2016 Spring Magazine

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On A




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A Vibrant Simpson Experience GREETINGS FROM ALL OF US AT SIMPSON. THE LAST SEVERAL MONTHS HAVE WITNESSED SOME EXCITING DEVELOPMENTS AT THE COLLEGE, MANY OF WHICH YOU WILL SEE REPORTED IN THE FOLLOWING PAGES. Of course, we have to ensure that prospective students know about remarkable opportunities like Speech and Debate, the Culver Center and so many others that make Simpson an unparalleled college choice. For that reason, we have added more positions in the Admissions Office. This spring, we have new counselors specifically For example, one of the College’s most exciting new focusing their efforts on out-of-state recruiting, initiatives comes in the form of Simpson’s Speech and particularly in Texas, Arizona and Colorado; transfer Debate program. This program, which is only a few students from around the state for entry into both our years old, has grown from an idea to a flourishing team traditional and our Continuing & Graduate Programs; that is among the best in the nation. Speech and Debate veterans of our armed forces; and the rapidly growing at Simpson moves from strength to strength, winning Hispanic and Latino communities across the region. tournaments around the country. Under the leadership of Spencer Waugh, our students compete in a variety of We are enthusiastic about the students these programs are serving and the new students they will bring to categories and win or place in virtually every attempt. The program is one of the highest ranked in the United Simpson. Through these efforts and the other programs States and is attracting students from across the nation. you will see in this edition of The Simpson Magazine, all of us are working to ensure that the Simpson Experience Many of you have seen news of the John C. Culver remains vibrant and vital for generations to come. Public Policy Center at Simpson College. Thanks to Sincerely, the leadership of Executive Director Seth Andersen and the deployment of additional resources for the Culver Center, we are raising Simpson’s profile as a unique place for students to study politics and public policy. A number of students have chosen to attend J AY K . S I M M O N S Simpson specifically because of their interest in the Culver Center. As the last few months of the political season have demonstrated, where better than Iowa and Simpson College for a program like the Culver Center? Today, many challenges face private higher education, particularly here in the Midwest. In this issue of The Simpson Magazine you will find descriptions of the innovative and creative ways the Simpson community is responding to those challenges.





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4 A SIMPSON SUCCESS 6 THIS IS SIMPSON 8 FACULTY PURSUITS Maeve Callan Faculty Accomplishments 11 CONTINUING & GRADUATE PROGRAMS 12 AROUND CAMPUS 14 COVER STORY Speech & Debate at Simpson 18 POLITICS AT SIMPSON 20 ATHLETICS 25 EXTRA! Teacher of the Year Homecoming World Languages and Cultural Studies Conference Carver Medal Recap 28 TOURING THE YEARS


35 CALENDAR OF EVENTS On the cover: Time to enlarge the trophy case! Simpson’s Speech and Debate team has quickly established itself as one of the nation’s best. See story Page 14.

The Simpson Magazine is published by the Office of Marketing and Public Relations. Send correspondence to themagazine@simpson.edu.

THE MAGAZINE Jay K. Simmons Simpson College President Produced by the Office of Marketing and Public Relations Jill Ramthun Johnson ’85 Vice President for Marketing and Public Relations Leslie Byars Diehl ’03 Art Director

Ken Fuson Marketing Writer/Media Strategist

Touring the Years Editor Sara Thompson

Danny Fast Digital Content Specialist

Contributing Writers Ken Fuson Bryan Geelan ’07 Jill Ramthun Johnson ’85

Bryan Geelan ’07 Athletics Communication Director Oscar Preis Web Development Specialist Mary Fortune Administrative Assistant

Photography Luke Behaunek Danny Fast Alex Kirkpatrick ’18


Office of Alumni Relations Andy English ’05 Director 515-961-1547 Office of College Advancement Bob Lane ’81 Vice President 515-961-1549




Partnering For Success WHEN JOHN SIRIANNI, SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO SIMPSON’S PRESIDENT, BEGAN SEARCHING FOR PARTNERS FOR THE COLLEGE’S NEW HEALTH SERVICES LEADERSHIP PROGRAM, HE STARTED AT LCS IN DES MOINES. “It was a natural,” he said, referring to the LCSSimpson connection. After all, the company, a leading provider of high-quality senior lifestyle products and services, was established in 1971 by Fred W. Weitz, an honorary life trustee on Simpson’s Board of Trustees. Joel Nelson ’86, president and chief operating officer of LCS, was a member of the new program’s advisory board, and he was a Simpson grad (his wife, Lisa Steffensmeier Nelson, graduated FRED W. WEITZ from Simpson in 1987.) Other Simpson almuni at LCS include Rick Exline ’78, an executive vice president; and Jill Sorenson ’86, senior vice president; and a host of other LCS employees. “There is definitely Simpson school spirit at LCS,” Sorenson said. Ed Kenny, LCS’s chairman and CEO, is not a Simpson graduate (he’s an alumni of Providence College), but he has witnessed the Simpson impact.

“We couldn’t have done it without them,” Sirianni said. “I’ve said that to them on several occasions. It spoke volumes when Ed took the lead and made the first pledge.” The relationship provides a perfect example of how Simpson produces leaders in a field who, in turn, give back to the College and its students. The HSL program was designed to put Simpson on the leading edge of the rapidly expanding health services industry. “LCS is proud to be the lead sponsor for the Senior Living track of the HSL program,” Nelson said. “To think that we can expand our Simpson alumni to assist LCS with executing our growth strategy is exciting.” Said Exline: “I had always thought that the time would come when I could support Simpson in a meaningful way. Helping sponsor the Health Services Leadership program was the right time, as it is consistent with the vision of LCS to find ways to attract top talent to Senior Housing and Health Care.” Simpson alumni occupy positions in departments throughout the company. When introducing new employees, Nelson asks them which of the three teams they root for: Iowa, Iowa State or Simpson.

“My parents always taught my brother and sisters the value of a good education and surrounding ourselves with individuals of high character,” he said. “Being around so many Simpson graduates and a prominent Simpson Board member (Fred Weitz) has inspired me both personally and professionally. They have all set good examples and taught me a great deal.”

“Everyone hoots and hollers if someone says Simpson,” said Calista Vasey Sievers ’06, a senior finance manager.

Kenny, Nelson and Exline contributed significant personal gifts to get the Health Services Leadership (HSL) program started, and the LCS company pledged its support as well, such as helping to design courses and hiring interns.

“I think the diversity of skill sets you learn in a liberal arts situation definitely is helpful at the corporate level.”

Kenny notes the LCS and Simpson cultures are similar, something that Paul Salais Jr. ’12, a senior graphic designer, also has noticed:

To learn more about the Simpson-LCS connection, go to www.simpson.edu/lcs. n


Part of Team Simpson at LCS: Courtney LaRue Maxwell ‘05, treasury coordinator; Crystal Hill Dillinger ‘02, business intelligence manager; Sara Crouse ‘10, performance management coordinator; Paul Salais Jr. ‘12, senior graphic designer; and Calista Vasey Sievers ‘06, senior finance manager.

ED KENNY “LCS and Simpson College have a lot in common as it relates to people.”

JOEL NELSON ’86 “There is real value to the liberal arts education that Simpson provides.”

RICK EXLINE ’78 “The Simpson Experience prepares graduates to make a difference and they have made a big difference at LCS.”


JILL SORENSON ’86 “I am absolutely proud of LCS’s role in the HSL program.”

B Y A L E X K I R K PAT R I C K ’ 18





WHEW! THIS WAS A CLOSE ONE. MARA RHODES ’19 COULD HAVE BEEN PLAYING SOCCER AND ATTENDING CLASSES AT A CERTAIN SCHOOL TO THE EAST. (HINT: IT’S IN PELLA). Thank goodness her parents, Mark ’94 and Lynn Penningroth Rhodes ’92, insisted that she schedule one more visit, this one to their alma mater. Mara, who is from Nevada, Iowa, had all but decided to attend Central College. She wanted to chart a different path than her parents. Just visit Simpson, they told her. How could one more college visit hurt? Call it a gentle nudge. The College did the rest. “I actually ended up loving the campus,” Mara said. “It was so pretty, and all the people here were really friendly. After I came here, I just knew this is where I wanted to be, and I didn’t want to go to Central anymore. It was easy.”

still evident today. He played football at Simpson, and he looked forward to his daughter also having the opportunity to participate in Division III sports. Both Mark and Lynn work at The Principal Financial Group, located just 15 miles north of campus. “All the opportunities are at the doorstep,” he said. “I think Simpson is well-respected in the business community.”

“We didn’t try and force her to come here. We wanted her to go somewhere she loved.”

Mara, who is pursuing a career in elementary education, says she has already been in collaborative workspaces, observing classrooms and applying real-world skills, during her first year. “They want to teach you things you’re actually going to need to know,” she said. “They don’t just teach you the material and say, ‘Well, good luck.’ I feel like when I graduate from here, I will be ready to get a job and know how to do the job well.”

As she nears the end of her -Lynn Penningroth first year on campus, Mara Rhodes ’92 says Simpson offers everything a student-athlete could ask for in a small, private college: comfortable classes, caring professors, diverse students and the opportunity She is active as a member of the women’s soccer to play Division III sports. team, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Best Buddies. “We didn’t try and force her to come here,” Lynn said. “We wanted her to go somewhere she Last fall, Mara received the 2015 Alumni loved.” Association Board of Directors Legacy Scholarship, an award that recognizes an “After our visit, we got into the car, and her incoming legacy student with a $1,000 statement was, ‘I hate to say this, but I really like scholarship donated by the Simpson College it here,’” said. Alumni Association Board of Directors. Parents know best. As fate would have it, Mara lives in Barker Hall, the same building her father lived in when he was a student, while her mother lived in Kresge Hall. Though the Kent Campus Center didn’t exist when he was a student, Mark said the professors’ passion and commitment to higher education are 7 SIMPSON.EDU/MAGAZINE

Which is great, of course, and illustrates another reason why the children of Simpson graduates might want to consider a visit to the Indianola campus before choosing a college. But for Lynn, there’s more to it than that. “Knowing that she’s in a good place, it takes the weight as a parent off,” she said. n



Making sense of what people do B Y M I C H E L L E H A R T M A N N ’ 16

COLLEGE STUDENTS OFTEN SWITCH AREAS OF INTEREST BEFORE DECIDING ON A MAJOR, BUT NOT MAEVE CALLAN. SHE KNEW SHE WANTED TO BE A RELIGION PROFESSOR WHEN SHE WAS 15. The decision came after studying the Holocaust in a high school class. Callan struggled to balance the horror of that event with what she had been taught in church. The more she read and pondered the nature of evil, the more she realized the answers were more complicated than she thought. “It began as an attempt to try to make sense of how humans can do such horrible things to each other,” Callan said. “But I just fell in love with the explanations. I didn’t find an adequate one, but I loved considering how people have explored the deepest questions.” Through her academic journey, Callan continued searching for answers. However, her area of speciality changed and she became a medievalist. This led to the recent publication of her first book, The Templars, the Witch and the Wild Irish: Vengeance and Heresy in Medieval Ireland, an exploration into the heresy trials in 14th Century Ireland. Among other topics, the book examines the role those trials played in the colonization of Ireland by England and how that affected witchcraft prosecution. Callan currently is on a sabbatical, studying the issues of gender, ethnicity and religion in Ireland. Specifically, she is looking at Irish religious women and original writings that mention them. Throughout the spring and summer, she is going to be presenting various papers that will eventually result in another book. She is busy with another project as well. This summer, Simpson will be hosting a summer camp for middleschool students. The camp will allow students to experience a taste of a liberal arts education. Callan will teach a course about Harry Potter and how the popular series of books about a fictional magician applies to ethical situations in the real world. 8 SIMPSON COLLEGE

Associate Professor of Religion

Education: B.A., Pomona College, 1992 M. Phil., Trinity College, 1994 Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2002

MAEVE CALLAN “The opportunity for kids this age to engage with Harry Potter in a more structured way, where people are talking seriously about it and not just like it’s a fairy tale, is important,” she said. “It has so much relevance for so many different facets of life that I think their enthusiasm will enable them to interact with [the books] so much more.”

SIX FACTS ABOUT MAEVE: Favorite class to teach: World Religions. Favorite place in Ireland: Slieve na Calliagh, which is an Irish passage tomb similar to Newgrange, but less visited by tourists and still in its original state. Favorite movie: Dr. Strangelove. Would you rather win the lottery or have the perfect job? I already have my perfect job. Historic figure you’d like to have dinner with: Marguerite Porete, a heretic who was burned at the stake. She was brilliant and misunderstood. I would want to see if I could get her to talk and listen to all she has to say. Traditional Irish fare that everyone should try: Guinness, a stout beer, because it doesn’t travel well but it tastes wonderful in Ireland. ■



Nick Proctor, professor of history, served on the panel of “The Radical Power of Play in the Humanities” at Cabrini College, Radnor, Pa. He also facilitated “Greenwich Village, 1913,” a two-day workshop for faculty and graduate students at the University of Illinois, ChampaignUrbana. John Pauley, professor of philosophy, had his paper, “Categorical Emotions and Diminished Agency,” accepted for presentation at the International Journal of Arts and Sciences Conference for Social Science and Humanities to be held at Harvard University in May, 2016. Additionally, Pauley’s essay, “Art as Revelation,” will be published in the School of Visual Arts Annual Proceedings of Conference Papers. He will read this essay at the annual conference on Art and the Humanities at the School of Visual Arts in the fall. Bernard McDonald, assistant professor of music and Larsen Chair in Opera, was guest conductor for the Central Iowa Symphony’s December concert. Among the program highlights were excerpts from Handel’s Messiah, featuring a selection of Simpson music students, and RimskyKorsakov’s Christmas Eve suite. Jan Everhart, associate professor of religion, contributed an essay entitled, “Reading Biblical Texts with an Ecological Lens,” to Teaching the Bible in the Liberal Arts Classroom, volume 2, 2015, edited by Jane S. Webster and Glenn S. Holland. The collection of essays seeks to promote the role of Biblical studies in an undergraduate liberal arts education and suggest strategies and approaches for teaching the Bible in a range of academic situations. Camille Sutton, assistant professor of world languages and cultures, had her article, “Creation in Distraction: Felisberto Hernández’s Explicación falsa de mis cuentos,” published in the Cincinnati Romance Review, a peerreviewed journal published by the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the University of Cincinnati. The article is a literary and cultural criticism article in the discipline of Hispanic Studies. Jointly with Sharon Wilkinson, professor of French, Sutton presented “Cyprien—un coup d’humour pour vos cours de français” at the Conference of the Iowa World Language Association. She also presented “Finding ‘The Missing P’ By Putting Perspectives First” at the same conference. Heather Groben, assistant professor of psychology, had her research featured in an article published by the American

Psychological Association (APA). The APA quoted a passage she had written on psychological changes accompanying the transition to parenthood. Groben and her colleagues’ research on the transition to parenthood has been cited in dozens of scientific journal articles and was included in a recently published book on work-family life, Balancing the Big Stuff. Additionally, Groben completed the Des Moines Downtown Chamber’s Leadership, Education and Advancement Pipeline series, a 10-month women’s leadership development program. Peter Taggart, instructor of history, presented a paper, “On Rereading Emerson’s Nature,” to the Iowa College of the Societas Rosicruciana In Civitatibus Foederatis. He also presented a lecture, “American Righteousness: Slavery, Racism, and The Civil War,” to the Des Moines Civil War Roundtable. David Richmond, professor of art, has published his book, Prairie Jewels, a photo-book of all of the courthouses in Iowa. The book is available at the Simpson Bookstore.

Prairie Jewels Iowa’s Courthouses Photographs by David Richmond Text by Michael Adams

Marty Feeney, adjunct professor of multimedia communication, was recognized by David Chivers, president and publisher of the Des Moines Register, as a Twitter Community Leader, “top engaged community member.” Dave Camwell, associate professor of music–saxophone/jazz studies, performed recitals, concertos and master classes at the Universities of Mississippi, Houston, Incarnate Word (Texas), Sam Houston, and Stephen F. Austin. He also judged and operated clinics at jazz festivals in Cherokee, South East Polk, LeMars, University of Northern Iowa, Hoover and Northern Illinois University. Camwell won the faculty Distinguished Research Award in 2015 for the second time. Sal Meyers, professor of psychology, was a presenter at the 17th annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology held in San Diego. Together with Brian Smith of Graceland University, Meyers presented “Self-regulation and implicit theories of writing ability and willpower: The importance of the amount of revision needed.” Meyers also presented with student Marissa Belau, “Gender norm conformity and endorsement of the hookup culture.” continued >>>>


Bill Friedricks, professor of history and director of the Iowa History Center, published Constructing a Legacy, The Weitz Family Company and the Family Who Built It. The book tells the story of how the Weitz Company, which was founded in Des Moines before the Civil War, grew to become one of the nation’s largest contracting firms. Fredericks was elected to the State Historical Society of Iowa’s Board of Trustees and received an Iowa Author Award from the Des Moines Library Foundation. Mimi Kammer, assistant professor of theatre, presented her paper, “La ‘Jarana’ de Coca-Cola: Performance and the High Stakes of Tourism in the Mexican Yucatan,” at the 2015 American Society for Theatre Research conference in Portland, Ore. Her article, “Reflections on the 2012 Institute on Roman Comedy and Performance: Revising the Procedures of the National Endowment for the Humanities through Theatre Production as Research and Pedagogy,” was published in the 2015 edition of the journal Theatre/Practice. Steve Rose, professor of education, was a presenter at the first annual Iowa History Camp, held at the Iowa History Museum. The topic: “The Not So Secret History of Teacher Preparation in Iowa.” He was also a featured poet at the Art on the Prairie Weekend event held in Perry, Iowa. This nonprofit art festival is a collaboration of creativity that layers art, music and words from a foundation of small town community spirit and ingenuity. Jackie Crawford, professor of education, was re-elected to a second term on the Executive Board of the national Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges of Teacher Education (AILACTE). She was also appointed to the Executive Committee of Early Childhood Iowa’s (ECI) Professional Development Branch, whose vision is that “every child, beginning at birth, will be healthy and successful.” Crawford serves on the Iowa Department of Education’s (IDOE) statewide consortium on Competency Based Education, a collaborative effort that involves the IDOE, ten school districts, area education agencies and five institutions of higher education. Timothy A. McMillin ’97, associate professor of music, served as host and guest conductor for the Pride of Iowa

Conference Honor Choir held at Simpson. He was also the invited guest conductor for the South-Central Iowa Choral Directors Association Honor Choir in Pella, Iowa. In both cases, the Simpson College Chamber Singers were invited guest performers. Allison Wolf, associate professor of philosophy, presented her essay, “A Hookup Of One’s Own: Female Sexuality and Derivatization in Guyland,” at the annual meeting of the Association of Practical and Professional Ethics in Reston, Va. Matthew Lau, assistant professor of music, presented at the Association of Interdisciplinary Studies Convention in Boston. His topic addressed diversity, acceptance and mental health through the study of art, poetry and classical vocal literature. Lau also worked with his students on a new production of Verdi’s La Traviata with Cedar Rapids Opera, and he will appear as Baron Zeta in the Pensacola Opera’s performance of The Merry Widow. Marilyn Mueller, professor of management, used her sabbatical to prepare for the new certification examination sponsored by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), which she passed and is now a Senior Certified Professional. Mueller is also working on entrepreneurial ventures for students on campus. Several one-credit opportunities include “Real Entrepreneurs Are Creating History” (REACH) and Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization (CEO). Students gain skills necessary to start businesses for themselves or assist already established for-profit or non-profit organizations. Bob Kling, instructor of art, had two paintings selected for the Greater Des Moines Exhibited 22 at the Polk County Heritage Gallery. Rosa Marma at Isla Mujeres, a 24” x 30” acrylic on canvas, received one of four Merit Awards. Shane Cox, assistant professor of accounting, accompanied eight students to the Iowa Society of CPAs Career Awareness Conference (CAC). The CAC is held every other year, offering sessions for students to learn about the profession and providing them with an opportunity to network with employers and students from other colleges.








S t a y i n g c o n n ecte d to the C onti nui ng and G raduate P rog ram

WHEN YOU GRADUATE FROM A RESIDENTIAL, UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM, THE CONNECTION YOU HAVE TO YOUR INSTITUTION IS SOMETHING THAT INHERENTLY STAYS WITH YOU AS ALUMNI. Everything from class reunions, to homecoming and even all the T-shirts and “swag” SUSANNE you collected during your GE R L AC H ’07 stay keeps you connected after graduation. Susanne Gerlach, a 2007 graduate of Simpson’s Continuing and Graduate Program, has been instrumental in creating that same sort of alumni culture among adult graduates of the C&G Program. She has been chair of the C&G Alumni Board since it was formed just over one year ago. “The [Continuing and Graduate] experience is so different from traditional daytime students,” Gerlach said. “We don’t live on the campus and have those midnight study sessions. But we have a different set of memories that are just as special and just as powerful.”

The picnic will now be an annual event and serve as the group’s “homecoming.” It will be held annually on the first Saturday in August and will rotate between West Des Moines and Ankeny. Another idea emerged as a by-product of the picnic planning. “I told everyone to wear a Simpson T-shirt to the picnic and many of them said they didn’t have anything with Simpson on it. So we talked to the Simpson bookstore and now they occasionally set up pop-up stores at Ankeny and West Des Moines campuses so our adult learners can get some Simpson gear.”

“We want to encourage people to get involved. We can always use new board members, new ideas for alumni events.” -Susanne Gerlach ’07

She sees the mission of the C&G Alumni Board as finding ways to keep that connection going after everybody graduates and returns to their careers. During the first year, there has been much discussion around ideas that could bring this alumni group together and foster lasting relationships with Simpson and with each other. The group decided to try an alumni picnic. “Our first alumni picnic was successful and a lot of fun for everyone,” Gerlach said. “It was a family-friendly event, so no one had to choose between Simpson and spending time with their family.”

There are approximately 20 alumni board members and they have been brainstorming other ways to be involved as alumni. “The board feels that if alumni can connect with current C&G students, then it’s a natural progression that when those students become alumni, they will stay connected and impact the next round of students,” Gerlach said. She sees her role in leading the group as a way to give back to the college that helped her achieve her personal goals.

“My advisors at Simpson become more than just advisors,” she said. “That is what is so special about this program at Simpson. They are your cheerleaders, your mentors, your friends.” What’s next for the C&G Alumni Board? “We want to encourage people to get involved,” Gerlach said. “We can always use new board members and new ideas for alumni events. Our goal is to encourage all alumni to reach out, get involved and stay connected.” For more information about the C&G Alumni Board, contact Andy English ’05, director of alumni relations, at 515-961-1547 or andy.english@simpson.edu ■




Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma is home to allyear Kappa Members and is the only Simpson-owned sorority house. The majority of the rooms are four-person. All members have access to a house kitchen, two lounges, a study/computer loft area and laundry facilities.


B Y K AT I E E I C H E L B E R G E R ’ 16



Clinton Apartments Purchased by Simpson in 2007, Clinton gives junior and senior students apartment-style living. Clinton is split into East and West. Clinton East is alcohol-free. Each apartment houses four students with two bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen and living room.

Washington Apartments Washington apartments are home to juniors and seniors at Simpson. This apartment-style living area features a living room, spacious kitchen and dining area looking into the living area. Residents of each apartment can add their own touch to every room and make it their own.

SAE Fraternity The Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity house is similar to the three other fraternities on Simpson campus. Each room houses two SAE members and there is a shared bathroom on each of the three floors. The basement of SAE holds a meeting table, study room, kitchen and pool table for all members to enjoy. Students show their passion for politics on the walls of SAE. There are odds and ends furniture for hanging out.

Buxton Hall Buxton is home to 134 sophomores, both men and women. Eight students share four-person rooms with an adjoining bathroom. Each room of four has an open living area with open closets and cubbies for storage. A bunk room separate from the living area houses all four beds. The residence hall features a kitchen, computer room, lots of study space and laundry on the first floor. Students can also enjoy the fireplace and TV area when studying is not taking place.


Picken Hall Picken houses sophomore students in a two-person suite-style room. A bathroom is shared by another two-person room next door. There are laundry facilities, vending, TV lounge and study area in Picken Hall. Students can study, bake cookies or hang around outside of their dorm rooms.



SIMPSON DEBATE TEAM CAPTURES TITLE During the season’s first practice, Spencer Waugh reminded the Simpson Speech & Debate Team members how far they had advanced in the national title competition the past four years:

through the ranks of competitors hoping to knock Simpson off the top spot next season: “This was actually more of a building year for us. We have a very young team.”

2011-12: No placing. 2012-13: 21st in Debate. 2013-14: 14th in Debate. 2014-15: 5th in Debate.

In January, for example, Waugh and his coaching assistants took a 17-person team—including 13 first-year students— to the Gorlok Gala tournament in St. Louis.

For most of the year, many of Simpson’s veteran speech and debate participants had commitments related to Iowa’s firstin-the-nation presidential caucuses and couldn’t participate. (See Page 18.)

Simpson won the debate portion of the tournament, defeating 40 other colleges and universities.

“What’s next?” asked Waugh, director of Speech & Debate.

“That was a real surprise,” Waugh said.

The students were clear: Their goal was to win the national championship in 2015-16.

The veterans rejoined the newcomers at the Pi Kappa Delta tournament and the result was a national title.

And so they did.

In the past five years, Waugh has seen the program grow from four students to 45. Simpson now is attracting potential recruits from Arizona, California and Texas. Mock trial will soon be available, one of several new initiatives President Jay Simmons has pointed to as ways to boost enrollment.

Simpson defeated 85 teams from across the country to capture the title in the Pi Kappa Delta National Comprehensive Speech & Debate Tournament, held March 16-20 at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. Simpson edged Colorado Christian by 1.5 points to take the team title. “This makes Simpson the top comprehensive debate program in the country,” said Waugh, who began the program a mere five years ago. “I am incredibly proud of their hard work, and I am thrilled that it paid off.” A bus transported 28 Simpson students and four coaches— Waugh; Katie Brunner, assistant director of Speech & Debate; Marty Feeney, speech coach; and Tim Overton, debate coach—to the tournament site. “We had never been better prepared for debate nationals before,” Waugh said. “We had strength across four of the six debate divisions, and all 18 entries performed well.” Simpson crowned one individual champion—senior Ethan Fredrick was named top speaker and tournament champion in varsity parliamentary debate. Simpson recently added a speech component to the team, and that group also performed well, allowing the combined speech and debate to place ninth nationally in total team points. And here’s a quote from Waugh that should send bolts of fear

Senior Jacy Gomez from Indianola was a three-year debate star, but she hasn’t been able to participate this year because of an internship in Washington, D.C. “I think the activity is so popular because students recognize how beneficial and educational it is,” she said. “Participating in speech and debate allows one to develop their public speaking skills, critical thinking, and written communication. I can’t think of a better activity to prepare someone to succeed upon graduation.” The benefits of participating, Jacy says, means more than a stuffed trophy case. “Competing in speech and debate has been the most influential aspect of my Simpson experience,” she said. “Through competition, I have had the opportunity to discuss some of the most pressing issues of our time with students from across the country.” Waugh promises the students will not let up next year. “They just keep trying to get better, and I have no reason to think that won’t continue again next year,” he said. “Our goal was to win the national title. Next year our goal will be to defend it.” ■




Tie that Binds SIMPSON AND THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Blessed be the tie that binds…

and Morningside. (Wesley Foundations operate on four other campuses.)

–Popular Christian hymn

The tie that binds Simpson College to the United Methodist Church dates back to the College’s founding in 1860. Without the United Methodists, Simpson College would not exist. The College’s namesake, Matthew Simpson, was a Methodist bishop.

“In significant circles of the Iowa Annual Conference, there is a desire for a stronger bond and stronger relationship” with the four United Methodist-affiliated schools, said the Rev. Arthur McClanahan, director of communications for UMC’s Iowa Conference. “There’s a real richness in the rapport that’s there,” McClanahan said.

In 2013, when Jay Simmons was named Simpson president and Mara LeHew Bailey ’05 took over the duties of chaplain, both said they wanted to strengthen the historic church-College ties.

Bishop Trimble has often attended Simpson events, including the George Washington Carver Medal Ceremony and Lecture, and spent an evening eating and talking with Simpson students last year.

So how is it going?

Operating on a suggestion by Simmons, Bailey began a program called Simpson Sunday, in which students and faculty travel out across the state to visit area United Methodist churches.

“I have been very pleased by our relationship with the United Methodist Iowa Conference and with Bishop [Julius C.] Trimble, who has been very supportive,” Simmons said. “The church is such a great resource for us, and I believe we’ll continue to benefit from that in new ways.” Said Bishop Trimble: “The strong, continuing relationship between the Iowa Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church and Simpson College is nurtured by shared values of community engagement, service learning, educational excellence, along with a high value for diversity and spiritual nurture…” “I want to see as many students as possible have access to higher education where they can blossom as persons and succeed as citizens. I know Simpson and work closely with alumni. The Iowa Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church and Simpson College’s partnership remains strong.” The United Methodist Church has affiliations with four colleges in Iowa—Simpson, Iowa Wesleyan, Cornell

Students and faculty have presented sermons, shown videos and met with Sunday School classes. Bailey also hopes a $340,000 grant Simpson received from the Lilly Endowment Inc. to identify and cultivate theologically-minded youth will provide the College further opportunities to collaborate with United Methodist ministers and congregations. While Simpson welcomes and serves students of all faith backgrounds, or no faith tradition, Bailey said it benefits the United Methodist Church and the College to support each other in a variety of ways. “For me, it goes back to John Wesley, who felt so strongly that educational institutions should exist alongside the church,” she said. “It was meant to be a partnership.” ■ See related story, Page 23.


CAREER SUCCESS, BY THE NUMBERS A Simpson degree matters! The graphic below displays information collected by the Career Services Office indicating that nearly all Simpson graduates quickly find success starting



careers, entering the military or moving on to graduate school. This information includes all students who graduated between July 1, 2014 and June 20, 2015.

Total Number of Graduates 388 100% Information Available 337 87% Unknown 51 13%

2 015


Employed In State Full-time Out of State Full-time In State Part-time Out of State Part-time

236 27 15 0

71% 8% 5% 0%

TOTAL: 278 84%


of graduates are employed or continuing their education


Unemployed (known)



Military / Service



Graduate / Professional Study / Additional Undergrad In State Full-time 33 10% Out of State Full-time 24 7% Part-time 2 1% TOTAL: 59 18% * Totals do not equal the number of individuals surveyed due to graduates who are both employed and in graduate school.

How Alumni Can Help • Allow exploring students to job shadow. • Mentor students who are developing professional skills. • Host students for internships. • Market career opportunities on Simpson’s online job board, CareerPaths. • Maintain current information on LinkedIn.

Questions? Suggestions? Send them via email to careers@simpson.edu. Word of mouth remains one of the best ways to tell the Simpson story. Encourage a high school student to check out Simpson’s web page or to visit campus. Alumni are Simpson’s greatest ambassadors. Thank you for encouraging others to discover what the Simpson Experience is all about.


AT LET THE POLITICAL PUNDITS AND PONTIFICATORS ASSESS THE IMPACT OF THE IOWA CAUCUSES, THE FIRST STEP TOWARD CHOOSING A NEW PRESIDENT. We will declare the real winners: the students of Simpson. They welcomed candidates to campus. They worked on campaigns. They attended speeches. They helped register other students. They were interviewed by the national media. They got involved.

Consider the following:

“Simpson is showing the world how active and politically engaged college students can be.”

• Seven presidential candidates visited the Simpson campus. Six others appeared off-campus in Indianola. “Jeb [Bush] has been to more classes than I have,” joked Stacey Post, a sophomore from West Des Moines, Iowa and chair of the College Republicans.

• Simpson and the Culver Center “No matter where you fall on the supported the 2016 Brown & Black political spectrum, you’ll find more -Seth Andersen Presidential Forum and hosted a executive director of the opportunities to engage in politics at workshop on criminal justice issues. Culver Public Policy Simpson than you’ll know what to Two students—seniors Molly Monk Center do with,” said Molly Monk, a senior and Julius Foster—were invited to Culver Fellow from Rochester, Minn., sit on stage with the candidates, majoring in international relations and and Molly asked a question on live political science. “People here, important people, will television. value your opinion and take you seriously. If you really want to make a difference, Simpson will help you.” • Kedron Bardwell, associate professor of political science, taught a class in which Simpson students A survey of first-year college students in 2015 showed fact-checked the candidates and assessed the that young people are more engaged politically than truthfulness of their statements. “It’s a teaching they have been in decades, and the amount of activity tool that tries to get the students to act as at Simpson in the past year would confirm that. investigative journalists,” he said. “Simpson’s reputation as a great place to study and experience politics got a big boost during the Iowa caucus campaign season,” said Seth Andersen, executive director of the Culver Public Policy Center. “In addition to hosting presidential candidate visits, Culver Fellows and other student leaders registered more than 425 of their peers to vote and turn out on caucus night. With Millennials now constituting the largest voting bloc—overtaking Baby Boomers —Simpson is showing the world how active and politically engaged college students can be.”

• First-year student Jordan Pope from Albia was featured in a Des Moines Register story for having taken a “selfie” with 13 of the 15 presidential candidates. “It’s awesome that I get to talk to them and ask them my questions,” he said. • Post was invited by the Register to join its Our Caucus project, providing her a forum for her views.


• Four Simpson students—Allie Karpurk, Alanna Wendt, Nick Laning and Zach Goodrich—joined 50 other students at Harvard University to discuss their role in changing the face of politics in the future. • Three Simpson students—Alex Severn, Evan Sinclair and Zach Goodrich—questioned Donald Trump on stage when he visited on campus before announcing his candidacy.

Siepker (the “Iowa Nice Guy”) as emcee. • Simpson students were interviewed on C-SPAN, MSNBC and several other news networks. Junior Robert Lyons of Denison, Iowa, president of the Student Government Association, found himself questioning Hillary Clinton on Good Morning America the morning of the Iowa caucuses. Clearly, young people with an interest in political science have found a home at Simpson.

• John Epperson, professor of political science, was “Everyone should be proud that students from their interviewed by the Register and a Spanish TV alma mater are actively engaged,” Andersen said. “They network. Bardwell was interviewed by C-SPAN, National Public Radio and an Italian TV network. are making a difference. They’re not just showing up to caucus, they’re not just turning out to vote. They’re His analysis was quoted in the New York Times, getting involved in campaigns and having serious Boston Globe, The New Yorker, Le Monde, Real discussions about issues with peers.” Clear Politics and CNN.com. • The Culver Center joined several student organizations to sponsor a Voter Engagement Rally and Mock Caucus Night, featuring Scott

Or, as Julius Foster put it: “No place better to get your feet wet than Simpson College.” n





NOBODY WOULD HAVE BLAMED BRAD BJORKGREN ’83 FOR A DOWN YEAR. The first-year head coach of the Simpson men’s basketball program, Brad Bjorkgren inherited a team that won just 10 games the previous two seasons combined. On top of that, the leading scorer the past two seasons had graduated. But the thought of a down year never entered his mind. “My first day here, in a meeting with seniors, I told them I didn’t want to reload. I wanted to get it going right away,” Bjorkgren, a 1983 Simpson graduate, said following the season. Get it going, they did. Picked dead last in the Iowa Conference Preseason Coaches’ Poll, the Storm shocked the league, going 15-11 in 2015-16 and finishing in a three-way tie for second place in the conference standings. Utilizing a commitment to defense, ball control and an offense not afraid to let it fly from deep, the Storm collected the most wins by the program since 2006-07. “That was a huge stepping stone for us,” senior guard Dillon Gretzky said of the preseason meeting with Bjorkgren. One of three seniors on the team, Gretzky had a sour taste in his mouth following the previous season and questioned whether or not he would continue his basketball career. That meeting gave Gretzky confidence in the new coach, and most importantly, trust. “Trust was the biggest thing he instilled. That’s why we were so successful. He understood the players’ point of view and didn’t just look through coaches’ eyes.”

from Bjorkgren’s up-tempo, fast-paced style of play. After averaging just eight points per game as a junior, Gretzky averaged 14 as a senior and finished as the team’s second-leading scorer. “We knew what we had to offer, we knew our capabilities,” Gretzky said. “We just had to put that in motion and Coach B put us on the right track. Having another bad year was not an option.” After enduring a six-win season in 2014-15, Simpson posted a nine-game turnaround in 2015-16, one of the best in all of Division III. The Storm’s 15 wins tied Bjorkgren with Harry Workman (1926-27) for the most victories by a first-year head coach in school history. “This is just the bottom row,” Bjorkgren said of his first season at the helm. “We are going to try to get to the second row [next year] and keep climbing up.” Simpson will be without Gretzky and fellow seniors Leif Olson and Tyler Anderson next season, but returns a strong nucleus. Included in the group of returners are the team’s leading scorer, forward Sam Amsbaugh, the starting point guard, Austin Turner, and the top 3-point shooter, Ryan Skaar. As a senior, ending your career is never easy. But Gretzky and his classmates leave with the satisfaction of knowing they built a solid foundation for the program’s future. “I know the team will be great next year and will be great for years to come,” he said. “It is a little bittersweet, but I know the program is going to go in the right direction. I’m glad I can say I was a part of something good.” ■

Gretzky was one of a number of players who benefitted 20 SIMPSON COLLEGE

“My first day here, in a meeting with seniors, I told them I didn’t want to reload. I wanted to get it going right away.” -Brad Bjorkgren ’83 21 SIMPSON.EDU/MAGAZINE




K Y L E O W E N S ’ 81

After Hall of Fame coach Henry Christowski retired late last summer, Simpson chose to hire an interim coach to bridge the gap between regimes. Long-time assistant coach Kyle Owens ’81 was chosen for the job and will serve as the interim head coach for the 2016 season before Brent Matthias takes over as head coach in 2017.

“It almost feels like he’s just missing a practice,” Owens said of replacing Christowski. “I feel like I’m 16 years old again and Dad just handed me the car keys and said, ‘Don’t wreck it.’” Owens is in his 13th year on Simpson’s staff. He inherits a seniorladen squad that qualified for the NCAA Tournament a year ago and has its sights set on the same in 2016. Following this season, Matthias—the current softball coach at Waverly-Shell Rock High School—will take over as the full-time head coach. “It’s a plus for Brent,” Owens said of the transition. “This allows him to see where we’re at, figure out what we need … then he’s pretty much recruiting full-time.” Matthias is working with the current staff on bringing in the 2017 recruiting class, the year he takes the keys from Owens. A veteran baseball and softball coach with prior experience at the Division III level, Matthias led the Go-Hawks to a Class 4A-best 34 wins in 2015, his first year at the helm. “I’m excited to be at a place where the foundation has been built and student-athletes have won two national titles,” Matthias said. “I’m excited to be a part of the Simpson family, knowing the importance that is placed on the well-being of student-athletes. It’s a place where winning is important—both on the diamond and in life.” Christowski won more than 600 games during his 20 years at Simpson and retired as one of Division III’s winningest coaches. Though he won’t be in the dugout this season, his commitment to winning will always be present. “You don’t do things a certain way for 20 years and then do things a different way,” Owens said. “In a way, there is a lot of pressure. But we’ve always had high expectations.” ■


LOUIS JOSLYN, JORDAN BEEM NAMED ACADEMIC ALL-AMERICANS A pair of Simpson student-athletes recently earned the highest honor awarded for excellence in athletics and academics. Senior men’s soccer player Louis Joslyn and junior football player Jordan Beem were named to the



Academic All-America teams in their respective sports for their work on the field and in the classroom in 2015. Joslyn took home first team honors while Beem was a second team selection.

Presented by the College Sports Information Directors of America (CoSIDA), the award recognizes the nation’s top student-athletes for their combined performances both athletically and in the classroom. Originally from Baldwin, Kan., Joslyn became the first men’s soccer player in Simpson history to earn First Team Academic All-America honors. The defending midfielder carries a perfect 4.0 cumulative grade point average—one of just four on the 11-member first team— while double-majoring in mathematics and computer science. He was a Second Team Academic All-American in 2014 and was a two-time honorable mention all-conference performer. Originally from Altoona, Iowa, Beem became the third Storm football player to earn Academic All-America honors in the past four seasons. The running back owns a 3.71 cumulative grade point average while majoring in history. He established himself as one of the best running backs in the Iowa Conference in 2015, rushing for a leaguehigh 1,254 yards on the way to All-IIAC First Team honors. Beem also landed a spot on the D3football.com All-West Region Third Team. CoSIDA began the distinguished Academic All-America program in the 1950s, and has honored thousands of deserving studentathletes from numerous sports and across all divisions. ■


C H A P L A I N ’ S


A Blessed Connection BY MAR A LE H E W BAI LE Y ’0 6, C HAP L AI N

“SIMPSON COLLEGE IS AFFILIATED WITH THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH.” It seems like I have used this statement a thousand times when meeting with prospective students, new students and new faculty and staff, and it becomes repetitive with every campus tour that comes through Smith Chapel. While this is a phrase that is familiar around campus, unpacking its exact meaning is worth some time and consideration. Our educational mission is to provide support for the whole person—supporting the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of each person. We honor the variety of faith perspectives represented among our students, faculty and staff and welcome those whose worldviews are informed by secular values rather than religious ones. Without turning this article into a history lesson, here are some important reminders that shed some light on the meaning of our United Methodist affiliation. First, our affiliation is historic. In 1860, Simpson College was born out of a collaborative effort between the members of the Indianola Methodist Church and Indianola residents. The founder of the Methodist movement, John Wesley, was a strong proponent of higher education and its connection to the local church. For Wesley, education was the key to eradicating poverty. He encouraged churches to do all they could to provide high-quality education for members of society. Alongside this was the Wesleyan understanding that our rational minds are a gift from God; a deep belief that intellect could certainly coexist alongside faith. The

intention was a true connection of the head and the heart. John Wesley’s brother, Charles, professes this beautifully when he says: “Let us unite the two so long divided, knowledge and vital piety.” Today, Simpson College embodies this Wesleyan model of a union of the heart of faith with an ever-searching academic mind. This connection between heart and mind affirms our mission as a college to be a place that is open to persons of all faith perspectives while still maintaining a strong affiliation with the United Methodist Church. Our Religious Life Community (RLC) embodies this commitment to welcoming persons from a variety of faith perspectives. Tim Moore, of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, succinctly describes collegiate ministry in a United Methodist setting as a “United Methodist Place for All.” Our RLC exists to be a place for any person to wrestle and grow with questions of spirituality and belief. When seen through the lens of providing a space for any person to wrestle with questions of spirituality and faith, you start to envision opportunities and programs that accomplish this goal. For example, the largest religious group in our student body identifies as Roman Catholic. Our Catholic Student Organization is an important ministry that offers Mass, Bible study and retreats to support the Catholic faith of these students. Those same Catholic students are active participants across the programming of RLC. This is one example that reflects our desire to meet our students where they are at in matters of faith. My greatest hope is that as a community of alumni we can recognize the impact of a program that is rooted in our mission, and celebrate wholly that our college is committed to living out this relationship—both historic and lived. n See related story, Page 16.


C H A P L A I N ’ S



THE SIMPSON FUND? The Simpson Fund is the campus-wide unrestricted fund that provides the College with vital resources to be used for the areas of greatest need like…

Student Scholarships & Financial Aid A college education is a significant investment. Throughout our history, we have firmly believed that financial barriers should never stand in the way of bright, motivated students having access to a Simpson education.

Student Activities & Services The Simpson Experience extends beyond the classroom with more than 70 clubs and organizations for students to get involved in experiential learning opportunities.

Instruction & Academic Support With one professor for every 13 students, we provide personal attention and the resources needed in the classroom for continued academic success.

Buildings & Facilities Students and faculty are provided with state-of-the-art equipment to ensure a top-notch academic experience. The Simpson Fund supports the essential daily needs of the College.

Every single gift truly matters and plays a crucial role in each student’s opportunity to achieve success at Simpson. Make a gift to The Simpson Fund today! SIMPSON.EDU/GIVE 24 SIMPSON COLLEGE

E X T R A !

TEACHER OF THE YEAR Simpson College produces excellent teachers. We know it. Their students know it. And now the entire state of Iowa knows it again. Scott Slechta ’80 was named the 2016 Iowa Teacher of the Year. The award was presented to him in November at Fairfield High School, where Slechta teaches English-language arts. Slechta has taught for 35 years and credits Simpson with giving him a strong foundation. “Simpson established my love of learning and exploring,” he said. “I was able to take two study trips abroad. My professors established the love of literature and language.” This is the second time in five years that a Simpson graduate has been named Iowa Teacher of the Year. Charity Campbell ’96 of Norwalk received the award in 2012. n

2 0 1 6


REUNIONS: 1966 1976 1986 1991

1996 2006 2016


• Alumni Awards Recognition Reception • The Red & Gold Celebration • The Decades Brunch for classes of ’40 -’70 • Tailgate 25 SIMPSON.EDU/MAGAZINE

7 - 8 • Little Storm Chasers children’s activities • Storm football vs. Luther College • Criminal Justice Reception in honor of Dr. Fred Jones ’66 • And much more…

Sharon Wilkinson addresses the world language education conference.


LANGUAGE Simpson College is a leader in any language, a point that was proven last fall when the College hosted a conference about the future of world language education. Organizers were thrilled with the response. More than 100 educators from 40 institutions attended. And the issues raised by the conference merited a story in The Chronicle of Higher Education. That story spelled out the concern: “The planet has never been more connected, but students are hardly flocking to study foreign languages. Over all, enrollments in the courses have stagnated. Colleges are frequently dropping foreign language as a requirement for graduation. Many departments have been targeted for closure or consolidation.” Simpson professors decided to take the lead in doing something to address the concern. The conference focused on solutions that educators could take back to their schools. “Why shouldn’t Simpson lead the way in world language and culture studies?” asked Sharon Wilkinson, professor of French and Department Chair of World Language and Culture Studies. “We have a highly creative and highly collaborative faculty that loves to innovate.” Participants said the conference, believed to be the first of its kind, was transformative. “The conference made me rethink some of my own teaching and some potential reform that I can make in the design of my classes,” said Erin Joyce, professor of French at Baker University in Baldwin City, Kan. That was the goal, Wilkinson said. “My hope is that we can continue to attract and serve increasing numbers of students at all levels of our programs so that more and more Simpson grads will have the intercultural skills and knowledge that will open doors for them in the future,” she said. ■ 26 SIMPSON COLLEGE

GRIFFITH TO RETIRE Steve Griffith, senior vice president and academic dean, announced that he would be leaving Simpson at the end of the 2015-16 academic year this spring. Griffith is leaving to join his wife, Danette, who recently started work at a large Lutheran church in Lansdale, Pa. Griffith joined Simpson in 2006 as vice president and academic dean. Then-President John Byrd added senior vice president to Griffith’s title three years later. During Griffith’s tenure, the College implemented the Engaged Citizenship Curriculum, expanded faculty governance procedures, including a regular sabbatical program, and revised the faculty handbook, among other accomplishments. A search to replace Griffith has begun. “Dean Griffith is a great academic officer, and I’ve enjoyed working with him,” President Jay Simmons told the Simpsonian. “I hate to see him go. He is very solid, in terms of leadership and academic programs, but he’s also been doing this job for 10 years.” In a statement to the Simpson community, Griffith said, “I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support the last 10 years. We have accomplished much together. Danette and I have enjoyed living in Indianola and being part of the Simpson College community.” n




IHC RECEIVES GRANT The Iowa History Center received some great news recently in the form of a $25,000 grant from the W.T. and Edna M. Dahl Trust. The grant will support programming at the Iowa History Center, including exhibits and the Speaker Series, according to Bill Friedricks, the Center’s director and a professor of history at Simpson. “W. T. Dahl was an innovative businessman who founded Dahl’s Foods, a Des Moines grocery store chain, and played an important role in the subsequent development of the greater Des Moines area,” Friedricks said. “We are pleased to benefit from his legacy and will use the grant from the W. T. and Edna M. Dahl Trust to keep the history of central Iowa and the rest of our state alive.” The Iowa History Center is committed to preserving and promoting the state’s history and encouraging a public conversation about the story of Iowa. The Center’s mission is to advance the understanding and appreciation of Iowa history among the state’s students, scholars and general public. n 27 SIMPSON.EDU/MAGAZINE

CARVER MEDAL CEREMONY The Simpson community filled Smith Chapel on January 27 for the 43rd annual Carver Medal Ceremony and Lecture, an event to honor the legacy of George Washington Carver and to celebrate diversity on campus. This year’s recipient was retired United Methodist Bishop Melvin G. Talbert, who has served the church in a host of roles and who has spent much of his life fighting discrimination based on race, gender and sexual orientation, inside the church and out. Talbert presented a talk entitled, “The Intersection of Oppression and Privilege.” He told the audience how, as a college student protesting lunch counter segregation, he found himself spending several nights in jail with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Those hours with Dr. King changed my life,” he said, adding that it was love that motivated the great civil rights leader. “He refused to embrace the rhetoric of hate espoused by some black leaders.” Talbert said discrimination is rooted in power, which can become systematic oppression. When found, it “must be confronted and eradicated from the community.” To see a video of his talk, go to https:// vimeo.com/153323536 n

Class Notes James Tyler ’49, chairman of Atlantic Coca-Cola Bottling Company in Atlantic, was one of three 2015 inductees to the Iowa Business Hall of Fame. The Iowa Business Hall of Fame honors the achievements of Iowans who have made outstanding contributions to the development and enhancement of Iowa’s business climate. Inductees are selected on merit rather than endorsement. Past Hall of Fame honorees under the leadership of the current Chair serve as the selection committee. Criteria for selection include business leadership, community development impact, community volunteerism/leadership, strategic leadership and business recognition. H. Roger Grant ’66, Lemon Professor of History at Clemson University, is the author of Railroaders without Borders: A History of the Railroad Development Corporation. Published by Indiana University Press, this is Grant’s 31st academic book publication. David Sonnenburg ’66 is retired after serving two years in the U.S. Army, 28 years in commercial aviation and 10 years in higher education. In retirement, he contracted with the Department of Defense in 2004-2009 to construct logistical government operations and infrastructure in Mosul, Iraq, for III Core. David has two daughters, six grandchildren and two great grandchildren and resides in Spring, Texas.


Ted Smith ’53 and Charlotte Wookey Skallerup ’60 are pictured at Ted’s surprise 90th birthday party on February 19th in Glenwood. Ted’s cake included a photo of him in authentic Indian Dance Regalia. When Ted was a student, he performed Indian dances at half-time of Simpson football games as well as danced on Simpson College’s float in the Drake Relays Parade.




Jim Carlson ’69 is retired and resides in Ontario, Canada, with his wife, Wendy.


Dorothy Krabiel Straks ’70 is retired and resides in Fremont, Calif., with her husband, Jerry. Leah Pixler Lucas ’71 is retired and resides in Chanhassen, Minn. Eric Younberg ’72 is senior relationship manager for NeighborWorks America in Kansas City. He and his spouse, Gary Krogh, were married in 2015 on their 35th anniversary. Carol McVey Fricke ’73 recently sold her business after 26 years and is actively seeking corporate board positions throughout the country. Thomas Griggs ’74 is a lawyer at the law firm of M. Paul Fischer, P.C. in Mesa, Ariz. Joyce Hulsebus Griggs ’73 received a master’s degree with honors from Arizona State University and is an educator. The couple’s two sons are also educators. Thomas and Joyce have four grandchildren and reside in Peoria, Ariz. Rhonda Manley Stoneking ’74 is a retired high school chemistry teacher and medical technologist and resides in Hartland, Wis., with her husband, Lewis. Lannette Nyhus Calhoun ’79 is an associate professor of music at University of Wisconsin Rock County and staff accompanist at University of Wisconsin Whitewater. She and her husband, George, reside in Milton, Wis. David Van Sickle ’82, coach at Xavier College Prep in Phoenix, Ariz., is one of eight finalists from across the nation for the National High School Athletic Coaches Association national coach of the year in the sport of girls cross country. Dave was selected for the national honor by his state’s high school coaches’ association based on longevity, service to high school athletics, honors, championship years and winning percentage. Nominees and finalists were evaluated by experts in the field of coaching using a sport-specific rubrics to assign points in each category. All finalists will be honored during The National Coach of the Year Awards Banquet which will take place at the National High School Athletic Coaches Association’s national convention in Louisville, Ky., on June 16th. During the banquet, the NHSACA national coach of the year in nineteen recognized sports categories will be named.


Dean Blinn ’64 and Sandra Haarvig Blinn ’65 celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in December 2015. They met at Simpson College. Dean graduated with a bachelor’s degree in biology and went on to earn a master’s degree at the University of Montana and a doctorate in aquatic ecology at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He enjoyed a long career as a university professor. Sandra graduated with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and education and went on to earn a master’s degree in education at Northern Arizona University. She was an elementary teacher for many years. Dean and Sandra have two married sons and five grandchildren. Both sons are mechanical engineers at Boeing Aircraft. n

Kristie Tigges ’83 is an assistant professor of music, voice, at St. Catherine University and resides in Minneapolis, Minn. Todd McConville ’86 is a building supervisor for TransUnion and resides in Chicago, Ill. Pam Wylie Spangler ’86 is a school improvement consultant for the State of Iowa. She visits school districts throughout the state regarding PK-6 literacy and district compliance. Pam and her husband, Jeff, reside in Urbandale. Nancy Lehner ’89 moved back to her home state of South Dakota after retiring, following 24 years as a police officer in Kansas. Her daughter, Sara, is a freshman at Simpson College. Tara Jenson ’91 is CEO of Eldora Plastics, Inc. Kimberly Keller Senger ’92 is director of national corporate/foundation support for National Jewish Health in Denver, Colo. She resides in Lakewood, Colo., with her husband, Jonathan.

Marcay Kroeze Hansen ’94 is a tax specialist for H&R Block in Indianola. David Huyette ’94 is a radiologist for Radshark Imaging, Inc., and resides in St. Louis, Mo. Bryan Stanley ’94, adjunct professor at Waldorf College in Forest City, is a pianist-composer, teacher, conductor and chamber artist and is published by Hal Leonard, G. Schirmer and Boosey & Hawkes.

for the company from its Kansas City office. John resides in Lawrence, Kan., with his wife, Amy. Elizabeth Wood Shelton ’01 is Chief Executive Officer for Girl Scouts Greater Iowa. She and her husband, Mark, reside in Des Moines. Dustin Wiemers ’01 is an anesthesiologist at Medical Center Anesthesiologists in Des Moines. He and his wife, Jen, reside in Clive with their three children.

Amy Jardon ’96 is the affiliate chair for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network Cedar Falls (Iowa) affiliate.

Jeremy Crozier ’02 is director of choral activities at the Birdville Independent School District in Haltom City, Texas.

Eric Mortensen ’96 completed his MSLIS in library and information science at Pratt Institute in 2014 and is currently the digital media librarian at The Juilliard School in New York, N.Y., where he resides.

Susan Fath Knudson ’02 is director of programming at KCCI television station in Des Moines, where she resides with her husband, Robert.

April Vorm Stare ’96 is manager, information technology, at Highmark Health Solutions in Camp Hill, Pa. She and her husband, Baron, reside in Harrisburg, Pa. Jacki Harrison Askelson ’97 is owner/consultant of TandemCRM, a Salesforce consulting partner specializing in the unique solution needs of non-profit organizations. Angie Soutter Moran ’97 is a human resources partner with Avera in Pierre, S.D. She has completed the following certifications: SHRM-CP (Society of Human Resources ManagementCertified Professional); PHR (Professional in Human Resources); and RACR (Lean Human Capital-Recruiter Academy Certified Recruiter). She and her spouse, Shannon, reside in Pierre. Meredith Hollingsworth Hansen ’98 is vice president, strategic partnerships and special initiatives, for City Year, Inc. She and her husband, Gabriel, reside in Chicago, Ill. David Farnsworth ’99 is a shareholder at McGowen, Hurst, Clark & Smith, PC in West Des Moines. He and his wife, Sarah Byriel Farnsworth ’00, reside in Polk City with their daughter, Ayla. John Hanley ’00 was named senior vice president and director of marketing and investor relations at Equity Bank. He joined the $1.6 billion regional bank in 2012 and leads all branding, advertising, communications and public, media and investor relations

Jenny Meyers Wise ’02 is an account manager at Strategic America in West Des Moines. She and her husband, Brian, reside in Mitchellville with their daughters, Hailey and Ashlyn. Jennifer Dirkx Daby ’03 is facilities manager for Marsh & McLellan Companies in Urbandale. She and her husband, Duane, reside in West Des Moines. Sarah Beary Graham ’03 is a reading specialist at Bellevue Public Schools. She received her master’s degree in literacy from Concordia University in 2012 and resides in Papillion, Neb., with her husband, Travis ’03, and their children, Broderick, Zoe and Finnian. Tyler Smith ’03 is a special education teacher at Damont Ranch High School in Reno, Nev. He received his Masters of Education in instructional strategist I and art from Drake University in 2015. Tyler and his wife, Megan, reside in Reno with their children, Colton (5) and Benjamin (2).

Jeremy Scott ’05 is operations specialist at LDJ Manufacturing in Pella. He and his wife, Maegan Johnson Scott ’04, reside in Otley with their children, Quintin (5), Stella (3) and Camden (3 mo.). Heather Anderson ’06 works for the Minnesota Department of Revenue and resides in Saint Paul, Minn. Andrea McNamara Singsaas ’06 is director of marketing at Aesthetic Surgical Images in Omaha, Neb., where she resides with her husband, Joshua. Julie Soukup Hanson ’07 is a school psychologist for Heartland Area Education Agency. She and her husband, Kyle ’05, reside in West Des Moines with their son, Parker. John Hook ’07 is senior commodity manager at Rockwell Collins in Cedar Rapids. He and his wife, Bailey, reside in Marion. Garett Kiley ’08 completed his Master of Arts in athletic administration and coaching at Concordia University in 2013. He is currently director of wrestling operations at Iowa State University in Ames, where he resides with his wife, Brittany. Sara Burton Lindberg ’08 is chaplain at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, Minn. She and her husband, Nick, reside in Roseville, Minn. Meghan Kloubec Reutzel ’08 is global marketing manager at GoDaddy in Cedar Rapids, where she resides with her husband, Adam ’09.

Erin Reed Standley ’03 is director of graduate business admission at Rockhurst University. She received her MBA from Rockhurst in 2011 and resides in Kansas City with her husband, Chris, and their daughter, Penelope. Mandy Frohling Fincham ’04 has opened a coffee and wine bar called Kettle in Beloit, Kan. Ashley Godfredsen Leininger ’04 is an adjunct professor for Des Moines Area Community College and Kaplan University and resides in Davenport with her husband, Wyatt, and their two children. 29 SIMPSON.EDU/MAGAZINE

Once again, Alpha Chi Omega Mu Chapter met at homecoming. The gathering was made extra special because the current owner of 805 North B opened the house for a tour and catered luncheon in the “old” dining room.

Mackenzie Webb Sheehan ’08 completed her master’s degree in arts and cultural management at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota in 2014. She is marketing manager for Des Moines Symphony and Academy in Des Moines, where she resides with her husband, Kris. Ashley Werner ’08 is a digital marketing specialist for Iowa Realty in West Des Moines. Andrew Conyers ’09 is tax manager at RSM US, LLP in Des Moines. He resides in West Des Moines with his wife, Heidi. Christopher Petrick ’09 served in the U.S. Navy from 2011-2015 as a hospital corpsman. He was deployed to Afghanistan in 2013 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. In 2014, he was deployed again to Japan, Guam and South Korea before receiving an Honorable Discharge in August 2015. He currently resides in Des Moines, working as a paramedic for the West Des Moines EMS, and plans to attend physician assistant school in the future. Emily Salberg ’09 is event director at Team Player Productions in Denver, Colo., where she resides. Jared Sass ’09 graduated from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry in June and is now a dentist at West Lakes Family Dentistry in West Des Moines and Earlham Family Dentistry in Earlham. Jared and his wife, Corrie, reside in West Des Moines with their puppy, Simpson.

Rachel Unekis ’09 is human resources hiring processor for Holland in Holland, Mich. Katie Petrak Vasquez ’09 is a registered nurse at Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines. She and her husband, Craig ’06, reside in Urbandale with their children, Rowan, Greta and Nora. Jessica Christensen Boltinghouse ’10 is fund controller at Capital Analytics in Dallas, Texas, where she resides with her husband, Bennett. Allison Lane ’10 is a pediatric resident physician at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and resides in Coralville. Heather Weeda Newman ’10 teaches preschool at Rainbow Village in Duluth, Ga. She and her husband, Kyle, reside in Peachtree Corners, Ga. Chadwick Warfield ’10 is supervisor at MEDITECH in Minnetonka, Minn. Allison Witty Warnke ’10 is a math teacher for CAL Community Schools. She and her husband, Austin, reside in Clarion. Shauna Agan-Barnaskas ’11 is an ERISA associate at Abato, Rubenstein and Abato, P.A. in Baltimore, Md. She received her law degree from American University Washington College of Law in 2014. Shauna and her husband, Jeremy, reside in Washington, D.C. Elizabeth Hungerford Belden ’11 and her husband, Benjamin, reside in Murfreesboro, Tenn. Natalie Anliker Bogaards ’11 and her husband, Darren, reside in Pella. Shannon Buban ’11 is a payroll specialist for Palmer Group and resides in West Des Moines.

Another great weekend of ATO/Simpson story telling, golf, cigars, and of course the Zelmo Show II! Front row: Dave Coil ’73, Jeff Cassat ’73, Don Lamb ’70, Mac MacKenzie ’70. Second Row: John Lawlor ’73, Steve Montague ’72, Jake Jacobson ’72, John Chew ’71, Steve Renftle ’71, Mike Henderson ’68, Chuck Brice ’69, Dan Kem ’73. Back Row: Steve Shepard ’74, Bruce Wilson ’76, JB Gross ’74, Jymm Oplt ’72, Tim Lehman ’73, Steve Donahue (friend of Lehman). Not pictured: Doug Barakat ’68, Don Beattie ’70, Rev. Bob Kem ’75.


Megan Culbertson Hoxhalli ’11 received her Master of Arts in social work from The University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration in 2014 and works as congregational and community relations coordinator for The Night Ministry in Chicago, Ill., where she resides with her husband, Elsen ’12. Elyse MacDonald Morris ’11 is an area coordinator at Simpson College. She and her husband, Kyle, reside in Indianola with their son, August (Augie).


Front row: Larry Wilson ’62, Carroll Snider ’62, Roger Spahr ’62, Gary Rhodes ’62. Second row: Larry Willits ’60, Sandra Hanselman Spahr ’62, Max Stover ’62, Larry Richards ’60. Row Three: Peggy Anderson Willits ’63, Mary Anderson Richards ’62. Row Four: Kathy Snider and Judy Rhodes Regrets were sent by Virginia Josey Stover ’61. Simpson graduates and their spouses celebrated together on Sept. 5th at the Hotel Pattee in Perry. There was much laughter as memories were shared about our wonderful years at Simpson College. Gary and Judy Rhodes lived in the Barracks south of the Music Building for $28.00 a month. Who could forget Gary Rhodes wearing Myrna Farver’s red bathing suit in the Kappa Theta Psi fraternity Mini Orpheum performance? The Homecoming bonfire and the football games? Living in the dormitories with Larry Richards as one of the dorm proctors and the antics played upon each other? Professors were fondly named and their contribution to the foundation of our lives. Remembering fellow classmates and the beauty of friendships? It was an evening of conversation, good food and a gratefulness of our Simpson College bond.

Mickenzie Block Peterson ’11 is a registered nurse at Mercy Medical Center. She and her husband, Michael ’10, reside in Ankeny. Christina Oleson Reed ’11 is senior underwriter at GuideOne Insurance in West Des Moines. Megan Framke Yeager ’11 is pathway navigator at Indian Hills Community College. She and her husband, Devin ’12, reside in Ottumwa.

Jessica Mallow ’12 is executive assistant to the President and CEO for Washington Performing Arts in Washington, D.C., and is pursuing her Master of Arts in arts management at American University. She resides in Arlington, Va. Megan Pope ’12 is a wellness specialist for EMC Insurance Companies in Des Moines. Women’s alumni basketball game participants included Kelsie Reeves ’13, Nicole Crisp ’13, Jayna Fischbach ’09, Kate Nielsen ’13, Tessa Van Oosbree Simpson ’07, Jessica Haug Hendricks ’07, Brenna Abel Stoffa ’09, Morgan Terpstra ’14, Alyse Messa ’15, Chelsie Rohrs ’11, Jamie Elbert ’13 and Alicia Goetz ’14.

Nick Smith ’12 teaches science in the Eagle Grove Community School District and resides in Eagle Grove. Adam Urness ’12 is assistant coach, women’s basketball, at Simpson College. Daniel Kelley ’13 is an assistant football coach at Morningside College and resides in Mt. Pleasant. Brian Kemmerer ’13 was recently appointed to the C & G (Continuing and Graduate) Alumni Board at Simpson College and is currently enrolled in Drake University Law School’s new career opportunity pt/ evening program.

Men’s alumni basketball game participants included Chuck Kerr ’53, Brad Bjorkgren ’84, Jeff Kramer ’87, Steve Ellens ’96, Adam Soyer ’97, Matt McCulla ’03, Brad Allen ’05, Brett Cermak ’07, Jeff Travis ’07, Chad Boston ’13, Elijah Knox ’13, Drew Bentley ’14, Austin Hennings ’14, Eric Lande ’14 and Ryan Olson ’14.

After completing his Master of Divinity at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2015, Arnaldo Achucarro ’12 is a minister at Sola Gracia Baptist Church in South Jordan, Utah. He and his wife, Julia, reside in Draper, Utah. Scott Blum ’12 is assistant manager of store operations for Hy-Vee and resides in Adel with his wife, Jenni. Tayler Buresh ’12 is a machine controls engineer at Caterpillar Global Machine Development in Peoria, Ill. Nathan Frederick ’12 is a grocery clerk at Giant Eagle in Solon, Ohio, where he resides.

Justin Mohr ’13 is manager of game operations at Iowa Wild in Des Moines. Travis Williams ’13 is a middle school mentor with AmeriCorps. He completed his master’s degree in philosophy at Marquette University in 2015 and resides in Des Moines with his wife, Ashley Myers Williams ’13. Meg Parks Yarkosky ’13 teaches special education in the Kearney R-1 School District in Kearney, Mo., where she resides with her husband, Drew ’11. Allison Barloon ’14 is working on her master’s degree in science education at Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville where she is a graduate assistant athletic trainer. Madison Boswell ’14 is social media manager for Kendall Hunt Publishing and resides in Dyersville. Miranda Dean ’14 is an outpatient therapist intern at Heritage Behavioral Health Center in Decatur, Ill., and is pursuing her Master of Arts in clinicalcounseling psychology at Illinois State University. Annie Fullas ’14 is working on her master’s degree in ethics, peace and global affairs at American University in Washington, D.C.


Members of ATO and their spouses gathered at St. Anne’s Episcopal Church in Ankeny on January 17th for the 22nd Annual ATO Sunday and to celebrate the retirement of Rev. Robert Kem ’75 who led the service. The sermon had a special ATO theme and included sharing memories, pictures and music from Rev. Kem’s days at Simpson College.

Travis Hamilton ’14 is a business development associate for The Stelter Company in Des Moines and resides in Johnston with his wife, Jena. Kaitlyn Lipovac Heitmeier ’14 teaches 1st grade in Ankeny, where she resides with her husband, Blake ’13. Kaitlyn is pursuing her master’s degree at Drake University. Jessalyn Holdcraft ’15 is marketing and communications coordinator for Iowa Startup Accelerator in Cedar Rapids. Jordan Rude ’15 is attending the University of Minnesota Law School. Thomas Sanford ’15 is attending Georgetown University Law Center. Josh Schueler ’15 resides in Everett, Wash., and is a certified athletic trainer for Work-Fit/Agility Health. Paige Amsden Villalobos ’15 is a death claim manager for MetLife in West Des Moines and resides in Indianola with her husband, Jay.

Marriages Meredith Hollingsworth ’98 and Gabriel Hansen, Oct. 10, 2015, Chicago, Ill. Elizabeth Wood ’01 and Mark Shelton, June, 2015, Des Moines. Andrea McNamara ’06 and Joshua Singsaas, July 4, 2015, Omaha, Neb. Jared Sass ’09 and Corrie Sass, July 11, 2015, West Des Moines. Jayson Wicker ’09 and Ashley Cudworth ’09, Sept. 26, 2015, Smith Chapel, Simpson College. Allison Wittry ’10 and Austin Warnke, Aug. 8, 2015, Clarion. Shauna Agan ’11 and Jeremy Barnaskas, Sept. 27, 2014, Des Moines.

Left to right: Charles Agan, Selena Woodson ’12, Steven Alan Ramsey ’11, Jeremy Barnaskas, Shauna AganBarnaskas ’11, Brandon Hyde ’12, Mary Beth Bell ’10, Patricia Hicks (Athletic Office), Jared Kemper ’10, Charles Brookhart (Softball Coach), Pete Vivone (Softball Coach) Megan Culbertson ’11 and Elsen Hoxhalli ’12, Aug. 8, 2015, Chicago, Ill. Megan Framke ’11 and Devin Yeager ’12, April 25, 2015, Ottumwa. Drew Yarkosky ’11 and Megan Parks ’13, June 13, 2015, Kearney, Mo. Scott Blum ’12 and Jenni Noel, Aug. 1, 2015, Adel. Travis Williams ’13 and Ashley Myers ’13, June 8, 2013, Des Moines. Travis Hamilton ’14 and Jena Klarenbeek, Aug. 4, 2007, Johnston.

Births/Adoptions Julia Ellen Henn, Jan. 7, 2015, to Nathan Henn ’97 and Lynne Wessels Henn ’99, West Des Moines, joined Johnathan (6) and Mara (3). Ayla Marais Farnsworth, June, 2015, to David Farnsworth ’99 and Sarah Byriel Farnsworth ’00, Polk City. Ava Madeline Schifman, May 24, 2015, to Dr. Aaron Waggie ’00 and Dr. Gabriel Schifman, Columbia, Mo. Morgan Joy Pugh, Sept. 23, 2015, to Robert Pugh ’02 and Kathryn Rolwes Pugh ’02, Oregon, Wis. Ashlyn Ellen Wise, May 7, 2014, to Jennifer Meyers Wise ’02 and Brian Wise, Mitchellville, joined Hailey. Finnian Rhys Graham, Nov. 25, 2014, to Travis Graham ’03 and Sarah Beary Graham ’03, Omaha, Neb., joined Broderick and Zoe. Penelope Ann Standley, Oct. 26, 2015, to Erin Reed Standley ’03 and Dr. Christopher Standley, Kansas City, Mo. Wyatt James Darrington, May 20, 2015, to Cory Darrington ’05 and Abby Janssen Darrington ’06, Des Moines, joined Avett. Maxwell Robert Guetter, Dec. 7, 2015, to Lindsey Ingles Guetter ’05 and Aaron Guetter, Burnsville, Minn., joined Jude (4). Parker Levi Hanson, April 2, 2015, to Kyle Hanson ’05 and Julie Soukup Hanson ’07, West Des Moines. Neva Homan King, Oct. 4, 2015, to Ryan King ’05 and Tiffany Homan King ’06, Indianola, joined Graham and Harrison.


Hazel Audrey Kotula, Jan. 27, 2014, to Amy Munkel Kotula ’05 and Brent Kotula, Farmington, Minn. Clara Grace Rauch, Jan. 13, 2016, to Matthew Rauch ’06 and Amanda VanFosson Rauch ’07, Dickinson, Texas, joined Keaton. Paul Douglas Smith, Nov. 30, 2015, to Stephanie Williams Smith ’06 and Brian Smith, Montrose, S.D., joined Justin (4) and Evelyn (2). Nora Katherine Vasquez, July 7, 2015, to Craig Vasquez ’06 and Katherine Petrak Vasquez ’09, Urbandale, joined Rowan (3) and Greta (2). Rayna Harlan Lindberg, stillborn July 27, 2015, to Sara Burton Lindberg ’08 and Nick Lindberg, Roseville, Minn. Bergen Joseph Kleene, Aug. 20, 2015, to Stacia Weinman Kleene ’09 and Michael Kleene, Indianola, joined Callen (3). Charlton DuWayne Stoffa, June 27, 2015, to Justin Stoffa ’09 and Brenna Abel Stoffa ’09, Norwalk, joined Ivory (3). August Francis Morris, May 8, 2015, to Elyse MacDonald Morris ’11 and Kyle Morris, Indianola.

Peggy Peterson DeMaris ’51, Feb. 5, 2016, Waukee.

Charles Cononi ’64, Nov. 14, 2015, Waltham, Mass.

Helen Kendall Casady ’35, Nov. 7, 2015, Spring Valley, Minn.

Donna Loucks Waters ’51, Dec. 25, 2015, Independence.

B. Larry Johnson ’64, Feb. 28, 2015, Cedar Rapids.

Ruth McCrea Jones ’39, Dec. 9, 2015, Perry.

Margaret Threlkeld Williamson ’51, Jan. 15, 2016, Winter Park, Fla.

Beverly Warner Koehlmoos ’65, Oct. 4, 2015, Indianola.

Ruth Garrett Wicks ’39, Dec. 15, 2015, Adel.

Mark Campney ’52, Oct. 5, 2014, Spencer.

John Pemble ’67, Oct. 27, 2015, Stillwater, Minn.

Samuel Newcom ’40, Feb. 1, 2016, Redding, Calif.

Jacqueline Anderson Momper ’52, Nov. 27, 2015, Fort Wayne, Ind.

Raymond Ferris “Gus” Skovgard ’68, Dec. 24, 2015, Des Moines.

Merica Galiher McLeod ’41, Nov. 15, 2015, Vinton.

Patsy Patrick ’52, Jan. 5, 2016, Moreno Valley, Calif.

Rev. Julia Ann Shaeffer Bork ’69, Aug. 12, 2015, Des Moines.

Jean Schooler Rozich ’42, Dec. 19, 2015, Englewood, Colo.

Jane Johnson Pooley ’52, Jan. 25, 2016, Cedar Rapids.

Steven Pfeifer ’69, Nov. 25, 2015, Indianola.

Catharine Hershey Fruth ’44, March 15, 2015, Palo Alto, Calif.

Norma Fidler Schillerstrom ’52, Feb. 14, 2015, West Des Moines.

Douglas Williams ’69, Oct. 21, 2015, Clear Lake.

Belva Jean Wickless Pratt ’44, Dec. 8, 2015, Queen City, Mo.

George DeHart ’53, Aug. 14, 2015, Salem, Ore.

John Bolin ’70, Oct. 30, 2015, Glenwood.

Lois Bowles Allen ’46, Aug. 28, 2015, San Rafael, Calif.

Ruth Pelz Linn ’53, Jan. 4, 2016, Fort Smith, Ark.

Louis Fusco ’71, Aug. 16, 2015, Indianola.

Max Beam ’47, Oct. 31, 2015, Scarborough, Maine.

Lois Buck Brown ’54, Nov. 14, 2015, Johnston.

Gary Holm ’72, June 8, 2015, Rockwell City.

Dorothy May Hagemann ’47, Dec. 12, 2015, Texarkana, Texas.

Jane Fitzgerald Rae ’54, Oct. 27, 2015, Peoria, Ariz.

Gary Rooney ’72, July 23, 2015, Cherokee Village, Ark.

Ruth Simmers Lyddon ’47, Jan. 20, 2016, Phoenix, Ariz.

John Lilly ’59, May 1, 2015, Norman, Okla.

Marlene Fresco ’73, Jan. 31, 2016, Des Moines.

Doris Siglin Holland ’48, Dec. 7, 2015, Oskaloosa.

Rev. William Ballard ’60, Nov. 12, 2015, Lacona.

Elizabeth Wohlenhaus Johanson ’74, Sept. 21, 2015, Winnebago, Minn.

Dr. Sidney Nolte ’48, Sept. 30, 2015, Dallas, Texas.

Larry Cummings ’61, July 18, 2015, Carlisle.

Jeanne Bowles ’75, Dec. 29, 2015, West Des Moines.

Harley “Hap” Merritt, Jr. ’48, Nov. 30, 2015, Guthrie Center.

Dr. Raymond Koski ’61, Jan. 4, 2016, Dunlap.

Steven Stines ’79, Dec. 20, 2015, Des Moines.

Alice Hansell Annear ’50, Oct. 7, 2015, Indianola.

Brent Meckley ’61, Nov. 30, 2015, Indianola.

Mickel Edwards ’81, Aug. 25, 2015, West Des Moines.

Phyllis Kennedy Burns ’50, Nov. 17, 2015, Hartford, Conn.

Marilyn Henderson Pedersen ’61, Feb. 1, 2016, Clive.

Dr. Salvatore Schimmenti ’83, Feb. 24, 2015, West Milford, N.J.

Donald Hevern ’50, Jan. 29, 2016, Montgomery, Texas.

Rev. Thomas Woodin ’62, Sept. 16, 2015, Creston.

Margie Krumme ’85, Aug. 17, 2015, Prole.

Rev. Mary Sears Hansen ’63, July 22, 2014, Thief River Fall, Minn.

Jan Christensen Theisen ’88, Nov. 11, 2015, Johnston.





MAY 24, 2016 5:30–8:00 P.M.

(come and go as you please) DES MOINES SOCIAL CLUB 900 MULBERRY STREET


resident Jay Simmons and the Simpson College Alumni Association cordially invite you to join fellow alumni and friends of Simpson College for an evening at the Des Moines Social Club. This casual gathering will feature the soulful music of Sara Routh ’99, whose album “Black Sheep” recently won the LA Music Critic Award for Best EP of 2015. President Simmons will present “Simpson College in 2016” at 6:45 p.m. and current students will also be in attendance. Complimentary heavy hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be catered by Malo and a cash bar will be available. Don’t live near Des Moines? There are numerous hotels surrounding the Des Moines Social Club plus you can schedule a tour of campus the following day! We hope that you are able to join us for this exciting gathering of Simpson alumni and friends. We encourage you to reach out to fellow alumni and friends of the College to encourage them join you at the Des Moines Social Club on May 24th. TO REGISTER, VISIT SIMPSON.EDU/ALUMNI/DMSC/ OR CALL 515-961-1544 PRIOR TO MAY 13, 2016.





Calendar events are subject to change. For complete details and updates, view the full calendar online at http://events.simpson.edu/calendar/.

APRIL 1 2-3 3 4 5 6 7

Junior Visit Day Iowa Flute Festival Choral Ensembles in Concert 2016 Senior Art Exhibition Jazz Ensemble in Concert Campus Day Sixth Annual Culver Lecture by Elizabeth Drew 13 Chicago Alumni & Friends Event at Wagner Farm 14 Instrumental Chamber Music Recital 15-17 Theatre Simpson: Festival of Short Plays 2016 17 Madrigal Singers in Concert 18 Access Simpson (Admitted Student Day—Session 2) 21 Honors Convocation 21 Symphonic Band in Concert 24 Simpson College and Community Orchestra Concert 30 Spring Commencement

MAY 2-20 3

May Term Greater Dallas Region Alumni & Friends Gathering 6 Beethoven: Missa Solemnis (Cedar Rapids) 8 Beethoven: Missa Solemnis (Indianola)

9 24 26 27

Junior Football Visit Day Simpson Evening at the Des Moines Social Club Des Moines Metro Opera 2016 Season Begins Simpson Cup Golf Tournament


3, 10, 17, 24 Summer Wrestling League 6-10 Youth Football Camp (K-8) 9-12 Volleyball High Performance Camp 12 Volleyball Specialist Camp 12-17 Jazz Combo Camp 13-16 Soccer Youth Camp 13-16 Volleyball Volleyfest Camp (early elementary) 13-16 Basketball/Volleyball Netfest Camp 17-19 Rugby Clinic 20-23 Soccer Youth Camp 21 DuPont Pioneer Alumni Luncheon 23 Wells Fargo Alumni Luncheon 24-26 Soccer Elite Prospect Camp 26-July 1 Public Forum Debate Camp 27- July 1 Summer Camp: Magic, Mythology and More



10-17 Football Passing Camp 17-21 Cross Country Camp of Champions 17-24 Orpheus Music Camp/ Instrumental Camp 20-21 1st Football Team Camp 23-24 2nd Football Team Camp 25-26 3rd Football Team Camp 27 Volleyball Stormfest Team Camp 28-29 Volleyball Team Camp

AUGUST 1-5 6 27 30

Iowa Private College Week C & G Picnic in the Park Legacy Luncheon Classes Begin


Matthew Simpson Lecture Homecoming & Family Weekend

701 North C Street Indianola, Iowa 50125 800.610.6369 l simpson.edu

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Des Moines, IA Permit No. 5740


RILEY BARN This may look like a beautiful barn on the Iowa prairie, but it’s also a Simpson College classroom. The Riley Barn sits on a 291-acre natural prairie site about 20 miles southeast of Indianola. Simpson students can use the land and the lower level of the barn as a hands-on research and learning environment. Many thanks to Simpson Trustee Bob Riley and his family for making this unique classroom available to our students. â–

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