipes are designed to be versatile and flexible. If you’ve been advised by your specialist to avoid eating some foods during treatment and one of them appears as an ingredient, simply substitute an alternative. If an ingredient is something you have a personal distaste for, again, change it to something you like. Bear in mind that cancer treatment can do strange things to your tastebuds, so flavours and textures you haven’t enjoyed in the past may end up becoming your new favourite foods.

Make these your Christmas friends Wouldn’t it be grand if food could definitively prevent or cure cancer. Alas, it isn't so - not yet! The right foods can, however, lower the risk of developing the disease, aid in treatment and promote your physical and psychological health and wellbeing. Many foods contain natural food chemicals such as antioxidants that help reduce the tendency for cancer cells to develop and we are beginning to understand how phytochemical compounds like isothiocyanates protect cells from the disease. The emerging evidence is exciting. Cancer doesn’t appear overnight. It takes time to develop and cancer isn’t just one simple disease but rather a group of over one hundred diseases, all of which involve cells growing out of control as a result of changes in the genetic information in those cells. There are several ways in which food can disrupt the cancer process. We know that eating in a healthy way can benefit quality of life during treatment and afterwards. So, good food and a healthy lifestyle is a 'win, win’. Nutrition and physical activity can influence cancer development and progression in a number of ways, including DNA repair, hormone regulation, inflammation and immunity, cancer cell metabolism, proliferation, differentiation and cell death. If you’d like to know more about these complex processes in the body, the World Cancer Research Fund (UK) and American Institute for Cancer Research are both sources of great information and can help you learn more about how nutrition can help. The way food tastes in important but we also eat with our eyes. In many instances, the best nutrition comes from the very components that give food its colour. It seems nature intended wellness to be bold and bright. Whenever possible, choose foods that are in season and as fresh as they can be. Locally sourced foods have often travelled shorter distances from field-to-shopping basket and so may be better sources of nutrients, particularly if prepared in a way that will preserve those water-soluble and heat sensitive ones. There is evidence that certain food types and food preparation methods can contribute to cancer development, so be aware of things like chargrilling, barbequing and certain types of curing where nitrites are produced in the foods. Of course, the flavours that these processes add might be just what you need, in small quantities, when your tastebuds need tingling so it’s a matter of getting the balance right. During treatment, meals can taste bland, or weirdly metallic as a result of medication side-effects so sometimes strong flavours are just what you need to get through these times. It might be helpful to use a probiotic supplement if your treatment results in digestive problems such as diarrhoea or abdominal discomfort as a result of flatulence. Probiotics are a source of friendly bacteria’ that can help replace the natural bacteria in your gut and aid digestion. However, everybody’s gut is populated with different types of bacteria and some specialist advice will be helpful. Be mindful that cancer treatment can reduce your white blood cell count, known as neutropenia and if so, you may be advised to avoid foods and drinks (including probiotics, live and bio products, uncooked foods, even ordinary tap water) to reduce your risk of developing a food or water-borne infection. A definitive guide is always best to come from your specialist team that will hopefully include a registered dietitian. Here are a few of the foods highlighted in this book, that have been shown to be beneficial. Why not make them your new best friends.

Alliums – garlic & onions, leek & chives Alliums are truly amazing vegetables and include those flavour powerhouses, onions and garlic. Laboratory studies show that they contain sulphur compounds that can help slow or stop tumour cell growth and these vegetables continue to be studied for their protective effects against cancers. We’re gradually learning how even the humble onion can be a dietary super hero. It’s already a great ingredient that features in many Chemo Cookery Club recipes alongside its cousins, garlic, chives and leeks..


Just one avocado contains one quarter of the adult recommended daily amount of potassium and provides a rich source of a number of nutrients that can act as antioxidants and attack free radicals in the body. It makes a delicious toast topper for a savoury breakfast or snack and you won’t need to worry about spreading butter or margarine first because it’ll be a naturally creamy topping without. Guacamole is an easy light snack, great at any time.

Beans – legumes & pulses

Lentils, peas, chickpeas, soya, fava and other varieties of beans are full of phytochemicals found naturally in plants. They are also a great source of fibre that helps our digestive system get rid of waste efficiently, thereby flushing through things that may be harmful to our health. This is one of the reasons why beans and other fibre-rich foods are associated with a reduced risk of bowel cancer. Beans are also a great source of protein and a really good source of iron (especially when eaten with foods or drinks that are a good source of vitamin C; vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron from plant foods).


Soya beans, in particular, contain ‘isoflavones’ which are naturally occurring oestrogen-like chemicals that may block breast tumour growth. Lentils and peas are wonderfully versatile and full of flavour. Chickpeas make a great snack as they come, or can be made into hummus. Beetroot and other purple foods such as red cabbage, aubergine and red grapes contain anthocyanins that have been shown in laboratory studies to interrupt cancer cell growth and so contribute to cancer cell death. They’re also rich in cancer-fighting flavonoids that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, creating a more favourable environment for healthy cells to thrive. After you’ve eaten a lot of beetroot, don’t be alarmed if your wee turns pink!

Add beetroot to salads or make a visually stunning beetroot risotto. Yummy! .

Berries Like beetroot, berries are colourful fruits that are high in fibre and vitamin C. There are so many varieties to enjoy – cherries, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, damsons, loganberries, and tayberries – the list goes on! Great eaten on their own or added to brighten a meal. How much more delicious is the simplest of fruit salads thanks to the addition of a handful of berries. Start the day with a berry smoothie or try frozen berry compote.


Carrots are orange in colour because of the β – carotene they contain; β – carotene is one of a group of naturally occurring chemicals 'carotenoids’ which are antioxidants. Raw carrots are also a source of 'falcarinol’ that researchers suggest may slow the growth of cancer cells. Carrots are super as a snack on their own. They’re also marvellous julienned and added to any stir-fry as they hold their shape and texture and add the perfect contrast to a green medley. Apricots, squash and sweet potatoes are also a good source of carotenoids. Orange just became one of my favourite colour!

Cruciferous vegetables – broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bok choi, cabbage, cauliflower & kale These beautiful vegetables contain chemicals called 'glucosinolates’ that when digested are broken down into isothiocyanates and indoles. In laboratory and human studies, all of these are demonstrating beneficial effects for cancer prevention. Raw broccoli is higher in calcium, vitamins A and C, than milk and oranges. As we usually eat broccoli cooked, the heat sensitive and water-soluble nutrients such as vitamin C and calcium can be diminished. We’re still learning how powerful these wonderful veggies truly are. Try crudites with tzatziki and hummus. Delicious!

Organic eggs & egg yolk Eggs provide us with the highest quality dietary protein, readily providing us with the essential amino acids that our bodies aren’t able to manufacture. The fat profile of eggs varies according to the diet of the hens that lay them. The fat is found exclusively in the yolk. Eggs are also a good source of folic acid and riboflavin (B-group vitamins) as well as the antioxidant trace mineral selenium. Eggs can be prepared to be either savoury or sweet dishes and are easy to eat and digest, perfect of a light meal after a busy treatment day.

Mushrooms Mushrooms are a particularly good source of the B-vitamins riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3) and pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) as well as the minerals copper and selenium. Some people just can’t get their heads around the texture of mushrooms. If you’re one of them, try not to pass the little belters by. Added as a purée to sauces they don’t have to overpower other ingredients and all the goodness is still there. Did you know wild mushrooms are an important source of vitamin D, another nutrient that is emerging in scientific literature as being important to the outcomes of cancer treatment?

Oily fish & flax seed

As a source of omega-3 fats these are unequalled. Oily fish such as herring, mackerel and salmon are important sources of vitamin A, selenium and vitamin D as well as omega-3 fats. Oily fish (in fact, fish in general) is also a good source of protein and naturally low in saturated fats. Worldwide, there are concerns about the toxic chemicals that can accumulate in fish resulting from the pollution of our oceans and rivers. Heavy metal toxicity, eg mercury, is a particular concern. Further, certain fishing methods are environmentally destructive which may discourage us from choosing fish as part of our regular eating pattern. Take care in sourcing your fish and shellfish, buy from stockists that have a clear sustainability policy. We’ve been advised for many years to include oily fish two to three times per week for a healthy heart and to reduce risk of stroke but it is emerging as important for cancer prevention as well. Omega-3 fats have been shown through laboratory studies to reduce inflammation and encourage the synthesis of prostaglandins; both processes disrupt the cancer process. Salmon from well-managed fisheries, sardines, farmed rainbow trout, barramundi, farmed mussels and other shellfish are likely to have lower levels of environmental toxins but it is always a good idea to ask your fish supplier for more information.

Peppers & jalapeños

Flax seed is the best plant source of omega-3 fats but the jury is still out as to whether it has a role to play in cancer prevention. While it can boost your intake of magnesium, manganese, selenium, thiamine (vitamin B1) and dietary fibre,it may also interfere with the absorption of some medicines. Using one to four tablespoons per day appears to be safe but really it is probably 'one to watch’ until more is known about its biological effects. Peppers (capsicums) are a top source of vitamin C, especially when eaten raw. Chilli peppers such as jalapenos contain a chemical called capsaicin that is being studied further as it has been shown to interrupt cancer cell growth in laboratory studies. Capsaicin is the very ingredient that makes chillies hot and might be just the thing to give a zing to your tastebuds during treatment.

Seeds & nuts

Seeds and nuts such as pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds, almonds and walnuts are the most concentrated sources of plant protein and also contain other nutritional 'goodies’ such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin E, iron, B vitamins and dietary fibre. Zinc helps vitamin C do its job so healthy levels can improve healing time. Zinc also plays an important role in how well our tastebuds work, (we lose our taste sensitivity if we become deficient in zinc), so enjoying foods that provide us with zinc could help rev-up a flagging appetite too. Some seeds and nuts can be a non-dairy source of calcium as well. Being such a powerhouse of nutrition, (after all, seeds can be the source of many a thriving new plant in the vegetable garden), they can boost your intake of nutrients even when only small amounts are eaten. While some people argue that peanuts are not truly nuts, peanut butter has to be one of the best comfort foods that delivers so much in such a friendly way. Have it on toast or try it with banana in a smoothie, particularly if your appetite’s gone off the boil.

Spices - turmeric, black pepper & more! There is emerging evidence of how herbs and spices may be of benefit in cancer prevention. Of course, the practice of using them as treatment goes back millennia and exists today in every culture. If for no other reason, herbs and spices give us flavour, texture and aroma. Good news for curry fans. Chemo Cookery Club uses herbs and spices to delight the taste buds. They are used in small quantities so we have chosen not to focus on their medicinal potential but we are hearing more and more in the scientific review of 'food’s medicinal effects’ that there are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-nausea properties from these friendly flavouring agents.

Spinach & watercress Dark green, leafy vegetables are great sources of vitamin A, vitamin K, dietary fibre, folate and carotenoids, all with potential cancer fighting properties. Perhaps it’s the folate they contain that makes them most interesting. Folate is important for producing and maintaining healthy DNA that carries each cell’s reproduction code. An error in the code means a mistake in the healthy division and reproduction of cells that starts the cancer process in the body. Watercress is a rich source of the glucosinolate, gluconasturtiin (phenethylglucosinolate) and is allied to the cruciferous friendly foods we referred to earlier. Research is gradually helping us to understand why diets rich in such vegetables actually lower cancer risk. As recently as 2013, for example, an extract of watercress has been shown to disrupt the process by which breast cancer cells maintain their blood supply. Without a blood supply to carry nutrients and oxygen to them, cancer cells can’t survive or reproduce, which is great news!

Tomatoes Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that tackles those free radicals that are part of the process that triggers cancer cell growth. Also found in some other vegetables and fruits, lycopene is actually best absorbed after cooking and is the most potent carotenoid antioxidant. Studies have shown lycopene to improve immune function, reduce inflammation and proliferation of cancer cells and even lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. Tomatoes are also rich in vitamin C, which is most abundant when raw. As variety is the spice of life, enjoy tomatoes raw, cooked and often.

Water Well, it isn’t exactly food but it cannot be ignored. Dehydration is an often over looked symptom and relief is easy. Remember to drink. Little and often. Flavour it, chill it, and freeze it. Keep it with you. It is also important not to misread thirst as hunger as this can lead to undesirable weight gain and the solution might be just a glass of water away.

Whole grain

Perhaps a good place to start is by describing just what is meant by 'whole grain’. There are three distinct parts to plant grains; the germ, containing vitamin E and other antioxidant nutrients plus some fat; the endosperm, containing predominantly starchy carbohydrate with some B vitamins and some protein; the bran, a potent source of dietary fibre and other vitamins, minerals and nutrients, many with antioxidant properties. Whole grain and wholemeal are terms that we sometimes use interchangeably but when it comes to the type of bread we buy or bake, we tend to think of whole grain as a granarytype while wholemeal is the smooth one. Granary bread is not to everyone’s taste and you’ll still find the wholemeal varieties make a better contribution to your nutrition than a white loaf. Having said that, a plain old white loaf has its place, especially if things are delicate in the large bowel department. Whole grains are known to play an important role in prevention of cancers of the lower digestive tract and research continues to demonstrate cancer-specific and other health benefits. There is also evidence of benefits in reducing breast cancer risk. Enjoy any grainderived food whether it be a variety of bread, breakfast cereal, starchy grain, rice, polenta or pasta and favour those labelled wholemeal or whole grain whenever you can for an extra boost to your nutrient intake. Whole grains are a great source of iron and B vitamins as well.

Yoghurt & probiotics Yoghurt is a light, nutrient-packed food that’s so versatile it can be used in the main course and then again for dessert! You can 'turn down the heat’ in a curry by adding natural yoghurt but 'turn up the nutrition’ because it’s a great source of calcium, protein, B-group vitamins and can also be a source of 'friendly’ bacteria. A side-effect of treatment can be disruption to the normal balance of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract causing such problems as bloating, flatulence, abdominal cramps or diarrhoea. While everyone’s mix of digestive bacteria is different, it’s important to maintain the balance for healthy digestion and absorption of nutrients and to form part of the 'first line of defence’ to protect the body from disease. The Food and Agriculture Organisation/World Health Organisation definition states probiotics are ‘live micro-organisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host’. From a dietary point of view, to be labelled ‘probiotic’ a food must contain a live, ‘viable’, strain of (usually lactic acid producing) bacteria with known health benefits. Research into probiotics has focused on groups of diseased subjects and positive benefits in healthy populations have been difficult to demonstrate. Studies continue to define the action of probiotics and suggest some potential benefits in the regulation of the inflammatory response in cells, protection against absorption of ‘unfriendly’ micro-organisms and a possible role in increasing the activity of ‘natural killer cells’, thereby potentially protecting against abnormal tumour cell growth. Cautionary advice may be given recommending the avoidance of ‘live’ yoghurts if your white blood cell count is low (neutropenia). Remember, the definitive guide is best to come from a registered dietitian or your doctor. In the absence of advice to the contrary, do try a delicious fruit smoothie to start your day.

Christmas Menu Fun:

Reindeer canapés Terry’s orange milkshake

Starters & light bites:

Turkey arancini with arribiata sauce Turkey & quail’s egg stuffed Yorkies Smoked trout mousse


Prawn & ginger soup Chipolata & bean chowder


Turkey Cesar salad Roasted chestnut, beetroot & goat’s cheese on watercress with cranberry dressing


Wild mushroom risotto Chestnut & goat’s cheese tart


Turkey, pea & tarragon pie Turkey tortellini with mushrooms, tomatoes & chilli


Ginger & pepper cake with salt toffee sauce & clotted cream ice cream Orange & cranberry jelly Chestnut ice cream


Mulled cranberry apple cider Northern sunset


Reindeer It’s impossible not to love Rudolf. It’s fun for little cooks to help prepare for festive gatherings. Tunnbröd is a Swedish spicy rye biscuit that’s perfect with cheese.

Serves 8 as canapés (easy to prepare) tunnbröd (or other rye biscuits) 2 wheels of preferred cheese (camembert, reblochon or even laughing cow) black olives pimentos pretzels or twiglets

This preparation is delightfully simple. Prepare triangular biscuits and place a wedge of your preferred cheese on each. Chop a few black olives and pimentos into very small bits and use them to create eyes and noses then insert twiglets or pretzels at the top to create the antlers. Serve with a smile.

Tunnbröd Yield 24 sheets (moderately easy to prepare) Equipment: Kuskavel (Swedish knobbly rolling pin - this can be substituted with a regular rolling pin and a fork), pizza stone, mortar & pestle or other spice grinder 160 g barley flour or coarse rye flour 160 g plain white flour 200 ml water 4 tbsp sunflower oil 1½ tbsp dried yeast 2 tsp anise seed (or star anise), finely ground 2 tsp fennel seed, finely ground 1 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 220°Cf, place the pizza stone in and allow to heat for 1 hour. Next, heat the water gently until it feels warm to the touch. In a small bowl, mix a tbsp of it with the yeast and set aside to activate while you prepare the next ingredients. In a mortar and pestle (or other grinder), finely grind the anise and fennel seeds. Mix with the flours and salt in a large bowl then pour in the oil. Mix well using a balloon whisk or similar to ensure the oil is evenly distributed throughout the flour and doesn’t clump anywhere.

When the yeast starts bubbling, add it to the flour mixture, along with the rest of the water and mix well to form a dough. Add a little extra flour or water as needed to ensure the dough is not too sticky or too dry and then turn out onto a floured surface. The dough doesn’t require proving so only knead for 2 to 3 minutes, until all the flour is evenly incorporated then knead for a further 2 minutes. Form the dough into an evenly shaped roll and cut into 24 equal pieces. Roll these pieces into balls and dust with flour. On a lightly floured surface, roll out very thinly using the textured rolling pin to 15 cm in diameter (if using a regular rolling pin, do the same then pierce the dough all over with a fork). Transfer to the oven, in a tray or on the pizza stone, and bake for 2 to 3 minutes until just golden. Watch carefully, it can burn very quickly. Each portion provides 22g protein and 450kcals.

Terry's shake Last year we served minced pie milkshakes. They were a big hit so on the same theme try this. If a milkshake is too big a portion, refreeze the mixture in ice cube or lollie trays for a soothing snack.

Serves 2 (very easy to prepare)

750 ml chocolate ice cream or frozen yoghurt 500 ml milk 1 Terry’s chocolate orange (or a small tin of mandarin orange slices and a bar of good dark chocolate, grated)

Place all the ingredients in a blender and whizz until smooth and creamy. Each portion provides 27g protein and 1430kcals.

Starters & light bites

Turkey arancini with arrabiata sauce Arancini is a great 'little & often' dish and I think has a sense of celebration about it. The flavours are earthy and intense. If you want this to be a veggi dish simply remove the turkey and use vegetable stock.

Serves 4 to 6 as a starter (medium difficulty to prepare) 200 g Arborio rice 600 ml chicken or vegetable stock 50 g unsalted butter 250 g cooked turkey meat, diced 250 g mushrooms (shitake, oyster, chestnut - whatever’s available), chopped ½ large white onion, finely diced 1 bay leaf a splash of white wine ½ tbsp garlic, puréed 40 g Parmesan, grated 60 g mozzarella, grated 2 egg whites 100 g of Panko breadcrumbs salt & pepper

Arrabiata sauce 3 kg tinned chopped tomatoes 1 large white onion 1½ red chillies, finely diced 1½ tsp cayenne pepper 1 tsp smoked paprika 300 ml balsamic vinegar 40 g caster sugar 1 bay leaf ½ tsp thyme ½ tbsp garlic, puréed ½ tsp Tabasco 1 tsp olive oil salt & pepper

In a large pan, bring the stock to the boil and leave on a simmering heat. Melt the butter in a pan over a medium heat. Once the butter starts to foam, add the onions and bay leaf. Sweat the onions and season with salt and pepper then add the mushrooms and a splash of wine and sauté until the mixture is cooked through then add the cooked turkey. Add the rice to the pan and stir continuously for 2 minutes. Slowly add the hot stock, one ladle at a time, whilst constantly stirring. Keep cooking and adding the stock until the rice is slightly over-cooked and sticky. Remove the pan from the heat and mix in the Parmesan and mozzarella until combined. Remove the bay leaf check the seasoning and set aside to cool. When ready, shape into bite-size balls. Arrange the flour, egg whites and breadcrumbs in separate bowls. Dip each ball into each mixture - flour, egg then breadcrumbs, making sure they are completely coated. Set aside in the fridge until firm.

For the arrabiata sauce, place a pan over medium heat, sweat the onions and chillies off in the olive oil until soft. Add the cayenne pepper and smoked paprika, season well and stir. Add the balsamic vinegar and sugar to the pan. Stir and leave to reduce until the vinegar begins to thicken. Once it has reduced, add the chopped tomatoes, bay leaves, thyme, Tabasco and garlic. Stir the mixture well. Leave on a low heat to simmer for at least 2 hours until it reaches a thick consistency. Keep checking the seasoning throughout. Once the sauce is almost ready to serve, lower the arancini into a deep fat fryer set 180°C until golden all over. Pour the arrabiata sauce into ramekins and serve with the arancini. Each portion provides 33g protein and 600kcals.

Turkey & Quail’s Egg Yorkies This is a favourite ‘little & often’ dish that I serve for Elevenses. A great timesaver is to buy ready-made Yorkshire puddings, then add the ingredients and bake! They’re perfect for a slow Boxing Day start.

Serves 4(easy to prepare) 4 muffin-size Yorkshire puddings (see recipe below) 4 quail’s eggs a handful of leftover turkey meat, finely chopped a handful of grated cheese (emmenthal, cheddar or gruyere) 3 to 4 cup mushroom stems, cut into small cubes a knob of butter a few sprigs of fresh marjoram, roughly chopped (oregano or thyme are fine) salt & pepper

Prepare the Yorkshire puddings in advance. You want them to be formed into ‘little baskets’. Melt a knob of butter in a frying pan and sauté the mushroom pieces and herbs until slightly golden, drain them on a piece of kitchen paper and lightly season with salt and pepper. Preheat oven to 160°Cf. Build the Yorkies by layering in a teaspoon or so of the turkey followed by some cheese then carefully crack a quail’s egg on top and dot with a few mushroom pieces and herbs. Bake on a tray for about 8 minutes until the eggs are cooked through with the yolks still runny. Serve hot.

Simply the best Yorkshire pudding Serves 4 to 6 (easy to prepare) This recipe is originally from Chemo Cookery Club. 140 g plain flour 4 eggs 200 ml milk salt & pepper splash of sunflower oil for cooking

Preheat oven to 230°Cf. Drizzle some oil into 6 to 8 non-stick muffin tins or a 210 x 210 cms square cake tin. Place them in the oven to heat. Place the flour in a clean bowl, add the eggs and whisk until smooth. Whisk in the milk and a bit of seasoning until completely smooth. Remove the hot tins from the oven and pour in equal amounts for the individual muffins are all for the cake tin. Place them back in the hot oven for 20 to 25 minutes. They should be nicely puffed up and browned. Serve immediately. These little chappies will also freeze for up to a month. Just take out and re-heat. Each portion (entire recipe) provides 29g protein and 430kcals.

Smoked trout mousse with fresh horseradish This is a perfect festive snack or fish course for a celebration meal. Smoked salmon is a great alternative.

Serves 6-8 as a canapĂŠ (easy to prepare) 125 g smoked trout, skin & bones removed 125 g cream cheese 2 to 3 heaped tsp fresh creamed horseradish zest & juice of 1 lemon a small bunch of fresh chives, finely chopped sea salt & ground black pepper a dash of good quality oil (to your taste)

Put the cream cheese into a mixing bowl with the horseradish, the lemon zest and half the juice and mix together. Stir in a handful of chopped chives and season to taste. You want the flavour to be a strong combination of hot, smoke, salt balanced with a bit of sweet and sour. Balance the flavour with more horseradish or lemon juice. Flake in the trout, being careful that all skin and bones are removed then using a spatula, gently fold the mixture together so its pleasingly chunky. Spoon single servings into dishes or larger servings into ramekins, cover with cling film and chill until ready to serve. To serve, drizzle the trout mousse with a little oil, chopped chives and a couple very fine horseradish shavings and a lemon wedge. Serve with tunnbrĂśd or other rye biscuits. Each portion provides 5g protein and 115kcals.


Prawn & ginger soup This wonderfully quick and delicious soup is featured in Chemo Cookery Club. Ginger is known to help with nausea, while the prawns deliver flavour, texture and much needed trace elements.

Serves 4(easy to prepare) 12 whole prawns 1 garlic clove, finely chopped 2 celery stalks, finely chopped 5 cm piece ginger, peeled 1 stalk lemon grass, bruised 1 star anise a small bunch of fresh dill 500 ml chicken stock 250 ml water a bunch of fresh chive a bunch of fresh basil salt & pepper 1 egg white (optional)

Chop half the ginger. Shell and de-vein the prawns. Put the shells and heads in a saucepan with the garlic, celery, chopped ginger,lemon grass, star anise and the stalks from the dill (save the sprigs). Pour in the stock and water, season lightly and simmer for 30 minutes. Julienne the remaining ginger and finely chop the dill sprigs, chive and basil. Next strain the liquid through a fine sieve into a clean pan. Add the prawns, ginger and herbs and simmer for a few minutes until the prawns are cooked. Season to taste. Just before serving, gently beat the egg white with a fork but do not make it frothy. Pour into the hot soup and swirl with a fork to make threads. Serve immediately. If you want a heartier soup add ramen noodles. Each portion provides 6g protein and 33kcals.

Chipolata & bean chowder This is a festive take on the traditional Tuscan bean soup in Chemo Cookery Club. It’s simply packed with goodness. Feel free to add some leftover Christmas ham or leave out the meat and add macaroni.

Serves 4 (easy to medium difficulty to prepare) 2 tbsp olive oil a dash of sriracha 2 cloves garlic, peeled & crushed 2 onions, chopped 2 leeks, chopped 2 carrots, chopped 4 sprigs of thyme 2-3 sprigs fresh rosemary 2 bay leaves 1 litre vegetable stock juice of ½ lemon 400 g chopped tomatoes (tinned are fine) 1 tin cannellini beans, drained & rinsed 1 tin borlotti beans, drained & rinsed 4 links chipolatas, wrapped in bacon rashers a bunch of parsley, chopped salt & pepper shavings of Parmesan and crusty bread to serve

Heat oil in a deep, heavy saucepan and gently cook the garlic, onions, leeks and carrots until soft. Add thyme, rosemary and bay leaves, stock, lemon juice and tomatoes and simmer for 20 minutes. Add the beans and some chopped parsley. Season to taste and continue to simmer for another 10 minutes. In a separate pan grill sausages. When cooked, chop into bite-size pieces then set aside. Purée 1½ cups of the soup then re-introduce along with the sausage. Re-heat and check the seasoning. This will give the soup body without making it too thick. Garnish with grated Parmesan and serve with crusty bread. Each portion provides 31g protein and 600kcals.


Turkey Cesar salad Serves 4 (easy to prepare) This original recipe is a winner for vitamin B12 served on its own adding slices of roasted turkey breast will make it even more nutritious. It has wonderful crunchy texture and aroma and the strong flavours can really help wake up sleeping tastebuds. 1 garlic clove, whole 2 heads romaine lettuce, torn 8 small anchovies croutons* ½ cup Parmesan cheese, finely grated black pepper dressing 2 garlic cloves, crushed juice of 1 lemon olive oil 2 egg yolks 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce 1 tsp dry mustard salt & pepper Cut the garlic in two and rub the cut halves over the inside of a wood salad bowl to season. Add the dressing ingredients and whisk together. Add the lettuce, anchovies and croutons and toss to combine. Sprinkle over the cheese and finish with a generous amount of black pepper. Each portion provides 10g protein and 400kcals without the turkey. * For the croutons, break bread into bite-sized chunks, drizzle with olive oil, Italian herbs and salt and pepper and toast in a medium oven.

Goat’s cheese, beetroot & roasted chestnut salad with cranberry vinaigrette Here’s a light salad starter for a healthy Christmas meal packed with big flavour.

Serves 4 as a starter, 2 as a main (easy to prepare) 250 g good quality goat’s cheese 2-3 beetroot 200 g whole chestnuts, shelled (store bought are fine) a splash of olive oil salt & pepper watercress to serve

Cranberry vinaigrette 1 cup cranberry juice ½ cup chopped fresh or frozen cranberries 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp red wine vinegar 1 tbsp honey 2 tsp chives, finely chopped salt & cracked black pepper

Prepare the vinaigrette in advance. Place juice and cranberries in a small saucepan and bring to the boil. Reduce for 5 minutes until you have about ¼ cup. Whisk the cranberry mixture with the remaining ingredients and season to taste. For the beetroot and chestnuts, preheat oven to 180ºCf. Wash and trim the ends of the beetroot, rub them with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and place on a baking tray. Sprinkle the chestnuts with a bit of salt and place on the same tray. Pop in the oven and bake until the beetroot is cooked through and keep an eye on the chestnuts, you want them to be a bit crunchy but not blackened. Allow to cool then peel the skin from the beetroot and slice or dice as you prefer to serve them. To assemble the salad, lay beds of fresh watercress on plates then add slices of goat’s cheese. Decorate with the chestnuts and beetroot, season with dashes of fresh black pepper and serve with the dressing. Each portion of salad with vinaigrette provides 31g protein and 690kcals.


Wild mushroom risotto This is a moreish vegetarian dish. If you aren’t a forager, good old chestnut mushrooms will do just fine and if you aren’t a vegetarian, feel free to add some leftover turkey, chicken or even clams.

Serves 4 (easy to prepare) 2 tbsp olive oil 1 onion, chopped 1 garlic clove, chopped 175 g Arborio rice 1 litre vegetable stock 1 tbsp olive oil 400 g wild mushrooms (whatever’s in season or store bought exotics) 100 g Parmesan, grated a few leaves of fresh winter garlic (or 1 garlic clove), chopped salt & freshly ground black pepper slices of sourdough to mop up the sauce & a glass of crisp Italian chardonnay

For the risotto, heat the olive oil in a pan. Place in the onions and garlic and cook without colour. Add the rice and stir until very hot and the grains start to turn translucent. Add the stock a ladle at a time and stir continuously. Cook for 20 minutes then remove the pan from the heat and leave to stand. To complete the risotto, heat a little olive oil in a frying pan, add the mushrooms and fry until softened then mix them through the risotto base. Stir in the Parmesan and chopped ramson. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. To serve, place the risotto into the middle of four serving dishes, drizzle over a little white truffle oil and top with a few garlic flowers. Each portion provides 23g protein and 530kcals.

Goat’s cheese & chestnut crumble tart Yield 1 tart(medium difficulty to prepare) This traditional tart is such a nice dish for lunch. So light and savoury. It’s perfect with watercress & crispy shallot salad. 500 g soft goat’s cheese 100 ml single cream 1 egg & 2 yolks 8 inch pastry case, blind-baked 1 tbsp butter 1 garlic clove, crushed 200 g chestnuts, peeled & finely chopped 200 ml chicken stock 1 bay leaf

Preheat oven to 160°Cf. Remove any skin from the cheese then beat with the cream and eggs until smooth. Pour into the blind-baked pastry case and bake for 20 minutes or until set. Set aside to cool. For the crumble, warm the butter in a pan with the garlic and cook without colour. Add the chopped chestnuts, stock and bay leaf and simmer until the chestnuts are tender. Drain well and spread over paper towel to remove excess moisture. When cool sprinkle evenly over the surface of the tart. Return to the oven to warm before serving. Each portion provides 19g protein and 643kcals.


Turkey, pea & tarragon pie This is a great leftover dish. Use whatever vegetables you have to hand – Brussels sprouts are a great addition.

Serves 4 (medium difficulty to prepare) 900 g potatoes, puréed 1 tbsp vegetable oil 1 onion, peeled & finely chopped 1 garlic clove, crushed a dash of sriracha or cayenne 350 g cooked turkey, chopped 150 g peas, cooked 2 small carrots, cubed & cooked 2 a few sprigs of tarragon, chopped 600 ml ‘ready to go gravy’ salt & pepper

Prepare your potato purée in advance and if you have one, spoon into a piping bag. Cover the bottom of a frying pan with oil, add the onion, garlic and sriracha and cook without colour. Add the turkey, cooked peas and carrots and tarragon and warm through. Season to taste then spoon into a casserole dish. Preheat oven to 170ºCf. Pipe the potato purée on top and rough up with a fork. Place the casserole on a baking tray and bake until the top is lightly golden. Remove from the oven and rest for 5 minutes then serve hot. Each portion of pie provides 35g protein and 500kcals.

Ready to go turkey gravy This really is a great way to make gravy if you don’t have the drippings of a roasted bird. A simple slice of roasted breast meat from the meat counter does the trick.

Serves 6 (easy to prepare)

2 onions, chopped 1 large carrot, chopped 1 slice of cooked turkey breast, finely chopped 1 litre chicken stock

several sprigs of thyme 3 tbsp flour 5 tbsp white wine or water 1 tbsp butter

Place the onions, carrot, turkey and thyme in a heavy bottomed pan. Pour in stock and simmer for 1 hour. Blitz using a stick blender until smooth then pass through a sieve. Return to heat, check the seasoning and allow to simmer. For thicker gravy, blend the flour with the white wine (or water) stir this into the stock and simmer until thickened. Melt in the butter and season to taste. Place in a sealable container and in refrigerator or freezer until ready to use. It will keep for several days or up to 1 month frozen. To use, heat until piping hot and add any additional baking juices from baking your turkey (if you have them) and check the seasoning for a final time. Each portion of gravy provides 3g protein and 90kcals.

Pheasant tortellini with mushrooms, tomatoes & chilli Serves 4(medium difficulty to prepare) I have included this recipe for all of you who are turkeyed out and fancied a nice gamey and nutritious meal. That said, this recipe works just as well with any type of game bird, chicken or good old turkey! Tortellini filling the meat of 1 roasted pheasant, finely diced 50 g button mushrooms finely chopped 50 g Parmesan, grated (plus a bit extra) 250 g wild mushrooms, chopped into large slices 1 onion, chopped 1 garlic clove, puréed 200 g pomodoro tomatoes, roughly chopped 1 red chilli pepper, seeds removed & chopped 500 ml chicken stock a small glass of white wine a splash of olive oil a knob of butter a handful of dried Italian herbs flat leaf parsley, chopped salt & pepper ½ batch pasta dough (see recipe on next page) semolina or pasta flour, for dusting

Prepare the pasta in advance, divide the dough into 4 pieces, cover with cling film and refrigerate until ready to use. Prepare the filling by mixing together the pheasant meat, sautéed button mushrooms and Parmesan. Season to taste and chill until ready to make the tortellini. To make the tortellini, roll out the pasta into paper-thin sheets, (setting 9 on most pasta machines). You may want to use a rolling pin to get the sheets even finer. Lay a sheet onto a well-floured surface and cut rounds with a scone cutter. (You can roll the scraps into a ball and re-roll them to make more rounds.) Place a teaspoon of filling on the middle of each pasta round. Dip your finger in a bowl of water and run it along the edge of the round to moisten. Fold the dough over to form a half moon then draw the two corners together to form a rounded bonnet-shape. Press tightly to seal. Toss with flour, set aside on well-floured baking sheet or parchment and cover. Repeat with remaining pieces of dough, re-rolling the scraps. Heat the olive oil and butter in a frying pan, add the onion and garlic and cook without colour. Add the mushrooms and sauté adding the wine and stock. Next add the tomatoes and chilli and herbs. Allow to reduce so there is moisture but not sloppy. Check the seasoning.

To cook the tortellini bring a large pot of water to a boil and add a generous tablespoon or two of salt. Lower the tortellini into the water a few at a time with a slotted spoon. Stir the pot occasionally to prevent the tortellini from sticking. Cook for about 5 minutes until all the tortellini have bobbed to the surface. Test one for doneness. Drain the pasta and transfer directly to the how tomato & mushroom mixture. Garnish with a handful of chopped parsley and Parmesan. Serve hot. If you want to make the tortellini in advance, make sure they are well dusted with flour and transfer them to a parchment-lined freezer-safe container once solid. Cook directly from the freezer, but increase the cooking time by a minute or two.

Fresh pasta Makes 8 full portions (easy to prepare) Fresh pasta is great whether you use it immediately or dry it. The dough also freezes well so it’s easy to keep a supply to hand. 330 g strong flour (‘tipo 00’) 3 eggs 1 yolk

Blend the flour, eggs and extra yolk together in a food processor until a dough is formed. Leave to rest in a refrigerator for 1 hour before use. Roll on a pasta machine to desired thickness and cut into desired thickness. Hang to dry until ready to use. (If making ravioli or tortellini you may want to roll the pasta sheet to make it a bit finer.) When ready to use, bring a pan of salted water to a rolling boil drop in the pasta and cook for approximately 2 minutes until just al dente. Don’t over cook. Strain away the water and add to your desired sauce. Prepare the pasta in advance, divide the dough into 4 pieces, cover with cling film and refrigerate until ready to use. Each portion provides 56g protein and 790kcals.


Ginger & pepper cake with salted toffee sauce & clotted cream All I can add to this recipe is 'Yum'!

Serves 8 (easy to prepare) 100 g butter, plus extra to grease 100 g light muscovado sugar 175 g self-raising flour 4 tsp ground ginger 1tsp white pepper 85 g golden syrup 85 g maple syrup 3 tbsp brandy 2 free-range eggs, beaten 1 inch fresh ginger, peeled & finely grated 150 g candied ginger, finely chopped a pinch of salt clotted cream ice cream to serve (or vanilla)

Preheat the oven to 160ยบCf and grease and line a 23 cm loaf tin. Cream together the butter and sugar with a pinch of salt until fluffy. Sift together the flour and ground ginger. Pour in the golden and maple syrup and brandy and mix well. Beat in the eggs, a little at a time then gradually mix in the flour. Finally, stir through the fresh and candied ginger and spoon into the prepared tin. Level the top and bake for about 50 to 60 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean.

Salted toffee sauce 300 ml double cream 85 g butter, diced 100 g light muscovado sugar 1 tsp sea salt flakes

Put the cream, butter and sugar in a saucepan. Melt together, then bubble, stirring, until toffeecoloured and saucy. Add salt to taste. Serve warm. Each portion (including a portion of the salted toffee sauce) provide 4g protein and 675kcals.

Chestnut ice cream & candied chestnuts There’s a great way to make this lovely treat soooo easy and quick. Simply buy a good quality vanilla ice cream or frozen yoghurt, warm enough to soften then add the chestnut purée and rum then re-freeze. Ta-da!

Chestnut Ice Cream 100 ml milk 300 g sweetened chestnut purée 200 g icing sugar 12 egg yolks 2 to 4 tbsp dark or spiced rum 200 ml double cream cream ice 2 to 3 candied chestnuts per serving

Put milk, chestnut purée and 150 g of the sugar in a saucepan and bring to the boil over medium heat. Whisk the egg yolks and the remaining sugar in a bowl to a ribbon consistency. Pour the boiling milk into the egg yolk mixture, whisking constantly, then pour it all back into the saucepan and stir over low heat until the mixture lightly coats the back of a wooden spoon. (When you run your finger through it, it should leave a clear path that stays on the spoon.) Remove from the heat immediately and pour the custard base into a bowl, add the rum and cool over ice, stirring occasionally to prevent a skin forming. When cold, pass the custard through a fine sieve and churn in an ice cream maker for 10 to 15 minutes. When the mixture is about halfway set, add the cream in a steady stream and churn for an additional 10 minutes until firm but still creamy. *Sweetened chestnut purée can be bought ready made. To make it from regular purée add approximately 50 to 75 g icing sugar to 410 g (1 tin) purée.

Candied chestnuts 450 g pounds chestnuts, shelled 450 g granulated sugar 2½ c water 1 tsp vanilla extract

Place the chestnuts in a large pan with just enough water to cover them. Bring the water to the boil and for 10 minutes then drain and discard the cooking liquid. Using your fingers gently rub the thin skin off the cooked chestnuts. In a separate pan, bring the water, granulated sugar and vanilla to the boil, stirring constantly for 5 minutes. Add the chestnuts to the sugar syrup and bring back to the boil, stirring constantly then continue to cook for a further 10 minutes. Pour the entire contents into a container, cover loosely and allow to marinate for 12 to 18 hours. Return the entire mixture to a clean pan and repeat the process, this time Return the entire mixture to a clean pan and repeat the process, this time boiling for 2 minutes then allowing to marinate for a further 12 to 18 hours. Continue to repeat this process until the chestnuts have soaked up virtually all the sugar syrup. Preheat an oven to 120°C, arrange the candied chestnuts on a parchmentlined baking sheet. Place the baking sheet into the oven and turn off the heat. Allow the chestnuts to dry in the oven for 45 minutes to 1 hour, until they have firmed up and the surfaces of the nuts are dry.

Soused cranberry & mandarin jelly This is a great palate cleanser, especially if you want something light. The cranberries and orange tingle the taste buds. The alcohol cooks completely out and the flavour remains but if you’d prefer use cranberry juice instead.

Serves 4 (easy to prepare) 600ml champagne (cava or proscecco will suffice or 750 ml cranberry juice) 120 g sugar 8 sheets (20 g) leaf gelatin a punnet of fresh cranberries 2 mandarin oranges or a tin of mandarin orange slices

Place 4 jelly glasses or moulds into the fridge to chill and place the gelatin leaves in cold water to soften. If using fresh oranges, peel and remove cuticles so all you have is slices of sweet orange. Pour the wine (or juice) into a pan, add the cranberries and the sugar and simmer until the berries are soft and broken down. Don’t over stir them. Pass the liquid through a fine sieve and pour back into a clean pan. Save a few of the broken down cranberries. Check that you have enough liquid and if you want more add more cranberry juice. Place back on heat and add the rest of the sugar. Stir constantly until the sugar is fully dissolved. Do not allow the mixture to boil. Remove the gelatin from the water and add to the champagne mixture and stir until completely dissolved. Remove from heat. Place a few berries and orange slices into the chilled glasses (moulds) and fill with the liquid. Place in the fridge for several hours until firmly set. Serve cold. Each portion provides 5g protein and 270kcals.


Mulled cranberry apple cider There’s nothing quite like coming in from the cold and being handed an aromatic winter warmer.

Serves 10-12 as a warm aperitif (easy to prepare) 1 litre cranberry juice 1 litre apple cider (or unsweetened apple juice peel of 1 orange 1 inch piece of ginger, peeled & sliced 2 cinnamon sticks 4 whole allspice berries 4 whole cloves a dash of honey (if you prefer sweeter a few orange slices and cranberries for garnish

Place all the ingredients in a large heavy-based pan and bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Strain and serve warm. Each portion provides 0g protein and 100kcals.

Northern sunset Serves 4 (easy to prepare) This is an old family recipe. It’s an interesting twist on mulled cider. It conjures memories of après ski and glowing fires. 500 ml apple cider 250 ml cranberry juice 3-4 tsp instant coffee 1 tbsp brown sugar 3 cloves 1 cinnamon stick a splash of orange juice a strip of orange peel 1 measure per serving of brandy or rum (optional)

Pour the cider and juice into a large saucepan and warm over medium-low heat. Stir in the coffee and brown sugar and drop in the cloves and cinnamon stick. Simmer for a few minutes then add the orange juice and peel. Serve hot. Each portion provides 1g protein and 120kcals.

nutrient thumbs-up score vitamin C CCC

Acknowledgements I’d like everyone to know how thrilled I am to have seen the Chemo Cookery Club team grow. Our upcoming book, Cups & Sauces, looks at the particular dietary challenges of breast cancer. Our philosophy hasn’t changed. We base our recipes and nutritional guidance on evidence-based research as published by the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research. We leave it to each of you to understand and decide if your diet should be restricted from certain ingredients and nutrients. It’s all still based on everyday food using classic cookery methods using readily available ingredients. What has changed is we’ve welcomed Sarah Gibbings and Ian Carmichael to the team. Sarah is a specialist fitness trainer that works with people surviving cancer and Ian is an extraordinary hair stylist and a leader in the UK of working with people suffering from alopecia – primarily cancer related. Their contributions to the new books take Chemo Cookery Club to a completely different level. For the first time, we are publishing books that talk about the whole person and a greater breadth of coping with the physical challenges of cancer treatment. There are quite a few more behind the scenes including Juliet Alexander, Samantha Dewey, David Blake, Matt Dunkinson, Cressida Robson, Rupert RadcliffeGenge and Simon Hawkins (my long suffering and wonderful husband) to name a few. So a million thanks to all of you for everything you do for us to make Chemo Cookery Club so special.

CHE MO COOK E R YCL UB b y P e n n yE r i c s o n

£9 n c l u d i n gs h i p p i n g . 9 9i i n f o @c h e mo c o o k e r y c l u b . c o m www. c h e mo c o o k e r y c l u b . c o m

COMI NGS OON! ( F e b r u a r y2 0 1 7 )

Ch e moCo o k e r yCl u bB r e a s t Ca n c e r E d i t i o n Cup s& S a uc e s

b yP e n n yE r i c s o n&B a r b a r aP a r r y E x e r c i s eb yS a r a hGi b b i n g s Ha i r &S k i n c a r eb yI a nCa r mi c h a e l

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