2016 Simpson FALL Magazine

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P R E S I D E N T ’ S


Your Path to Simpson Dear Alumni and Friends of Simpson College: As time drew near to draft my letter for this edition of The Simpson Magazine, in which alumni reflect on “How Simpson Changed My Life,” the theme also resonated deeply with me. Shortly before writing this, I met seven new faculty members joining the College this fall. Although our visit was admittedly brief, the enthusiasm and energy of this group offered a strong assurance that Simpson’s faculty and academic programs will change and improve lives for many years to come. Indeed, this group of faculty may well include the Joe Walt or Sven Lekberg for the next generation of Simpson College students. A few days later, I had the opportunity to meet new members of our staff. In this group were new coaches and members of the residence life staff, among others. I left that meeting with no doubt about the passion and commitment these individuals will bring to their work with our students. As with the faculty, the next generation of Simpson student-athletes may meet their Dick Starr or Shelley O’Meara in this group over the months and years ahead. My interactions with these new faculty and staff members caused me to reflect on my visits with you. As I have travelled around the country, you shared


stories about how someone at Simpson helped you try a new course or consider a different path, leading you in a direction you had not previously considered. I cannot count the number of times I have heard one of you say, “My life would be completely different if not for…” a class, a conversation or an event that occurred between you and a member of Simpson’s faculty or staff. Almost 350 new first-year students and approximately 60 new transfer students arrived at Kresge and Barker on Move-In Day this fall. Those not living on campus joined their fellow students in class the following week. Every one of them will experience Simpson in some unique way. Predicting exactly how their lives will change might prove a fool’s errand, but I have every confidence that these new students will tell stories about how Simpson changed their lives that will be as compelling and as intriguing as the stories you will read on the following pages. Thank you for your continued interest in and support of Simpson College. Sincerely,

J AY K . S I M M O N S




7 12




4 A SIMPSON SUCCESS 7 THIS IS SIMPSON 8 FACULTY PURSUITS Lisa Carponelli Faculty Accomplishments 11 CONTINUING & GRADUATE PROGRAMS 12 AROUND CAMPUS 14 FEATURE STORY Simpson Changed My Life 20 ATHLETICS 23 CHAPLAIN'S MESSAGE 25 EXTRA! • Alumni Events • Fred Jones Retirement • Homebase Iowa • Fulbright Student


• New Major at Simpson • Interim Dean • Summer Camps at Simpson • State Fair Recap

29 TOURING THE YEARS 39 CALENDAR OF EVENTS On the cover: Erin Magoffie '20 (Arizona), Garrett Pochop '18 (South Dakota), Nick Joslyn '18 (Kansas), Stacey Olson '20 (California), Erayle Amacker '20 (Texas), Kameron Smith '20 (Texas) and Rose Sullivan '20 (Texas).

The Simpson Magazine is published by the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. Send correspondence to themagazine@simpson.edu.

THE MAGAZINE Jay K. Simmons Simpson College President Produced by the Office of Marketing and Public Relations Jill Ramthun Johnson ’85 Vice President for Marketing and Public Relations

Leslie Byars Diehl ’03 Art Director

Oscar Preis Web Development Specialist

Ken Fuson Marketing Writer/Media Strategist

Mary Fortune Administrative Assistant

Danny Fast Digital Content Specialist

Touring the Years Editor Sara Thompson

Office of Alumni Relations Andy English ’05 Director 515-961-1547

Bryan Geelan ’07 Athletics Communication Director

Contributing Writers Ken Fuson Bryan Geelan ’07 Jill Ramthun Johnson ’85

Office of College Advancement Bob Lane ’81 Vice President 515-961-1549


Photography Luke Behaunek Danny Fast








As soon as they stepped on campus, the incoming first-year class at Simpson College may have set a record.

Second-year student Emma Schlenker, from Phoenix, Ariz., says she did not find Simpson. Simpson found her. “They found me through all the things I was interested in during high school,” she says. “I chose Simpson after I saw all it had to offer, and I thought I could grow and develop through the opportunities it offered me.”

The Class of 2020 is believed to include the largest percentage of out-of-state students in Simpson’s history. Word about the great opportunities Simpson offers is obviously reaching beyond the Iowa borders. One of the people responsible for making that happen is Dave Williams, assistant director of admissions. He focuses his efforts on students who live far away from Indianola. “Last year I spent about 10 to 12 weeks on the road, and

that was mostly in Texas and Arizona,” he says. D AV E WILLIAMS

A look at the yearly percentage of out-of-state students shows the pattern of Simpson’s success in recruiting:

2010: 15 percent 2011: 16 percent 2012: 21 percent 2013: 18 percent 2014: 22 percent 2015: 21 percent 2016: 28 percent (estimated)


Since coming to Simpson, Emma has become involved with the swim team, Greek life, student government, and most recently, the cheer squad.

Williams says many students, especially out-of-state students, may not know much about Simpson. This is why admissions counselors stress the importance of visiting campus. “The first time many of these students step on campus, that is their true first impression,” he says. “Simpson really shows well, and I believe visiting increases the likelihood of out-ofstate students choosing to come here.” For Emma, this held true.

It’s crucial for Simpson’s future success that the College attracts students from other states. Simpson President Jay Simmons has pointed out that Iowa is considered one of the most difficult states for college recruitment because of heavy competition and because there simply aren’t as many high school graduates in Iowa as there used to be. The good news, according to Williams, is that students are more willing to explore out-of-state colleges when they begin the college selection process. Getting these out-of-state students to visit campus starts with an initial “hook,” he says. This could include a subject or program the student is interested in, from playing football to singing opera to participating in Simpson’s national champion Speech & Debate program.

“Coming to campus was the most important component of my choosing Simpson,” she says. “I was extremely on the fence about living in Iowa during winter. Through the admissions flight reimbursement program, I was able to visit campus during the winter, putting my fears to rest.” Now Emma is helping to spread the word. She shares her enthusiasm with potential students as a student ambassador for the admissions office, meaning she gives tours of a college she once knew nothing about. “I am so happy to be showing students the same things that made my choice possible,” Emma says. “Simpson is home, and I have known that since the first time I walked on campus.” n (Note: The author grew up in Kearney, Mo.)


From left to right: Garrett Pochop '18 (South Dakota), Nick Joslyn '18 (Kansas), Erin Magoffie '20 (Arizona) , Kameron Smith '20 (Texas), Rose Sullivan '20 (Texas), Erayle Amacker '20 (Texas) and Stacey Olson '20 (California)

“I chose Simpson after I saw all it had to offer and I thought I could grow and develop through the opportunities it offered me.” -Emma Schlenker ’19 Phoenix, Ariz.


“Everyone seems to be amazed by what I’ve been able to do. I didn’t feel inspiring. I guess I was just trying to keep living my life.” -Heather Layman ’00





Living MY LIFE

HEATHER LAYMAN'S JOURNEY OF DETERMINATION The goal was to last three days. If Heather Layman ’00 could do that, it would mean she had ridden 183.4 miles on the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI). The third day, a Tuesday, would take Layman past her childhood home and high school in Corning. Doing that was important to her. Her husband, Matt Rocha, was back home in South Jordan, Utah, understandably nervous. The last thing he told her was, “I don’t want to get a call from your parents saying you’re in the hospital.” The 2016 version of RAGBRAI began July 24 in Glenwood and ended July 30 in Muscatine, a total of 420 miles. It’s an arduous challenge for the healthiest rider. Heather Layman was not the healthiest. One month after she registered for RAGBRAI, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Two days before this year’s seven-day ride started, she received one in a series of chemotherapy treatments. She decided to try. “I guess it was just determination,” she says. Layman works backstage for traveling Broadway shows. Her summer schedule this year allowed her to go on RAGBRAI, a longtime goal, and nothing was going to change that. Layman joined 51 other Team Simpson riders on RAGBRAI. She had received permission to participate from her doctor —“sort of.”

“Heather is one of the most remarkable people I have ever met,” says Chris Goodale ’86, assistant vice president for college advancement, a member of Team Simpson and a cancer survivor himself. “While her physical achievement was great, it was her amazingly positive attitude that captured my great admiration,” he says. Layman rode every mile that first day. And the second. And the third. “Everyone seems to be amazed by what I’ve been able to do,” she says. “I didn’t feel inspiring. I guess I was just trying to keep living my life.” She achieved her three-day goal. Her parents were prepared to pick her up, but Layman felt good. Why stop? She finished the fourth day of the route. And the fifth. And the sixth. And on the final day, she was chosen to lead Team Simpson into Muscatine, where, as RAGBRAI tradition dictates, riders dipped their bicycle tires in the Mississippi River. Layman rode her bicycle every mile. She didn't walk a single step. Scott McQueen ‘89, a member of Team Simpson from Houston, watched Layman at the river’s edge. “She was straddling her bike, with her head down and tears streaming down her face,” he says. “I can only imagine what she was thinking or feeling, but it was obvious that finishing the week meant much more to her than it did to any of us.”

“He said I could go on vacation,” she says. “I didn’t exactly mention what I was doing.”

Layman says, “It was actually pretty overwhelming. I walked a ways back from the river and lost it a little bit. I was crying and thinking, ‘Oh, my goodness, I did it.’”

As the journey began, Heather started early in the day to compensate for afternoon fatigue, one of the side effects of the chemotherapy treatments that began in March.

Surgery was scheduled for September. Layman remains positive. After finishing RAGBRAI she describes her attitude as, "Nothing's going to stop me."

“I wasn’t as fast as I probably could have been,” she says. She received encouragement from Team Simpson members along the route.

How about next summer? Will she ride RAGBRAI again? “I want to,” Layman says. “I really want to.” n




Riding in Style DURING A 10-YEAR CAREER AS A TV REPORTER AND MAIN ANCHOR, LISA CARPONELLI WAS COMFORTABLE ASKING THE QUESTIONS. She may need to get used to answering them. Carponelli is co-owner of Velorosa Cycling Wear (“velo” means bike in French and “rosa” means pink in Italian), a year-old, Des Moines-based company that designs and sells high-performance cycling wear, primarily to female cyclists. “Every time I went into a bike shop, there was never anything I wanted to wear,” she says. “We call it ‘shrink it and pink it’: take a man’s jersey, make it smaller, make it pink and then put you in black shorts.” “We’re trying to marry high performance cycling gear with what we believe are really cool-looking designs.” Carponelli, who began at Simpson in 2008, has never helped start a business before, but anyone with a communications background has been forced to deal with change. “I think the thing that’s been amazing has been the absolute revolution in communication since I came here,” she says. “When you think about it, when I came to Simpson we never said, ‘Is there an app for that?’ and the iPad didn’t exist. For all intents and purposes, everything’s changed.” Velorosa started when Carponelli had a chance meeting with Kim Hopkins, a graphic designer who helped create new kits for a women’s team of bicyclists in Des Moines. Carponelli suggested she make the designs available to all women. The company opened in February 2015. “It’s the most comfortable high-performance cycling outfit I’ve ever worn,” Carponelli says. And there’s a benefit to Simpson students as well. Carponelli worked with the Capstone class, taught by


Associate Professor of Communication Studies

Education: B.S., Miami University (Ohio), 1995 Master of Science and Journalism, Northwestern University, 1997

LISA CARPONELLI Marilyn Mueller, professor of management, in the EMERGE@Simpson program to help improve Velorosa’s social media standing. Interest in the company on Facebook increased 200 percent. (The company’s website is www.velarosacycling.com). Additionally, Carponelli says she can now tell her communications students what it’s like to be on the other side of the camera during an interview and why some of them might consider entrepreneurship in the future. “I have so much more to offer my students now,” she says.

FOUR QUESTIONS FOR LISA: If I weren’t teaching, I’d be: Working full-time for Velorosa. Favorite place I’ve visited is: The top of Denali in Alaska. It was known as Mt. McKinley when I climbed to the summit in 2005. My favorite book is: “Siddhartha,” by Hermann Hesse. The most interesting in my office is: A poster from the TV show “Psych,” autographed by the two lead stars, Dule Hill and James Roday. “A high school friend got that for me. She knows I’m a ‘Psycho,’ which is what fans of the show are called.” ■



Mark Gammon, professor of religion, will have an essay titled, “Human Rights as an Ecumenical Problem,” appear in Public Theology and the Global Common Good, from Orbis, this fall. He will participate in a human rights round table at a conference in Boston connected to the release of the book. Gammon is also completing his third book review for the journal Political Theology. Todd Little, assistant professor of management information systems, had his manuscript, "Understanding Knowledge Creation in the Context of Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes," accepted for publication in the September 2016 issue of the Journal of Knowledge Management. The research study explored the relationship between these two aspects within organizational structures that resulted in a framework emphasizing the development of process competencies to positively influence these connections. The manuscript was co-authored by Dr. Amit Deokar, assistant professor of management information systems, from the University of Massachusetts Lowell. Michael Patterson, professor of music – music education/piano, edited the complete collection of The Lekberg Christmas Songs, a volume of carols composed by Sven Lekberg over four decades. The carols are printed in enlarged manuscript and recorded on an included CD by Simpson students and alumni. Also included are photos of the Lekbergs and an interview with Dr. Robert Larsen and Sven Lekberg. Proceeds from the sale of the collection will go to the Sven and Mildred Lekberg Scholarship at Simpson College. Orders may be placed at http://simpson.edu/the-lekberg-christmas-songs/. Bill Friedricks, director of the Iowa History Center and professor of history, served on the governor-appointed Iowa History Advisory Council, which is completing a report on the state of Iowa history in the K-12 schools. The group will recommend academic standards for the teaching of Iowa history and provide recommendations to advance the study of Iowa history in these schools. Maeve Callan, associate professor of religion, was selected by the History Graduate Student Association of Western Michigan University to be its spring speaker, giving a talk titled, “Syneisaktism: Sacred Partnership and Sinister Scandal.” She was also invited by the Iowa International

Center and Meredith Corporation to be the final speaker in their spring Dialogue Series. Her talk, “What We Believe: Religious Diversity and the Role of the Media in the U.S.,” was preceded by an hour-long interview with Charity Nebbe on Iowa Public Radio's “Talk of Iowa.” Callan served as the Interfaith Alliance of Iowa's August Crossroads speaker, discussing ways to develop “A Wider Sense of 'We.'” In May, she presented a paper, “A Witch’s Defense: Women’s Rights and Conflicts between Canon and Common Law in the Kilkenny Witch Trial of 1324,” at the International Medieval Congress in Kalamazoo, Mich., and “A Miraculous Beastie Between the Thighs, and No Women or Irish Need Apply: Gender and Ethnicity in Bernard of Clairvaux’s Manisternagalliaghduff Vita Sancti Malachiae and Stephen (13th century), where the altar would have been. of Lexington’s Letters from Ireland” at a conference honoring Dr. Constance Hoffman Berman's career as she retired from the University of Iowa. In July, she presented “The Inedia of St Íte and Bottomless Beers for Bishops: Fasting and Feasting in Female Irish Saints’ Lives” at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds, England. Callan then travelled to Ireland for research, consulting manuscripts, and exploring sites associated with medieval saints, relating to her current book project, Sacred Sisters, Holy Isle: Exploring Medieval Ireland through the Lens of Women's Lives. Rebecca Livingstone, associate professor of history, attended the Reacting to the Past Game Development Conference at Central Michigan State University, where she presented a game mechanics workshop titled, “Writing Endgames,” and chaired a panel on “Controversies in Christendom.” Livingstone continues to serve on the board for the RTTP GDC. Mimi Kammer, assistant professor of theatre, was selected as a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Scholar from a national applicant pool and attended a NEH Summer Institute titled, “Extending the Land Ethic: Current Humanities Voices and Sustainability,” held at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. During the four-week program, Kammer studied with leading voices in the fields of environmental ethics, nature writing and sustainability studies.

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Dave Camwell, associate professor of music – saxophone/ jazz studies, performed guest recitals and master classes at the University of Illinois State, University of Mississippi, and University of Northern Iowa, as well as SE Polk High School, Cherokee High School, Norwalk High School and Hoover High School. He also directed the successful 2016 Simpson College jazz camp (participants pictured above) over the summer.

THE IOWA HISTORY CENTER The Iowa History Center has been busy. An exhibit featuring antique Iowa maps from four private collections runs through Oct. 23 in the Willis Gallery of the Kent Campus Center. Christopher Lane, map expert and Antiques Roadshow appraiser, spoke about Iowa and Midwestern maps, including those in the exhibit, in a campus lecture on Sept. 15. The Center received a $25,000 grant from the F.M. Maytag Family Foundation this spring to support a field trip program that sends school children on Iowa history-oriented trips.

Terry Grapentine, adjunct instructor of marketing, coauthored a book together with David Dwight and David Soorholtz titled, Critical Thinking for Marketers: Make Better Decisions, published through Business Expert Press, N.Y. The book will be distributed to over 200 colleges and universities around the world.

Bernard McDonald, Larsen Chair in Opera and assistant professor of music, conducted Puccini's Gianni Schicchi at the Mobile Opera, in Mobile, Ala., in April. In August, he returned to Opera Kelowna, in British Columbia, to conduct Mozart's Die Zauberflöte. Katie Larsen Smith '09, assistant professor of sport science and health education, published a manuscript in the June issue of Journal of Physical Activity and Health. The work was part of her dissertation titled, "Web-Based Behavioral Intervention Increases Maternal Exercise but Does Not Prevent Excessive Gestational Weight Gain in Previously Sedentary Women.” Nick Proctor, professor of history, presented two Reacting to the Past games titled, “Jumonville Incident” and “Reconstruction in New Orleans, 1866-72,” at the Reacting To The Past Game Development Conference at Central Michigan University. He also was a facilitator for “Kentucky 1861” at the Reacting to the Past Summer Institute at Barnard College.

Jan Everhart, associate professor of religion, presented a paper, “Teaching with Lady Parts: Monologues that Inspire Dialogue,” at the Upper Midwest Society of Biblical Literature meeting. Everhart was also awarded the Distinguished Teaching Award for 2016. Bob Kling, adjunct instructor of art, created a painting, “Great Expectations,” a 36” x 48” acrylic on canvas of hot air balloon fabric that has been selected for publication in the new book, Acrylic Works 4: Captivating Color. Published by North Light Books, this book will feature the best contemporary acrylic paintings from the studios of 100 artists from across the United States. Kling also received a merit award for his 30” x 40” oil painting, “Fishing Boats on the French Riviera,” at the Iowa Exhibit XXXI at the Polk County Heritage Gallery. n







DON’T JUDGE A MASTER’S PROGRAM SIMPLY BY ITS TITLE. That’s the advice of Trace Kendig, a 2014 graduate of Simpson’s Continuing & Graduate Programs with a master’s degree in Criminal Justice. When Kendig first considered returning to school, he did what any good police officer does: he investigated. “I was going by the title of it, a Criminal Justice master’s, but when I saw the diversity of the classes within it, that’s what drew me to it,” he says. His work paid off. He’s the new chief of police in Polk City, Iowa, a town of 5,000 people about 25 miles north of Des Moines.

governing body, city council or supervisor of the county and say, ‘Here’s what we need—more officers here, more cars here,’” he says. He praises Carolyn Dallinger, department chair and professor of sociology and criminal justice, and her course on civil rights and community outreach, which he took while attending Simpson.

“The instructors really cared about what you were learning. Simpson turned out to be the best option for me.”

-Trace Kendig ’14

Kendig previously worked in the Windsor Heights Police Department as a lieutenant and obtained his master’s degree from Simpson while working there. “I sat down and met with my chief after my master’s program, and he saw that I had a lot of new skills that I had learned and he was able to start delegating more things to me,” he says. Those new skills included research and statistical analysis, which helped Kendig in his Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command course and have helped him in his new role at Polk City as well. “We were using statistical formulas to say, ‘Here’s your city, here’s your crime rate,’ formulas you plug all your data into, and then build statistical tables to basically take to the

“She teaches that studies show that everyone has some type of prejudice,” Kendig says. “You have some type of bias, and you must learn to recognize it, know it’s always going to be there, and just learn to mitigate it and not let it affect how you do your job or how you live your life.” Dallinger made enough of a mark on Kendig that the Windsor Heights Police Department contacted her to help with the civil rights part of their annual training program.

While Kendig enjoys what he does, he also points out the challenges that come with being a police officer. “A lot of people don’t realize, even working in small-town Polk City, there is a lot of stress that an officer goes through during a shift, and it has severe physiological effects on officers,” he says. “Not only are officers expected to perform at a higher level, at a higher standard, but they also have a lot of baggage that builds up over the years of dealing with what we have to deal with.” After 15 years of working as a police officer across Iowa, Chief Kendig says returning to get his Master’s in Criminal Justice at Simpson was a great choice for him. “The instructors really cared about what you were learning,” he says. “Simpson turned out to be the best option for me.” n




CELLAR “Books used to be 85% of the store and now it’s about 50/50. We’ve doubled our clothing sales in the last few years.” -Kyle McVay ’12 Storm Cellar Manager

THE COLLEGE BOOKSTORE HAS CHANGED A LOT OVER THE YEARS. It used to be the place you went to buy and sell your books and maybe grab some pencils and a highlighter. But since the arrival of Internet and a student’s ability to purchase books from a variety of sources, the bookstore has had to evolve. And one only has to take a step into the Storm Cellar, the new name of Simpson’s bookstore, to experience what that evolution looks like. It’s a really great transition! “We try to provide a different environment to make people want to come to the bookstore,” says Kyle McVay ’12, manager of the Storm Cellar. “We wanted a store that was not only geared toward students but also faculty, staff, alumni and others.” The 2,385 square-foot space, operated by campus bookstore chain Follett and located inside the Kent Campus Center, prominently displays apparel and accessories, with books lining the store’s perimeter.



It’s now easier than ever to order your Simpson pride!

“Books used to be 85% of the store and now it’s about 50/50,” McVay says. “We’ve doubled our clothing sales in the last few years.” Some of the best-selling items include Polo shirts, women’s clothing and pom beanie hats – the stocking hats with the “poofball” on top. “We received two shipments of them last year and sold out each time,” McVay says. “It’s one of the things people want, and we try to follow the trends.” The Storm Cellar strives to have something for everyone, from infant onesies to “Proud Grandparent” shirts and everything in between. One hot seller you might not expect to find in a campus bookstore? Makeup. “People ask me why we carry makeup and it’s because people buy it,” McVay says. “We’re the ultimate convenience store.” n


This recently launched online store offers a large selection of items not found instore or on the bookstore website. The print on demand capability allows a quick turnaround, personalization options and expanded variety.


CELLAR WWW.SIMPSONSHOP.COM HOURS OF OPERATION Monday through Friday: 9 am–4 pm Saturday: 10 am–2 pm (extended for home football games) Summer: 9 am–2 pm

• • F CE O A TV UE R E S ST TO OR RY Y • •

CHANGED MY LIFE It might have been a class that ignited your curiosity, or a professor who believed in you, or a coach who seemed to care more about your success than you did. However it happened, many Simpson alumni refer to their college years as the great turning point in their lives. The person who arrived on campus was not the same person who left. The following pages feature five alumni who feel that way, but we know there are many others. We’d love to hear how Simpson changed your life, too. You can contact us at themagazine@simpson.edu. Then look for your story on our website: www. simpson.edu.




PASSING IT ON Why did Nicole Peña-Goodman’s ’95 high school guidance counselor in Davenport keep encouraging her to consider a college she had never heard of? “He was always cheering for Simpson and thought it would be a good fit for me,” she says. He wasn’t the only one. Shelley Scott O’Meara, Simpson’s softball and volleyball coach at the time, seemed to make it her personal mission to recruit Peña-Goodman. “She came to some of my games,” she says. “It made me feel pretty important. She got me on campus for a visit. She made it happen.”

college. The transition from an urban setting to a rural school was “a huge shock for me.” “I felt like I wasn’t going to be good enough to even get in,” she says. “Things didn’t come easily for me, but I worked hard, and I made sure I did what I needed to do. I’m glad that Simpson looked at me as a whole and not just my test scores.” Simpson

“I want to be for future generations what it was for me.”

Peña-Goodman played softball, volleyball and basketball during her Simpson career. She was inducted into the College’s Hall of Fame in 2005.

It’s not the games she remembers most. It’s the relationships, especially with O’Meara, who passed away in 2008. Peña-Goodman honored her memory with a gift to the new fitness center.

-Nicole Peña-Goodman ’95

Here we could skip forward to the present, in which PeñaGoodman is beginning her 20th year as an educator and her seventh year as principal of the Scuola Vita Nuova (the Italian version of School of New Life) Charter School in Kansas City, Mo. But that would be skipping over the impact Simpson had in getting her there. Peña-Goodman was the first person in her family to attend

“It was a no-brainer,” she says. “She cared about us.” It’s that care that Peña-Goodman tries to pass on to her 207 students. “It’s personal for me,” she says. “When they’re here, my goal is to make them feel that they can accomplish anything and take on the world.” As for Simpson, “It shaped my life. I want Simpson to be for future generations what it was for me.” ■




OPPORTUNITIES It was the spring of 1953, and Mary Rose Main was nervous. She would soon graduate from Simpson, where she studied sociology as a major and psychology as a minor. She had followed two older sisters from Moravia, Iowa to Simpson, “And it was a very happy choice in every way.” There was just one problem. “All my friends had jobs lined up and I didn’t have one, and I was really concerned about what I was going to do,” she says. She expressed those concerns to Professor Donald Koontz, her advisor, who called Main into his office. “He said, ‘I don’t know what it’s like to work for the Girl Scouts, but I have a letter here that describes the position, and everything in it I think you can do.’” And that began a 44-year career with the Girl Scouts of the USA that took Main throughout the country and the world, culminating with her serving seven years as the organization’s national executive director, based in New York City. That’s a long way from Moravia, where Main was a Girl Scout for three years. “It was very different for me to go from Moravia, Iowa, to New York City, but I got along just fine, and part of that was the preparation I got at Simpson College,” she says. “Simpson moved me into higher opportunities that I never would have had otherwise. It was very influential getting me connected with the Girl Scouts.”

She applied for and landed the job that Koontz had recommended for her. Her career took her to Davenport, Iowa; Wichita, KS.; Burlington, Iowa; New York City; Houston Texas; Washington, D.C.; and back to New York, where she worked 14 years as the assistant national executive director before being named national executive director. She is now retired. Through it all, she has remembered Simpson, serving on the Board of Trustees for 19 years. She remains an honorary life member of the board. “I have a great love for the College,” she says.

“Simpson moved me into higher opportunities that I never would have had otherwise.” -Mary Rose Main ’53

She remains a strong advocate for both Simpson and the Girl Scouts. “Both create leaders,” she says. “The Girl Scouts presents an opportunity to learn about leadership and become a leader,” she says. “It just makes a huge difference in a girl’s development. It teaches the skills and gives them self-confidence that they would not have otherwise.” Simpson changed Mary Rose Main’s life. She, in turn, has touched the lives of thousands of girls across the country. “I hope so,” she says. ■





One of the first things Chuck Gassmann ’92 did when he bought Bell Brothers Heating and Air Conditioning in Des Moines was to build a large Training Center in the main office. “Education is one of the most important things to me,” he says. “I think it gives us a competitive advantage.”

Working models of various heating and air conditioning units allow Bell Brothers apprentices to learn installation and repair skills and veterans to expand their knowledge. Gassmann is a great example of how returning to college can reap huge career rewards, and Simpson played a big role. Enrolling in what is now called Simpson’s Continuing & Graduate Programs, he says, “turned out to be the best decision I ever made.” He wasn’t always so high on school. Gassmann grew up on a farm near Holy Cross, a small Iowa town near Dubuque. Earning a high school diploma was enough. “I didn’t really have any desire to go to college,” he says. Six months of factory work changed his mind and he enrolled in a vocational school to learn air conditioning and heating repair work. “I fell in love with it and got straight A’s.” Gassmann eventually moved to Des Moines, raised a family and worked for the Carrier Corporation for 17 years, starting as a sales representative. He knew he needed a degree to advance further, so he

enrolled in an accelerated program at Simpson that allowed students to earn a degree by attending classes two nights a week for four years.

“It was very rewarding and challenging,” he says. Gassmann laughs. “Once I realized I didn’t want to do factory work my whole life, and I really enjoyed the business world, then school became very easy. I realized, ‘Holy cow, I really need to make something of myself.’”

“Education is one of the most important things to me. I think it gives us a competitive advantage.”

He was promoted to branch -Chuck Gassmann ’92 manager, the highest level he could achieve with Carrier in Des Moines. He doubts that would have occurred without his Simpson degree in business and marketing. Gassmann moved to Bell Brothers in 1995 as a part-owner and bought the company in 2011. Today, the company has 72 employees who go on more than 20,000 service calls a year and sell equipment to both commercial and residential customers.

A self-described “proud Simpson alum,” Gassmann still attends training sessions with his employees and says he could install and service equipment if needed. “I could,” he says, smiling, “but the chances of getting me out there to do it are slim to none.” n




CAMPUS COMPASSION It was a Saturday morning in November, and Evan Schaefer ’07 was asleep in his Alpha Tau Omega fraternity room at Simpson.

An urgent knock on the door startled him. Standing there was a neighbor from his hometown in Williamsburg, Iowa. “The minute I opened the door, she started crying,” Schaefer says. “I knew at that moment it wasn’t good.”

“You can either have it affect your life or you can have it impact your life.” -Evan Schaefer ’07

It was life-changing. Five years earlier, Schaefer’s mother had died unexpectedly from unknown causes. Now the neighbor had arrived to inform him that his father had died following complications from shoulder surgery. Evan Schaefer was 20 years old. “I was in complete shock and an utter emotional mess,” he says.

But he was not alone. Rich Ramos, the associate dean of students, told him not to worry about classes. He would take care of contacting faculty. At his father’s funeral, Schaefer said he was stunned to see Ramos; the Rev. Chris Waddle, then the Simpson chaplain; and former Dean of Students Jim Thorius arrive together. “To me, that spoke incredible volumes,” he says. The support was just beginning. Faculty members were accommodating, especially those in the Department of Music, where Schaefer was studying for a Bachelor

of Music Education degree. He mentions Tim McMillin, Bruce Brown, Michael Patterson and the late Maria DiPalma. Simpson students supported him, too. Many knew Schaefer from his activities on campus, which by the time he graduated included senior class president, Inter Fraternity Council president, Campus Day chair and several others. Tracie Pavon, assistant vice president for enrollment and financial assistance, helped him complete the necessary financial aid paperwork. His father had always taken care of that. He describes Rich and Barb Ramos, department chair of Education, as his surrogate parents. He still considers them family members.

“I can honestly say without a shadow of a doubt, given the experience I had, I would not have been able to get through it without the support I found from my Simpson family,” Schaefer says. Schaefer’s work on the Campus Activities Board led to an interest in event planning. Today, he works as operations manager for Degy Entertainment in Tempe, Ariz., a prominent booking agency for concerts. He worked as an operations and logistics coordinator for the Arizona Super Bowl XLIX Host Committee. Schaefer says Simpson changed his life by being there during one of his worst moments. “You can either have it affect your life or you can have it impact your life, and I chose to have it impact my life in a positive way,” he says. “I realized if I can get through that, I can get through anything. No matter the circumstances, you will always make your way through it. It just may not be easy.” n


L E R O Y & K AT H R Y N F I S H E R


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R E T I R E D, M I N I ST E R & T E AC H E R


Sixty-eight years ago, on Valentine’s Day, two Simpson students went on their first date.

pastor while in seminary. Kathryn taught English and physical education classes in a neighboring town.

Two years later, they were married.

After Leroy graduated from seminary, they relocated to New Virginia, Iowa, where he became the pastor of four Today, Leroy ’49 and Kathryn Fisher Moore ’50 still walk churches. Several moves followed. Leroy was appointed across campus together every morning. district superintendent in both Council Bluffs and Fort Dodge, which meant he was in a supervisory “We’ve been married now for 66 years,” “Things just position over a district of churches. In Des Moines, Leroy says. “Simpson really affected my he was the Bishop’s Assistant. seemed to fall life in that way.” Kathryn kept busy as well. She taught classes in into place.” Leroy arrived on campus hoping to high schools, as well as adult fitness classes around become a United Methodist minister. -Kathryn Fisher Moore ’50 the state as they moved. She also has had a very When aptitude tests indicated he should extensive volunteer career through the United try something else, he ignored them. Methodist church, including the United Methodist Women. The result was a 48-year career as a minister in churches throughout Iowa.

The Moores moved to The Village in Indianola in 1994.

Both Leroy and Kathryn say their lives were influenced by Gene Carter, a 1943 Simpson graduate and professor. For example, Carter helped Kathryn find a place to stay when she transferred to Simpson after spending a year at a college in Indiana. “Things just seemed to fall into place,” she says. Not long after that, Leroy and Kathryn met. They’ve been together since – and haven’t slowed down, either. After graduation, Leroy and Kathryn were married, and then headed off to Compton, Ill., where Leroy was a student

“In retirement, I had developed a whole new life,” Leroy says. “In the first 10 years, I was Kathryn’s assistant in Des Moines. I was a volunteer and she was paid.” Kathryn was the secretary to the Des Moines district superintendent at the United Methodist Conference Center, while Leroy was working on the computers in the building. Today, they still try to stay as connected to Simpson as much as possible. “We remember students, and they remember us,” Kathryn said. “That’s kind of special.” ■




HOME TWO PHONE CALLS MADE TWO DECADES APART WERE ALL IT TOOK TO SHAPE MATT JETER’S FOOTBALL CAREER. The first call came in 1996, when Jeter ’98, looking to make the next step in his playing career, placed a call to a man named Jim Williams. A sought-after defensive back out of Des Moines Roosevelt High School, Jeter attended the University of South Dakota after graduation. Two years later he was wrapping up his time at Iowa Central Community College. Going into his 10th year as the head football coach at NCAA Division III Simpson College, Williams recruited Jeter out of high school two years earlier. When Jeter chose to attend USD, Williams simply asked that he remember the liberal arts institution in Indianola, Iowa. “Williams wrote me a letter in January of 1993 that said if anything ever changed to give him a call,” Jeter said. “So I gave him a call to let him know things had changed.”

That fall, Jeter—a starting cornerback—helped the Storm begin a string of two-straight undefeated regular seasons. The 1997 team went 12-0 in Jeter’s senior season before losing to Mt. Union in the national semifinals, capping off the most successful two-year run in the school’s football history. The next call came in 2016. Now the defensive coordinator for Division II Central Missouri University, Jeter answered the call of Simpson Director of Athletics Brian Niemuth. There was an opening for head football coach, and Jeter was encouraged to apply. Fresh off his fifth year as defensive coordinator for Central Missouri, Jeter had helped lead the Mules to three postseasons while building a menacing defense. He wasn’t actively seeking a change of scenery but listened to what Niemuth had to say. “I’ve always had the desire to be a head football coach. I was not looking [to leave], but when Brian called and showed some interest in my applying, that got my heart pumping a little bit and got me fired up,” Jeter says.


“Being an alum and playing here almost 20 years ago, it was surreal.” Not long after, Jeter accepted an offer to become the 33rd head football coach in Simpson history. Jeter and his wife, Kimberly, and sons, Jordan and Jayden, made the trip back to Iowa, where Jeter’s collegiate coaching career began at Drake University in 2002. He left Central Iowa in 2010 for Warrensburg, Mo., a move that he says improved him on—and off—the field. “For me to leave Iowa and go to Missouri was the best thing for my career,” he says. “I was able to get out of my comfort zone of being home. Not only did I grow as a coach, I grew as a person.” Jeter returns home with 14 years of experience as an assistant coach ready to tackle the challenges of being a first-year head coach. Just as the Simpson teams he played for under the legendary Coach Williams were “tough, hard-nosed and physical,” Jeter will demand similar traits of his team.

“You’ll see a team that plays hard, plays fast and plays together,” he says. “We talk about relentless effort from point-A to point-B for 4-to-6 seconds, playing as hard as you possibly can and doing it again and again until the clock hits triple zeros.” When the clock is approaching “triple zeros,” don’t be surprised if the rookie head coach rolls the dice. Consider the following scenario: Simpson ball at the 2-yard line. Fourth and goal. Under a minute to play. The Storm trail by three. The opponent is a certain red and white team from Pella. Jeter says the field goal kicker is staying on the sidelines. “We’re going to be aggressive. We won’t leave anything on the field.” Welcome home, Coach Jeter. n


JOSLYN EARNS PRESTIGIOUS NCAA POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP One of the finest student-athletes to put on a Simpson uniform can add another award to his mantel, and this one will help him in his next academic venture. Recent graduate Louis Joslyn, an Academic AllAmerican soccer player for the Storm, was one of a select few student-athletes in the nation to earn an NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship. He is enrolled in the Biomedical Sciences program at the University of Michigan Medical School in Ann Arbor, Mich., and is pursuing a doctorate in bioinformatics. The one-time non-renewable scholarships of $7,500 are awarded three times a year, corresponding to each sport season (fall, winter and spring). Each sports season, there are 29 scholarships available for men and 29 scholarships available for women for use in an accredited graduate program. The defending midfielder from Baldwin, Kan., graduated summa cum laude with a 3.983 cumulative grade point average while double-majoring in mathematics and computer science. He is the 14th NCAA Postgraduate Scholar in Simpson history, the first since volleyball standout Tiffany Everding in 2007 and the only men's soccer player to earn the distinction. "I wished to pursue a degree in bioinformatics because it represented the perfect cross-section of my interests: mathematics, computer science and biology," Joslyn said. "I was always drawn toward quantitative science like math, but during my time at Simpson I discovered a love for biology and, particularly, an amazement of all the processes that occur within the body." "Simpson was instrumental in allowing me to develop this passion," Joslyn said. "My advisers suggested that I enroll in a variety of courses. It was through those courses that I discovered this interdisciplinary field. Without the mathematics and computer science professors' suggestion of a broad course base, I would not be in this discipline and I would certainly not be attending graduate school." Joslyn was a two-time honorable mention all-Iowa Conference performer during his career, leading the Storm's back line with three goals in 2015. A threeyear starter for Head Coach Rick Isaacson, Joslyn—a team captain—scored 14 career goals and started 63 games. n 22 SIMPSON COLLEGE

C H A P L A I N ’ S


Photo by Alison Plumber Photography.

Lifelong Discernment BY MAR A LE H E W BAI LE Y ’0 6, C HAP L AI N

“TELL ME, WHAT IS IT YOU PLAN TO DO WITH YOUR ONE WILD AND PRECIOUS LIFE?”—MARY OLIVER Initially, I did not choose Simpson as my college home. When considering my choices for college my senior year of high school, I had little sense of direction for my life, and this made it difficult to engage well with the college search. To be honest, I landed where I did because of a picturesque campus on a brochure from another private college in Wisconsin. But the summer after my freshman year at Beloit College, I found myself working as a counselor at Wesley Woods, and I realized the college I was planning to return to could offer little of what I truly needed at that time in my life. Simply put, through some transcendent turn of events (perhaps, even, at the hand of God), Simpson chose me. When I transferred to Simpson at the start of my sophomore year, I began to find pieces of me that I did not know were there. And each of these pieces helped me to find more identity and groundedness where, previously, I had scrambled for a sense of myself. I began to discover more profound answers to the question, “What do you want to do after college?” as a result of my involvement in a vocational discernment program directed by Jan Everhart and Jim Hayes. Mentors in that program, along with professors and other staff at the college, helped me to navigate the path that was unfolding before me, which included visiting and applying to seminaries, starting the ordination process and finding an incredibly beneficial internship at a local church.

So how did Simpson change my life? Simpson helped me to discover, and answer, my call to ministry. Students, faculty and staff gave me room to grow as a leader and supported me when I wondered if I truly was good enough to say “Yes!” to this call. Simpson gave me a purpose not just for my day-to-day life as a college student but also for the trajectory of my life ahead. The quote by Mary Oliver is one that has continued to guide me in my enduring discernment. And Simpson gave me the skills I needed to engage in that process, believing that my life is precious and that I always have a choice in where to take it. Simpson is still changing lives today. Every time I am privileged to bear witness to students learning more about themselves and their capacity to respond to the needs of the world, my heart sings. There are so many stories I could tell, but one of great meaning to me is that of Brian Williams, who graduated in December of 2015. Brian’s path to Simpson echoes much of my own. When I asked him to reflect a bit on the same question, this is what he said: “I transferred to Simpson because I knew I needed to be in the place that would challenge and nurture me. I found that—and so much more. Simpson College began for me a process of lifelong discernment. Not only has Simpson changed my life already but a Simpson education will continue to impact my life for years to come—as it has given me the tools to think more critically, communicate more effectively and love more deeply. As I head to seminary to continue my education, there remains a maple-leaf sized hole in my heart.” n


he tradition of generosity CARES



– George E. Griffith — trustee, college agent and chief benefactor planted soft maple seeds at his residence and then offered seedlings up to President Burns to plant on campus. Several students helped transplant the trees to campus, now our infamous "Whispering Maples."







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– Simpson held its very first 24-hour Day of Giving campaign online and through social media. The goal was to obtain 300 gifts after 24 hours, and at the day’s completion, 412 gifts had been made! 22% of those gifts were made by first-time donors.

– The Leadership and Social Change Endowment was created by several alumni from the 1970s who met through a January term bus trip visiting communes of folks working for social change between Indianola and California. Every year a scholarship is now awarded to a student who exemplifies a history of leadership and commitment to social activism and service.

























– The very first Campus Day was held, beginning a long-standing tradition encouraging students, faculty, staff and alumni to participate in community service projects both on and off campus that still exists today!

Simpson College

has seen many generations of generosity in our 156-year history. We are so thankful to have such a supportive community stand behind the campus and our students after all these years. Please consider making a gift to The Simpson Fund today to be a part of the next generation of generosity! www.simpson.edu/give 24 SIMPSON COLLEGE

E X T R A !

DID YOU MISS OUT ON THIS SUMMER’S ALUMNI EVENTS? DON’T WORRY! THERE’S MORE TO COME THIS FALL. Watch your emails and our website for upcoming event announcements.

Winners of the 2016 Simpson Cup.

Simpson College evening at the I-Cubs. Over 370 in attendance.

Continuing & Graduate Program Picnic at the Park. Over 75 in attendance. Simpson College evening at Jasper Winery featuring The Nadas. Over 250 in attendance.

FRED JONES ’66 TO RETIRE It may not sound possible, but it’s true: Fred Jones ’66 is retiring. And Simpson wants to send him out in style. Jones, professor and department chair of Sociology & Criminal Justice, will be retiring at the end of the 2016-17 academic year after a 45-year teaching career at Simpson.

In addition, we are encouraging former students and friends—in short, anyone whose life has been influenced by Fred—to consider making a gift to the Criminal Justice Minority Scholarship in Fred’s honor. “Fred helped establish this scholarship many, many years ago and we know he would be deeply touched if you, and many others, made gifts to this scholarship in his name,” says Andy English, director of alumni relations.

The goal is to receive 100 gifts for the scholarship. If you can contribute, please make checks payable to Simpson To honor him, a reception will be held College and denote they are for the Criminal Justice from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. Minority Scholarship, or make a gift online at www. 8, Simpson’s Homecoming. The reception simpson.edu/honoring-jones/. will be held on the Pedestrian Plaza near the Hillman tailgate lot. Fred deserves our thanks. This is a great way to tell him. n 25 SIMPSON.EDU/MAGAZINE

A BENEFIT FOR VETERANS Simpson College is committed to serving veterans. The latest example: In January, Warren County was named a Home Base Iowa Community, which is designed to help veterans make the transition back to civilian life. The state program includes income tax exemptions for veterans, preferential treatment in hiring decisions and a military home ownership assistance program. More than 40 Warren County businesses, including Simpson, agreed to participate. At Simpson, veterans will find an office dedicated to meeting their needs. Troy King is the veterans services coordinator, and he can be reached at troy.king@ simpson.edu. Simpson is a member of the Home Base Iowa CHAMPs program, which stands for Certified Higher Academic Military Partners. As such, Simpson can offer premium higher education incentives and on-campus resources to returning veterans. Here’s how you can help: If you know veterans who want to continue their education, let them know that they’ll be very welcome on Simpson’s campus. n




How can Simpson’s Study Abroad program change a student’s life? Ask MacKenzie Bills ’16. But it might take time to find her. This summer, Bills served as an intern in the U.S. Embassy in Djibouti. In January, she heads for the country of Malaysia, where she will serve as an English teaching assistant, thanks to a grant she received from the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. Those places are many miles away from her home town of Altoona, Iowa, and she credits Simpson for igniting her interest in international issues. As a Simpson student, Bills studied for a semester in Tahiti and took May Term trips to other places. “I grew in my understanding of other cultures and my own,” she says. “Tahiti developed a desire to learn more. I knew that before I applied to graduate school, I needed to develop as a person and as a constituent of the United States. The world is a big place, and I wanted to understand more of it.” The Fulbright Program is the flagship international exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government. It’s designed to increase the mutual understanding between the people of the United States and other countries. ■


SIMPSON WELCOMES INTERIM DEAN Kent Eaton discovered Simpson College long before he began work this summer as interim senior vice president and academic dean. “Even before arriving on campus in July, I had experienced the warmth of the SC community as I received many emails and notes of welcome and offers to help in any way needed,” he says. “Upon arrival, I have been overwhelmed with the number of current and former staff and faculty who have stopped by with their messages of support. In all my moves, I have never experienced such hospitality and generosity. In fact, Simpson has expanded my understanding of what it means to be a welcoming community.” Eaton will serve Simpson while a national search is conducted to find a permanent replacement. He previously served in a similar position at Northwestern College in Orange City.

NEW HEALTHCARE MAJOR OFFERED Simpson is offering a new major this fall. It’s called Clinical Health Science, and it's designed to meet the needs of the growing and ever-changing healthcare field. The program features a hands-on foundation in human anatomy and human health sciences. Students will study the human body with a specific emphasis on genomics, prevention, diagnosis, rehabilitation and current healthcare topics. The program focuses on the growing field of personalized medicine, the practice of catering medical therapies to the specific genetic and disease profiles of patients. Clinical Health Science is a great major for students interested in pursuing graduate degrees in Athletic Training, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and other health-related programs. Entry-level health field positions include public health educator, physical therapy assistant and medical assistant. “Very few majors exist with such a diverse preparation in the topics facing healthcare specialists,” says Mike Hadden, professor in the department. “Graduate schools and employers are driving the need for a hands-on, solution-based education, combined with a working knowledge of the leading concepts in health care. Simpson College is one of the few colleges adapting to these needs.” n 27 SIMPSON.EDU/MAGAZINE

He is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Texas Christian University. He completed a Master’s of Theology at the Dallas Seminary. He also received a Diploma in Hispanic Studies at the University of Barcelona before earning his Ph.D. in Theology and Religious studies at the University of Wales at Lampeter in the United Kingdom. It hasn’t taken long for Eaton to discover another of Simpson’s charms. “The beauty of the campus and the quality of the facilities have been another reason to be thankful for my appointment as interim academic dean,” he says. “The balance of beauty along with functionality has been achieved. This is, no doubt, due in large part to the generous support of the college by her former students, and the wise stewardship of resources over many generations by the trustees and staff of the college. I am proud and thankful to be a part of the tremendous things happening at SC. The stories of our graduates making a difference in the world and working for the common good are nothing short of inspiring.” n

SIMPSON SUMMER CAMPS The song may say, “Summertime…and Junior Championship Camp was held the living is easy,” but that’s not the at Simpson in early June. case on the Simpson campus. And the first “Humanities Camp for While many of our students may be Middle Schoolers,” the brainchild of away at summer jobs and internships, Simpson professors Nick Proctor and the campus remains abuzz with a full Maeve Callan, was held from June 27 schedule of campus activities. through July 1. There’s the High Performance Volleyball Camp. The Track & Field Youth Camp. Several football camps. The Jazz/Combo Camp. The Simpson Elite Prospect Soccer Camp. The High School Debate Camp. And many others.

Middle school students were allowed to choose majors in topics such as “Mythology,” “Ethics of Harry Potter,” “Historical Game Design,” and “YA Literature.” The goal was to host 16 to 18 campers. The camp attracted 33 and plans are underway to hold a similar camp next summer.

Once again this year, Simpson served as host for the Des Moines Metro Opera performers, who remained on campus from May 24 through July 22. “It turned out even better than we could have imagined,” Proctor The summer also brought two new says. “And we’ve got pretty good camps. The USA Women’s Wrestling imaginations.” ■

SIMPSON COLLEGE AT THE IOWA STATE FAIR With over a million people visiting the Iowa State Fair over its 10-day run, the Fair is a great opportunity to meet and greet people from all over the nation. You only have to look at Simpson’s Facebook page to see how much fun visitors were having with the photo booth at our exhibit in the Varied Industries Building: www.facebook.com/simpsoncollege. This year the College gave away Simpson branded tape measures and they were a huge hit with adults and kids alike. And Simpson College was solidly represented via temporary tattoos on the arms, legs and faces of many young people at the Fair. The chance to visit with alumni, students, parents, prospective students and the general public makes being at the Fair valuable and enjoyable. More and more high school students use the Fair to become familiar with colleges. Over 200 signed up to receive more information about Simpson. Best of all, since Simpson started exhibiting at the fair in 2013, 11 students who indicated their first contact with Simpson was at the Fair have enrolled! If you missed us this year, make plans to stop by next summer! n


Class Notes Richard Gould ’65 retired from dentistry in 2007 after 37 years in downtown Minneapolis. He and his wife, Cathryn, have one adult son, Andrew. Richard’s hobbies include wolf (canus lupis) education, coin collecting and a restored 1968 Mercury Montego MX Convertible. Richard and Cathryn reside in Richfield, Minn., and are enjoying life and an occasional vacation. Philip Busch ’72 is retired from his position as financial accounting general ledger manager at United Airlines. Margaret “Peggy” Golden George ’75 is a substitute teacher for West Des Moines Schools and is also self-employed as a private music studio instructor teaching voice, piano, guitar and stage dialects. She has a long history of combining education and performance, having taught in schools, theaters, community education programs and private studios. She has also performed in opera, musical theater, choral and play productions in Iowa and Michigan. Peggy recently completed her third year on the adjudication panel for the Iowa High School Musical Theater Association. She and her husband, Philip, reside in Urbandale.




Marty Lehman ’79 practices law in Dallas, Texas. In addition, he serves as the basketball commissioner for Homeschool Athletic Association (HSSA.org), which provides homeschooled youth opportunities to participate on competitive athletic teams in multiple sports in a Christian atmosphere. This past season, HSAA fielded 14 basketball teams, from 10U to varsity level, which played almost 400 games. Marty and his wife Laurie’s five children are homeschooled and reside in Lucas, Texas. Ben Campney ’83 recently took early retirement from his job with the City of Chicago and he and Beth Eis Campney ’79 have moved back home to Iowa. Marie Anderson ’84 is self employed as a piano/voice instructor and resides in Chester Springs, Pa. Cindy Wood Morrison ’86 is a supervisor II for the 5th District Department of Correctional Services in Des Moines. Cindy and her spouse, Ed, reside in Indianola. Bryan Gregston ’87 is now senior team manager, operations for Schwab Charitable. He and his wife, Amy Usher Gregston ’87, and family reside in Argyle, Texas. Michael Sadler ’89 is assistant vice president-public policy for CenturyLink in Des Moines.

Dawn Hayes-Stewart ’76 is director of music and social media ministries at Grace of Calvary Lutheran Church in Upland, Calif. Dawn and her spouse, Lonnie, reside in Glendora, Calif.

J. Michael Kellar ’91 is national account executive for Businessolver in West Des Moines and resides in Waukee with his wife, Melissa Wicker Kellar ’91, and family.

Karen Langley ’76 is director of development for Presbyterian MoRanch Assembly and resides in Austin, Texas.

Ranessa Hilbrand Ashton ’92 is a public information officer for the San Diego Community College District and resides in Alpine, Calif.

Therese Bair Drey ’79 is a teacher/ librarian at St. Augustin Catholic School. She and her husband, Marv, reside in Des Moines.

Julie Green LaFollette ’92 is director of investor relations at American Equity Investment Life Holding Co. in West Des Moines. Kaylene Pohren Six ’93 and her spouse, Jeff, reside in Fairfield, where she is human resources coordinator for Dexter Laundry, Inc. 29 SIMPSON.EDU/MAGAZINE


DeVerne Dixon ’52 and Dawn Shearer Dixon ’51 recently celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary. Dawn, an Alpha Chi Omega, met DeVerne, a Lambda Chi Alpha, at Simpson College. The couple were married June 17, 1951, in Peru, Iowa. Most of their married life was spent in Indianola where Dawn, an elementary teacher, was the first remedial reading teacher at Irving and Whittier Elementary Schools. DeVerne always worked in sales, and they were co-owners of Dixon Marine for many years. The couple has two children, Denise Dixon Core ’81 who works at the Indianola Public Library and David, a Boeing Aerospace engineer in St. Louis, Mo., as well as two step-grandchildren and four step-great grandchildren. The Dixon family proudly includes several Alpha Chi’s and Lambda Chi’s from Simpson College. If you have a remembrance to share, please send it to the couple at 14842 Kennedy St., Indianola, IA 50125. n

Marcay Kroeze Hansen ’94 is a library aide at the Des Moines Public Library. Jenni Dunaway Grandgeorge ’97 is employed at Mercy Medical Center and resides in Bondurant with her spouse, Peter, and their children, Ellen and August. Renee Woodward Dalrymple ’99 is the owner of Soaring Crane Acupuncture & O.M. in Indianola. Ed Wallace ’99, Iowa Workforce Development deputy director, was appointed Chair of the Labor Market Information Committee of the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA). NASWA was founded in the depths of the Great Depression, in the early years of unemployment insurance and employment service programs. Throughout its more than 78-year history, NASWA has strengthened the workforce system

through information exchange, liaison and advocacy. As deputy director at Iowa Workforce Development, Ed oversees the Labor Market Information Division, the Workforce Services team and is the legislative liaison for the agency. Jaime Mason Sabel ’00 recently graduated with a doctorate in educational studies (science education) from the University of Nebraska and is now assistant professor of biological sciences at the University of Memphis in Memphis, Tenn. Brian Sabel ’00 is now national faculty trainer for GRE, GMAT and LSAT at Kaplan Test Prep. The couple resides in Memphis. Erin Gobel French ’01 is director of international programs, College of Human Sciences, at Iowa State University. She and her husband, Christopher Jorgensen, reside in Ames. Caroline McCard ’01 is a member of the emergency mental health – child crisis team for Hennepin County in Minneapolis, Minn. Tiffany Berkenes ’02 is a 4-H youth program specialist with Iowa State University Extension & Outreach, serving Polk, Dallas, Madison and Warren Counties. Allison Colby Burr ’02 is a homemaker and home educator living in Franklin, Tenn. Allison, her husband, Chris, and their four children began the ministry of TruthBeautyGoodness.net in 2015. Jacqueline Brittain Holden ’03 is chief financial officer at Wisdom Adhesives Worldwide in Elgin, Ill., where she resides with her spouse, John, and their daughter, Avery. Scott Brant ’04 is employed at Brant’s Clothing in Liberty, Mo., where he resides with his wife, Erika, and their two children, Van and Oliver. Diana Stoic Richardson ’04 is a selfemployed musician and resides in Mount Prospect, Ill., with her husband, Dan Richardson ’06, and their two-year old son, Maxwell.

Gerardo Rodriguez ’04 is an assistant professor of theology at Carroll College in Helena, Mont. He recently received a grant from the National Endowment of the Humanities to develop a course with a colleague from the English Department on Race and Identity: Literary and Theological Narratives. Tessa Murphy Cantonwine ’05 is a legal analyst assisting corporate counsel at Fidelity & Guaranty Life in Des Moines. She and her husband, Michael, reside in Urbandale. Jamie McLain Letzring ’05 is deputy city manager for the City of West Des Moines and has two children, Nile and McLain. Ben Obgulu ’05 was recently promoted to personal lines underwriting supervisor at The IMT Group in West Des Moines. Ben and his wife, Jennifer, reside in Urbandale with their children Allivia, Cruz, Hayden and Sloane. Nicole Anderson Groenendyk ’06 is a sales support specialist for Vermeer Corporation in Pella. Ashley Pitkin Klopfenstein ’06 is marketing coordinator for P&K Midwest, Inc. in Mt. Vernon. She and her husband, Vance Klopfenstein ’04, reside in Marion.

Collin Rice ’07, assistant professor at Lycoming College, has accepted a tenure track position in the Philosophy Department at Bryn Mawr College starting in the fall of 2016. He will be teaching a range of courses in Philosophy of Mind, Logic and Modern Philosophy. In addition, he was a Visiting Scholar at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy this summer. Erin Palmer Ruhland ’07 is health and safety consultant for UnitedHealth Group in Minnetonka, Minn. She and Nate Ruhland ’07 reside in Chaska, Minn., with their daughter, Elouise. Derrick Hatfield ’08 is senior commercial underwriter at Continental Western Group in Denver, Colo. Benay Hicks ’08 is director of development for Boys & Girls Club of Greater Durham in North Carolina, where she resides with her spouse, Leith Rankine. Lucas Iburg ’08 is an associate underwriter for Nationwide Insurance in West Des Moines.

Megan Downing Marker ’06 is a business support specialist at Voya Financial in Des Moines. Megan and her husband, Craig, reside in West Des Moines.

Mackenzie Webb Sheehan ’08 is marketing manager for the Des Moines Symphony & Academy. She completed her master’s degree in arts and cultural management at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota in 2014 and resides in Des Moines with her husband, Kris.

Sandeep Singh ’06 is a senior compliance consultant/assistant vice president for Wells Fargo. Sandeep completed his MBA at the University of Iowa in 2013.

Jodi Arthur Eubank ’09 is an administrative assistant at Simpson College and resides in Indianola with her spouse, Randy.

Kelsey Christianson Williams ’06 is editor for Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines. Eric Williams ’06 now works at AO Wealth Advisory in Urbandale. Kelsey and Eric reside in Waukee with their children, Rooney and Finch.

Carl Rowles ’09 is director of bands at Wayland Baptist University in Plainview, Texas. He earned his Master of Arts in curriculum and instructionmusic from Tennessee Technological University in 2013 and recently completed his Doctor of Music Arts in band conducting at the University of Iowa.

Carrie Christensen ’07 received her Master in Public Health (global health) from Boston University in 2013 and now works as an early access coordinator for Horizons, A Family Service Alliance in Cedar Rapids.


Amber Vrbsky Hamilton ’10 is an intake specialist at Orchard Places in Des Moines. She and Jacob Hamilton ’10 reside in Pleasant Hill with their two sons. Alex McManis ’10 is an engineer at Green Revolution Cooling in Austin, Texas, where he resides with his wife, Elisha Girken McManis ’08. Kelly Grow Napoli ’10 is marketing coordinator at Obermiller Nelson Engineering in Fargo, N.D. She and Ryan Napoli ’10 reside in Fargo. Ashley Claussen ’11 is a pathway navigator/resident hall supervisor at Indian Hills Community College in Ottumwa. Denise Mongar Doerhoff ’11 is an account manager for Lincoln Savings Bank in Ankeny, where she resides with her husband, Jason, and their children, Leland (6) and Declan (3). Alicia Votaw Duff ’11 is a special education teacher in the Indianola Community School District and resides in Norwalk with her spouse, Cory. Megan Culbertson Hoxhalli ’11 is congregational and community relations coordinator for The Night Ministry in Chicago. She completed her Master of Social Work in 2014 at the University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration and most recently, her Master of Divinity at Chicago Theological Seminary. She and her husband, Elsen Hoxhalli ’12, reside in Chicago. Michelle Lingscheit Thompson ’11 is an industrial hygienist II at Iowa State University following the completion of her doctorate in chemistry at Iowa State. She and her husband, Greg Thompson ’10, reside in Ames. Ian Zimmerman ’11 is product manager for Dwolla in Des Moines, where he and his wife, Caitlin, reside. Chad Borsheim ’12 is a financial advisor for Edward Jones in Huxley.

Jill Jessee Dinkla ’12 is a marketing data analyst at Mercer. She and her husband, Dylan Dinkla ’12, reside in West Des Moines. Jenna Gray ’12 is currently a graduate student at the University of Northern Iowa pursuing a master’s degree in social psychology. Following graduation from Simpson College, she was employed by Human Services at Sleep Number in Minneapolis. During the last two years, Jenna has had the opportunity to spend several weeks in her birth country of South Korea. Ashley Klocke ’12 completed her law degree at Drake University Law School in 2015. She is currently working at Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company as a claims specialist I in recovery. Ashley and her spouse, Andrew Thoren, reside in Des Moines. Emily Van Beek McClure ’12 is a rehab assistant at Select Medical in Saint Charles, Mo., where she resides with her spouse, Stephan. Emily and Stephan were married in 2014. Shawna Robinson ’12 is a customer service representative at GRM Networks in Princeton, Mo. Jordan Vorrie ’12 is a resident physician for Harnett Health System in Dunn, N.C., following the completion of his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine at Des Moines University. Shelby Dirks ’13 is a registered nurse at Tampa General Hospital. She completed her nursing degree at Creighton University in 2015. Evan Haack ’13 is a loan servicing specialist III at Wells Fargo. He and Ann Jennings Haack ’12 reside in Urbandale. Stephen Henrich ’13 is working on his Doctor of Medicine/Doctor of Philosophy at Northwestern University. Laura McIlravy Kruger ’13 is a preschool teacher at Stepping Stones Preschool in Norwalk. Laura and James Kruger ’11 reside in Indianola.


Kasey McCreary ’13 is a registered nurse at Unity Point Health Trinity and resides in Davenport. Devin Wood Stark ’13 is a substance abuse counselor for Community Health Centers of Southern Iowa and resides in Osceola with her husband, Patrick. Brooke Egeland ’14 is a research assistant at Creighton University. She recently completed her master’s degree in kinesiology and recreation at Illinois State University. Tasha Jackson ’14 is a property preservation specialist at MSI in West Des Moines, where she resides with her husband, Curt. Kaitlyn Mathiesen ’14 is a special investigation unit investigator for EMC Insurance in Des Moines. She and her husband, Ryan Kelly ’14, reside in West Des Moines. Emma McKirdy-Wilsey ’14 recently completed her master of music in piano performance at the University of South Dakota. Emma and her husband, Benjamin McKirdy-Wilsey, reside in Highmore, S.D. Kara Vanderhorst Northway ’14 is a commercial lines processor II for Nationwide Insurance in Des Moines. She and Grant Northway ’12 reside in Indianola. Ryan Rohlf ’14 is program and event administrator for the Iowa Newspaper Association in Des Moines. Wade Adams ’16 is working towards his Celta Certification to teach English as a first or second language. Jessica Albers ’16 is pursuing her masters in counseling/psychology at Colorado Christian University in Lakewood, Colo. Jacob Anctil ’16 is a physical damage appraiser for EMC Insurance in Des Moines.

Jordan Bahl ’16 is working on his master’s degree in leisure and recreational sport at the University of Iowa. Mark Ballard ’16 is attending law school at Drake University Law School and plans to specialize in patent law. Hunter Banes ’16 is a refugee services intern in Des Moines. Taylor Barry ’16 is pursuing a master’s degree in sociology at Iowa State University. Amy Bassett ’16 is a transition coordinator for WesleyLife in Des Moines. Sarah Beadle ’16 is pursuing her doctorate in human factors/psychology at Clemson University in South Carolina. Katelyn Behounek ’16 is interning with the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation and working towards her master’s degree in wildlife conservation/wildlife ecology at Iowa State University. Marissa Belau ’16 is working towards her master’s degree in applied psychology at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Paige Belieu ’16 is pursuing a master’s degree in criminal justice at Kaplan University in Urbandale. Mike Berger ’16 is a product analyst for Athene in West Des Moines. Blake Bergstrom ’16 is teaching special education in the Des Moines Public Schools. Callie Besaw ’16 is pursuing her Doctor of Pharmacy at Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Health Professions in Omaha. Taylor Besser ’16 is a business analyst at Genesis 10 in Minneapolis, Minn. MacKenzie Bills ’16 is an intern at the U.S. Embassy in Djibouti. In January, she will be participating in the Fulbright U.S. Student Program as an English teaching assistant in Malaysia.

John Bitsas ’16 is attending Boston Conservatory while pursuing a master’s degree in opera performance.

Stephanie Cox ’16 is working on her doctorate in occupational therapy at Creighton University.

Tabitha Blaser ’16 is a marketing and customer service specialist at Manufacturers Bank & Trust in Forest City.

Courtney Custard ’16 is an external auditor for Ernst & Young in Des Moines.

Brock Borgeson ’16 is studying professional communication – new media at William Paterson University in Wayne, N.J. Arden Brookman ’16 is a loss prevention officer at First Class Security in Waterloo and resides in Cedar Falls. Erin Brown ’16 is a high school math teacher in the Glenwood Consolidated School District. Austin Burlin ’16 is an athletic trainer/ physical therapy technician at Integrated Physical Therapy and Sports Rehabilitation in Des Moines.

Alex Cutchey ’16 is pursuing his law degree and MBA at Drake University. Rachel Danley ’16 is a management analyst III for the State of Iowa in Des Moines. Shaan Desai ’16 is attending dental school at the University of Iowa. Rebecca Diemer ’16 is an athletic coach and 5th/6th grade English and social studies teacher in the Clarinda Community School District. Dallas Downey ’16 is a financial planner for Waddell and Reed in West Des Moines.

Megan Callahan ’16 is assistant program director at Calvin Crest Camp and Conference Center in Fremont, Neb.

Marley Drake ’16 is pursuing a degree in nursing at Mercy College of Health Sciences in Des Moines.

Mackenzie Carson ’16 is working towards her master’s degree in nutrition at Iowa State University.

Sean Duvall ’16 is a staff auditor at Ernst & Young in Des Moines.

Matthew Christen ’16 is an actuarial analyst at Athene in West Des Moines.

Joshua Eaton ’16 is employed at Youth Homes of Mid-America in Johnston as a youth care worker.

Corbin Clark ’16 is GM/HBC purchasing assistant at Hy-Vee, Inc. in West Des Moines.

Katherine Edgar ’16 is working at The YMCA of Greater Des Moines in Clive as a lifeguard.

Dannette Clark ’16 is an account specialist for Casey’s General Stores, Inc. in Ankeny.

Caitlin Featherstone-Priester ’16 is an actor/educator at CLIMB Theatre in Minneapolis, Minn.

Zack Cole ’16 is a merchandiser for Kellogg’s in Des Moines.

Todd Fee ’16 is a dynamic targeting intelligence analyst for Cubic Corporation located at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

Annie Collins ’16 is attending Drake University in pursuit of her master's degree in counseling/psychology. Kate Court ’16 is the receptionist at Westside Veterinary Hospital in Pearland, Texas. Lindsay Cox ’16 is payroll and billing supervisor for Wright Tree Service in Des Moines.


Ulices Flores ’16 is a sales representative for Cell Only in Indianola. Julius Foster ’16 is working at EShipping in Parkville, Mo., as sales coordinator. Mary Galanis ’16 is a sales development representative for Glassdoor in Chicago, Ill.

Sarah Galbraith ’16 is an emergency department technician for Mercy Medical Center in West Des Moines. Rebecca Garcia ’16 is working as a victim specialist for the Iowa Attorney General – Crime Victim Assistance Division in Des Moines. Bree Gaster ’16 is employed by Athene in West Des Moines as an actuarial analyst. Josiah Gates ’16 is employed at Security Industry Specialists, Inc. (SIS) in Altoona as a security operation center (SOC) operator. Adrian Gibson ’16 is a software solutions associate consultant for SWC Technology Partners in Oak Brook, Ill. Manda Gibson ’16 is media services coordinator at Simpson College. Kaitlyn Gochenour ’16 is working on her law degree at Drake University Law School in Des Moines. Cheyanne Godwin ’16 is employed by the Iowa City Veterans Administration as a research assistant. Abigail Golder ’16 is working on her master’s degree in marine sciences at Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu. Jacy Gomez ’16 is deputy press secretary for Senator Chuck Grassley in Washington, D.C. Kaitlin Gonder ’16 is a protection specialist for Target in Des Moines. Jared Grove ’16 is working on his doctorate in mathematics at the University of Iowa. Rachel Guessford ’16 is studying occupational therapy at Drake University in Des Moines. Annie Gullickson ’16 is a data analyst for Mittera in Des Moines. Tori Haag ’16 is attending Drake University Law School in Des Moines.

Trevor Halder ’16 is working towards his master’s degree in music performance at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley. Erik Hall ’16 is pursuing his master’s in data analytics and statistics at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. Victoria Halloran ’16 is working for the City of Sioux Falls Public Works: Environmental Division as sustainability intern.

Sam Hornback ’16 is studying vocal performance at the University of Arizona in Tuscon. Jordan Hubka ’16 is a medical device representative for R&M Rehabilitation in Urbandale. Nicholas Huffman ’16 is studying legislative law with an international certification at Drake University Law School in Des Moines.

Chelsea Hamerlinck ’16 is working on her master’s degree in counseling education at Western Illinois University – Quad Cities Campus in Moline, Ill.

Tricia Ingram ’16 is working on her master’s degree in humanities – interdisciplinary social justice with a focus on women at Duke University in Durham, N.C.

Alyssa Hanson ’16 works in accounts payable at Westendorf Manufacturing in Onawa.

Austin Jacobs ’16 is scheduler and communications advisor for the Office of the Governor in Des Moines.

Andria Harper ’16 is a staff auditor for Ernst & Young in Des Moines.

Cody Jacobson ’16 is an actuary for EMC Insurance in Des Moines.

Carrie Harrington ’16 is employed as an accountant at Conlin Properties in Des Moines.

Marie James ’16 is a relationship banker for Bankers Trust Company in Des Moines.

Andrew Harris ’16 is an executive team leader for Target in Chicago, Ill.

Kyle Jensen ’16 is working on his doctorate in physics at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.

Kyle Hauswirth ’16 is pursuing a master’s degree in legislative affairs at George Washington Graduate School of Political Management in Washington, D.C. Justin Hayes ’16 is a research assistant at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H. Sarah Hayes ’16 is working on her doctorate in mathematics at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, Mich. Estefan Herrera ’16 is working towards his EMT certification at DMACC in Ankeny. Brittany Hogue ’16 is attending Boise State University in Boise, Idaho, in pursuit of a master’s degree in social work. Sara Hoppenworth ’16 is working on her master’s degree in school counseling at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake.


Laura Johnson ’16 is a milieu treatment counselor for Orchard Place in Des Moines. Drew Johnston ’16 is an audit associate for KPMG in Des Moines. Megan Jones ’16 is working on her doctorate in occupational therapy at Creighton University. Louis Joslyn ’16 is pursuing his doctorate in bioinformatics at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Ian Judson ’16 is an assistant auditor for the State of Iowa Auditors Office in Des Moines. Miles Kirts ’16 is an information systems–programmer I at FBL Financial Group, Inc., in West Des Moines. Thomas Klein ’16 is a mobile developer for Solstice Mobile in Chicago, Ill.

Sam Kline ’16 is an advisory associate for KPMG in Des Moines. Jacob Korbakes ’16 is a police officer in the Des Moines Police Department. Stephanie Kramer ’16 is employed as an accountant at Wells Fargo in Des Moines. Victoria Kramer ’16 is a swim instructor and lifeguard at the YMCA in Indianola. Celena Krause ’16 is pursuing her law degree with an emphasis on international law at Case Western Reserve University School of Law in Cleveland, Ohio. Zach Kusick ’16 is an auditor for PWC in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Taylor Lang ’16 is working on a master’s degree in oriental medicine at AOMA in Austin, Texas. Stephanie Lash ’16 is working on her master’s degree in justice, law and criminology with concentration in justice and public policy at American University. Rob Logsdon ’16 is attending Drake University Law School. Marisa MacVey ’16 is pursuing her nursing degree at Allen College in Waterloo. Eric Marean ’16 serves as sergeant in the U.S. Army. Valerie Marlow ’16 is employed by Des Moines Public Schools as a substitute teacher.

Eric McKee ’16 is employed by John Deere in Moline, Ill., in the Information Technology Early Development Program (IT EDP), a three-year rotational program for recent graduates pursuing information technology professional positions at John Deere. Jacob McLain ’16 is working on his master’s degree in Islam at Duke University in Durham, N.C. Jesse McMillin ’16 is a youth counselor for Sequel Youth Services in Clarinda. Bryant McWilliams ’16 is employed at Farm Bureau Financial Services in West Des Moines as a life product support analyst. Randa Meierhenry ’16 is working for the Sacramento Theatre Company as a theatre intern. Cayleen Mesecher ’16 is a project manager for Wells Fargo. She and her husband, Bob, reside in Ankeny.

Leif Olson ’16 is an executive team leader for Target in Des Moines. Anna Pierce ’16 is working at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., as a clinical laboratory technologist. Cody Pifer ’16 is an assistant auditor for the State of Iowa in Des Moines. Caleb Prevo ’16 is studying occupational therapy at Drake University in Des Moines. Shelby Randolph ’16 is working on her doctorate in physical therapy at Des Moines University. Kate Reed ’16 is assistant controller for Michael Foods in Lenox. Sara Reed ’16 is pursuing her doctorate in applied mathematics at the University of Iowa in Iowa City.

Natalie Meuler ’16 is the pro shop manager for Wakonda Club Tennis in Des Moines.

Ryan Reid ’16 is operations intern for the Iowa Cubs in Des Moines.

Alyssa Miller ’16 is payroll/billing data administrator for Wright Tree Service in West Des Moines.

Carly Rice ’16 is studying pre-medical and clinical laboratory science at Mercy College in Des Moines.

Larissa Mincks ’16 is an admissions counselor at Simpson College.

Peter Rietgraf ’16 is pursuing his doctorate in organic synthesis at the University of Nebraska Lincoln.

Nathan Molstead ’16 is a sales consultant for Mike Molstead Motors in Charles City. Molly Monk ’16 is a graduate research fellow for Simpson College/BASF.

Patricia McCaffrey ’16 is a business lending underwriter for Wells Fargo in Des Moines.

Madeline Muhlenbruck ’16 is a graduate public relations intern for Strategic America in West Des Moines.

Molly McCreary ’16 teaches special education in the South Tama County School District.

Dani Musselman ’16 is pursuing a Master of Divinity at Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth.

MacKenzie McGraw ’16 is attending the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy in Iowa City.

Lucas Nietzel ’16 is working on his master’s degree in healthcare administration at Des Moines University.

Taylor Nehring ’16 is a bank trainee at Peoples Bank in Indianola.


Brittany Robb ’16 is working on her master’s degree in mass communication at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Brett Roberts ’16 is a police officer with the Ottumwa Police Department. Ruth Roberts ’16 is a Greek affairs graduate assistant at Iowa State University, where she is working on her Master of Education in higher education – student affairs. Abby Rourke ’16 is an investigator I for EMC Insurance in Des Moines. Brenda Safranski ’16 is special assistant for veteran and military affairs in Des Moines for the U.S. Senate.

Louis Saucedo ’16 is pursuing his doctorate in chemistry at Florida State University in Tallahassee.

Josh Sutton ’16 is a junior business process engineer for Ferrilli in Haddonfield, N.J.

Cassandra Wruck ’16 is employed as a veterinary technician at Afford A Care Pet Hospital in Des Moines.

Bethany Schaefer ’16 is a library assistant at the Norwalk Easter Public Library in Norwalk.

Laura Swatz ’16 is pursuing her master’s degree in vocal pedagogy and vocal performance at Boston Conservatory.

Nick Yaeger ’16 is working towards his doctorate in biomathematics at Florida State University in Tallahassee.

Samantha Schmidt ’16 is a payroll specialist for Wright Tree Service in West Des Moines.

Lindsay Taylor ’16 is marketing coordinator at GuideOne Insurance in Des Moines.

Allyson Zarr ’16 is an insurance consultant at Nationwide Insurance in Des Moines.

Shannon Seals ’16 is working on her master’s degree in vocal performance at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.

Heather Terry ’16 is working on her master’s degree in law at Drake University in Des Moines.

Colin Zidlicky ’16 is 7th-12th grade band and vocal director for the Mount Ayr Community Schools District.

Natasha Shehade ’16 is pursuing a doctorate in midwifery at the University of Illinois in Chicago.

Mackenzie Thomas ’16 is employed by Nationwide Insurance in Des Moines as claims specialist.


Jalen Sickels ’16 is working on his master’s degree in teaching at Drake University in Des Moines.

Mitch Tomlonovic ’16 is a staff accountant at Konek PC in Prairie City.

Evan Sinclair ’16 is an insurance company analyst for the Iowa Insurance Division in Des Moines. Kayla Smith ’16 is teaching school-aged children at A Child’s World in West Des Moines. Laura Smith ’16 is a social work associate for the Iowa Department of Human Services in Polk County. Susan Smith ’16 is working on her master’s degree in leadership development at Drake University in Des Moines. Maureen Snook ’16 is pursuing her master’s degree in educational leadership at Creighton University in Omaha. Angela Staudt ’16 is a benefits representative for American Income Life in Urbandale. Matthew Stewart ’16 is working on his master’s degree in kinesiology at Iowa State University in Ames. Jessica Sundberg ’16 is pursuing a family law degree and master’s degree in conflict resolution and mediation at Creighton Law School in Omaha.

Demetre Van Arsdale ’16 is a data analyst for EGS in Waterloo. Shane Venteicher ’16 is working on his master’s degree in exercise physiology at Minnesota State University in Mankato. Brad Vogel ’16 is a technical recruiter for TEKsystems in West Des Moines. Courtney Wagner ’16 is a physical therapy technician at SE Iowa Physical Therapy in Ottumwa. Ella Ward ’16 is a long-term K-12 vocal music substitute for the Postville Community School District. Erin Webb ’16 is teaching English in Japan for AEON Corporation. Erin Wendover ’16 is working on her master’s degree in music therapy at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. Tricia Ingram Williams ’16 is pursuing her Master of Humanities at Duke University. She and her husband, Brian Williams ’15, reside in Durham, N.C. Abram Wolfe ’16 is a field technician for Integrity Test and Balance in Madrid. Megan Wood ’16 is pursuing a master’s degree in costume design at Illinois State University in Normal.


Kaylene Pohren ’93 and Jeff Six, Dec. 19, 2015, Fairfield.

Jacqueline Brittain ’03 and John Holden, May 9, 2015, Elgin, Ill. Megan Downing ’06 and Craig Marker, April 16, 2016, West Des Moines.

Jodie Duncan ’06 and Michael Brack, Sept. 5, 2015, New Liberty.

Stacey Magneson ’08 and Zach Harmon, Dec. 11, 2015, Mesa, Ariz.

James Kruger ’11 and Laura McIlravy ’13, April 23, 2016, Martensdale.

Alicia Votaw ’11 and Cory Duff, June 13, 2015, Norwalk. Robin Whitford ’11 and Paul Dunworth, Jan. 07, 2016, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, Ireland. Robin and Paul met while she was studying in London for a semester in 2009.

Wyatt James Darrington, May 20, 2015, to Cory Darrington ’05 and Abby Janssen Darrington ’06, Des Moines, joined brother Avett.

Peyton Grace Edel, May 24, 2016, to Logan Edel ’09 and Katherine Edel, Ankeny.

Dylan Dinkla ’12 and Jill Jessee ’12, May 28, 2016, Guthrie Center. Ann Jennings ’12 and Evan Haack ’13, June 25, 2016, Davenport.

Jeremy Reinert ’13 and Amy Wickett, Aug. 1, 2015, Smith Chapel, Simpson College.

Births/Adoptions August Martin Grandgeorge, June 26, 2015, to Jenni Dunaway Grandgeorge ’97 and Peter Grandgeorge, Bondurant, joined big sister Ellen (2). Micah Alexander Gutzmer, Sept. 15, 2014, to Jason Gutzmer ’97 and Jennifer Smith Gutzmer ’98, Sidney, welcomed by older siblings Evan, Will, Hannah and Abigail. Kailey Olivia Strehlow, July 16, 2015, to Holly Erschens Strehlow ’02 and Jeremiah Strehlow, North Liberty.

Eli Eugene Hildreth, Dec. 3, 2015, to Ryan Hildreth ’05 and Sandra Hildreth, Rockwell City, joined sisters Kate and Quinn. Twins Hayden Claire and Sloane Camyrn Ogbulu, March 28, 2016, to Ben Ogbulu ’05 and Jennifer Ogbulu, Urbandale, joined big sister Allivia (14) and big brother Cruz (5). Finch Christianson Williams, June 5, 2015, to Kelsey Christianson Williams ’06 and Eric Williams ’06, Waukee. Elouise Helen Ruhland, Feb. 23, 2016, to Nathan Ruhland ’07 and Erin Palmer Ruhland ’07, Chaska, Minn. Seth Painter, June 9, 2015, to Jessica Leete Painter ’08 and Bradley Painter, Abilene, Kan.

Deaths Vernon Tompkins ’36, July 3, 2014, Waverly, Ohio. Elizabeth Mitchell Kuntz ’41, April 18, 2016, Indianapolis, Ind. Phillip Page ’41, April 24, 2016, Downers Grove, Ill. Dessamore Dickey Hillman ’43, July 29, 2016, Leawood, Kan. Starr Leitch ’43, April 18, 2016, Clive. Thelma Davidson Westerly ’43, June 30, 2016, Liberty Center. Ruby Mains Kading ’45, Nov. 29, 2015, Harrison, Ark.

Avery Holden, Aug. 13, 2015, to Jacqueline Brittain Holden ’03 and John Holden, Elgin, Ill. Donovan “Van” Michael Brant, Nov. 15, 2013, and Oliver Robert Brant, Aug. 11, 2015, to Scott Brant ’04 and Erika Brant, Liberty, Mo.

Kaleb Dean Hamilton, Aug. 26, 2015, to Jacob Hamilton ’10 and Amber Vrbsky Hamilton ’10, Pleasant Hill.

Kathleen Ford Cook ’46, June 30, 2016, Corning. Virginia Groomes Toenes ’46, March 11, 2016, Westfield, N.J. Nolan Paul Christensen, July 23, 2015, to Garrett Christensen ’09 and Kelsie Host Christensen ’10, Bondurant.


Josie Ackelson Cramer ’48, June 14, 2016, Wheaton, Ill. Doris Oliver Young ’48, July 11, 2016, Indianola.

Daryl Mayberry ’49, Feb. 9, 2016, Columbia, Mo.

Robert Norris ’61, March 28, 2016, Shenandoah.

Janett Stout Deahl ’50, Feb. 8, 2015, Winterset.

David Debenham ’63, June 19, 2016, Sturgeon Bay, Wis.

Rev. Ray Fortune ’51, April 6, 2016, Macomb, Ill.

Robert Scott ’63, April 15, 2016, Clive.

James Weatherstone ’51, July 3, 2016, Williamsburg, Va. Donna Olmsted Crawford ’53, Jan. 30, 2016, Sidney. John Hansell ’53, June 13, 2016, Des Moines. James Luksetich ’53, April 5, 2016, West Des Moines. Donald Rasmussen ’53, June 27, 2016, Urbandale. George Clark ’54, Oct. 22, 2015, Lee’s Summit, Mo. Kermit Cook ’54, June 21, 2016, Naples, Fla. Denny Pace ’54, April 17, 2016, Garden Grove, Calif. Donald Klisares ’55, June 12, 2016, Peoria, Ill.

Thomas Cormack ’65, April 2, 2016, Alberta, Canada. Dennis Takahashi ’65, May 15, 2016, Fresno, Calif. Pamela Routh Mithelman ’67, March 5, 2016, Johnston. Robert Downing ’68, Sept. 18, 2014, Green Valley, Ariz. Barbara Furrer Johnstone ’68, April 24, 2016, Columbia, S.C. Jay Carstensen ’74, May 26, 2016, Peoria, Ariz. Geoffrey Shultz ’74, March 3, 2015, Dallas. Susan “Sagan” Lewis ’75, Aug. 7, 2016, New York, N.Y. Edward Robinson ’76, June 20, 2016, Neola.

Rodney Krause ’56, April 1, 2016, Slater.

Mark Lyons ’86, March 31, 2016, West Des Moines.

Dr. Alan Miyamoto ’58, Feb. 21, 2016, Kahului, Hawaii.

Robert Nereim ’99, Feb. 23, 2016, Des Moines.

Mary Leonard Ellingson ’61, Jan. 15, 2016, Indianapolis, Ind.

William Davis ’03, June 25, 2016, Boulder, Colo.

In Memoriam Services were held in Muscatine on June 2, 2016, for long-time Simpson friend Irene Kent. She was 90 years old. Mrs. Kent was the wife of Jim Kent, who served on the Simpson Board of Trustees for nearly four decades. She is also the mother of current Board member Gage Kent, who has served on the board since 1993. She and the Kent Family have been active in supporting Simpson over many years, hosting alumni events, supporting numerous building projects, from Carver Science Hall Renovations, to the CowlesHopper Project, to their most generous gift of $4 million in support of The Kent Campus Center. Mrs. Kent, along with her husband Jim, were also instrumental in establishing The Kent Scholars, through the creation of an endowed scholarship fund, which has provided scholarships to more than 100 Simpson students since it was established in the early 1980s. The college is deeply appreciative of the generosity of the Kent Family which totals more than $6.5 million. Born in Rose Hill, Iowa, Mrs. Kent earned degrees from both William Woods College in Fulton, Mo., and The University of Tulsa. She met Jim in 1948 when she came to Muscatine to be the women’s basketball coach at the local YWCA. They were married until his death in 2012. n


MOVE-IN DAY! One of the great Simpson traditions is Move-In Day, when campus volunteers gather to help move first-year students into their rooms. This year’s event was held on Aug. 27. It was an enormous success— and it matters. “I knew we were going to get help moving my daughter in but was overwhelmed with ALL the help to get her unloaded and in her room at Kresge in under five minutes,” wrote CarolAnn Eppens on Facebook. “What a friendly welcome to incoming freshman and their parents!”

"…I have thought a lot about our time 'Beneath the Whispering Maples,' and rejoiced in the opportunities that our Simpson educations made possible for all of us. So God bless the class of 2020. Before they know it they too will be 75 as I am. They will also be grateful they came to Simpson." - CHUCK BOHI C L A S S O F 19 6 3 38 SIMPSON COLLEGE




Calendar events are subject to change. For complete details and updates, view the full calendar online at http://events.simpson.edu/calendar/.


Farnham Gallery Reception: Aideen Monaghan (artwork on display through 10/27) 3-21 Willis Gallery: Iowa and the Midwest: An Exhibition of Antique Maps 5 McBride Lecture: Journalist Alexander Heffner, “Media, Millennials and the Future of Civil Discourse “ 6 Matthew Simpson Lecture in Religion: Dr. David Gushee, “Election 2016: What in God’s Name is Going On?” 7 Alumni Recognition Reception Red and Gold Celebration 7-9 Fall Opera Double Bill: Venus and Adonis by John Blow and Dido and Aeneas by Henry Purcell 8 Homecoming and Family Weekend Fall Visit day – Homecoming Edition Dr. Fred Jones ’66 Retirement Reception 11 Simpson College Fall Honor Choir Concert 12 Lawrence Wilkerson, “Climate Change and National Security” 13 Presidents’ Society Dinner 18 Simpson College Symphonic Winds & Jazz Ensemble in Concert 20-21 Fall Break

Willis Gallery: Simpson Faculty Art Show (artwork on display through 1/27) 27-29 Theatre Simpson: These Shining Lives by Melanie Marnich 30 Simpson College Choir & Women’s Chorale in Concert





2 6

Veterans Day Ceremony Simpson College Chamber Singers in Concert 7 Farnham Gallery Reception: Madai Taylor (artwork on display through 12/8) 10 Simpson College Jazz Ensemble in Concert 18 November Fall Visit Day 18-20 Theatre Simpson: The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare 21 Simpson College Instrumental Chamber Music Ensembles in Concert

DECEMBER 2-3 6 8 10 11 17

Madrigal Christmas Dinner Handel’s Messiah Sing-Along Simpson College Symphonic Band in Concert Simpson College & Community Orchestra in Concert Lessons and Carols (two services) December Commencement


10 10 14

Classes Begin Farnham Gallery Artwork Display: Thomas Jackson (through 2/9) Workshops in Music Education

3-24 9

High School Art Competition Farnham Galleries Reception: Thomas Jackson 10-12 Spring Opera: Hansel and Gretel by Engelbert Humperdinck 20 Farnham Gallery Artwork Display: Michael Adams (through 3/23) 24 Simpson College Nostalgia Dance


4-12 Spring Break 17-18 Theatre Simpson: Playhouse Creatures by April De Angelis 19 Simpson College Chamber Singers in Concert 23 Farnham Gallery Reception: Michael Adams

701 North C Street Indianola, Iowa 50125 800.610.6369 l simpson.edu

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VIRTUAL REALITY While we all know how great the REAL Simpson Experience is, for those who can’t be here, we have the next best thing. Experience Simpson College through virtual reality! Viewers find themselves in the middle of a 360-degree experience that places them in the Carver Science Center, on stage at Pote Theatre, in the fitness center weight room, getting a tour of campus and standing next to a pole vaulter as he clears the bar. A demonstration of virtual reality will be available during Homecoming, or you can download the app to your phone by searching “Simpson College VR” in your app store. Then get your hands on a viewer and experience Simpson in a whole new way! ■

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