2015 Simpson Traditions

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TRADITIONS of S I M P S O N C O L L E G E With over 150 years of history, traditions abound at Simpson College and help shape each student’s Simpson Experience. This book outlines some of the traditions that you should be aware of, and consider participating in, during your tenure at Simpson. As these traditions continue throughout the years, it will always be known that the closest held tradition of the College will continue to be our tradition of success. We hope that you will keep notes, ticket stubs, photographs and other memorabilia from these events so that you will have a collection of some of your fondest Simpson College memories.


MOVE IN Day This is your very first day at Simpson, when you move into your residence hall, Barker or Kresge. Simpson’s Residence Life and Greek Life make moving in a breeze by helping to carry your heavy boxes and furniture into your room, allowing you to focus on starting the most exciting chapter in your life. Simpson College President Jay Simmons and his wife, Jenné, also pitch in to lift boxes!

It’s a great day to meet your roommate and the other students on your floor, starting friendships that will last a lifetime!

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During your first day on campus, you will process through Simpson’s beautiful campus and walk through the gates toward College Hall with your other classmates. On the day of Commencement, you will process through the gates away from College Hall signifying the completion of your time at Simpson College and going forth into the world!


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The Stand Around happens the Sunday night of move-in weekend. Students have a huge celebration to start the new school year. DJ’s, bouncy-houses, plenty of snacks and numerous other activities are offered. The Stand Around is a great way to meet up with old friends and make new ones!


COMEDIAN of the YEAR One of the most attended events on campus is the very first one of the year. The Monday night of movein weekend, all students pack into Pote Theatre located in the Blank Performing Arts Center, for a comedy show. Make sure you get there early to snag a seat — everyone will be there!

Best one-liner:

BINGO! Attend one of the many Bingo events hosted on Friday nights to win some great prizes! Most of these events happen in The Principal Black Box Theatre located in Kent Campus Center. The most popular Bingo sessions are at the beginning of the year, to stock up on college essentials, and before holiday break for holiday-themed Bingo, where prizes are wrapped in holiday paper. Whether you have good or bad luck, there are tons of prizes to win! Bingo becomes a very competitive sport here at Simpson College, so make sure you pay attention and yell loud when you have a BINGO!


”Roll Storm!” Attend one of the many athletic events to root for your fellow Simpson athletes! Admission to home events is free for Simpson students! Don’t forget to sport your best Storm gear!

YELL LI K E HELL Coronation and the crowning of the homecoming king and queen also happen at “Yell Like Hell!” This is always a popular event, so make sure to get there early! After “Yell Like Hell!” stay for the homecoming dance, better known as “Dance Like Hell!”

Celebrate your first Simpson Homecoming by attending the “Yell Like Hell!” pep rally in Cowles Fieldhouse. Many different groups on campus will create stomp routines and cheers to perform. Simpson faculty and staff will determine the best routine.

HOMECOMING and F A M I L Y W E E K E N D Show your Simpson Spirit and Pride by participating in all of the Homecoming Week activities. Make sure to attend the Alumni Recognition Reception to hear from some of the College’s most distinguished alumni, attend the football game and enjoy all of the student activities throughout the week! Invite your family for the weekend so they can experience Simpson too.

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Homecoming theme: Simpson’s opponent: Dress up days: Favorite memories:

TAILGATE Every year before the Homecoming football game, there is a tailgate in the Hillman parking lot. Take a stroll down the Pedestrian Plaza to have some delicious grilled food and visit with current students and alums. Hillman parking lot is the place to be before the game starts, make sure you wear your red and gold proudly and be ready to cheer on the Simpson Storm!

Instrumental A N D Vocal MUSIC Simpson College Opera will perform two fully-staged productions of opera or musical theatre, one in the fall semester and one in the spring semester. These performances showcase Simpson’s talented students and are free. You will be amazed by the talent surrounding you!

Attend instrumental and vocal music concerts to support the Simpson College Music Department students. Admission to these concerts is free for students. Also, don’t miss student, faculty and guest artist recitals scheduled throughout the year.


Performances I attended: Attend one or more of the Theatre Simpson performances each semester. Simpson has a great theatre program, full of actors, actresses, student directors, technical team, lights/stage design, and costume design. These professional performances are free for current students to attend.


Every year Simpson College Residence Life, Residence Hall Association, Greek Life and other campus organizations decorate the residence halls and allow trick-or-treaters from Indianola and the surrounding communities to walk through and show off their Halloween costumes. This is always a fun event for students and community members alike, but especially for area children. Students go all out decorating their doors and halls. There is usually even a haunted house hallway in one of the Greek fraternities!



GHOST O F Mildred On May 6, 1935, Mildred Hedges, a 22-year-old freshman home economics major, fell to her death from the third floor of Old Chapel, which is now College Hall. Hedges, who was holding an armful of books, caught her heel on the stair and toppled over the railing, falling 35 feet. Try to peer into College Hall at night to see if you find Mildred walking the halls.

Lessons AND Carols Complete with readings and hymns in a candlelit Smith Chapel, Simpson’s traditional English Christmas celebration, Lessons and Carols, has been a Simpson custom since the 1970s. The Iowan magazine named the service one of its favorite Iowa Christmas traditions. Attend one of the two services held in Smith Chapel.


SIMPSON SEAL There are four seals on campus which are believed to be cursed if you step on one of them. Legend has it that if you step on a seal, you will fail your next test! Make sure to take alternate routes during finals week so that you don’t accidently step on one! The four seals are located on the south side of College Hall, just outside the north ticket gate to Bill Buxton Stadium, north of Hillman Hall and McNeill Hall and in the middle of the Kent Campus Center atrium!


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The Simpson Fund has a direct impact on the lives of current students, helping to provide the many opportunities that produce what we call The Simpson Experience. The Student Alumni Association’s Philanthropy Week during the spring semester exposes students to The Simpson Fund and is a great time to make a gift, however gifts can be made at any point during the year. We encourage all Simpson students and alumni who are able, to contribute to The Simpson Fund so that future students can enjoy the same opportunities they received. It’s a way of giving back and paying it forward at the same time. Every gift is important, whether it be $25 or $2,500. It all adds up to make a huge difference.

Campus DAY Every spring semester, classes are cancelled on one day so Simpson students, faculty, staff and alumni can help make positive changes to Simpson’s campus and to the Indianola community. Small groups will perform service projects either on or off campus to help give back and benefit the community! This tradition began in 1889.

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Simpson College students, faculty, and staff all take part in a March to “End the Isms� during the spring by marching around campus and the Indianola Community. The purpose of March to End the Isms is to promote love and peace and bring awareness to the prejudice that exists in our world. After the march, there is usually a keynote speaker, songs, poems, and talks by various participants who use the opportunity to protect equality and justice.


Forum events can be about any topic. Artists and speakers can use lectures, movies, poster presentations, or other methods to help spread their message. Some forum events are part of the SCBQ (Small College Big Questions) series in which student panels and community speakers can discuss some of today’s societal issues. Most forum events are free to Simpson students and are also open to the public.

Speaker or topic that impacted you:

ALLCOLLEGE Sing Student and faculty groups have come together for the past 40 years to perform in All-College Sing, a music competition for people of all talent levels, judged by college administrators.

Best performances:


CARVER Medal Simpson College established the Carver Medal to annually recognize an outstanding individual whose life exemplifies the commitment and vision of service of George Washington Carver, who attended Simpson College after being denied admission at another college because of the color of his skin. George Washington Carver was a remarkable man. The son of slaves, his determination and persistence led to a life of tremendous accomplishment and success.

The Carver Medal is given to an individual who has distinguished himself/herself through service, leadership and academic success. The medal, as well as the lecture series, pays tribute to Dr. Carver’s legacy at Simpson and the College’s historic commitment to diversity and educational opportunity for everyone.


CONVOCATION The Simpson community unites to mark the beginning and end of each school year. Fall Convocation kicks off the year with a formal celebration, and spring’s Honors Convocation salutes students who have excelled in the classroom, on the field and in the community. It is held in conjunction with the all-day Undergraduate Research Symposium, another way Simpson celebrates the academic achievements of our students.

Commencement DAY Place photo here

This is the triumphant day in which your academic career at Simpson will be completed and a diploma will be proof of all of your hard work and what you have accomplished during your tenure at Simpson. Cowles Fieldhouse is always full with family and friends to watch you walk across the stage. There is also a chance that you will have a rose on your seat on graduation day, as the Student Alumni Association (SAA) sells roses that your family and friends can give you to salute your achievement!

FIGHT Song Simpson’s Fight Song, which first appeared in the 1939 Simpson College Songs booklet, was sponsored and issued by the Indianola Women’s Club with the College’s approval. It was arranged by Mildred Severs ‘38.

March on Simpson — March on Simpson! March on down the field Spirit unfailing, defense unavailing, For we will never yield. Rah-Rah-Rah! Drive on Simpson — Drive on Simpson Till the game is won, O, Fight — Fight — Fight — with all your might For the Red and Gold.

Alma Mater “THE RED & GOLD” Lucien Waggener, a native Kentuckian and graduate of Princeton University, who also studied at the University of Gena in Germany and at the Sorbonne in Paris, joined the faculty in the 1890’s. At thirty, his devastating good looks had young women flocking to his classes. Quite unlike anyone seen on the Simpson faculty, he was probably the only man in Iowa to speak both German and French with a Kentucky accent. Demonstrating one of his many talents, he composed the words of the college’s Alma Mater, simply called the “Red and Gold” and set the words to the music of the traditional “Eton Boating Song.”

Come we will sing together. Once more the ringing song, A strain that the coming classes, Unceasingly shall prolong. The praise of our Alma Mater, Dear Simpson will e’er be told. We’ll cherish thy recollections. And swear by the Red and Gold. Fade less still the laurels. Won by the football team; Here’s to the Knights of the diamond, Brightly their vict’ries gleam, No fear, for tomorrow’s struggle. Shall ever new triumphs hold, While the sturdy sons of Simpson. Press on with the Red and Gold. Though in years before us, Life’s skies grow dull and gray, The friends of our youth are scattered, We journey our lonely way; Sweet memories oft will linger. Of those dear days of old, When beneath the whis’pring maples, We flaunted the Red and Gold.

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